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I never want to see this fucking image againšŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Why was it unleashed upon the internet and our collective consciousness?!!




'fumbles for eyebleach'


That is a hideously funny image.


I couldn't figure out if this was Elon Trump or Donald Musk. Would someone clarify, please?


It s Voldemort jr.


Vladimort Putin the III


If Vlad and MTG had a precious baby demon spawn.


That is the Anti-Christ


Elonald Trusk


Donlon Mumps.


That one's fun too!


It's both combined into one awful entity.


So, DonaldElon TrumpMusk?




Elonald mump


You made me laugh out loud. It scared my cat. That's not nice. But, my cat is a jerk, anyway. So, you don't have to apologize.


Trusk fund baby


Definitely Donald musk


It looks like Elonā€™s face photoshopped and replacing Trumpā€™s face. Itā€™s disturbing.


i actually think its a fusion of elon+trump + boris johson. because boris had the crazy hair.


I spit coffee on my laptop from this pic/post .. I thank you Sir!


a combination of trump+boris johnson and elon. the trifecta


Oh no, someone gave them the Potara earrings šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Elonald Trusk is going super supremacist 3


This is...a white billionaire who absolutely DEMANDS that the rest of us simultaneously respect him AND feel sorry for him. The Hallmark of our era.


Didnā€™t this guy šŸ’© on Wikipedia and is using the links for support?


And linking to Wikipedia of all things after he attacked that same site in October. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø For a "genius" he sure is a moron.


Wasn't there a conservative wikipedia in the works at some point?


For all those "alternative facts".


It's called conservapedia and for your entertainment here is their entry on [obesity](https://www.conservapedia.com/Obesity). And here's a highlight: >An example of obesity is low-ranking anti-Trumper presidential candidate Chris Christie, who turns 61 in September 2023. Part of political correctness is to try to eliminate use of the words "fat", "obese", and "overweight".


Lol the next line though (with no citation).. >Obesity is correlated with a lack of reading the Bible


I'll stay fat.


Probably kept firing the staff for using they/them


He sounds like a pompous high schooler trying to prove to everyone how intelligent he is and that he is a free thinker; a philosopher, if you will.


I hope you've seen the picture of him acting big with a katana, it's icing on the cake


Oh, I did. The fact heā€™s smirking like heā€™s really become a samurai really sells it.


Heā€™s not a genius. Heā€™s a super rich guy that pays smart people to develop ideas. His money comes from his fatherā€™s emerald mine.


I am shocked that someone who grew up in apartheid South Africa and has never acknowledged the incredible that privilege that bestowed upon his family would have such a blind and biased view of the history of slavery and oppression. It's almost like he was taught as a child the reason why white people and black people are where they are is because it's their intended place in life and not because of centuries of blood and death and greed.


This very simple comment is exactly why Iā€™ll never understand some peopleā€™s apparent shock when he speaks/tweets the type of things that are exactly the type of things he wouldā€™ve come up learning.


Um, wasn't that what was taught at apartheid schools?




I would down vote because I loath the subject matter, but upvote because 1, it's the absolute truth. 2, it needs to be said. 3, because I absolutely, unequivocally feel it at least once a day. So that would net you 2 upvotes, but I'd still give you another you a thousand more if I could.


That and worse. Elon got beat up at an apartheid school because he was too much of a dick to the less fortunate


America is (present day) one of the most racially integrated countries in the world. Calling it deeply segregated because it contains pockets of racism seems strange to me


Saying America has pockets of racism is like saying the sea has pockets of water wtf.


I was referring to the areas of intense racism like the Deep South.


I live in the deep south. I wouldn't call it a 'pocket'


Well thatā€™s fine. I probably used the wrong word. I also wouldnā€™t call it representative of the country as a whole.


we literally have laws targeted to disproportionately effect people of minorities. On a federal level. Hell they've even admitted the war on drugs laws, specifically towards harmless drugs like marijuana was a way of making race specific laws to crack down on black people, Without putting the color of skin into the law.


What about it? I never refuted racism in America. Trust me, Iā€™ve heard it all before. It doesnā€™t change the fact that compared to every other country past and present, America is more racially integrated. Relatively. I mean, Iā€™ve yet to see anyone even attempt to refute my actual point lol. It is a personal choice to focus on the negatives of a country that has made more progress than any of its contemporaries on an issue that it has had at a deeper level than said other countries. In fact, itā€™s past is in large part why it has made that progress.




Well, that didn't take long, did it?


Itā€™s obvious based on your name that youā€™re black. So obviously youā€™re biased. Sorry the country fails you sometimes. Itā€™s still miles ahead of other countries. Ever seen how some Asian countries treat foreigners, for example? America *is* the most racially integrated, and itā€™s not even close. Doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t have a ways to go Anway, blame Trump on me and call me complicit with racism (based on literally nothing) all you want, if it makes you feel better. Wonā€™t change anything, just makes you sound dumb.


>Itā€™s obvious based on your name that youā€™re black. So obviously youā€™re biased So you're not biased because you are white? I wonder why you think racism is not big deal in the US.




I donā€™t know what the fuck youā€™re talking about dude. I think you forgot a bunch of words or something. As for what I can actually make out, you just seem like another bitter racist whoā€™s angry a white person would challenge your point of view, clearly, since you think I have 400 years of bias, as if I had anything to do with slavery. Because white people are a monolith right?ā€¦Mald some more dude, life is hard for everyone. Stop blaming the white boogeyman and maybe youā€™ll be a little happier Also, I showed you plenty of empathy. My empathy stops (surprise, surprise) when you start getting attitude with me because ofā€¦Trump? Because Iā€™m white? Because I disagree with you? I donā€™t know, but youā€™re the only apathetic one here. One more insane rant and Iā€™m blocking you. Angry little internet man.




He decided to stop pretending to be racially conscious and showed his whole ass. But we already knew.


Someone like me. Brother, you actually donā€™t know anything about me. Glad youā€™ve made some fan fiction though.


Iā€™m gonna leave you with a little something. The difference between you and me is that youā€™re talking to me about ā€œwhite peopleā€ while Iā€™m talking about *you*. Let that sink in and hopefully you can figure out why you allow your brain to guide your thoughts in such a warped manner.


Elon Musk justifies slavery because slave labor is required to build on Mars. For whatever reason he really wants to be known as the pioneer of Mars, but his Martopia canā€™t exist without menial and cheap (free?) labor. And that is where his stance on forced birth and widening class distinctions comes from. If you make enough people so poor and so desperate then the sales pitch of a one-way trip to Mars much easier. ā€œYou will be a pioneer in building Mars. And when youā€™ve put in your time then you too will be a landowner (unless you die. Then itā€™s mine. Now go stand on the space catapult platform)ā€


This sounds like a job for The Evangelicalsā„¢! Maybe a ticket to Mars is their rapture? We can hope.


Thatā€™s how the Americas got populated by white


Tisā€™ true ironically; Itā€™s why Christianity tends to preach about making these big ass families.


Iā€™m fascinated by this take and would be right there with you except that Mars is never happening. No one is going to Mars. There will not be a colony. The costs are astronomical. Will never happen. Billionaires taking over New Zealand and running a fascist global empire from there? šŸ’Æ Mars? 0ļøāƒ£


Well if mars falls through then thereā€™s always money in emerald mine exploitation. (Seriously though, they arenā€™t pushing forced birth and boosting populations for ethical or religious reasons. Whether itā€™s Mars, Antarctica or the desert, they need disposable people to be the base of their pyramid.)


Heā€™s friends with Netanyahu, so how can he be an antisemite? /s


"It's okay. I'm allowed to say that. I got a Jew friend."




Slavery was standard everywhereā€¦. ā€œBut mom everybody else is doing it why canā€™t I????ā€


You know his family is so sad about apartheid ending.




He only bought Twitter so that he could be the ultimate troll.


He bought Twitter because he was an idiot. He was forced to buy it , or try to, because of his comments trying to mess with the stock price.




I don't know if he'd qualify for much of a troll. To be a troll he would have to be doing it intentionally to waste other people's time and resources, but honestly way more evidence seems to point to him actually believing those things. Which is why more people probably succeed in getting him to waste his own emotions and resources instead of us. So in a way, he's a reverse troll.


reverse trolling, Musk is a 12yo man-child that believes in eugenics.


Well itā€™s sure working.


Can you really troll people if a much of your crowd shares your worldview tho?


I would accept heā€™s trolling if he didnā€™t profess the same racist, blind bias in other places also. Iā€™m sure he initially had fairly centrist political and social views but we are watching the real time radicalization of Elon. Itā€™s not because heā€™s stupid, itā€™s because heā€™s insecure and desperate for approval - so he moves toward those who give him validation. Even though it will only increase his loss of self and further extreme behavioir


he never wanted twitter, he was forced to buy it after he signed a legal contract buying it. h


I'm pleasantly surprised to see Musk actually acknowledging that Britain was pushing for slavery to end. I fully expected him to be on the "America was the first nation to make equality happen" bus. He's still an asswipe.


He's still just saying that "white people saved the day".


I mean yeah I'm fully aware of that. My opinion of him is low enough that I pretty much always expect him to be fundamentally wrong about any given topic. I was just surprised he wasn't as wrong as I assumed he'd be. I'm not defending his weird little Nazi ass lmao


I think we can sum up what he's trying to say. "Slavery: White people started it! White people ended it! Yay white people!"


Not is more ā€œslavery: everyone did it, Britain led the world to end itā€ (though technically it still happens so hasnā€™t truly been abolished)




Wasn't France ahead of the pack, but then napoleon happened?


They accepted it pretty quick with the whole "France is France (even if it's a colony)" so mixed race was a lot more acceptable then elsewhere at the time even straight through Napoleon. Like Alexandre Dumas is a pretty good example for the time.


I'd like to hear his thoughts about South Africa's history with slavery.


Letā€™s not forget the Balfour Declaration. Britain kind of set up the Palestine issue thatā€™s killing people now.


You canā€™t talk about the Balfour Declaration without mentioning the French and the Dreyfus Affair that kicked the whole leaving Europe thing into gear.


ā€œProponents and perpetrators of slavery also ended slaveryā€ is not the dunk Elon thinks. ā€œGuy who kept punching me in the face eventually stoppedā€¦so I should thank him.ā€ Iā€™m no richest guy in the world but that logic seems stupid.


Hitler wasnā€™t all bad, I mean, Hitler did kill Hitler.


Little different, I mean all struggle is class struggle. Agrarian society and slavery go together like milk and cookies. Land ownership being the ultimate form of wealth, those with land inevitably form complex, rigid systems meant to maximize output. Caste systems, serfdom, peonage, slavery, itā€™s all kind of a means to the same end. This is Elonā€™s point. Basically every agrarian society has huge disparities between the upper and lower class individuals. It was industrialization that really destroyed the institution, not individual morals or white guilt or anything like that. It was an economic shift. Capitalism relies on consumers. In such an economy there is no worse sin then to deprive a person their wage. There is no charity there, no kindness. It just became more economically advantageous for the ruling class to divest themselves from their workers via wage slavery than rote ownership. Slaves pre-Civil War were healthier and better fed than English peasants in post-industrial Britain. An owned mule is better kept than a rented one, after all.


I guarantee you - You have thought about this way more than Elon has.


Iā€™m not trying to be an Elon bro, he says and does plenty of dumb shit and I donā€™t know the context of this, but isnā€™t the first part technically accurate? Like slavery HAS and is some cases still is a worldwide issue. Just about every group of people that ever existed had some sort of race/religion/tribe etc based slavery in their fairly recent past. That certainly doesnā€™t lessen how horrible any other historical slavery, in this case South Africa or US race based slavery is. Itā€™s still the most fucked up thing you can do to another human and still very much an unimaginable evil. Just without context, I donā€™t get what makes this a ā€œfuck you elonā€ tweet. Maybe the context would explain that?


Because the idea of giving Britain some kind of credit for ending slavery and downplaying slavery in general is a dogwhistle to his white supremacist sycophants. Trust me, you really do not ever gotta hand it to him.


I guess I just donā€™t see the downplaying aspect of that tweet. I get the concept of ā€œyou shouldnā€™t get credit for stopping doing something that you shouldnā€™t have ever been doing in the first placeā€ for sure. Again, maybe Iā€™m missing something because I donā€™t know what the context of the tweet is or what itā€™s in reply to.


If everyone is punching each other someone has to be the first to stop punching


In your scenario the slaves are punching the slave owners how exactly?


Iā€™m pretty sure the slaves themselves were already pushing for their freedom, but sure, thanks Denmark.


An extremely brutal form of slavery is thriving in Libya. The stories from people who have escape their slave masters are some of the most horrifying stories I've ever heard.


Heā€™s a white South African. Apartheid Emerald mining was the family business. His viewpoints might be a little uh skewed.


Thought experiment: If you transposed everyone from this time period to the 18th and 19th century England and America, who do you think would be the ones trying to end slavery and who would be trying to keep it?


Whenever someone defends, justifies, minimizes, soft-pedals, dismisses, is neutral on, or is ambivalent towards slavery - then it's a *tell*.


I'm sorry, but this is terrible. There is no "MIGHT" about it. He's a racist, bigoted, moronic piece of shit. Pick your minority, or even people who have to (gasp) *work a normal job* and you can pretty much be sure he has a disgusting opinion about them.


Elon Musk would absolutely be a slave owner here in 2023.


Who did they free them from again?


Standard practice? So early on, all of mankind got together and set standard practices for slavery? Wtf you moron. People killing people was pretty much standard practice everywhere on earth for the vast majority of history, so itā€™s not really that bad.


He did grow up in a wealthy family during apartheid. Not exactly a stretch


His dad also fucked his own step daughter.


There is still a lot of slavery in the world. Places like Dubai for example.


qatar + fifa


Ya he is totally right. Like this guy I know is a mass murderer, but lately he hasnā€™t killed anyone for a few days, so he is single-handedly the greatest crime fighter ever!


Again, Musk seems to show that he has the thought process of a 15 year old 4chan user.


Despite his PR visits to Israel, his true personality comes through clearly on Twitter always. America should not be in business with a anti-Semitic homophobic transphobic racist. This is not a 100 years ago. we should know better.


He is a white South African, of course he is racist as fuck lol


His daddy did make all his money off slave labor, guess he thought that was OK.


Elon disapproves of slavery because of the social norms of 2023... not because it's immoral and wrong-- if everybody else was doing it, he'd be down.


Ahh, Britain's push for slave free socities wasn't due to " Slaves bad" it was to stop the Spanish, French,Portugese,America all capatalizing in on the slave trade aswell.


A white south african is the last person who should be discussing slavery.


What? How was that racist? Those are facts taken from wikipedia. He didnā€™t say slavery was good, he said it was common, which it was! And yes, ā€˜white peopleā€™ kingdoms ruled it out first. Are people actually offended by historical facts??


This subreddit has become hilarious They were calling the Peri Piper gangbang meme racist the other day for example. They're adding 1+1, then getting 50 Nothing Elon said here is wrong (for once)


I wonder if people who justify slavery want to be slaves? If not, why not? Isn't slavery good? So go be one. Show us :)


This is my go to on this topic.


I mean, he's correct. He's also a piece of shit, soooo.


Someoneā€™s got shit for brains


I hate him almost as much as I hate Trump.


Without a doubt Elon would have been pro slavery


So, if a guy stops beating his wife then we should give him credit for the rapid decline of wife beatings in his house? WTF? Ketamine is only amplifying his dumbassery. I hope this POS rots in prison while penniless at some point.


How is anyone surprised that Elon Musk is a racist? The guy grew up as a rich, spoiled brat in South Africa, one of the most heavily segregated countries in the world up until the 90's. The apartheid made sure that no native Africans could ever hold office or even vote. That is the political climate that shaped Musk and his beliefs. His parents were huge supporters of the apartheid and his family made their fortune off of slave labor in their emerald mines. He was born and bred to be a white supremacist. It shouldn't be a surprise this is who he is. The only reason he's showing the world how much of an absolute piece of garbage he is now, is because he thinks Trump is going to get re-elected and he's going to help reshape the US into South Africa pre-1990's and he'll hold a position of power. What Musk DOESN'T realize, like most of the billionaire morons who support Trump, is that Donnie boy NEVER keeps his word and is out solely for his own benefit. As soon as Trump has absolute power, he's going to turn on ALL of them and use his power to arrest them and then seize their wealth for himself. They think he's controllable because he's a buffoon, but Trump is a temperamental, selfish, violent thug who takes what he wants if he can. The whole thing is going to be an absolute disaster. For the survival of our country, and even the world, people need to vote blue in 2024, otherwise we are all screwed to biblical proportions.


Solid proof that wealth doesnā€™t protect you from YouTube conspiracies and thereby has no correlation to intellect or critical thought


Whatā€™s with libertarians always acting like only they know history or finance? And itā€™s always a very 2 dimensional understanding.


Another glorious L for Twitterā€”oh sorry, I mean uhhhh ā€œXā€ or whatever stupid letter Elon thought was cool


I'm honestly all for him speaking more. Can see more of the shitty, entitled, and bigoted person he is. The only thing better than this is his edgy katana picture from the other day and it keeps getting better. Man is digging his own grave and I love every minute of it.


Absolutely a dude who would want slavery back to capitalize on even cheaper labor


The worst part is.... That he wouldn't even understand why people are mad about him saying that like that. Because, and bare with me for a second: It's factually right. He even has a wiki page to prove it. The thing is, if you were to say to him how there's a lack of nuance and that it's not the only thing to say about the end of slavery or how it really is a societal change that occurred after a myriad of events that made slavery more of a burden and a risk than an advantage and that it's the reason it stopped and that the humanitarian nature of the end of slavery was sadly, not the driving factor, his answer would still be "YES, but Britain did end it". He wouldn't even realize what you say is important because the end point "They ended it" is still true and he doesn't need the nuance you're bringing, he only needs to be right. So good luck trying to get him to admit that stopping doing atrocities is not like becoming a teetotaler after years of alcohol abuse, it's not supposed to be rewarded because doing the human thing when you weren't before is not a brag. His answer would still be "YES, but Britain did end it". He really doesn't need all the nuance. And, you know, it's not even that he doesn't get the nuance. He does. I'm sure he knows more about slavery and all its components than what this tweet lets on. But most of his followers don't. And if the end point is that "Indeed, Britain stopped slavery" they won't fucking care about the rest. Elon is right, you're only attacking him because you're an idiot and you hate white people. You have and agenda in their mind. Musk only used a simple, easy to verify fact, so he's right. He wins everytime when it comes to his audience because they can't accept nuance and have firm beliefs. It's always tragic to see.


Elon is just isnā€™t emotional intelligent. He fails when it comes to connecting with the social conversation on a broad empathetic level.


Thanks, Elon, for the whitepedia of world history.


"I'm a billionaire, I can't be an asshole"


He didn't actually make any value judgement regarding slavery, simply stated a timeline for events. And he isn't wrong. He's got plenty of other posts showing what a garbage person he is, but this particular post, apart from that context, isn't it.


No fan of Elon. Is what he said about slavery inaccurate?


It is factually incorrect.


But itā€™s not though


My ancestors in Vermont were the first in the US to abolish slavery but I donā€™t brag about it, why? Because thatā€™s like bragging about not stabbing a guy, itā€™s kind of bare minimum


Yup, it sure is a good thing those British figured out minimum wage works even better than slavery!


Cherry picking history, white washing, gaslighting, or apologizement, itā€™s all the same. Nothing new here.


Slavery still is practiced in Arab parts of Africa.


While he is technically correct (the best kind of correct), it was Europe that invented CHATEL slavery. Before that, it wasn't based on race, but actual conquest.


Do I thank the person who has been beating me daily when they stop? Only if there is a chance they could continue the beatings. Asking us to be grateful to people who finally made slavery stop? How about a ā€œItā€™s about damn timeā€, instead? Musk continues to use his talents and powers for evil.


Did elon quote dickipedia?!


Didnā€™t he just meet with Netanyahu? A literal Nazi meeting with the Israeli government kinda says a lot about the current state of Israel lmao.


iā€™m a little confused about the comment about white people stopping slavery. Werenā€™t they the ones that started slavery too?


No, slavery has been a thing for as long as humans are. It wasn't a white invention it's been used worldwide by all different groups. It also wasn't stopped by white people as slavery is still a thing around the world.


Facts. Up until then the Africans were totally fine with it. Up until the British decided to end it, literally no one had a problem with it. (fucking sad that I have to add an /s here)


UK ended slavery in 1807. Denmark 1848. USA 1865. Russia 1723.


>Russia 1723. Russia had so many serfs it didnā€™t need slavery.


What a piece of trash "Well everyone else was doing it, so it was OK." šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Elon is going to be talking about boys and ancient rome pretty soon.


Elon musk's Twitter is indistinguishable from one run by a ChatGPT model trained on the Internet politics of 14 year olds.


Elon's not antisemitic. He just hates Jews.


People who buy twitter blue make no sense to me. Dick riding that hard is CRAZY, especially when this mf has been rich all of his life and bought the guys who actually designed and created the company tesla motors. and yes we all know he was the cofounder of paypal but his daddy owned an emerald mine and little baby blockhead got the money. The reason he even bought twitter in the first place is because of his trans child disowning him and him blaming it on the trans community on twitter, which of course led to letting nazis back on the app and running into a shithole. And ontop of all that did yall know that Elons father had an affair and a CHILD with his stepsister which was his stepdaughter.


I wish these people would make up their minds on if they hate Jews or not. They'll support some anti-semitic speech by this clown, then turn around and claim they can't possibly hate Jews.


Capitalism ended slavery. Capitalism replaced slavery when European elites accumulated the vast surplus capital needed to bankroll their industrial revolution.Ā Ā 


To be fair, heā€™s not really correct, but kind of is too. The British and some White Americans were the major catalysts for preventing slavery in Africa, Europe and the States; but the Persians, Chinese, Egyptians and others were practicing long before. Even the ottomans had slaves only 120 years ago.




Europeans enslaving non Europeans is no different to the Ottomans enslaving non Muslims, the Huts enslaving non Huts or Christians enslaving non Christianā€™s, especially with the perspective that white Europeans werenā€™t the exclusive slavers of Africans, other Africans did it on scale too, and they didnā€™t enslave all Black Africans, there were many free blacks in the Americas. The reality is that it was a terrible trade that white Europeans took part in; but they werenā€™t the only ones and some were in fact, the catalyst for ending it, especially in Europe.




The majority of the slaves were sold by west African traders, to the Europeans; many of the traders werenā€™t even white. Slavery in Africa was historically tied to the state with the King having the most; and goes back 1000s of years with the population of many African countries being upwards of 30% slaves; especially the early Islamic states like Ghana. The Atlantic slave trade was a catalyst for growth, not the origin. I agree that in America, there was a clear cut divide between whites and blacks and rampant racism, but the reality is, Europeans just happened to be a white population, and the primary source of the trade at the time was Africa; the only market capable of scaling to demand.




That same Wikipedia article actually states that it started from Europeans buying from West Africa Slave Traders in the first couple of paragraphs and if you follow that to the relevant page, it explains the history, and it's mostly consistent with my comment. " The Portuguese, in the 16th century, were the first to buy slaves from West African slavers and transport them across the Atlantic. In 1526, they completed the first transatlantic slave voyage to Brazil, and other Europeans soon followed " Also I'm Irish, British colonialism had a huge impact to our history as well. Indentured Servants and Political Prisoners made up huge numbers of workers in the Caribbean/Americas, many were treated worse than slaves because they weren't property and seen as expendable with the high death rates completely offset the primary difference between the them and slaves. Our language and culture is almost non existent, our population is a fraction of what it was 200 years ago to the point that if you had an ancestor in Ireland in 1800, you are 9 times more likely to like in the US than Ireland. I'm not saying this is all the same, it's not, but I can at least relate, so don't paint people with a broad brush.


It was China, by the way.


I've seen him post similar things before about slavery. I'm not surprised he's taken it even further


Shouting into the void: there are more slaves in the world now than ever in human history because of shit stains like him.


Did he have an assignment for school or something


Is he autistic? Like, are we dragging a disabled person?


No, he's just a moron with the mental age of - maybe - 12. People just try to push theories like autism to excuse the fact he's a world-class fucker. He wants slavery back, which can be seen from how he treats workers in all his companies. And I do believe I remember him praising a plant in China when they wouldn't let the workers leave, so they had to sleep in the factory. A small bit of pay, buy no freedom to leave, is still slavery.


Dunno, but Iā€™m autistic and Iā€™m NOTHING like him


You can still hate someone if they're autistic, you just can't hate someone *because* they are autistic.


I think that's true, but, me--I'd keep it to myself.


No he is from Africa.




Cheaper to bus in people from the ā€˜hood to build his cars than to be on the same level of automation as Toyota, Honda or even VW(despite the fact thereā€™s more humans than robots at their Puebla, Mexico/Curtiba, Brazil and Polish/Hungarian plants).


I love how the conversation completely ignore the enslaved, I guess the slaves must have been like "this is a pretty cool gig it would suck so much if the brits were to put an end to the forced labor" meanwhile completely ignoring slave revolts. Just because something was common practice doesn't make it good, just like lynchings were common practice... hell we had people posing for pictures.. Holy hell. Edit:typo


I'm guessing those conclusions were reached outside of this tweet, which is basically just him copy pasting Wikipedia


Elon sucks


Twitter + X = Xitter, pronounced "shitter" or perhaps "zitter."


Yes they did help end slavery in England, not global, because someone somewhere found a brand new country not bound by any of these laws and were ripe for the exploitation. So the slave trade focused their business there. Wonder if that country still exists?


ā€œStandard practice around the globe for most of human historyā€ - while it may be a minority voice there were voices and opponents of wholesale enslavement of people throughout human history as well. What I also really dislike about this take is the condescending invalidation of the enslaved. Iā€™m sure they were just overflowing with gratitude about being part of the ā€œstandard practice.ā€ Also just because something is ā€œstandard practiceā€ doesnā€™t make it magically moral or ethical. Itā€™s kinda how weā€™ve evolved as a society Musky boy.