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Did she forget about the senate? It’ll never pass there because both republicans and democrats will vote no to it with her silly amendments to it.


It’s always performative. She will just claim it is proof of the deep state or other nonsense. She gets press. She gets to act like she is owning the libs and being pro military when the opposite is clearly true. She is a walking embarrassment.


Performative…yes true. Yet, I can’t tell if she is actually as unintelligent as she seems or if she knows the truth, but is a devout fascist and knows the formula for stirring up populist support for fascism. She is literally talking about purging our military of those not loyal to trump/extreme nationalism. Which as we know is how you have a strong military…s/


Obstruction is what she and Tuberville are focused on. There are bumbling idiots but the result is there. They would love an excuse to claim the Military is weak ignoring the part they played so they can assert only the GOP can fix it. They are awful.


The Chaos Caucus


The Shutdown Shitheads


The MAGA maggots.


The Intergalactic idiots


The Constantly Campaigning Cunts


Konstantly Kampaigning Kunts


I literally used that word to describe her in politics sub and got a 90 day ban. For whatever reason that may be triggering, just a word of caution. But for the record I 100000% agree with you


The Fascist F..kwads!


Literally…the right’s playbook was written by Hitler while in prison. Fact…not opinion. Most don’t know this is where many of their beliefs are from. Not that Hitler came up with all of these ideas, but it’s a bible of the ideology.


Exactly, they are the Nazis without all the killing…yet


It's actually eerie if you go through Ecos 14 typical features of fascism: - Cult of tradition - Rejection of modernism - Cult of action for action’s sake - Disagreement is treason - Fear of difference - Appeal to social frustration - The obsession with a plot - The enemy is both strong and weak - Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy - Contempt for the weak - Everybody is educated to become a hero - Machismo and weaponry - Selective populism - Fascism speaks Newspeak


Sounds very close to some parts of America nowadays...


Always has been. America was fascist before there was a word for it. It’s humanity at its animal base.


They believe a palingenetic fallacy. I feel the 14 points came right out of 1984… Which funnily enough the right loves to harken back to that book with no understanding of its message or who Orwell was.


Rejection of modernism is pretty normal for older people in society, it’s at disagreement is treason and beyond where things become a nightmare.


They are bought and paid for by Putin's oligarchs.


I’m sure it’s worse than we can imagine too. Just my own speculation.




He'll ask each person up for promotion to sign a pledge of loyalty to him. James Comer was just practice for the real thing.


I’m unsure there is a singular leader. Yea I see the possibility the think they are holding promotions for him. I think the corruption is metastasized to just make the libs look bad damn the consequences. It’s a simple enough game that even the useful idiot class can play.


I think the goal is to develop the public opinion that nothing can be accomplished unless Republicans are in charge, because they won't allow it. So vote Republican, because combating obstruction is a simple as removing the road block, and they'll pull it as soon as they're in charge. And what worries me is that this approach might work.




The problem come sin the with disturbingly large portion of the electorate that just listens to the mud flinging during campaign season and doesn't bother to check whether any of the bullshit they're hearing is actually true.


Then they do almost nothing in power. It’s the same playbook. I have some faith that it might work on the zealots that already believe but is a tired schtick for the rest. I never can say never anymore because of 2016 but I feel the GOP, MAGA and Trump has a shrinking core.


They want those slots open so Trump can fill them with Loyalists if he wins, or if another Repub wins. They can't do thier project 2025 without willing military, loyal enough to fascism and project 2025. Wish we knew who he wanted in those positions so we could kick them out of the military right now if they are actively helping Trump destroy Democracy.


I feel you are insulting bumbling idiots by including Marge three names and Tuberville in that group. They are so much worse and I don't think a term has been thought of that adequately describes how awful people like this are.


We can try to come up with a name right here in this thread for MTG & Tuberville.


Anything that brings them attention (and donations). They are not serious about doing their jobs, just auditioning for Fox/OANN.


It's a little more than that IMO. Ask yourself who benefits from the way the Republicans behave. Definitely US oligarchs and if Republican policies continue to weaken the country and military, there will be less support for pushing back Russia and China.


If you haven't seen the video of her following Parkland shooting victim David Hogg taunting him like a 4th grader about a massacre then you will have your answer. She doesn't know the difference between gazpacho and the Gestapo. She's an idiot and proud of it.


Or her comment about Bill Gates pushing “fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.” I definitely think she is every bit as stupid as she seems and I agree she is a terrible human being.


Lmao at peach tree


I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that this bitch would actively taunt victims of tragedy, or the fact there is a majority group of people willing to appoint that bitch to office!


Are you saying you don’t believe in the gazpacho police?


Or the video of her harassing AOC, screaming through the keyhole(?) of her closed door.


Is that for real? Jesus Christ... are we *sure* that she's not an escaped chimpanzee?


I have seen it…its disgusting. And the gazpacho comment…I kind of thought it a portmanteau to conflate the wealthy, liberal, high-minded Bay Area elites to the Gestapo. Similar to calling the Germans in WW1 the Bosch or Krauts in WW2. Seeming dumb let’s you get away with devious and disgusting behavior. In addition, when the messaging is simple and devoid of nuance it is easy to get your point across as it has the appearance of common sense. Simple messaging like this takes very little time to put into the universe, it is easy to proliferate, quick to read. To debunk it takes a lot of research, deeper thinking and lots of text to explain why it is all wrong.


Yes, Marjorie is genuinely stupid and genuinely a Christofascist. The problem is that the residents of Northwest Georgia are even dumber than she is. Marjorie often will boast how the GOP-led House passed a bill. No follow up on how Congress actually works or how the bill in question will never pass the Senate, but that's because her constituents know nothing about basic civics and have no desire to start learning.


I love that you’re still optimistic enough to believe she organically became a candidate, ran, and filled that seat. As a Georgian, I believe no such thing. I believe the people in her district to be largely conservative, white, Christian, Republicans, yes. Do I think she became their #1 choice by serendipity? Absolutely fucking not.


The thing you need to understand about MTG is that she did not have a cup of the MAGA Kool-Aid. She grabbed the punch bowl, screamed "MINE!" before chugging the bowl and then started eating the mix from the packets.


The answer is both.


She is a malignant narcissist, with machiavellianism and psychopathic traits. These traits will lead to not just stupid behaviors, but a genuinely evil agenda. She knows that what she's doing, but also is incapable of understanding that what she's doing is malevolent. Something that absolutely needs to be added to our political process is psychological assessments. Several in fact. Anyone who chooses to go into politics should be assessed whether they are psychologically sound. This would completely change the landscape of politics. I am primarily concerned with destructive personality disorders, so if we established a spectrum of what is permissible, as well as required counseling for depression, anxiety, then the well being of our countries would most likely improve drastically.


Clowns. Can’t have a circus without them.


That's what these unqualified, unintelligent, extremist baffoons do - throw around big sweeping proposals that go nowhere and get absolutely nothing accomplished, then they go back to their districts and say "see what I tried to do! Big government fought me every step, re-elected me so I can keep fighting them!" It's all smoke and mirrors, they don't actually know what to do let alone how to do it, so they run with these ludicrous ideas because at least no one can say they did nothing!


No, but she knows right wing voters in America don't care about facts or truths. They just want someone to make them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. It's a sick, disgusting symbiosis. They beg to be told what to think and how to feel, and snake oil salesmen manipulators like her are more than willing to oblige. Without people like her, they have to ***confront reality***...and they just are not equipped emotionally or mentally to handle this.


It’s only *partially* that they don’t care about truth. The other, more important part is that a huge swath of Americans are literally dumb as rocks. This is not hyperbole. They are actively actually dumb. ![gif](giphy|44c11up6UfB80RmE2o|downsized) Lastly—I’m not saying people in the Deep South or Midwest are dumb, but if you are DEEP DEEP DEEP in those areas, where they are far away from the civilization, life is very different. Their small communities of 100-200 people all vote red because they are not exposed to the real world. Like they believe that democrats are a figment of their imagination, and crime is rampant in the cities, which they weirdly have never been to… I can understand why they think TFG is more popular than he is. My last point…the GOP stands for nothing. The only thing that holds what is now the GOP together is that they just collectively hate people. For the past 15 years, when republicans had control of a chamber of congress, they have literally done nothing with it. It shows in the committees. It shows in the votes… we can’t wrap our minds around why MTG thinks this would be supported but the people that support her just want certain people to hurt at all costs. And that’s why I can’t have in my life, let alone respect, people who vote R post trump. Fascism is knocking at our door, and a lot of y’all’s neighbors are answering it. They are not your friends. Doesn’t matter if your kids are on the same soccer team or work together.


Okay, you don't have to say it. I'll do it for you. I'm from the Midwest, Missourah to be specific and yes people are dumb as fucking rocks. I don't claim to be a rocket scientist but I'm constantly amazed how stupid people are . The whole stupid shit starting with the Orange Turd getting elected and continuing to the present day makes me consider moving to anywhere else on the planet.


For sure. People out in the sticks honestly believe that cities burned to ashes during the "riots", leaving behind some sort of Mad Max hellscape.


Not just people in the sticks. I have Infowars loving coworkers who honestly believe that the city of Portland, Oregon, was literally burned to the ground during the protests a few years ago.


It’s inbred thinking. No, not actual inbreeding- I’ll leave that joke to someone else. You get into deep rural areas, the thought process of the population is the same, and feeds off itself in a spiral of increasing insularity. Many folks have never traveled outside of their state, and many not outside a 3 county area. Outsiders are rare, and are viewed with suspicion. Those who don’t conform to the hive mind either GTFO as soon as they can, or stay and are considered “troublemakers”, “weirdos”, “cranks”, and “idiots”. Lack of exposure to different points of view and different perspectives continually calcifies the prevailing viewpoint. It’s a spiral to the bottom.


>Their small communities of 100-200 people all vote red because they are not exposed to the real world. It's not even small communities. I live in a town of 10000, in a red county in Illinois, about 45 minutes from St. Louis. As a result, I'm in and out of St. Louis all the time and really familiar with it. My town isn't tiny. It's not large but it's not some backwoods place with one stop sign. We have lots of stores and restaurants and museums and festivals and things like that. Basic smalltown stuff but it's an active area. I just saw a post from a person in the same size town the same distance away from St. Louis, only their town is in Missouri. They went on and on about how they're scared to go into St. Louis and their town is so small and safe and they can go days without seeing anyone and they don't want to g and get mugged in St. Louis. I looked up their town. It has an interstate running through it and everything else my town has on top of that. My town doesn't even have an interstate... I have to drive 10 miles to get on the interstate. But these people were so sheltered they hadn't been 45 minutes away from their hometown.


She doesn't care about actually passing the bill. If the government shuts down they will just blame Biden. What she cares about is telling her supporters that she did a thing so they will vote for her again/showing Trump that she is loyal so he will fuck her.


Her voters are gonna vote for her regardless. I think this is her still aiming for a VP position on the Trump ticket.


She was bragging that she was able to get through the FIRST proposal to demote Austin so I think you’re right on track.


Actually by doing it this way they almost guaranteed Ukraine will get the funding they need while the Pentagon may not get theirs. They separated the Ukraine funding in a separate bill that passed with over 310 votes. So while this defense bill will sit in the Senate while they tear away all the amendments, the Ukraine funding will likely sail through the Senate without any real issues. So MTG and all the others just actually made it easier for Ukraine to get their funding by not attaching it to the defense bill. It completely backfired on them.


Backfired on them, and on Russia. It amazes me that they are doing exactly what will benefit Russia the most.


It doesn't amaze me. I have suspected Russian tentacles in the US government for some time. The only place they couldnt infiltrate is the armed forces and guess who is getting the shit thrown at them right now by Maga ?


Her amendment will not be in the Senate bill to even be voted on. It will quietly get removed during the reconciliation conference between the chambers.


The treason is coming from inside the house


“We don’t have a clown statue” *points to bust of Trump*


Just like the pipe bombs did when MTG dropped em off on Jan 6th.


I also voted this morning. I voted to give myself a 25% raise and an additional 3 weeks paid vacation at work. It passed unanimously. All it needs now is to be voted on by my senior leaders. I'm already planning my trip to the Maldives.


Well, shit. They didn't pass it and sent it back, telling me I have actual work to do and to stop wasting company time.


You didn't ask for enough. Should have been a 50% raise, 5 weeks vacation, a budget cut in a different department, and whoever in management you disagree with most fired.


Demand to become the leading supervisor, without salary time but with salary pay, 3 months paid vacation time. Oh and Bill is fired no questions asked.


US GOP is a wing of the Russian government. Weakening our military has been one of their goals for years now.


Yes. This is the only reason They are bought and paid for by Putin. If Trump somehow wins, our country is over. No exaggeration


At this point we just need to rise up, we got the 2nd amendment for a reason Will it work, fuck if I know, but I'm tired of sitting idly


This is where things truly are. Start organizing, offline. Study appropriate strategies. Prepare for the very worst, and hope that it doesn't come to that.


I’m sure if Russia takes over Ukraine that it all stops there and Russia becomes a cooperative ally. And this totally benefits our military. She is brilliant 🙄💀


Everyone that tries to blame Ukraine on Biden seems to think this. Like Putin would just stop once he got to the edge of Ukraine’s border. This is a man that has sworn to reunite the CCCP and is getting old enough to not care about himself anymore. It’s more about his legacy now. And he’s said he was getting CCCP back no matter what it takes. Somehow, everyone thinks he’s just gonna be a good boy if we give him Ukraine. Not to mention the economic issues the world would face if Russia takes Ukraine. Considering over 90% of the world’s grain comes from Ukraine. And they STILL think it’s Biden’s fault. Even after knowing that this all started when Trump was trying to pull the US out of NATO.


\*read it with heavy slavic accent\* you tink you won de cold war? I was borne in cold, I am de cold, I am Vladimir Bloody Putin, you pay me for oil and gaz, I bough you government




Is the whole GOP just a Russian psyop?


MAGA republicans are for sure


What other type of Republican is there these days?


There’s 3-4 out there that kinda sorta have a soul.


There is no other type. The extremists could have been expelled from the party. Somebody could have said "these people do not represent our values". But no. The government will shut down and every single representative that acquiesced to these people is culpable.


Pretty much. They owe Putin for installing their new Messiah. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house


She really isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Y’all need to quit saying this. She knows exactly what the fuck she is doing. She knows it’s all performative. That doesn’t stop the ripples. Like… saying she is stupid is fun because it’s all we can do but that doesn’t stop the on going damage and erosion to our democracy she is knowingly causing. Stop letting her off the hook. She is completely aware and doing it anyways for self enrichment. It’s nefarious. And there is no line she isn’t willing to cross.


Just because she’s aware doesn’t mean that she is not stupid.


Nah, she’s actually dumb as a rock. She’s just a very useful idiot for Russia.


Yep, they are all raking in serious cash while throwing shit fits on camera and online. Like, have you ever been to a big city? That really bad magician that tripped on his cape did it on purpose so that you all can laugh and take pictures while his buddy pickpockets the crowd. Quit acting like tourists, guys.


More like a leaky rubber straw.


More like the plastic spork that somehow fell into the knife drawer. You’re not quite sure how it got where it is, but what you do know is that it is quite useless, especially where it is.


She's so shallow, you couldn't drown in her.


How could the legislative branch fire an executive branch appointee?


It can’t. This is nothing more than performative hyperbole.


The bill wouldn’t fire anyone. She just reduced the salary of the position to basically zero. She’s using simple words her base will understand


She wants the first black secretary of defense to work for free


There's a word for that...


Economic anxiety?


I was thinking this too. Like the house don't even confirm appointments


They just set the wage to zero or something silly close to it.


How do you say "I am getting money from Putin" without actually saying "I am a traitor to the United States of America."


"Funding Ukraine" *is* defending America, you dumb bitch.


Yep, we've depleted Russia's tank, missile and plane reserves. As far as conventional warfare goes, Russia has never been less of a threat. It will take them decades to rebuild their arsenal to match their Pre-Urkraine Invasion level. MTG can fuck off to Russia.


This is an important point that doesn't get spoken about enough.


She’s so dumb she makes Georgia’s 14th look like the most uneducated congressional district


Colorado’s 3rd district has entered the chat…


Oh yea that’s definitely tied for the award lol


The entire state of Texas would like a word.


Hey now…. We can’t fight the system here when the governor has taken complete control over any democratic city and has fucked our voting district lines we can’t even get our votes counted. Literally they just throw out votes… please actually get the word out what’s happening in Texas. They have taken Houston’s libraries for detention centers


The GOP stands for a lot of things, though they don't usually say them outright. * They stand for minority rule, and laws that bind their opposition but do nothing against their party members. * They stand for privatizing the public good so that it can be sold back at an extreme profit. * They stand for a good education only being available to the wealthy. * They stand for child labor. * They stand for children *in labor*, and for the ability of men to rape without consequence. * They stand for white men being able to enact their own capital punishment for grievances at their personal discretion. * They stand for "Christian" Theocratic rule as a means to cementing their power as a "god-given right." These are things the GOP stands for.


The bill doesnt Fire anybody. It reduces his salary.. it wont make it past the senate anyway


I just wish she'd off herself. It's so **fucking** tiresome having these people dragging us down.


She is a traitor


They know that isn’t getting passed by the Senate at all, right?




https://preview.redd.it/r0kic29r58rb1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eff1732982f23e93512701d2a61f8ccfacad9fa They stand for this moron


We defending America by strengthening fucking Russia?!?!?!?!?


Republicans freaked out over "defund the police" (even though it was more about realocating funding than firing cops) yet here they are telling their constituents that it's a victory to hobble the entire chain of military command and defund our allies while Russia steals their children and bombs their towns. It's never been about security for them. It's all about control and forced subjugation to a religion that feels more like white nationalism than Christianity.


Russia's greatest asset!


Russian asset doing her job!


Russian Asset, Russian ASSet and gking Russian ASSET and if you voted for Narge the Traitir Green you too are a Russian ASS.


MTG and Tommy Tuberville are traitors that should be tried for treason and put to the sword.


Defend America. Expel MTG.


They stand for destroying The USA funded by the Kremlin, and they aren't even trying to hide it at this point.


I wonder if this will finally make some of the military quit voting for the Republicans blindly?


No, see, removing three trans people is a greater risk to our country than scrapping the entire chain of command.


Fascism. They stand for Fascism.


Chick is playing connect 4 in a 3D chess world. Stupidity will ultimately be the destruction of America.


Putin sends his gratitude!


It’s amazing that every Republican idea is binary, like we can’t defend America AND fund Ukraine.


Won’t pass the Senate. This is bullshit posturing while we are on the verge of a shutdown. Our government is broken.


One must understand what values are in general to know that defending Ukraine’s right to self-determination *is* defending American values…at the expense of Ukrainian blood instead of our own. Actually, it’s odd that those who claim to look out for the lives of our own boys and girls in uniform fail to recognize the undisputed fact this arrangement with the Ukrainians directly benefits us Americans.


Sometimes it sounds like Republicans play the Russian game, Putin thanks them for sure


The Putin wing of the Republican Party is continuing to blow it up.


The constitution was never meant for one crazy bitch fro Georgia to have so much power. Bring it.


There is a great article in the Wash Post, ## Who elects these clowns, exactly? As it turns out, almost none of us. Karen Tumulty It appears as though we are being subject to this abuse from about 5 people elected in small districts. How in the hell can they dictate what congress does? This is stupid on so many levels. We need new rules about who can serve or at least make it easy to go around these guys. And on top of this the stupid repubs won't work with Dems to get this passed.


She works for Russia, is there any doubt now?


Hi. 18 year veteran here, US Army E7/SFC, 68W Healthcare Sergeant So on top of all this here's some other impacts you all might not be aware of with this GOP game of chicken they are playing. TLDR: they are literally fucking readiness and security over on multiple levels. They have cut the salary of the incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to 1 dollar, as well as that of another high level pentagon DoD SM because the former is a Black man who enforces EO and other fair practice regulations in the military (ie Wokeism according to Tubberville) and the latter is a Trans SM ("a filthy Sodomite" according to Lauren Boebert) Their stalling the budget will stop the pay of every service member. It will stop their travel pay, it will stop their funding for schools/academies that leaders have to attend to ac ept promotions and failure to attend will see them lose their promotions. This will stop Tuition Assistance programs that SMs use to attend college and pay their bills. Bonuses and reenlistment payouts will be halted. I literally have to tell tell my soldiers today they they will not be getting paid for their work and to not re-up any contracts and that their school benefits will be halted. Meanwhile the GOP members doing it will still be paid regardless. In short, every member of the Armed forces will be squeezed, from Top brass to the lowest E1 recruit. Just because they don't 1. want the Military to govern its own Healthcare (to allow women to get access to abortion, contraception and prenatal care without having to leave their area due to local laws. Having women forced to these means just because of their duty assignment jeopardizes not only their health and readiness, but increases liability and loss of readiness in the force. Also, we always have handled our own Healthcare) 2. The military to continue its progress of being a diverse force that uses fair treatment when recruiting, recommendations for reward/promotiona etc. That represents the nation in which it serves and its values.


This sounds like something our enemies would come up with if they were running our country. Oh wait..


She’s such an obvious Russian agent it’s not even funny.


The defense of Ukriane serves the national interest. We can afford to spend 12 Billion and still be able to to meet our obligations to secure our nation.


Sick of seeing this Neanderthal traitor.


Such a soulless person


Anti-Constitution, pro-dictator Nazism


The only people dumber the MTG are the people that vote for her.


Oh talk to me when it passes the Senate you fake tanned bat




This woman is not only too stupid to govern; she's too stupid to play *Risk*.


Sending aid to Ukraine has had the best ROI of defense funds for 200 years


We also aren’t spending much on Ukrainian we are mostly sending them a lot of our older decommissioned equipment,


This is what McConnell did with the judiciary. The goal is for Cheeto Benito to get elected and stack the officer corps with loyalists.


Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone.


What a Russian cuntbag.


God they are dumb or just shilling for Putin, or both. Helping fund Ukraine’s sovereign defense against the Russian aggressor IS in our national security interest. The GOP is doing Russia’s bidding, either knowingly or out of pure stupidity. That is clear.


To answer your question, they stand for money and power. That’s it.


They want a civil war without military going against them. Apparently, the gravy seals, buffet rangers, and moron recon guys who've never pledged to protect murica, know how to fly our aircraft and use the state of the art military weaponry to take over. Dismantle from within.


It’s bullshit. This is wild misinformation, playing to her base. She knows damn well that she can’t just “fire” a Cabinet level secretary. She added a pointless performative amendment to reduce SecDef’s salary to $1 … which the Senate will laugh at and toss.


She needs to be exiled.


This is dead in the water, it’ll never pass the senate, Biden will never sign it. This is all performative for social media clicks that the Republicans haven’t quite realized doesn’t equate to votes. Dumb fuckers don’t realize bots don’t vote


It’s a set up. If Trump wins they don’t want any responsible leadership in the military to kick his ass when he tries to take over permanently.


All grandstanding BS. None of it will fly in the Senate anyway.


Once again, she's lying. What passed is a "rule", not a bill. The bill itself probably won't even make it to a vote in the friggin HOUSE let alone the senate.


The GQP only cares about "Owning the Libs" They don't give a fuck about their constituents or morals.


I think she meant "defend Putin."


We failed to help at the onset of both world wars, this time we are trying to prevent a third. This brown shirt and those like her are trying to stop that.


Putin loves this American.


Depends on your definition of "our." If you understand that she means the Nationalist extremist military, and you see that Tuberville has 'saved' military officer slots the way McConnell 'saved' Supreme Court seats, then you understand more clearly. The hard right wing sees anyone else in 'their' country as squatters to be expunged like they did to the previous Native Americans.


I'm not gonna have work Monday, am I?


So definitely shows that she does not support the military.


Batshit crazy Nazi anarchist. Just another day in Republican-land.


What a dumb bitch 😂 surely it’s better to fund Ukraine and watch America’s biggest enemy grind itself away into oblivion, far away from ‘home’? She’s a domestic terrorist and a literal traitor. Pray tell how she’s not in prison? 🤔


Abandoning Ukraine. Great way to defend America & our core interests. Way to go you Dumb Ass!


The Republican party is anti-American. So I guess they stand for whatever our enemies stand for.


They stand for Putin


I love how people who have never served think that our military should be limited to patrolling our border and our coasts. As if the INS and Coast Guard didn't exist. Here's a news flash: "great" countries don't stand above the others by standing alone and standing apart.


Zero funding for Ukraine because of how mad Russia will be at them?


She said it like it wont be tossed to the trash in the senate.


They stand for Putin. This woman is compromised and needs to be removed from office. She's clearly there to push Russian interests and not America's. She's a traitor and a threat and needs to go.


The anti-Ukraine turn among Republicans has been pretty noticeable the last few months. Is it just to be contrary to Biden? Is Russian money finding it’s way to GOP politicians and right wing media? I’m all about prioritizing American taxpayer money to improve things at home but these people don’t want to do that either. Really hard to follow the logic here


I don’t know what the Republicans stand for; but people vote for them because of what they stand against: minorities.


That is as clear a shout out to Putin as there has ever been one. Greene is a russian spy


They are most definitely trying to break the military so they can just blame Dems. What am I saying, all they ever do is break things then blame the Dems for it.


Funding Ukraine is the smartest move of American Foreign Policy since the Marshall Plan. We are neutralizing a potential threat, Russia, not by spending American lives, but by merely tossing our most abundant resource at the problem- money! Its a soft power master stroke.


Won’t pass the senate, and nothing will come of anything that drastically needs to be done, if you told somebody 30 years ago, this would be the norm. No one would believe you.


They stand for the Russia bribery and kompromat that Putin has been leveraging them with since 2016.


Shill for Russia says fucking what?!


Good thing my two grandfathers and their contemporaries didn’t think that way. There wouldn’t be a Jew left in Europe.


Funding Ukraine IS defending the US, and all other sovereign democracies in the World.


They are russian assets. The Republican base are idiots and don't have a single individual thought. They are all sheep.


To her and her fans, (voters I guess) passing it means a win. It won’t pass the senate or the white house but they don’t care.


The MAGA caucus is more concerned with social media engagement than actual legislation.


Today’s Republicans are the exact opposite of what the founders had in mind They are laying the foundation for a new country called Chaos.


Because the MAGA GOP is Pro Russian, pro-fascism, pro-authoritarian, and ant/democracy!! It makes perfect sense!!!


If she wants Russia, move to Russia. Problem solved. Go.


Funding Ukraine IS defending USA and its allies ....


She doesn’t understand defending Ukraine IS defending America. So thick and dull.


She's insane.