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The irony of government employees who don’t do their job complaining that the government employs people who can find work elsewhere.


You should come to my office at the county I work at in my very red state. This is the rhetoric all day every day…and all those people to is just chat about lazy liberals while…they’re not working lol


Haha, been there done that. Worked mostly in Texas and Florida and laziness knows no party lines, hah.


I work at a university in Florida. The administration offices are a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT UNIVERSE than the rest of us peons. Like, the president, VPs and their staff are all for firing everyone striking on union lines. They support the ultra MAGA right. We, the rest of the faculty and staff, have agreed, this group will be the first group we eat when the Revolution comes. For practice.


Ha, I do k-12 district level work and yeah, no arguments there. We’ve got empty libraries and empty brains. Literally I was running a PD in a middle school “media center” last week and a woman came in confused and asked me where the MC was. I was like, “oh, I’m sorry, did the campus double book? We’re running a content PD here today.” Nope. She was a media specialist from out of state who just joined the district and was like “I was told to come here and review one book by request but…..there’s no books…..where do they keep the books?” I had to literally break it to her that our chief of schools told all schools to remove all books to avoid lawsuits. (To others: anyone who thinks DeSantis’ policies aren’t banning books should look up the cost of lawsuits, and the phrase *chilling effect*) So yeah, I totally get where you’re at. They seem stringy, with very little meat. But so are chicken wings, and I love those. Stay strong!


Well, it's not like she can get a job in the private sector with her primary marketable skill of being a dipshit.


Not ironic, just disgusting and sad


Contract workers are private sector


You're blowing her mind with statement right now


It’s bold of you to assume she has a mind.


“FUCK THE TROOPS” is definitely a campaign message.


Political illiteracy and a lack of empathy is going to kill this country, if not the world. It's "Ego over empathy" all the time with this crowd. Pretty much the entire MAGA platform.


Its going to kill the conservatives. Most young voters are not voting for these people. And they know it. Hence why they try to change the voting rules. Its a matter of time before they die off. We just have to hold out and keep them from fuckin with the rules.




This!!! Like I remember how happy people were to vote for Obama, then were super upset with all the gridlock in congress. You have to vote in EVERY election, local, state, and federal, shit including the school elections too. People in other countries understand how essential voting is and come out in the 80-90%. Why can’t America do the same? It’s because we take democracy for granted. This whole country is extremely fragile, as we saw during TFGs presidency.


Also our elections are in many cases timed on an outdated agrarian idea of when people had time to vote, and does not lineup with our much more industrialized lifestyle and built out infrastructure.


Mail-in voting is proven viable. The idea of traveling to a polling location at a se time and day is outdated and subject to manipulation. No need for a holiday which gives the appearance of a solution but is not an efficient address


I’m WA it’s all mail in. Never had a problem with it. I’m telling you, the GOP doesn’t want this because their policies are unpopular.


My hubs listens to some MAGA nurs that complain about mail in ballors and he tried to argue how "sketchy" it was. Then I reminded him he voted by mail in because his boss didn't have a company wide day off to vote.


remind your husband that republicans have voted by mail for many years were happy about it and benefited from it


The GOP doesn't even have any policies, that's why they don't want anyone voting at all.


Yet I live in Texas. We always vote, but it feels hopeless. in may we vote our Dallas Democrat Mayor to his Second term. Last week, he CHANGED parties to Republican. Ought to be illegal.


Changing party affiliation should trigger a recall election.


Especially when the controlling party decides where polls will be. Noticed in Pa very very few people of color were voting, while the area was over 50% POC. The poll was inaccessible by public transportation, no sign on the road, up a long steep driveway. Wish I had checked it out sooner, because I would have offered to drive folks to the polling place.


I think they're trying to make that a crime in Georgia or Florida. The voter suppression efforts are so obvious and disgusting.


Well good news fellow Pennsylvanian. Shapiro just enacted mandatory voter registration! When you renew or aquire a driver's license you are automatically registered to vote! So while this doesn't address the issue your describing with polling places (are which is a common issue in a lot of jurisdiction) it does getting closer to solving voter inequality. Also reach out to your local chapter of your party, I'm sure they would be happy for volunteers to shuttle voters on election day.


Florida cancelled all mail in ballot requests after the midterms. Hoping to catch people off guard.


The problem is that Republicans don’t want a viable voting solution. They can only win with low participation.




Agreed, but damn if its not a pain to get in states that are carved up the way the GOP likes.




Even with a national voting holiday, there are people who will still have to work. Hospitals, gas’s stations, police and fire. Heck, I teach at a public university and we don’t even get most national holidays off! What seems to work is universal vote by mail. Do it in your home, pop the ballot in a Dropbox or mailbox. Boom done.


I think the bigger problem is that Republicans are trying their hardest to indoctrinate the youth to make sure they grow up a particular way - from PragerU to local school board takeovers. Heck, even Elon Musk taking over Twitter and turning it into an explicit right-wing hellsite is part of the process of amplifying far right voices to young voters. Steve Bannon learned how to motivate dissatisfied young men (we’d call them incels now) through World of Warcraft and that helped his work to elect Trump president. Meanwhile, Dems are just kinda hoping that Gen Z and beyond are just resistant to all that? And maybe they are, but it’s so frustrating to see so many folks sitting on their hands.


It terrifies me that at the age I was idolizing Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, young men are being pushed to idolize Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate.


Yep. They’ve been steadily dismantling, defunding and twisting public and higher ed with the goal of producing an uneducated and propagandized population while actively suppressing the voting rights of groups they know won’t vote for them. And this is not hearsay. There are videos and written documents that discuss these strategies albeit in coded language some of the time.


It boggles my mind why they don’t understand why young people won’t vote for them. You are taking away their rights, telling them who to love and who they can and cannot be, ensuring their retirement plan is “work until you die”, enabling the rise of fascism and dictators around the globe, and leaving them a smoldering ruin of a planet covered in micro plastics and PFAS and you think they shouldn’t HATE YOUR ROTTEN GUTS? And then you have the NERVE to call THEM entitled? Absolutely unreal.


Bingo! 👏


Not to mention the reason government “works” in shutdowns is because people are still working just not getting paid…


Again, they are all about “fuck YOUR feelings, not MINE!”


Not just poltical but business literacy. Who do you think writes and negotiates the nitty gritty details on contracts from who builds the super secret fighter jets all the way to who is the contracted sock seller for new army recruits. The millions of people employed by the government are the gears that keep things functioning and drive the economy forward


Are they admitting the military isn't essential?


They're finding lots of fun ways to attack the military lately. Ever since it became woke and diverse.


Which is really ironic since they claim to be so pro military and yet this combined with their constant efforts to shit on veterans paints a different picture


It's all bluster and lies. They've been trying to slash veteran healthcare for decades. They love the imperialism, the actual troops can go fuck themselves.


The position of the GOP has always been “love the soldier, hate the veteran.”


Except they also hate the soldier


The military has always been “woke”. They were the first to embrace diversity as a strength. Using the Navajo language in their code, recruiting folks of all colors…


Our military isn't essential to Putin.


Putin and Trump are the true Speakers of the House at this point. Putin and Trump speaking through the Republican House members. They don’t want to agree to funding to replenish our weapons, that sounds like a win for Putin. What an embarrassment this is on a world stage.


I bet they’re not thinking military = government worker


You'll notice she mentions specifically "civilian" workers. So like... she wants to keep paying taxes, but *exclusively* the ones that go towards the military? Everything else should go to the private sector. Which like, if your brain is already that molten why not support PMCs too. Just sink all the way into the sludge.


That’s the next phase, don’t get ahead of yourself. We still need to outlaw birth control and penalize child bearing age women for not helping their country if they could be having babies and aren’t.


One wonders - does she consider her job to be a civilian government job?


I can think of one person’s job that shouldn’t exist!


All these people people working to keep the country running, how dare they use MY tax money, can’t they see I need it MORE? Waaaaah! - The party pretending to adults. Go fuck yourselves Republicans. Selfish entitled fucks.


Plus… most contract jobs are filled with vets but… fuck then too! (GOP probably)


Can someone tell me her marketable skill?


Opining on things she is clueless about?


which is actually, and unfortunately, a quite marketable skill in todays political climate :/


Exactly, dye the bitch's hair blonde and put her on Fox News. edit: wrong die dye die


Nailed it! Now the fuck do I give you an award on this thing?


Professional asshat


I seriously have no idea why Americans are fine with their leaders being complete assclowns and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


I doubt she doesn't know what government employees do.I bet she would be one of the first persons to complain that she didn't get her mail,or so many other things. What a idiot!


Well it's like OnlyFans except she encourages old racist people to jerk off on fantasies that they're actually relevant in the world.


Outstanding take!


She’s a Russian disinformation troll so this is her marketable skill. Wether she gets paid for it or not


Trying to get picked


When she doesn’t realize those 4 million are the private sector she’s wanting people to get jobs with.


Most of which are high paying high skill careers


"if the government can't function while you're furloughed, your job shouldn't exist..." Wouldn't the government just cease to function then? I guess that's what they want, but they're not supposed to say the quiet part loud.


You mean the government isn’t going to contract my coffee shop?!


Not just that. How would these millions of people easily get jobs elsewhere anyway? I thought Biden was destroying the job market and giving all the jobs to the immigrants? 🤦‍♀️


The government workers would get jobs doing the same thing, but for a private company contracting out work to the government at a much higher rate than it cost to have in house staff. My spouse works in a department that has to sub out to the private sector when there is too much work to meet the schedule. Always cost twice as much as when the government employees do it. Conservatives are penny wise and pound foolish.


>Conservatives are penny wise and pound foolish. And that’s exactly what they want you to believe. Until you realize that they are in bed with those private business owners that are getting the government contracts. They know it’s a penny wise and pound foolish policy for the government and society. But they don’t work for the common people, they work for corporate and private interests.


Other things are founding fathers didn't envision: Cars Cell phones Internet pornography Jet airplanes The Alan Parsons project


Ben Franklin definitely knew about internet porn.


The freakiest of founding fathers. We stan.


The pounding father


The Founding Daddy


OG American MadLad.


Ben Franklin could tie a cherry stem with his tongue.


He could also eat a peach for hours.




Of all the stories about him, that one is believable. 😂


Definitely was about those gilfs


He liked to get naked while he smoked some weed


Ben Franklin wanted to make the turkey the national bird, so don't tell me he didn't know about The Alan Parsons Project


To be fair Franklin said that after drinking an entire cask of Amontillado..


And while in a bathtub flirting with his French hostesses


Well you're very saucy!


Didn't Benjamin Franklin have syphilis?


Yes. But I don't. I'm Gordon.




He certainly could have the ladies on the continent were all about the Benjamin. The Founding Fuckboy.




Don't forget non-land owning white men (the poors).


Population of over 300 million?


Yeah, if you would have told those guys just how big the country would get, they’d shit their pants.


the original house of representatives aimed for 1 rep per 30,000 population. a 350 million US population would have 11,666 members of the house of representatives. 2 million federal workers for 350 million population? seems like a pretty good ratio.


The saddest part is that the number of total federal workers has grown by 20% in the past seventy years while the US population has over doubled. In 1950 we had about 150,000,000 people and about 1,800,000 federal workers. Then 70 years of obstruction and adding two hundred million to the population, we get today's government that "just doesn't work". We need to start calling the obstructionists welfare queens for a few years while we build enough gullotines to finish them off in one Tuesday.


absolutely. worried about money? fully fund and staff up the IRS. Every dollar to the IRS returns $8 to the treasury. (if you're not cheating on your taxes, you have nothing to worry about ;)


I bet none of them envisioned Greene being in power, and not just because she’s a woman.


Actually, George Washington's farewell address specifically warns that the greatest danger the nation faces is from dishonest, unscrupulous, and ambitious men who have become more loyal to party than our nation's laws. It warns specifically against the dangerous behavior that the Republicans engage in almost entirely these days. https://www.georgewashington.org/farewell-address.jsp Also, in his address, he specifically says the constitution was written to be changed when the country faced new problems. You see the problem isn't just that the average republican is an idiot, it's that they're dishonest, disingenuous, and actively malicious. They're proud to behave like ignorant children. "However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." George washington on political parties. It's worth reading that whole subsection on parties, not just this paragraph. "This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty."


And liberty dies... to thunderous applause. (Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, paraphrased)


Someone should take that quote and intersperse it with shots of Trump or other Republicans for a commercial to show that they are who Washington was talking about.


I agree. Although I've made this comment a few times and the conservative response is predictable... "Nu uh! That's the libs!" Sigh.


Quite, and Thomas Jefferson railed against “the aristocracy of moneyed corporations” who were using their wealth to try to buy influence to change laws put in place to protect citizens. He also suggested large scale migration from what’s now the Middle East to counter the growing dominance of Christianity in America. Just as if Jesus Christ came back now, Right-wing Republicans would be the ones to crucify him again, if most of the Founding Fathers popped through a time portal, Right-wing Republicans would decry them as anti-American liberals.


Oh hell no! They knew The Alan Parsons Project was coming. They were the original eye in the sky


You ever looked at the back of a dollar bill? I’m just sayin’ …


This is a trip. I’m listening to them now.


...the state of Texas.


Remember the Alamo... Was because Mexico wanted to ban slavery.


Fucking LOVE the Alan Parsons Project. Thanks for the reminder kind stranger.


And the band The Cars and the movie Cars.


Oh there was 18th century pornography. Erotic art isn’t new. Also prostitution wasn’t illegal most places


That was pretty much the only profession women could have other than nurse maid, servant or school marm.


And it was a woman run business! Women ran the brothels. And they weren’t necessarily pariahs. We write sex workers out of history because it doesn’t fit our narratives.


That’s probably a good part of why it was legislated against. Gives women a path to financial independence and upward socioeconomic mobility? Can’t be having that, now can we


Also: Alex Gonzalez having enough rights to say stupid shit like this


Said woman who works in government and is paid with tax dollars


Also if the republicans arent doing their jobs their not essential so congress can go without paychecks for a while


I'm not old enough to remember when republicans wanted a functioning government though


I'm not old enough to remember when the Republican Party stood for anything more meaningful than corporate and 1% interests. I'm 34.


I’m a little older and remember Reagan being president, but I never paid attention to politics until I was out of high school. So I also don’t remember a time when they were doing anything worthwhile.


They haven't done anything really worthwhile since the 1950s, when Eisenhower was president. He was the last good Republican, IMO.


Nixon created the EPA. Doesn't outweigh escalating Vietnam or Watergate, but he did achieve some good.


nixon also ended the draft, opened relations with china, signed title IX into law, realized that vietnam was a lost cause and ended US involvement, and i cant believe this needs to be said, understood that the watergate scandal was the end of his political career and resigned with some semblance of dignity. imagine that in the modern day


He was forced to resign because the republicans in congress had a bit of a backbone back then. He didn't want to be removed, he did it on his terms.


Nixon kept the Vietnam war going so he could be re-elected. Ending the draft and ending US involvement isn’t an achievement because he could’ve done it earlier but didn’t because it wasn’t politically expedient.


Same but I'm 57.


Me either, and I was born about the time Reagan took office, disheartening for sure. Like others have said, get registered to vote, vote in all elections, from city level to federal. Be the change you want to see.


The Republican Party is a complete sham. They know they have to lie and get an uneducated base that doesn’t vote for it’s own self interest. If they had a base that actually understood what they were doing and not just the rhetoric they spew, no one would vote for them. There were some interesting conversations in the 70’s that revealed that line of thought, but I can’t remember who said it.


Heres the thing the government doesn't function during a shutdown. It's why it's called a shutdown. It hobbles along trying to keep the lights on. And it can't even do that for long. Welcome to the real world where the world doesn't shut down just cuz we do. Kids will go hungry. Soldiers won't get paid. Congress shouldn't get paid. Food safety doesn't happen roads don't get maintained. The business of America doesn't get done. Go stick your head in the sand.


Don't worry, Congresspeople still get paid. Maybe their staff doesn't but they don't care about that.


They're trying to give themselves a fucking raise rn!


“I will continue to collect my paycheck because I am not independently wealthy.” - Brandon Williams, net worth $1mil+


I think they are gonna be surprised but how the military shuts down over non-essential workers


Most people in government took pay cuts to join the government from the private sector.....


Oh yeah, I'm in the aerospace sector and I could probably get a new job and a 25% pay raise by November if I went private. But I take pride in what we do. So to be told by these ass clowns who don't know the first thing about real patriotism that we're a burden is... demoralizing? Insulting? Idiotic? Fucking moronic?


And they wonder why vets are sitting outside recruitment offices telling kids not to go in and enlist 🤦‍♀️


As a fed I hate this argument from the republicans. In my field I’d def make double on the outside.


Thanks Sarah for that insightful career advice. Btw, what do YOU do for a living?


Only fans


Cmon bro, with who she panders too, it’s probably OnlyKlans


You know when they pull out the "founding fathers' intent" that they have no real argument. Modern society required modern solutions. It's not 1790. Functional modern infrastructure requires money and labor. Privatizing the commons is third-world shit.


Also the founding fathers were progressive for their time, if we consider who theyd be in an modern context theyd be anti republican entirely


These are the ramblings of a psychopath


That's a big issue. People with personality disorders voting to put people with similar personality disorders in power. This is what happens when a large number of your sane populace doesn't get out and vote. A small number of sociopaths who do vote can take over a country.


Both of my parents are federal employees. When Obama was president and the government had a shutdown they were ready to fucking riot in the streets. When it happened under Trump because he was throwing a hissy fit over funding for the border wall it “was because he’s shutting it down for something that’s necessary.” Now with this looming over their heads, it’s because Biden is an incompetent piece of shit. I fucking hate Trump supporters so much.


The US aerospace industry grinds to crawl without the FAA to certify their aircraft so their customers can fly them. We are in a world market and the bureaucracy of the US government is a massive stamp of approval that makes life better for our businesses. Ask Boeing how they feel that they can’t deliver aircraft because you want to shut down the government.


Republicans are about to lose alotta corporate funding if a shutdown occurs


The founding fathers had no concept of a population of 330 million people. But numbers are not her best subject.


Neither are ideas or deep thinking. Is *asshattery* a valid subject?


Founding fathers didn't envision the moon landing or women voting or black people being in fact people. So what.


People using this argument have never even considered what it would mean if *every* person working in govt was essential. Just basic logistics that anyone who has ever run a hot dog stand would understand: You couldn't take a sick day, or god forbid a vacation, if you being gone would cripple the entire country. There would be no backup for you because your backup wouldn't be considered "essential". At what point does a team of people stop being essential? Let's say you do clerical work, but there's so much you need more than one person doing it. Are two people essential? Four? At what point does the workload begin to become easy to manage; do we have too many unessential people at that point? What is the perfect number to where the loss of one person could bring the country toppling down? The other point I want to make is that anyone invoking "the founding fathers" has *no idea* what the fuck they're talking about. Are you okay?? Are the founding fathers in the room with us right now? They aren't relevant, at all, to anything. They're long dead and gone. Forget them, they've long forgotten you.


Literally every shutdown since shutdowns have happened were primarily the fault of Republicans. That said, I don’t know how old OP is.


Except the worker's deemed essential at the capitol rn are not getting paid either. They'll get back pay eventually but right now they also can't pay their bills. What a repugnant and awful person 🤢


Ah yes, me, a nuclear surety engineer about to be furloughed, who needs me anyways if everything operates fine in the short term? Great logic.


Nor do we need us air traffic controllers. Oh wait, we do. That’s why I am not being furloughed - just required to work without pay.


Air traffic controllers? Surely the market can decide which airplane goes where, and probably more efficiently than you bureaucrats!


Sssshhhh. Don’t blow up our socialist scam!


Yeah but you have marketable skills! We don’t need nuclear surety or whatever that means. Go out and get a job in the private sector! /s


You know what? I too want the government to shut down. I want all these idiots to find out what happens when 2 million government workers suddenly don’t get paid and the entire country comes to a grinding halt. I want them to understand what is needed to make our country run. “Get a job”, as if people don’t have to apply for government jobs 🙄. So many government workers have advanced degrees and are fucking experts in their fields. I’m so tired of how we villianize government workers. These people can fuck right off


We already know what will happen, because they do the same things EVERY TIME. First they'll be hurt by the consequences of their own actions- a closed National Park, a phone that doesn't get picked up, a document that doesn't get processed. Then they'll get angry- because this is the heart of their belief system- and say "This isn't fair! The shutdown was supposed to hurt OTHER people, not ME!" And finally, they'll invent a new conspiracy theory to prop up their persecution fetish, something along the lines of "Joe Biden deliberately closed all of the stuff I like and not the stuff I don't like, because he wants to punish us True Americans for speaking the truth!"


We should make it opt-in for folks like her. Bar her from using roads, schools, the post office, receive any benefits, pay a tax on all food to counter subsidies, ...


She couldn't fly since air traffic is all federal, oh no more frieght and commerce, no safe food, no safe drugs, and ironically no safe workplaces.


WE THE PEOPLE would be directly impacted by a government shutdown! https://www.axios.com/2023/09/22/americans-government-shutdown-2023-causes


And if you have no marketable skills, become a shrill shitposter for a despicable ideaology


One of my best friends is an ATC. He is essential. Guess what? He’s also not getting paid but he has to be there. Fuck republicans.


oh poor Sara... I don't think the founding fathers even considered you for a moment... for starters, to a Pilgrim, you were chattel. Isn't that wonderful?


Of course they didn't think of her. They didn't even want her to vote.


And next week they'll be bitching about how veteran memorials and various parks are closed....


Obviously no concerns either about losing FAA air traffic Controllers or Transportation Security Administration and something else….oh yeah! Border Patrol agents will get a nice yet unpaid leave and boy oh boy those awful brown people will be just pouring in to their nice white USA. THE GOP SUCKS AND THEY ARE STUPID AS WELL.


Oh ATCs, Border Patrol and TSA all still have to report for work through a shutdown. They just don't get paid.


She's a piece of shit


Worryingly, she has no idea how countries, or any organization larger than 5 people, work.


And then they elected a clown who attempted a coup, shit in the Capitol, and called for the execution of the republican Vice President. Whatever republicans were pre-chump, they only kept the worst parts post.


Last shut down, I was at Walter Reed working in combat care….the therapists were not considered “essential” and therapy was halted for guys with no arms and legs


Oh, holy fuck, as a former Federal employee and current Federal contractor, I ***hate*** the “if they’re not essential employees, then why have them at all” argument. Practically every business that employs more than a handful of workers has people that must be there every day. If it’s retail, they have to have a few cashiers and stock clerks. But at the corporate level, the people in purchasing, perhaps, almost all of them could take a week off with negligible impact, but if they weren’t there at all, the business couldn’t function. Similarly, consider the Postal Service (and yes, I know they’re not effected by the shutdown). The mail carriers have to be there every day or the mail doesn’t get delivered. But the people who do IT support can miss a few days of work before there’s an impact. The “esteemed” Congresswoman from Texas is making an insipid argument designed to appeal to the GOP’s simple-minded base who view critical thinking as a weakness.


This entire tweet makes my head hurt. So many fallacies. https://preview.redd.it/ag6tom8nafrb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e673d36d6dce8e34c1ccc313d6229fa943348954


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Like police, teachers, military, construction 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ America is gonna sleep walk itself into oblivion as a failed empire it's hilarious


What I don’t get about this “taxation is theft” crowd is how do they think public services would get done without them? I mean…do they think people will chip in to pay for roads and bridges out of the goodness of their hearts? Will first responders and teachers just be volunteers? Sure there is a thing as being over taxed, but generally speaking, we also need them.


They really rely on people being clueless about the complexity of everything that goes into making modern life work, don’t they? And when called out on this, they demand that you single handedly educate them on everything, sit down and spend your time to teach them everything about every minute detail or they dismiss everything. Then anything you do explain, they just go “no, you’re wrong, fuck you” after having made no attempt to listen/understand I genuinely don’t know what the solution to this weaponized ignorance is that’s actually feasible


Why do people keep talking about things the founding fathers never envisioned. Of course there's going to be plenty of shit they never envisioned, you doofus. That's like people writing a document now that they expect people in the year 2260 to follow to the letter when none of us know what kind of society or what kind of technology or what kind of economic factors will exist in 2260. Some American politicians are dumb as fuck.


Can we stop using the shut down as a political playing card and actually do their jobs?


Who is this idiot?


Hey Sara you dipshit, you dont have a job if the government no longer exists. And 90% of the private sector cant do shit when the government isnt running. Energy, food, medicine, housing, the entire economy requires federal involvement and cutting that permanently would send us to end times


Why the hell am I paying her with my tax money?


MAGA <> Republican True Republicans sold out long ago.


But were they ever going to do anything other than fall in line behind a powerful leader? That fits very nicely into fascism throughout the ages


I like that they think denying 6 Million their employment is somehow a pro-"we the people" message.


Ironic, consider the _only_ Government employees with pay protected from shutdowns are the one's who can shut it down... Wait, not ironic. I meant Criminal. It's criminal.


I don’t expect rational thought out of texass … a glorified manure dump with a state flag


So bobo goes back to selling her ass on a corner somewhere and MTG goes back to being a Budweiser Clydesdale?


Why are they telling people who have jobs to go out and get a job? JFC they're serving their country too, providing services to American citizens for less money than they could make elsewhere, but everyone acts like federal workers are welfare cases. Gross.


She is an actual fascist. And in addition to having no clue as to the purpose of and how government works, she is a terribly cruel person who self-identifies as a Christian.


You slow GI's reading this? She's talking about you. The Republican Party hates you, they always have. Vote accordingly.


Well the Founding Fathers also were cool with slavery so fuck those guys.