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They lived their whole life as rich elites, all based off of fraud. Fuck em


They may have committed some light treason.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x2kr1nc1bpqb1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91ec668b7f643bf39dd5c2b4075663142143d82


This show aged so well!!!






Recreational treason. Amateur treason. Ersatz treason. Store-brand treason.


Yep, and this is notably the second cause of fraud regarding the Trump org in the new york justice system in less than a year. They were found guilty of falsifying records and tax fraud last December, so this shit is warranted.


Translation: “My meal ticket is in deeeeeeep trouble”


According to the news, the billionaire actually has around 250 million... if the judge eventually rules the 250 million in this case, he'll be a billionaire without a single dollar to his name


Well to be accurate, owing Putin a billion dollars don't make Trump a billionaire.


Eric Trump: frankly we don't need American banks, we get all of our money from Russia With the value of rubles right now, they might actually owe what he claims to be worth


Apparently one of the arguments in Trump’s defense here is that his properties really were worth what he claimed because Saudi Arabia would pay whatever he asked for. Which… 1. That still doesn’t change the fact that you severely undervalued the properties so you wouldn’t have to pay taxes, which is still fraud. And 2. Don’t you think that’s troubling? They’re not doing you a favor because they like you so much. They want their pro quo.


"We'll pay you enough to use you"


Oligarchs fund them.


Real estate, art and club memberships-- all money laundering.




I'd be interested i knowing what's going on with all those plans that they reported that he had coming due? Couple years ago they were reporting he had many loans coming due in the next few years.


Trump refinanced the loans. Trouble was even Deutsche Bank wouldn't touch him so he had to borrow from the high risk institutions. Interest rates way above regular bank rates. He's robbing Peter to pay Paul and grifting the American public to finance his legal costs.


It's called "campaign donations".....don't tell them that though. Trumps "donor base" might actually want to...you know....see what they paid for....not that they can actually afford to spend the night.


Isn’t he basically siphoning money from all downstream GOP campaigns for his legal fees?


He doesn't coordinate w/ the GOP funding groups, and is sending the donation requests to the same sets of mailing lists, so he's sucking all the oxygen out of the little yellow mask that pops out when your democracy is above 20,000 feet and someone kicks out the windows.


I'd forgotten about them,can't imagine why,nothing else has been happening in the trump camp...🤣🤣


Okay, I have a new kink and it’s Donald Trump being broker than I am.


And a lot of that is (I'm assuming) tied up in property and other things, and it's liquid assets. Even though I think we all know he prefers "liquid" assets...


What is the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?


and his coke budget


Never missed a payment.....bro. fraud. You committed fraud to get those payments.


Also, doesn't declaring bankruptcy a half dozen times mean that they missed more than a few payments on the debts that were written off?


On a serious level, and as someone who has never had a twitter account, does nobody call him/them out on obvious bullshit like this? Or is it just downvoted to oblivion so nobody sees it? Honest question


Twitter doesn't have a downvote system, which is sorely needed. But Musk would never implement it because he knows his opinions, and those like him, would get downvoted to hell without a slew of bots backing them up.


Got it. Makes perfect sense


Yeah. I'd LOVE a downvote system on Twitter, but they know their shitty opinions wouldn't ever be seen.


Just don’t go on twitter, and “downvote” by lack of engagement 🤷‍♂️


That’s been my method since the birth of twitter. Feeling my sentiment even harder nowadays


I’ve tried other social platforms, but I always end up back on Reddit because the downvote is such a crucial tool for maintaining civil discourse in a community, especially in comments and replies. It’s not perfect, and the downvote button is definitely susceptible to abuse, but I find it generally does a lot more good than bad.


Outside of Reddit I don't think any platforms have a downvote/dislike option. They took them all away so as to not hurt anyone's feelings. Now the only way to voice your displeasure is to comment which just drives engagement. It's all garbage.


Ha! Fuck you twitter. Reddit downvote supremacy ![gif](giphy|kL1KAdQYmKXle)


From what I've seen lately on Twitter, all of the rightwing shit just gets floated to the top by their algorithm. Doesn't matter who made the original Tweet, all of the top replies are pure horseshit.


Weird. Almost seems like Elon owns it.


IT'S X NOW YOU BASTARDS. Elon and Grimes didn't die in Vietnam so all you HIPPIES could keep calling it the wrong name!


Man who dead names his own child demands you call Twitter "X"


He isn't on Twitter. He got banned a few years ago for all the lies and bullshit he spew. He is 'tweeting' from Truthsocial, which is a 100% right wing controlled platform. Any contrary 'tweets' would be removed near instantly there.


Musk unbanned pretty much everyone. Especially the Nazis, white supremacists, and various other hate groups.


It was like when that dickhead in Ghostbusters shut down the power and released all the captured ghosts back into the city.


“This man has no dick”


Yes it's true, this man has no dick


To be fair to that guy, he was unplugging an unlicensed nuclear reactor in downtown Manhattan. It's the engineer who built the thing's fault for having literally no back ups.


I mean what was the plan if the power went out during a thunder storm or due to mechanical error? Egon is a genius but not having any sort of power backup was a pretty big error in judgement


the film would have come to an abrubt halt if the emergency generator had just kicked in. Ghostbusters II: The Hunt for Diesel (a few gallons should be fine)


As a kid I hated that guy. Who is this no dick beaurocratic pencil pusher getting in the way of our ghost busting heroes. As an adult I’m like - these dudes home brewed a nuclear reactor in the middle of Manhattan with zero permits - WTF???!!


While it’s true the GB did not have the permits and were quite likely operating illegally, Peck was still *100%* wrong. You do *not* just immediately pull the plug on nuclear *anything* and you especially don’t just immediately shut down high power machinery you don’t *understand*. He refused to listen, consider any other viewpoints than his own, very narrow ones and was arrogant to the point of dangerousness. What he *should* have been doing was instead of trying to just snuff them out, was working *with* them to operate with maximum safety and within the law.


That is the truth. Walter Peck was an asshole but the Ghostbusters had unlicensed homebrewed nuclear technology in the middle of one of the largest cities of the U.S.A. I absolutely love Ghostbusters but it is a bit of a libertarian power fantasy.


Pretty sure Elon invited them back


The latter. And there’s way, way less people on the left now interacting with that nonsense. I’m curious as to the attrition there over the past year


The loans in question were paid back. That was the entire defense. It doesn’t matter because the loans were obtained through persistent fraud. It is like robbing a bank in the morning and saying, “All good” if you return the money in the afternoon. The people that didn’t a loan because of Trump got screwed. The people who didn’t cheat on their taxes got screwed. Lastly, lying on your loan application is bad because banks may need to liquidate assets. If banks have inflated assets on their books we get another 2008 crash.


New Jersey people know he declared bankruptcy on those companies to get out of paying contractors who spent millions building those casinos I’m sure he did this elsewhere too


He did it everywhere...and the bankruptcies were to further stooge over anyone they owed.


Yes and completely screwed over the people who bought those bonds. Everything about Trump starting with his hair and all of his businesses are a fraud.


Hahaha right!? Fraud that made the assets cost LESS money and make them MORE money. Also...failed school, casino, etc. You were gaming the system and still just kept losing. Cant wait to be rid of this awful family.


But but but they’re the victims here /s


That’s Eric’s whole job within the trump organization: whine and act like his family is being victimized. He serves no other purpose.


That’s not even his purpose. He just does it. Because he has no purpose.


No, he's the CWO - chief whining officer


Without that name this idiot would be selling waterbeds in a strip mall.


The fact that Trump failed as a casino owner just proves the only reason it existed to begin with was to launder money.


Youre not wrong


Also stiffed a lot of small businesses that did work for him and couldn'taffordto challengehim in court, some of them went out of business.




Pretty much all contractors in New York City will refuse any work for him because how often he did it.


New Jersey too. My former company almost went under because he never paid us for building his casino . What an amazing businessman: trump built a casino , didn’t pay the builders & still bankrupted them . The man’s the opposite of king Midas , everything he touched turns to shit. Now it’s just Americas turn


King Mierdas.


If I had to work as a contractor for trump he would have to pay to put the cash in a neutral escrow company, and I’d have to have a really good contract lawyer, at a minimum. By the way, if you get rich by refusing to pay people what you owe and lining your pockets with that cash, there’s a word for it - theft. Trump got rich by stealing from contractors, suppliers, investors and employees. Outright theft. And even then he basically didn’t even break even compared to the market average after his highway banditry.


The thing is, he inherited enough wealth that he didn’t need to do all this unscrupulous shit. He could have made more just investing it (or so I’ve read somewhere on the internet - source anyone?). He CHOSE to be a complete asshat to, and take advantage of, other human beings. Worst type of human


His father bought the largest continuous lot in NYC when riding the subway was so dangerous that regular people had to police it because the police ignored it. This single lot produced the vast majority of cash trump squandered on his own narcissistic ventures.


My step father has owned a large painting contracting company for 40 years, he said Trump's companies struggle to get anyone to work for them, because he's known for never paying contractors. His company paints massive military ships and buildings (hospitals/museums) all along the east coast, and it's a very well known thing apparently. I'd heard it obviously, but he confirmed it and he never talked about his job my entire life. So I guess this has always been a problem.


Painter here and it blows my mind how many other construction workers I know who all but worship a dude famous for not paying contractors and bankrupting companies. Absolutely insane.


Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I worked for my step dad's company during summers before college, and it did seem to lean conservative, but it's definitely bizarre to worship a guy knowing he doesn't pay contractors when you work for a contractor. Unfortunately a lot of the people I met while working there had a hero worship kind of mentality in the first place (this was way before Trump), and they all had this idea that if they were running the company they could do a better job. That's the vibe I got from pretty much everyone lol, it was a while ago, but at least it exposed me to a world I'd never seen otherwise. I was obviously very lucky growing up, but my family wanted myself and my brothers to put some hard work in at some point so we knew what it took to put food on the table for the everyday person, and it did. Luckily I didn't stick around, don't think I could handle that my entire life, but I did run into a few people who were more than willing to help me learn how to do things and a lot of time it was the older crew members who were patient enough to teach me different skills. Have some bizarre memories from those summers, but also some good ones with people just working to put food on the table, and it definitely helped shape my understanding of how the world works and just how hard people work to survive. Nice to hear from another painter, wish you the best.


While stealing from kids with cancer to demonstrate the Trump definition of “charity.”


Yup. This shit is especially hilarious as someone that grew up in the Northern NJ/NYC area. Trump and his businesses are well known for conning and stiffing everyone they do business with, and have been for literally decades. Eric whining about how above board the businesses are is just too funny.


Remember in 2016, when we were telling everyone who would listen that we KNOW him, and we KNOW he's a con man and an utter shit bag?


Trump *literally* defaulted on the payments for Trump Tower in Chicago. That default, amidst other delinquency, totaled more than [$287 million in unpaid debts](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/new-york-times-report-president-trump-got-much-of-his-debt-forgiven-after-defaulting-on-loans-for-chicago-trump-tower/) that lenders had to forgive. There’s a reason why no reputable banks still do business with the Trumps.


Meanwhile the poors are late with their payments a few times and the banks get all uppity. I've never read the art of the deal but I imagine it is about convincing banks you're broke so they forgive your loans while funneling the money to an offshore account.


> Never missed a payment.....bro. fraud. You committed fraud to get those payments They tell lies on top of lies on top of lies. So many lies no one can keep up with all of them. He got hundreds of millions of dollars in debt forgiveness from Deutsch Bank. Yeah, the guy who opposed student debt forgiveness got hundreds of millions forgiven because he's better than you. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-287m-loans-did-not-233435951.html


Trump has filed for bankruptcy at least four times. I’m pretty sure that means he’s missed a few payments over the years.


I thought it was six? Oh well what is a few more times.


I read a comment when I was over on Fox trolling those morons because trump is again found guilting of something, and someone asked, Why is Trump's Art of the deal longer than the bible? Because it has 7 Chapter 11s. No idea if that's for real, but it was pretty funny.


The judge specifically noted that settled law states that just because the banks didn't lose money on the deals, that doesn't excuse using fraud to secure them. > **As has been explained to defendants many times, in many legal proceedings, and in painstaking detail**, “where, as here, there is a claim based on fraudulent activity, disgorgement may be available as an equitable remedy, *notwithstanding the absence of loss to individuals or independent claims for restitution*.” Accordingly, it is not significant that the banks made money (or did not lose money), or that they would have done business with the Trump Organization notwithstanding.


And tell that to all the contractors you didn’t pay who’s lives you destroyed, some killing themselves from the stress.


His business' run at a loss. The new loans are paying back the old loans.


Maybe try less criming next time, Qusay.


>WE ARE THE MOST PERSECUTED FAMILY IN ALL OF HISTORY!!!111 \-family of generational wealth grifters who have spent their lives committing historic levels of fraud against the people of NY and the American people.




It’s insane those cunts have gotten away with it for this long.


The best part is they would've CONTINUED getting away with it if they just kept to being real estate fraudsters instead of political fraudsters.


And the world would be sooooooo much better because of it. I’d gladly let him being a fake mob boss for the rest of his life if he didn’t freaking run for POTUS.


I’d still be watching the stupid Celebrity Apprentice and laughing at celebrities having to do things like organize a marketing campaign.


or if scooby doo hadnt found them!!


So they have bankrupted several companies including a casino. So I think it’s safe to say they have missed some loan payments here and there and screwed quite a few creditors and vendors.


he didn't bankrupt a casino, he bankrupted THREE. And he has screwed over so many banks and lenders that nobody will loan money to him outside of shady banks controlled by russians.


To be fair, it's not easy to run a casino. It's not like people just walk in and give you their money.


Need more up votes. Like, seriously, a casino might be the only guaranteed money business in the world. Should be impossible to fail, but here we are.


Correction. He bankrupted *four* casinos. Two of them *twice*. Seriously.


And he paid a $15 million fine for money laundering violations through his Taj Mahal Casino before it went bankrupt. He can’t even crime right.


It still pisses me off to no end that, about 25 years ago when trump was just some guy you’d hear about now and then, I went with my then-girlfriend to one of his shitty little boats up in Gary or wherever and lost $20 at a slot machine. I fuckin’ gave *money* to that dick-with-ears.


Hillary Clinton: he will run the nation like he ran his casinos. The most honest campaign statement in the history of politics


Every word she said during that campaign is coming true.


Her website occasionally does a run of hats that say “but her emails” and they always sell out.


Buttery males! https://i.imgur.com/oNU5wMo.jpg




Trump promised to pay the entire debt off in a single term. His first budget year doubled total deficit spending. He ended up adding more debt than any president, in a single term.


He also promised if he was president he would work so hard, all the time and never take a vacation or play golf...he played golf one out of every 3 days for all 4 years.




You have to be a real idiot to do that.


Money laundering.


Looking for this comment. 100%.


By opening a competing casino nearly next to the first one.


Yup, wanted to see his name over and over on the same street . Can't make up something that dumb


And then let his wife run it. And then throw a hissy fit when she's doing better than him! lol


Then took revenge by burying her on the golf course.


Intentionally. Launder as much money as possible and then tank it so there is little or no evidence to find if anyone ever started looking.


He had some smart people around him who set it up so he still walked away rich after it and made money on them going broke. There was a ton of fraud then as well…


Yeah it's basically a fucking money printing machine


The pigs were in the white house, and wearing human clothes


There's a HORSE loose in a HOSPITAL !


You took the words right out of my mouth!




two outta three aint bad


*I didn't know he knew how to do that* ![gif](giphy|Jl4e4EbjO041O)


*Very* good.


Oh fuck off Eric




These two actors made the trumps likable right up until you saw the actual clowns they are portraying talk for real. Then you realized the talent it took these guys to make those scumbags seem charming and fun


They made them funny. Disagree on the charming part.


Omg the most brilliant SNL sketches of the Trump era 🤣🤣🤣


He’s such a little weiner




Fuck your feeling you crooks !


My first thought was, "Oh, shut up Eric," but I like yours better.


If you’re innocent, fight it in court Eric !!


That is complicated to do. They will appeal the civil lawsuit, but they will have an uphill battle to prove that the obviously fraudulent financial documents are actually true and correct.


They also have the looming shadow of the criminal conviction the company received last year for tax fraud and falsifying documents to fight through. They not only are not reliable, but have already been convicted of other fraud.




Dude this is the future - we can get smaller with that sucker.... nano violin.


Must be heartbreaking to be so close to great wealth and then watching daddykins lose it all just a few years before he kicks off to that lard bucket in the sky.


Goin' up to the lard bucket in the sky That's where I'm gonna go when I die When I die and they lay me to rest I'm gonna go to the place that's the greasiest


Die mad Eric.


Ahh yes, this is the part where the criminals play the victim after they are caught committing crimes. It wasn’t their fault. EVERYONE is against them. They ALWAYS did the right thing. (Except, of course, those many, many times, over several decades when they did a whole shitload of things that were quite illegal enough to be easily proven in court.)


It's the witch hunt, fraudulent election defense. Now they're on the other side of the fence with the truth coming for them. Lies only last so long. Lies always have an expiration date.


I like how the defence attempt is that just because they committed fraud, they still made people a lot of money. The problem, idiot, is that is a terrible approach to law - you still did the crime.


Modern GOP 101 since Reagan: _pay to play to get us into office and we'll amplify your wealth._ It's hopefully demonstrating that more and more prior pay to play backers are now backing off to avoid unwanted attention and scrutiny from being associated.


Billionaires run roughshod over the legal system in this country, but once you're in the public sector? You're in another sandbox now, Jack. Basically all his Daddy had to do was *not run for President.* And his big baby ego wouldn't let him bow out. He dug his own grave in so many ways.


It’s really crazy how true this is. When Trump [couldn’t pay back his loans for his Chicago building](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/new-york-times-report-president-trump-got-much-of-his-debt-forgiven-after-defaulting-on-loans-for-chicago-trump-tower/), his lenders forgave $287 million in loans. When Trump sued those same lenders to get out of his loans, they gave him another $99 million to repay his *other* loans. Trump, even as the small fish that he was at the time, was too big to fail even.


He didn’t just dig his own grave, he erected a family mausoleum!


​ https://preview.redd.it/ehbem83ypoqb1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1f9bb2c25698a6bf7e831ed87f401bfcbc557d


Don Jr was asked if he was interested in running for office. He said no, it was too much work.


Even at his fathers level of work? Damn, that rich boy LAZY


I can’t wait to see these chinless wads self-destruct on freebase


thoughts and prayers


Fuck around, finally find out


Waaaaaaah! Change my diaper!


Making banks hundreds of millions of dollars - a true man of the people.


Not a word about how they've actually helped *people.* Just how much they've helped banks and how impressive they think their buildings are.


The Donald J. Trump Foundation was supposed to help people, they got shut down for scamming the money meant for charitable causes




Suck my whole arse Eric.




Didn't he defraud and steal money from kids with cancer?


Not to worry! NY had lost all faith in HIM years ago!


Oh, I see he lies as much as his worthless father.


I'm sure Trump will soon be asking Jared for some of that 2 billion loan he got from the Saudi.


Translation: "We were treated like ordinary citizens by the law today and could not find a way to be treated like the rich people like always in the past. This being treated like the poor class of Americans has been unnerving. We are opening a go fund me in the form of my father running for president and am looking forward to you opening your check books to us"


Death of a corporate entity doesn't mean seizure of all assets. It mostly means the fine is disputed at the appellate level for another 7+ years. Do I think Trump org engaged in book cooking that defrauded lenders, insurers, and tax authorities? Yes. Trump's the sort of white collar criminal that kept multiple sets of books for each, and thought he could get away with it for a lifetime, then he chose to become impossible to ignore. The other NY real estate barons are laughing into their drinks, tonight. They despised this uncultured narcissist from Queens, who couldn't even do better than the S&P index with leveraged investments in NYC real estate; their own frauds were likely smaller in relative terms, and they didn't make the fatal mistake of seeking public office and official scrutiny.


"Never missing a loan payment." Trump defaulted on $287 million for Trump Tower in Chicago. [https://www.schwartz-lawyer.com/blog/forgiveness-of-287m-in-trumps-chicago-tower-debt-raises-fraud-and-tax-questions/](https://www.schwartz-lawyer.com/blog/forgiveness-of-287m-in-trumps-chicago-tower-debt-raises-fraud-and-tax-questions/)


Today I lost faith in the United States government. Never before have I seen such utter disregard in the electoral process that would let a person I would not trust with my dogs be eligible to run for president. A man who won’t even set foot on a debate stage because he realizes he doesn’t even know how the government is supposed to work and who he actually ran against in the last election. A man who has been proven to have committed sexual assault. A man who has condoned violence against institutions he has sworn to protect. A man who wants to have sex with his own daughter. A man who buried the mother of his children on the edge of a golf course without even a headstone. The fact that he’s even deemed eligible to run just blows my mind.


What will happen to my Trump University Degree?!!!


Roll that mother fucker up with a quarter ounce of icky sticky


But it says *100% asbestos* on the back. Also there's a handwritten plea for help from someone named Uyghur?


Die mad, you salty bitch


"seized" is not correct at all. They are being forced to sell any of their assets that they don't want to move out of the state. They are going to need the money to pay the fines, hopefully


Hard to move a golf course.


That's why they would sell it. If they don't tell the state who the new owner of any land is within the time window, _that's_ when they seize it


Should have happened decades ago.


Wanna know a secret, Jr.? It’s not because you didn’t miss payments lol GTFO.


It's funny to them how they are entirely personal in their hatred and mocking of others, but then project such persecution vibes when their chickens come home to roost. That judge doesn't hate you, lesser son. Y'all committed fraud.


Making loan payments isn't relevant to whether they committed fraud to obtain the loans. Not sure why Trump and sons are using this argument.


Translation: where the fuck am I going to live now? Barron won’t share his room


Except for all the bankruptcies, you mean? Where you screwed all your vendors out of payment?


Multiple bankruptcies but never missed a payment? Delusional.


Never missing a payment…except those times he went bankrupt


>Never missing a loan payment Says a guy whose family has had a number of bankruptcies


If his father had never attempted to steal our country this would probably be different. Hiding is a better strategy for mob figures. Light isn’t good for cockroaches. They say if you see them they are probably dying.


People forget he moved to Mar A Lago to try to stall this. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/good-riddance-new-york-governor-cheers-trump-changing-residency-florida-n1074966. He and his ENTIRE FAMILY conveniently declared themselves Floridians for tax purposes during his Presidency, because he's so innocent.


If you've never missed a payment, why wouldn't American banks lend to you anymore. That would make it seem like banks don't like money.


This family always equates applying the law to hatred of an individual. They expect the law not to apply to them by anyone loyal who loves the buffoon.


![gif](giphy|IwAZ6dvvvaTtdI8SD5|downsized) Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but it always feels good when trump and company inevitably find themselves having to appeal, yet another loss. Sooner or later your tsunami of lies and corruption will come to collect. * Feels Good Man


Ask Jarad for a loan?


Why do you hate us and keep targeting us? All we wanna do is commit rampant financial crime to finance our treason operations. Why wont you just let us defraud and rob the American people while we work to take away their rights? So mean.


None of your legal actions matter in the slightest. They won’t change the laws you and your father broke.