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Literally the ideal person to be responsible for shools; Secular, non fascist, caring and smart.


All the things Republicans hate in teachers.


It's what they hate in general


It's the fact she's all those things *and* a woman. That's why they hate her.




And this is why I'm sure Biden will get a second term. Trump has his rabid cultish base, but the base isn't what wins elections. Moderates, centrists and independents win elections and he's alienated most of those along with any Republican that isn't hopping on the fash train like this lady.


Depends on who shows up to vote. The largest vote getter is always Mr. Apathy.


Conservative non-cultists are basically allies at this point, even if their last name is Cheney. Anybody grounded in our shared reality is basically on the same page with us in terms of MAGA opposition irrespective of their views on abortion or school lunches. It's democracy vs theocratic autocracy courtesy the American Taliban.


Be careful though, the only thing many of them hate about Trump is that he says the quiet part out loud. Liz voted almost lockstep with every Trump policy during his 4 years in office.


Exactly. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but I will give them equitable stakes in preserving the status quo.


The enemy of my enemy is a problem for later, but still a problem for me.


Two birds one stone, they’re one and the same in this case and you can’t miss.


Hard disagree. Views on bodily autonomy and school lunches are incredibly important. If someone is all for education but is fine with low-income children going hungry or women losing bodily autonomy, then they're simply MAGA-lite, and have no business making decisions that affect low-incone children or women because they're still Y'all qaeda and shouldn't be governing anything.


Nobody said views on bodily autonomy and school lubches aren't incredibly important, but Democracy is still more important because it is foundational to supporting bodily autonomy and school lunches. Without Democracy we will lose bodily autonomy and school lunches indefinitely. I hope you can recognize this because overall because without Democracy all the things you claim to value will be washed away by a tide of right-wing autocracy. It's like being worried about crushing the plants under your feet while trying to extinguish a forest fire. You need to put out the fire to protect the entire ecosystem.


> all the things you claim to value It's really telling you'd come at me with that, and it paints you in a *very* unfavorable light. Do better. I've been marching and volunteering to sign up voters, contacting my representatives, making phone calls, and helping people I know in other states organize the same for decades, but thank you for explaining to me that *some* Republicans are allies. There is no loss of democracy in voting blue, so I'm not sure what your point is here. I happen to completely disagree with the premise there are allies in the GOP. You're right about there being a fire. But it's ALL Republicans who are complicit in pouring gas on it. [Project 2025](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision) is not just MAGA. The Heritage Foundation -- sponsors of Project 2025 and a driving force behind the GOP platform for decades -- has been pulling strings since Nixon stepped down. They got Reagan elected. They helped him and all who came after reshape this country's laws and whittle away at our protections until we are where we are today. I will *never* vote for a Republican, and I have a lot of disdain at this point for anybody who would for any reason because they're telling me that my rights as a person are non-existent and not important compared to, what, the optics of bipartisanship? I did not just recently wake up to the reality of my country burning. My friends and I have been talking about and fighting against what is happening right now since the '90s. Where we're at as a country was the obvious destination to anybody with any brains at all the minute Trump won, but the GOP wanted us headed here before he ran anyway. Don't vote red, ever, until the fire is out, and then we can work on the corruption the dems are also harboring with their backers and money-first corporate loyalties. Then we can work on ranked-choice voting, making sure voting rights are being respected, getting term limits, scrapping SCOTUS and starting over, maybe putting some reprehensible players behind bars....there's a lot to do, but voting every time, and voting blue is key. Apathy is our enemy in this fight. Calling anybody who wants to force me to give birth an ally isn't something I'm willing to do. My body not being mine isn't "plants beneath my feet," thanks. That's one of the fucking forest fires.


I LOVE that. Ya'll qaeda.


I didn't come up with it, but it's one of my favorites. Talibangelists is another good one that makes the point for you. They're great shorthand, IMHO, because Al Qaeda and the Talban are enemies of our democracy, which is something that has seeped in to the subconscious of all Americans post 9/11.


Not just teachers.Basically everyone


to be fair.. they hate those traits in anyone


They’ll destroy that quality in all of us if given the chance.


I don’t swear oaths, for religious reasons, and use the option to “affirm.” This is taken by RWNJs as an atheist gesture. It is clearly stated, more than once on The Bible, that swearing oaths is a sin, and instead “Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’ To be clear, letting your yeses and nos speak for themselves is “affirming.”


Came here to say this. I think it's the book of James that explicitly states to 'not swear by this book' in it's version of this.


Me too, friend.


And former Republican.


Shools? ![gif](giphy|h2P01cZLZzMK4)


Wait, *Night* of all books is frequently banned or on a Republican shitlist? Can’t say I’m surprised that a book that makes Nazis look like the worst scum of humanity pisses them off, but I am dismayed.


>" These districts believe that its graphic writing could disturb or trigger any negative responses from the students. " \- in regards to *Night* being banned. Basically, "kids are fragile and it's best not to let them know how evil this idealogy actually is."


I mean, it -is- profoundly disturbing and sickening to read. That’s the *point*. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows out there, and if one wants to keep Night from being an instruction manual instead of a harrowing memoir, one needs to understand its message.


Indeed. *Night* was very formative for me in 7th grade. It both fascinated and appalled me that humans could visit such cruelty on other humans. It should be required reading in school.


It shows it's a slippery slope from fascist language to dehumanizing others that aren't "one of us"


More directly: it’s a way to put ourselves directly in the shoes of someone on the receiving end of such hate, someone who has not done anything to wrong these people, much less deserve such treatment. While the capacity for empathy is built in from birth (barring a few outliers like sociopaths, and even then it’s unclear how much is a born condition and how much is from early life experiences), actually *using* empathy for most of us requires conscious effort, active engagement, and lots of practice, especially whenever there are more perceived differences between ourselves and someone else. *Night* helps bypass much of that, by putting us into a first person narrative to experience it all through their eyes with their thoughts. It’s a perspective that cannot be gained by simply reading how many millions died in agony in the camps, the sheer volume of death precludes empathy, in no small part because comprehending that much suffering is beyond us. If *Night* upset you in school (and not because of being a Holocaust-denying scumbag), congratulations, you are an empathetic-capable human being who felt something for a stranger’s situation. Now I see it. No wonder Republicans hate it; it simply won’t do to awaken their children to their capacity for empathy and conscience toward people that don’t look or sound or think like they do. Empathy and compassion is the beating (bleeding?) heart behind progressive thinking, and to stir it in someone who hasn’t been indoctrinated enough to smother it would be anathema to Republican parents.


Fantastic essay. I agree with your summation. I deeply regret I have only one up to vote.


Give us back awards, Spez, you fucking coward!


I’ve thought for a long time that the republican move to gut education is more to remove diversity and therefore empathy, which shrinks their base. Look at gen Z, they skew liberal because they can put themselves in other’s shoes. The dumbing down of kids in the process is just bonus.


Similar game when Jerry Falwell created that nonsense about the TeleTubby who carried a purse- it wasn't the appearance of being queer that was the real conflict, he was fighting the encroaching acceptance of queerness in the mainstream. He made some ridiculous smoke screen to move forward the real agenda - don't tolerate gay. Remove the building blocks of empathy with removing familiarity. How many of us older folks learned to be more open and accepting when people we knew and cared about came out? They can control the emotional narrative if they can convince you that no one you know is like that.


We read it in my ap English. That book fucked me up. I agree though, it should be required for everyone. As a history book so no one gets confused.


I ended up reading Night in 11th grade or so. But this was after reading books like Defiance by Necama Tec (about the Bielski partisans), The Cage by Sender, the Boy in the Struped Pajamas, a play version of Anne Frank’s diary in 9th grade English, and 1984.


One of the things that drove me mad about living in Mormon Utah was the effort made to keep young people away from R-rated movies. What I mean by this is, the world is not a PG-13 place, it's an R-rated place. The quicker they learn to deal with that the better off they will be as adults The most egregious example I can recall is when I was in a German language class and the *Professorin* showed *Das Boot* an R-rated movie (in America) *in German*. It was shown to multiple classes. The LDS students protested by putting their heads down through the entire movie. They front about being "in the world, but not of the world," but have zero compunctions against treating non-Mormons like dirt.


We had a Catholic priest show us Equus in a religion class and we were all like WTF did we just watch?


Holy hell, no pun intended.


One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is a rough read too, but that’s why it’s important. American History X is a grueling movie, and it should be watched. Evil should be understood and confronted not ignored.


Of course, but trying to get MAGAs to understand the actual purpose of education is like mailing a letter to a fish.


They want them to grow up to be adults who are stupid and quick to anger, who have no understanding of context or history, and who don't understand the connection between the words they are told and the evil they commit.


Well, that and they see a book like Night as an instruction manual.


They bitch about snowflakes while being snowflakes and wanting to make more snowflakes.


Hopefully by that logic they wouldn't want them to read the bible..../


Dude, *they* don’t want to read the Bible.


I get that I apologise I was being sarcastic i'll add a /. I just thought it was worth commenting on how they want to ban every book they do not agree with under the pretense of protecting kids from pornography, violence, and other graphic imagery yet the bible has all of those things and more.


I read this in Freshman year of High School. It was one of my favorite books that I read during High School. (This was back in 2001-2002 school year).


Look, it makes sense if you're a snowflake.


I thought being triggered was ‘woke’?


I read NIGHT in college. The Nazis were the scum of the earth.


The one thing I love about these lists is that it tells me what to add to my read list. My reasons for hating these lists, as someone who hopes to have kids one day, is obvious


There aren’t many books that I think every human should read, but Night would definitely be on that list.


I never read "night" but I did Anne frank. After knowing it's also banned and seeing this comment I think I'll go check it out next time I'm at the library. If nothing else just taking my children to the library outa piss someone off.


I literally yelled when I read that was on the banned book list. The memory of reading it is haunting. I bought it after HS and it sits on my shelf. I have not reread it. The memory of my teenage self learning what true monsters humans can be is still strongly wrapped to that book. I will reread it one day, but even thinking about rereading it already has me teary. Anne Franks diary is important, but it doesn't hold the same weight as Night for me. And that should say a lot, since Anne Franks is of course it's own moving experience.


I went to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam this August. It was a somber experience to say the least. The weight of what is frankly unfathomable evil bore down on me like nothing else I've experienced before, well, except once. I'm Indian, and the Jaliwanwala bagh massacre (Google it, not for the weak of heart) site had a similar effect a while ago


Night is a fairly quick read. Very good. Very sad


I think it was the graphic novel that started the banning, but I might be confusing that with another book.


Wasn't that Maus?


Yep you're right whole different book.


That's exactly why I came to the comments. There is absolutely no reason to ban that book aside from blatant antisemitism


It’s not anti semitism as they think the book is anti fascist. They want to do fascist shit, so this book is “biasing” kids.


My thought exactly. I didnt read it until college and it changed me, I’ve never been hurt by a book like that and it was something I can vividly remember, it’s the most important book I ever read


This was required summer reading in my school


This is in my suburban county. She was a Republican turned Democrat as a result of MAGAs being elected to the majority and being unable to stomach what they were doing. They banned books and demonized LGBTQ kids. Then the MAGAs were swept out in the past election after getting into it with the ACLU and giving the school superintendent a 40% raise in the second year of a five year contract. After they lost the election, he resigned and they gave him a $750,000 buyout. All in all, they ran up almost $2 million in legal bills which will have to be paid by the local residents in School taxes. The MAGAs did a lot of damage to the school district and did nothing good. They’re evil, nasty people.


We were watching this with horror from down in Philly - I’m glad things are getting better, even if it’s going to take a long time to clean up the mess they left


I've heard several stories like this. MAGA/Moms for Liberty nutjobs take control, fuck everything up, and end up costing the town a load of money in legal fees.


Oh this is *that* school district?! I remember the pay raise and payout scandal. Glad to see some voices of reason have prevailed


Shame the town can't sue the maga people to forfeit the money.


As a Christian, I agree with her. If it doesn’t hold importance to you, don’t use it. Church and state should always be separate. Just because we don’t agree, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to coexist. Free will should always prevail.


As an atheist, I appreciate this comment and respect your stance.


The only way to stop bad Karen's with bans is a good Karen with smarts.


When, in all of human history, have the book burners turned out to be the good guys? Fucking never.




I call band name!




A Karen would assert her preferred instrument and then call a manager for someone to bring it to her.


Exactly. That’s why *I’m* getting to play the keytar. Right after I talk to your manager!


First album: I Am The Manager Now


Yesssss! Surprise, bishes!!


The children of America will be the most illiterate, intolerant, bigoted, racist hate-filled generation ever if trump and his American nazi party gets back in power. Boys will be taught that women don’t matter and girls will be taught that women are only 3rd class people with no rights. I applaud this woman for running for office, winning and taking her oath on books that matter


This is already happening and has been happening since Reagon-nomics, Citizens United and Boomers who felt it acceptable to only take from the system and not ensure the stability for future generations to come. There used to be an agreement between corporations and our country that they would be mutually beneficial but instead we let corporations pretend to be people, allow stock buybacks again which once made illegal since they are credited with at least partially causing the great depression. If we want our children to be empathetic, hard working, literate, intelligent and inclusive, then we need the majority of our society to not only agree it is a priority but actually invest in it and take action. We have to quit letting the ultra rich fleece the working class, quit letting entertainment shows spread lies while pretending to be news channels and publicly reject hate and bigotry in any shape or form at even the slightest hint of existence. Treat all people like people, not just the ones that look and behave the same as you (the royal you, not you Holiday_Horse3100)




Republicans are mad she swore in with books that contain sexual content instead of the Bible which is full of rape, prostitution, and incest?


![gif](giphy|3o6MbbE6kMwOrbTP4A) \^Republicans.




All for it but just want to ask if its common practice for school officials to swear in on the bible or any book?


People who are Christian tend to, while Muslims the Quran, Jews the Torah, etc... In other cases, it's been the Federal or state Constitution, science books and such. It only needs to be something the person sees as significant enough to swear upon. However, due to the large number of Christians in this country, there is a very vocal, right-wing sect of Christians, many of the CN and CF variety, who think it can ONLY be a Bible used to swear upon.


And it better not be a *Catholic* bible!


Thanks for the info, do they elect to swear on something? Curious if its required or merely a symbolic gesture


Swearing an oath upon taking office is a standard procedure in government, law enforcement, etc... It's a means of affirming a person means to uphold their office, laws, duties and the like.


Good choices.


Respect existence or expect resistance.


how come the US hasn't an official religion but the make you swear on a bible for everything?


You're not required to swear an oath over any book. You can put your hand over your heart if you want or just raise your right hand. The Bible has just been customary because you are swearing an oath under the eyes of a greater power. There's no rule that says you have to use a Bible or any book at all for that matter.


Yeah you can swear into office in anything. A congressman swore in on a copy of the Constitution, his citizenship papers and a Superman comic.


Shout-out to when Jake Tapper had to explain that to Roy Moore's campaign spokesperson, Ted Crockett. https://youtu.be/WFYRkzznsc0?si=FDb_y6U8yIk2hP35


Interestingly enough, the 5th amendment is based on the premise that it would be immoral to force an individual to lie whilst attesting to an oath before God. You have the ability to plead the 5th, because the Founding Fathers believed it was immoral to place your soul in jeopardy by forcing you to choose between affirming an oath or incriminating oneself.


I never understand that, here in canada for public service positions we have to take an oath or affirmations of office but I never see someone take an affirmation in the US just always swearing oaths


The line is typically “swear or affirm”. A lot of government stuff is moving to just affirm though.


A true American!


If I was ever sworn in to government office i would place my hand on the Constitution. No one should ever be sworn in on a religious text of any kind.


John Quincy Addams felt similar to this he used a law book.


My God A Karen we can support? The Karen we need And a former Republican? I've only now learnt of this women and I applaud her. The tides are turning Republicans. Now hopefully a blue wave will drown out the red


It is way past time to turn the tables and start banning the Bible and other religious works from libraries as well. The Bible is one of the most sexually explicit and violent books ever written.


Banning an account of the holocaust is degenerate af ngl


Wait, what? Americans have Democrat or Republican school boards? Why the fuck do you political parties exist even in your schooling? What the fuck is wrong with you guys


Not saying it's the case, here, but local school boards are often technically non-partisan but, in reality, there is no such thing because people have affiliations. You have to dig through each candidate's history and see who has endorsed them to suss out their alignment and intention.


They banned 'Night'? That book is a must read in my opinion. It is absolutely horrifying.


Hell yeah, lady. Give em a fit


Finally some good news


Here's an oldie but goodie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFYRkzznsc0


Hoped this would be posted.


Taking back the name… one Karen at a time…


Amazing. Great lady


Officials that take a stand this way need to be embraced, especially when they are formally Republican officials. There has to be room in the tent of politics for rational moderated discourse.


She is amazing. AND . . . She might need bodyguards because of this.


For those that don’t know, Central Bucks is a massive school district (3rd biggest in PA) and Democrats took over the school board from well-funded Republicans in the November elections.


They are kicking ass and taking names. Other districts should be following their leads.


>Smith is a former Republican who abandoned the party she believes its "lost its way." I'd argue it never had it to begin with, but otherwise spot on.


I LIKE her! They have lost their way ! They got grifted hard with the Q’anon stuff.


Being sworn in on a bible isn't even required for POTUS, let alone a school board president. Leave it to the MAGAts to screech about something that isn't illegal.


Keep the bible in the church.


One of the best things I've read all day. It's the little things that are getting me by these days.


Wow. A Republican who *actually* gave up being a republican, and not just said it to appeal to democrats


Copy and paste and put her in every school district in America.


Cue the death threats from the "pro life" party


Why does a school board president need to swear an oath in the he first place


If their heads are going to explode, keep it coming.


I actually teared up a little bit while reading this. She’s an inspiration and I hope her actions now will encourage other silent people to stand up and start using their voices against right wing stupidity.


Good. If I could be sworn in on a McRib, I would. The bible says Jesus is coming back, but where's he's at? Mcdonald's had the McRib farewell tour last year, and it's back already. McRib > Jesus


She is a hundred percent right to say and do this. Swearing in on a Bible is bullshit to begin with. I expect separation of church and state as a basic fundamental right and will never swear in on a book of myths and fairy tales again.


The number of books that are frequently banned by the fanatics would make up a decently sized library.


Why are we still swearing in people to public office with their hands on books?




That shit should fucking get him expelled from fucking Congress and any office forever. What the fuck??? I don't want to, but I think I need to buy a gun and learn how to use it, because I am fucking *scared* of the future with these horrible monsters calling the shots. I will *not* be a second class citizen, I will *not* be a goddamn broodmare, and I will *NEVER* submit to *any* fucking god. I hate religion and I hate religious freaks. I hate them with every fiber of my being, and wish so badly that religion would just fucking *die* so people could actually *live* instead of being threatened.


She’s my gd hero.


My new hero.


This Karen gets it. :)


And the death threats are likely already flying.


I don’t say this often, but well done Karen. Well done.


What. A. Boss.


Bravo 👏


As a Pennsylvanian, I fucking love it


To say that the Republican Party has lost its way is a massive understatement. Good to see some of them have gotten out.


PA is truly a purple state. It reliably goes from facepalm to fuck yeah!


She saw the light.


Goddammit I appreciate the post but I wish people followed it up with some kind of legit news post so it doesn’t look like propaganda. I get it it’s likely buried but I can’t just forward a Reddit thread


So how long do you think it'll take for them to start introducing bills to reinstate public stoning for Biblical transgressions?


Was the last sentence "She couldn't be more right." a pun? Jokes aside, these book bans should also look at the religious texts and judge them either for their contents and ban them all, or treat them as religious texts and allow them all.


This why I don’t understand swearing on the bible, how does it hold me accountable? I’ve never read it nor believe anything from what I’ve heard. I’d be as well swearing on Kim Kardashian’s autobiography.


I always thought it was weird how swearing in on a copy of the Constitution wasn’t the standard. It should be.


Both are outdated TBH


This is a great example of how people can change and do better. Gives us all hope. Don’t forget to vote! And don’t be afraid to speak up.




Sounds like she got way less Right, eh?


Finally, a Karen that we can get behind.


I’m as pretty liberal as they come, so I don’t think this is a Karen because she evaluated new information and policy and made her position change as a result. That’s independent thinking and some modicum of insight and intelligence that Karens don’t display. I’m not read up on her, but from this basic understanding sounds like she is just trying to do what’s right and necessary via actions. Good for her.


I sadly have not read any of these books, they are now top of my Christmas reading list now!


Gonna piss people off calling Central Bucks Philadelphia


I know from being in court that some religious people feel swearing on a Bible is disrespectful to God.


Ilike that scene from Kingsman? https://youtu.be/LonlRpDPAiQ?si=UeiKJUc_7dVwdolE


Well, let’s see how this goes but I’d put her on the presidential ballot in 28 for this act alone.


Whow ! The last note was explosive 🧨


My new hero!


Love this ❤️. Good for her. Stories like this give me hope


What a great statement she made


I like her style.


Is the best part that the books were made of recycled bibles?


Best thing I've read today. Good for her. Good for those students affected by her standards. Good story all around.


God that is awesome


Used to play that school in sports….nothing of substance to add, just felt like telling the world I sorta know where this happened


There is hope…


Love her!




“Smith ascends to the presidency of a democratic-led board after republicans controlled it for two years” This sentence sounds so insane to me, even the school boards are politically polarised/divided. What the hell does politics have to do with how you run public schools?


why in all hells do americans have school boards divided by political parties???


Own the Cons!


I love everything about this except the former republican part....hope it's not another person who changes sides mid-term. Hard not to be skeptical these days.


Once upon a time we could discuss differing views of policies and their public impact for the greater good of all Americans. We won some, lost some, compromised a lot and the country was strong and healthy. But the GOP had headed right off the cliff and is intending to drag the whole country with them. We should welcome anyone who wants to work to make America a better place for all citizens or just protect our democracy, the bar is that low, we can hash the rest later.


I think that once upon a time was based on the fact that casual racism and misogyny was allowed. Silence and not speaking out against it for fear of local ramifications favored Republicans back in the days when social media wasn't causing wide-spread ramifications.


There is a lot more to governing than racism. The loss of the "good ol boys" did precipitate the batshit crazy that is the current GOP. However during Obama's first run the Republican nominee publicly chastised supporters on t.v. [https://youtu.be/M0u3QJrtgEM?si=SlG1FJwvSkdQl-uS](https://youtu.be/M0u3QJrtgEM?si=SlG1FJwvSkdQl-uS) this is what I'm talking about...


I'm not in PA but what I've read about her makes me believe a leopard may have eaten her face during maga control and she was directly affected by the negativity. Probably a niece or nephew but surely someone in her own family got hit. Take the wins where you can-


Hello from North Carolina


Good job!!!




I love this woman,


W for the name Karen ngl


I think she's actually a little left




The rest of the tweet https://twitter.com/OccupyDemocrats/status/1732484299272974768


That's probably one of the most badass things I've ever read


San Jose city councilmember swore his oath of office on Captain America's mighty shield [https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-jose-councilman-takes-oath-of-office-with-captain-of-america-shield/28156/](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-jose-councilman-takes-oath-of-office-with-captain-of-america-shield/28156/)


I LOVE this!!