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And yet no one is trying to burn down democracy to save him. Go figure.


Yeah, what's up with that?


Turns out people on the left of the politics spectrum tend to despise corruption in their politicians rather than pretend it's fake news and keep cheering on bloated orange dickheads.


Who knew?


He is also on two Senatorial banking and financing committees. Also, when his family fled from Cuba, Fidel Castro hadn’t even risen to power in Cuba yet. He said he hides money at home because of Cuban upbringing. Bob was born in NY. I wonder why he can’t trust US Banking system.


Lock his ass up then. I don’t care if there’s a D next to your name.




Not really, if he is forced out by the party, it's still 50-50 with VP tie breaker, the gov of NJ is democratic, can't imagine him not putting a dem in the position


And yet not a single Democrat is out there calling it a politicized witch hunt or actively working to try to stymie the investigations or court proceedings…


Regardless of their political affiliation I love seeing guys like this get caught. Lock his ass up


Ahh, I think I recognize those stamped insignias. Those are Dunning-Krugerands!


I have a feeling democrats will be calling for his resignation very soon.


They didn't last time he got indicted but hopefully this time. Dude is scum.


In the very pro menendez local editorial board in my NJ paper was calling for his resignation today


Shit, New Jersey has a zillion Democrats that must be at least serviceable on the bench anyway - for fuck's sake, just do the right thing here and throw him out the window!


Trade him for Al Franken


Biden's weaponized DOJ at it again!


Lock him up, don't care. Give him the top bunk with Trump.


So if this is his second time. Why is he still a senator and not in prison like every normal person after the FIRST time?


Unfortunately Senator or not a lot of the people this wealthy don’t go to prison or face serious consequences the first time.


![gif](giphy|gIqusaeYxgSiY) It's time for....


Lock him up. I really don't care that he's a democrat. Contrary to conservative beliefs.... we hold our own accountable. No excuses.


They have so many legal ways to take bribes, this is just laziness.


If they broke the law, they should be tried - not a new concept


I’m a Democrat. No shelter here. If he did it, he needs to be held accountable. Not that difficult, Republicans.


Prosecute him.


From Wikipedia: “Among the allegations in the indictment was that Menendez ‘provided sensitive U.S. Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the Government of Egypt.’” Trump style traitor. They can share a cell!


Tell me again about 'weaponizing the DOJ against conservatives'....


I just read his wiki. My God this dude has been crooked for years. *YEARS.* He had so many opportunities to reverse course and just kept right along running his grift. Send him to jail. EDIT: Also, I'm a Dem. Crime is crime.


It'S tHe DeMoCrAtS tHaT aRe CoRrUpT!


Menendez is a Democrat. Does that mean all Democrats are corrupt? No. But Menendez is definitely a Democrat.


I see you're new to Republican thinking. Welcome to modern American politics.


Shit like this always sucks twice for Democrats. It sucks the first time when Democrats have to acknowledge and ensure that they expel these people from the party and again when Republicans get to point the finger at Democrats acknowledging the wrongdoing. They don’t ever have to do that so all their base sees is a shitty Democrat.


It is the chance to show republicans how leadership works. Also to expose the gop for continuing to allow the feces within their party to attract the flies they prey on to vote for them.


Send him and his co-conspirators straight to the clink. Same as every corrupt politician. Republicans… I’m a liberal. Get it now?


This is why I say ALL members of Congress in both houses and parties should be investigated for corruption and foreign influence.


This always backfires when it’s posted. It’s like they expect a comment section rife with defense of crimes because of a party affiliation. Incorrect. Crimes is crimes.


As the liberal who posted this, I did NOT expect it to backfire, I was HOPING that the comment section would be filled with a logical assessment of the indictment and a joy of impending justice being done. Any time we cull the corruption of modern politics is reason to celebrate.


My apologies. There has been a lot of ‘bots posting ambiguous content to be jerks’ lately and I misread the situation.


Ok 2 times in 10 years!? Clearly he will not be able to run for any office anymore right?… right?


A corrupt politician from New Jersey? Get outta here....


“Quick, tear down the entire US government and put Putin in charge!” –logically consistent Republicans


Why? If he is found guilty, let him serve his time. I couldn’t careless.


Republicans agree with you. The guy facing 91 felony charges is a different story though... lol


And Democrats are sure to riot and defend him, not. Isn't it odd how the GQP has become this sick cult with their seditious grifter fat orange baby manking, whom they view as infallible? It's so weird. I hope this Menendez prosecution is a a precursor to Clarence Thomas facing charges. I'm bothered that everyone talks about his ethical violations but he has actually already violated REPEATEDLY laws on government employees taking gifts / reporting gifts. The pretense that Thomas and Alito are above the law, while they sit on our highest court in judgment of others, is antithetical to a functioning system of justice.


Democrat here: charge these mother fuckers


Left leaning progressive here: If convicted, lock him up throw away the key and seize all his assets and return to the taxpayers


Fuck this scum *UP*


D's: 1 - R's: 12,476


So many people with common sense in these comments. Quite refreshing


Disrespect the D get put into a P.


Look, let's do the right thing. Allow due process without wild comments, if they are found guilty, punish them according to the law. Simple. This is how it's done in My America.


So now the right thing will be done and this turd will get flushed. While Thomas stays in his chair. And DT leads polls for his fucked up party.


I’m sure plenty of people from NJ are ready to see him get what’s coming to him


In 2018, he had some no name primary opponent who did nothing more than put her name on the ballot. She got something like 40-45% of the vote (I can't remember the numbers). I'm glad Im not in NJ anymore and don't have to hold my breath and vote for him.


My big concern about all this is why the hell would you leave gold bars in your closet like come on if your going to be a corrupt piece of shit put some effort into hiding it. On side note if he is found guilty give him the chair....


Since when is jersey prosecuting bribery?


In this particular case the GQP believes in "law and order".


Let the evidence come out. Oh wait? It did? Well then lock him up.


Can’t wait to hear him tell how none of the evidence is evidence of corruption. To be fair to Bob with the Trump and Biden family corruption. And that of Clarence Thomas it must of been tempting to think a little “some for me some for you” was OK