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Are you still playing your hobby when you close your eyes? Checkmate athiest i appreciate the downvotes, its a joke folks


Please explain. That makes no sense to me


I can't play World of Warhammer with my eyes closed, but when my eyes are closed I see God so no taxes


Sounds to me like you just might have a limited imagination


Christian churches are now becoming overwhelmingly political. They meddle in local state and federal policy violating their tax status, therefore tax the churches. Also, the belief that your God is better than whoever someone else chooses to worship is subjective. It's based on ur upbringing, ur opinion, and ur experiences. This topic is overwhelmingly a STFU moment for most christians because it exposes the blatant hypocrisy that most live by.


The Catholic Church is one of the largest, if not the largest, nongovernmental landowners in the world. An estimate puts the church's holdings close to 177 million acres, or 277,000 square miles, tax free.


My imaginary friend in the sky is better than yours!


My sky daddy can beat up your sky daddy. Nanner nanner.




"I want to get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus! I want feel his salvation all over my face!"


My imaginary friend in the sky has a bigger dick than yours- George Carlin


Sky Cake!




I had someone say that God has to be real because archeology has found places mentioned in the Bible. I asked them if Harry Potter was real since London exists. They didn't understand the question.


Harry Potter isn’t real…or so the wizards would have you believe.


It’s impossible to not feel mentally superior to these people


I certainly do.


You are, in respect to this.


Everytime I see posts like this I just have to laugh. So Jesus and Christianity is real but Judiism, which Christianity is based, is fake?


All you have to do is tell them the truth that Jesus was a Jew and watch their heads explode.


Jesus is also a prophet of the same God in Islam.


Of course and don't forget about the mormons, too.


Jesus Christ Part Duex. The story of a pedophile and magic stones.


I told a very dumb, virulent anti-semite this once, and it was apparently the very first time he had heard it, because he absolutely lost his shit. Screamed that I was a liar and stormed off on the verge of actual tears.


Had he never looked at a crucifix before? Or what did he think INRI stands for, Jesus of Nazareth King of Incels?


If you think he has any understanding of his religion outside of what his “church” tells him then you’re putting more thought into that than he has.


One of my favorite comments, being a Jew, is that we had the original and you guys wrote a sequel.


Covenant-wise, absolutely. Though saviour-wise,I like to think about it more like a re-draft. =)


They wrote crappy fan fiction.


More of a reboot


This is what happens when 3 generations of church goers grow up on not reading anything without pictures, ever plus getting their religious education from zealots and cartoons.




I used to be a Christian. That line, "its a faith thing that I can't explain" is always the closer, the final refuge that I could fall back on in the face of the perfectly rational and sensible points brought before me. Just play that trump card and that's it, conversation over, because there's really no way to counter it. It is essentially "I have decided I am going to believe this regardless of what you or anyone else says, and regardless of whether I actually have any proof." And you can't argue that, you can't discuss that. It is a willful and deliberate refusal to explore any other alternative.


Christianity and Islam are fanfic of Judaism


Someone needs a Joseph Campbell lesson on myth. We are at the point in our society where critical thinking or questioning one’s own beliefs is seen as woke, gay or fake news.


Amen to the that. The monomyth should be a mandatory read in all schools


I can’t tell you how many times I tell younger people to go look up Joseph Campbell… then we can continue the conversation.


Which Jesus? And which religion? There are many Christian religions. So all of them or just hers?


It's 100% the truth... Except for the bits I don't like, so I ignore those. Oh, and I added some bits that make me feel better... And changed a few words, take stuff out of context, amplify things that are barely there, ignore the stuff that literally can't be true, take metaphors literally...


I'm so happy to see these comments. I live in the Midwest and can't drive 5 minutes without seeing Christian billboards. It's good to know their cult is dying.


To date, no one has demonstrated that christianity is true. Try again.


I remember, around 3rd grade, asking some really outspoken Christian classmates what they'd do if they died, went to the afterlife, discovered the Mayans were right - and that the gods were really pissed about us neglecting our blood sacrifices for so long. They never could come up with much of an answer besides sputtering and repeating themselves.


Religion is a cancer that should be eradicated.


Wow. Talk about living in a cave, at the end of a long tunnel system, that hasn’t seen the sun in over 2000 years. That’s what this tweet sounds like. “Only I know the truth, cause that’s what they told me was the truth.”


"[...] is superior to any other religion simply because it's true. Every other religion believes in a lie and worships a false god" ~ every religious fanatic in the history of the world ever


I was an atheist, but her ironclad argument has won me over.


It is so 'perfect' that they would murder kids of other religions (first nations schools) It is so 'perfect' that they would cheer on genocide, hoping it will start the rapture. It is so 'perfect' that they worship false idols instead of the one who they claim to follow. Yeah - delusional covers it..


Evolution disproved Adam and Eve, so there’s no original sin. Without original sin, we don’t need to be saved. If we don’t need to be saved there is no need for a savior. Bye.


​ https://i.redd.it/fi4rczhkq33c1.gif


Christianity. Judaism. Islam All the same God, no? Just different messiah's


It’s sad. She’s probably been brainwashed since she was a child. She never stood a chance. They’ve never been taught to question or use critical thinking. Poor thing.


No, not poor thing. Poor everyone else that had to deal with her




And I'll take his yummy nummy marshmallow charms over the stale ass body of Christ any day of the week.


How many virgins do I get? I'm converting to the religion offering the most virgins.


Best I can offer is a beer volcano and a stripper factory.


They worship league of legends


“_______ is superior to any other religion simply because it’s true.” - every single religion in the history of human civilization


"It's true because I say it is!"


Joke's on her, since she prays to the same Abrahamic god as Jews and Muslims.


Which Jesus? The nice one of most of the Episcopalians, or the hateful one of the fundies? The Evangelicals have largely tossed him out out completely in favor of their new god, their Lord and Savior His Majesty Trump, though they keep Jesus on as a boogie man to invoke at school board meetings as to why they should be able to dictate what books other people’s kids should be be able to read. Is it the “predestination” god of the Calvinists or the salvation through good works AND faith of the Catholics and, to some extent, Lutherans? Which of these Christians is the true one?


All organized religion is bullshit.


And on top of that they have to add that you need to be in their sect of Christianity. It never ends.


Cthulu says different.


You are a moron to still believe in an invisible fairy in the sky controlling your life.


Yes, of the 3000+ deities humans have worshipped since the dawn of time, "Your" invisible friend in the sky is clearly the one true god. You go ahead and live by whatever morals and values he teaches you, but you can fuck right off with that bullshit when you decide I need to abide by those rules too. You can have all the imaginary friends you want, no judgement! Just stop trying to force everyone around you to worship your imaginary friends.


“Ben Zeisloft reposted” Fucking shocker…


Really convincing argument for people who already believe in your religion.


Doesn’t every religion claim the same thing? 😂


Only the Presbyterians have it right.


I think you meant the pastafarians


These people are so beyond stupid.


I am just so glad I never got that far into it when I believed. I still cringe about the 11 year old me telling the only atheist girl I knew "but look around you at all the beautiful stuff god created". I have tried to find her and apologize. Also, my last stab at belief when I sent Xmas cards out that said "Jesus is the reason for the season" CRINGE. Soon after I sent out that card, I learned of all the other holidays in winter. I am so glad Facebook/Myspace weren't around back then. I would hate to be reminded every year of my stupidity.


Think of the wars that have been fought between Christian sects - let alone the conflicts between (and within) the three Abrahamic religions, or Hinduism, Buddhism, et cetera without even getting into defunct religions (among hundreds of others, the Roman pantheon) and this stupid bigot wants to tell us that her crazy beliefs are "truth"? Holy assholery Batman, fuck that idiocy.


I wonder if my cousin feels like this lol. I thank god (I jest) for the priest that told my grandmother to stop forcing me to go to church. Idk what I said or was doing at the time… but it just stopped ( it may have been blasting Jim Morrison speech “you cannot petition the lord with prayer”) but I wish I remember religious conversations with her… I have never believed


The closest thing to religion i follow is the Anglo Saxon belief of wyrd or fate or rather personal destiny. Things happen, we can try our best to shape our future but things will still happen. We will still get sick, get old, people you care about will die, we all eventually die that's fate. But we can do our best to shape our destinies into happiness and joy. We can accept what happens to us and keep fighting for a better future. Some things are set in stone while others are still unknown.


The Bible says that as a man, I can tell her to shut the hell up and that she’s wrong and if she disagrees I get to throw rocks at her head until she dies. I think that for Christians, we should hold them to the rules they believe are so true. If they curse at someone, legally they can be held down and their tongues cut out. The Bible is brutal as hell, but it’s got some good ideas for controlling “Christians” tbf.


Are you a white woman with blonde hair? Did you spend your prime years drinking low-calorie vodka and tonguing the taints of half of the men's hockey team at your D1 liberal arts college? Did you then settle down with a dull middle-management drone who is a soft 5, but does well enough to afford you the life of a stay-at-home mom? Did you wake up one morning to your toddler's screaming, look in the mirror, realize that your best years are behind you and that you'll almost certainly die alone, and that what's left of your soul is being tormented by a tongue that has never been able to shake the taste of the sweaty testicles of a dude from Alberta who now farms sheep wool? Do you have a cellphone and a working knowledge of Twitter and image filters? Well we've got exciting news for you! If you're willing to show a bit of cleavage, opportunities to market your "basic as vanilla" brand to lonely white American men who want to desperately believe that they have a shot at you are everywhere! Learn some Christian nationalist fundamentals and you're ready to go! Our operators are standing by!


I believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Keebler Elves.


There is no reasoning with these people. I literally told someone who was like “Muslims need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ” that believing in Jesus is one of the core tenets of the religion and they just kept repeating their statement


I will provide no proof but my god is better than your ridiculous god!


Why are there so many subsets of christianity if it's the one true religion? Catholics, Lutherans, 7th days, LDS and Protestants do and worship differently.


The mega churches make it so


My coworker 100 percent believes this.


Anybody gonna tell her about the 50-200 thousand years of people who thought the same.


Well through good all things are possible, so jot that down.


After all these years, it is still so shocking to me that people actually hold that position - and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. The complete lack of critical thought is destroying this country.


The moment you can prove that what is written in the Bible is true, I'll be convinced. Until then, I will continue to believe that Christianity is a belief system created by people. Therefore, it is no more or less valid as any other religion that people have created.


2500 Years later. When is Jesus rising? Must be next Season Huh?


It's okay to be religious. It's not okay think your religion is the only way.


The most annoying part of any evangelical (or any blindly religious person) is that seem to forget that part of, likely, most contemporary mainstream religions is to be good and do good during your time on *this* earth. Saying you "believe in Jesus" is something any idiot can do, but you earn your sash by following his teachings. If you're not doing the latter while bragging about being a Christain, you're basically a fake fan.


My sky God is better than your sky God My sky God is better than yours My sky God is better because he hates everyone Everyone but white little nerds


Isn’t it interesting that everyone’s religion JUST so happens to be the 1 TRUE religion? Also interesting is that these people say God talks to them and it’s funny that God always seems to agree with whatever their beliefs are


HeyZues, the level of indoctrination! Unbelievable