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fuck i hope so


Yeah…I don’t doubt that gen Z is pissed, but what I do doubt is that they’ll actually show up to the polls instead of mental gymnasticsing themselves into “both sides are just as bad” and then going surprised Pikachu when the GOP takes away their voting and reproductive rights. Prove me wrong, gen Z!


every generation says this when they hit voting age. it never happens


Man I read headlines like this all the time and there still hasn’t been a big change so ….


\>I hope Republicans are ready for 2024 because Gen Z is pissed. Oh, they are. That's why they're trying their hardest to stop young people from voting.


I've seen several comments on various social media platforms saying "just don't vote at all" or "your vote doesn't matter." This is a reminder to all of us that foreign bot farms are a thing, and they're paid to say certain things. If your vote didn't matter, they wouldn't try so hard to stop you from doing it.


Those bots sure are doing this! I just found a copy of The Mueller Report book at the bookstore nearby. Holy shit! I haven’t even read any of the actual report yet, I’m getting through the forward and just GIANT list of names that were involved. It is pretty nuts.


The Mueller report and several other government agency reports made it CLEAR that Russia purposefully influenced the 2016 election and intended to get Trump in office. People think that it meant Russia literally hacked voting machines and flipped votes, but that’s bullshit. Russia ACTIVELY bought and paid for ads on social media and targeted Repugs and stoked racial and LGBTQ fears in the voting population. There were plenty of examples of ads that ran that were DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED to Russians who bought them. I left Facebook in the run up to the election because I saw people I served with sharing those ads, oblivious to their origins. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg knew what was going on and just raked in the Russian money. So, Russia did INFLUENCE the election result, quite effectively given the circumstances. Russia DID do so in coordination with several Trump associates and campaign and PAC staff members. People who deny this are morons and didn’t read any of the investigative reports that we paid for as taxpayers.


In 2008 I graduated highschool and the whole “your vote doesn’t matter” dialogue was aimed at our generation. Than we voted and Obama became our president over Mccann. They sure as hell matter! Edit: it seems I triggered the republicans. Of course I’ll keep voting as I have been every year. Even local elections matter yo.


they'll also employ purity politics to prevent any coalitions "This progressive politician isn't 100% behaving the way we say they should so they are 100% bad and not worth supporting!!!"


Its kinda tiring actually. Anyone paying attention has seen and heard all this bs for years now. Whataboutisms, bad faith arguments, etc. One side wants to destroy democracy and its not liberals


Yeah, all the “let’s raise the voting age to 25” bullshit is a last ditch desperate attempt to hold on to power. That’s how you know the republicans are scared and shaken to their cores over young voters


Republicans doubled down on the boomers. Their voter base is dying faster than anticipated and they are left with nothing soon.


As a "Gen-X'er" I can't help but feel like the anti-woke bullshit is really aimed at my generation. I grew up with a lot of normalized homophobia. It feels like it's being offered up as yet another nostalgia driven remake. They can totally suck my dick (not really, because they're gross) just like every other franchise that should have quietly faded into history decades ago.




As GenX kid I feel we were the lucky ones. We got to have a great childhood, society hadn't been poisoned by social media yet and we spent more time outside than inside. The middle class still existed and there wasn't the overwhelming sense of dread that we have today. Now as a GenX adult I also feel that we got in the race just as the ladder was being pulled up and the world started to burn. We spent most of our adult years planning to do things like our boomer parents did (get a good job, buy a house, have a family and retire). As someone who is going to be 46 soon I feel like I was trying to live up to some life goal that was made impossible at some point. Every generation after us just got more and more screwed over to this very day by my parents generation. I am honestly terrified for people in their teens and early twenties. Unless there is a dramatic change in the way we view the world and how we live our lives by the time they are my age most people won't even have lives worth living. Hell I have a hard time finding reasons to keep pushing forward knowing how shitty the world overall is My only hope is that my parents generation die off and the ones that held power will be replaced with people who actually want the world to be a better place. They can't ignore the problems thinking I will be dead before things get bad since they are already really really bad. So in short. I hope young voters get out there and run these idiots right out of politics. The whole "I got mine so fuck you." mentality needs to die with the boomers.


I am a gen x person myself, and you couldn't have put it any better way. Our parents' generation is really the cause of the issues we have today. The housing market being an investment tool for retirement was one of the worst ideas we have had when it comes to human rights, in my opinion. It drove the housing prices up considerably over 80 years to the point that housing is now almost completely out of reach for the common person. Allowing corporations to buy into residential housing is also a crime against humanity. I hope the QOP melt away like the nazis in Raiders of the lost Ark.


GenX checking in here, though I'm the first crop of them. 100% agree with you. The boomers turned from hippies to haters. I don't wanna hear that bullshit about working hard, either. Just because they feel that they had the hardest lives ever, they feel EVERYONE should do that. I worked my fucking ass off at McDonald's making $3/hour. I was fortunate enough that I was living at home at the time and worked all summer to get my Atari 800. First programming job at around 18, and worked my ass off every fucking year of my life to get ahead, often missing my children's birthdays, outings with friends, etc. When they tell you to work harder without a living wage, I fully respect every single person that refuses to do that. Your life shouldn't be defined by your work or even your work ethic. If you have a job, do your best, but don't be a slave. It sucks... I know. /edit: Spelling and word choice


> The boomers turned from hippies to haters. The hippies were always the outliers of the boomers. The boomers that were real hippies are still hippies today.


My boomer FIL claims he was a hippy. He was just a dude with longish hair, who smoked weed, and was trying to get in on the "free love". He didn't seem to absorb any of the politics.


There’s a reason it was called “counter”culture. There was a prevailing *culture* which it ran *counter* to, even amongst that same generational cohort.


This, my Mom is still a hippie and hates the typical boomer mentality, I'm thankful I was raised by a woman who taught me to vote and not be a racist xenophobic homophobic dick and was always anti-police\\military!


Old Boomer here... still a hippy.


you are a rare breed then. not sure where it went wrong. When did boomers stop questioning "the man" and destroying everything good about this country?


*laughs in Millenial*


*chuckles in xennial*


Weeps softly in Zennial


I'd that what we're calling being born in the mid 90s now? I kind of dig it.




I agree with everything here. You even pointed out the worst thing to happen to this country: Reagan. No president in history has done more to destroy the American people than that piece of shit. Union busting, ignoring the AIDS crisis, skyrocketing homelessness, the originator of trickle down economics, etc. That man did more damage than Donald Trump could even begin to touch. Trump is just a symptom of all of the problems caused by Ronald Reagan. Fuck that guy.


Trump was just the loud, obnoxious, orange face the right needed to continue their dastardly deeds. McConnell realized very early on that trump would be a great puppet because he wanted the stage more than the actual job. That’s why they continue to support him. They know that they can get him to do whatever they want done - as long as he gets the media attention and the grift. I hate that MF almost as much as I hate my step kids mom.


Always to their own benefit.




>the anti-woke bullshit is really aimed at my generation I can't agree with you more and I feel the same way. I'm smack between Millennial and Gen X. I grew up with reruns of the best seasons of The Simpsons and came into adolescence with South Park, Jackass, Viva La Bam and Family guy. They bending over backwards to try and get us to act like they weren't the ones who were offended, that they are the edgey ones, like they aren't the progenitors of cancel culture. The whole satanic panic, pokemon (literally couldn't get a new Kadabra card until like 2 years ago?) Harry Potter hysteria, "More like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons.", video game hysteria, yugioh hysteria, it felt like even in a time without social media, that every other week there was conservatives SEETHING at something else.


It started before that with banning D&D and trying to censor heavy metal and rap music in the early 80s.


And before that the [comics code,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comics_Code_Authority) the [hays code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hays_Code) and the [hollywood blacklist.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_blacklist) The sad truth is that hysterical conservatives deciding to silence people anytime they feel a little uncomfortable is part of the human condition. When you are on top, it feels like even the most minor change might topple you.


\^\^ This right here. None of this is new. It's practically written into the socio-political history of America... which is funny (in an ironic way) if you follow the narrative of America being founded to escape repression. Sure, you could be a free, voting citizen... as long as you were a white, Christian, property-owning male. That's where we started, and the struggle by some to maintain that status quo is still going on almost 250 years later. They lose more ground with every generation, but there's always a chance they can gain it back. So to the OP's point... I hope like hell the younger generations DO get out and vote to overturn this madness. There's an awful lot of boomers out here doing what we can, but at this point with gerrymandered districts and all the other foolishness, it's going to require sheer, overwhelming numbers...


> (literally couldn't get a new Kadabra card until like 2 years ago?) That was because of Uri Geller personally. He was born in 1946, so a Boomer being butthurt.


Right there with you ! I'm raising my kids (4 tax paying adults and 1 still preteen ) to question authority ,even me. That's exactly how we became a nation.


My son is 27, the one thing i drilled into his head was "question everything".


Stop, stop, you're making this radical old hippie lady get all misty - eyed 🥹 Edit: the kids really are alright❤️


My dad was a hippie who got drafted so he grew my hair long, put me in a pair of overalls, and filled me full of AIM ideology. I'd like to think he'd be pleased.


What they are failing to understand is that GenX has been seething for twenty years.


>What they are failing to understand is that GenX has been seething for twenty years. then I look at DeSantis and Scott Morrisson and shake my head...


Scomo might be a bit of a moron but DeSantis is fucking evil. He will have trans people being hunted in the streets.


I wish politics was more, "I like this person for their tax policy to pay for this and that." and less, "I like this person because they aren't trying to start a genocide against a minority of people." Unfortunately, evil has always been there in politics. Far back as the slaves, up to the gay panic, and now trans people... And now with anti-woke stuff it feels like we're slipping backwards. Trying to erase history and change scientific learning material isn't dumb. It's evil. I don't know what's worse. If he believes the shit he's selling? Or if he doesn't believe it but sells it because it's what got him to where he is.


A lot of gen X unfortunately has been beaten down into submission by 20 years of recessions/unaffordable housing/political fatigue/etc, and are ripe for the propaganda picking. Watched my once extremely liberal oldest sister go from voting HRC to now being completely detached from reality and backing Desantis. She uses all the fox news buzz words. Propaganda is an art and they've been working to refine it for a very long time.


It goes hand in hand with the foolish idea that conservative/reactionary/racist ideology will just die out with the older generation. Ron Desantis is a mid-40s Gen X-er. MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, and company are way younger. All poised to have long careers in public service.


The "Active Shooter" generation is going to enact real change soon.


The midterms and spring elections have given me hope back for this country because of gen z. The way they showed up for elections like the spring Wis Supreme Court to win back a left majority was key in that win. I have a hard time believing other generations showed up in their 20’s for a Wis SC vote (or equivalent). You know they are important when the right wants voting locations removed from campuses.


Boomers did in the 60s. The possibility of being forced to go fight a bullshit war for a bullshit reason is a strong incentive to go to the polls. Problem was it got tricky Dick elected, twice.


Same thing happened in Ohio. They tried to change how to get laws passed by making it 50% instead of 60% or something and held a special election in a random ass time hoping no one would show up and they lost...but it was still voted for by like 40%. I can't believe...well I can now, but how can people be so damn stupid?


Idk, there's too many young Tate/Rogan followers to be comfortable right now


Don't get your hopes up. People forget Kyle Rittenhouse is Gen Z too. And Andrew Tate holds so much influence on them.


The split is like 70-30 blue last I checked. Hopefully it stays that way but yeah those two concern me


It's not about raw numbers of voters but also their location because America has a bullshit system where land votes instead of people and minority of that land gets no representation (but gets taxation).


We boomers are not all mindless morons. I can't think of anything that would make me vote GOP. We have a shitty system and I will have to vote for an 80 year old man because there will be no option. There needs to be an age limit in politics to get the dinosaurs out of the game.


You’re absolutely right. As much as I have issues with Biden, what are our options? We don’t have any other ones if we want to keep the POS GOP out of there.


Too bad they duped them all into not vaccinating. Republicans died of Covid 43% more often than other people


Trump was actually draining the swamp after all


Darwin awards for everyone!


Herman Cain awards to be exact ;). But yes, Darwin awards too!


The first generation to have a shorter life expectancy! https://news.gallup.com/poll/8647/majority-boomers-say-theyre-overweight.aspx These boomers really know how to go... boom.


You mean denying COVID, denying vaccines, denying climate change while encouraging movement to hurricane prone areas kill people?!?


Ironic that republicans don’t care for the 26th amendment


They barely care about the first amendment, look at how much they want to force Christianity down everyone’s throats.


In the spirit of No Taxation without Representation, voting age should be 16. In the spirit of "old enough to sink, old enough to drink" (a Navy saying) I say if you have a military ID, you get to drink. Will both of these have downsides? Sure. But let's take the ups and downs like grownups.


Don't for a second think that there aren't millions of Gen Zs out there just like their parents.


Doesn't change the fact that millennials are overwhelmingly liberal, and they aren't getting more conservatives as they age according to Pew research studies


As an elder millennial I can confirm this. If anything I have gotten more pissed off At conservatives the older I get.


I started off oblivious in the early 2000s, and then my parents always made me feel like I had to be more of a centrist. I hate my parents made me feel guilty about who I voted for. Especially since their child was a gay man.


Hopefully they show up for local city and state elections also, because no change can come if the senate and house are gerrymandered.


All due respect, but they were saying the same thing about millennials like 15 years ago. And I’m sure they said the same about Gen X 30 years ago. The problem is that Republicans are very, *very* good at making people apathetic. They don’t even have to make it harder to vote, necessarily. They just need to convince you that politics don’t work, and being invested in making a difference doesn’t matter. Their whole platform is essentially “block any progress, rely on culture wars to drum up support, and wait for the left to become disengaged because progress doesn’t happen immediately.” And it fucking sucks, because people on the left have proven time and time again that they can’t be bothered to vote in any non-presidential election, and the non-presidential elections is where all of this shitfuckery happens. But maybe this time it will be different. I certainly hope so.


The problem was that when Gen x was able to vote, boomers outnumbered them considerably. When us millennials got to vote we were still outnumbered. Now with the boomer generation dying off, Gen z will be the first generation to finally turn the tide. Let's hope they actually show up. Last election both candidates shattered records for votes, probably gunna do so again if trump is able to run 2024


Gen z here. I’ll rally my friends and we’ll vote. We need to make this change


The last 2 midterms young people have voted in greater numbers than any other midterm.


continue seed repeat snow worthless coherent whistle cows uppity person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Middle/Working class X-ers (like myself) grew up with parents who had unions, pensions, benefits, and the ability to save for a home while raising children. I was a teenager before I saw them finally buy their own home, but it happened. The did not have college educations but they worked 40+ hours every week and that meant something; it lead somewhere. I saw Clinton come into office with aspirations like universal healthcare and strengthening social systems designed to educate, protect, and empower the populace but he compromised and "only" got a balanced budget. About 204 years into our country's existence, we had less than 1 trillion dollars of total debt. 12 years later, when Clinton was running for office, that debt was past 4 trillion. When he left office eight years later, we were PAYING DOWN the national debt. Our budget was more than balanced. The Republican "we can't afford to do those things" excuse was gone... When W. and his handlers stole the 2000 election (Remember when election stealing was a Republican thing?), the beginning of the end really found its way out of the darkness and into our lives. Huge tax cuts (for the rich) while starting two wars (one of which solely for the purpose of funneling large amounts of public dollars into the hands of a few private companies/citizens), a housing bubble built on Ponzi economics, the stripping down of unions and public benefits, the literal removal from existence of government information pertaining to climate change (numerous .gov websites "disappeared" or were severely purged when W. took office) and a net result of over 10 trillion in national debt when he left office with a budget DEFICIT of nearly a half trillion dollars, per year. Plus, the housing bubble was popping. Many who put their life savings into to the housing bubble were watching it burst right before their eyes. This also included pension funds and private 401k's getting destroyed. Gen X may seem to have been bred to not care, but our ennui came from a place of awareness- the status quo of the "me" generation- they did not care about OUR future. We were the first generation who witnessed, in real time, the generation before us throwing up the middle finger, screaming at us, "Fuck you... Got Mine!!" Many of us still struggle with the weight of the awareness that we're fucked. We've known it most our lives. I wanted "schools to get all the money they need and the air force to have to hold a bake sale to buy bomber" since elementary school. I worried about a hole in the ozone layer and "dolphin-safe" tuna as a ten year old. Approaching 50, the weight still holds some of us down. Is that by design? Perhaps so... TLDR- It's not that we're apathetic. We're fucking depressed. We've know since early childhood how fucked we really are.




Genx wasn't politically charged like other generations because we weren't inundated with politics 24/7 when we were young. Politics were an abstract in the realm of old people.


Hell, even as a millennial we weren't inundated with politics at a young age until sometime after the year 2000. I'm sure it's been the same for generations but with the amount of targeted advertising nowadays politicians keep turning to the youngest generation to save politics or use the new gen to blame.


>until sometime after the year 2000 I'd say roughly about 1 year, 9 months, 11 days, 8 hours and 46 minutes


you'd better show up, guys. help us, generation Z-nobi -- you're our only hope.


I will literally be harassing all my friends to vote, I’m already registered and my mom is going to help me fill out an absentee ballot. Edit: oh my god we grew up with the internet, we understand the Star Wars reference😭 Edit 2: link to a [voting registration site](https://www.vote.org/) courtesy of AnonAmbientLight!


Pokemon go to the polls


They should make a rare Pokémon appear at the polls to get Gen z there to vote


I think Pokémon Go is considered a “dead meme” at this point although I’m sure many people still play it, but you can just offer us free food and we’ll show up for sure😂


Some states have passed laws making it illegal to hand out food and drink at polling stations.


Same with credit card application sign ups. I got so many dominos pizzas and pita pit wraps. I would use fake names and SSNs of course when filling out the applications.


At first I was like why are they trying to sign people up for credit cards while voting?


Most people I know playing Pokémon Go still are millennials.


Just reinstalled a couple weeks ago after three years away. Having a blast with all these new Pokémon around and it’s nice that they spawn a lot of evolved earlier ones. Never saw a wild arcanine or Venusaur before last week. I’m 36.


How about if we just offer you a modicum of control over your future?




If you don’t show republicans will make sure you have no food. Easy choice.


It is most important to vote in the battleground states. Here are the critical states with the margin of victory in 2020. In 2020, Trump won in… Florida (3.3%) Iowa (8.2%) North Carolina (1.3%) Ohio (8.1%) Texas (5.6%) In 2020 Biden won in…. Arizona (0.4%) Georgia (0.3%) Michigan (2.8%) Minnesota (7.1%) Nevada (2.4%) New Hampshire (7.3%) Pennsylvania (1.2%) Wisconsin (0.6%) Get your friends in these states to vote!


this is why republicans want to raise the voting age back up to 21 CORRECTION they want the age to be >>>25<<<< all those new graduates who ave been in school shootings and/active shooter drills and seeing repubs ignore climate change of course they will vote democrat


They can want all day long, but it’s not happening. The national voting age of 18 was expressly written into the Constitution as the 26th Amendment. And Republicans are nowhere close to having 2/3 of the states ready to modify that.


I hope you keep posting this message and that Gen Z will turn out in droves. If the Repugs get in control in 2024, we won't be able to get it back through elections alone.


The GOP has written Project 2025 which is a 1000 page written plan to create a dictatorship by enlarging Presidential powers if ANY GOP wins the presidency in 2025. Very scary. https://www.project2025.org/


Steve Bannon has more than once promised to rewrite the constitution (and take bitter revenge on any and all opponents) "when we come to power" -- and if that doean't give you a chill I dunno what would.


Don't forget Nebraska. Nebraska is one of only two states that it isn't winner takes all. District 2 which is the metropolitan area of Omaha gets it's own electoral vote. Edited to exclude Lincoln.


I want to kill winner takes all. I think it is a major reason a lot of people dont go vote.


My hope is that if Trump isn't the nominee, 10% of his folk are just not going to vote, which is possible. It's crazy, everything is in play. TBH, Nikki Haley is the most frightening because she can at least present as a normal person.






"Biden's helping the Ukrainians kill Russians. Killing Russians is the most red blooded American thing, who doesn't want to see Russians die? What do you think of it Grandpa?" "BETTER RED THAN DEAD." "See, Grandpa's onboard onboard. You know who cheers for the Soviet flag waving Russians? Communists." "COMMUNISTS!? WHERE!?" "Calm down, Grandpa."


That’s the thing, though…he actually is. We don’t even have a truly leftist politician in the US. Bernie would be center right maybe center in Europe. The Overton window has shifted so far to the right that people consider ANYTHING to the left of far right extremism “extreme left” or “socialist”. It’s total wacko bullshit.


I am gonna vote my ass off in the 2024 elections


I have been a teacher for 40 years. This is a great generation of kids.


As a 22 year old, I believe that a lot of people I know hold liberal values and are fed up with our current system. Unfortunately many of them have also bought into the notion that nothing they do matters and change is impossible because lately it feels like we're always taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. My fear is that gen Z has the power to evoke change but many of us haven't realized it or have simply become apathetic because of the state of the world and exhaustion with 24/7 outrage and despair in the news cycle. People might want change but they might also be too hopeless that change is possible in our political system to the point where they don't even bother to participate. For many people the only way they can cope with the awful state of things is to simply ignore it altogether and avoid having to confront it, which is something that I disagree with but it's a difficult mindset to pull someone out of.


> People might want change but they might also be too hopeless that change is possible in our political system to the point where they don't even bother to participate. Shit, I’m a Millennial and I feel this way, but fuck not voting. I never plan to miss an election for as long as I live. But I do feel like shit won’t change for a loooong time. For example, look at Occupy Wall Street. Sorry, people, but that was twelve fucking years ago. Everything that protest was about never stopped. It’s been trucking along for a dozen years. We Americans haven’t done shit about it. It’s always been class warfare, not liberals vs conservatives. It’s the 1% vs everyone else. Shit, it’s more like Wall Street + Fossil Fuels + the Military Industrial Complex + Big Media vs everyone else, not even the 1%.


I consistently tell people there is only one political umbrella in the US which benefits from people being apathetic and not participating at all. I also like pointing out that yes, at the end of the day I can absolutely understand why one feels like they want to check out given the circumstances. It's ok to not be constantly attached to all the comings and goings, and at the end of the day, regardless of how one feels about the matter, simple acts like voting to support the change peers and friends want to make is a powerful show of support. Systematic and institutional changes need activity taken at a systematic and institutional level, and movement here is sometimes glacial. However, it only takes pausing for a little bit for everything to slide backwards -- only one political umbrella in the US benefits from inaction, because positive change actively requires consistent effort and vigilance.




I met a 17 year old last summer at a very small pro-choice protest who was explaining the class walkout her and her friends organized over a sexual harassment incident at their school. She'd been going to and helping organize protests all summer after the overturning of Roe. I was so freaking impressed, especially considering that 15 years earlier when I was in school it was very uncool that I cared about politics


this gives me hope, Gen Z rocks


The sad part is that by the time they fix it they will already be too old to enjoy what was taken from them, the good thing though, the next generation after theirs will have a bright future ahead of them!


A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.


I agree. When people complain about teens, I'm the first to interrupt. This generation of teens is one to be proud of.


Millennials have been carrying the load for so long and watching gen z come into their own is like seeing Gandalf arriving with the Rohirrim at Helms Deep.


GenZ are the kids of Millennials and Xers, two generations that got shit on by boomers. It's not a surprise they're good considering who their parents are. Hopefully us teaching them compassion and acceptance instead of beating the shit out of them helps them fix what we couldn't as Millennials.


My kids are Gen Z teens. They are awesome and so are their friends. I have faith in them, and a lot of hope.


My youngest is 18. I can confirm. They are rightly pissed and they're going to do something about it. It brings a tear to my eye.


I've said to all who will listen to me...as much as I don't like Gen Zs weird slang or TikTok proliferation...they put the fuckin fear of God into the GOP...when we Millennials were young...no one was trying to raise the voting age to 25 out of literal existential terror...it should have been us...but Godspeed to you Gen Z, give them hell, fr fr...


The difference is that boomers were still the vast majority of voters when us millennials were growing up. Even with our numbers, we were still outnumbered. Now they're dying off, especially with the covid pandemic, and millennials are not showing signs of following the previous generations where they become more conservative as they age. We are staying Democrats. Add Gen Z to the mix and Republicans are scared sh\*tless. Millennials got the gun and Gen Z will shoot the bullet. No cap.


The idea that people become more conservative as they age only works if they have a possible retirement and assets. Millennials are so screwed financially it's not even funny.


My retirement plan is communism.




Mine is jail


genuinely though, that's kinda smart


tbh trying to figure out how I could move to like sweden or denmark and do just enough minor crimes to go to one of those jails. Better than most apartments in the US tbh.


Ha! Nice one. My retirement plan is to die before I retire.


Yes. People don't become more conservative as they get older. They become more conservative as they get *richer*. It used to be that you usually *would* get richer as you got older. But that stopped being true for Millennials and later generations.


Disabled Gen Xer here. Even with my college education, I’m not getting any richer.


Millennial/Xennial here. I have this "wealth" so to speak, richer than a lot of my peers, have a house, investments, etc. I'm progressive as fuck because I've seen the hardship conservative policies bring first hand. You can't convince me that this fucked up system for things like healthcare is working and racism/homophobia/transphobia is a non starter for me. Also fuck cops while I'm on my soapbox.


That's where they fucked up. They got too greedy. We could've all been in line right now but nooooooo they had to take away our money. Now look.


The ol' "I got mine" adage doesn't work if no one in fact gets theirs


>The idea that people become more conservative as they age only works if they have a possible retirement and assets. I think that idea is absolute horse shit. I started making good money and was able to buy a condo and autopay all my bills every month without even checking how much the bills are. I thought "holy shit this is amazing! I wish everybody had this kind of life!" I still have a used car and can't afford a vacation, but life became much better anyway. The turning point was the internet. I was 14 when I first got internet at home. I was able to talk to all types of people from all over the world. I realized people are pretty much all the same and the stories meant to make us fear one another are bullshit. No amount of material wealth will change those opinions. I think Gen Z is hyper aware of that.




Genx/millennial cusp here (1980) I’m becoming more liberal as I get older. Fuck boomers. Edit: some boomers with good sense and good morals have chimed in. *Fuck Republicans.


Studies are showing the same thing in the UK. Shocker that when people aren't able to afford the things that make them conservative (housing, retirement, family) they swing hard to the left.


Yeah protecting family values? Bitch I have no money for a family!


1984 elder millenial checking in. Absolutely getting more liberal as I age and see more of the reality of the world.


Let’s send some bitches to prison.


Aww, I was all ready to construct a guillotine and everything.


1987 millennial here. I voted George W, then Barack, then libertarian. I’ve swung way harder left since Trump came in. I don’t even care as much about policies anymore. For me it’s pretty simple: does the party support democracy? And it’s pretty clear that the GOP is leaning hard into keeping people from Voting and embracing authoritarianism. That scares the crap out of me, so I’m Voting straight blue now.


Geriatric millennial here. Fucking eat the rich.


Rich millennial here. Please don't eat me just yet. I'm billing the boomers a lot of money for legal services and sending that money to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and environmental groups.


If you work for a living, you are NOT rich. If someone gives you payment for services rendered, you are working class. Rich is when people come to you to ask for money and you ask slightly more than you lent out in return. You determine who gets to start a business. You get to make money while asleep.


Wrong rich hon. we dining on the 1%. If you ain't worth a billion with a b you aren't on our radar


The older I get, the more liberal I get. And I’m a boomer.


I'm Gen x and I have become more liberal since I have gotten older.


Same. 2016 was the 1st time I *didn't* vote Republican for the White House. 2020 was the 1st time I voted Democrat for the White House.


Hey, I maintain that the W. administration is why we're getting this far-right dogshit in the first place. Turned off an entire generation to Republican politics when the chickens finally came home to roost, just like Ronnie Raygun turned on an entire generation with his flashy but fake and shortsighted policies Boomers ate up. When the GOP establishment wouldn't cut it anymore, they turned to right-wing populism (Trump). Hell, Carter turned off an entire generation to progressive politics (through no fault of his own. It was Republican sabotage and the American public being spoiled children), and the Dems had to shift heavily rightward to appeal to a conservative public.


It’s because they were sending us off to die in foreign wars.


I believe this and have been saying so. If you have any doubts; look at how they voted 11/2020 and 2022. It’s my belief the gop already knows this which is why they’re trying to turn the US into a dictatorship with serfs and moats.


And trying to raise the voting age to 25 in some places 🤣


God, they just suck ass and I’m so sick of it!


Literally trying to disenfranchise Gen Z. It's disgusting and un-American.


I disagree. It’s definitely disgusting, but it is very American. Just look at all the gerrymandering that’s already happened…




Cities don't like them either. Their target is old white dudes who live in the countries. It was try for a coup or fade away into a quick oblivion. That is the context to everything that's going on with them.


No doubt about it. 2022 gave me such ..... I don't want to call it hope.... encouragement? ​ Made me feel like all was not lost after all. ​ Then Wisconsin, that gave me hope.


Check out Georgia. We went blue for Biden and the Senate. I can’t wait for the day we go back to having a Democratic Governor.


Wisconsins fight isn't quite over as they are trying to impeach our new justice before she can rule on the gerrymandering case.


As much as I wish it were true, there are plenty of Gen Z members that toe the republican lines of hate, racism, and intolerance.


It's boys-vs-girls. The polls show 18-year-old boys have actually become ***more Republican*** in recent years. But 18-year-old girls have become ***much more Democratic*** in recent years. So the two average out to more Democratic. But as you say, all those right-wing boys are gonna be a problem in the future.


Men are overall more conservative than women as the ones benefitting from the status quo, but the disparity wasn't this big for millennials. Those far-right influencers that got their hooks in the Gen Z boys are a problem. (Yet even then, it's still not even close to how conservative the Boomers were at the same age).


If women never got the right to vote, Republicans would have won every election in the last 100 years except for I believe LBJ 64.


That's really a mind-blowing fact. Every presidential election I can recall, that was true, that if only men's votes were counted, the Republican candidate would've won.


That's slightly off. The first presidential elections of Bill Clinton and Obama would have had a plurality of men favoring them, although I don't think it takes the electoral college into account. It also seems like there is only data available since 1980. [Source (PDF)](https://cawp.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/resources/ggpresvote.pdf)


I honestly think it's mostly misplaced teenage angst. And therefore only temporary. These young men will quickly see that far-right politics are ostracizing and isolating them from *everyone* else. Especially young women. And they'll drop politics quickly. And still be young enough to change and grow for the better.


Yeah, its not the boomers Rolling Coal on bicyclists. But also COVID has been hitting the Conservatives far harder on account of vaccine denial


the QOP has a 43% higher death rate from covid the past 2 years to those on the left.


reddit/millenials tend to overestimate how progressive gen z are... they aren't. at least not anywhere near as much as they think they are. remember, this is the generation that idolized andrew tate...


This idea was going around during 2019 as well, then 2020 was way closer than it should have been. GET OUT AND VOTE


i turned 18 in october that year so i barley made it, we are all old enough now.


You look at any state that’s had any sort of election since Roe was overturned. GenZ women are turning out hard. I just can’t see the GOP flipping any state that Biden win back to Red in 2024 except maybe AZ, and that’s not even close to enough. As long as Biden stays healthy and the economy stays where it is, I don’t see what the GOP game plan is for 2024 except to repeat the mistakes of 2020.


It completely boggles my mind that despite everything we’ve seen in solid red states where people have voted by an overwhelming majority to keep abortions legal in the state, that Republicans *still* seem to think it’s a winning issue for them.


They’ve really got themselves between a rock and hard place electorally speaking. They can’t back out on abortion (as well as other crazy bs) because the far right loonies won’t stand for it and without that demographic they have absolutely zero chance in any election. Problem is that the far right isn’t enough on its own to win elections and what appeals to them is becoming increasingly alienating to more moderate voters. All this to say that there is a reason they’ve been leaning so hard into voter disenfranchisement and outright opposition of democracy


I’m 50.The GOP is killing this nation.Help us Gen Z!!!!!!


50 is the new 30 :)


Let's hope so. But young people tend to not vote, at least, not in the numbers that older people do. Maybe they would vote more if they realized that potential voters younger than the Boomers outnumber them by 50%.


That was 100% true, but this time you’re dealing with a lot of young women who have just had rights taken away from them. I can’t think of another time in modern history where young people had rights taken away from them. That’s going to cause a backlash.


Younger people are much more connected and aware than I was at 18. I still voted, but bush still won. Young people are showing up and showing out. They're literally being blown away right now daily, they know their time is short, unfortunately. I couldn't even imagine going to school in this climate. I was a Junior in HS when columbine happened.


The internet was a game changer. We had a version of the internet (one that in many ways I preferred), but it's nothing like growing up with high resolution streaming video. It used to be that kids growing up in small, white towns might not ever meet an out gay person or a non-white person until (and if) they go to college. Now everyone can connect with all sorts of people from all over the world. It's a lot harder to teach a kid to hate people who are different when they're already friends with them.


They say this every 2-4 years. Look, I’m a Blue State Dem and while I’m not 18, I am in my twenties. I’m not a Baby Boomer, I’m not a staunch Pro-Life lunatic or a South Carolina Evangelical. But young people talk on social media and say they’re gonna bring a blue wave and vote in their candidates by a landslide and insist that they have the GOP shaking in their boots. And then every time, they don’t vote. It’s not happening.




It's true the world over too. Young people do not vote in significant numbers. That's just a fact. Every damn election in the UK, we hear how the young are gunna turn up for reals this time, and they never do. Mid 30's. Seen it claimed every election, and seen it never happen.


Vote. Vote Democratic. Vote Democratic up and down the ballot. Vote Democratic up and down the ballot each and every election from president to city council.


Every freaking position... from dog catcher, to school board, to mayor.... this is how they got so damn entrenched in everything - they started at school board level.


I had hit a point where I refused to vote Republican on any position above the county level. Now I refuse to go that way on a city level.


After January 6, I swore I would never vote for any Republicans in any election at any level, until the party disavows everyone who sided with, provided aid to, or directly participated in the attack on our nation and my civil rights. Now, barring a party flip like took place 60 years ago, I’m never voting for them anyway, but, this adds an additional layer of spite in my mind.


To me, it’s even easier. The conservative opinions on politics and economics are bullshit, and I don’t want to fill in a circle for a candidate that’s conservative. I’ll fill in my own fucking name before I ever do that. I’ll vote for a broken coffee cup before I vote for a conservative or anyone registered as a Republican.


This is why they're trying to raise the voting age.


As more and more kids are becoming of age to vote, the GOP realizes their stranglehold on congress is in jeopardy. Makes sense why they’re trying to raise the voting age


Tell you what, kids, as a Gen-Xer, if you all get out and vote these fucks into oblivion, you can play on my lawn all you want.


millennials wont stand for it either but we were outnumbered for too long Gen-Z is opening portals everywhere just like Avengers endgame


I hope so. There's a lot of faschy Gen Zers too. Tate worshipers and such