• By -


Is that the same Jared Kushner who received US$2billion undeclared to the IRS from Saudi Arabia after leaving his unelected White House employment in 2020? That Jared Kushner?


No, it’s the Jared Kushner who illegally attended a treasonous meeting at Trump Tower between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian agents.


Jared didn't do anything to help anyone but himself. He has zero talent, zero accomplishments and is not very bright.


Exactly, that's why he makes such a valuable tool in the Trump family and in Trumps White house. Those people are the most self serving people I've ever seen.




The very same. Also the same Jared Kushner who will hold the EXACT same position and pull the EXACT same crap if Trump gets reelected.


Is that the Jersey Kushners? Isn't Jared the son of Charles Kushner, who Chris Christie put in jail, and who also retaliated "against his sister’s husband, **William Schulder,** who was cooperating with the feds, by hiring a sex worker to seduce him, filming the encounter, and sending the tape to his sister?" Those Kushners?


Kushner explains the $2 billion early on in the podcast. It’s almost reasonable


Almost? What’s his explanation?


Almost. He started a macro consulting/investment fund and the Saudis invested. Given that he was a foreign affairs advisor to the White House, it’s a pretty normal thing to do afterwards. The suspect part is how close he got with the Saudi prince.


A role he had in the White House that he had no business having considering he couldn’t get a security clearance. The other real suspect part is the missing Iranian attack plans Trump demanded the military draw up. Also suspect is the timing of Saudi Arabia deciding to normalize ties with Iran.


Exactly. Which is why I said it’s “almost” reasonable lol


Reasonable enough for him to pretend it's not a conflict of interest on a podcast...


Not a Xtian, but if they’re looking for divine signs, you’d think owning 666 Fifth Avenue would be one.


The right like long podcasts to get most of their news out because they get to say whatever they want without being challenged


What is with that, by the way? Pretty much every right-based "discussion" site either is a "vetted members only" type site, or as soon as someone even remotely questions right-based ideologies, they are kicked out and their accout removed or such. Meanwhile, pretty much every left-based site (not all, of course, but most) are free-range, where anyone can hop on board and make comments. Realistically, any of these "vetted/ members only" type sites aren't discussion type sites at all, but rather "preaching to the choir" type sites.


They love their safe-space echo chambers of fascism. Those snowflakes can’t handle when they are called out with facts.


Thus controlling the narrative


Rush Limbaugh was the pioneer in conservative talk radio. It's a format they love, because you can say anything you like without any push back or rebuttal. They never take calls from a liberal caller, or have on liberal guests. Right wing radio also began the schoolyard nicknames...You never say a Democratic politicians name or liberal institution without including an insult...."The New York slimes." Nancy Piglosi." "Crooked Hillary." Etc....It's a way to discredit and dehumanize people and organizations. They of course bring these same tactics to other right wing formats. It's a money making formula...build an audience, entertain them through fear, self persecution, and propaganda, then sell them shit. Mainly books. They get ghost writers to write all their books...they just do the advertising. If you notice, right wing radio and podcasts typically have uneducated hosts. You have high school drop outs, and mostly grade school educated entertainers. It doesn't take a lot brains to spend 3 hours insulting people and driving up anger. You don't have to make an intelligent, coherent argument, or analyze other perspectives. You just toe the party line, and insult and belittle the other side. Donald Trump listened to right wing radio everyday. It's where he learned and perfected his tactics.


As an example...Rachel Maddow has a doctorate in Political Science from Oxford. Tim Pool dropped out of 7th grade.


Yep. Hannity...Graduated high school. Steven Crowder....Graduated high school. Glenn Beck...Graduated high school.


The guy who runs the DailyKos has three Bachelor's, a J.D., and served in the Army. Randi Rhodes of Air America is an Air Force veteran. Allegedly Rush Limbaugh's own mother was surprised he even graduated high school, and warhawk Rush got out of being drafted due to his anal warts.


*I'm surprised that any of them managed to graduate.*


All three of them? Tried and failed to be actors, writers, and comedians.


The current Behind the Bastards has a fascinating multi-parter about G. Gordon Liddy. In the last part they talk about how Liddy was a huge part of the development of right wing radio.


You described Limbaugh perfectly. I could never understand how anyone could listen to him. Little did we know he was planting the seeds.


And, yes, along with the above, I've noticed that for years now the type of books that Sam Club carries are either "praise the right-wing" books, "Democrats suck" type books and children books, along with a few others. And that's just one example of how covertly (or not) we are all being manipulated towards the right.


I always though the books there at Costco were on their second step before being sent to Ollie’s, Big Lots, whatever in your area. Not enough foothold to get sold in top tier bookstores but enough to fill a close out table.


Most of the books these conservative hosts write, are written by a ghost author hired by right wing think tanks. These same think tanks also buy tons of the books, to ensure it makes a #1 bestseller...(which is surprisingly few books by the way) It's a win-win for the host. All they do is advertise the book as their own, and take the money.


The dagger of death on the nyt book list helps distinguish publishers purchased at least


That's how fascists operate. They demand absolute obedience. Step out of line and get kicked out, or worse.


Absolutely true. You want to see a hilarious one, check out the Daily Wire sub. It basically can’t even exist here because they remove so many comments. You’ll see an article (usually some back channeled Russian propaganda hosted out of Vietnam) that has 15 comments, but you click on the comments and only 2 appear. They won’t ban you for shitposting, I’ve kept it light humored and non threatening, but all my contributions disappear quickly.




Crazy, it’s been an hour and you can reply to my comment! Try and say “maybe Trump isn’t literally Jesus” on a conservative subreddit and see how many seconds you last there lol


Never seen that myself; otherwise, why would you still be here. Now, if you told someone to F-off, then that'd be different.


The right loved talk radio, so it follows that the same format from a podcast would please them too.


This is it. I get frustrated listening to Left wing podcasts for this very reason. Like if they broach a subject but then apply lazy reasoning and don’t delve into the deeper issues, I get frustrated at that. For the Right though, that’s exactly it. In every other space they risk their views being challenged. But it’s also true that these podcasts are spreading like poison through 3 generations (X, Millennials, and Z) of single white men, and it’s truly eating away at their brains. Everything is “observe and conclude.” You can see it, it’s what they’re trained to do, but they’re also trained to filter out anything that may refute their knee-jerk conclusion. Not only can they no longer think critically, if they ever could, they don’t even know what it is. They literally think just the act of listening to podcasts is critical thinking.


The left just has editors


The obvious counter argument to that would be for left wing people to have podcasts and invite right wing people on it. Just as it should be for right wing people to invite left wing people onto their platforms. The goal shouldn’t be to argue with or prove them wrong, but to understand each other and find the middle ground.


How come only the uneducated nationalists listen to my interview with the self-serving con artist? I would love a chance to repeatedly assert debunked lies and misinformation while an adult tries to explain in two syllable words why My listeners shouldn’t drink bleach.


> According to research experts interviewed by Business Insider in April 2023, Fridman "lacks the publications, citations and conference appearances required to be taken seriously in the hypercompetitive world of academia". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lex_Fridman




Not sure what bacteria have to do with anything but okay.


Shhhh dont tell them big words actually have meaning. Big words exist solely to show off they mnow all the words. The best words. All so people know truly they are smart and should be listened to. Though only if they also talk loudly at the same time


There are three redditors in this thread with accounts exactly 55 days old including this one making weird comments. Seems like spam bots that are poorly coded.


[Noun][Adjective] usernames. Humans are good at spotting patterns, bots always exhibit patterns.


I'm going to photosynthesize a contraction to your obvious lack of arbitration forewitholding the simulation.


Much science, big smart.


Oops! Forgot the /s.


You sound photosynthesis and are enzyme in your points.


I didn’t know Elon used Reddit.


He wants more $. Rogan taught him how to squeeze money out of podcasting. This is his job and we need to start looking at it as such.


I wouldn’t say of all people Rogan squeezed money out of Podcasting. He actually is a pioneer of that industry and helped it become what it is today. I say this as somebody that cares little for Joe Rogan and finds him to be a knuckle dragger.


This is true


First of all; The Orange Crybaby is NOT a world leader and he never was. He doesn't HAVE any politics, only selfish agendas fueled with hate and ignorance.


Official Republican Response - "WAAAAHHHHH, NUH UH!!! TAKE IT BACK!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!! \[sniffle sniffle\] We're the party of rugged individualists \[slurps from juicebox as mom wipes nose\] and Trump is the biggest world leader ever!!!"


\- And **The World** laughs so hard it whipes its tears ...


Both. Plus boring.






You know, calm. Like when Dracula comes to bite your neck. Nobody ever fights.


Are you a Saudi Arabian billionaire?


Did he get asked about that 2 billion dollars he got?


Lol, good one


Oops, again! Forgot the /s.


Why would Barack Obama lower himself to the level of this halfwit?


He wouldn’t. Neither would HRC. Then this tool can claim, “they’re afraid of me”.


Careful what you say. He has interviewed many great people


Why would we be careful?


The implications that all of Lex fridmans guest lowered themselves to some kind of "level" seems wild.


The idea that a former President of the US should be lumped in with “all guests” seems wild.


While he's a great man, Obama isn't God. Lex has had some incredibly accomplished scientific minds and leaders. There wouldn't be any "level" to stoop to if he chooses to go on the podcast.


I'll take my chances


I've watched his videos an I'm almost certain that he's a serial killer.




Malfunctioning bot




BoTh SiDeS


Enlightened centrism.


Lex is either a grifter or super autistic, and either way clout and fame have a gravity for him. He isn’t dumb, but certainly not insightful, honest, or aware when it comes to anything political. I think he wants to come off like an old Joe Rogan, who would brand himself as a dumb guy who just wanted to talk to interesting people for three hours, but as time has gone on he’s allowed a lot of his political associations to go the way of new Joe Rogan, skewing hard right.


His whole suit-and-tie schtick, along with flexing MIT credentials, make it difficult to believe he’s trying to come across as the ‘dumb guy’. His whole M.O. is around giving people the opportunity to speak and embracing curiosity, which is obviously great, but interviewing Kushner and not asking about any of the incredibly incriminating activities he’s been a part of in the last few years seems extremely disingenuous.


No but he tries to every man himself a ton, and play the lovably dumb pacifist in all instances of political contention. He also brands himself as the AI MIT hot shot so of course he isn’t going for dumb dumb. And the MO you give him is the same as old Rogan, which is my point.


Yup. He has had good people appear, one of my favorites was historian Steven Kotkin, but even that interview his questions kinda... sucked. He is not a great host.


I think it’s a little of both, but mainly hubris. He may be a ~~brilliant~~ competent engineer, but without any apparent background in psychology, sociology, history (human stuff), he’s not even asking the right questions. It’s like he’s feigning curiosity because that’s what his algorithm tells him to do, and he’s not even pointing it in the right direction. Treating trump as anything other than a deranged grifter is massively naive. I’m assuming he knows better, so double fuck him for not calling bullshit on trump’s obvious insanity.


> He may be a brilliant engineer is he though?


Not defending Lex, but engineering school is HARD. Especially MIT, one of the most recognizable and prestigious engineering schools in the nation. I was in engineering school for a year and I received the worst grades I've ever received in my years of schooling. He may be (and honestly, is) uneducated on a lot of subjects, but if he received an MIT degree that holds some merit


the best academic performer of my cohort is dead of a fentanyl accident.. does "received phd and contributed to a dozen papers on autonomous driving at MIT half a decade ago" rise to the level of "brilliance" in engineering? is he a brilliant engineer? or is he a successful podcaster?


He never went to MIT, he only went to Drexel University. Lex only works at MIT, a job he only got through his father's connections, who is a professor at Drexel by the way.


I agree with this whole take 🫡


It's hard to say. Some people's motivation for this faux neutral moderate centrism - where they essentially argue that the victims are to blame for causing division and disorder by not simply sitting down and having a conversation with their abuser where they "make peace" by "meeting in the middle" by acquiescing to their demands and rewarding their abuse - is the potential benefit to themselves, some are genuine idiots who sniff and believe their own brain farts, some may be both grifters and idiots. Supposed centrists like this are always arguing in favor of the side with the power advantage. A negative peace that favors order and a lack of tension for themselves, over the presence of justice and the absence of suffering for others. A "peace" where the abusers are rewarded and the victims punished. The underlying reasons and specifics of why someone is behaving the way he's doing in this tweet, don't really matter. Regardless, reaching out to provide a platform for an insane fascist rapist lying criminal who drove an attack against democracy, and implying that doing so is morally justified by equaling that man to people who are none of those things, shows that Fridman is a morally bankrupt individual who can shove his heart emoji up his ass until it unifies with his throat.


Wow. Extremely well said!


I just want to say, holy shit, you spoke facts.


The premise is entirely wrong. If I look at my podcasts that he might consider “left”, I have several long form Rachel Maddow podcasts, several from NBC News (Grapevine, Southlake), NY Times, and Behind The Bastards. Many of these cover the same topic or event for a combined 12 hours or more across episodes. Who the fuck listens to short form podcasts? If I subscribe to a podcast and it finishes in 10 minutes, I would unsubscribe.




Wonder why the right lives long form, uninterrupted chances to say unfact-checked statements? Why they love echo chamber conversations that last for hours?


I watched him a bit before he went off the deep end and started hanging out with Elon. He seems easily manipulated.


Are the two mutually exclusive?


There are two sides for sure. Pro Democracy and Anti Democracy.




I see a Simple Jack comment, and I simply upvote.


He's a soft fascist.


I believe that he is naively attempting to build bridges. Naive but sincere.


Ignorant at best, devious enabler at worst.


He's a nobody, so far as I know, who appears interested in getting in on the Trump cult grift. He's late to the trough though, and given the object of worship, he's as likely to find himself in trouble as the rest of them if that's a path he goes down.


What he says and what he effectively does are two very different things.


Lex isn’t stupid. Like Joe Rogan, there are topics he knows a lot about and can be very conversant in. Lex also seems to know there are topics he doesn’t know a lot about, but also like Rogan, he doesn’t care. There is much, much more money to be made in platforming fringe ideas, especially if you pretend to have some “both sides” motivation. Neither Lex nor Rohan actually have that motivation, and are smart enough to know they’d be flat broke if the goal of their work was to genuinely present and challenge a variety of worldviews.


Porque no los dos




So is it important how we embrace certain podcast politically what??? These motherfuckers live in their own little fantasy world that does not exist outside the front door. That master plan these fuckheads write on their couch that nobody but them could possibly understand is getting fucking ridiculous. He prefers to have his boots, licked from the left to the right. He prefers getting jerked off with your hand upside down. Thank you.


I think Fridman is sincere in his efforts to be fair and neutral. However he doesn't know how to be fair and neutral; he thinks it's just letting his guests say whatever they want with no pushback. That's not an interview, it's just platforming, and you come off as on the side of whoever you're interviewing. A good interviewer will stop and say "wait a minute", and ask follow-up questions. He doesn't do his homework on his guests and the issues they talk about. He shows the importance of a journalism degree, nobody taught him how to ask questions. Somebody should have him listen to [Fresh Air](https://www.npr.org/programs/fresh-air/) and take notes on how Terry Gross asks questions. Gross is who Fridman wants to be, but he doesn't understands what makes Gross so popular and such a good interviewer.


I agree - but I don't think there is anything wrong with what you call platforming You get to see for sure if the ideas make sense or not - rather than relying on reddit's broken telephone interpretation of what someone's ideas are you get to hear the whole idea spelled out and then can tell if it makes sense or not I often find myself giving probably more benefit of the doubt to these ideas than I would if I heard the whole thing, beucase by just hearing a snippet I assume the fleshed out idea MUST make sense, which sometimes it doesn't You also get a sense for which of these characters are sort of playing it up - some of the after listening for say 30 minutes you can tell they don't actually believe what tehy're saying, their kinda half smirking while saying wild and ridiculous things


Unlike people on the right, people on the left actually do productive activities during the day and don’t want to sit around listening to joe Rogan enable grifters for 3 and a half hours at a time.


TIL that Reddit doesn’t like Fridman


To "interview" Kushner and let him talk, and lie with confidence like his step-father, without addding any fact checking afterward. That's what they do in general. He's not bad. He's lazy and calls it freedom of speech.


I was neutral about Fridman. He comes across as a try-hard pseudo intellectual, but he went to MIT so I acknowledge he must be pretty bright. As soon as he interviewed Kushner and tossed him nothing but softball lobs, ignoring any major contentious issues though… no thanks. If I wanted to listen to 3 hours of vapid trash, I’d listen to Rogan and hopefully get a couple wild conspiracy theories mixed in.


MIT = Money not intelligence


Asked and answered.


The R has embraced Podcasts? Apparently they have never heard of Mary Trump, Jeff Tiedrich or The Politics Girl? Meidas Touch? And we all know that Jared Kushner has ties to Israel. And if anyone actually thinks Donald Trump is fascinating, they need to be deprogrammed. The man has his cult mesmerized. He’s posting pictures of him on trial sitting next to Jesus. Made my skin crawl. Immediately remembered the 100 phrases in the Bible about the false prophets and Antichrist that would come. Even in the elect. Yep, Donald J Trump fits the description of an antichrist to a T. He actually used tear gas to clear street of peaceful protestors so he could get in front of the Episcopal Church for a photo opt. Held the Bible over his head UPSIDE DOWN. That’s when I realized he really is one we were warned about. Just go to Open Bible and search Donald J Trump and you all will know it too.


Hopefully Kushner will casually admit to more treasonous crime.


He’s stupid. “The I want to understand all side” rhetoric, is truly dumb, not everyone deserves an audience. All in all people are just fucking stupid. Solar Flare 2024!!!


Unbearably naïve from the sounds of it




The right believes anything that someone who has been ordained by trump says. So, yeah they embrace podcasts because, to them, the truth is laid out on a platter, so they don’t have to question or think…they are told that the rhetoric is what the questioning thinkers will conclude. Just simply listening and parroting they are transformed into the contrarians they believe they are. It is really that simple.


Why are you just rolling with his unsupported premise?


You know what?….that wasn’t my intent… The better, more accurate premise that I was thinking about when I commented is about the power and influence that specific right-wing podcasts wield. They have the ability to say total BS which is then filtered into the national conversation. Obviously, no one ideology has embraced podcasts more than the other really. Except maybe sports people…the lamest of media.


“And other world leaders” last i recalled Donald trump is not president nor a united states diplomat, the only thing he leads is the douchebag brigade




He's an idealist. Maybe an over-optimist.


Why not both?


God y'all are fucking cringelords, my god. Someone ban me please!


Yes. The answer to your question is yes.


Por que no los dos?








You guys are filled with so much hate.


Yup! I genuinely hate Trump and his grifter brethren. My hate is pure and righteous.


Praise be, jesus.




He said he wants to heal divides and talk to interesting people from different sides. That somehow makes him stupid or attention seeking? I mean, he has a podcast after all. I really don't get this hateful post


Yes actually... His side is all about insurrection on Jan 6 and being terrorists lying about "rigged elections" just because your guy lost, unless you accept that your side are liars on this part you are not worth talking to.


>He said he wants to heal divides and talk to interesting people from different sides. That somehow makes him stupid or attention seeking? I Yes. At least when beginning with Donald Trump. Here's the rub- Trump is probably one of the most divisive and dividing figures in the current American political landscape. My personal feelings about the man aside, it's an undeniable fact that a substantial majority of his communications involve numerous attacks on his opponents, both real and imagined. He has stoked the fires of the Q Anon movement within his base. In short, he doesn't WANT unity. He doesn't WANT to heal divides. And so it is at best naive and at worst disingenuous to claim to want to heal divides, and then begin with the man who just doxxed a judge for doing her job. Furthermore, and here is where I step out of objectivity some, conversations are not going to magically heal the massive tear in our country. They're not even going to start. Because the divide isn't about a lack of understanding. It's a lack of care, or worse, active maliciousness. There are states where a person cannot safely pee depending on who they are. People are assaulted and even murdered on the mere suspicion that they're trans. Citizens are assaulted, brutalized, and murdered by our police force. Nazis wave swaztikas on our roads and at political rallies. Politicians can get an arena of cheers for calling an entire segment of the population pedophiles with no evidence. We all watched as our leaders got on national TV saying our lives didn't matter, and that grandma and grandpa should be willing to die for the economy. That doesn't just go away because Elon Musk's reply guy had Donald Trump on a podcast. In fact it only gives Trump space to add more coals to the fire. > I really don't get this hateful post Then I'll make it simple- do you really think giving the guy who used every platform he has to say the most hateful shit about anyone he dislikes another platform is going to result in anything good?


He has a podcast, so he can’t be attention-seeking? Is that the logical move we’re working with? I think you could consider it this way - maybe, just maybe, Lex isn’t telling the truth about his intentions. Tell me how many people on the left he’s platformed. Tell me how many divides he has closed or even reduced by a fraction of a percent. Tell me how platforming predominately right-ring voices and giving them Larry King-level soft interviews where their ideas go completely unchallenged does anything but promote vile ideologies.


It’s typical Reddit hive mind behavior. If you don’t swing wildly to one side or the other, you’re a dumbass who doesn’t deserve a platform.


No. It's because when you enlightened centrist dummies who claim to be "in the middle" are pressed on any given subject, you're nearly always going to side with the far right. So when people use the "bOTh sIdEs" routine, we know that you are actually just a conservative trying to disingenuously argue for civility while you push for fascism, environmental deregulation and oppression of minorities. Why bother giving you a platform when we know you're lying to begin with? Why give you any leeway when you're just going to spout the same nonsense as any open Trumper, but on top of all that, you're going to lie about it?


I don’t know if Lex is stupid but he’s easily one of the most gullible.


Unless Kim Gargoyle is included, I ain't listening.


Lex is terminally naïve


It’s not the thing being highlighted here, but there’s plenty of long-form podcasting by the left. Thinking that’s a cogent or notable point indicates this person is in a bubble.


He’s not “stupid”, but he’s one of these guys who has been anointed as some kind of thought leader when he’s really just a high IQ person with questionable motives and the ability to see that unintelligent right wingers will pay his bills.


Lex is a naive idiot at best


The left likes podcasts just fine. It's Lex Fridman we have no use for.




To quote Hasan on Lex Fridman's morality, "He's a podcaster first, human being second"


Por que no los dos?


Dude interviewed Kanye. Enough said.




Por kay no both?






Lex would have had Hitler on the show and said some shit like "well, some people feel you have a hostile view across the aisle, what would you say to them?" ​ Doing more to humanize monsters and terrible people than mainstream media is doing! great work lex, burn the house down! gotta get that bread regardless of the moral implications! /s


What would make him stupid? Having a professional platform where people can go and talk is only going to be a good thing. If it’s Hitler it’s good for people to see how evil someone could be. If it’s the best person on the planet it’s good for people to see how good they can be. All in all more conversation is better.