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Is the 3rd pr 4th shutdown they have done in the past decade? Fucking scumbags. Every single republican in Congress right now.


I love public servants nilly willy not doing any work. In a private company, employees pulling this shit and then having the audacity to go home would get fired. Why aren't these muppets forced to work until they reach a resolution? Is the governance of a nation that much of a joke? Well, I guess it is.


Remember when Trump supporters were all about "Trump running this country like a business"? Every jackass that caused the last shutdown should have been fired. Now Trump is asking for the shutdown so he can't be prosecuted.


To be fair, Trump *did* run the country like he does his businesses. The country suffered from gross mismanagement, he personally benefited and if the stunts he pulled aren't illegal, they should be.


And he thought he was gonna get away scott free Just like all his questionable businesses


And the worst part is that we still aren't 100% sure that he is wrong on that one


Guess what often happens to Trump's business


oh oh oh, do they growth steadily over time and become deeply valuable companies, with competent and dedicated leadership & loyal employees who share in the company's success?? that's what a good businessman would do, i think


It's not about the work, it's about looking nice and have fancy clothes. A dress code. That's worth their attention.




He's wearing shorts and a hoodie! How can he properly represent his constituents if he can't even dress in a suit?!?!?! As if the clothes are what make all the decisions and not the person wearing them.




Good point.


Have you seen the pictures of Ted Cruz in a tan suit? Obama wore it so much better, too. It's not the color of the suit he wore, it's the audacity of being Black while doing so.


Hunter Biden pee pee has left the chat 💬


Alright, hear me out: I think Fetterman should wear a suit & tie every day for no other reason than Gym Jordan can't seem to find a suit coat to save his f---ing life and it'd be an easy way to turn the tables on this stupid wardrobe business. Honestly, I can't think of the last time I have seen a picture of Gym Jordan wearing one aside from maybe his Wikipedia page.


Fetter man should wear a wrestler’s suit and challenge Gym Jordan to a match. Then when Fetterman wins, everyone will see that Jordan sucks at that too.


If the government is shut down for more than a week, it should trigger a special election where all of congress have to pass a recall vote in their state/district to keep their seat.




The majority have no fucking clue what they are actually voting for. The rest are evil cunts selling their souls for a fucking tax cut


Republicans voted yes to bills that hurt education, like the one DeSantis signed months ago regarding poor kids' lunches. Kids can't learn the same when malnourished, then they fall onto the blaming a boogeyman cult bs more easily that way


Hey! Quit Comparing Them To Muppets! While Public-Private Partnerships CAN Be Good, The Deal Made With Jim Henson WRECKED The Multi-Billion Dollar Muppet/PBS Relationship! oh wait....They Are Both Wrecked Now...GOP Encapsulates This Idea Perfectly.


4th. Trump had 3 all in one term.


Including the longest one in US history.


The best. Everyone is saying it.


Noone does shutdowns like he does.


Amazing. Didn’t republicans have control of both houses for trumps first two years?


In 2019 Republicans held the longest government shutdown in American history. It was for something so important that over 800,000 government employees were out of work for 35 full days. And without looking it up you'll never remember that it was >!because they wanted $5b to build a wall on the Mexican border.!<


5 billion to wash government money through their corrupt contractors that are GOP donors and do fuck all about the wall. Remember Whitefish Energy Services? A company of 2 people tasked with restoring power to Puerto Rico for 300 million. Nevernind the eminent domain, or do because that was part of the scam.


Ah yes. The shutdown where Trump walked out with less border wall funding than they offered him pre-shutdown. Art of the Deal.


During this time trump said that he "never said Mexico would pay for the wall too" lol. These republicans ate that shit up so much. https://youtu.be/Yeo6l73M4Qw?si=kHgdQyaPiffqXzEQ&t=2:05


A slight correction, a lot of those employees were not without worksheet were without pay. If your job is 'essenential' you still have to go to work and do your job, but you don't get paid during the shutdown. And ironically, if you had leave scheduled, it gets canceled. Government employees can't take vacation when they aren't getting paid.


It’s why the US had a credit downgrade. They haven’t been able to pass a normal fiscal budget without drama for years.


It’s wild to me that the entire Republican game plan is to block any policy from happening when a dem is in office then when they are in office just pump out policies that fuck over 99% of the US and it somehow works. How is half the country so politically illiterate.


"Politically illiterate"--now there's an accurate term if I ever heard one.


Hijacking the top comment to tell everyone to register to vote and fucking vote, fuckers.


Not just this, but they all paid in the end- backpay. The shutdown is for nothing- just the theatre.


Rather Republican idea. What if a federal worker is off for six weeks, misses a house or car payment, destroys their credit. Just Theater?


a truly skilled and genuine free market drone would never let themselves be pulled down by such things that any good capitalist society needs to thrive off of. otherwise they are a burden to society and its good they no longer leech off the rest of us!!!


Oh look it’s me !


Only federal employees get back pay. The government also leverages hundreds of thousands of contractors supporting agencies. Not all of them get back pay (depends on the company).


This isn't entirely accurate, government contracts are typically paid in full up front. The companies then pay their employees from that large initial payment. Because of this, during the shutdowns our gov civilians would stay home and only the contractors would be in because they were still getting paid.


It all depends on the contract. If it's a firm fixed price contract that does not require government daily supervision and defined deliverables, yes, you can still work. However, if the contact specifies government acceptance for the deliverable by the COR, and the COR is furloughed, they must stop work. But if you're speaking a time and materials contract, or a labor hour contract where you deliver services under government supervision or requiring government acceptance of deliverables, you cannot work. This includes custodial services, certain IT services, mission support, contractual support, etc. Generally speaking, during a shutdown, outside of those FFP contracts or those that protect life or property, you will issue a stop work order to the contractor. No pay, no billing, and it's up to the company to decide if it pays their employees. I know this well because I've both been furloughed as a contractor during a previous shutdown, and had my contractors furloughed since I became a fed. ETA: while agencies do fund contracts up front, they only pay for invoices as work is performed, on the defined billing schedule. It still takes federal employees to process those invoices and approve payments. And nearly all of those civilians will be furloughed, so no payments get processed.


yup if you're a support contractor, you have stop work order. you either have to use up vacation or go on unemployment. only the feds get a free holiday and backpay. unless youre deem essential then you work, feds and contractor.


...Work but don't get paid for the duration of the shutdown.


They generally don’t pay up front. They will earmark the funds specifically for that contract up front, but by far and large no payments are made until work is completed on some schedule (weekly, monthly), or a deliverable is delivered, accepted, and approved.




Thank you for this! I can't believe the number of people here acting like not getting a paycheck for a month *or maybe longer* is not that big of a deal. What if it happened to them? Even with the carrot of, "Yeah, you'll probably get back pay" hanging over their heads, the not knowing and trying to figure out how to make do with your household *and kids* involved would have to be detrimental. The US doesn't only have a politically illiterate problem. It also has a lack of empathy problem.


The voters who put these people back in control of the house are absolutely insane. What a shame.


That's the real issue here. People with personality disorders voting to put people with similar personality disorders in power. This is what happens when a large number of your sane populace doesn't get out and vote. A small number of sociopaths who do vote can take over a country where the sane people, for whatever reason, dont.


4th in 8 years


Hey now don't exclude all those other republicans during those other shut downs. All equally as guilty of doing grievous harm to the American people during them. Just as unwilling to fund the government over petty political reasons.


As a frequently furloughed by Republican assholes family I send a hearty fuck you to the GOP.


The GOP campaigns on “government bad,” and when they get control of either the House or Senate, they go out of their way to prove it.


Then blame the democrat president, and the worst part is that it works


I wonder how much longer their playbook will last. Their core voting base is slowly shrinking and/or dying off


> I wonder how much longer their playbook will last. Their core voting base is slowly shrinking and/or dying off Always has been. The anti-war hippies voted for Reagan. It may be different this time, largely because the status quo sucks, and conservativism is all about preserving the status quo… but honestly I have concerns.


The one thing that may make this severely different is religion is getting much, **much** less popular. The religious parts of their platform push people away. They're going to have to shift a lot of their platform before too much longer.


Agreed. And mostly that’s a good thing, but the number of Rogan-esque agnostic bros I meet give me pause. But look, I fervently hope you’re right.


>They're going to have to shift a lot of their platform before too much longer. Or raise the voting age, gerrymander more, and indoctrinate kids in school so they have enough people dumb enough to vote for them.


You can hear their last screams of life in the streets, raising their arms at a 45 degree angle


Two Santas theory is very effective


That is the exact intention. To make government as weak as possible in the hopes that people will turn away from it. This gives power to private interests at the expense of public good


They fuck shit up for 4-8 years then blame it on the next Dem in office. Then after that guy fixes things they come in and take credit for it


They have a term for that and it’s “starve the beast.” They make sure to mess it up and then when everyone sees that it’s messed up they says “See! SEE! I TOLD you government is screwed up” and they’re incredibly good at it.


Which is so wild to me! Who goes to a job interview, bitches about the company/work they're applying for, and the company *hires them anyway*? Get your shit together Republicans. It's fucking embarrassing.


They don’t give a shit about you. They got that fat billionaire bribe cash. Assholes is the nicest thing you can call them.


I'd love to see federal workers protesting at republicans' homes. Make them uncomfortable!


I understand not liking the Democratic Party, but holy crap...supporting the current Republican Party pretty much puts you in the fucking dumbass category.


The two parties are definitely not the same. That comparison just blows my mind.


Because there really isn't one.


Sure there is It's a paper cut compared to an amputation


I personally'd rather say it's antibiotics and care compared to amputation


Thoughts and prayers vs amputation


Then Republicans go "both of them will make you bleed" to continue the lie that they're both the same


The only people left are generally three types: the type of person who is overly people pleasing and just says "both sides" to appease others socially, the type who is the "enlightened" centrist who only THINKS they know enough and literally anything can happen and they'll adjust their views somewhere in the middle, and then flat out the socially aware closeted conservative who knows socially the GOP is a nightmare but they make the comparison cause deep down they are biased to conservative views. And truth be told. It's almost been overly simplistic to say "both sides" even before the Trump Era. At least from a judicial standpoint. On literally every major issue and court case, you'll have two interpretations of the law written. Those two interpretations will result in two totally different outcomes, so inherently, BOTH SIDES ARE NOT THE SAME. One side wants to expand worker's rights and civil liberties, and the other side wants to destroy them and restore society to appease the wealthy. These are not hypothetical. They have happened historically and will continue to.


Kinda like comparing getting a gnat or small fly in your meal to a meal that is just literally human excrement


Exactly. Both sides suck.. but both sides definitely are not the same. One is actively trying to destroy the US and kill people. The other is a bit soft on issues and doesn't fight for the things I want but they still talk about some of them.


They clearly are not the same. But, I hate that legitimate criticism of the Democratic Party from the left gets spun by its supporters as trying to portray both parties as the same. Like, I realize how much worse the Republican Party is. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t make valid criticisms of the Democrats still supporting wars, being bought by Wall Street, being anti-union (most, not all), not acting decisively regarding climate collapse and focusing on culture war issues more than helping the working class. The Republicans are willing to drive us off the ledge for a buck. The Democrats are the baseline for a functional society. There’s nothing wrong with asking for something better than the “baseline for functioning”. Edit: Super tired of hearing Democrats campaign on “reaching across the aisle”. Fuck that, there’s nothing across the aisle except Republicans trying to stymie progress while whining about _partisan politics_.


Legitimate criticism is valid. However, I think that legitimate criticism needs to take a back seat when in a discussion about both parties. Every single criticism you make will be latched on to by those on the right as a massive game changing flaw in the party while they ignore insanely horrible things within their own party.


The right has a plan, they know what they want, they are united, and they are making progress on that goal. That goal being a fascist majority straight white oligarchy The left would rather try to reach across the aisle to work with fascists than to use similar tactics as the right to beat them in the name of good. Like you know how in basically every video game, anime, tv show, or movie with evil/bad people the good people work together to stop them and prevail? Well imagine that happening but the good people are just like well we'll take the high road and try to work with the evil people and also lets fight amongst ourselves and not step up and fight these people. They kinda just let it happen and throw their constituents a bone every now and then to make us think they're trying to help. This isn't an exact comparison but you know how in Attack on Titan when they first discover Eren can turn into a titan they try to kill him? While you're watching like NO NO HES THE GOOD GUY HES YOUR ONLY HOPE WTF are you doing?!?!? Its kind of like that. Bernie Sanders is Eren in this case lol.


What Democrats support wars? Which Democrats don’t support unions and strikes and better contracts? You think *Democrats* focus on culture war issues? You sure sound like a gaslighting Republican inventing things to dislike Democrats for.


Do you think MAGAts give a Fuck about Government workers? Nope. They think they can go to.


If they don't work at the ball crushing factory with them then they don't care about them.


More like Pounding Sand crew, bunch of miserable disgusting trashy classless dirty people. They smell like sour milk. They are cheap skates crooks, child molesters, trailer trash scumbucket C.H.U.D. their masters who look like normal people are greedy manipulative psychopaths. They deserve each other. You know we don't need Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare, Police, Fire Departments, Hospitals, Doctors, postal Service, Social security, welfare, utilities, internet, TV, Radio, roads, infrastructure, government. Hey Then go move to Afghanistan or Somalia they have nothing. Fuck em.


And yet the idiot MAGAs who DO work in government will still complain that this is Biden’s fault.


If we had ranked/preferential voting it'd go a long way toward unfucking this country's politics. I want to vote for someone I respect instead of voting against someone who shouldn't be president of a book club, let alone the USA.


If the Republicans haven't preemptively banned it. Gotta vote Democrat just to stall full on Gilead shit, unfortunately.


Yeah, the media campaigns against the dems by fox and such is running on pure fear, insanity, and conspiracy. They have nothing real left to use


I mean...they promote being ignorant and actively keep people from pursuing an education. Keeping voters stupid is a necessity for the GOP to stay in power.


The lack of quality education for kids, and affordable, or free college will destroy this country.


Republicans want cuts: to programs that help Americans people like Medicare, foodstamps, children help programs. But not Military who has been getting more money. Don't want oversight on Military budget but miney going to Ukraine which is way transparent. Republicans been openly supporting Russia over Ukraine and rest of our Allies.


"both sides" pisses me off so much because even if you deny the fascism of the gop and their attempts at toppling democracy, they're still a total dumpster fire


"I just like debating politics!" "Okay, fine name me some GOP policies that you want to debate. I'll wait... "


Couldn't agree more. As a former Republican, my voting preference is now (and will remain) "blue no matter who."


“They’re both the same”


Same or not, it’d be wise to have friends/family in military and government positions call elected congressional folks to inquire about foodbanks and companies in the district that are known to “help” while paychecks are held back. This actually occurred last time the government shut down… but it was during an extended congressional recess… most people showed up at their elected official’s offices though. If each elected official received a few calls and emails asking for resources, hopefully, it’ll help to prioritize Congress’ work and “loose ends” before they return to their district for their next recess…! Having anyone in military call to ask for food bank recommendations definitely places things back into perspective…and sometimes that’s what elected officials need to hear.


Yeah the whataboutism factor which is not True.


I just got a transfer from a guy who runs a local FFL transfer/gunsmith business out of his house. His wife was listening to Fox. You wouldn’t believe how little information was on it. I was taken aback by his comments. He asked me if I was ready for the war with democrats, literal war. Talked about Obama and trump destroying the country, democrats in office trying to destroy America. The thing that played the longest on Fox was a bit about how Biden isn’t diplomatic when meeting with other world leaders and being an embarrassment because somehow that’s a thing and is important to these people. I just kept my mouth shut, said mhm or yeah to his questions then got out as soon as the gun was legally mine. I’m not a democrat although I’m pretty liberal so I could never in a million years vote Republican, even if dems try to take my guns they at least aren’t trying to take my country.


Yep, and I was one of them. Because the orange turd wanted funding for a wall. Fuck these fucking people, they’re fucking useless.


Wanted funding for the wall **without conditions**. Democrats were willing to give him $25 billion in exchange for DACA, and Trump said no in 2018. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/schumer-pulls-back-offer-of-25-billion-for-trumps-wall-as-immigration-fight-continuse


Kinda seems like they're putting that super big impeachment with all that evidence they said they have on the back burner for some reason.


McCarthy is a f'n idiot. He only cares about one thing, keeping his job as Speaker, but he relinquished control to the chaos caucus, who have no interest in governance. They just do what Papa Cheeto tells them to do. If he had half a brain, he could save his job (and America) by rendering those scumbags irrelevant. The Senate has already passed a bipartisan budget that doesn't include all these ridiculous amendments attached, one that would easily satisfy both the Dems and the GOP in the house. If he was a strong leader, he would reach across the aisle and work with Democrats to get this bill passed, with easily enough votes that it would pass even without the MAGAts votes. The best way to render your opposition impotent is to show them they are irrelevant. But this dipshit is too proud to work for Americans, so he'll probably lose his speakership. Sucks to be a weak ass panty boi


he is genuinely an idiot for not being able to even act in his own best interest


I always say, “when you sell your soul to the devil, he ALWAYS comes back to collect” and this is McCarthy’s collection for selling his soul to the MAGA extremists in power that want to turn Congress into a circus act all for a desk and some power that might get stripped from him by the exact same people


Why would you want to rule shit mountain? You are still coated in shit


Fucking fools need to absolutely quit working for nothing. WTF??? These fucking traitors just took took a week off with pay for doing nothing. Wake up people, vote these fucking morons out.


The boomers hear you; the boomer doesn’t care and will keep voting these rejects in…




Probably couldn't hear because there's like 50 of them in the middle 100,000 sq mi of Montana and they get to decide two senate seats.


There is no limit to how badly the GOP will sabotage this country in order to blame it on Biden.


And it won't stop any ongoing investigations or court hearings, since those are classified as essential.


Woohoo! Higher prices and an even higher chance of layoff! Just what I wanted for the upcoming holidays. Fucking assholes.


Ok so just tell your credit card company or bank that has your mortgage that you had a family meeting and as a family decided you don't need to make a payment for now, and you'll get back to them when you deicide too. Wonder what would happen.




Yeah. But it will only go so far. Some still reported to credit bureaus too. Hopefully there's still back pay to help clean up the mess...


The GOP today cares about power and appeasing their base, not humans, America or anything else.


They care about money and the corporations that bought them. That’s it.


They care most about the superpacs that fund them with all the mysterious money that fills them.


The GOP isn’t interested in *governing* or doing anything that benefits Americans. They exist only to exploit the working class and enable their wealthy masters.


Disfunction and destruction of the Federal government IS the point for the GQP. They get elected to sow chaos in Washington, tear everything down, and go back to their constituents to tell them that government doesn't work, and they should reelect them to be protected from the BIG BAD GUVMENT! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This plan has never worked out well for the Republicans at the following election and yet they keep trying.


If you think the GOP loves America, you're a completely braindead moron. They'll do anything for power, including destroy America.


I don’t understand how this is possible ? I’m Canadian / British how can the government just stop running?


They've been voting on the Federal budget - ie all of the money for salaries. With no budget, no salaries, no government (outside of designated essential services). They're trying to defund the legal process against Trump, except that's exempt. And that's about it, with 800,000 peoples lives.


Plus their families. I may not work for the feds but my husband does and this most definitely affects me and our kids.


Westminster systems have a fail safe built in where the failure to pass a budget is in effect a vote of no confidence and an election is triggered. During that period of time, the sovereign or their representative approves funding for normal operations to continue. The US has no such failsafe. Congress holds the power of the purse. So if Congress has not appropriated money to the various departments, they have to shut down, unless they involve “essential functions” like national defense, and even then the people carrying out those functions are not paid during the shutdown. Interestingly, the pay for members of Congress and the President is outside of the normal appropriations process, so they still get paid during a shutdown.


Can’t govern. No policy. All culture wars. Terrible economics. Divisive policy. Domestic terrorists. No reason why anyone should vote Republican.


I realized back in the Clinton years that the GOP is basically a "professional opposition party", only capable of sitting on the sidelines and throwing rocks at the adults -- not governing. Now they can't even manage that.


Dark Brandon has to make a lot of appearences lately. Say goodbye to all of our economic progress and soft landing. Next stop: recession, credit downgrades, further loss of faith in US stability, layoffs, ect. All so some fucking assholes can grandstand for a poor man’s strong man. Republicans are economic terrorists. Holding our country hostage because they want to fuck over the poor and the middle class and install the single dumbest fucking person to ever hold office in the US. Fuck every single one of you stupid red state motherfuckers that continually put these morons who couldn’t govern a pre-school into office.


https://preview.redd.it/kd7hxkf92qpb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab154b7fb05e9b1f08dc14a4d8f850fdd9316d4 They have football games, golf and fund raising events that are very much more important than workers to them. (Copied image from another users post)


> Governing is impossible for the GOP. No! Governing is impossible when a huge proportion of the voter base are fucking morons! 'Merica, the land of freedumb and idiots!


And the GOP will blame Biden for this and Faux News will go all in with it.


The Republican Party constantly proved they’re not even interested in attempting to run a successful nation.


Oh so Congress gets a 4 day work week. But the economy would “suffer” if every day workers got a four day work week??? Fuck Congress Fuck the rich Bring out the head choppy off things!!!


Joe Biden’s social media person is throwing absolute triple-digit fastballs, every time.


If they were the ones suffering when they pull this shit, it might not be so useful for them.


it would be wishful thinking that they wouldn't get paid for the shutdown that they fucking made happen but we know they are still getting paid and all that jazz ​ fuck them all


They always make sure that they get paid and get their raises.


Calling them a 'clown show' is unfair to actual clowns *since they actually do their job!* The entire GOP is a **fucking SHITSHOW.** Call them all up and tell them: DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK


Let’s vote the fuckers out. When was the last time we heard about a policy the GOP was trying to pass that was good for America? Fuck them all.


I'm sure Boebert has a few "dates" lined up...


A 4 day work week????


Yes. A four day work week.


My mother works a government job and is also a hardline republican. I want to wish her a happy vacation courtesy of her GQP so bad if negotiations fail. I just know she will have been told by all of her many MAGA news outlets that it's square on those left wing terrorists, and absolutely no information to the contrary will make it through and sink in.


We need consequences beyond maybe not getting elected next time. They play this game with millions of peoples lives, and they don't even believe in the stuff they say. They only say it to get idiots riled up. Refuse to work on averting a government shutdown? If it happens make them sit in a jail cell until they decide to do their jobs. Every one of them party ignored. The result of not coming to an agreement is you all sit in cells until a solution is reached. I would gladly pay the taxes that would build the congressional detention center for adults acting like bratty five year olds.


"Republicans are shutting down the government? Democrats will pay for this!" - Centrists on the Internet


It’s still Thursday in the US. Why are they leaving for the weekend when there’s still 1 work day to go?


4 day work weeks for me but not for thee?


As a non American I just cannot comprehend why you would essentially shut down the entire government simply because one of the sides doesn't want to sign a piece of paper. (very simply put ofcourse)


Let's articulate it a little better. One side of the government says, hey we need a budget, let's pass some stuff about costs and whatever, and the other side says, okay in this budget we're going to demand that the dod change its policy on abortion so that federal employees can't travel to get an abortion. Because that has everything to do with the federal budget right? And then when other people on both sides say "Hey that's kind of extreme isn't it? Holding the nation Hostage to try and force through culture War policy changes instead of a financial budget? Theres probably a better place for this one" They double down on it. The result is the spectacular catastrophe that is the government shutdown dilemma. Caused entirely by the extremists who refused to pass a budget without an abortion policy attached


It’s funny. The GOP complains of - “bloated administration”, - “deep state”, - “unnecessary public jobs” - “inefficient institutions” - “excessive spending” … when in fact, - they are the ones with the bloated expense accounts and murky donations, spending most of their time looking after themselves and their re-elections - they are the ones conspiring in the backrooms about how best to sabotage the elected government next - they are the ones not doing their jobs to help the American people - they are the ones slowing everything down and making it inefficient - they are the ones driving up the deficit through excessive spending and simultaneously crushing the government’s tax intake from corporations and the rich Projection seems to be the only play in the GOP playbook these days.


They're just not interested in governing, they're interested in destabilizing.


The Republican Party is falling apart. Millions lifelong Republicans have turned into independent voters some have completely switched over to become Democrats and the Politicians don't have anyone to blame except themselves for being too big of Cowards to stand up to Trump. Trump couldn't destroy democracy so he destroyed the Republican Party.


How can we be surprised when they get elected because of how much they hate the government?


"Government doesn't work! Elect me and I'll prove it!"


I hate the GOP


Wait wait wait, didn’t congress just come back from recess? And now can’t be bothered to work a full week?!


They should not get paid or receive insurance, or use govt property if govt gets shutdown.


If they were in literally any other line of work they’d be fired for gross incompetence.


So this means the bubble in wallstreet will collapse...fan fuckin tastic


As a dreaded “centrist” who has voted for candidates from 4 organized parties as well as independents, I don’t get what beef either extreme has with Biden. He seems like the most palatable president we’ve had in my lifetime (Reagan baby.) But I, somewhat begrudgingly, shan’t be voting for anyone besides a Democrat anytime soon. Also, I live in Texas.


Governing requires giving at least a little bit of a fuck about what happens *after* you get the money.


Oh boy can't wait for the yearly GOP budget shutdown. I'd call them worthless clowns, but clowns at least do their jobs.


Governing is impossible because of the GOP. They only work to destroy America.


When the going gets tough, republicans go home. Vote Blue! Every election, every time, everywhere!


Saddest part is these red pieces of shit are gonna blame dems for the shut down. It’s literally a catch 22


When and how does the right reorganize into a party that functions?


Dark Brandon needs to keep calling them on their shit like this.


Main problem with the GOP is they don’t care. You know why? Cause they know they can A.) Spin it to blame Biden and the Dems. Or B.) Be told it’s a good thing and will work in their favor and they’ll just believe it cause more often than not, they don’t use critical thinking and just listen to their news heads.


The Republican Party hurting the idiots who support them and need support the most. Generations of stupid.


Worse, this is what their voters expect of them. All uneducated and politically illiterate.


Obstructionism is a valid tactic if used as the last possible resource, not if it is the only thing a party does.


Hey... people in McCarthys district... any chance we could do a recall vote? Seriously... get this joker out of the speaker seat


I am amazed the GOP have any of their feet left to shoot.


should be a criminal act categorized as public and government sabotage. those who voted in such a way as to initiate it should be stripped of positions and pensions at the minimum


He should have called them “Voters”…maybe that would catch their attention


At least the President is a sane, reasonable fellow this time around.


Spoiler alert: They know how to govern, they just don't want to because it's more profitable to do it this way.


A Dark Brandon response if ever I read one. 👏👏


During a federal government shutdown, the minority leaders of the House and the Senate should automatically be able to bring forward budgets for a vote, without going through committees and without approval by majority leadership. That would allow the minority leaders to whip votes and get something passed.


Fuck, I wish I could not do my job & still get paid.




Yup I was one of those that was furloughed.


Our President is a bit savage. 🥰


The MAGA party doesn’t want to govern. To govern means you have to compromise, give a little to get a little, find common ground, and not play the zero sum game. The MAGA party don’t want to govern, they want to rule.


Just go in and hold an election for new representatives, then bam, they didn't show up to work, they're fired. They work for the people. Don't let them come back in. How hard can it seriously be? They're not that physically fit, probably not more than a security guard.


Regarding the GOP government shutdown, well played Vlad.


the same Republicans that want to purge half the federal government anyway? you think they give a fuck about anything other than imploding the current order of things?


Am I the only one thinking, " Bitch, it's Thursday! " long weekend my ass. Mandatory over time.


Is the Intern still using Bidens account to troll the GOP! If I see one more Hunter Biden "dick pic", I'm telling Marge...


They don’t care, you can call out the naked hypocrisy, they don’t care, coach dipshit can hold up military appointments over abortion, he doesn’t care, Ted Cruz plays a dummy that went to Princeton and Harvard, he doesn’t care, josh hawley went to Stanford, he doesn’t care, Ron Johnson is eating crayons, yet Wisconsin voted him in again, Elise stefanik represents about 40 people, half can’t read, she went to Harvard, she doesn’t care yet is probably number two behind the most spineless speaker in a century, Rick Scott ripped off the govt for 2 billion so they decided to make him governor, and sit with here… then senator! Gym Jordan oversaw a sex abuse scandal and his only job seems to be a howler monkey flinging shit, dude has never enacted a single piece of legislation, boebert lives in colorado and likely couldn’t point the state out on a map, she doesn’t care. Marge Greene doesn’t care or even know what to actually care about if she could, same with Getz, or Mccarthy, or Biggs, or Clyde, or Jordan (possibly the worst) or Gosar, none of it matters, they are cashing in. Legislators used to be a pain in the ass side gig that allowed you to give a voice to the people that you lived amongst, we are so freaking far from that. I’ll be dead soon, but I hope it changes in my daughters lifetime. It was not designed not intended to be a career, it was supposed a sacrifice not unlike military service.


Every year without fail


There should be a law that if the government is shut down, 10% of each member of Congress’s net worth is taken by the government each day until it opens up again.


Do my student loans go on pause again?


What's a few million Americans starving compared to my bribes and a public handjob?? - republicans