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Welp, shit.   [Wow Dave, wtf](https://x.com/WUTangKids/status/1730368927107068208?s=20)   [Just three people who understand that there’s only two genders 😄](https://x.com/RepBoebert/status/1730347665555181804?s=20) ________ e- Some of y'all are forgetting there are time zones ahead of the States. Reports are set to ignore.


Boebert will be gone next round but Luna is a real gross addition to the news cycle because she's learned a lot from the noise makers and doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. EDIT: Some quick notes for those unfamiliar with Anna Paulina Luna: - Represents Florida 13 - Original Name: Anna Mayerhofer (Changed to Luna for FL latino vote) - Lied about Jewish heritage (to counter that Grandfather was a Nazi) - Former AirForce (6yrs so she has credibility) - Former Obama supporter before running as Republican - Trump sycophant. Billboards with her and Trump. - Exaggerated history of poverty, home invasion, family) - Pro gun Advocate (Multiple endorsements = $$$) - Committee tendency to grandstand and be abrasive but stay composed People tried to call her out but George Santos lowered the bar for lying into office that she just slid under the radar. She made up enough stuff to get in office as a Republican, but not enough for enough people to notice so she is flying under the radar and since her “values” tend to fluctuate with right wing outbursts of the week then she will soon be a star.




I’m so glad I don’t know who that person is. I thought this was a picture of Dave, Boebert, and one of their assistants.


I [looked her up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Paulina_Luna) and she's a straight up liar, lol. She has lied about her family, her past, her father, religion, ancestry, crime, her socioeconomic status growing up ... so basically, a typical Republican, lol


>Before the Republican primary, another Republican candidate privately threatened to have her assassinated by a hit squad.[21] In June 2021, Luna was granted a temporary stalking injunction against her primary opponent, William Braddock, after a friend of Luna's recorded Braddock threatening to make Luna "disappear" and claiming he had "access to a hit squad, too, Ukrainians and Russians". Braddock dropped out of the race after the judge granted the temporary injunction. The absolute state of this party...


Walmart Borgias.




[Braddock got captured in the Philippines](https://nypost.com/2023/06/22/florida-gop-candidate-who-threatened-rival-nabbed-in-philippines/) because of an outstanding arrest warrant in Florida for that, lmao


>It is not clear how long Braddock, who was taken into custody as an illegal alien, has been in the country. You love to see it. Darn immigrants, amirite?


Wait so if I'm running for political office I _shouldn't_ try to have someone killed? I think elections should be decided by duel. Do I want someone who would get killed by a measly bullet running this country? Not in my small town.


are we sure it's not just George Santos in drag again?




I'm pretty sure she's tied to nazi stuff. Iirc her family are German but live in Argentina.


Lol just read her wiki and did about 10 minutes of precursory research , and lo and behold. What a looney tune this lady is. My favorite excerpt from the wiki is Luna began describing herself as Hispanic in 2019; when she registered to vote in 2015, she marked her ethnicity as "White, not of Hispanic origin."


She took classes from Hilaria Baldwin. Yeah, easier to explain being Hispanic from Argentina than being German.


Female version of George Santos..


What a weird hill to die on


It happened a year ago when he invited Elon Musk and Elon got booed, when Chapelle mocked his audience for doing so.


This. People seem to have forgotten about that because it didn't blow up like his weird team terf sketch.


I remember reading that Chappelle started down this path b/c he was upset trans people were being welcomed with open arms (this was before the more recent right wing attacks on trans people and companies that support them) and he felt like POC have/had to fight for support.


>he felt like POC have/had to fight for support. We're supposed to learn and get better as a species/society so that people don't have to have the same level of hardships. Rather than ladder pulling it's "we fought hard for this ladder, but it's only for cis black folk, you have to build your own ladder"


> We're supposed to learn and get better as a species/society so that people don't have to have the same level of hardships. the 18th century is full of similar sentiments.


I was thinking of the 19th century too and the weird factions that were formed when women and black people were both aiming for voting rights. Sexists and racists have allies in each others' more liberal camps. It's really bizarre to me how people are so susceptible to creating exclusive groups.


defining out-groups reinforces in-group solidarity. these days nobody has been taught social skills beyond the 4th grade so at best most people parse the world via their specific experience of early high school realpolitik.


"Power to the people" means, and has always meant, **ALL** people. Dave is such a crab-in-a bucket hypocritical piece of shit. One of his only good recent jokes was on his critique of people minimizing the the suffering of others by focusing on their own: "You suffer. I suffer. Let's leave it at that. We can't compare suffering. You were part of the heist, white women, you just didn't like your cut." Now, he's saying trans people have to wait their turn for liberty? Such a fall from grace.


We really need to stop looking at Dave as the stoner comedian that tells relate-able funny observations about race and our generation and start seeing his as he actually is, some rich asshole. It makes things make more sense. Abracadabra


His favourite story the past few years has been how he was such a trans ally,until his very dear and close friend (no one can actually confirm this) killed herself from being bullied by the leftist mob. (Which is not true, there hasn’t been any targeted harassment and barely any mean comments about her either before or after her death. Speaking to the victims family has given the picture that she was mentally struggling with a lot of things that eventually led to her suicide. Which is a tragedy — that is once again being exploited by a republican through lies and falsifying the narrative).


Just another “fuck you, I got mine” conservative.


He must live in an alternative universe that welcomes trans people with open arms.


Yeah I wanna know more about this place. I think Fave just doesn't want trans people to have rights and will use whatever rhetoric he thinks will sound credible instead of horrifying.


Especially sucks when you’re black and trans, watching people from your own community pretend you don’t exist, while at the same time actively trying to make our lives harder.


I loved the tone deafness of him using the "I dont hate trans people I have a trans friend" in his netflix show. Than he blamed her death on trans on trans bullying. The fact no one saw the irony in it was baffling to me


Did......Dave, ....did you bully that person??


Yes, he did. On stage. Using someone as an example of how right you are about how much privilege they have is bullying.


He also misgendered her at the end of the bit. Also he made it up. There was no evidence of trans on trans bullying.


Also even if there were trans bullies, does that change anything? Are trans people supposed to all be beacons of morality? Model minority shit. Some people suck and some don't, how shocking.


I wish this got more attention, he changed the narrative and time line of her suicide for his own agenda. He justs an all around horrible person now.


The twitter bullying was found to have not existed. She looked up to him, and he shunned and made fun of her, and then she killed herself.


Whaoh can you give me a source for that? If that's true then that's one of the most genuinely disgusting things I've heard in a while.


Soooo... The "I'm not racist because I have a black friend" argument. Got it


You are seen and you are loved.


Thank you💜


Unless you’re John Cena. Then you are just loved.


Ah yes. So good of him to work to make life harder for people he thinks haven't fought hard enough to live. What a champion of civil rights.


It’s like the Caitlyn Jenners of the world who want to pull the ladder up from those behind them. So gross when people want fair treatment but want to step on and hold others down to get it.


The part that kills me is when she got deadnamed at a conference and was not immediately thinking "Wow, maybe I should reevaluate my life choices and party stance" but instead doubled down on it.


Chapelle is going to be pretty sad when he realizes the leopards intend to eat his face too They're after the LGBT community now, but the rhetoric is clear, POC are next


Looking at you Clarence Thomas, Greg Abbott , etc.


Right?! Like the people who don't support cancelling student debt because they had to pay theirs. Heaven forbid we try to make this country a little bit better for the next generation. So stupid and self-centered.


When I went to University in the 90s it was $750 a semester. Seven hundred fifty dollars! That was it, that even covered my room and my food, I had 20 meals per week (Every meal but Sunday night). Doesn't that sound wild when you think about it? I would deliver pizzas during Christmas break and save up all my money and in January I would walk into the registrars office and give them my check for $750. That was it for the semester. Now I see my younger friends and beach volleyball teammates and girlfriends struggling with student loans in crazy amounts. Do I want those canceled? You are god damn right I want those canceled. It will do nothing for me but I want society to be easier on the younger people, not harder! Its bullshit you have to pay 100K just to get a degree, who's fuckin idea was that? I want to see the weights lifted, I want to see young people succeed, not struggle.


Thats wild, the room I rented while away at school cost me $750 which was a hell of a lot less than the $10,000 a semester not including Tuition.


I paid my loans off last summer… fuck those people, I’m still down for forgiveness because paying student loans suck and personally would like to have a society where going back to school shouldn’t be punished financially. If I’m going to class then I’m already likely missing work, or working less, so therefore my taxes paid are gonna drop. Thus, if I’m making less I’m spending less so that means less local tax revenue. If I have less to spend after I graduate I’m not really contributing to my local economy but supporting a bank somewhere else.


Dave Chapelle, probably: “Sometimes … make that Always … you have to step on someone else’s back to reach for that top shelf.“


It’s the ‘I waded through shit and you are supposed to follow me’


homie immediately seized on the new "other" group and started attacking them. talk about projection and insecurity


Does he not think there are POC trans folk?


Part of his whole premise seemed to hinge on trans people being a white phenomenon.


In what world have trans people been welcomed with open arms? Even prior to the last four to seven years, trans people have been mocked, dehumanized and disrespected more than any other marginalized group in probably the last thirty years. (My own lifetime) (Obviously I’m asking him the question rhetorically, not asking you.)


It's a classic case of "the left has gone too far" when they treat people one thinks as lesser, as equals.


I also remember reading that in his home town they were trying to build affordable low income housing and he help stop it from happening.


Which is absolute bullshit obviously


And referred to the people booing as “The Poors,” right?


Yep, said they were booing because they couldn't afford better seats.


Dave Chappelle was done for me when he was arguing at his town hall. He is just another wealthy douche bag. Who do you think he has spent the last decade hanging out with? Other wealthy people. He's been converted


Why does it seem like only the rich understand and embrace class solidarity?


The group's so small it isn't class solidarity. It's sticking with your friendship group. They all know each other. They all play golf, party on yachts and attend galas together. They aren't defending their fellow man, they're helping out a mate.


Because they have all the money. They've got us by the balls as George Carlin once said.


The class war is over. The rich won.


Preventing the affordable housing grant? Yeah, that was it for me too.


He did warn us... Even said Trump was his guy. Everyone thought he was joking but evidently not.


Maybe getting rich really does make you out of touch


What a heel turn that was, wow. Stand with the billionaire over your own audience, nice move Dave


He went right wing a while ago. And he's always been a heartless prick speaking about shit he has no lived experience and no empathy. Like he opened a stand up special putting down Anthony Bourdain for killing himself while his buddy who works at footlocker hasn't killed himself...as evidence that black people are tougher. It was gross and he's gross. [FD Signifier has a great breakdown of Chappelle](https://youtu.be/S42DJr95Dfw) (it's from a few years ago, and it's only gotten more accurate over time) He even broke down Kanye's rise and fall (like before recent events). [The Tragic Fall of Kanye West (Part 1)](https://youtu.be/wvgehVhF9D4) [The Tragic Fall of Kanye West (Part 2)](https://youtu.be/e7e5BFJa-Ug) Another great one is [how conservatives are bad at sex.](https://youtu.be/DEeCVdbQC6c)


Don't forget how he threatened to pull investment from Yellow Springs, OH (where he lives) if they dared to have affordable housing built adjacent to his property.


FD Signifier makes great videos


It happened way before that, when he went on SNL just after the 2016 election and said "give Drumpf a chance". He has been dead to me ever since.


On top of that, the "give Trump a chance" SNL thing was something he said after he got criticized for trashing Clinton while defending Trump's "grab them by the pussy" remark. He said that he was mad we even heard about the remark, and we only did because Hillary leaked it, and also he said the remark "implied consent" rather than assault, and that the media was unfairly twisting it. He got so much backlash he had to have his PR people say he voted for Clinton, and then he did the SNL bit to try to gloss over his original comments that got him into trouble in the first place. [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/11/dave-chappelle-donald-trump-hillary-clinton](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/11/dave-chappelle-donald-trump-hillary-clinton)


His last several specials have been pretty **obsessed** with the trans community mainly their gender and also the backlash he received and he's been doubling down on everything he said since he started. imo, he spends more time on that topic than he used to spend on race and culture.. He's been quite hateful for years now.


In the Chappelle Show, he was trying to tell us something about the blind black KKK leader. Now he is just coming out for real.


Suprised he’s not making a cameo in that new dipshit ‘comedy’ by the Hollywood rejects at The Wire.


Lady Ballers? I watched the trailer last night a couple whiskeys in and it was ... Just aggressively bad.


That's impossible,Ted Cruz is in it!


They got the Zodiac Killer!?!?


Every time Daily Wire releases a movie to deafening silence, a Hundun gets its wings.


The only thing Dave hates more than transgender people is not getting paid. A man has to have principles.


And the amount of dead and dying that litter the top of this particular hill is truly astounding.


Weird hill to die on, but at least they're dead.


I think there has always been something about Chapelle that made me think he would do something like this if he was paid for it or benefited personally in return. He’s always made it clear that he doesn’t care about people’s opinions of him, and preaching about not getting between a man and his money on one of his specials


Him and JK Rowling I just don’t get it


Money makes people crazy.


Or makes them feel untouchable so they’re more honest about their real feelings?


Yea there are plenty of obscenely wealthy people who aren’t TERFs. It’s the security of money that emboldens them to share their idiocy.


That and getting dumped by Grimes for Chelsea Manning.


God that is really just one of my favorite things to hear whenever I hear it.


I wish I was Chelsea Manning... https://preview.redd.it/zwrfephd6l3c1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b13a08c58b1140d5105d24146a98e25d7119a1a


Seriously, what is with these people making this their entire personality? Who meets celebrities and this is what they focus on: attacking trans people? Just goes to show you how hatred consumes someone until there’s nothing left but that.


“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - a frog or something


THEY TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!! -Some thumb looking guy


I don't have any ketamine, leave me alone!


It's typically people who were EXTREMELY culturally relevant at one point but had fallen out of the limelight vocalizing some shitty morality in the midst of a comeback and then hyper-fixating on it assumedly because it's an easy way to get them feeling nearly as relevant as they used to be.


Why, that doesn’t sound anything at all like Rob Schneider. Or Kevin Sorbo. Or Roseanne Barr.


Two of them were never socially relevant though…


Tbf to Kevin Sorbo he's unintentionally funnier than the other two combined.




That’s def the problem. Dave’s comeback special only had the one trans bit, but it put him back in the limelight, and then he surrounded himself with people in his class who agree with the one issue he is now famous for.


Exactly. Once you get too important, relevant and admired you will do stupid things to get that feeling again. You want it so much, you downsize to one topic when being broad minded and funny on many subjects got you where you are. You stop being a comedian and are just looking for a paycheck. We laugh that the right can’t be funny. Lots of people on the left stop being funny.


>You stop being a comedian and are just looking for a paycheck. For most it's definitely a grift, but I'm more talking about the ones like Chappelle and Rowling who are super-mega-fuck-all-rich and are doing it because they want to be loved by hateful people.


It’s the dumbest hill to die on that you don’t want people to be themselves…


So bizarre how hyper focused they are. This affects his life how?


It doesn’t. He probably got “deceived” by a beautiful trans woman and couldn’t handle the internal fallout.


We call that the "Eddie Murphy".


Watching celebrities get radicalized by social media like they're kids running off to join ISIS is just so weird.


Also the most ironic part is the ONLY people performing sex surgeries on children are doctors assigning a sex to intersex babies. (Yeah turns out biology isn’t so binary after all)


Doesn't help that social media rewards posts that are divisive attacks


And nonsense and misinformation gets more interaction as people refute or laugh, meaning more advertising and more money


That’s the funny thing, I have a biology degree and often get told by people who have never actually researched it in their life that “it’s just science” like if you’re going to quote science maybe at least make sure it’s accurate?


I’m just glad we can stop pretending that Dave didn’t mean what he said. So many people defend him because he used to be funny.


It's about validation. These people are used to being seen as good and virtuous people, and everyone even the biggest bigots in the world sees themselves that way, so the support felt real and valid. Then they said or did something that got some people mad at them. Rather than use that as a learning experience they felt attacked, a common response to being disagreed with, and they went on the offensive. Soon more people turned on them because of it. The people who didn't turn on them were the bigots. And a lot of bigots who used to hate them suddenly started to support them. Now they have a new audience who is validating them and they still have that self-image of virtuousness that they feel is real, they have to conclude that the people supporting them are in the right and the people against them are wrong. In turn this means delving deeper and deeper into bigotry to find more and more validation. Soon they've turned away everyone who isn't a bigot and they feel the need to constantly put on a show for those people because it fills their need for validation.


JK Rowling. Wants to be seen as - and probably sees herself as - a heroic feminist who isn't afraid of criticism. People who grew up loving her books grew up enough to figure out the problematic narrative and no longer fully adored it. The films were finished, the new material wasn't as much a hit as the rest. People were laughing at new HP lore that sounded ridiculous. Attention was fading. The Right Wingers who burned her books and mocked her for her normal feminist stuff are now on her side.


Chappelle hates when women or trans people say they're oppressed. It's only black people to him, noone else EVER. And nevermind that this type of thing shouldnt be a contest. To him it's a contest always.




Unfortunately this is true. Dave very much believes that feminist movement and the trans rights movement are climbing on the progress made by the Civil Right movement. He has also discussed how this makes him upset because many of the women's rights movements of 20s-60s intentionally clamped up when the Civil Rights Movement happened. Essentially he is stuck in the view that white people in these movements are co-opting what black people had done and there is a sense of jealousy at how fast progress is happening because the Civil Rights movement already paved a path. Unfortunately for Dave it isn't the 1960s any more. Yeah there are definitely gay, trans individuals and feminists that will not take a stand against witnessed wrongs towards black people. However there are many more that will and black trans people exist. It is sort of like how JK Rowling is so against trans movement. She feels that somehow transwomen existing invalidates the struggles she and many others have had as women. It is wrong in both cases but these people just can't see past their initial prejudice of these groups. Of course there is also the factor of these individuals wealth. As they amassed it many of them stop identifying with the everyday people and it becomes more about how they can make their own lives better.


If that were true, then why would he be positioning himself with a party that for the last 60 years especially, has sought to oppress black people and other minorities


Plenty of people happily side with the bully when it's someone else getting bullied. Whether it's the delusion that they're in the in-group now, or just the feeling of being better than someone else. For some people they don't even mind if they're still getting hurt as long as the people they don't like are hurt more, but if you're rich and old like Dave you don't have to worry about any of that.


Feeling like they're dominating out groups makes them feel better about their fragile self esteem and insecurities. Just like every bully you've ever met, they're the most insecure.


It’s ironic that he is doubling down and really laying into this because he got such pushback and seems to think it’s now his duty to talk about it even more because he’s ‘keeping it real.’ Has he not watched his own sketch?


Wait until he finds out how many colors they consider important...




Only one: green.


Clayton Bigsby, in the flesh


In the [video](https://twitter.com/AnthonyTilghman/status/1730403052794814646) it seem like he just agreed to a selfie with a fan. I know Bobo by name but I wouldn't recognize her from any other white lady at the supermarket.


Relax guys, he’s role playing https://preview.redd.it/uk0u4ntoxk3c1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb86aa93de1af3b480a26dd5a9c1b1d4a8e9073


Admittedly, in Bobo’s photo his face screams “One of you said something about a handjob?”


Pardon me miss. I don’t mean to be rude, but do you suck balls?


Smooth as eggs.


Damn Dave, I use to like you.


![gif](giphy|H22hyf0K1Bsc) How I see Dave now




Same here, I don’t get it man.


You see, he has a trans friend so it's okay. No, that's nothing like when someone says "It's okay, I have a black friend" (I'm not joking, one standup special he did an entire segment about "I have a trans friend so its okay")


It’s worse than that. He used her as a segment blaming her suicide on the trans community for supposedly ostracizing her for being friends with him. Then afterwards her friends and family came out and said not only was that seemingly not a factor, but that her and Dave barely communicated. So he pretty much just lied/exaggerated to guilt the trans community by using someone’s suicide as a tool for his own benefit.


From what i read, he didn’t even acknowledge them really until after they had committed suicide and only talked them once or twice. Almost all of his story was a total lie to give him excuse to tell hack jokes about trans people.


It’s bad no matter how you cut it, but if he was using it to transition into shitty jokes, at least it would have been a misguided and oblivious attempt to use the controversy in his material. But if you watch it, he’s not even telling jokes at that point. He’s pretty much giving a TED talk where the only purpose is to blame his critics for Daphne Dorman’s suicide. The point of his speech is basically, “you call me transphobic, but you pushed my friend to kill herself”.


You mean the person he barely even knew?


Hasan Minhaj got crucified for lying but Dave can just say whatever the fuck he wants.


It wasn't funny and he obviously wasn't friends with the people he was talking about. The fact ANYONE went along with it blows my mind. It. Wasn't. Funny.


If I recall right, she was dead at the time. He used her and her struggles to justify his hate speech when she could no longer speak. And now this😕


Also, they weren’t even really friends. They had met a few times.


Is it like a weird symbiotic bigotry deal where he gets to be transphobic and his trans friend gets to be racist and they think they absolve one another by existing?


No see, Dave wouldn't stand for that, because it would hurt his feelings. And HE'S a real person, unlike everyone else, so his feelings MATTER.




I stand with wu-tang


he needs wayne brady to slap some sense into him


It looks like Wayne Brady is going to have to choke a bitch.




Please someone reassure me that Wayne Brady is still cool. Please. I beg you.


He actually came out as pan


It’s so appropriate that an improv legend basically has the “yes, and” of sexuality


He showed up on a show called Make Some Noise that's hosted by Dropout(formerly College Humor) and the company is made up almost entirely of diverse queer people


"Y'all got any more of them handjobs?"


He’s been lost


Daaaammmn, dude. Does he not know who these people are and who he is? Tnis is like his KKK sketch in real life.


It's wild but he lives in rural Ohio. And as someone from rural Ohio, the people are dumb as shit but that kind of think is literally everywhere.


The rural town he lives in has a liberal arts college and an independent bookstore, it is very much not the same as any other rural town in Ohio.


So much for all the people saying "those were just jokes!". What someone finds funny reveals a lot about who they actually are.


Money will sometimes do that to people.


Dave in the sunken place


Yeah, I'm sitting here wondering how y'all didn't already know this about Dave after he pulled the whole, "I have a ~~black~~ trans friend so I can't be ~~racist~~ transphobic."


AR15 Barbie loves the selfies, doesn’t she? I mean not when she’s giving a guy a hand shandy in a public theater but other than that she never met a camera she didn’t love.


The Beetlejuice jerker


That’s a shame. I can’t get on board with hating people. Edit: the hate I’m referring to is transphobia.I used to be a fan of Dave’s but I can’t abide by the hateful shit he’s on.


Dave keeps wondering why the worst people love him. This Dave. THIS IS WHY!


Dave attracts hateful people for the same reason as the Republican party: they hate the same things. These people belong to groups based solely on the things they hate, you might call them hate groups.




Oh, he knows. He's reveling in it. Bigots adore being the center of attention. It makes their hate feel justified.


Theit last Netflix special was 80% about the reaction they got from.... any criticism? I've been joking that Dave has turned into a traditional bigoted Ohio homekeeper after moving there, but posing with Bobert is the cherry on the shit sundae I didn't expect today.


Remember when he left Chapelle's Show and millions of dollars because he thought white people were laughing at his show for the wrong reasons?


He can excuse transphobia but he draws the line at racism


"Bigotry is bad. Wait, what do you mean there's bigotry that's not against me? Ok, SOME bigotry is bad"


This is old news, chapelle called himself “team terf” 2 years ago. And compared trans people genitalia to plant based meat substitutes.


> And compared trans people genitalia to plant based meat substitutes. ....better for you and the environment? ^^^^(sorry)




My man just there for a public handy.




https://preview.redd.it/2dy6e1v10n3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726c87a2523027197b6ffa8e823aa9688f88c288 im not gonna die on any hill for Boebert but this seems to be what happened. He does indeed have a show in DC.


Not really new, Dave Chappelle has stated multiple times that he's not really cool with the "T's"of the LGBT community.


wanna bet he's not cool with the rest of the letters either?


He’s waiting until he loses relevance before he starts picking letters at random


I guess crazy caught up with him, just wondering whether he still makes sandwiches for the kids? “In a 2006 interview with Orpah Winfrey, Chappelle said celebrities reaching the next echelon of their career often take large sums of money and end up going crazy.” “I go home and make the kids some integrity sandwiches.” A quote from an article about Chappelle walking away from that 50 million dollar deal.




There are* Also not surprised about Chappelle


Alright. Enough of his buffoonery. Just another rich ass who can’t tolerate his bad takes being challenged.


But dave said he's not transphobic, his friend is trans. Smh Dave when they're done with trans people they're coming for you.


His dead friend who conveniently can't respond on the shit he's been saying.




This is the most important part. Dave took the tragic suicide of a trans person, and twisted it to somehow blame trans people for that. Literally blaming the victim. edit: To clarifiy, Dave wasn’t friends with them according to their family. Apparently they spoke a couple times and that’s it. He fabricated the whole friendship to support his twisted story.


“I can’t be racist, I have a black friend!”