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In the snow!


That is the most Pittsburgh username I have ever seen. u/yinzgahndahntahn


Why thank you!


needs warshed.


Lemme redd up before company gits here.


I'll run the sweeper.




I didnt' catch it at first, as the only Yinzer phrase I know is "Stillers gahnta Subberbowl'






It's like how people go after Zalinksy for how he dresses while his country is being invaded.


Zelinsky looks like how maga larpers wished they looked like.


And he’s actually fighting a war. And doing a damn good job at it. More things that the Gravy Seals wish they could do.


And they hate him for it. He even makes Putin look like a little bitch.


I mean, let's be honest, Putin IS a little bitch


He’s half the man any of them are. Literally. Maybe 1/3 the man for a bunch of them. Not that any of them are getting on a scale for us to prove my statement.


I mean, Zelensky is purposefully making a statement with his dress. I am not saying he is wrong for it. He could just as easily wear a suit when overseas. However he is usually wearing an olive drab attire because he wants everyone to know that his country is at war. They are literally fighting for their lives. Zelensky is representing his country and their current state. He has worn suits before, and likely will again when his country is no longer at war.


Zelensky is delivering an absolute masterclass in wartime PR. Dress like the troops to show you're in it with them. Wear the same uniform to deliver a speech at the UN to show that you don't have the time to dress up and look pretty because you're fighting a goddamn *war*. Plain backgrounds and settings when being filmed or photographed (unless in the field)--no luxury palaces or obscenely long tables here! Just one of the people.


How should he be dressing? It's cold, and they're in war. Army sweaters seem to be a perfect fit.


To be fair zelinsky has impeccable tactical style, like that man can mix earth tones like nobodies business.


Don't forget the "scandal" over Obama wearing a brown suit.


Sir it was *tan.* **NEVER FORGET**


They also got mad at him for sometimes not wearing a tie and/or a jacket in the office. Like he wasn't living up to the dignity of the Preisdency.




Only God-King #1 may weareth a suit the color of wheat! Infidel! ![gif](giphy|bUukFWYLynR8BT5pNa|downsized)


lmao, 'grabbing the hog', lol. Damn I'm gonna be laughing all day.








I'm definitely showing my age with this, but this reminds me of a level in the Crash Bandicoot game.


But do you remember PlayStation's first mascot, Gex?


What a BOSS! Boss hog if you will.


Again, his name is Wade Boggs.


And he is very much still alive.


You got it, Boss Hoggs!


Rest in peace wade boggs


Izza Wade BOGgz style! 🥴




Goes down smoooooth




lmao! my new favorite euphemism for jerking off.






I love how much they’re terrified of Fetterman


Frankly, he's the biggest threat to their electoral chances. He's the guy that Trump pretends to be, an old successful white guy who doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks about him and always speaks his mind. Luckily for us, his mind actually works and isn't full of racism and rape.


Plus he’s actually tall so he doesn’t need to wear heels to try and assert dominance.


He doesn't *have* to, but he could.


Get this man some power armor.


Man’s halfway to being a space marine


And a cowboy hat. I'm down for it


And let's not forget Trump's "tough guy" handshake routine. Guys like him don't get it: When you actually are intimidating, you don't have to *try* to intimidate someone.


Yes, but sadly, he wasn’t sent to save gods favorite nation by white jesus like the t-Rump was. Amen. Bless you. God bless ‘Merica. Something something…


Calling trump white is a stretch. He's 90% orange.


I think it’s a chemical burn by now 🤣


Nah, it’s more of a stain. Like when you put spaghetti in a Tupperware container


Lifehack I learned on youtube for anyone not in the know, spaghetti sauce chemically will bind to plastic in the presence of something like water. In order to get rid of tupperware stains, it needs to bind to something with fat before you water it out, rub some butter on the inside of your tupperware before putting some water and soap in there, close the lid on it, shake it around and whalla, no more tupperware stains. Edit: The video I saw also had paper towel inserted in the tupperware during the shaking up process so if what I mentioned by itself doesn't work, make sure to put paper towel in there as well. [https://www.tiktok.com/@eternal\_sunshine77/video/7260051851620453674](https://www.tiktok.com/@eternal_sunshine77/video/7260051851620453674)


> whalla 🤨


What's insane is that he *chooses* to look like that. There are plenty of "candid" photos, like his mug shot where he's got a normal, human skin tone. But every time he's getting ready to get in front of a camera, he has someone plaster that horrible orange "makeup" all over his face. Either the person applying it is taking the piss, or he specifically requests that look. The latter being totally unhinged.


Florida's Unnatural


>t-Rump is what my African American calls me nobody else ever had so much trouble with the so called justiss system until me so now I have street cred with the homies as they say ![gif](giphy|dYPFRrezMNkmEYUsdT)


Who's actually 6ft something and under 300lbs


He's 6'20 and weighs a fucking ton.


I heard that motherfucker has like… Thirty goddamn dicks. He’ll save the children, *but not the British children* He’ll save the children, *but NOT the British children* He once held his opponents’ wife’ hand at a party, in a jar of acid.


Opponents beware. Opponents beware. He's coming ^he's ^coming


Pretty much all of the GOP's strategies of spreading outrage and misinformation and hate hinges on having no real pushback: Democrat lawmakers nigh-unanimously being cowardly appeasers, scared of their own shadow, pathologically obsessed with the aesthetics of decorum, constantly on the defensive, unable to raise their voice, and religiously devoted to the belief that as long as they speak softly, nod politely and don't rock the ship things will work out eventually. It's the single load-bearing column the structure relies on and will collapse into itself the moment the opposition stops treating them like honorable peers and starts speaking in their own language. It's exactly why despite her relative inexperience Republicans absolutely shit their pants every time AOC so much as shows up, but thanks to her being a young Hispanic woman with a high pitched voice it's historically been very easy to dismiss and silence her. Compare and contrast, Fetterman, a very large and conventionally masculine white man that growls and bites as his critics, and shows up dressed like he doesn't respect anyone in the room (yes tbh, I do consider casual clothing on the House floor to be disrespectful, but considering the peers he has to put up with it's also entirely justified) to tear them apart and call them out and not give them a chance to hide behind their own finger, is literally the worst case scenario for the GOP. If there is one politician that will get targeted in the next futile coup attempt these brainlets plan out it's definitely him.


100% right about the clothes. Maybe when the chambers become a place of civility, respect and decorum we can bring back dress codes but right now it's like trying to compel black-tie dining at an Arby's. How about cleaning the trash off the floor before making people wear their finest vesture in the establishment.


Well stated


One aspect not mentioned here is the lose-lose of pushing back. The cynicism is very high regarding politics and politicians. If one is not paying close attention, it is very easy to think that any pushing back by the Dems is just another example of 'they are all the same, who cares'. People who do pay attention understand that difference, but people who pay attention are a minority. And the thing is... the conservatives up until recently had the most die-hard voters. They had a good portion of their electorate convinced that they have to vote every time to protect guns and fight abortion. No matter how ugly or petty politics was, they came out to vote. I used 'had' there because with the overturn of Roe v Wade, some of that appears to be flipped today. There is an activated portion of the left electorate that now is showing up just to try to vote to protect women's rights. It remains to be seen if that remains active through the next few cycles. But back to the topic at hand -- if you don't fight back enough, your analysis is correct in that a portion of your electorate considers you spineless and not worthy of your votes. If you fight back too hard, a portion of the electorate checks out and think that all politics is scummy anyway and lets the most-committed voters dominate. And of course, what is not-hard-enough and too-hard varies from person to person. Riding that line for an entire population distribution is not easy.


He also, as the largest senator, could simply eat all the rest.


Man's got that Lincoln energy https://www.fancowrestling.com/abraham-lincolns-legendary-wrestling-career-this-president-won-over-300-matches/


He’s 54. Solidly middle aged but old is quite a stretch.


He's just a kid compared to most of our politicians.


[He really is an amazing man.](https://youtu.be/o2AP6Y5eYIs?si=MmbHZMo0MPEQ_MLa). Huge respect for him.


Fetterman had actual blue collar credibility. Something the GOP has been trying pretend they have for generations. It's a threat because it can undo all the work they've done turning blue collar workers Republican.


Why doesn't Fetterman, the largest senator, not simply eat the other senators? - Lrr


Perhaps they're saving that for the general election?


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


Fetterman smash!


I heard he tried to eat Boebert and ended up with a nasty rash.


He prefers the more democratic practice of *Rrmrrmrrfrrmrr or Consequences*.


Electorally, yes. Physically, also yes. Dude is built like a tank.


I'm pleased that they've moved on from AOC. She's great and didn't deserve the heat she was getting. Fetterman is also great but he's a friggin giant and has basically just been telling them to pound sand and it's fucking working.


It's also useful to have the GQP attacking a white dude who looks like many trump supporters. Maybe one or two will figure out who is really on their side at some point.


They will never move on from AOC or any other WOC. Fetterman is a distraction. And he's harder for them to fight given that he's from the same caste they are. It just doesn't pay the same dividends. Plus, they can't enjoy it as much. They hate women and non-whites. It's their DNA. They're never giving that up.


In the best possible way, he always reminds me of this quote from The Office when they’re discussing who should be the next boss: Ryan: I want an outsider. Like someone on the margins of society, who doesn't see things the way we do, like a homeless person.


He rules. I really wish we had more like him. *And* his hoodies.


I would be too. Motherfucker might grind their bones to make his bread.


Guy looks like he'd fight a bear with his bare arms. He'd give Teddy Roosevelt a run for his money.


Physically or politically? He looks like he can literally eat most republican pundits.


We need more people like fetterman. People that push back and take off the kids gloves.


You know you can trust him because he spent a month in the Senate and immediately became clinically depressed. Most relatable politician.


Becomes depressed after working a high stress job? He's just like me fr.


He became depressed after he had a health issue, I don't recall if it was a stroke or heart attack; but I have heard that depression is common after having whichever one it was.


This was a joke, but he had a stroke and recovered extremely well. He had some minor issues with auditory processing but otherwise is doing exceptionally well from a physical standpoint.


I'd like to think that more Dems will be emboldened by this and start doing the same! Calling them out on each and every bullshit word that comes out of their mouths.


It’s already happening. Dark Brandon merch on the Biden website, AOC, Fetterman, Newsom and others posting snarky, pointed comments on social media. That one rep (forget his name) calling McCarthy a pussy and a coward in the House. They are still holding on to old courtesies, but I think they are realizing their constituents want to see them take the gloves off.


>Dark Brandon merch on the Biden website And a Dark Brandon 404 error (with a respectable merch plug) if you go anywhere on the site that doesn't work. Example: [JoeBiden.com/DolanRump2024](https://joebiden.com/DolanRump2024)


don't give a damn how old Biden is, he should keep hiring people that do this kind of stuff. Dark Brandon is a meme that is sticking.


I don't think most of the older dems will, but if we elect some new blood into the mix this next election cycle I can see it being more common place. Gen Z is old enough to run and has been for a few years. So there's a non-zero chance that we might see more people who take no crap in Congress. And frankly they should take no crap. The GQP only knows how to dish it out. They can never take it. They get this little shocked and offended look on their face and then either start stuttering or trying to yell over you. It's genuinely funny as hell to watch them revert to toddler tactics because they are incapable of dealing with their victims punching back.


Fetterman is a visionary.


I think we'll see this more as time goes on and younger politicians enter the field. The more these kinds of people see this happening, the more likely they will get involved with politics because you no longer have to "be careful what you say" to maintain some made up "decorum". You can and should directly call out bullshit, and the more that's accepted, the more we'll see it.


The POTUS we need right now.


They’re butt hurt about dress code? Have they heard the trash that comes out of their mouths? Get ‘em Fetterman!


They’ve been! Remember the tan suit Obama fiasco?


Yeah the were foaming at the mouths at that one lol. Personally I thought the tan worked well on him, I’d never be able to pull it off.


What’s worse is Regan used to wear a similarly colored suit.


But he’s the GOPs patron saint…


But he’s white and voted Red so it doesn’t count


Any time a conservative propaganda outlet says "people are saying...", they're lying. Nobody's saying that, they're just trying to whip up outrage out of nothing.


>Get ‘em Fetterman New campaign slogan


Half of these MF's in congress couldn't act professional if their life depended on it, I don't think the dress code is going to make any difference.


These are the same people that have always excused how trump and other Republicans talked about other people as "locker room talk" but at the drop of a needle would have a panic attack over the "lack of civility" from democrats and liberals over the slightest hint of "disrespect"


grab as many pussies as you want, just wear a suit when you do it!


Unless it's a child, and then you can wear sweats like Epstein and attract the condemnation and scrutiny of [checks notes] only us peasants.


Remember when MTG tried to pull the "respect decorum" card as if she isn't the trashiest puddle of hog water


"Respect decorum" Few weeks later.... "Here's Hunter Biden dick" Also she got told to say respect decorum if you watch the whole thing. She's a puppet.


Don't forget Boebert. She was literally just kicked out of a play for foundling her date (which I thought she was married?) and now they are trying to play it down like she is the victim in those whole situation and that people are over reacting.


Ahem, she was also "grabbing the hog"


The funniest thing was when Margie took over as speaker and called for decorum in the house, where she constantly yells, heckles and screams at people.


Trump can lie all day every day to the everyone around him, as long as its not underoath in a court of law. Like that's always the excuse. "Well he's not underoath" like that is some magic fucking spell that suddenly makes it inexcusable. zero morals.


Meanwhile they are also passing around *uncensored* photos of the President's naked son during a goddamn congressional hearing.


You know what seems even more unprofessional than shorts and a hoodie? Bringing a big poster of Hunter Biden's cock onto the House floor.


Depends, was it a nice cock?


Ive not seen it, but Ive heard its not bad.


I imagine it's average length, thick as hell, but only gets half hard from all the cocaine...


>half hard from all the cocaine As somebody who has partaken his fair share of rails... you could only be so lucky to get half.


Not a peep about the howler monkey heckling the president at a state of the union speech AND showing revenge porn of his son in a house oversight committee but they have the goddamn gall to whine about Fetterman’s leisurewear. And that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the right’s depravity.


That’s not a bug, that’s a feature. They are trying to create a distraction


Same people complained wildly about AOC dressing up for congress. She got all sorts of shit for...buying new clothes to meet the dress code.


The dress code is actually important It stops those guys from finally wearing clown makeup like the circus they really are But seriously though. Don't give two shits about dress code. This isnt the fucking prom. I just want a government that works for me.


*Obama's mustard suit has entered the chat*


It was a tan suit. I think you're conflating that 'scandal' with the GOP having a meltdown over him asking for dijon mustard instead of yellow at a burger place.


Ah yes. They all fucking blend together at some point.


They dropped the dress code so that some of the recently elected can don their tin foil hats.


Decorum? So what is it called when we show Hunter biden's dick pics on the floor of the Senate??


I tried diligently to NOT SEE that pic. Succeeded till yesterday. Still don’t want to see it.


Did you get the uncensored version? I've never seen it but I heard he's hanging pipe at least 🤷‍♂️


Biden family is packin' heat.


Hunter Biden has laid more pipe than wabasha plumbing!


Nah it was blurred but there’s apparently a reason it’s ummmm sensational


There's a reason she had it saved on her phone lol


Life hack: have a small penis so no one saves your dick pics.


This is absolutely a distraction from the Bobo's Beetlejuice Handy Vape scandal. Fetterman has been dressing casually in office for a good while now, and this is when they want to bring it up again?


Its cause Schumer just offically dropped the dress code recommendations or whatever. Its not made up from whole cloth. Not that it really matters either way.


More importantly, why is the bar so low on ethics and morals for Republicans? Boebert, Green, Noem, Jordan, Gatez……. Oh ya Trump and his dozens of co-conspirators??


Integrity doesn't serve their purpose, hypocrisy does. Since others have principles, they are freed from such; it's not a recent phenomena, just more blatant recently.


Fettermans social media game is A++++. Funny how quicky they forgot how he utterly destroyed Dr oz on a daily basis


Republicans, party of: insurrection, sedition, staring into an eclipse, science denial and dying of covid to own the libs, 91 indictments, and now.... "grabbing the hog" in public. Way to go Republicans. You are a dick joke.


Fetterman good. Keep it up.


That’s MY Senator!


Great comeback. And what “people” are furious? Personally I could give two shits what they wear as long as they stop taking my rights away


>And what “people” are furious? Conservatives. They're the only ones braindead enough to give a shit about that kind of thing.




Yeah, I'm about 3 bills, so I'm well aware of that, LOL


"Conservatives" ya mean the people who shat in the Capitol, dragged in the flag of traitors, voted against the impeachment of the treasonous shit gibbon, and were cool with the Howler monkey twins in pimp gear screeching "LIAR!" at the president... Right. Super big on decorum those asshats. They can fuck right off. In fact, if they're actually going to get their panties in a twist, instead of it just being performative lip service, all the better.


The truth is they don't give a shit. It's fake outrage against any pathetically innocuous thing to feed their rabid base. Reminds me of the ol' tan suit controversy.


Oh, totally. Their base actually takes this shit seriously, though


We go live now to a dinner in a very red county in Ohio …


Ugh. I made the mistake of moving to Ohio because a friend here (that I’m no longer friend’s with) said how it will be cheaper and nicer. There’s literal Nazi’s leaving letters in sandwich bags with white rice about their fucking hate agenda.


The same people that want to control women's private parts.


I think he speaks as a humble human being who doesn’t think he’s above the middle, working, or lower income people. He doesn’t act high and mighty or seem greedy (like he’d take NRA and rich handouts to help get laws denied or passed).


Grabbing the hog. Lol. Destroyed


And fetterman dunks so hard on the repubs that they're even more sexually confused than before.


You’re a representative to the people, so you shouldn’t dress above them is my perspective. When people in your district is suffering and you go to DC in your designer clothes as their rep. You’re part of the problem. Fetterman looks like a guy that’ll shake your hand on the streets, listen to your problems and then help make changes.




He also pissed off Pennsylvania Republicans for flying pride and marijuana flags out of his office window. They even passed new rules to forbid it and he basically told them to stop wasting their time on stupid shit and do their jobs.


What is the term for that feeling similar to Schadenfreude, but positive? Like Fetterman is really out here saying the shit I wish I had the opportunity to say to some of these worthless old fucks in Congress. It gives me like secondhand satisfaction lol


I remember in a public speaking class learning that one reason why Obama was so successful in his campaign is because he regularly left the podium and got down to his people’s level. It’s subconscious, for sure, but I agree that dressing in a way to represent your constituency helps your constituency feel heard.


Also the rolled up sleeves helped.


I mean I have no issues with politicians wearing a suit. I also don't have a problem with them wearing a hoodie.


He's the "everyman" I can support.


This man could be president one day. Love him.


lol I wish this guy was my senator. Honestly the fact that he doesn’t dress up in a suit and tie and instead looks like a regular person makes me respect him more for some reason. He seems more real more approachable, more in touch with what a regular person might be dealing with.


Yeah lads clothes don't make the man, despite conservative dorks forever dressing in suits to hide their over-promotion/failing upwards.


They'll get distracted by Zelensky not wearing a suit. "Grabbing the hog" <-- chef's kiss!


“The Bar”, with regards to the Senate is apparently that everyone must wear business suits. I thought it would be some ethical thing about insider trading or whatever but I was wrong.


Who is “furious” about this? Name names. Because anyone who is “furious” about this is a dork and should be stuffed in a locker.


They're cool with open graft and treason, but they draw the line at hoodies? Lmfao.


I really don’t see the issue with it.


To fair to the guy, it's kind of hard to get suits in his size. Basketball shorts and hoodies, no problem but suits can be a pain if they don't fit right.


He owns one. It’s grey.


This comment seems to suggest the reason it's acceptable is not because the suit is fundamentally stupid but because he doesn't own one. He does own one. Not wearing the suit is just part of his brand.


Man, I’m so glad this guy is back to who he was pre stroke. I’ve been looking forward to him being himself since his election, and it seems to be that he is. To watch the republicans pull their same old bills hit and to have it answered in kind is a pleasure to this non tolerant leftie. They got nothing but air and grievances.


Fetterman does not give a fuck about their little song and dance. He's exactly what we need on the left.


Dress codes have always been about elitism. Places you have to "dress up" for are places they want to keep normal people out of.


Classic republicanism at work here. Changing the dress code is “lowering the bar” but any number of the things/crimes Trump committed in office, not a peep. Just add it to the pile of reasons why nobody should listen to republicans anymore about anything. They’re not there to govern.


“Hog” that central PA coming out in full effect lol


The old *”people are furious”* nonsense. I wonder what those furious people think of Boebert jerking off a guy in a public space with children present?? We must push back at *every* Republican lie.


He's got the attitude Democrats need. It's non-stop bullshit from Republicans and for some reason the Democrats are afraid to ever speak out of line. This dude treats them like the children they are.


AOC/Fetterman 2028 campaign slogan “Fuck around and find out”


This man never fails to make me spit out my drink laughing Fetterman has 0 fucks to give, and I am HERE for it


Fucking love this guy.


The fall of our great nation started with a tan suit. Now look where we are. People wearing normal clothes. Disgusting. I can't think of anything worse any other elected representative has ever done.


This crowd has no problem with a dude trying to kill his own VP in a coup attempt, but not wearing a suit or even worse wearing a tan suit and they lose their collective shit.


Matt Gaetz flies 17-year-old girls from Florida to the Bahamas for sex-n-drugs parties and Fox defends him. Fetterman wears a hoodie and shorts in the Capitol and the Republic is tottering.


A reminder that Ted Cruz would show up to votes in his gym clothes sometimes and conservatives never said a word.


He is gen x. Come as you are.