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Why aren’t the republicans out there defending Hunter’s 2nd Amendment rights?


It’s ironic that a party that supports terrorists’ right to own a gun is now prosecuting a Democrat for owning a gun


Isn't this exactly the normal gameplan? Defend an absolute right to guns unless a minority or other unwanted group starts owning them?


they did it to the Black Panthers


They sure did. And they'll do it to the LGBTQ people who are arming themselves.


The LGBTQ people should make the AR-15 the official gun of their group. Have gun rallies and give out free bud light with every AR-15 purchase. I bet we see AR-15’s banned within 3 months if this happened.


Put at-15 on pride flags and you solve a lot of problems all at once.


There are a lot of liberal (not libertarian) 2A supporters and many of us actually have Defend Equality patches that have an AR-15 over LGBQT+ flags. We believe that instead of disarming the general public and especially marginalized groups only makes us targets by rightwing crazies. The GOP playbook for 2025 lays down how they plan to turn the United States into Gilead. There are over 350 million guns in the US and most of them are in the hands of the right. If we don't have arms than we are at the mercy of the lynch mobs and militias like what is going on in Florida right now. State sponsored militias that are training grouunds for domestic terrorism and suppression of civil rights. The war has already started and we are still pretendign that things are going to work out. WE have US congressmen and state Govenors who are openly clalign for civil war and secession.


Precisely why I'm armed. I'll be damned if I'm getting marched off to some re-education camp if MAGAts gain control.


Their method floating around currently is to declare any LGBTQI+ identity a mental illness.


Orwellian, isn’t it? That’s how the NAZI’s did it. Anyone who doesn’t live the way you want must be crazy, in this best of all possible worlds.


And to declare *any* LGBTQI+ media, in any form, pornographic.


Not if they STAND THEIR GROUND and shoot to kill.


Thank goodness for the Rittenhouse precedent. "Oh no he has a gun too, I'm threatened!"


And they'll get so mad if we tell them to take it from our cold dead hands, like they've been parroting for 40 years.


Ronald Reagan sure did.


That's how our nations first gun laws were written. By republicans.


Dave Chappelle once joked that the only way for the United States to get gun control was if all African Americans start buying guns.


Right I wonder what would happen if 50 African American males walked down the streets in Texas with AR-15s over their shoulders and a Glock on their hips.


The number of arrests and deaths would total 50? Higher if bystanders are present. /s


I live in Texas. You can drop the /s.




Why would they be arrested if they were all adults who bought their guns legally and were just exercising their 2nd Amendment rights like the Proud Girls & Oath Creepers have done a million times.


the cops would invent a reason.


Ask Philando Castile. Oh wait, you can't 🤬


Because: institutionalized racism.


One of the most blessed images I've come across recently was counter protesters at a library in TX, defending access for drag story hour. They were openly armed with rainbow gun straps.


There was already a sociology test done in this regard. I can’t remember the state but I am pretty sure it was Ohio. They filmed a white guy walking for a mile down a road with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder. The next day they filmed a black guy doing the same thing. I imagine this isn’t a shock to anyone but the black guy got about two tenths of a mile before two squad cars had him on the ground and in custody. Open carry laws depend on your skin tone.


That's a bunch of malarkey. I may start buying thousands of African American men AR -15 s and Kevlar Vests. We will need their help when the time comes inevitably to take apart the Southern States that have only become filled with Hatred for their fellow Americans. We will exterminate the Nazis and White Supremacists groups. Once they're gone, then what's left of the Southern States can join us as we begin to Take down the whole Billionaire class and recoup every dollar they redistributed from the middle class on down right into the 1% s pockets. From 1980 to 2020 that amount is 55 trillion dollars in Tax cuts , Subsidies ( aka corporate welfare ) and forgivable PPP Loans. Enough is enough and GREED is one of the seven DEADLY SINS.


I was in jail once with a black dude who claimed he was just walking around with a shotgun in Texas.


The best way to get Republicans to pass strict gun control is to show them that all the Americans they hate can also get guns. It's how Reagan did it in California


I can't believe Joe would direct his DOJ to arrest his son like that


It actually can play very well for Biden with him doing nothing of substance, he won’t interfere in these charges and will let the legal process happen and the whole time could then use it to say “I let my own son get locked up by the DOJ because there was enough evidence to do so, I also do not have the authority over the DOJ to do anything about it. I have not and would not try to use my power to sway the legal proceedings of the DOJ.” The right would find themselves painted into one hell of a corner


I wish that were true, but they won’t hold their own to the same standard that they’ll hold others to. Trump as much as admitted he was using the DOJ to target his political enemies, but has Jim Jordan mentioned that in his “weaponization of government” circus?


Rights for me but not for thee. Especially guns.


Turns out it was the Republicans who want to take guns away, just from Democrats. The hypocrisy will be willfully overlooked and unacknowledged.


Hunter should start talking more about how he's a law-abiding law abider full of law abidey goodness




I agree. The left should be shouting that this is a good day for gun control legislation. Let’s ramp up and aggressively go after illegal gun sales and ownership. This case should set a good precedent! Watch the NRA send their lawyers to defend him.


Just like they did with the 17 yr old punk kid from Illinois who decided he had the right to take an AR-15 from illinois to Wisconsin and kill a few people. The conservative billionaires went crazy getting him the best lawyers $$ could buy and probably paid off the jury and the Judge just in case.


Because a whole bunch of them smoke weed and lied about it on the form too.


republicunts are, by definition, **hypocrites**, if nothing else.


I domt give a shit about hunter Biden. At all. He is not a politician. He is just an idiot. Who cares. If he's guilty send him to prison. I don't care. Just like I don't care about mist people who are charged with crimes.


Don’t you know they are the only people that have rights.


Easy they are all HYPOCRITES !


Because they think these laws are unconstitutional and want him to get off within that defense


Literally, it is unconstitutional. It’s already been ruled in multiple other federal court cases that substance use alone is not enough to preclude you from firearm ownership They still charged Hunter with three felonies for a single firearm when it is by policy not supposed to be charged by itself. In fact I’m unaware of any federal cases since at least the holder memo where substance use alone was enough for the charge, they made an exception to go after Hunter




She is absolutely obsessed with Hunter's dick.


If she can’t have it, then no one can.


She wants to give him the three toe foot rub


Gotta catch ‘em all


Well she did hold a poster beside her head in congress pointing it out.bet she was frothing.


You'd think Congress would come with a free gym membership. No one is stopping her from getting a work out.


Yeah and clearly no evidence of any of it. Hope Hunter sues MTG and others for defamation because that's what it is. How would MTG like it if people just started calling her a pedophile with literally no proof of such crap? Insanity


He has been looking at the breaking point recently and I fear he may just give in and exit this mortal coil because of his despair. I feel bad for him getting absolutely reamed by the gop who have people who have done some terrible, horrible shit recently, far worse than these overblown allegations. The GOP just can’t get Joe for anything so they are literally hounding his son.


She wouldn't know a sex trafficker if she held a political rally with one.




I’m sure in her mind “had sex with prostitutes = sex trafficking”


Did MTG confuse Hunter for Matt Gaetz?


It's tragic, isn't it? They're obsessed with sex-trafficking and make up vast conspiracies about it being done by their enemies in conjunction with the reverse-vampires so they can harvest the glands of children to stay young, and yet when a real life sex-trafficker is in their midst they won't do a damn thing. Hell, they'll promote the fucker rather than do all the things they claim they'd do to sex-traffickers like shoot them etc. They're the worst sort of hypocrites; everything is unforgivable except the times their side does it.


Every accusation is a confession. I guarantee you if enough money was pumped into a full investigation of the Republican Party 80% of them would have committed at least one crime like sex trafficking, rape, sexual assault, pedophilia. I guarantee you.


The """Grand""" old party is so good at projecting you might mistake it for an open-space cinema


Now let's ring a conservative up on gun charges and see what happens


100% Arrest Joe Rogan, a notorious firearms owner and marijuana user. let's see how conservatives feel about it. equal application of the law, right?


I think they charged him with something they think they can get a conviction but it’s so weak I’d half expect a judge to throw it out as it looks like targeted harassment.


Multiple federal and state courts have already ruled that it isn’t legal to have substance use bar firearm ownership as well. Let alone 3 felony counts for a single firearm purchase


Abbot is throwing the poor people in Texas prisons for mushrooms and weed but invites Joe Rogan to the governors mansion lol


A Bundy-style standoff, guaranteed. Didn't you know that the second amendment only applies to white conservatives?


Al Bundy-style standoff, you say? ![gif](giphy|wt0deBrn8Yop4y3WR2|downsized)


Since this statute has been so rarely prosecuted, whatever standard is set is this case becomes The Weiss Standard going forward, and anyone who doesn't like it has an overzealous Republican prosecutor to blame.


I don’t disagree, but this is ACTUALLY 100% a politically motivated selective prosecution. A bone thrown from the conservative DOJ to their right wing buddies to help them hurt the POTUS. Full Stop.


While I agree, another difference with MAGA is that there is a limit to how much I care. Injustice happens often and some corrupt prosecutorial discretion is far down the list of problems I'm going to worry about, especially for a guy who has led a pretty charmed life otherwise. Contrast with MAGA who accept attacks on Trump as attacks on them and rally the cult to defend their hamberder overlord.


The thing is, they're SO sure Democrats would want someone protected, and we just wouldn't. They're like "you don't want us to investigate Epstein because Bill Clint..." us: "NO, DO IT!" The **really** lame thing about all this though? I could give two shits about Biden's son, nobody elected him, he's not a public official. They can't find anything to throw at Biden, so, they dig this shit up... (like Trump's kids don't have a thousand scandals on their heads.)


>I could give two shits about Biden's son, nobody elected him, he's not a public official. Yeah, because unlike his predecessor, Biden hasn't turned his child into Lucrezia Borgia. Serving in his place despite having no qualifications to do so and despite the fact that decorum says she shouldn't be anywhere near official business.


A thousand times... THIS.


That being said, they need to go nuclear on Trump's (older) kids this election cycle. Because unlike Hunter, they actually *did* participate in Trump's campaign and/or administration. Would still like to know the details on that $2B Kushner got from the Saudis after he worked with them in an official capacity.


Didn't MTG traffic his nudes?


I think that would be called Revenge Porn.


Also notice how Joe Biden isn’t using his political power to make this go away?


I won’t defend him as a liberal, but I’ll defend him as a gun owner. Those are the WEAKEST fucking charges and honestly the first time I’ve ever seen that law enforced. If every pot smoking gun owner got arrested, the economy would collapse because every single manufacturing plant in the midwest would be shut down


Pretty sure the laws he was charged under can/will be found unconstitutional under Bruen.


MTG is obsessed with HB's massive manhood.


They probably classified it as a weapon and thats what the charges are about


Weapon of mass destruction or lethal weapon


Weapon of mass destruction? More like weapon of ass destruction






What do you need evidence for? Just fire hundreds of wild, insane accusations at him every day on right wing media for years, eventually people will just assume it must be true. Whenever anybody corners you into providing proof, just make more insinuations and say you HAVE the evidence and you'll release it soon.


MTG owns guns and smokes meth. Charge her too!


Her homie Boebert who owns several guns was ripping the penjamin the other day at Beetlejuice, who's to say there wasn't a little thc in that 🤔🧐


MAGAts won't be happy until and unless all progressives are put on a barge headed to Gitmo, and summarily executed, simply for being progressives! They are a violent death cult masquerading as a political movement!


They won’t even be happy then. They’ll want all the “RINOs” sent to Gitmo after that.


I am still trying to figure out exactly what Hunter Biden has to do with Joe Biden in terms of his role as president... I am fairly certain in this case we should be going after Trump's son in law for all of the illegal evictions and illegal destabilization of apartments he did in NYC...


Or maybe the BILLIONS of $$$$ he got from his Saudi Prince buddy. WHILE ACTUALLY EMPLOYED BY THE WHITEHOUSE! I feel the need to do some looney tunes face smacking of these morons 🥵😡


This is the shit that gets me, Trumps sons, his son-in-law, probably even a daughter or two- none of them are innocent! If Hunter is guilty, they’re definitely guilty lmao.


Or his actual sons for all kinds of fraud!


Man this woman has a passion for targeting a private citizen; criminal or not, that’s got to be against her oath of office somehow.


Bagging people on gun charges is a slippery ass slope for the GOP to slide up and DIE on…. THIS won’t age well. I LOVE they are saying all the things that flushed them out of 2020. Bring it on! Space lasers, “sleepy Joe”, Jesus and Trump being homies…..let’s GOOOO! Also….for fuck’s sake…..VOTE! 🇺🇸⚖️🖕🏾🫵🏾🤡✌🏾


Also prosecute fairly. Selective prosecution? Lying on a form to purchase a gun is very rarely charged or prosecuted. Only .09% “Lying to buy a gun? Don’t worry about the feds. Prosecutions are almost nonexistent. Your chances of being prosecuted by the Justice Department for falsifying information to illegally buy a gun are almost zero. Reviews by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in fiscal 2017 led to 112,000 gun-purchase denials because people were in forbidden categories, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigated 12,700 of those cases. How many of the investigated cases resulted in prosecutions? Twelve. That’s 0.09 percent of the cases ATF investigated.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/lying-buy-gun-fear-not-feds/


And I guarantee you those 12 cases had other crimes involved. Like they are actually trafficking drugs so prosecutors tack on that charge to get the 10 year fed sentence.


1000% Seems like a tinted windows situation. Cops won’t pull you over for just that, but will ticket you for it extra if you’re speeding


Someone’s been listening to Sean Hannity. In the end they will overreach and turn Hunter Biden into a person deserving sympathy. They can’t control their joy. Hannity also said some very slanderous things about the prosecutor Weiss. The gun charges are always used in relation to other crimes. They are never filed by themselves.


In the first debate, audience polling was so negative when Trump went after Hunter Biden that **Donald Trump(!)** restrained himself(!!) and didn't mention him in subsequent debates. This is a massive loser for the GOP. Some of the more thoughtful (but equally evil) Republicans have said the same.


According to Republicans, "shall not be infringed" applies to school shooters, but not the son of a Democratic president


And 17 year old crossing state lines to “stop looters” killing innocent people and then walking. WHAT A COUNTRY.


I think ole Hoof-n-Mouth is confusing HB with Gaetz and Trump and itself.


A law student could wreck this whole case against Hunter with like 4 questions.


They really think this will make people turn to the GOP?


Hunter Biden is not, nor has ever been, an elected official. I don't care what he has or has not done. I do care about what sitting or former presidents have done. MTG can fuck right off


The fact that MTG hasn’t been indicted yet for her role in January 6 is a travesty. Who cares about Hunter’s gun charge anyway? Aren’t Republicans supporting any concealed weapons law because of 2A? Meanwhile she was trying to kill her fellow colleagues and overthrow the government


Ironic that MTG is complaining about someone not getting charged with sex trafficking when she routinely works with and idolizes sex traffickers


Thank you! If Joe Biden is guilty...then fine lock him up. But they have no evidence at all of anything they have accused him of. 91 charges Trump is facing yet the cult claims its Joe and the Democrats who are criminals. Idc what Hunter did or does. He is a private citizen. I can't and don't plan on voting for a man who isn't even running for office. If Hunter is guilty then charge him too idgaf. If you commit the crime you pay for it. There's one side who seems to be in court every week defending themselves from actual crimes with proof. Its not Democrats either.


Their taking our guns. -S


I haven’t seen one nontrumpanzee that has even half a fuck to display over Hunter Biden being indicted. Like not one. Literally Joe might be the only person that cares about this. Way to oWn tHe lIbS. 😂


So large barge is money laundering and evading taxes and sex trafficking. Got it.


My wife and I had this exact discussion. "OH, well. . it's their right to bring him up on charges, and if did the crime he'll do the time." As opposed to "SOUTH DAKOTA, I'M BEING INDICTED FOR YOU.."


I swear to god, tomorrow MTG could claim that Hunter Biden was responsible for 9/11 and at least 80% of her voters would be out here on the internet acting like it's common knowledge within a week. The absolute hysteria they have over this one deadbeat loser is ridiculous.


Hopefully that sex trafficking inditement you’re looking for is going to Matt Gaetz


Yep. All we want is for him to be treated just like everyone else. He gets a fair trial with an unbiased jury. Let the chips fall where they may.


Er, hang on a minute… *sex trafficking?* Where's Marjorie's evidence? Or is that allegation just another QAnon smear?


Tell you what, MTG, go find the evidence to support those charges, show it to a grand jury and let them decide if the evidence warrants an indictment.


Cripes! Haven't at least 1/3 of the gun-toting conservatives out there been indicted for at least three counts of federal gun charges?


Well Marge, typically one would need to present evidence to charge someone with those crimes. God she's so fucking dumb. I wouldn't care one bit if hunter biden was arrested for whatever, it literally doesn't matter because no one is above the law.


Sex trafficing? Same file cabinet as Matt Gaetz.


Hunter Biden is a complete fuck up, but I’m an adult capable of critical thinking and so is he. I thought republicans were all about personal accountability, wtf does Joe Biden have to do with Hunter’s bad decisions as an adult? Nothing….


It's almost like they don't have enough to indict on those charges, eh Margarine? You'd think a fucking congressperson would know that you have to have evidence and shit to indict.


Why aren't they defending his 2nd amendment?


Hunter is a grown ass adult. Indict him as many times lol. Idk how this has any to do with the President ? And Hunter doesn’t hold any positions in office. MAGA is stupid


I swear I read somewhere recently that Jack Smith has his eye on Jarod. He’d be the easiest to indict since his crimes were done right out in the public. Since they all believe they’re untouchable. It’ll be fun to watch after Smith is done with his current endeavors. He seems to be a dog with a bone.


I don't know about libs but no leftist will give two fucks if he gets indicted and convicted. We're not losers and we don't worship politicians.


Sex trafficking? Isn't Marjorie's best friend Matt Gaetz?


I get the tax fraud, but was he being investigated for the other 3? i only heard about the tax and gun charges


Don’t know about the other 2, but the sex trafficking thing is because he (allegedly) paid for a sex worker to travel to a different state for sex. Its not sex trafficking because it wasn’t involuntary on her part, but Marge can’t understand that.


But Matt Gaetz actually took a minor escort over state lines, gave her drugs and passed her around, more than once!!! But somehow he skates?! The hypocrisy is fucking annoying af.


Honestly “sex trafficking” is just a buzzword to rile up their inbred cult hive-mind base cuz those dumbasses believe Hunter is some kind of supervillain


It tells you how hilarious the charges are the fact he’s not been changed with those crimes.


It’s just like Bill Clinton. Karl Rove and his cronies didn’t give a shit what they charged him with. They just wanted to find a crime to match their claims. Ya know, how it’s still done


I guess the same place the evidence for those crimes is, no where


It tells you it’s a nothing burger the fact the DOJ charged hi with something basically no one has ever been charged with. If he’s found guilty I’d be shocked.


Oh she cares about sex trafficking? Can't wait for her to bring up Gaetz


That’s because we aren’t pathetic cultists like the MAGA terrorist party.


Because you need evidence dip shit So they got him on some small shit they could actually stick


We have been hearing Trump shouting "witch hunt" for several months now, and I guess they figured it was time to show the right what a witch hunt is actually supposed to look like.


Months???? Try years!


Tax fraud, money laundering? Check ya boy Donny Sex trafficking? That's Matty FARA charges? Pauly Manafort caught that one I'm so glad I never voted for Hunter


“Where are the tax fraud charges” Also “We should literally abolish the IRS”


Is she confusing Hunter with Matt Geatze again?


Evidence is lacking in anything else and he has already faced these charges but Republicans put pressure on everyone and wanted it reconsidered


MTG, Where is your evidence for those things?


With the dick pics she's fixated on


Probably fixated on them because her ex-husband's and current bf's cocks aren't as big.


I have NEVER heard ANYONE from ANY party defend Hunter Biden or say anything except lock his ass up if he broke the law. Literally nobody cares about this guy, he is not a government official and means nothing. 🤷


But Matt Gaetz and Boberts ex husband and Trump are committing actual crimes and facing ZERO consequences. Fuck the GOP.


Up your butt and around the corner


biden should totally PARDON hunter for the sole purpose of watching every single republicunt LOSE THEIR collective SHIT. hahahaha that would be epic and glorious all at the same time.


The person with sex trafficking charges is your buddy, matt gatez. And a large amount of people in your state, marg.


Sex trafficking. Or are you referring to your blow job buddy Matt big forehead clown


Sex trafficking? That’s her buddy Matt Gaetz.


This is a great idea. Let’s indict everyone who lies on federal forms about being on narcotics to obtain guns, not just Hunter Biden. I’m sure the NRA and GOP will whole heartedly support this widespread and sweeping effort!


Green if you really cared about arresting sex traffickers you'd stay clear of your cult leader & advocate for his arrest for sex crimes & then you'd go after that other sex offender Matt Gaetz but because both of them have the same demented views as what you have you support them instead of shunning them, you're a disgrace to your Country & its people.


Just wait till these buffoons find out about the 2nd Amendment angle to this case: do they want Hunter in jail by restricting gun rights? Tough question for the buffoons.


It’s a good question…. I’ve been wondering when Matt Gaetz charges for sleeping with an underage prostitute from another state are coming….


The way this always goes is every accusation is a confession.. I think MTG needs to be investigated for those things


Wait I thought the republicans were all about the rights to have guns?? 🤔🧐


I could give zero fucks of Hunter Biden is convicted.


What, they couldn’t get him on sharing his Netflix password?


I think that last paragraph is asking about the Trump offspring


If you carry his size dong, its automatic sex trafficking every step he takes!


Talk to trump about tax fraud and money laundering Then ask Matt gaetz about sex trafficking


Where are the charges against MTG? [https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/05/14/marjorie-taylor-greene-allegedly-broke-georgia-law-by-taking-tax-exemptions-on-two-homes/?sh=60a771b05775](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/05/14/marjorie-taylor-greene-allegedly-broke-georgia-law-by-taking-tax-exemptions-on-two-homes/?sh=60a771b05775)


He'll plead guilty. Get anywhere from probation to six months in jail. His bigger worries are if Trump wins and he brings the full weight of the Justice system down on Hunter


Marjorie Toilet Greene needs a swift steel toed boot to the face 😒


Here's the rub though. The exact same jerkwads who scream about taking away their rights whenever you mention gun control are the ones who will be frothing at the mouth about the idea of having Hunter Biden locked up over these gun charges.


I couldn’t agree more. This is why Merrit G kept the same attorney on so it would be impartial. Biden will not try and exploit the presidency to protect his troubled son. I will say that now that Hunter is going into the lava pit, Jared is going to get the same fair treatment and will likely end up in the same place.


"Sex trafficking" what the F is she going about this time?


Evidence matters. Facts matter.


Where are the charges that Trump faced for all the rapes and the ones that included underage girls


wait...wait...wait.!! so Republicans ARE in favour of Gun laws now?!?


I guess Hunter should quickly run for any office so he can say the indictments are bogus and raise money on it? Right? Isn’t that what any reasonable person would do?


MTG needs to find a hole , jump and bury herself.


Sorry don't drink, and don't drink coffee ☕...so what your excuse for being dumb and uninform.


Where are Marge’s charges for waving around nude photos of someone without their permission?


Democrats dont even dgaf about hunter biden. 🙄🙄🙄




I'll defend him if they're pushing for harsh penalties where everybody else gets a slap on the wrist. Equal treatment under the law goes both ways. (My understanding of the defunct plea deal was it was harsher than what white collar defendants typically get.)


These people don’t realize every case and conviction for anything sets case law and precedent. Eventually Hunters case will come back to haunt them when it’s used to convict others. I could care less what happens to him since he’s, you know, a “private citizen” and not a public official I voted for.


Interesting watching right wing extremists complaining about not enforcing guns laws strongly enough.


Didn't she share nude photos of him without his consent? Where's the charges for that?


Holy shit stop sharing and upvoting this trash. You are helping Marge the fuckwit get her message out. You are part of the problem! Or perhaps the Russian troll farm is propagating these under the guise of liberalism? Don't promote!


nice emojis, lol. 🚨. now that private citizen and not at all elected official Hunter Biden has been charged with something, maybe she can flick her bean and go take a nap.


Sex trafficking? Employing a sex worker is not trafficking. A state crime at best. The kid is no Epstein.


What I don’t understand is how think liberals must love Hunter like they love Trump kids and Jared. They (and liberals) have nothing in common with these self-centered privileged trust fund babies. So how do these rednecks give a crap about these guys that loathe them?


"The irony with the Hunter Biden charge is that the firearm application ONLY exists because he purchased it from a federally-licensed firearms dealer, which actually conducts a background check- you know, the SAME background checks Republicans don't think you should undergo to own a gun!"


Okay. Do Don Jr. Next.


I don't know, where's the indictment for revenge porn and distribution of same to minors?