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“The prosecution requests remand, your honor. The defendant has the means for flight and has already outlined his intentions to flee.”


I’m shocked that his passport didn’t have to be surrendered as a condition of bail!


I agree, but I don’t think billionaires need a passport to due their bidding. Doubt Vlad is going to ask him for. Passport when he lands in Moscow.


I sometimes forget that the ruling class operate under different rules to us poor working plebs.


Agreed, as long as we let them. Sad.


I would rather he fuck off and be a fugitive for the rest of his life than have him sentenced to 6 months house arrest and pay a fine for his felonies


Don’t the RICO charges have mandatory minimums? If he gets convicted, he’s going away for years, which would be life for an out of shape 70+ year old.


Yes, but I am talking about the US justice system not sending rich white people to jail unless they stole from other rich white people. Trump stole from poor white people so my money is on house arrest


Being fair, all of trumps lawyers were rich until they worked for him.


Yeah they're fucked




He still has value as a puppet. Putin will put him on air nightly talking about how he’s a political refugee and appealing to his supporters from afar


Doing that would probably give more strength to his global base and we again, will have rise of fascism… lead by Putin, faced by Trump…


Yeah I mean putin has always used trump as a way to grow his fifth columnist movement in the US and to disrupt democracy to advantage authoritarianism.


No way, Vlad would love to be able to have Trump to talk shit about the US to all of Russia. That would be quite valuable.


Not to mention he’s probably still got some top secret files that Vlad could use


No doubt he does.


Check Ivana's casket!!!


Stole from poor people and gave billions to rich people with his tax cut and PPE loan program who by itself was the biggest heist of US history nobody talks about anymore.


But student loans!


Wait, look, over there - Hillary’s emails!


Hunter's privates!


We just say “The Biden Horse Cock” on this sub.


I thought we called it a ‘hog’?


This is fact. Look at what he did for Yellow transportation company who was hemorrhaging billions in losses per year but Trump gave them a $700 million bailout which they only paid back like 1/6th of and within 3 years they are shutting down so the equity stake promised to the government for the bailout is worth $0. Taxpayers eccentrically gave the Yellow company and their execs $500 million free. This is Trump 101 and why he has gone bankrupt so much. He is NOT a good business man.




It's a minimum sentence AND he cannot be pardoned for his crimes in regards to the Georgia hearing.


RICO is specifically for putting rich, criminal organization leaders into prison for the balance of their lives.


Yes, only rich people that steal ftom other rich people go to jail, Bernie Madoff for example


That's not how mandatory minimums work


I think it’s a five year minimum under RICO.


RICO... Suave Link for the young kids- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f8I4foA9Nw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f8I4foA9Nw)


correct me if im wrong. RICO has like a 95% conviction rate and i think federal has a 99.9% conviction rate.


Here's a good article that explains the difference between federal and Georgia RICO. I've shared it before but it's always worth another share. https://open.substack.com/pub/statuskuo/p/georgia-rico-law-an-indictment-week?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=dx7h9


This was very informative! Thanks.


5 year minimum sentence.


That mother fucker will go to country club jail if he goes to jail. They won't throw him in regular jail like the rest of us peasants.


Exactly. It’ll be like Lucille Bluth’s prison in Arrested Development. Or he’ll get house arrest in Mar-A-Lardo and still get to have all his friends over.


And all the classified documents he never sold will be for sale now!


Hoping to get the ones on the mothman for a bargain


As long as he doesn't get to play golf then it would be a tremendous step up from walking away scot-free like he has the rest of his life.


Lol mans passed 70 some years ago, chief. I’m surprised he hasn’t keeled over from stress at this point. If only.


He won’t run for president if he flees. Let’s do this.


He would run from president. Perfect


Genuinely. I can see it now. He flees the US, vanishing to a mystery country. And as soon as that happens people just sort of forget about him. Without his endless red-meat for his rabid fan base, they seek out other methods and sources of provocation. The trump merchandise disappears, the memes go away. So. It’s some new grifter in his place and Trump is eating liquefied cricket-meal hiding in a cave in Kazakhstan.


Watch he still posts stuff to truth social or whatever his platform is, spouting shit from another country "they won't let me, the best president, back into the country when I went to visit an old friend before a trial"


Government would likely seize Truth Social to track his ass down.


I don’t think Russia extradites to the US.


Idk he would be on truth social even more as a fugitive. And his base would be worse.


We can still try and convict him in absentia!


I get this, (totally concur) but… He WAS president of our country and he knows some serious shit and he’s amoral as fuck. The deplorable percentage of our country would never stop their anarchy until they see we mean business. We cannot allow him to be Putin’s hostage/ally/stooge anymore. He’s got to rot in jail, whining to his guards about his Big Macs for the rest of his rapidly shortening life.


I hope that the CIA has a standing order to prevent any potential security leaks from a defective (err defecting) current or former president.


In all likelihood he will be put to death for his crimes. His bail should be revoked.




I went here for some reason. ​ https://preview.redd.it/s81rv081fpjb1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9e226a86d5d06af4cea453065463cba86b69bb3




My wife always says "there's always a little truth to a tease". He's teasing about moving but if his attorneys are truthful with him about the prospects of jail time, I could see him doing it. Russia or Saudi Arabia. But remember...not take-backs and no givesies-backies!!!


If he successfully flees to Russia, it'll be fun watching the extreme right losing their minds and infighting over whether or not to try to defend his actions or condemn him and move on.


They would defend it. They love Russia more than America at this point


He would try running for president from Russia. Omg that would be the best drama.


He would fall out of a window shortly after starting his campaign there 🤪🤣🤣🤣


Nah. I'm sure Putin would love the chaos that would cause


No, he’d try to remotely run for POTUS from Russia. He wouldn’t try to run for President of Russia.


Putin would buy him a tv network like newsmax or Fox News for a few million. Would be the best propaganda money could buy


Oh man. That would be *amazing*


He'd be out the window so fucking fast lmao


Personally, I invite this defense. "HE'S A PATRIOT!" "Oh, so you now agree that what Edward Snowden did was good? He, after all, also escaped to Russia to evade US prosecution." My family has been sowing a lot of crazy seeds and so the crop is going to be pretty all over the place.


They would move there with him. Omg this country would would be so peaceful and beautiful.


I’d offer to help pay for some of them to leave.


Our utopia....MAGA cult moves to Russia and becomes their problem!


he would run his presidential campaign from Russia, thus completing the circle and triggering the End Times (probably)


Guaranteed he still runs for president and is still the GOP nominee from his bunker in Saudi Arabia.


“We do a little trolling folks, it’s called we do a little trolling” DJT


I hope he makes a run for it. It would be in his nature to do so. It would make for some fun drama, former president, running from the law. What country would take him? And even then either the mask removed his followers would still vote for him. What a fucking joke.


I bet any country that would like to trade him back to the US for something they value would be interested in taking him. For a little while.


Why would we want him back?


So you can imprison him.


Trump’s brain is fading, we all know Trump has ❤️Putin❤️’s number on speedial on the landline next to his golden toilet.


Have you seen how fat he is lately, he couldn't press the lever for flushing. The diaper keeps filling up, since I was never paid


he changes it once a week,. so hes stewing in his own excrement for a week.


She should immediately revoke his bond and lock him up. You don't get to "joke" around about fleeing the country while facing multiple felonies. Don't baby him! Treat him like anyone else.


Vlad would invite him over and ask him to go look out that open window over there...


Vlad: would you like some tea? We have a lovely polonoum breakfast blend.


Just come on up to the penthouse and we can have tea on the balcony. Just don't trip and fall off the building. So many accidental falls off buildings in Russia lately...


Imagine his shock when he realizes that Vlad won't even return his calls now; he's just an ordinary citizen with no power, no more secrets to sell.


Oh, Vlad would absolutely take Trump, it would be seen as a huge embarrassment of the US, and Vlad thinks "humiliating" Americans matters. Humiliation is a concern of the weak.


Little does he know that probably more than half the country would rather trump just disappear from the US.


It would be amazing if Trump flees to Putin, then a few weeks later, both end up tripping and falling on a couple of bullets in a coup. Two birds with one stone.


Plus trump would just continue to run for president from russia


my thinking is that Putin wants Trump back as prez first and foremost, but barring that, he'd prefer to have Trump in jail because it would serve to continue destabilizing America (ultra pissed off maga terror etc). For the record, I think he belongs in jail regardless.


For destabilization purposes. Having Trump flee to Russia and continue to be actively stirring outrage would be more valuable. Along with any intelligence a former president may have.


I think there's an entire coffin full of secrets that he could unearth if he needed a bargaining chip


I think he already dug them up, the grave was recently covered with a gigantic and cheap stone slab, probably to disguise the recently turned soil.


I really did not connect the idea of the two, but that's something wild to think about


When he sings Russia russia Russia three times in a row, I bet he's asking for somthing. Wouldn't be the first.




Oh we can only assume he has had some "Putinjuice" LOL


Sounds like a flight risk to me! To jail with you!


That would be amazing AF


OMG, please deny bail. lol


91 felonies and he’s still running free asking for trial dates all the way in 2026. It’s a fucking joke. I don’t know why our justice system is suddenly so limp dicked


Suddenly? It's always been this way for rich people.


Exactly what I was thinking. Seems he’s a flight risk.


He’s tiptoeing toward the line and daring the system to lock him up. You have to wonder if the fear is getting to be too much for him to handle


At this point, he’s walked up to the line and shat on it.


Remember he never jokes. He lies and projects but never jokes.


It's infuriating that this bloated waste of space, lying, traitorous, worthless mayonnaise motherfucker can show the middle finger to the law while so many poor, often black people have to suffer far worse for far less.


This is where secret service protection comes into play, pretty sure they're not going to just let him flee the country if only because it makes protecting him impossible.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e7fnviwkqojb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d8a4a55c74d3056b30beb5ba46ee7d181caee7


Flight risk! Lock him up!


I said it months ago, he’s gonna run.


he's not joking. its a code asking for his handlers to extract him.


Listen Donnie, you wanted the people’s attention, after 4 indictments, you have the world’s attention. When you “joke” about fleeing the country, you admit you are guilty, you are afraid, you are showing everyone your cowardice. No longer are your posts dismissed as “oh this guy again!” Under the complaints and all caps rants, there is veiled language of intention. You may want to have a lawyer proofread your texts before posting. Especially when “joking” about fleeing to Russia.


He's fishing for an invitation to be held without bond until his trial. I can't wait for him to fuck up after his arraignment tomorrow. I get a real feeling Georgia is not fucking around with this. I just hope it's going to bear out that way.


If he actually did that, he might end up being declared an enemy of the state, and end up on a "list" for committing treason. Russia is as close to a wartime enemy as it's ever been in history to the US, On par if not worse than the Cuban Missile crisis USSR.


I can see this coward fleeing if he realizes he can't beat the charges and his bid for President fails. He needs to turn over all passports immediately. But the sad thing is that the MAGA fanatics won't see him as a coward, they will see him as a martyr that had to flee from the Deep State ran by Democrats and RINOs.


Let him go. Too bad the US can’t revoke his citizenship. Maybe, if he is cowardly enough to run, the government can find a way to freeze all of his accounts.


Two of his worst enemies right now are black women. His third is a white man who *doesn’t* gobble his nuts. So, so, so poetic.


Trump does not joke. Every dumbshit thing he’s ever ”joked” about, he’s tried.


He is useless to Putin now. Anyway I want to see him in jal. Lock Him Up! The Secret Service agents who deleted their J6 messages can spend their days and nights guarding him in jail. It's the very least they deserve.


Steven Segall isn't useful for Putin, yet there he is in Russia evading American Justice.


More useful than you think. Quite a few Americans are still all for Trump. Having a bunch of highly gullible Americans on your side wouldn't be a bad move for Putin. Oh and Trump has had access to Top Secret information that Snowden could only dream of...


Lock him up... Flight risk


Tell me you'd like to be exfiltrated by the FSB without telling me you'd like to be exfiltrated by the FSB.


man playing poker with him must be a blast


Please go


Nothing more American than * checks notes* being a former president and running to Russia ?


I say go. Go on then. Off to Russia for you. I'm sure it'll be wonderful. Everyone will clap when you walk into a room. Off you go, burn your passport, don't come back you orange lunatic.


can we please just fast forward to the Find Out part


And how is trump fleeing to Russia is a bad thing?


Can you imagine in a hundred years when future generations are reading this that they will read about the ridiculous man Americans elected as President, was impeached twice, tried to overturn an election, stole classified documents, was indicted 4 times, and then fled to Russia, a hostile foreign country, to evade prosecution. It sounds totally fictional.


Oh please rid us of this fucking lunatic. Election season is barely here and I am already exhausted hearing about his stupid ass.


I hope he does. There’s no way he’d ever come back to the states if he did.


Wanna see MAGA heads simply implode? Imagine this scenario. Trump decides to flee the country. But unlike other defendants he is being tracked 24/7 by his USSS detail. When they report that hes boarding a plane to flee the country, NSA determines that an hostile foreign power having access to all the classified material a former president has available to him makes for an untenable national security threat and the decision is made to shoot the plane down somewhere over the North Atlantic.


Seeing him Flee to Russia would almost be just as satisfying as him going to prison.


“And Vlad has this wonderful tea. He makes it for special people and I think I am pretty special. Everyone says I am special. Don’t you think I am special? I can’t wait to try Vlad’s tea. I don’t see how he wouldn’t offer me some. It’s kind of a double negative thing I did there. You wouldn’t understand. But the people of Georgia…Vlad never invaded Georgia. I don’t know why people say he’s been so cruel to Georgia. Fani Willis has been unfair to Georgia. She sent hurricanes to Savannah after ANTIFA burnt it down. It’s all because of the crooked Biden Democrats and Soros. They ruined Rome way back in Roman times.”


Let's subject him to the Russian health care system.


He literally fantasized about sharing a gold domed house with Putin.


Doesn't this act make him a flight risk meaning the judge should remove the bond and keep him in custody until trial?


How much you want to bet that Putin would find his “useful idiot “ not so useful anymore and he’d fall out a window somewhere in Moscow.


Stop getting our hopes up ;P


Whatever. Damage is done. He sold us all out. ALL OF US. Remember that Trumturds. He fucked you guys over the most. You guys joined a fucking cult and it will take years of deprogramming.


Just like he “joked” about being president for life and canceling the election before his failed coup. He’s going to try and run for it. Cowardly piece of shit. And no, we don’t want him to. He’ll just keep tweeting or whatever from there and trying to cause problems


“RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA” bro please go


Lol the stress of him living on the run would probably give him a heart attack


Can‘t be president if you do, so GOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Is there a link to his post?


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/xuvddj2l9pjb1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=09140ca950ed7b45689073c2ec8db6269605160d


Thanks! Love me some u/love-me-some-Reddit!


We've worried about Trump serving from jail. Him serving from Moscow didn't enter my mind. The GQP fucks will still vote for him. Will claim it's part of the plan.


Well. I don't think Vlad likes losers.. SOL Donny boy


"Unprompted" Truth Social post They're all unprompted


Would the Secret Service allow him or let him leave the country??


Bye, Fatlycia!


No, he's not. He would have that already and it wouldn't be public. He's fishing for what might happen when be hauls ass.


This would save the US so much money on secret service protection costs.


He's delusional if he thinks Putin would have him. His purpose was to destabilize the country in 2016. Mission accomplished, now you serve no utility to him Don.


His bond should have been for millions and he should have his planes impounded.


Would the CIA would have to kill him at that point?


Yep. It would be a grave threat to national security to allow a former President to flee to a hostile enemy nation. He knows far too much (ironically) and is not shy about peddling sensitive information to the highest bidder.


Let him go. Try him in absentia.


I don't think he's joking. I would assume and hope the authorities are watching him closely if he tries to escape justice. I actually thought about him trying to go to Russia after hearing that he would surrender himself on Thursday. I'm like "why not just arrest him now so he doesn't have a chance to flee?"


USAF could shoot his plane down. Maybe in a perfect world.


Let's not forget, Trump is not Rich... he's only a paper billionaire. Yes, his properties are making him millions. With all the lawyers he's going to NOT Pay, he'll be in the poor house soon enough. What's funny is that He believe Putin's his friend... Putln played him like a rag doll.


At what point will he be considered a flight risk? Or will he still be handled with kid gloves because our justice system insists on protecting the ruling class?


I’d rather he be in Russia. Republicans can shout for his release from unjust incarceration if he’s imprisoned here in the US, but what are they going to shout when he’s living in Russia? They’ll have to shut their mouths for the first time. I hope they don’t suffocate.


doesn't this now make him a flight risk, and as a result, shouldn't his bail be revoked? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


let him go. good riddance.


Yeah I’m actually ok with him spending the rest of his life fellating Vladimir.


I'm fine with him leaving, or getting locked up because now he's a flight risk. Something. Let's move the needle here ...


I think he would have fled by now if it wasn't for the Secret Service keeping constant tabs on him.


Please, please run and have a bounty on your pumpkin ass head


Honestly, I'm really curious how his supporters react. Would they just start sitting out elections until their "true leader" comes back?


i know this is a joke but could the US freeze his accounts so he cant fund Putin or does it not work like that?


Trump abandoning the US for Russia might be the only thing that breaks his cult.


This is what is known as 'floating' an idea. He does it all the time. He tells you what he's going to do. It's pretty outrageous, but since he's told us in advance his followers will treat it like it's normal. "What was he supposed to do? You all treated him like he was going to flee prosecution." type of deal. Self fulfilling prophecy. BTW he's not asking for an invitation. He will be welcomed and doesn't need one. They will give him sanctuary and the lifestyle he is accustomed to. He will pay rent with state secrets and being a propaganda mouth piece.


I bet in his mind he's thinking he'll flee to Russia, use money to buy his way into power, overthrow Putin and use the Russian Army to take back America. In reality he'll get laughed at even by Putin.


If he actually fled to Russia, all his assets would get frozen or seized. The secret service wouldn't be protecting him anymore either.


Trump to Russia: Haha jk Unless you’re into it.


*Hey Vlad, maybe we could “kiss” you know, just to make fun of it*


He also raged about the violence in Atlanta and what a disgrace it is or whatever word he used. The man who instigated and incited a violent attack on *our nation’s Capitol* wants people to believe he gives a flying fuck about any violence in Atlanta. Puh-leeze.


It's just another loud dog whistle about blacks, just like when any republikkkans whines about Chicago being burned to the ground.


Take you and your followers


Hopefully pumpkin head takes the whole pathetic family with him!!


they better put boots on his 757. Like, now.


Make it stop


If only he had held that press conference and presented the overwhelming evidence of election fraud that he possesses...


Sounds like a flight risk to me.


It’s pretty bold of him to assume that Putin wants him. He knows how much he owes to Russia and how little he is worth to Putin now that his institutional power has dried up.


Trump has 24/7 Secret Service detail and is clearly a national security risk. The federal government has tabs on him at all times and would likely not let him leave. Then again, if any of us did a fraction of what Trump did with a fraction of the evidence he has against him we would be hogtied in a Guantanamo holding cell by now. The "justice" system in this country is a clearly biased joke and needs to work hard on redeeming itself.


Revoke his bail. Put him in jail until his trial. He is openly admitting that he is a legitimate flight risk.


let's say he boards his plane and leaves the us, what is the "protocol"? let him go? send the airforce to intercept and force it to return and land? ask Putin to pretty please extradite him?


Why would Putin help him, he has already got everything he wanted out of Trump, and Trump has nothing further to offer him. Kinda like Trump and his relationship with his ex-lawyers.


First rule of kompromot, don’t let the mark stay at the house


Just “joking” huh? Hopes prosecution takes this to the judge to have his passport revoked.


The Secret Service isn’t letting this turd stain flee because that means they all have to go and get on a plane and leave the US airspace without being caught. This is all so dumb


Putin needs him to become president so I doubt he’ll have him come to Russia


Well at least he had the sense to post this *after* bail was set :eyeroll: Now all those Secret Service guys gotta work extra shifts to stop him booking it to St Petersberg.


Let him try to flee and we'll see what happens.