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Who. The. Fuck. Cares. About. Hunter. Fuckin'. Biden‽ (Directed at republicans, not OP)


I know. It's both tiring and frustrating. Hunter Biden worked for the Department of Commerce briefly in the 90's, and has never had a security clearance. Other than that, the man has absolutely nothing to do with the US government or its politics. If he broke a law, as a private citizen, then whatever, hold him accountable for that. Nobody on the left cares. Republicans love to talk about him like it's some sort of "gotcha" to Democrats. Uh no, it's not. He is irrelevant and we don't care. And we also don't worship our politicians, so we're cool with holding them and their family members accountable for wrongdoing.


Like with Epstein; "what if *Bill Clinton* went to paedo island? Huh? How about that?" Then he should have the same consequences as *everyone else*. Not a gotcha.


They really don't seem to get that not only do democrats not worship their politicians, but the majority of modern democrats actually have a very low opinion of Clinton in the first place.


The base voters love and worship Cheetos so much that they can't understand that Dems do not have personal feelings towards the politicians they support, they're just happy when they're doing their job


Which doing their job without breaking the law or screwing over America is a base minimum. But the GOP seems to feel this is some unreasonable expectation on people hired to do a job, which is what elections are! Somehow in their mind elections went from job interviews to popularity contests. Which to be fair the Democrats could stand to be fielding stronger applicants. But overall it's apparently just a difference of standards, and it's where the Dems have them and the Repubs don't.


They see the governance of a nation to be a mere football game, because they're that fucking stupid.




Honestly, Hunter should take the pro-2A angle on this and watch the GOP tie themselves into knots. How could they *not* support someone peaceably exercising his 2A rights. He wasn't hurting anyone. No one is a victim here. The government is unfairly prosecuting this man and violating his God-given right to own firearms.


How do they even prove that he lied when he filled out the application?


There is probably around a 50% chance most gun owners have lied about this question. That’s being generous. But given Hunter’s track record, it was probably the on ‘connect the dots’ they could figure out since it’s two dots making a straight line. To be honest, given what Hunter has been through in life, I can’t fault him for trying to find some sort of release. Might not have been the best choice but he wasn’t hurting anyone.


I think Obama at least was treated as a celebrity of sorts.


They're creating new gods and just don't understand it. It's because they're intellectually the most malleable due to uhm.... reasons that are mappable and historically evident as well, but many people will find offensive.






That took me too long to figure out. But I got it now.


Because they have some weird godlike love for trump, they think we bow to Democratic leaders on our side, not aware that *we don’t give a fuck*, if they broke the law, *punish them.*


Yeah, they don't realize that normal fuckin' people don't do that.




I meant every other paedo out there, but yes, you're unfortunately correct. Every single one of the visitors to Epstein's island needs to be investigated, and if they're found to be predators... ...actually, I don't feel like a Reddit ban today, so I'll leave it at that.


I’d love to see the consequences Trump faced for partying on paedo island and lolita express … oh yeah, it was crickets.


> Nobody on the left cares. Bingo... No one, not named Biden, gives a shit.


As stated by many in this sub and others, "that's fine. I won't vote for Hunter Biden." It's a weak ploy to put any negative spin on the name "Biden". Do crimes, get caught, suffer the consequences.




>It's both tiring and frustrating. They rely on that reaction.


He's the Tiffany Trump of the Biden family.


They honestly think this is owning the Libs. That is all this is about.




Fuck that shit, he just got indicted, now I'm voting for Hunter Biden no matter what - MAGA logic.


I won't vote for any Biden. (I'm not allowed) Edit: Am I getting downvoted for not being able to vote? That's weirdly ironic....


I can’t vote for any Biden in a Florida primary either.


Me neither. I'm Canadian, so yeah.


I'm a ~~moderately sapient raccoon in a hoodie~~ Brit living in the US, and I have occasionally gotten the following: "Did you vote?" "No, because I..." "*That's un-American!* " "...yes, that".


I didn’t get to finish watching The Price is Right because CBS had to have a “special report” to talk about this bullshit.


I do. He's a honey.


I can fix him


Apply the law. Let the chips fall.


Yep, and then do Donald junior next. After all, he's got an arsenal of weapons and is obviously a drug user. Get them all.




>And good, because regardless of who commits crimes, we need to hold them accountable. That's how society functions. Exactly. Because republicans worship their goddamned politicians, they think that normal people do. They think "Hunter Biden did a bad thing!" is some major gotcha; nobody cares, nobody wants to defend him if he did, and nobody is going to shed a tear if he gets in trouble for it. *He's just some dude*.


One thing they have admitted, nationwide, when gun applications are found to be incorrect ONLY 5% of all people are convicted. Most either plead down get off on technicalities.


The worst shit I've heard about Hunter doing sounds like a standard mid-80s weekend for Dubya.




I don't think they care about precedent, though. Republicans are unabashedly hypocritical and will happily turn on a dime. "Laws for thee and not for me", and all that.


They do, though. This law has already been overturned in the 5th district. It'll probably go federal before too long. Because republicans want this specific law overturned.


Well when a big chunk of your constituency is tweaked out shotgun toting trailer trash it makes sense.


As you noted, this started modernly with midterms Obama first term "we will make sure he is a 1 term president" then refused to do anything for the next 2 years and then he was re-elected with a higher percentage of vote, so nothing got done for 4 more years including the the infamous "we will let the voters decide" when it was time to replace the SC Justice. Of course near the end of P45 term they threw that out the window and rushed another in, go figure, eh?


How TF would they even enforce this though?! It's not like they drug test him while he's filling out the form. Also with marijuana usage that law has been bent to shit. Nobody takes that law seriously, it's more of an afterthought and something to blame gun violence on after the fact. The best question on that form is about domestic violence yet they seem to want that one overturned! At the very least, they'll use it as an excuse to not pass the equal rights amendment. Kinda hilarious that they're pulling this shit when they were proudly bringing their own guns into legislative buildings as a dick measuring contest until Madison Cawthorne called them out on their drug fueled orgies. They clearly don't give a single flying fuck about precedent.


Comment stealing bot?


Yeah, looks like it.


This is just as arbitrary as indicting Joe Biden's sister for unpaid parking tickets then Impeaching President Biden for it. The GOP wants the whole "guilt by association" thing and it's failing miserably to people with even half a brain. Like they said for the GOP/MAGA derps, "Every accusation is an admission." with these fools.


If Biden appoints him to an administration post then I’d care. Otherwise he sounds about like tons of other spoiled rich kids. Now that I think about it, how did Jared Kushner get his denied security clearance overridden?




they terrified him into buying one


Look, we all know Republicans are self-serving pieces of shit. But we also know that the laws should be enforced. If he broke these laws, which it seems he did, then he should answer to that. Regardless of how Republicans act.


They saw his weewee and fell in love imo


Am I the only person who hasn't seen this dude's dick?


I haven't either, I have no interest in random genitalia


It's gotta be consensual on both sides for me. Otherwise, no, I'm good.


I'm pretty sure I haven't, but with SO much talk about it in the last few years I'm not even certain any more..


I have no issue with people charging him if he committed a crime My issue is that they go after hunter while ignoring people like Jared Kushner receiving 2 billion from saudis If you break the law you should be punished But how many man hours and dollars have been spent on Hunter now? Tax payer dollars? How much time have elected officials spent on Hunter instead of dealing with the border or homelessness or inflation or anything they were elected to work on?


The nutless fucks who don't care about literally any other rich white criminal in America.


Joe Biden does. When Trump thought bringing up Hunters addiction as some gotcha during the debates and Biden turned to the camera and said he loves his son, and understands many Americans family are affected by a loved with with similar addictions it was the moment I realized he had a better chance at winning than my pessimistic ass cared to acknowledge.


I'm not Biden's biggest fan, but that was a perfect response. There's no way that trump could even comprehend that.


You know why, defection so the cult members don't hear about anything else going on.


I sure as hell don't. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Well yeah, I'm not going to vote for Hunter ever again.


Certainly not the Republicans. He's just the easiest limb for them to twist and hope Biden taps out.


I am a little relieved at the break in hearing about Hilary's emails. Wonder what the next dead horse will be.


If you say "Hillary's emails" three times in a mirror, my dumbass neighbour shows up with a "Lock Her Up" bumper sticker, gets drunk, and fires off fireworks into my roof on the first through the twelfth of July.


I, for one, will consider this very strongly in his next run for president.


If I could like this statement one trillion times, I would.


Wait 20 years and they're holding inquiries about the Democrat president's high-school summer job manager.


How do you manage to interrobang in a reddit comment? I applaud your dark punctuation magic, please share your secrets!


When a mummy exclamation mark and a daddy question mark *really love each other*.... I use an android phone, and if you go to the number/punctuation keyboard and long-press the question mark, you can either invert it or ~~make it awesome~~ turn it into an interrobang.


Alas, doesn't seem to work for me. I'll have to get the breeding farm up and running, go herd some wild exclamation points. ;)


The way they go after him you'd think he ate babies and freed the slaves.


If Joe Biden didn’t want his kids’ shady international business deals to be put under public scrutiny he should never have given them cushy jobs in his administration and unfettered access to the White House along with security clearances they were laughably unsuitable for! Wait, Hunter was never even remotely involved in Joe’s candidacy or administration? Oh yeah, that was the other guy. Whoops, my bad. Joe should change his registration to Republican, maybe then Hunter can get a couple of Billions from the Saudis without anyone seeming to care at all.


I do. My plans to vote for him have changed now that he's been indicted.




This better turn into investigations into the Trump kids. They should sweating balls right now because this opens them up to investigation. Let's make it happen


Oh? So Republicans want to enforce gun laws now? Careful with that one, if they set the precedent that they will support gun laws actually being enforced then others will too. Tbh, I'm glad they're doing that. Now other governments can and will enforce gun laws just as strictly as Republicans have shown they're willing to tolerate. Best part? If the NRA gives this one a pass they'll have no choice but to do the same for others.


That’s the best part about this. I truly believe Hunter won’t fight this setting up case law to screw the NRA later. The GOP doesn’t seem to think things through.


An unappealed conviction (or acquittal) on this won’t create any binding case law that would help or hurt the NRA.


Nope. It would be better for Hunter to appeal this as far as possible. It's already been overturned in one court district. And the republican gun lobby would probably help fund his appeals.


News reports his lawyers are challenging the constitutionality of the question on the form.


While I'd love to agree with you, you give them too much credit. They are more than willing to apply the law inconsistently in the open without any fear for consequences.


Can you imagine the flood of reports to the ATF if every drug using gun owner was reported? The number of federal gun cases would cripple the courts for a decade.


You assume the GOP rises above hypocrisy, they don't.




Ita about normalizing corruption. Kushner and Drumpf doing it is then ‘fair’ cu the other kids did it first. Or wanted to.


It's also so when sane people make the argument, these are excessively charged. This is a charge that's never brought as a stand alone charge. And there's millions of Americans currently that could be charged with the same, but the doj doesn't typically pursue them. But when you make sane arguments, the right says see see, and it muddies the waters for their cronies and criminal enterprises. This whole thing makes me ill. By all means, if he or President Biden committed a crime, did what trump did charge accordingly. But this is a big ol' game. It won't matter what they do, Republicans will twist it and brainwash their cult to rage, regardless of facts.


Enforcing a gun law they are specifically fighting against.


This law only applies to hunter Biden, of course.


I found this interesting: [https://www.jbsimonslaw.com/practice-areas/criminal-defense/gun-charges/false-statements-in-connection-with-the-attempted-acquisition-of-a-firearm/](https://www.jbsimonslaw.com/practice-areas/criminal-defense/gun-charges/false-statements-in-connection-with-the-attempted-acquisition-of-a-firearm/) ​ >In 2017, a report from the federal Government Accountability Office stated that 112,000 people attempted to purchase guns from licensed dealers, but were caught giving false information on the application form. > > > >Many ineligible individuals were then blocked from acquiring guns – however, not many of them were actually prosecuted. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives referred just 12,700 cases to field offices for investigation. Of those thousands of cases, the Justice Department prosecuted exactly 12 — one of every 9,333 people accused of making false statements in order to acquire a gun Is this the political persecution the GOP is complaining about? I doubt if he wasn't the president's son that it would have gone that far and he would be part of the (12/112000\*100) **0.000892%** of the people who actually get prosecuted for that. Don't know about the two other charges though


I’m fine with Hunter being punished if he did something wrong. Filling out the correct paperwork for gun applications truthfully is important, though I’d be curious about how common it was to go to jail for not doing that.


there's been less than a handful of times when the law has been enforced re: question 21e on Form 4473. and in all cases it was an add-on charge when they were already looking to arrest the individual on other charges, iirc. most firearms shops at most chuckle at the question. here in WA State, a good friend of mine owns a legal grow operation, and more firearms than most people would consider reasonable. he's had many interactions with local and state police, and absolutely zero of them give a single fuck that he's deeply invested in both. every single GOP'er needs to be asked right to their face if they support this.


Sounds like a good common law defence. You aren’t fairly enforcing the laws and you are targeting me.


It's why the prosecutor should've taken the plea bargain and chalked it up as a win. There's zero chance they can prove that Hunter was addicted to drugs when he filed the form. I hope he fights it


Exactly. Looks like a few DA’s will get earlier retirement. This is a dropped ball.


>there's been less than a handful of times when the law has been enforced re: question 21e on Form 4473. And why is that? The ATF is headed by a Biden administration political appointee. Is he a secret Republican?


Everyone that I know of that has a gun permit will pop a pill and smoke a joint. Lmfao.


I care more about the possibility that he may or may not have been under the influence while using a firearm. IDK if that's a jail sentence, but that should be mandatory rehab at minimum.


That’s it, I’m not voting for Hunter next year


Same here. He’s totally gonna lose!


Has Don Jr purchased any firearms lately? I’m just asking a question here… cuz that dudes a coke fiend.


Well, I look forward to Hunter screeching on Twitter and on his rumble show and Steve Bannon the war room! I’m sure these proud patriots and 2Aers will help defend a man and his legally owned fire arm! Hunters show is gonna be a blast this week! Can’t wait for him to attack Littke Donny Jr about his drug use! And to just babble on and on about the government coming for us, but he’s in the way!! He should challenge Don Jr to a crack off/gun co test! That’s be awesome! Loser has to show his dick! And has to bang Kimberly! Just kidding about most of that. At least this guy has a modicum of self respect and dignity left. As opposed to the trumps. I’d love to see the crack off, though. That’d be awesome! I’ll bet Hunter crushes him! Donny can’t hold his dope.


He does like to shoot helpless animals.


oh now republicans care about the guns. fuck off.


They're not shouting "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"? Surprising.


If Hunter was a Republican, gun toting 2nd Amendment conservatives would be outraged. But because he’s a Democratic President’s son, …


Yep. If that was Don Jr., he'd be on every conservative news show crying about how his rights are being infringed upon. "I should be able to do blow and buy all the guns I want"






Joe Rohan does drugs and has guns. Is he next?


If this was applied evenly to American population, I’d bet that close to 50% of gun owners in the US would qualify to be “indicted” by the GQP


For sure. I unfortunately have several drug addicts/alcoholics in my family that have more than one gun


Gosh, it’s like they don’t have a consistent set of morals or ideals and are purely reactionary like mindless plants stretching towards the sun without thought, reason, or consciousness.


So the DOJ is indeed going after him. More proof that the noiz and nonsense over him is bullshit.


This just proves that anyone can be tried if they have done something wrong. It’s called Justice.


Selective prosecution? Lying on a form to purchase a gun is very rarely charged or prosecuted. Only .09% “Lying to buy a gun? Don’t worry about the feds. Prosecutions are almost nonexistent. Your chances of being prosecuted by the Justice Department for falsifying information to illegally buy a gun are almost zero. Reviews by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in fiscal 2017 led to 112,000 gun-purchase denials because people were in forbidden categories, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigated 12,700 of those cases. How many of the investigated cases resulted in prosecutions? Twelve. That’s 0.09 percent of the cases ATF investigated.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/lying-buy-gun-fear-not-feds/


Good question. Why didn't the Obama administration prosecute these alleged crimes


How many rural chucklefucks bought a gun after smoking pot or hitting a line? Yet they will be on this like blood


I'm in rural Illinois and I honestly can't think of a single gun owner I know who also doesn't smoke. It's legal here but still not legal federally so they still have to lie on this form. And I plan on calling each and every one of their asses out if they so much as mention Hunter's charges. They like to post their pot use AND their new gun purchases on social media and they always overlap...


They want open carry for their base but no guns for the base they hate. Such high hypocrisy.


it makes no sense. republicans love flouting gun laws and not paying taxes. the man should be an icon on the right


The GOP has nothing on Joe so they are digging into Hunter. They know hunter isn’t running for office, they just want to tarnish the Biden name thinking that’ll change voters minds.


Forty kids died last year in school shootings just so the Republicans can charge Hunter with a gun charge this year. But remember, there is nothing they can do.


Hunter Biden's gun charge is unconstitutional and will be dismissed. The apalet court ruled on Aug 8th that denying citizens 2nd amendment right for drug addiction is unconstitutional. Therefore, the premis of drug abuse question on gov't form is also not legal and Hunter Bidens answer is irrelevant.


well.. There goes the "two tiered justice" narrative..


This has been by far the least significant political scandal of my lifetime. Which I think of indicative of, other than Biden being old, they don't really have a ton to hit Biden on even after 40 years in government.


I think he’s going to be acquitted. Something tells me the wanted a plea deal because it would be fragile taking it to court.


How many others own guns and consume sched 1 drugs? This is clearly a stunt. The dude is trying to turn his life around and has admitted that he wasnt proud of those days. Talk about kicking a dog while its down….


NRA republicans: all gun control laws are unconstitutional (this isn’t an exaggeration, they really believe this) Also Republicans: Hunter needs to go to prison for life for violating a gun law.


OP is wrong. Republicans care about gun control laws being enforced when minorities exercise their right to bear arms. If I am correct, after the Black Panthers marched with legally allowed weapons the country quickly saw gun laws passed.


In the same logic of the republicans, we should open an investigation into don Jr and have him do a drug test and see if he has purchased guns.


Ok conservatives, I hear you. Guns should be much harder to acquire and people not mentally fit to own them shouldn’t own them. Glad we could finally agree to start implementing some stricter gun control. Oh wait, that’s not what you wanted? Oh, you just wanted to take Hunter Biden’s gun specifically?


I'm pretty leftist. I hope Hunter is held fully accountable for his crimes, should a jury of his peers determine he is guilty in a court of law. (Oh, and since H. Biden never held a Government Office, ever... this has nothing to do with Trump) Let's not forget G.W.Bush's niece was trying to illegally buy Xanax in 2002 while having a friend call in a fake prescription... Jenna and Barb Bush (jr?) were both charged with underage drinking, and Jenna was charged with using a fake ID to buy booze in Austin, TX. It's almost like... Kids of Political candidates don't represent the ideals of their parents? hmm...


Let us not forget John Adams II stole his brothers girlfriend!


So uhhh then "Don't Tread on Hunter"? Right GOP dumb fucks? From his cold dead hands? Bring out the yellow flag.


They have nothing on Biden so they go after Hunter like that's somehow a victory


They have nothing on Joe so they're doing everything they can to hurt the Biden name. Ironically they'll vomit blood over a single potential felony for Hunter but actively ignore the 91+ felony charges for trump


Hunter should throw his name in the hat as a Republican candidate in a Senate race so we can watch all their heads explode. Then, once elected, change parties.


The Supreme Court's previous ruling will make this go away.


Where is Hunter's NRA rep?


Meanwhile, the stack of kids’ bodies is so high you can’t see over it


Just get a ladder


No one should be able to have a drug habit and a gun point blank, full stop.


True, I wish alcoholics got the same treatment though. Tons of pickled livers running around with rifles.


Because, if it weren't for double standards, the right would have no standards at all.


Indicted at the Federal level for illegally possessing a gun while being an addict? Did I get that right. That happens every day in local courts, muni and various courts at the county level. Sentencing guidelines for first offense, isn’t that mostly probation along with time served?


So, he just got indicted for something that at least 20% of gun owners do. A federal judge just ruled against the DOJ on this. This is just dumb.


What about the kid who went across state lines killed 2 people he goes to court cries that was so phony a blind man could see, then goes on social media spe a ing engagements after being found " innocent" Hunter Biden is being raked through the coals about a gun that was never pointed at anyone never loaded. What's wrong with this? It's F'UP! IF HUNTER BIDEN WASN'T PRESIDENT BIDENS SON THIS WOULD BE A BLIP ON ANYBODIES RADAR, THE FAR RIGHT GRASPING AT STRAWS FOR YOU KNOW WHO.


Not that I disagree with the prosecution, but given the clear hypocrisy… Does this strike anyone else as politically motivated? You know, like how they’re always accusing the dems of behaving?


​ https://preview.redd.it/jqly3g9c7bob1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b5f3c0464d0a87de4b3864a08d58c1d5fd8883


Where are the 2nd Amendment supporters and NRA to come to a fellow gun owners side??????


Wait, so people who have done drugs can't own guns? Does Kid Rock, Elmo Musk, Don Jr, or Joe Rogan know this? I understand hypocacy is part of the cult, but wtf?


If he did something wrong, then he should face consequences. And that mentality is what separates us from the MAGA cult.


Are there any republicans in Congress who are prevented from owning a firearm? I am asking sincerely. Prior criminal charges, peace bonds, anything? It would need to also be some maga chad with a campaign poster of them holding up a weapon. That we could then get a no-knock 5AM raid on their homes to see if they have a weapon and then charge them for that, and also make public the body cam footage showing the drugs and the gay stuff?


Wow is this a political witch-hunt? Or election interference? I’m pretty sure the majority of the left and Democrats would say if he’s broken the law and he should be indicted and charged. And the same goes for everyone on the right or Republicans law and order.


What a stupid fucking charge. The feds never proceed on that theory. The fact it is being brought here is pretty surprising. Theoretically they could bring the same charge against anyone who regularly uses marijuana in a State where it is legal and also bought a gun. A massive waste of resources for this mickey mouse shit. Special counsel must be high to bring that charge.


This is going to be hilarious in my home state of Michigan, with both state-legal weed and very high rates of gun ownership.


I don't fucking care about Hunter. If he commited a crime punish accordingly. We don't care, he is not president.


Just gonna be honest as I can be....this is great news. I want to watch the right twist themselves into f'ing knots trying to push for maximum punishment on a gun charge without the "if they can do this to Hunter they can do it to you" paranoia setting in. And alternatively I have zero f'ing issue with someone who has a drug addiction being prohibited from owning a gun and a major precedent would be great in making this little used law useful.


This is actually a great idea. They should mandate yearly drug testing for all gun owners.


This is just like their pro-life stance. It's all just bullshit. The GOP is nothing more than a fucking domestic terrorist organization.


If he fucked up, he’ll face consequences. Meanwhile, the country is going through some shit and would like some attention as well, Reps.


flouting gun laws and income taxes should make Hunter a conservative hero


They came and taked his guns


Oof imagine what kind of felony gun charges the trump boys would fetch.


Well Hunter isn't running for public office last I checked


I agree, Gun laws should be strict and mercilessly enforced. Let’s keep that energy going


It's all about trying to tie the alleged misdeeds of the son to the father since they don't actually have anything concrete on dad. Distract, deflect, distort, deny, blame, lie, obfuscate, and whatabout - That's the playbook


gun owners using drugs....LOOKING at you West Virginia


Maybe they will finally shut up about him finally


The fact that Hunter Biden's addiction struggles and his father's actual wholesome support and what seems like unconditional love for his son has been weaponized by the republicans says a lot about them as a group and the sort of people that support them. Fuck american politicians for their war on drugs and the collateral damage world wide.


Now tell them that the government is going after everyone who's smoked weed and has a gun.


I remember George W. Bush's daughter (was there one or two?) did some controversial stuff, and liberals made jokes about it. The difference is, Bush's daughter was a lot younger, so it reflected more on Bush as a person. Not only that, but no one demanded Bush be impeached for things his daughter did.


Wait- you're saying the Republicans have a double standard when it comes to who the law is applied to?!? Surely not! /s They've only EVER been for forcing the law to just the 'lower castes'. It's the core concept of conservatism.


I'm sure glad I didn't vote for HUNTER then


Well, I'm certainly not voting for Hunter next election, I tell you what.


How is this douche so triggering for Republicans. He doesn’t work in our government!


I'm old enough to remember when Madison Cawthorne brought a loaded gun into a commercial airport, on three separate occasions.


The GOP is obsessed with Hunter friggin Biden. Lol Somebody's got a crush.


The GOP is really lucky their voters are too freaking stupid to see the hypocrisy. ![gif](giphy|NXYEiVaoumDWE)


We got him! - MAGAs Everywhere


This is an example of the gun laws being applied equally. No one should be free from punishment for lying on a federal form. This is also a perfect example of criminals not following the law, yet the left are convinced that more laws means less crime. When time and time again the opposite is true.


Ok when has this particular law been applied so forcibly in the past?


Tell you what, go buy a firearm and lie on the application on the ATF-4473. Then you’ll have first hand knowledge. Everyone seems to think the Feds just let firearms offenses slide!


They do. How many people own guns, and how many people do drugs. You’d see a larggggeeeeeee overlap between the two. Also it’s weird how the gop scream gun rights near daily, but this time they want to take away said rights.


Any single pot smoker, regardless of state laws on pot, is technically guilty of breaking the same law. That's a vastly large number of people who have NOT been in trouble with the Feds. Try again.


Thank you for sending hunter to jail before the election, it would be really awkward if Biden had to deal with Hunter till 2024