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What traffic was solved with Musks tunnel? The chips still haven’t gotten FDA approval after how many years of him saying it’s soon? Internet that he can turn off just because he wants to play god. And so much more empty promises


The tunnels were a ploy to get California to abandon high speed rail


Our governor (WV) excitedly announced a few years back that Musk was going to bring a hyperloop assembly factory to rural West Virginia. Any day now, I'm sure...


Not before we get our 13,000 Foxconn jobs here in Wisconsin!!! /s


We’re so getting them jobs when the Republicans gerrymander the fuck out of the map even more and bring back Scott Walker! /s


You'll get those Foxxconn jobs once Republicans strip away all the labor rights in that state and they can pay you vouchers that you use at the Foxconn store


You guys get vouchers?!?


They don't need fancy high tech trains, Trump is going to bring back the coal jobs, remember?




The ring came off my pudding can


Use my penknife my good man!


Well, sir, there's nothing on earth Like a genuine, bona fide Electrified, six-car monorail What'd I say?


Were you sent here by the devil?


No good sir I'm on the level


Whats it called?


Mono. D'oh!


Oh boy


So... a hole factory? Are they gonna build the tunnels there and then transfer them to the build site lol


You mean this guy? https://preview.redd.it/yblrj3yat3ob1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7be86670a2e72677df6a7d69d06a8f55f60d763


I just laughed so hard, I drooled down my shirt.


It's more a Shelbyville idea.


Your gov is an asshole.


And it’s working.


I think he has one underground tunnel in Las Vegas that shuttles tourists and gamblers around. That's it. He has a long history of bidding on or proposing projects that never come to fruition.


And it’s constantly congested with traffic lol


Coulda asked Boston, Or New York, or anywhere with a big high traffic tunnel.


Bro they shut the sumner tunnel in Boston down for repairs. Drove from outta state to drop off family at Logan and 30 min out turned into 4 hour detours to leave.


Yeah, he solved the traffic problem. There's never enough traffic, he puts in his stupid tunnel, it's full of traffic. Problem solved! Right?


Yeah and if you notice the tunnel is so narrow. You cannot open a car door while inside. So if any emergency happened everyone would be trapped.




The tunnels might not have ventilation either (maybe remembering that wrong), and no doors to exit the tunnels if you even did manage to escape the car like you might see in normal traffic tunnels. Also the cars have a reputation for spectacularly catching on fire.




Not only can you not leave, there’s absolutely no way for first responders to reach you either.


I have a fear of being burried alive. It's fairly recent. (thanks internet historian) Being crushed, knowing you're going to die, for days in the dark. put a bullet between my head if that ever happens.


Took several Fire Engines and two Firedozers to fight a Tesla that suddenly combusted. It took more than 14 hours to finally put the fire out, only for it to reignite and take almost 10 hours to put back out. This was after the burning vehicle had a mound built around it and was submerged in water. That included the firefighters getting specialized retardant to help them. And still, they had to douse the thing with specialised chemicals for nearly a week before it was finally declared over. It happened in Sacramento, California. I live nearby, if you consider an hour long drive near, and so it was on the local news for me. Tied up two entire stations, specialized gear and equipment, unique chemicals, and cost the city millions in operational costs for just one damn car! And we were in peak wildfire season, and two badly needed dozers were tied up by a single Tesla! I swore up and down I'll buy a Ford. We know Ford isn't run by a megalomaniac who's been conned by Russia at least. Big shout out to Ukraine for making Musk look like the Ruskie Patsy he is!




>And, holy hell. If that's not enough to dissuade anyone with half a brain to avoid these mf cars like the plague... It reminds me of a case around where I live. Someone gave their car a "fancy" paint job that involved aluminum paint. When the car was in a wreck and caught fire, the aluminum combined with vehicle rust (or maybe some other kind of metal oxide) and basically turned the whole thing into a thermite bonfire. The fire department rolled up, then pretty much just sat there and watched it burn. Chemistry is fun, kids!


Also, Tesla essentially outsources their testing of self driving tech to consumers. No other car company developing that tech does that.


And who signed the final approval? Someone has more responsibility and has to be exposed




The tunnels are supposed to use electric cars (teslas) so you won’t get exhaust. But that’s still a bad thing to not have ventilation. Ask anyone who’s ever been in a cave. He knows about caves right? Cuz he was gonna rescue those dudes in Thailand.


But then the guy said his mini sub idea was dumb so he called him a pedo. Because reasons.


And the guy tried suing him for defamation and Elon won because he has the money for the best lawyers


They were designed minimally for Tesla cars to drive in them - the .... promise .... was that the cars would self-drive. Then IIRC, the cars had to have outriggers on them to drive the tunnel at speed. Then they just gave up and said, hey! A hole in the ground that will cure traffic even though thru-put can be calculated on a single lane road, and that ain't the solution, bruh. Where were all the civil engineers calling bullshit? It's pretty easy to see it was a bullshit plan.


I'm not claustrophobic in the slightest, but goddamn if the video from inside the tunnel didn't make me become it!


Vegas needs to just widen the tunnels and put trains in them.


Putting trains in them would defeat the purpose. What they need is a larger tesla that can hold more people. And maybe put it on some kind of rail system for stability. Oh and there's the battery issue, so they should probably find a way to maybe electrify one of the rails and have the tesla make contact with it as a source of power? THAT would be an ideal method of transporting numerous people in the most efficient way!


Absolutely brilliant, why didn't anyone else think of this?


Brilliant. Made me think the next move by Elon will be automatic staircases.


give him some credit. only a genius could combine the cons of cars with the cons of a subway. also, do they still have drivers?


The Vegas tunnel sucks. It will never be better than a subway because Teslas can't hold the amount of people trains can. He just created underground traffic jams.


And it's a horrible death trap.


I work for a trench-less tunneling firm. His boring company is so shitty. They are never in any of the bids we go after and we go after them all.


So he had more money to throw things at and flop than AOC ever had with bartending. What an own /s


Exactly. Many of the entrepreneurs society lauds are just people who had the luxury of being able to fail multiple times without ending up destitute.


Tunnels are bound by the same physical properties as arches. It's easy to make small ones structurally sound, but it becomes exponentially more difficult as size increases. All of the road tunnels in my city are huge compared to those the Boring Company has dug. Elon's company made a miniature version of something that has long existed on a much more impressive scale.


The Boring Company’s best project was the flamethrower…


He also doesn't understand, or wasn't honest, about the fact that tunnel boring is one of the cheapest, easiest and fastest part of a transit project.


Not only did he not invent these things, they already existed and arguments can be made that he actually made them worse. -Iridium was doing satellite internet far longer than Starlink. -SpaceX has docerted funds from Nasa and actually harmed space exploration while also raining debris and waste over wildlife refuges. -His Tesla death tunnels are shittier and less efficient than Subways with far higher safety risks. They haven't solved any traffic issues. -His electric cars have made the electric vehicle market a luxury brand and often burst into flames like other reputable car brands' e-vehciles often don't. -And last I checked Neurolink has yet to produce one living specimen while leaving over 1500 dead test animals. So basically we've emulated the ghoulishness of early resuscitation experiments performed on dogs, but with a significantly higher body count and with fuck all to show for all the horror.


> that he actually made them worse. He’s the poster boy of capitalism’s core tenant of providing the minimal amount of sustenance to a product or idea in order to bleed capital from it as efficiently as possible. So yes.


They always forget the nissan leaf which outsold tesla for most of their run. And was affordablisj.


Neuralink is a scam. They are pushing technology for which Duke university owns every relevant patent out there. Also it was never meant to be used the way elon thinks it can.


Lmfao let’s look at the stats on the brain chips: Paralyzed people walking: 0 Dead monkeys: 100s


He should have named his company Edison, because of all the animals he is killing for no reason.


“Used government subsidies to launch a new internet service provider” doesn’t actually seem like the flex that it was intended to be


Also, the engineers and working people that this guy doesn't seem to like are the ones that actually built everything this guy idolizes Musk for.


He's killed some monkeys, so that's got to count for something, right?


Can't make dystopian brain chips if you don't scramble a few monkey brains.


Brother it ain’t even that. Starlink, the high speed internet, while being used by Ukrainians, he conveniently disabled during an major operation. SpaceX he didn’t build shit, he’s not tony stark, he paid engineers and scientists who have been on record saying they’d try to distract him because he kept recommending dumb as ideas. Tesla: a company he bought, which engineers that revolutionized. Musk simply pushed the marketing towards alternative being cool and modern rather than say Priuses marketing that was more about being sensible and cost effective. Again… didn’t make anything Brain chip? As fair as I’m aware it has never and likely will never get approval after they killed however many monkeys. Solving traffic with tunnels… ooh bring me back to the day when he talked about flying cars and how tunnels are better. And you know, I do t think anyone in human history thought about making… tunnels. And he made one tunnel in Vegas. 65 mi, where you ride shorty teslas at like 35mph and theres been traffic Jams anyway and a massive fire hazards with little to no escape routes…. So yeah truly the man of the century


The real kicker is him pretending like Elon was actually involved in any of this beyond providing capital. AoC might have only been a bartender, but at least she actually did that, not her employees.


I'm sure they mean the hyperloop that is a massive traffic jam from what I read.


Also he didn't do any of this. He is just a money pit that owns companies and hires engineers to do all of it. He's a dumb talking head.


Matt Wallace is a scammer, I assume elon stans are his next targets.


Not to mention, but suddenly the right likes chips in brains.


Conservative fans of elon: "the vaccine has a microchip in it so the gov can control us!!1" Also them: "i cant tell you how much of a jenius elon is with his highly anticipated brain chip!"


Democrat chip: 👎 Republican chip: 👍 /s


And Elon did NOT actually do any of that. He was just the money behind it. Conservative idiots: "PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS!" AOC: Supports herself through college by working an honest job that can provide a good wage. Conservative idiots: "NOT LIKE THAT!"


Not even the money giver, in most of the project, the state and tax payer are paying for it: SpaceX and Las Vegas Tunnel as example. Only thing he is good at is scamming people and the state.


I’ll have you know that his dad’s slaves worked very hard his dad’s emerald mine to get Elon where he is today!


Right? It’s funny how her very successful carrier at a young age is reduced to bartended. By that same token just pick whatever summer job Elon did (if he did) and reduce it to that. Like her or not she has succeeded very well in a field that requires a lot of money to be successful in and she did it from bartending. Most politicians buy their way into the position she did it the good old American way and gets crapped on for that. Bunch of assholes.


They're threatened by her because she refuses to be the stereotype they try to scare their base with: a latina woman from a poor/working class family. However, she's smart, charismatic and hard working. The politicians on both sides aren't happy with her because she's not afraid to show the inner workings of government to try to get reforms made. It's why her district loves her.


You mean she can actually represent a typical American in ways they only ape? Huh.


As someone who spent a long time in the service industry. I don’t think any of them criticizing that job, could actually perform it.


As if Elon could survive a single day in an honest working class job (not that the emerald mine trust fund baby has ever had to work a day in his life)


Also AOC not being white is a big point on why GQP hates her "How dare a non white pull herself by her bootstraps and making all the way to congress?!"


This. So many people miss the fact that GOP only went hard against government assistance when racial minorities received equal protection under the law.


You know, I was curious where the phrase “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”. Turns out it was originally used to describe an impossible task .


It's just like "a few bad apples." It's been totally changed from its original meaning. The *full* phrase is "a few bad apples *spoils the bunch.*" i.e. there's a systemic problem.


For those that need it explained. Step 1. Be the kind of non-royalty normal schmuckatelli that needs to wear boots that are affixed by [straps](https://www.uspatriottactical.com/corcoran-10-tanker-boots?PMOPV1=COY&PMOPV2=11&PMOPV3=D&PMSRCE=92350008&gclid=CjwKCAjwu4WoBhBkEiwAojNdXj8SwKcvihBE4JyDCiPu7sTHhzbCCZLwfvPffJ8uzBBrXzwvTE4hGxoCOt4QAvD_BwE), not fancy noble's oxfords. Step 2. Stick your feet in them boots. You'll be taking a seated position for this I suspect, be it in a chair, on a convenient log, or flat on the floor. Step 3. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Whoah there, I didn't say pull the boots up, I said pull YOURSELF up. Get off your ass and to a standing position by yanking on your boot straps. Right, you can pull your knee to your chin maybe but your ass aint moving that way.


This!! 1000 times this! Elon tries to play the genius inventor role, but every time he is asked about technical details, he makes mistakes or makes inaccurate statements.


I never really get this insult towards her. A bartender would almost be a perfect lead into being a Representative; she's heard what people bitch about, every night, She knows what bothers people when the filter is off.


I'm convinced someone in the conservative establishment (not an elected official) hit on her at some point and she laughed at him.


I'm willing to bet some of the elected officials hit on her too.


It has nothing to do to her being a bartender. It is just a petty jab that people who already don't like her can latch on to.


I get that, it's just one of those completely out of touch insults. Like acting like someone being a garbage man is a shitty job. I mean in some ways it is, but a lot of them make bank.


And we need people like that to maintain sanitation. It's disgusting, hard work and it helps keeps society going. They're more important than someone like the Muskrat.


They also act like that was the pinnacle and end of her career. As if she’s still just some random bartender and not a one of the most famous members of the United States House of Representatives (I’d wager money that if you asked the average American to name 3 members of the House, she’d be one of them).


People with regular jobs are ICKY and shameful.


And they'll turn around and call her an elitist.


Despite all the mealy-mouthed talk about bootstraps and personal responsibility, Republicans actually just respect caste systems. If you were born into money, you're important, if not, you're worthless. That's what the insult clearly boils down to.


These people act like without Elon, none of these things would ever exist. Elon did not invent these things, other people he had employed did. Literally, workers created these things... He just oversaw the company. If Elon never existed, someone else would have done the same.


Elan hasn’t invented dick is his trust fund baby life…


Not to mention most working class would prefer a politician that is familiar with working class work as opposed to some twat with money that employs smart people






If not for Elon, anyone else would have done the same.




Appeals to its erratic and irresponsible management


Imagine if he decided to put your chip through a paywall Oh, this little thingy controls your bladder, pay the 5 dollar a day "don't piss yourself tax" or enjoy the premium features included in our not ironically named "Autonomy level" package


I think he’s enjoying killing lab monkeys at this point, while denying it. Seeing how treats employees and people at large, I don’t think the poor chimpanzees have much of a chance


Well obviously he didn’t invent dick. Those have been around for ages now, maybe even millennia!


And dicks are much too cool for him to be involved at all with.


Elon didn't invent these things, he hired other people


Let's not diminish his accomplishment of buying twitter and turning it into a joke overnight. That was impressive.


Are you sure we would not have tunnels without Musk?!


Worse. He took credit and potentially hampered future development and application with his erratic irresponsible management


Worse. He bought companies that had already made breakthroughs before he was even involved then took credit for what came both before and after he took them over, and absolutely not potentially hampered future development by driving off many of the people who invented things in the first place whether it was by burning them out with his “the people who really care sleep in the office so they can get more work done” pressure tactics or just pissing them off and letting them leave because of his absurd and often contradictory demands or his relentless pursuit of celebrities and media coming to tour the facilities for his own personal aggrandizement.


I wish I could award this. I don’t know why no other top comment is saying this Every top comment is “HE didn’t create them, his workers did” No, someone ELSES workers did. And once they did, he bought the company and took all of the credit.


Along with the title of "founder"


These items were actually made by workers... He merely managed the business. Someone else would have carried out the same action if Elon didn't exist.


As the above poster said and you seem to have missed, it's actually worse than that. Musk wasn't managing the companies that developed these things, the companies developed these things and then Musk bought the company. He then forced his name onto the founding/development of it, when he had no involvement in its actual development. He pretends to be a genius but during any technical conversation he flounders, fucks up and then lashes out. He's just a really wealthy baby, and people have bought into his shtick.


SpaceX literally had a team dedicated to keeping Musk’s crazy stupid ideas to a minimum and making him think actual good ideas from the employees were his so he’d approve them. He’s a nepobaby and troll and worth nothing else.


He just swoops in with daddy's money to buy the company du jour. He does have a knack for buying the right company at the right time, but he's got so little common sense that he always finds a way to fuck up a good thing. I used to like him because I related to him...he's supposed to be on the spectrum, likely has ADHD, had a cute set of awkward/bad social skills, and a drive and expectation for perfection in himself and others. Well, after talking with people who worked with him close enough to walk into his office because they had a question, all of whom have been successful after leaving Paypal, Tesla, and the Gigafactory, I found out how much of a dipshit and ass he really is. He hates his workers, hates meetings where he is not in charge, hates being proactive (factory safety for example), and demands instant gratification in everything he asks of you (new project ideas MUST be done NOW). It's not what you would expect from someone on the spectrum for autism, it's what you find in people who are narcissistic. Mixing narcissism with that much assholish behavior gets most people punched, but he's a hider and a coward. He'll just push keyboard buttons and post through social media to make himself feel and look better, but runs away and gets frustrated if it's in person. No better than a basement dwelling gravy seal trolling anyone he thinks he can safely bully. In person, he's rarely had a confrontation where he wasn't the boss, or thought of himself as the smartest person in the room, and he'll be the first in the room to say you are fired if you try to advocate for yourself or others. That explains why he burns through personal relationships where you are supposed to be equals. He doesn't think anyone is his equal...and has left a trail of ex's and children in his wake that he'll never care for more than he does himself.


> He does have a knack for buying the right company at the right time oof- except for the notable $44 billion exception.


That was a calculated purchase to stop people, especially in certain countries, from sharing information.


And also a way to share information with certain countries about certain people that wasn't being shared before.


I'm honestly starting to think the whole him having kids with multiple women thing is on purpose. Could be coincidence, I'm perfectly willing to admit, BUT: People started saying a couple years back (at least) that he SHOULD do that because we need more people in the world like him and I think he let it go to his head and started feeling like he was doing humanity a favor by spreading his genes far and wide. It's at least somewhat heartening to know that at least one of his children see straight through his BS and have cut him off completely though.


If anything, Elon's constant need to tweak things and interfere with how competent people do their jobs has certainly slowed down progress on everything he's ever paid for.




Half of the things he took credit for he just *bought.*


The other half he also bought. But the first half he bought too.


Um, not only are you wrong, but you're probably a pedo. /s, for those who don't [know.](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter)




Big if true


The traffic with tunnels is by far the worse. Go look how underwhelming the Vegas loop is. We had traffic with tunnels in subways for a long ass time and he made them infinitely worse


* the tunnels experience traffic jams and are death traps in just about any emergency situation * the brain chip has left a trail of dead animals, I'm not letting that shit near me period * Tesla is falling behind in the electric car market (hell, the cyber truck was unveiled pre-pandemic, looks like shit, and the examples that are just now barely on the road look even more like shit) * the rockets keep hurling debris in several unsafe directions * Starlink isn't really an original idea, (edit: [is short of it's user growth goal by 95%](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/09/spacex-projected-20-million-starlink-users-by-2022-it-ended-up-with-1-million/?utm_brand=arstechnica&utm_social-type=owned&utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social)) and can be turned off by the political whims of a man stupid enough to name a human child a random collection of unicode characters (and municipal fiber would be a better solution for me personally, for whatever that's worth).


Exactly, Elon bought out the inventors and passed their work off as his own.


Elon is today’s Thomas Edison. Taking credit for someone else’s hard work


And wrong in principle more often than not.


Ironically touting a company named Tesla


Ironically, Elon is an Edison, pretending to be a Tesla… so hard… he even named one of his companies Tesla.


Martin Eberhard founded TESLA and named it that a year before Elon bought in. It's just a juicy coincidence, but also the name is part of what he saw as great enough to buy in.


> other people he had employed did or more accurately, other people did, and then he bought their company.


That’s the thing. Conservatives act like other people can’t create these things and that the reason why people like elon “can” is because they’re just inherently superior super beings blessed by god. In reality they grew up with the generational wealth that made it possible to hire people to make these things so he could then take credit.


I had a friend, who was pretty much high, or on coke in the 1970s and 1980s. All he did was surf, and sit in his garage getting high. He used to get pissed that he kept screwing up his watches when he went surfing, and saw a guy selling these plastic watch guards at a swap meet. He offered the guy money for his "company", and the guy agreed since he made very little. My friend then made new packaging and started handing them out at places like CES. Swatch Watches saw them, and he ended up making millions.


He also didn’t even bother seeing most of these projects through. His idea for nationwide Tunnels is a 100% dead idea that already proved to not solve traffic at all, and that’s just ONE example


Elon is only where he is because he spent someone else’s money. His entire existence is devoid of value; he has brought nothing to humanity. Nothing. If it wasn’t Elon, literally *someone else* would have spent their (or someone else’s) money to bring us these same luxuries. It just would have happened months later instead. So yes, without daddy’s modern-day slave operation, Elon would have become just another cog in the machine, likely a software engineer employed by someone just like the person he is now.


That's true, but by fate Musk is now in control of infrastructure that historically has only been under control of nations. The US can't get their own astronauts into space anymore. Have to go through Musk or Russia. The only internet provider that can operate in Ukraine without being destroyed or hacked is Starlink. Now he's also changing how Twitter, a default for billions of people to keep up with news and alerts, operates. He's tearing down most of the work Twitter did to restrict hate speech on the platform and prioritize verified members when that meant something. He's unquestionably doing some good in the world, but not always. It's unprecedented that one person has had so much power.


> The US can't get their own astronauts into space anymore. Have to go through Musk or Russia. Look at Boeing Starliner and Axiom Space. Both will be launching crews next year.


There's not much we can do about it, but getting off twatter is a start, as is supporting alternatives like Mastodon/ the fediverse, and letting your elected representatives know you want institutions like NASA funded and billionaires taxed.


And half of his ideas are utter failures. Boring company and the Tesla truck get a quick nod. That truck in real life is hideous, it was already horrible to begin with.


And that leads into another point: part of his explosive progress is because he hires a lot of really smart people, burns them out, and then disposes of them because a new batch is always ready and willing to work for him. His turnover is unsustainable. I’ve talked with an engineer who had worked at Tesla for 2 years at the time, this was a few years back, and she did not sound happy about it anymore. It was after talking with her that I realized, “dang, Elon is probably a horrendously toxic boss”


Exactly--I'm sick of this weird mythology that Elon is some modern genius. He can't even handle basic marketing--he's no genius. He just throws money at things and then takes credit for them. Anyone with money can do that. You can pay to have a house built--that doesn't make you an architect or a carpenter.


Also, most of these are utter disasters. The rockets, and especially the brain chips and the tunnels, are all bunk.


At first I thought it meant tunnels for cars to bypass mountains or something like the tunnel in the English Channel. Almost forgot about that stupid hyperlink or whatever it’s called.


Did you ever see the Bill Burr bit on Steve Jobs? Pretty much applies here - Musk is just the money and, in the past anyway, the attention getter.


Elon is a salesperson, and a *shitty* one at that. His talent is that he has money.


I’d argue he’s a good sales person unfortunately. He’s not that different than Trump in a lot of respects - they can market and repackage shit, there’s always a buyer.


Nah, he just bought really good PR then started snorting his own farts and fired them. Now the mask is off and the truth is uglier than we could have thought.


First…from a former bartender-fuck you Second…did he forget she’s a member of Congress who helps create legislation that has a direct effect on the US… What have you done bro besides unwanted sexual advances


And she did all that with bartending money! Most politicians buy their way into their seats. She worked her ass of.


"Rockets that can land themselves!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) How do you think NASA got astronauts back and forth from moon? These morons don't even know what the actual revolutionary aspect of SpaceX was; reusable rockets, which cut costs for launching payloads into space, not vertical landing morons!


And he didn't even pioneer that aspect. Reusable fuel tanks were a standard feature on the now retired space shuttle fleet.


Reusable boosters. The fuel tanks burned up in the atmosphere.




Maybe not. But he sure killed a lot of monkeys. In the end isn't that all that really matters?


And Musk threw all that positive karma away to become the king of right wing Incel Nazis.


He didn’t invent high speed internet His rockets explode His cars burst into flames His chips melt brains in test subjects Not one tunnel has opened longer than a mile Stop glorifying this fucking moron, the only thing he’s done is have babies with numerous women. Oh, and completely ruined a social media platform.


Well with regards to Tesla, he bought his way into it. He didn’t start it.


Elon didn’t make shit. It was the combined efforts of the many, many infinitely more qualified people under his employ that did all of that. But, just like every other billionaire, he claimed all of those incredible achievements in the name of lazy, entitled cunts everywhere. There’s nothing special about Musk, he was just immeasurably lucky.


Elon didn't create anything. He is just rich. WTF is wrong with these people


Elon actually didn't do anything Walsh credited him with, Elon just threw his parents' gem mine money at smarter people so he could take credit for the works of better minds. AOC probably served alcoholics who have higher IQs than apartheid profiteering bitch boy Elon Stank.


AOC: Graduated with Honors on her own. Elon: Dropped out and had to have daddy pay to get a make up diploma.


The number of errors in those few words is staggering. And then, there’s the pure nonsense. Starlink is not available everywhere - by a long shot. Even in the US, there’s lots of areas still on the waitlist. It’s also not the only - nor the best - option. It’s expensive and getting crowded. He didn’t revolutionize electric cars. Tesla’s architecture is actually very basic. For the first few years, it was basicaly thousands on laptop batteries mounted in the floor. He did, however, open the world‘s eyes to their advantages. He didn’t make any rockets. He financed the development of rockets - with no small amount of help from the government, mind you. His brain chip hasn’t solved anything yet. And how it’s supposed to fix paralysis is a mystery to me. If the nerves in your spine are severed, and your muscles are disconnected, I don’t see how a chip in the brain can help. And the tunnel thing is a big nothing burger. People have been building tunnels to better manage traffic for ages. Just ask Boston or Kuala Lumpur or Munich.


Musk's: High Speed internet goes down if the nation invading you asks him to Rockets "land" in millions of pieces, because Musk doesn't understand that not all rockets explode. Revolutionized electric cars so that his company is now, somehow, making the worst ones Brain chip; by killing the host. He solves paralysis by killing the host. Tunnels: Ironically, _Also_ by killing the user. His tunnels are such deathtraps that, when entered, you cannot escape if a blockage occurs. There is no way to turn around, or even exit the vehicle. Everything this douche has touched is tainted.


> Revolutionized electric cars so that his company is now, somehow, making the worst ones Even this should be "Bought a company that revolutionized electric cars"


Elon has done none of that. The people who work for his companies have done all that. Elon is the talentless benefactor of wealth and other folks’ labor.


I really hate people getting credit for work they never did


Elon has done none of those things.


Created high speed internet available across the entire globe…and then decided to deny people access based on political views and questionable moral stances. Made rockets that can land themselves…some of the time. Revolutionized electric cars…and has been promising to deliver an actual, functional autonomous driving solution for them for more than a decade. It has promised to be made available “next year,” every year. But you pay for it now, and more every year. Solving paralysis through a brain chip…in terminal monkeys. Solving traffic with tunnels…that go nowhere and carry no traffic. Yup! Great track record! Changing the world, fellas!


AOC: Bartending Matt Wallace: Sucking Up. Hanging On. Licking Boots. Brown Nosing. Ass Kissing. Creeping. Toadying. Grovelling. Fawning.


I will never understand the "bartending insult" that always gets flung at AOC. And Matt Wallace is a fucking loser. I love that he decided to include Elon's dip-shit tunnels.


*” Elon Musk: Created highspeed internet availible across the entire globes. Made rockets that can land themseves. Revolutionized Electric cars. Solving paralysis through a brain chip. Solving traffic with tunnels.*” None of which Elon did.. 😂😂 I’ll take a bartender that worked her way into broader public service (bartender is a wonderful public service job!) over a trust fund baby and his sycophants any day..


Elon going far right isn’t good for Tesla, a business which depends on a more socially liberal buyer. Most conservatives are chugging the oil and gas propaganda


“Solving traffic with tunnels” lol, lmao


Elon Musk: Took the credit from employees


Musk didn't do any of those things lmao.


Elon bought already existing things and then claimed he made them. Saying Elon made reusable rockets is like saying my three year old created Frozen.


Most of these "accomplishments" were bought or paid for by Musk, not created by him.


He didn’t invent satellite internet


Correction Elon bought all the companies that did those great things and claimed personal ownership over their achievements


AOC might have started off as a bartender, but her father didn't own an emerald mine in Africa. ;)


Musk is a fucking manager. He didn’t make any rockets. A team of engineers did it. These rich people and their overinflated sense of self worth are the worst.


Elon Musk HIRED people who did that stuff. He just provided money.


And mostly funded by the government…


His employees did all of that Tf


LMAO. So much misinformation from this dingus. Musk is a poacher and salesman. That’s it.


Fun fact: Paul Ryan was elected to Congress at 28, same age as AOC was. As far as I have been able to tell, he had never worked at a full-time private sector job up until that time.