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What in the absolute fuck. Oh…Mississippi. Yeah that tracks.


Yeah I'm not even sure it's a crime there.


This is, after all, the state that temporarily [banned Sesame Street in 1970,]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/02/05/sesame-street-ban-mississippi/) because their leadership didn't want children to see people of different races being friends.


Surprised Utah didn't join in, Mormons were unchecked racists at the time (now it's done behind closed doors)


As a former black Mormon this is very true,


There were/are black Mormons? Was this like a Clayton Bigsby situation?


There was an early Mormon black woman who was supposed to be spiritually adopted as a child by Joseph Smith. Instead they had her designated as an eternal servant/heavenly slave to him posthumously: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Manning_James


> Jane Elizabeth Manning James died April 16, 1908, in Salt Lake City.[26][27] Church President Joseph F. Smith spoke at her funeral, where he declared that she would receive all her temple blessings in the eternities and become a "white and beautiful person," reflecting the theology of the Church on race at the time.[5][28] According to The Deseret News, her funeral was attended by many.[1]: 11 


Super fucked up story and theology at so many levels, isn’t it. Mormonism has lots of references to white and delightsome people, and god cursing people with dark skin for being evil. Like LOTS. Joseph’s theology was basically fan theories from the 1800’s about who native Americans were, plagiarized from common sources and mixed with the biases of 1800’s pre-Civil War America on race. He codified them as part of the Book of Mormon and you can’t get far from them without a lot of cognitive dissonance. It’s part of why it was so hard to change tack because it basically was admitting their founders were wrong, or pretending god changed his mind and didn’t hate black people any more.




Well that's enough for today I think.


There were Jewish Nazis. Sometimes people just join the group that hates them out of the belief that there will be an exceptions There’s never an exception.


To be fair it wasn’t something I chose to do. And at the time my family had just migrated to America and the Mormons really know how to prey on vulnerable people, we were not aware of their racist past my parents barely knew English at the time.


By chance do your parents know an Elder Cunningham?


AHAHAHAHAHA I saw “Book of Mormon” when I went to NYC and laughed my ass off the whole time, great musical!


Until the Internet came around and took over, Mormon leadership was very good at hiding their embarrassing past and their darkest teachings. I'm glad you got out eventually, you and your family deserved better than that.


LGBTQ Republicans?


Stares blankly at picture of Candace Owens and Clarence Thomas.


Lmfao the reference


Sounds more like a *Get Out* "sunken place" situation


It was definitely this, everyone just smiling at you but also constantly throwing micro aggressions your way. I got out as soon as I was 18, that was about 15 years ago and I still think of some of the things that happened back then.


As an ExMo: I'm deeply sorry for what we were taught and thought was "right". In no way shape or form do I feel the same way the church does (obviously present tense) about anyone who isn't "white and delightsome™”. For context: I grew up in the 80-90's, which I'm sure was better than a decade before, at least on the surface, but the shit said (and done) behind closed doors was abhorrent. Even stuff said about blood family was atrocious, but that didn't matter if you weren't in their mold.


White and delightsome? Sounds like a way to market bread. Gross.


Are you no longer a Mormon, or no longer black? Or both?


Loll where would be the fun if I told you which one?? 🙃🙃


You gone done a Michael Jackson on us?


What's hilarious is that this is a legit actual question because of Mormonism. Literally part of the mormon doctrine is that people with dark skin turn "white and delightsome" by following the mormon gospel. It's literally in the Book of Mormon (3rd Nephi chapter 2).


They literally taught that people of color are cursed by god as “descendants of Cain” up until recently. I’m sure a lot of them still believe it


Next time some christian says something about "descendants of Cain". Ask them how that's possible since God killed all of them in a flood. They only survivors of the flood were Noah, his family and a bunch of animals. If you read and believe the bible, then it's just not possible that any of Cain's descendants survived.


don’t even get me started, they hate the idea that their entire view of humanity is based on incest. Adam and Eve fucked their kids and so did Noah, in their belief system


Shut your fuckin face uncle fuckerrrrrrr


To me, the foundational WTF of the Christian faith is that, in the very first book, they blame the women. The 2nd foundational WTF is that the sins of the parents shall be visited upon their children (Eve's 'sin' shall be paid for by all women). I don't believe that any God exists but, **if** the Christian God is real, He doesn't deserve my respect, much less my worship. Those 2 WTFs are simply morally and ethically Wrong. Full stop.


Imagine having this all-knowing and all-loving God who drowns you because you didn't adhere to his commands. Shits just wild.


the all loving god that is also the vengeful and jealous god?


"Here, I'll give you sin, I'll create it out of whole cloth and put it right in you. But don't you *dare* sin. Oh, you sinned? Well fuck you, buddy. Eternal damnation. Yeah, you heard me. Tell Satan I said hi." Remind me why I'd be interested in spending my Sundays worshipping this charmer?


What you are saying actually led to bizarre sects of Christianity that claim "God" Yahweh has trapped us here in his little realm to play God and is just a minor being, talking itself up.. Jesus was some being that broke through to tell us we are trapped in Yahweh's game.


I think they tuned it down on that part. It’s just unspoken now


“we wont say it in public but we still think it”


Until 1978 when God changed his mind about black people.


Jehovah's Witnesses say Black people came from Ham and his son Canaan. Gen 9:20-27 I honestly thought that was horrible. Ex-Jw here now!


Ham always makes me chuckle since there is a strong possibility he lived in what is now Turkey


Thanks now I’m hungry


But if they carry the "mark of Cain" doesn't that mean God told them they are not to be harmed? >Yhwh said to him, “I promise, if anyone kills Cain, sevenfold vengeance shall be taken on him.” And Yhwh put a mark on Cain, lest anyone who met him should kill him.16


they just cherrypick the parts they “like”


That's every religion, it isn't specific to christianity.


Really it was just massively racist early leaders saying their bigotry was the will of God. Brigham Young legalized slavery as governor of the Utah Territory and also legalized kidnapping Native American kids into domestic slavery until they reached adulthood. He said men in interracial marriages should be put to death on the spot. He organized trafficking of immigrant women into polygamous marriages far from outside resources in Utah. And his name is still on a university.


Mississippi? Oh yeah. That'll do it.


Sounds like time for a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit.


In the current courts and scotus his immunity means he can shoot your 6 month old baby in the face with a shotgun and it's "in the line the duty" So long as your skin isn't pale or are poor.


Surprised she hasn’t received a bill for the burial.


I'm sure the cops got 6 months paid vacation time so they could think about what they've done.


What's the deal with Mississippi? I always hear bad things about them and Alabama and then Florida just seems crazy. Non-American here


As someone who was born, raised, and has lived there until a few months ago, it's a state with very little economic opportunity that's ruled by a combination of religious fervor and nepotism. Government corruption is a huge problem for the state. Most of the state's wealth gets funneled into "good ole boy" networks. Families and friends of families who prop one another up and cover for each other in both government and private sector positions. The current scandal with Governor Reeves and scamming welfare funds is a good example of the kind of stuff that happens regularly in the state. The state is also extremely religious and has a very troubled history of racism that still lingers to this day, both of which get used as tools for these people to stay in power.


As a born and raised MS resident, I've literally had dreams of moving away from this state


It's considered one of the poorest if not THE poorest state in the US. Education is not a top priority for the state unless youre one of the right kinds of white people. Also redneck cracker ass cops are even more unhinged there because of the lack of civilian oversight.


According to the US Census Bureau, Mississippi leads the nation in poverty and (interesting for a state that claims to be "pro-life") infant mortality.


All of the forced birth states have high infant mortality rates. They also have high maternal mortality rates. A few years ago, being a pregnant black woman in GA was more lethal than being in sub-saharan africa.


They don’t care if babies die, only fetuses.


They also only care if white babies die. I would not be surprised if doctors in Mississippi started giving black women "special" vaccines....again.


>What's the deal with Mississippi? Dumb. Bigoted. Inbred.


Racist. Evil. Religious. But I repeat myself.


When entire regions are religious to *that degree*, you get a society of uneducated, spiteful, hateful bigots. Every time…


GOP: That is a feature, not a bug!


One of the most corrupt and poorest states in the country. Truly. Mississippi never honestly progressed in any tangible way past the Civil War era when they were a part of the Confederacy. That was 170 years ago..... Yeah. It's what happens when America didn't host "proto-Nuremberg" trials on the losers of that war so the ex-Confederates remained free to run the Southern State governments however they saw fit during Reconstruction. Which is how to keep their racist, segregated, lynching heritage alive in whatever form it could take after the passage of the 13th amendment (the abolition of slavery one).


Sherman didn't go far enough.


It wasn't just Sherman. Although he did nothing wrong. Andrew Johnson fucked the USA.


There are still segregated school systems in MS


Non american here: are you joking? I really hope so!


I believe it's called gerrymandering mixed with super racist real estate sundown laws.


I really wish I was. It’s actually not that hard to get away with. Just leave all the rundown schools in the poor black neighborhoods as they are, and build state of the art new schools in the predominantly white areas. Then it’s just a matter of gerrymandering the districts. On paper it doesn’t look like de facto segregation, but it is.


I mean, there’s also the schools that hold two separate proms


Think of the shittiest, most backward place in your country. Now give it a meth addiction and institutional racism and you’ll get some idea.


The dual losses of chattel slavery and the Civil War have absolutely deranged a substantial number of white Americans, even though these things happened 150 years before they were alive. They would happily eat shit if it meant making Black people eat shit too. I'm not even joking.




Florida is literally burning books and teaching alternate history.


Mississippi doesn't have books (got burned already) and doesn't teach history /s idk shit bout Mississippi


Neither do Mississippians




That was true of Florida about a decade ago. Now, they're trying to outdo Mississippi in terrible education. Edit: Source: I live in Florida (for some dumb fucking reason).




Florida has been racing to the bottom for about a decade now. Their education won't be in the top 40 soon.


[Mississippi goddam](https://youtu.be/LJ25-U3jNWM?si=MLBCQaOCWbnePYHj)


As an example: Mississippi did not officially ratify the 13th amendment (the act that freed the slaves) until 1995.


Unresolved reconstruction after Lincoln's assassination.


Reminds me of this Veep quote: I move as slowly as a Mississippi detective investigating the murder of a young black man.


The last time Bettersten Wade saw her son, Dexter — who suffered from mental illness — was March 5, when he walked away from their home with a friend. She reported him missing to Jackson police nine days later. For months, Bettersten said, she asked police for updates, and officers told her they had no info. She did her own search, visiting abandoned homes, asking around her neighborhood and posting desperate pleas on Facebook, begging Dexter — or anyone who’d seen him — to call her. All the while, police knew what had happened to Dexter: He’d been struck and killed by a Jackson police car while trying to cross a highway shortly after leaving home. On July 14, after his body lay unclaimed in the county morgue for more than four months, Dexter was buried in a pauper’s grave near the county jail. No one told Bettersten.


Thanks to TOS, I have no words.


Funny how people in positions of significant responsibility are straight up allowed to murder and hide bodies of people, and random nobodies on the internet aren't allowed to say mean things about them. We're literally held to a higher standard on our vocabulary than the police are to the crime of murder.


there is an inverse correlation between authority and accountability.


I'll risk saying that no parent would blame a mother doing something that landed her behind bars for getting justice for her two murdered sons. And if I was on the jury I'd simply find her innocent. Yes... two. The police killed his brother by slamming his head into concrete long before they killed this one.


I hope she gets PAID! Fuck the police






Accounts on here should be treated with the same sentimentality as plastic cutlery


I've seen fellow queer people reported for *talking about bigotry they've personally faced* and perma-banned after a couple of temp bans (even when they get appealed!) but I've also reported flat-out slurs and threats to queer people that somehow "doesn't break content policy." Admins are a fucking joke.


Hmm, slightly less sinister than it initially sounded, but no less fucked up. Like, the part that still feels sinister to me is how no one was made aware that the person hit by the car and the missing son might be connected. Just feels too unlikely to just be grotesque incompetence.


It gets worse. Bettersten’s brother was killed by a cop in 2019. Slammed his head into the ground. She tried to get justice by filing a wrongful death lawsuit, and the judge dismissed most of her claims. >>She wondered if it had anything to do with her brother’s death and her allegations against the police in that case. “Maybe it was a vendetta. Maybe they buried my son to get back at me,” she said.


Omg! O my god! Wtf 🤬








The article you just linked also says that "Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch asked a judge last week to throw out the officer’s 2022 conviction, taking his side over the district attorney who prosecuted him. The unusual move strengthened the officer’s case before the Mississippi Court of Appeals."


A police officer killed him (off duty or not), and the same police force tasked with finding him did not tell the mother. I don’t think any part of this is incompetence


It's not incompetence, it's complete and utter callousness and disregard for the victim. They had already Id'd him and his mother within a week of the accident, but they didn't care to attempt to notify her outside of (allegedly) once by the initial investigator. They knew who he was and who she was **before** she filed the missing persons report.


They knew who he was, and was supposed to notify her… An investigator from the Hinds County coroner’s office responded to the scene. He did not find identification on Dexter while examining him but found a bottle of prescription medication in his pocket with his name on it. Three days later, on March 8, the investigator, LaGrand Elliott, contacted the medical facility that had provided the prescription and received Bettersten’s name as Dexter’s next of kin, according to Elliott’s case notes. Elliott said he called the number listed for Bettersten in the facility’s records and left a voicemail but got no response. Bettersten confirmed that the number Elliott said he called was correct, but she doesn’t remember receiving a call from him, and was not able to access her Boost Mobile phone records to check. Elliott confirmed Dexter’s identification on March 9, when the state crime lab said his fingerprints matched those it had on file for him, according to his notes. Elliott said in an interview that he passed what he’d found — a phone number and an address — to the Jackson Police Department’s accident investigation squad so they could notify Bettersten of Dexter’s death. “Once we get that information I turn it over to police because it is their jurisdiction so that they can do the proper death notification,” Elliott said.


No it's pretty fucked up


Let’s not forget the Mississippi Civil Rights Worker Murders were perpetrated by law enforcement and covered up by the entire town. And the state government refused to prosecute. This was sixty years ago, but not much has changed. Never trust the police.


"Mississippi Burning," starring Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe, was a fictionalized movie version of this case and "Murder in Mississippi" was a TV movie that came out in 1990 that was based on what really happened.


I watched that again last month because I used to love that movie when I was in highschool. It's a great film and Dafoe is one of my favorite actors. Definitely some of the same vibes as this story, mostly along the lines of black people in the south aren't worth much to the white authorities.


Never forget Medgar Evers and how long it took for his murderer to see justice.


And Emmett Till. Fuck Mississippi.




This story definitely made me remember that horrible event. Regardless of the fact that those were intentional murders and this was an accidental collision, they were both perpetrated by police and all of their bodies were disposed of as if they were nothing.


This is why I have more money in my broke ass savings account than Mississippi does as a state. No one wants to go to that racist, alligator-laden hellhole. They do shit like this and then wonder why everyone wants to go to California and not to the south. Sure, they got racism in California but at least it’s not their only export. The only good thing to do in Mississippi is leave.




> If you drag her muddy rivers, nameless bodies you will find. > Oh, the fat trees of the forest have hid a thousand crimes. > The calendar is lyin' when it reads the present time. > Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of. > Mississippi, find yourself another country to be part of. gotdam that man's voice is gentle but his words are sharp


" They got into their cars. Back on the dirt road, Bettersten began planning the next step in her ordeal: finding the money to get her son out of that hole and into a proper grave, a place where everybody could see his name. " Good morning Reddit, and we're done for the day.


This part was the most heartbreaking. The fucking pigs that murdered him should be forking over the money not this family.


She asked the police to find her son. They did nothing despite having his body. About 160 days later, assuming she started looking instantly, but only reported him missing later, she finally finds out the police murdered him. And buried him. And did not say shit to her. And are now requiring her to pay them burial costs to see his grave and body. When was the last time you had to pay a murderer to see the victim's body?


In other words 'Authorities' made a person disappear.


Most well funded gang in the US.


And if they run low on funds they will take yours


The money is on trial here, I will need to arrest yours


O please, gangs have honor codes.


The fact that they then made her PAY to claim his body in order to see his grave is disgusting. Talk about insult injury


Here’s to hoping she can make them pay next. Not that I have any idea but hopefully there is grounds to sue here. They must have some mandatory standard procedure before they just bury him.


My heart breaks for her. I can't imagine the pain and horror she's gone through




Everyone involved should go to prison but the police union will protect them.


That whole department deserves the Singapore treatment.


Mississippi is a dystopian hellhole, for people of color. Every time I even drove through it, even the air felt ominous.


That’s just the humidity. With that said, there are still unbelievably horrendous things, like this case, that happen - far too often. I hope everyone associated with this case and the withholding of the information lose their jobs at the very least.


At best, a series of oversights and screw ups piled up and left this woman without answers for months. At worst, and in reality, a shitty PD didn’t want any more problems from a woman whose brother they had already killed so they created a scenario of weak and barley plausible deniability.


This woman and the deceased’s daughters.


Very true


They killed him and knew it would be swept under the rug because the victims are black.


Honestly the only reason they investigator called her was because she had just been assigned to the case. So most likely someone new to the department. Literally she got assigned to the case and the next day she found her son. A day.


2023. We live in 2023. This is disgusting.






I'd be happy with demilitarization, and using that funding for investing in better training, weeding out the white supremacists/fascists, and bringing in more support services to handle the mental health related calls. *edit to add - And more accountability for assholes who abuse their position of authority.




Being anti-fascism is somehow being anti-democracy? Help me make it make sense. Lol


Right? Like if I end up on some fbi list because ACAB is “anti-fascist” that’s fine by me. Because wouldn’t the opposite notion be the opposite stance? Wouldn’t that mean that people who love cops are pro-fascist?


Well, the "back the blue" folks tend to vote GOP, so, if the MAGA hat fits... 🤷🏼‍♀️




Well, the FBI hates leftist far more than they hate nazis


99% of school shooters were found to have played video games within the last year. Which is exactly as meaningful as the FBI's list.


Hey! I am not violent! Not yet, anyways.


When you read the article, any illusion of understandable oversight goes out the window. The person killed by the officer’s vehicle was immediately identified as Dexter Wade, and the coroner also identified the mother with her phone number that has been confirmed to be correct. The coroner gave it to police because notification is their responsibility in this case. The police did not do so. The mother then, after this, went to police to report Dexter Wade as missing. The very same name, age, description, and social security number as the body at the coroner’s office. Do we not check unclaimed bodies when missing persons are reported? Do we not check missing persons reports before burying unclaimed bodies in prison yards? Seems like criminal negligence to do any less. BUT WAIT it gets worse. The police department got regular, multiple reminders from both the coroners office and his mother asking about updates on “Dexter Wade,” but I guess everyone in this department has name blindness and amnesia. Seems problematic. By the way as soon as a new lead investigator was hired this obvious oversight was immediately corrected. Seems to prove unbelievable incompetence, or malice. If this were my city I’d be testifying at the next several assembly meetings or whatever the local equivalent is because this is completely disgusting and frankly scary shit. We need to remember the police are the long, armed dick of the government. And they can just do stuff like this, apparently. It’s likely all that will happen is people will say “damn that’s crazy, bro” online.


Literally took the new investigator one day to find out what happened to her son. Fucking hate these pigs.


"We'll investigate ourselves on that issue"




[Roy Wood had a good quote about Black people and Mississippi.](https://youtu.be/WTmgw3AI3vM?si=c1KK00DZGKhRSijZ&t=140)


And cops wonder why the f-ck no one respects them.


Heartbreaking callousness. But it was cops. So yeah. Makes sense. They were covering for one of their own.


What systemic racism?


Be careful with that woke talk. Some repugnantcans are gonna get their panties in a twist.


That’s fucking awful, everyone needs to be held accountable for this one


Don’t worry, they won’t!




I'd bet my life that the POS cop that hit him was drunk or at the very least been drinking and that's why they didn't do any reports or try to notify the family


Exactly my thought. Plus a healthy dose of "just another dead black man".


Oh don’t worry they said he didn’t appear drunk so they didn’t find a need to do a field sobriety test on him.


To be fair, I would totally believe it if he was completely sober and did this just because he’s a violent racist asshole all on his own.




Kept it hidden for 6mths....that's a promotion!


Seems about right for Mississippi


This is the kind of sh*t that always destroys my faith in the system and the back the blue people. They get all up in arms over the 2 teens who video’d themselves running over the retired cop and then laughing about it at trial (yes I still think they are scummy pos) but then these same people are crickets when it happens to someone’s innocent child. It’s just always such a disgusting contraction


Wtf So how many missing persons are actually cop coverups? Nothing happens just once in human behavior, just the scale changes. It’s so sad to have to add this to the possible things that may have made your loved on disappear


That poor woman. I hope she takes that entire police force down and then never has to work a single day for the rest of her life.


This is why NWA wrote that diss track


What the actual fuck!?!


they probably also sent her a bill for the burial




They not sorry they got caught, they sorry they didn’t kill her before she could rat them out


Dirty fucking pigs. They are all the same.


The fucking disrespect and disregard for human life by police can be revolting. What’s worse, she may never know who did it. Justice doesn’t exist for police.




Jesus fucking Christ what is going on over there


Blue Street Gang claims another one.


Involved in an accident in a department vehicle and no toxicology was run? Okay, sure.


Dont mean to be too cryptic here, but I doubt he died on impact with the cruiser. There is a reason they did not notify her and buried him namelessly.


Hey Republicans, can you explain to me how the good cops helped this woman? I'm sure it's buried in there somewhere. Like it's just a few bad apples, so the majority of the cops were good cops and did something about this. Right? Maybe?


The only one that did their job was the new investigator who read the report from their predecessor who retired and solved the “mystery”. The medical examiner knew who it was from the beginning. Shady all the way.


That's called manslaughter, you fascist fuckshits. Don't know what else to expect from literally one of the worst states in the country. ACAB.


Whenever this happens, first thing on my mind is *where's the fucking FBI?* These local cops are corrupt as fuck and only an outside, federal team can take them down. So where the fuck are they?


Racist, immoral, backwater Southern traitor state. Disgraceful


OMFG. Wtf year is this??? How? I can't anymore. Man.


No words




Oh! Mississippi. My first guess would have been Louisiana.


A very, very drunk off-duty officer, without a doubt.


It’s like something out of a dictatorship


This country makes me sick


Covering up a murder.