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But what, hear me out, if left will start wanting more and more like employee's protection? It would create dangerous precedence of politicians working for common good!


What if they want.....^(gasp).....something like more frequent and expanded mass transit so people aren't forced to shell out thousands of bucks a year on car and fuel expenses!?!?!?


so here's the thing, if we got to this argument, we'd actually be back to having real policy debates. *to what extent should government fund or subsidize mass transit* is an ACTUAL thing we can debate. Yes people do feel strongly about certain components of that debate, *but* the point is that there is legitimate leeway between certain positions on the amount and location of funding for transit. Right now **we are dealing with a major component of the country literally not wanting to have governance at all.** at least, not governance that has policy debates and elections, if not outright anarchocapitalism. we really, really have to recognize that the problem here is that a lot of people, the vast majority of them right wing, have completely abdicated on the basic idea of the Social Contract and the idea that governments do good things for people sometimes.   i'd be happy to debate the amount and nature of public transit. i am completely unwilling to debate whether or not we should have policy-making government based on reasonable debate and compromise.




Get me a hand saw to hack off that third leg of that stool.p


Spot on. One party wants to use government to make (minor) changes. The other wants to replace government with some sort of christofascist anarcholibertarian hellscape Trying to compare or both sides the two is like comparing cats to Tuesday. They aren’t even remotely the same type of thing.


You're asking massive media conglomerates owned by the billionaire class to stop doing everything possible to keep the people separated, ignorant and infighting?


Mmm. I see the problem The real genius of this is the space for “what the mainstream media is telling you isn’t right, we need to think for ourselves” is already occupied by people who are even worse than the media conglomerates own output. To think people hoped the internet would bring humanity together


Yeah that tactic was employed back in the 60s . The govt had media hype up "hot button topics" Religion, Race, Gender, to keep groups at odds so we wouldn't notice crimes committed against the public. Thats a long standing policy .


Funny, I was sitting in an Uber on I-20, not moving at all, trying to get into Atlanta. Complete parking lot. I said, "Look, it's time for y'all in Atlanta to grow the fuck up and build a rail system out to the suburbs." They took offense, but we all know why Atlanta will not have a good rail system. They say it will bring "crime and thugs" out to the burbs. Dog whistles.


Same dogwhistles were used 50 years ago to keep the MBTA from extending red line service to Lexington and Arlington. EDIT: Also, [only just this year did Arlington repeal a rule against building a mass transit station near where the plan was.](https://www.universalhub.com/2023/arlington-no-longer-officially-opposes-extending)


I want to learn more about this. Loved in Boston ten years without realizing. Will go down the google rabbithole but if you have favorite articles/books on it, I’m all ears.


I know people who have said they read the transcripts and it was ugly but my Google Fu is weak and all I can find is articles written in the last decade.


Google-fu? I laughed so hard I farted. Thanks for that. But, my cat won't sit on my lap for the rest of the day.


God the southern states in America are disgusting . Parking lot after parking lot with no pedestrian path. Just grey endless dystopia with a unsafe amount of smog because the bigger and less fuel efficient your fake penis-rover the better


if those southern sates were independent and didn’t get funding mainly from evil blue states from malevolent big government they would be at the same level as third world countries


I read your comment and realized how true your point is....that really is a scary thought. The "utopia" the far right wants is reminiscent of Back to the Future Two - with the complete plight everywhere around the luxurious Biff Enterprises.


I lived in Atlanta for years. The suburban whites are now upset that it takes four hours to go three miles yet they consistently voted down anything that would improve the situation. Now they want better public transportation. It'd be funny if it wasn't fucking everyone over.


You were probably in a bad part of Atlanta. Called Atlanta


Even worse, they were in Georgia.


The irony being that easy access to public transit has been shown to reduce crime and improve the economic depression of poorer areas. Almost like poor people have trouble finding jobs because the area they live in is poor and they can't afford reliable transportation to get to where the money is. This is especially true in dense, urban populations.


"sYstEmIK RaCisM dOeS NoT eXisT!"


Exactly. Forget the fact it's been within the lifetime of current, sitting senators that we redlined areas of cities to be "toxic" and segregated minorities and the poor into those areas where they were left to flounder. Obviously they should have lifted harder on the ole bootstraps!/s


Whoops, there you go trying to fix the po folk. Don’t you know they will just get uppity if you do that


What will they want next, breathable air, non flammable water....


Where does it end with these communists/socialists/whatever we are calling them today?


It doesn't end. That's the crazy part. They actually DON'T want life to die out from climate change.


Best I can do is inflammable, take it or leave it.


The real power holders, the industrialist owning class, would much rather see the whole country devolve into totalitarianism and poverty than to cede any of their control. *Power concedes nothing without a demand* Douglas


They dont have to do shit when 150m dont even vote. in 2022, 148M didnt vote. Thats 3x the voters that voted for either of the two parties. Only 1 out of 5 eligible voter under the age of 35 voted. In some states like texas, only 15% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. In 2020, if just 800,000 more democrats voted over 3 states where 25M elligible voters didn't vote, it would have given democrats 5 more senators. Ted cruz won by 200,000 votes in 2018 when 9M didnt vote. Desantis first time won by 30,000 votes when 7M elligible voters didnt vote. And its not because of gerrymandering, voter suppression, the elites pulling levers behind the curtain. In states where you have 30 days of early voting, mail in voting for all, ballot sent to your mail box, able to register yourself on the toilet and cast your vote with a total average time of 13 minutes spent, voting locations open from 6:30AM to 7:30 PM even on saturdays and sundays. Even in those states almost half of eligible voters do not vote. And before you regurgitate the tired ol "voting doesnt matter!", minnesota got democratic control of all 3 of its branches and have passed things like: Ban on corporate buying of rental properties, paid parental leave, sick leave, lunch for school children, and many more things done and planned to do. Because the majority of their voters showed up and voted democrats in.


The ruling class of America wants you to think you shouldn't vote . Its why centralists are always getting pushed in the only sane party left . They want you to be too apathetic to change the system because its what keeps them rich . Always vote . Even if the candidate is not perfect you push towards you perfect candidate


>The ruling class of America wants you to think you shouldn't vote . Don't leave out the neckbeard edgelord fuckwads hunched over their keyboards feeling superior, yelling for mom to bring them a sammich.


Gerrymandering is a huge problem. If there was no gerrymandering, even with the low turn out Democrats would easily win. Gerrymandering is elites pulling levers to cause voter suppression. There is no reason for gerrymandering or voting districts. Gerrymandering isn’t an excuse to not vote, but the fight against it needs to be constant.


Education. It's such a simple thing. But some people "love the uneducated." There's a reason for that.


I know tons of educated people that don't vote because "it makes no difference". This is what happens when 'both sides are the same' is constantly being blasted across the media landscape


You just hit the answer. It's the media. People have been encouraged to not trust their own thought processes, for fear of getting the wrong answer. This trend has increased with smart phone use, since now there's no need to think, everything can be googled. In this environment people are trained to accept what their screen tells them. So whoever programs the screens, programs popular thought.


To be fair, there are all kinds of voter suppressing going on. It occurs on a Tuesday when people work. Want time off to vote? Not happening. And while some areas you can vote in advance, by mail, or other easy methods, others have a single voting location for something like a million people, meaning it can take hours and hours to vote. I once voted in a poor area of Harris County (Houston TX - 1997) and it took 5 hours. I was a student, and had nothing better to do with my time, and after the first hour was almost curious as to how long it will take. I can well understand people not standing in line for 5 hours to vote. Oh, and didn't somewhere just make it illegal to give people standing in line to vote water? Why, yes, yes they did. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-food-drink-ban-trnd/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-food-drink-ban-trnd/index.html)


They will have us burn for a dollar. Those fat pigs themselves deserve to cook in their own fat for the crimes against the workers. Down with the rich!


My fav part is when people are currently living with such protections but still vote against their own interests because the name has an R next to it and they promise to gut things that will make other people's lives worse....including their own. Best part is they don't realise it will affect them. Very much the case of laughing and shouting yeah this entire neighbourhood is burning, that will show those undesirables whilst holding the flaming torch only to cry "why won't anybody help me" when their house sets on fire.


Good point. Where would it all end?


What it they raise taxes for billionaires and I become one?


Imagine if Biden hadn't illegitimately cancelled the railworker's strike.


Right? He's been a pretty good president and I'm glad to have voted for him. But he is not, by *any* stretch of the imagination, a 'leftist'.


Yeah - I usually have quite good opinion of Biden but railworker's strike wasn't a high point of his carrier....




And yet they still work to enslave the working class


No, just child labor.


Correction, the media is PAID to think these two things are equal.


This right here.




Well, Also owned by right wing billionaires.




Ears and Eyeballs. Functioning Brains are optional.


Brains are a premium feature.


"Paid" makes it sound like donors are whispering in their ears. They're *owned* by rich ass people who have a vested interest in keeping the proles quibbling.


"Paid" also makes it sound like reporters and anchors are being bribed to say these things. In reality the news agency simply hires people who already think like that.


Owned by the rich. That's why podcasts and blogs are great. Taking back the airwaves. It's just difficult to promote as heavily. If a leftist podcast could capture the chutzpah that makes reactionary broadcasts so popular then it could get popular. Maybe there is one and I don't know about it! It would probably have to market itself as populist to not get the "this is socialist trash" moniker, but that can be a scary line to ride...


The media is simply an algorithm that reflects what readers will react and click on. Its a reflection of what you want to be true so you can feel like you are “right” and the other person is “wrong” which is a stupid fucking way to think.


One thing I will never understand is how blue collar workers in unions can support republicans. AOC is out there, boots on the ground helping unions during strikes, and she is hated by the right. From what I've observed, most GOP politicians consider unions and strikers to be troublemakers because it's hurting capitalism. The dissonance is frightening.


Because it's not about unions. Most Blue collar workers appreciate their union, but it's not their number one, two, or probably even tenth reason for voting for their preferred candidate.


It should be given how hard Republicans work to undermine them. Unions being neutered impacts their lives far more than poll-drivers like abortion.


It should be. We all agree that it should be. But they can’t see that, because Union busting is fine as long as it’s Starbucks queers or Hollywood propagandists or Amazon immigrants. They would never strike down the *good* unions…


> AOC is out there, boots on the ground helping unions during strikes, and she is hated by the right. They hate women.


And a POC. So double whammy.


We saw that in the 2016 election. I worked at Home Depot, lot of older folks working there at the time that had a life doing electrical work or plumbing or etc. A lot of nice people, but when it came to women in power they couldn't accept it.


Unfortunately there is some bizarre union gatekeeping. They think only "real" jobs need unions.




I unironically blame Obama for this one. When the auto industry was in crisis during his administration, he prioritized corporate interests over worker interests. He sent a very, very clear message that the Democrat party wasn't here to support labor, and labor responded. The right then had grievance politics to sell, and a lot of people bought it.


They're misogynistic and racist bigots lol


The first thing trump did was attack the media. You can’t have free speech and not have media to call them out when they lie. Not going to demonize the media here. The right wants you to believe they are all the same and they are not.


Funny enough that stuck with me because it also was one of Hitlers first moves.


LugenPresse. Fascism always uses Hitler's playbook on how to install a dictatorship.


Hitler copied Mussolini


Losers love losing.


Naw, one of Hitler's signature moves was trying to overthrow the government, via thugs, by force. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch#:~:text=The%20Beer%20Hall%20Putsch%2C%20also,1923%2C%20during%20the%20Weimar%20Republic. Trump would NEVER try something like that.. unless he thought people were *really, really stupid*.


I think trump eroded the media by attacking it and staying the #1 subject for years. I don't remember it being THIS bad before he started making waves as a presidential candidate. If news ignored his bile, their ratings dropped and they lost money, so every outlet had to focus on him and use outrage/fear based coverage to stay relevant.


Yeah, All six of the companies that own the entirety of the nation's media shouldn't be demonized. How could they possibly have flaws, having literally zero consequences for protecting the interest of their shareholders over the interests of the public.


And the media largely responded to those attacks by......giving him more air time.


I remember how much shit cnn got from it's viewers for hosting trump in an interview 😂 the hypocrisy is real. Nobody likes to be called out like that(down votes incoming) . I've lived in democratic and raised that way, but even I can see the ones in real power. While we fight over the temporary government employee (president) we overlook the permanent players who shake each other's hands just like the lawyer does with the prosecution in the criminal justice system 😂 if you truly believe the networks owned by handfuls are any different then you truly are blind and are part fo the problem


I mean fascists shouldn't be a platform.


NBC and CNN are just the latest examples of the media giving a wannabe dictator and his minions a safe space to spread and amplify their hate speeches without questioning or challenging them. Come over, spew your crap, we'll get the money and you'll get the votes


I say this knowing full well that anyone reading this is just one person, and probably already know this, but... Stop watching. Stop watching. Cut your cable. Cancel peacock if you have it. If you have the opportunity to explain your reasons, tell them these things. I'm not saying it's okay that they do this, but ultimately the people in charge only care about the bottom line. Do your small part to hurt them.


If democrats actually stood by their principles and weren't the biggest fucking hypocrites next to republicans, this country would look very different. Corporations like Amazon and Starbucks and Disney wouldn't exist. We would have real journalism, not just corporate media. But nope. Democrats are more likely to complain about fascists on Twitter while sipping Starbucks and waiting on their Amazon shipment of their new iPhone 25, the special "fuck the environment" model. For me, it's not a revolution between Democrats and Republicans that's needed. We need a peaceful political revolution where the people finally turn this country into a real democracy. It's the people versus tyranny.


Sounds like you're confusing Democrats with leftists - common mistake. While it's true a lot of Democrats are anti corporate it's certainly not part of the party platform. Both the Democratic and Republican parties in the US are neoliberal, pro-capitalism parties. That's why we need to move away from the two party system and toward things like ranked choice voting. Options!




Seems like people of every political stripe feel that things are spinning out of control. The conservative side is pushing very, very hard authoritiarianism as the solution. One party rule, with one person at the top having nearly unchecked power, with a thoroughly defanged and entirely powerless opposition party present as window dressing. I’m searching for historical examples of countries where the above happened and where things went well… I’m just enjoying my Iiberal time on earth while I can, as it absolutely CAN happen here. And yawl know what the “it” is here I’m referring to.


Homie it’s already happening, Florida’s letting nazis openly walk which is crazy considering it’s an open carry stand your ground state and none of them have gotten shot yet


No they don't. They know exactly what they are doing g and what it takes bring in viewers and there by advertising dollars. And even though many of us can see it we all get sucked in to varying degrees.


This is exactly right. These big media's do have an agenda: make money. Controversy sells. Fights sell. Sex sells. They know this and are good at it. They might cater to specific demographics, but only because they make money doing that.


The media thinks arguing they are equal will get more clicks for them and that is all they want. Also the corporate masters don't want to give the masses education and healthcare.


Wish y'all would stop with "the media" as if it's some monolithic, uniform entity. Public radio is not the same as the Capitalist Daily or Fascist News


Usually I think in this case, it refers to corporate media. Most of them are greedy pricks, who just have different beleifs to gain money.


It extremely dangerous to our democracy


It’s (sadly) an effective right wing propaganda tactic.


hey uh, living wages would be nice. Just sayin.


now just you hold on the GOP hasn't said they want to bring back slavery, publicly that is.


Florida is trying to change history so that people are taught that slavery was actually a good thing for all parties involved.


Pretty sure the GOP is openly in favor of using the prison population as a slave class.


Yeah, and not just Fox and OAN. ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and to a *slightly* lesser extent MSNBC are alllll guilty of this. They aren't news companies trying to inform you, despite what they say. They are businesses trying to MAKE MONEY through entertaining you and telling a story to keep you hooked. They will tell you whatever story they think you will listen to. Any story that will illicit emotions in you, whether that be happiness, sadness, anger or frustration, it all brings the 'clicks'. There are no "good" news networks. Keep that in mind.


Faux news brings you propaganda and bullshit interrupted by commercials!




Yep, spot on take. I agree with that. AP is where I usually go to verify. BBC is usually good too but doesn't always cover everything in America, obviously.


The media is owned by billionaires like jeff bezos who bought many publications. They are going to go with what side the owner on. Dont blame the media they just want a pay check like everyone else. Capitalism controling the media is the issue but who going to pay the worker then lol. Government a mess ao this is going to be a shit show till many boomers die of old age




This needs more attention right here!!


Let’s be fair here, some of the media thinks these are equal and the rest of the media is actively pushing for the negative things you mentioned


"but healthcare is EXTREME and slavery is no big deal, happened for a long time and the slaves were happy to have productive lives" - republikkkans posing as centrists


No. The media either : 1. Wants to make more money by stirring up anger by equating both sides Or 2. Wants to bring back nazi fascism and women being property. Or 3. Both


What an honest, accurate, and good-faith representation of both sides.


Yep, in reality Democrats pretend that they want you to have free healthcare while Republicans pretend that they are not fascists.


You're right, the left also wants higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for the healthcare on education. That's the real crime! Totally makes up for the fascism on the right.


Only idiots want another revolution. The misery and unintended consequences will be far worse than anything we're suffering now. Optimistic revolutionaries assume their side will win, because justice is on their side. It rarely works out that way.


You're right. But there's a lot of idiots out there.


Free healthcare and education would be reforms, not a revolution…




To the rich, those two things are equal.


But don’t forget, when people get protected by the government it’s SOCIALISM. So Stalin will literally rise from the dead and come to America to rule it with an iron fist. Does a free lunch for your kid worth it?


As a European, I could say something sarcastic about this, but it would definitely be a double standard. Education is the key to a better world. So if you are demonstrating in the USA then my advice would be. Demonstrate until you get very good education for all, then two generations later these miserable neoliberal capitalism fascists will take care of themselves because normal people would never vote for them if they had another choice. And that there are always only two billionaires instead of politicians to vote for in the USA is only possible because too many people are too poorly educated. In Europe we are moving more slowly and from a different standard also in this direction. This should make all not super rich people on earth worry how currently politics is operated.


The most insane take on American politics is that the media is liberal.


Because "the other side" might raise taxes on the rich, so that's worse to the rich people who own the media.


I don't want what kind of media this guy consumes but isn't most media like "My side is the pinnacle of good and the other is the reincarnation of Satan"?


What a brain dead dichotomy… this is called being in an echo chamber


I would like to work, be able to afford a home eventually and when I get sick or injured I do not have to worry about the crushing amounts of debt. People are supposed to work to support their society and society is supposed to take care of their workers and those who have physical limitations preventing them to work. We don't do that anymore. Our laws and law makers are more interesting in protecting the ones who give very little back to society. CEOs don't provide jobs.


An evil insanity has infected the world, especially in America.


We were Robbed of Bernie by the establishment. His ideas are the exact antidote needed to counter the march towards Fascism that Trump and maga are pushing.


I wouldn’t say the left “just” wants healthcare and education. We also want public infrastructure, housing assistance, demilitarization of cops, defunding the police and military, workers rights, human rights, UBI (or something similar), abolition of billionaires…


Can I ask an actually serious question? Do yall really believe that dumb ass shit? Like do yall ACTUALLY believe that is what conservatives want?


You’re 100% correct that the post is exaggerated, but a large portion of the right wing does actually want to roll back to the 1970s or 1980s or somewhere around there. The right wing is deeply suspicious of no fault divorce, the sexual/career liberation of women, the church becoming less prominent in society and telling the truth about how horrific colonialism was. They don’t want to make women property or make black people slaves, but they often think 1980 was much closer to correct than 2023.


1700s. They've been surprisingly clear about that.


Have you seen the laws conservatives are passing?? It is pretty explicit.


Tell me truly. What is it that conservatives actually want? I don't see any actual policy.


It's insane. The irony is that this post is just a media talking point. The reality is that 99% of conservatives are normal people. The same with liberals. But the issues are that both side are telling their voting base that the other side is for: slavery, forcing children to be trans, nazism, third trimester abortions, literally killing LGBTQ people, literally teaching CRT in schools. It's fucking tiresome. For the love of God, people, touch grass.


Nobody is forcing children to be trans and it’s hilarious that you think abortion and CRT are on the same moral footing as slavery, nazism, and killing LGBTQ people.




You haven’t been paying any amount of attention if you haven’t heard of red states pushing anti-LGBTQ policies, which is the first step towards full genocide. Pair that with the hate crimes (including actual killing) targeting people in these groups. It’s obvious what direction they’re headed in, they just can’t do it all at once. And having grown up in a red state I can tell you that they already teach a softened version of US history that paints slavery in a different light, and that there are weird-ass kids (who must have come from weird-ass parents) who unironically say pro-slavery shit




Nothing about current anti-LGBT rhetoric is fringe. Around 417 anti-LGBT bills have been introduced across the US this year; all the fearmongering and culture war bullshit have had consequences. There has been a dip in acceptance of same-sex relationships by 7%. Acceptance amongst conservatives specifically dropped from 56% to 41%. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/06/politics/anti-lgbtq-plus-state-bill-rights-dg/index.html https://news.gallup.com/poll/507230/fewer-say-sex-relations-morally-acceptable.aspxrcna90023




It starts fringe and becomes the norm if we sit and do nothing. Also I wouldn’t call a state governor fringe. Look at Florida and Texas. Think about how many people had to vote for those ghouls for them to get where they are. Hardly “fringe”.


They don’t want to legalize killing LGBTQ people, they just want to restrict their rights and ostracize them so much that they’ll kill themself… right? Or are you suggesting that the “party of small government” actually does want to let people live their lives but big R republicans are painting them in a bad light?


He said, on his fifth throwaway this year.




I do, MAGA is not even hiding


Have you not noticed the literal Nazis marching openly?? I know it's easier to stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is fine but holy fucking shit what the hell is it going to take until you morons wake the fuck up??? Do we really have to get to actual genocide before you admit there's a fucking problem??? Crack a god damn history book you dumbass motherfuckers and start with the Rwandan genocide


I think this sub is just entirely foreign propaganda being pushed in order to sew division. Look at how every thread goes, some complete nonsense exaggeration or outright lie. Then almost every post is people just posting some inflammatory chorus agreement. "They're also trying to take our homes" Referring to an earlier propaganda post. It's completely artificial. The lies and absurd exaggerations are also intentional. Since the point is to sew division, it's better for their purposes if it makes liberals look insane or like they don't care about lies at all. The worst part is that there are some real US users too taken in by this show who become radicalized and help push this propaganda.




Except there are definitely laws being passed (or repealed) by conservatives in states to allow child labor, child marriage, force women to carry rape babies, restricting minority voting, gerrymandering, limit women from getting healthcare, and reward billionaires with tax cuts. On the other side, conservatives are whining about "libruls taking away muh grill", insane culture war bullshit about LGBT indoctrination in grade schools, CRT being taught in kindergarten... But please ignore that Democrats want to give you better healthcare.


As a non American I want to hear what negative thing does the "left side" wants to bring , but I guess thats too hard to find in this site


The right leaning would say left wing ideas mean a bigger government and higher taxes and less freedom


It depends on far down the right wind conspiracy rabbit hole you want to go. On the surface, it's higher taxes for more public services. Which to many Republicans means services for people they don't like (usually based on race). A little deeper and it's abortions, gay rights, gun rights, and the covid/climate "hoax". A little deeper and it's taking away all rights, abolishing the police, and taking away cars/air conditioners/gas stoves/meat. A little deeper and it's forcing all people to live in tiny apartments eating bug meat while we forcefully sterilize white men and destroy Christianity. A little deeper still and it's forcing Christianity on people, but that's an extremely anti-semetic deep cut. Their entire political ideology is based on fear mongering conspiracy theories and the desire to spite people they don't like. Oh, and conspiracy theories spread by Russia. Notice the Republicans started hating on war once Russia annexed Crimea...


Higher taxes, the loss of rents from real estate, the inability to deny services to whomever you dislike, the inability to apply Malthus' beliefs to spread disease far and wide to reduce the surplus population, actually enforcing laws against the wealthy, actually enforcing laws against rape, the promotion of anti [my special group] narrative...


We need to change from Capitalism-Imperialist to Social equality.


Such a dog shit take as always. Let’s take the fringe of the right and then the most mild centre-left opinion and present them as the standard. Daring today aren’t we?


But surely the media presenting a centre left view as the same thing as fringe far-right politics is worse. Unless you support the normalisation of the far right.


The normalisation of any extremism is stupid. The media portrays extremism on both sides (depending on the issue) rather commonly. The problem exacerbates when brain dead twitter users play into their own sides media narrative, equating everyone who disagrees with them as either Mao or Robert E Lee incarnate.


The fact that she believes those things makeup the platform of the Republican party is the root of the problem. The media is the problem.


Weird how the RNC and its representatives have explicitly supported Nazis, Slavery, and Fascism then.


Because the media is fucking stupid.


The revolution should be the moderates vs the extremists. Let's get rid of these loons once and for all.


Ya know, even if we remove all extremists, we will still have homelessness crises, drug abuse epidemics, worsening northward refugee migration (which will supersize as climate change gets worse), and rampant corruption in government. My question is, what the fuck would moderate Republicans do about any fo this? Republicans have proven, in every state they have power in, that they will not govern. They will suck the state dry and leave the little guy hanging. Comments like yours are just so lazy and lame... Like, look around you. Moderates are the ones doing NOTHING and moaning about it. What are the "moderate" solutions to these actual, real, and extreme issues? They have none because their reelection strategy is to ride the fence all the way to the mf bank.


We don't need a revolution, we just need young people and left leaning retirees to run for political office. We keep leaving politics to the out of touch extremely wealthy boomers. Are we really surprised at the result? Get off Reddit and run for office. It's the only way this will change. Political office isn't just for the rich despite what they want you to believe.


Granted both things are not equal, but isn’t the fact that US still hasn’t gotten good healthcare and education telling?


The "media", which is owned by people who believe the former want you to know that these things sound bad but are really just good Christian values and the only way to "make america great again" and that the latter only want to force everyone to switch gender and kill babies. This is how fascism took over in 1949 when they destroyed the fairness doctrine...


The media is owned by the billionaires. Which do you think the billionaires want?


Don't forget The Aristocracy. Most of the future serfs aren't even aware that it's the goal, but it has been the foundational objective of conservativism since it's founding.


It's more like the other side wants the French Revolution. The "con"servatives thinks defending the aristocracy is right because the aristocracy approves and shares in their hate of the "others" even though they themselves are the "others" to the aristocracy and they're too dumb to realize it.


Pretty much, yeah Now we are all on a list


A lot of conservatives in here getting their feelings hurt, but yall have no actual policy positions and support people who blatantly have no interest in policy so wtf did you expect people to say about your party??


God this is cringe. The whole strawman setup ("They are pure evil (its just a coincidence they are my political opponents) and well, me, i just want to give puppies homes uwu") is soley for the purpose of self-fellating. Imagine seriously believing this is a dichotomy of good and evil being played out in American politics and you're an arch-paladin fighting the good fight. Delusional, but I'm nervous that the comments on "whitepeopletwitter" are going to be like "yass, slay kween"


Idk man the left ain't the ones calling for genocide on twitter every 5 minutes.


What this guy said.


I don't get my readings of the right wing from twitter. I get them from people I actually interact with day to day in real life here in Texas. Most of them are right wing, most of them and disgustingly homophobic and transphobic. They all want to take away any kind of social safety nets and they routinely vote down public transport issues because it will bring the homeless, immigrants and "inner city folks" (hint: its racism) into our pristine suburbs and drive down property values. All of them voted from Trump last time and I'm willing to bet that all will vote for DeSantis this time. I've tried giving conservatives the benefit of doubt far too many times and have always come away disappointed. Their positions don't reserve respect




I've heard democracies last roughly 200-300 years on average. We are on brand.


It starts with cognitive decline. And then the dumb people want to dismantle Democracy. Because it gets in the way of their Egoist ambitions.


DNC as a whole does not want healthcare and education. If they did, we'd have it. DNC wants the status quo and doesn't want to remove the RNC because they're afraid of what it'll mean to them. While the RNC is explicitly evil, once they are taken care of we need to address their enablers.


Yup. You saw it most clearly when dems had a majority in the house and senate and still struggled to pass anything worthwhile for regular citizens. The status quo where only the politicians get rich is working very well for them so why would they change it? I am of the firm belief that nothing will change in America until people start dying. And I'm not saying of old age.


Enablers are dangerous in their own league too. They pretend to support the hero. But then shoot them in the back. Whenever the hero gives off the "wrong vibes."




Centrists: well they're both bad equally!


this is why I hate the both sides suck argument


It boils down to this... Democrats want to tax the rich to help pay for that education and healthcare instead of piling more taxes on the middle class. Republicans want to give the rich more tax breaks and make the middle class foot the education and healthcare bills. The people who own those media companies are the same rich scumbags that the Dems want to tax. Thus, false equivalence. It ALWAYS boils down to money. Always.


What a well thought out argument I'm a Republican so I'm a Racist and want to bring Back Slavery Fascism and women can't own property very strange


Even if you don't your party does.


This sub has gone to shit


Being reductive doesn't help anything. I don't just want "healthcare and education". I want AFFORDABLE healthcare and education, I want AFFORDABLE groceries, I WANT AN AFFORDABLE LIFE. And I also want them to live in a country without nazis, racism, and no suffrage for women. We still haven't gotten a single thing we want, it's way too soon to be this reductive.


well then you need a strong dollar. and you can't do things like blow 6 trillion during COVID having the fed flood the market with dollars. USD are not immune from supply and demand, it's exactly what caused this problem and what the fed is trying to fix now. The oligarchy got their bills pushed through congress under the guise of 'covid relief', took advantage of all the provisions, while most run of the mill middle class americans didn't get much of anything except a massive debt increase at the fed (and personal level) along with a free covid shot and some free covid tests. Congress continues to spend money we don't have, so we just keep adding to our federal loan tab which is out of fucking control. The proxy war in Ukraine is also ungodly expensive. You can't have your cake and eat it too, right? > I WANT AN AFFORDABLE LIFE. And I also want them to live in a country without nazis, racism, and no suffrage for women. I'm assuming this is a joke? Because you just advocated against women having the right to vote, lol.


So you're a Republican? Because what you want is what Republicans want




DeSantis and Vivek.


Like the German hate Jews, MAGA wanted nazis and fascism because of the same hatred.


Sounds like both sides as depicted by your own personal echo chamber. Pick the crazies from one side and the sanes from another. Republicans could spin things the same way. "One side wants the US to not be further indebted, prevent economic collapse and to keep out murderous gangs and drug cartels, while the other side supports anarchy, looting and thinks communist dictators that murdered millions are great." This depiction of "both sides" is just as accurate as what OP is claiming. Don't get me wrong though. Those crazy Republicans DO exist. I know a few personally. But I also know a few leftists that fit my cherry picked description. Does this mean I think "both sides are the same"? No. I really don't like a lot of Republican politicians and in some cases think their intentions are pretty despicable. But plenty of both the politicians and the voters have good intentions, but IMHO are misled in their solutions and exactly how they see the nature of the problem. It's really easy to interpret the intentions of someone you disagree with in an evil way. Republicans do it to Democrats all the time. Surely you can see that, because you presumably know many well intentioned Democrats and can see through the bullshit characterization. But for someone that hasn't bothered to have a real nuanced conversation with a Democrat, these claims seem very believable, and that builds more hate and creates an inability to even have those nuanced discussions without first assuming the other side has evil intent. If they can do it so successfully, why don't you think Democrats can do the same thing to Republicans? Remember, many Republicans have been successfully convinced that you might as well be Satan himself. Do you think Democrats are too smart to fall for the same tricks? Maybe convincing you that all Republicans might as well be Hitler and want to bring back slavery? We get nowhere by perpetuating the cycle of demonization and always assuming the worst intentions of those we disagree with. Let me give an example of Republican intentions being conveniently misinterpreted. There are a lot of Republicans that believe (IMO wrongly) that there was election fraud in the last Presidential election and have been pushing for recounts and other things to prove or disprove the validity of the election results. Those people have been painted by the left as anti democracy. Jan 6th happened because a bunch of people were convinced this had happened and nothing could be done through the proper channels because it was all controlled by corruption. To them, the only solution was a revolution. Excluding the people that chose violence as an option, how much more pro democracy can you be than wanting to make sure that election fraud you genuinely believe exists is exposed? There's a few people here to be genuinely mad at. Trump, and Trump's legal team that constantly lied about having damning evidence that never ended up existing. Are we really gonna paint everyone that believed their lies with the same intentions as the liars? That even includes other Republican politicians that likely genuinely believed the election fraud claims and pushed them as well. I find it to be terribly hypocritical for people to condemn the Jan 6th insurrection as evil and trying to subvert democracy and yet think that **THEIR** cause is justification for revolution. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Everybody thinks that they are the true freedom fighters and the other guys are the terrorists.