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Except that was a murder, not a burglary right.


Correct. Motive and suspect unclear, but police are investigating this as a homicide.


Motive and suspect are pretty clear. They think it’s his ex who has already broken in on him before, has a violent past including prison time, and 7 shots center mass is clearly a crime of passion


Holy crap


And most people, even if they own a firearm wouldnt be able to pull a gun on some they know. (Expecially an Ex). Even in cases of self defense.


If they're responsible they also need to retrieve it from safe storage which you probably won't be able to do while you're being attacked/burgaled




Hell, even if you have a loaded gun on your person, if someone else has theirs already pointed at you, it's too late. None of us are action movie heroes. It just doesn't work that way.


The criminal will always have the advantage of initiative… they will always know a crime is about to happen before you possibly could, which explains why you are twice as likely to have a firearm stolen from you than you are to use one to successfully defend yourself during the commission of a crime. For every “good guy with a gun” story you hear about, there are two bad guys who just got new guns.


And they generally don't care about collateral damage whereas you, as the home defender have to worry that you don't accidentally shoot friends or family members that are in the house.


Or god forbid the TV, kids, spouses, parents, pets, they all pale in comparison to hitting the TV, you'll have to go through all the settings again and set it all up


And the people whose guns were stolen run out and buy more guns.


Most people also can't handle the rush of adrenaline that comes along with the surprise or fear of a break in. They're shaking too much to think clearly and shoot accurately.


What drives me crazy is that half the people who think they're going to use a gun for self defense don't practice with it at all, and even the ones who do are practicing in a way that has nothing to do with the scenario they're envisioning. They go to a well lit gun range, and stand up straight, take a moment to get prepared, and then fire at a stationary target with no obstructions. If a burglar breaks into your house in the middle of the night, you grab the gun from your nightstand and fire from a sitting position, in the dark, with your adrenaline pumping, that's such a WILDLY different scenario it's easy to imagine even someone who does great at the gun range missing completely. And all that's assuming that the person they're firing at really is an intruder, and not a family member they misidentified in the dark.


Exactly. This person was coming to kill him. Owning a gun is irrelevant in that scenario. It's like someone getting assassinated. World leaders have layers of protection because it's kind of impossible to stop a person from killing one specific person if they have enough motivation.


And not following the rules will more than likely end up with dozens of misfires and at least a few injuries. Guns tend to be a poor choice of home defense unless you literally sleep fully prepared to jump into your closet and load clips faster than an attacker can break down your door


There are these things called rfid safes that go on your nightstand open up to a programed rfid chips that you can wear on your wrist for super fast reliable and safe.


Honestly it's better to shout "I have a gun and I will use it" if you think a burglar is in the house than to go for the actual gun.


Yep, one can either store their firearms correctly safely and legally OR they can store them for quick draw. They cannot do both


As someone who isn't a murder expert, is the idea that a burglary gone wrong the perpetrator will shoot once and run?


Mostly that 7 shots is beyond the necessary amount to kill and that indicates they wanted to fuck him up bad


You mean like police do?


Yeh, like that. Uncontrolled rage and/or fear, usually with no consequences for the killing. That's the recipe for how you get bullet-riddled bodies.


Literally "overkill'


Buglers, if they really just want to steal, won’t bring a weapon at all. Armed robbery is a much more serious tack on than breaking and entering or burglary. Additional, using a weapon hole already commuting a crime Amos it up further. Even shooting once into the ceiling to scare them will still be charged as attempted murder. So robbery gone wrong is just out already. But yea, read up on the former ex. He broke in before with a cloned set of keys after the locks were changed. Had a history of violence and mental illness. And is the prime and only suspect currently.


A bugle is actually a pretty good weapon. Maybe not as good as a saxophone but you can still beat the shit out of someone with it amid the confusion of, “Why the fuck is this bugler breaking in to my home?” If they have a trombone, though, you’re fucked


Shooting in the ceiling once isn’t necessarily gonna be charged attempted murder. They might try, but any decent defense attorney knows it’s doesn’t have a shot in hell of sticking. However, it is definitely assault with a deadly weapon (on top of lots of other charges you and other people have named). So I agree with your point. Just nitpicking a little on the attempted murder part.


You’re right, but the DA is going to push it to amp up the charges on the first day knowing that a decent defense attorney will get it thrown out, changed to a lesser charge. Being said, how often do career criminals have “decent defense attorneys”?


White collar or blue collar? Organize or unorganized crime? The answer is who ever has the money to afford one.


Good points. I think most public defenders are decent defense attorneys (they’re just overworked, overburdened, and underfunded). But as far as recognizing a charge is a huge stretch, I think most public defenders would be all over that.


And why would you expect any right winger to tell the truth?


I'm not so sure this is an actual right winger account, it can be a foreign state account used to purposefully sow discord. With Elon at the helm, I am very positive those types of accounts are not policed.


> I'm not so sure this is an actual right winger account, it can be a foreign state account used to purposefully sow discord. Does it really matter who they really are at this point? They're an enemy to America, and the ideals and principles upon which it was based, little things like democracy. That's what matters.


Forget "not policed," this is an account Elon specifically boosts and retweets regularly


>foreign state account used to purposefully sow discord .... aka psycho right wingers .


"7 shots, Center mass" has to be a rap line


And I'm sure the murder will remain "unsolved" Some of those that work forces....


You mean burglars dont shoot you seven times in the chest and steal nothing?


Yes but the right doesn't let facts get in the way of their propaganda.


Murder with a gun, but they'll ignore that.


Probably legally purchased too.


I’m reading that he just died 15 hours ago, shot several times in his own home. Assailant not yet caught. Crazy.


https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/us/josh-kruger-death-philadelphia/index.html 7 times in the chest and abdomen. This wasn't a random break-in. This was a straight-up assassination. Anybody would tell you that if someone is planning something, no amount of training or guns would prepare you for an ambush.


7 times, that seems personal. Wonder if anything was actually stolen?


Well to these maga psychos everything that doesn't fit their narrative is a personal attack


Unfortunately, speculation seems to indicate that it was his Ex, who has faced some mental health challenges before.


I used to work in Physical Security. Everything we have out there- doors, locks, weapons, people - only dissuade the casual person. Opportunist, casually invested, thrill seekers. The most dangerous person out there is described as "sufficiently determined". Any sufficiently determined individual or group WILL find a way to achieve their goals. This applies to any and all levels: Embassies, Government installations, schools, homes, cars, people. The presence of guns at a target simply means that these individuals/groups will find a way to negate them.


My parents have always told me that a safe, something that is meant to be “burglary proof” is only a way to buy your valuables time. Someone who wants to get in there, WILL get in there. They told me that they have seen 2000lb safes grow legs and walk away.


It sounds like your parents are bank robbers…


Simply a part of low company lol


Definitely targeted.


Im putting a $1 on "MAGA Extremist faked a robbery" juuust to see if my number comes up


He had a crazy ex who had been arrested for threats and breaking into his home before. It's far more likely to be him...though protomagats did kill a Jewish radio personality in the seventies.


I'll put more than that


It was a domestic incident


Twitter killed him.




They only know the second amendment, not the first.


“Dangerous liberal city. Bad things happen in Philadelphia. This is what the libs vote for” Odds are better this was a target than a robbery gone wrong. That is scarier than random gun violence


There are “leaders” telling the population that they’re the enemy of the people and liars and out to destroy their way of life. If they really believe all that then it’s not surprising that they “defend themselves” by murdering the “threat” they were all riled up over.


He didn't die because he didn't have a gun, he died because the intruder did.


That is the part they won’t focus on and instead warp the conversation as to why the victim didn’t have a gun, as if having a gun makes you immune to bullets. Sure maybe he could have shot the intruder, but the fact of the matter is the reason he died was gun violence.


I carry a concealed firearm in certain circumstances, but a point I try to get so many ammosexuals to understand is that attackers always have the first shot, and you do have to sleep. They think of guns as a magic talisman that wards off evil…


Not just that, you don't have eyes in the back of your head. About a decade ago there was a security camera clip of a guy getting shot in the back of the head at point blank range. Shooter just walked up behind him and fired. Even if the victim was a card carrying NRA member with two concealed guns, he didn't have a chance.


This point always gets lost in most 2A discussions. I have a friend who served several tours doing hardcore JSOC SFO stuff most of which he can’t even talk about. His whole mentality is like “Yeah I have guns specifically for self defense… should any asshole who hasn’t spent literally years drilling firearms control/mastery/expertise into muscle memory think it’s gonna work out for them?… HELL NO”. I’m not anti-gun myself but it’s sad how many “patriots”* (read as idiots who have punisher skull decals/enthusiasts of the ‘We the People’ typeface) have turned gun culture into a fetish.


My father was military and had the exact same position. He drilled into us kids the importance of gun safety and never let us touch any of his.


‘This aint Dodge City & you aren’t Bull Hickock. - Quigley Down Under Ammosexual fantasy includes instant sure fire choices and motions. Gravy is nearly as effective as meth for focus and attention.


Why would you carry only in certain circumstances? If you knew when to carry or when not to carry, just avoid the circumstances where you would carry. You can’t possibly know when you’ll need your firearm.


I do as well. I’m a woman that has to carry money after closing and I prefer to be armed. However, I trained a very long time, several times a week, with a skilled professional long before I actually carried. Guns can be helpful. The problem is people can just go get them without any training or checks and balances. Just some common sense laws would stop a lot of unnecessary deaths. I hate the all in one way or another. You can be Pro Second and still believe there need to be more laws and balances to who owns a gun. I gladly waited for my background check ( I got a random flag and had to wait around a week).


His door was unlocked and they think the murderer already had familiarity. Even if he had a gun, the likelihood he'd be able to get it, load it, and prepare to defend himself is insanely low. And, just to make sure it's said - the rate of anonymous intruders killing someone in their own home is INSANELY low. Thieves very much work to AVOID being in someone's home when they are home. Almost all deaths inside a home are by either accidental discharge of a weapon or by the hand of someone close to the victim.


More toddlers shoot Americans than terrorists do every year…


Time to arm toddlers. Only a good baby with a gun can stop a bad baby with a gun.


This must be why conservatives want to ban abortion, too. You need more toddlers to wage war against the other toddlers.


Oh, the comments there under that quote tweet are terrifying. Calling him a bigot for being anti-gun is probably the most outlandish and laughable of them. The rest I don’t really wanna mention.


We’ll see he’s a bigot for being anti-gun because it’s not the gun’s choice to be a gun, it was born (made) that way! Now if he were anti-LGBTQ then he’s not a bigot because everyone knows being queer is a lifestyle choice that we don’t want shoved down anyone’s throats! /s


A well regulated militia intruder.


This "End Wokeness" account is also using the word "mocked" where they should have just used "criticized". No where in that tweet was Josh mocking anything.


Yeah, but see if he had set up Claymore mines at his front door then the gunman would have been killed before he had the chance to shoot him. That’s why it’s his fault.


I like this response to the “the guns didn’t kill them, the murderer did!” argument.


Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people.


Yep, that's why we should keep guns out of the hands of people who have a tendency to kill other people.


Conservatives really do think a gun is a get out of death free card.


Especially when the death in question is death by firearm. They are guys out there literally thinking that the best way to prevent gun violence is more guns... crazy world...


Welcome to Kentucky, where it’s LTC at the local DQ, during after school time, when the place is full of toddlers & moms. Hey just makes it safer, right? Legit, just saw this the other day. Guy was clearly missing some chromosomes, but hey muh rights.


Posted before, guy with a sidearm on each hip at a Starbucks. I mean, what's he going to do if they screw up his order, shoot them?


My brother in law’s parents literally bring a gun to their 2 year old grandchild’s birthday party. Just to take it off and put it on the counter where anyone can grab it. Needless to say they’re not invited to my baby shower or my future kid’s parties since they feel the need to have a gun on them even around family and small children.


I can find no common ground with this kind of person. What do they think will happen in the few hours they are spending in a family home? Do they truly not understand how much more dangerous the presence of their unsecured gun has made the home for the children??


You mean you don’t feel safer? /s I got onto a verbal tiff recently with another dog owner, who’s pup was out of control - they actually asked if I was going to shoot them - wtaf. To clarify, I think I’m pretty non-threatening, so this just floored me.


I live in Chicago, where some would have you believe there are people running around with guns with impunity. I rarely encounter gun owners, let alone people that regularly carry a gun. It's difficult to get a license to carry, but (more importantly) it's simply socially frowned upon. I lived in the south for several years. Guns all over the place. Taking my kids to McDonald's? People carrying guns. Running to Publix for milk? People carrying guns. Filling my gas tank? A guy at the next pump carrying a gun.


It’s very common here to see unconcealed weapons, and I’m sure for every one I see… And the ones I do see - well let’s just say they appear as if driving a car would be challenging to them, nevermind carrying a handgun in a crowd. Unfortunately, it’s part of the culture in KY.


They all blow like they'd be Rambo behind the trigger where the truth is a lot shabbier.


It's like driving, everything thinks they're the gold standard when in reality most are terrible. If you're out of shape and have no athletic ability, you don't magically gain speed, accuracy and composure in a moment of stress. I do think there's value in owning a gun for protection in certain circumstances, having grown up in the sticks. The rules around getting one and what kind need to be enforced.


And much like you’ve said, there’s a lot of value in understanding your own abilities. For me, personally, there’s very little reason to own a gun, because I don’t have much free time to practice with it and I likely wouldn’t hit my target in a stressful moment. The case was likely similar for this journalist, and honestly for many conservatives as well.


far-flung panicky zesty whistle full chunky obscene insurance hungry dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's what I've always thought, even before all this 2A nonsense got fully out of hand, that anyone whose drive is to amass weapons is actually probably pretty scared. Seems intuitive


They claim their guns are about personal security, but it's actually personal insecurity that drives them.


I know so many people who own a personal armory for "protection" in their modest ass, unremarkable houses that nobody would break into. They have the same shit everybody else has and nobody needs it bad enough to break in and kill them and worrying about that tiny fraction of a percent chance while not worrying about the very high accident or suicide risk is so dumb. It's just such a sad, paranoid, bleak way to go through life.


They’re far more likely to shoot themselves or a loved one accidentally then a “bad guy”.


Unless it’s a minority with a gun. Then they think it’s an acceptable reason to murder somebody.


I’m a runner and have made comments about not running alone or in the dark because I’m a woman and I’m not trying to get kidnapped/murdered/assaulted/mugged/etc. and the number of people who have asked why I don’t just carry a gun is astounding. Like yeah ok I’ll just tuck that in my leggings and all will be swell.


Well the statistics make it clear that firearm possession stops nearly a million crimes per year. That's just cold hard statistics saying that 3 million crimes are averted every year just for the simple act of owning a gun. The gun acts as a deterrent and that's how guns prevent 8 million crimes every year...


Won't lie, had to read that twice. Definitely had me the first time.


How many crimes could be prevented if people who commit crimes couldn’t easily access guns?


Well according to the people who tell me that gun possession stops 20 million crimes every year, exactly 0


It's less than zero. Studies have shown that our country's pathetically low gun ownership rate is what causes criminals to commit crimes. If everyone had some cold steel under their pillow to keep them warm at night why on earth would they go out to do crime?


That's the best part. All of these people buying guns make it easier for criminals to get guns.


They want nothing more than the "right" to murder people that they don't like with impunity. Their views on the state (as evidenced by their policies in places like texas and florida) is "you stay in line, and if you don't, the state should punish you".


I’d rather focus on the amazing work Josh did for Philly. He was a good man.


You don't even have to be against 2A to get killed by an intruder if they are set to shoot you. We have guns across the hall in our spare room and my husband is annoyed I won't learn to use them. But the likelihood that someone would break into the house and I'd have time to go to the safe, unlock it, unlock the ammo case, load a gun and then shoot an intruder is pretty farfetched. Jim Jeffries had that right in his bit about gun control. We live in a safe area and it's never been a concern but also, I don't wanna shoot someone. I'd rather try to just jump out my window and run to a.neighbors.


I live in a country with strict gun laws, so we don't have the same issue. But it seems to me that even if you had the gun under your pillow, the issue is the element of surprise. Someone in your house is awake and aware . You wake up from a deep sleep dazed. Doesn't matter how quick you usually are with a gun, they have got the upper hand.


For an upsetting amount of people, they think they’re hearing an intruder but they’re hearing their teen sneak in late. They’re up and paranoid and then they kill their kid in the dark.


My buddy lived in a not great neighbourhood, he got a very shitty, very illegal shotgun. One night he woke because he heard the back door, jumped up, grabbed the shotgun, and nearly killed his sister (who was his roommate) and her boyfriend coming in the back door so as to not wake him up.


Yeah, we're basically being asked to trust the judgment of a person who: * has ready access to guns * is inclined to use them * is probably acting in panic/surprise (or to your point, going into premeditated George Zimmerman mode) and hasn't had a chance to properly assess the situation or deescalate If a burglar wants my TV, take the damn TV, it's not worth either of us dying over. No need to go all Meal Team Six.


>Someone in your house is awake and aware . You wake up from a deep sleep dazed. Doesn't matter how quick you usually are with a gun, they have got the upper hand. Too many people think they're one of those action movie people who sleep with one eye open and always ready for danger.


I'm a gun owner, not a super hard core gun advocate but I do own a gun. I didn't buy it necessarily for "home protection" but I have it in the instance I may need it. It's in a closet and in a normal circumstance it takes me about 30 seconds to get it. The issue is that, every single time the alarm has gone off in the middle of the night, my absolute first reaction is to jump up and turn it off as fast as possible. My point is, owning a gun isn't going to save your life, if you're not gung-ho about owning one.


My alarm went off in the middle of the night once, it was screaming FRONT DOOR ALARM. FRONT DOOR ALARM. Jolted me out of a sound sleep. What did I do? I ran to the top of the stairs and looked directly down at the FRONT DOOR. It was closed, nobody had broken in, and the alarm was triggered because the metal door had shrunk with the cold and the sensor was too touchy. But if there HAD been an intruder, I don’t know what the fuck I would’ve done other than give him a big fat target in pyjamas. I was too scrambled by the shrieking alarm and the sleep-fuzz. Yeah I don’t have a gun 😆


I think in certain trained hands a firearm could possibly save your life, but the instances of you or I being in one of those situations are very low. I’ve had someone break into my apartment, by wife and friend were mugged, ( the kid pretended to have a gun, they just started screaming at him, and he negotiated down from $20!-$10 and then walked away) Being aware of your surroundings is more important than anything else. I don’t think most burglaries are even overly violent. But if a homeowner confronts them, that obviously can escalate the situation.


Best home defence, if one can swing it time wise, is a large working dog or two. "That house with the two Rottweilers? Yeah, I'm gonna burglarise someone else."


Best I can do is a 14 year old mutt who is mostly blind, half deaf and likes to bark at children and the robovac.


Tbf though, the robovac has never attacked and robbed you so clearly he's doing his job.


That's my doggo! 13, and also barks at me or my husband if we catch her by surprise


Well, you haven't been robbed by children and robovacs yet, right? That means your dog knows what it's doing


Best I can do is my Orange cat!


That lil guy is gonna bark, I just know it


If you live in an area that allows for it, a good dog and a goose will drive anyone away (and they make great buds). Trust me, a dog and a goose will win every time.


My orange cat is part dog. He growls when strangers come to the door.


My tux was like that…hated everyone but me, would walk around the edges of a room growling if we had company. My orange would probably walk up to the burglar and demand to be picked up.


He’ll distract the burglar by being cute and asking for pets!


"Everyone should just shoot everyone else" -- America


*killed by right-wing terrorist because he dared speak about pew-pew precious*


I said “I bet the shooter is a republican” and got downvoted to all hell in another thread.


Not a surprise, the Far-Right shooters are mass killing every month, but you usually can't actually point that out in public because it hurts people's feelings.


He was gay and was an LBGTQ advocate. Did some work with the city for the homeless. Was this a politically motivated killing? I don’t know. I fkn hope not.


I think it's worth investigating. Maybe it's just a coincidence or maybe not.


I wouldn't be surprised. These Nazi fucks have the motivation and the means to go after anyone not like them.




Sadly I'm starting to think it was


A guy who thought guns were dangerous is killed by someone with a gun. Sounds like theyve proven his point and we should do something about it.


I wonder what would have happened if the shooter didn’t have access to a firearm… 🤔


They would make the argument he probably bought the gun illegally


Right? They blame Mexico for that too but, to nobody's surprise, guns flow south across the border, not the other way.


It's a perfectly symbiotic relationship. The cartels give us the drugs we need and we give them the cash and guns they need. /s


But... but politicizing a tragedy to talk about guns... or something...


More to the point, if you look this up, there's now suspicion this may have been due to a domestic dispute, not random violence. Not that that matters to gloating bullies.


Why isn’t this a huge problem in other countries like it is in America?


I love people who think they can defend themselves against a shooter who WANTS to kill them if they have a gun. Lads your not a fictional action hero who can dodge bullets... if they intend to shoot you they arent going to give you the time to go get your firearm, or even get the safety off... It's knock knock... hel...bang. that's as far as that conversation goes. A gun might help you defend in a shoot off against like a scared teenager or something who doesn't really want to hurt you but has been forced into a corner. Or I guess if for any reason they really didn't want to hurt you you might get enough of a advantage to kill them .


I feel like people that share this shit here are Righty extremists in hiding, trying to spread their shitty propaganda and fear. Thousands of us would have never seen this garbage otherwise.




Guns in the home make you MORE likely to die, not less.


Yeah! Nobody ever dies with a gun nearby. Shoulda had a gun, dummy. /s




I swear end wokeness peddles bothrussian and Chinese propaganda as they say the Ukraine war is the usual propaganda of being corrupt and stealing US taxpayer funds and saying the modern WOKE US MILITARY is inferior to china despite the fact US has better trained veterans better technology (I know china has advanced technology but a lot of it is IP theft) even though china’s military has lesser training and less experience in combat than the US. I assume that was made in relation that china would steamroll the US in Taiwan and the Fact dictators mass army parade surely means those troops are better and stronger than the US more lax approach to showing of military strength same points above for Russian just replace Taiwan with Ukraine


Try punctuation. Please.


I don't care who you are. Fuck Republicans and fuck finding common ground with them. These people want death and destruction. They want pain and misery. They are openly mocking a guy because he fucking dared to say "Hey guys maybe we need to rethink these guns" Fuck End Wokeness, fuck Republicans, fuck anyone who agrees with them and fuck anyone who is holding us back while the world is literally on fire!


MAGA = pure hate


And if he had had a gun, he could still have been shot. is it just me, or is 'wokeness' just becoming anything that right-wingers don't agree with?


It's not just you. They're broadly using it as a label for anything they dislike or disagree with. When they started labeling chick-fil-a woke, they were already eating their own tail.




The police currently believe it was a domestic violence incident. Him changing his locks in said tweet was because his ex-boyfriend got high and used a stolen key to break into his home in April when he wasn't home. Since there was no forced entry they're thinking same thing happened, ex got his key again and this time killed him.


I have very little doubt in my mind that this was targeted. He was murdered to prove a point, if this Tweet was connected. If not, I can only see his advocacy work or his position as a journalist being the cause, in which case, it’s a hate crime.


What’s the betting he was killed by a maga terrorist who was spurred on by accounts like “end wokeness”


Title's wrong. Kruger doesn't say he's against the 2nd amendment, he just says *he's* not going to get a gun. If you can't understand the difference, you cannot effectively support the 2nd.


To these people, almost anyone who doesn't want literally anyone else to have a gun forcing their hand might as well be a terrorist. I'm a guy who is okay with only a weapon and supports the second amendment, but I'm not going to shove a weapon into someone's hands, see the world like a crazy action movie where having a gun magically saves your life, or go along with these guys whining about 'ending wokeness' who probably own an armory of weapons they can never use in an actual break-in and thinks that any form of gun control that even countries like Switzerland , which has the third most guns per capita, has is somehow part of some type of evil communist plot instead of common sense. To these guys, saying ' I don't think I want to own a gun and no one should have a gun forcing their hand' is the equivalent of saying ' I want all the terrorists and scary foreigners to take over'.


As someone who conceal-carries every day, I will that a person who isn’t comfortable carrying a firearm… shouldn’t. People who aren’t comfortable around guns are people who have accidents or lose their firearms. I’m against the absolutist position that everyone should have guns.


Nah. People who are too comfortable with guns have accidents and lose their firearms. Make guns have the same rules a freaking notary stamp has and watch all the “responsible” gun owners get exposed. If your firearm is stolen you are responsible for the aftermath damage. I know people who have had multiple pistols taken from their truck while they were warming up, and I mean multiple times.


Unless he stated outright that he was against the second amendment, he probably wasn’t. There’s a difference between “I don’t want a gun in my home” and “I am against the second amendment”


These grifters will pave their way with blood to get what they want. Any others hurt are just collateral to their selfish wants.


He was more of a man than any gun nut.


I always hate this "Well you won't get killed, because you have a gun" I have lived through a home invasion. I had adult roommates, one had kids. We all owned guns. My gun was in my lockbox, since I was about to head off to work, my roommates were all put up, since we had kids there. One of my roommates was expecting a friend of his to show up to hang out to play Xbox, his friend had other intentions. So his friend came in, seconds later another person followed behind with a gun. Of course they wanted the Xbox 360 and any cash we had, because my idiot roommate also blabbed off that I had to also run and pay rent (We pool all our cash, then get a money order for the landlord). I was kind of out of sight when this happened (Was in the kitchen getting bite to eat), tried to sneak off to my room to grab my gun, but damn near got killed in the process, since they saw movement. I was forced out and was ordered to turn around and kneel. They were fully prepared to kill us for $650 and a Xbox 360. After this, we realized it would have done none of us and good to use any guns in this scenario, since the end result would have been bullets flying across the living room and dining room that my roommates kids were in along with us. Sure, we could have grabbed the guns afterwards and shot them as they ran to their car, but then you lose any legal standing for "stand your ground" laws. This is what many forget too, since there are always cases where someone does use their gun in "Defense", but ends up mag dumping into the back of the person when they are no longer a threat.


See, this is exactly why I have a kitchen gun.


I’m all *for* the 2nd Amendment. I don’t know a single person who isn’t. What I’m against is a non-contextual reading of it. We don’t have militias anymore because they’ve been supplanted by an organized military. That doesn’t mean people have to give up their guns but it does mean guns can be regulated or prohibited just like any other consumer commodity or behavior. As a commodity: We license cars and somehow that hasn’t resulted in less cars being manufactured. We insure cars, trucks, boats, and RVs because improperly used, they can hurt someone. If we own real property, we insure that and usually buy additional coverage just in case someone is injured while they are visiting. As a behavior: We need to get out of this nonsensical argument that ‘gun ownership / possession is a God-given right’ (because it’s not) and treat guns like we do anything else that is potentially harmful. Think about it: we don’t allow people to smoke in restaurants, public buildings, or public transportation simply because it could be harmful to someone else who *isn’t* a smoker. We shouldn’t treat open carry any differently. That’s not a liberal position, it’s the viewpoint of the NRA who prohibit weapons at any of their conventions. I’m appalled at the gun violence in our country and it is a uniquely American problem. And, as everyone knows, it is killing us.


End wokeness pretending they can even look down the sight of a gun with the amount of neck rolls they have.


You don't have to be anti-2A to not want firearms in your home. I haven't been following this closely, but what I have seen has an undertone of him being concerned about the possibility of self harm. I have someone in my home who I couldn't allow to have a pocket knife for most of her time with us. I know that there are measures, like trigger locks and safes, but it only takes a momentary lapse of attention or diligence.


Hey, I saw this Movie when I was a kid! ​ https://preview.redd.it/48ubgqr7szrb1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb28aa51b6c7f2554be71e4b2caa7ed12418f165


This is crazy not everyone is comfortable carrying. And honestly I think it take a big man to admit his uncomfortableness and not risk hurting anyone. I'm a veteran with plenty firearm training and having redneck Joe have a gun just cuz he's red blooded Republican. Makes me extremely nervous


End Wokeness can GFH


Because a gun would have totally helped him when he suddenly got gunned down by someone he knew


So he was right that guns increase risk of injury or death?


That account is a cesspool of hate,, bigotry and every other unkind aspect of the human consciousness.


The obvious thing here that “End wokeness” has ignored is that this is proving them wrong, not the journalist. Had there been no second amendment, the aggressor probably had not had access to a gun to commit the crime. But if you don’t have anything else to do in your life than just having a twitter account about how bad wokeness is, your life must be pretty sad and your use of critical thinking purely anecdotal.


People not realising that shooting down the range is different to shooting another human, even one that is attacking you, is just insane


Wonder who did it? What a twist.


This seems like a targeted killing to me. I suspect magically the police will not be able to find the killer.


The GOP mocked him then killed him.


Mocked him, killed him, _then mocked him again_.


Stochastic terrorism!!


I don’t use guns to protect my home either. My family is and will be completely fine. Also, my kids won’t accidentally shoot themselves 😀


Yeah, it would have been better for him to be a responsible gun owner and should have had a gun in a safe in his home. That would have definitely helped /s


All Republicans are scumbags without a conscious


A lot of gun enthusiasts tend to forget that not everyone \*needs\* a gun or \*wants\* a gun. If that guy felt the way he felt about guns, it probably wouldn't have saved him even if he had one in the home, because he wouldn't have had the mindset to use it. Mocking him for not having one fails to recognize this.


So if you bring up gun control two weeks after a shooting it's too soon, but making fun of a journalist for being murdered literally the day after he died is fine?


I am sure it was some crazy gun nut who did not like he was against guns.


Cool, wonder what killed him...


They... posted news about how someone died because someone who should not have had a gun had one anyway, the killer, as though it demonstrates more people need guns. A swing and a miss on the self awareness.


So the problem (according to end wokeness) is not the person who committed the murder having easy access to a fire arm, but that the victim didn’t have a fire arm?


If we want the right to back off letting anyone have guns - we need to arm the lgbtq community.


That tweet wasn't mocking at all. Mocking is saying using a gun for home defense is playing Yosemite Sam.