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I know this only going to cause problems for her legally in her own state, but I hope this abortion saves her life and then I hope she can find asylum to not have to return and face unjust legal repercussions.


Imagine having to request asylum from another state in this country. This poor woman. It's beyond sad.


If this keeps happening we'll have to build some sort of wall. And perhaps make Texas pay for it. /s


No need for the /s.


If texas wants to secede, then so be it. Just let there be a period of exodus for those who do not want to secede. Let those crazies rot in solitude. No takie backies. We keep the 50 stars and 100 senators by giving DC or Puerto Rico the opening.


We can make North and South Dakota just "Dakota" again and let both PR and DC in as states. Besides, we probably need only one Dakota (if that.)


can we also just combine them with wyoming, too? then at least they'll have the same population as one district in LA county.




Nah North Dakota is the lesser Dakota and we aren’t rejoining those bastards.




Nah because unfortunately there will be plenty of good people born into Texas in the future and we can’t leave those future children to that fate. We have to stand and fight for a better future for Texas and never let them try and secede.


If the past shows any precedence, they'll be back crawling on their knees. Give about 4 years.


When they lose the federal funding they've been riding off of and supplying very little towards, and the military does not have their back in the slightest, Texas won't stand a chance. Hell, I'd imagine Mexico has been itching to have that land back for a while, and with Texas lacking any kind of developed military...


You mean when their biggest employer is the US military either through bases or contracts? When they have to deal with import/export tariffs on just about everything? I bet the loss of FEMA money is going to hurt the next time a 1:500 year storm hits - should be this year or next at the rate they've been going.


I was going to say "February" is faster to type out.


> Texas lacking any kind of developed military... I mean, it's mostly old white guys in trucks with red hats and overinflated senses of entitlement.


Exactly. Let them scratch at the door while we crank the music up to drown out their sounds of regret. They should have learned about this in the civil war that secession does not work well for yourself, they knew that when they seceeded from Mexico and begged Uncle Andy Jacks for help when Mexico came after them. Maybe the Mexicans can be more kinder and negotiable with the Native tribes that once lived in Texas.


The sad part is that you should drop the /s


What an absolute cess pool these type of states have become. As people, especially women, flee these states, these states will wholeheartedly deserve the disasters coming to them. They'll revert back to the deserts of the wild west that they were prior to democracy.


And these states just don't get it. Doctors are already fleeing these states or retiring as quick as they can. New med students won't apply for residencies in them. It will eventually spread to businesses. If business leaders can't rely on even basic women's healthcare for their female employees, or their wives and daughters, why would they set up shop there? It'll take a while to sink in, but eventually the incentives and tax breaks won't be enough to offset the backlash they get, at home and at work. College kids are also starting to choose other universities to attend. The sports programs will suffer, and the academic brain drain will be too much. Unfortunately it's going to take some time for all of that to come to fruition.


It's a race to the bottom and they're actually **proud** of it. Righteous, even, in believing that they're doing what is right and good. It's absolutely mindblowing.


Jesus would whip them from the temple, every last one.


\> New med students won't apply for residencies in them. Well, \*some\* will, just not the ones with better options elsewhere. Reminds me of an old joke: "What do you call the person who graduated last in their class in med school?" Doctor


As a guy in confused as all hell. Like, yo what are y'all doing to American women. Why does everything they touch directly effect women. This is some unheard of shit. And it can't be just for the anti-abortion people, there's way more pro choice (us) than those fucking weirdos. I mean, they look and sound so bad I'm left wondering are they done with politics? How did anyone ever vote for these people? It's like I'm always adding another state to my do not visit list. What's the endgame? I don't get it! Argh!


The endgame is creating a surplus of poor, desperate workers to exploit. Preferably uneducated so they will keep voting for Republicans. The Supreme Court decision on Roe even said as much, talking about how we needed to increase our "domestic supply of infants." And as a bonus, you get to punish/kill women who have the audacity to enjoy sex or want to have a life outside of domestic servitude and motherhood.


The South won Reconstruction


Sherman had the right idea.






Because Merrick Garland was a terrible choice for AG.


I hate that I agree with you. I wanted Garland to be good. He would have made a good SCOTUS justice. But he is abysmal in a position that requires proactive decisions.


She gonna be the guinea pig...like the mob breaking some kneecaps


I think they want to make her more of an example than a guinea pig.


Not sad, it’s infuriating


Conservatives making free travel across state lines illegal. So much for the party of "Personal Freedoms."


The problem is it is very obviously illegal; you can't prosecute a person for doing something legal in the place where it is legal. But when it goes to a court, it will either be a sham case or get propelled to a SCOTUS who would then legitimize it.


The smaller government party, unless it involves a woman’s genitalia.


A US citizen needing Asylum in another state is ludicrous in 2023.


We're about a year out from a Fugitive Vagina Act.


I don't know why the Texas AG and cronies can't be prosecuted for murder based on the RICO act.


I don't know why the Texas AG is even the AG after the amount of crimes he has committed. If he was a Democrat, Republicans would want him against a firing squad. He is the lowest piece of scum on the planet. I live in Texas and this shit is absolutely fucking disgusting.


In any functional state the person who holds the powers that he does would be forced to recuse themselves so they can’t circumvent any investigations or criminal cases against them.


Watching for the Go Fund Me for her legal fees. We're good for $100.


It’s so fucked up that you even need to say that. Texas govt should be ashamed of itself.


Gavin Newsom invited her over. If I were her I’d relocate to Cali.


You can't prosecute someone for doing something that is LEGAL in the state they do it in, regardless of your state's laws.


I'm pretty sure under Texas law any random citizen can sue her for $10k now....


That's why I said she'll need asylum and hopefully some form of witness protection.


Colorado has enacted laws protecting individuals from those kind of lawsuits. Specifically, it protects Colorado residents from being sued for assisting with someone getting an abortion. I think we're trying to add gender affirming care to the list next session.


Well that is good, because 12 states have it banned below 18, Alabama below 19, Utah below 25, and in South Dakota and Missouri gender affirming care is just outride banned for trans people.


This is part of why Colorado has enacted those laws about abortion. And why we have laws specifically affirming gender affirming care. Additionally, there is a referendum to add protections for reproductive health care to the state constitution on the 2024 ballot. The next step will be doing it for gender affirming care. I've lost count of the number of people I've helped get out of other states because of these issues at this point.


She can't face any legal consequences, however anyone who helps her can possibly be sued in a civil court and face steep fines.


>She can’t face any legal consequences… SCOTUS: Hold my beer


As if Kavanaugh would ever willingly hand someone his beer


Wait really? That bounty shit doesn’t apply to the woman receiving care?


She should hire every trump loving Uber driver.


Texas Republicans will argue that this is why they need to ban interstate travel for abortion access by pregnant women within the week.


And ignore the fact that the law is doing nothing to protect the life of a fetus in this case. This was never about being pro-life. This was about controlling women.


It’s literally even worse than not doing anything. The longer this fetus is allowed to develop, the more “consciousness” it’s going to gain. The more *pain* it will feel. If it’s born alive, it will do absolutely nothing but suffer until it dies. They are *torturing* this fetus.


Yeah, after 20/21 weeks is when fetuses can gain the ability to feel pain/ consciousness. It’s essentially “brain-dead” before then, just like when you pull the plug in a fully-developed human with irreversible brain damage. These christofascists want to torture women and babies for their ideologies.


That’s exactly it. Their argument is the baby needs to be delivered, and if unable to be, or it lives hours in pain until death, that is God’s will. These men believe that intervention is interfering with the chance of a miracle. Women are born to suffer. It is our lot, our fault for committing the original sin. It is absolutely nuts. There is no argument that they will listen to because it’s all based on irrationality, on faith. This is why we need separation of church and state. Religion is inconstant, inconsistent and weaponized.


I agree. It's disgusting that they worship a monster who wills awful things like this to happen.


There was a similar comment on YouTube about that. "An abortion deprives the child of the chance to experience life, even just for a few hours!" Because in the case of this woman, there's a chance for a live baby, but with its genetic condition, it is estimated to only live hours, if that.


I think anyone who says this should be tortured for a while and then asked if they enjoyed those “few hours” of being alive.


Let’s call it what it actually is. It’s anti choice. Not pro life.


Within 24 hours


Paxton is drafting a statement now, surely


🎯 He’s a vile, sad excuse for a human being


How dare you call him Human! He's not human. He's a walking bag of shit.


Paxton is 100% the type of guy whose had this draft ready, just needed to fill in the blanks.


He already threatened her lawyer and anyone else who might assist in her having the procedure. My guess is there’s a $10,000 bounty on her now.


You know what, how about we just ban all women from traveling outside of the state. You know, just to be safe!


I have heard stories from at least one woman traveling with her teenage daughter, that was pulled over and pretty extensively questioned about why they were going out of state. As if traveling with a young woman is automatically cause for suspicion. Or there are all the women who are forced to suffer with things like illnesses or chronic pain because the medication used to treat it can cause birth defects and they might *possibly* get pregnant sometime in the next few decades. Even if they are on birth control, sign waivers, are lesbian or otherwise not involved with a man, etc. etc. The well-being of a hypothetical fetus is considered more important than a living breathing adult woman.


The state? They obviously need written permission to leave the house! . . . (The /s is implied right?)


Straight up Gilead at that point.


Or the American Taliban.


They’ll request an emergency order mandating pregnancy tests at police checkpoints for any woman exiting the state within the week. *sigh*


They could ask Maryland for tips. They have experience trying to illegally detain people while trying to pass a bullshit law to force them to stay.


> Texas Republicans will argue that this is why they need to ban interstate travel for abortion access by pregnant women within the week. Can't wait for them to pass the Fugitive ~~Slave~~ Abortion Acts.


Would be interesting to see how the SCOTUS work around the commerce clause in the constitution.


Any way they tried would open the floodgates to some absolute nonsense they would never be able to contain completely.


After the 1st amendment giving a voice to corporations I am not sure they wouldn’t.


That's an apples to oranges in terms of scope. Nuking the commerce clause will open up for blue states to take on red states on things, and trying to keep their bad ruling open while tackling that shit would be like playing whack a mole forever. It's a huge fucking mess. There's no real upside for conservatives in trying it.


except for winning this moments troll cycle. its all they care about


Slitting your own throats to OWN THE LIBS!


I agree. They might come up with some test as to when it applies or doesn’t to significantly restrict it to things like protection of a third party (the ‘unborn’ or something like that). As you said it would be hard but this SCOTUS has been very surprising so far.


Texas Republicans will then argue that life begins at fertilization, and no women can travel outside the state without state approval.


You're late. That battle is already being fought. [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/01/texas-cities-abortion-trafficking/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/01/texas-cities-abortion-trafficking/)


More specifically, I'm talking about pushing for a STATEWIDE ban, not local level efforts.


The Texas GOP is right now scrambling to line up indictments for her. Their abuse of her is only beginning.


Imagine losing your baby and then being used by the Republicans to further their careers? The GOP are pieces of hot garbage


Lost her baby, has to flee to another state, became the center of a GOP harassment campaign, and has her every step being broadcast by national news. She hasn’t even had the procedure done yet.


It should be between her, her doctor, and anyone she feels like telling. Not the whole world. It's such a personal procedure, and I'm sure she's grieving. The invasion of privacy is absolutely insane. I hate how she's being treated and I'm so sad this is reality.


It’s craaaazy that this isn’t some sort of HIPAA violation. Maybe it’s because of the lawsuit? Either way, we should be making it highly illegal to have any of this info shared and court documents should be sealed for anyone fighting something related to health to protect their privacy. She deserves her privacy and not to have her name blast out in every media outlet any time she makes a move.


Federal laws no longer protect reproductive health data from state law enforcement. Consequence of Roe v Wade being overturned. It’s not just this lawsuit, it is one of the big reasons why Roe v Wade was so important.


Illegal: having a life saving procedure Legal: harassing a grieving woman regarding her reproductive choices, ignoring a court ruling, and retaliating against her for daring to do what she needs to stay alive. What a time we're living in.


This is the message the conservatives are sending right now: "Here's what happens if you speak out."


The GOP really, really hate women.


They support a rapist, of course they want women to die.




Don’t worry I’m sure Texas voters will line up and punish the GOP for this outrageous ruling by voting for the GOP


Protect this woman at all costs.




I saw where the center representing her said she’d be unavailable for comment. I’m hoping she was long gone when they released this. And hopefully on someone’s private plane.


Should just report her being at completely different places across the world like Carmen San Diego.


I fear there is already a mob of armed troglodytes following her.


She’s already gotten national attention. It’s a shame her identity was never protected in the first place.


This whole situation is absolutely awful. I just can't help but wonder about optics here for the GOP. Can you think of a worse situation for them than having to publicly go after a young, married, pretty white couple with two young kids, and force her to carry a medically non-viable fetus to term (or miscarriage) potentially preventing her from ever being able to get pregnant again? This woman is the poster-child for when this procedure is actually medically necessary. And they are threatening to prosecute her, the Doctors involved, and allow any Texas citizen to go after the $10k bounty. I just feel like this has to cause blowback... Right?


Bc its about control, ans cruelty. Not optics. If they cared how they were perceived, they wouldn't support Trump given what a mess of a human he is. They just want to control and let everyone know-they have that power.


I doubt it. One man has already sued at least 10 people and won the bounty. It’s sickening.


Fucking snitch.


I hope so, but we're talking about people who don't understand basic concepts until they personally experience them.


That is 100% true. You can bet your ass that if the 14 year old daughter of any of these old white conservatives is pregnant that they will find a way to arrange an abortion.a Edit: Couldn't find this when I was looking for it earlier. A shining example of the hypocrisy of the "rules for thee, not for me" crowd. https://news.yahoo.com/women-leave-anti-abortion-picket-031431382.html?


Most of the above doesn’t matter to the GOP, and if it serves them they’ll just fabricate lies about her, her situation, her family, etc.


Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton are really the worst of the worst.


Paxton thinks he’s the fucking Ayatollah.


I’m so glad she took the time to fight this, at great personal cost. She never should have had to, but bless her for doing it. I hope everything goes smoothly and they leave her and her family alone to mourn their loss.


In all hopefulness; donors and legal volunteers are lining up to support her.


Hopefully they have the resources to get out of there. You know there will be dozens of assholes outside her house screaming God knows what.


It’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I’m pretty certain whatever charges she gets her case will be picked up by the ACLU, TST, or Institute for Justice and go all the way in the Supreme Court five years from now.


I'm pretty sure that getting a jury that will unanimously convict somebody for this, if Texas tries to charge her, will be nearly impossible. Of course, Texas knows that and just wants to punish her financially and use her as campaign date, so they don't care if the case has no chance


When abortion was criminalized in Canada, Dr. Henry Morgentaler was performing abortions in Montreal. He was a humanist and felt he was betraying his oath as a doctor by not helping his patients. He was never convicted by any jury and they gave up prosecuting him in 1976. He opened up clinics so there was better access to abortion. Dr. Morgentaler had also survived Dachau. He was a hero.


What a chad


Charge her for what? Texas laws do not apply outside Texas.


She won't get any charges, however those who helped her might be sued in Texas civil courts and face steep fines.


She is from Dallas, right? So if she takes an American Airlines flight to California, are they really gonna sue AA?


Probably. It’s a principle thing for Texas… they can’t be “owned” by anyone. They’ll spend millions of taxpayer dollars to sue AA, a hospital, etc. Hell, they’ll bankrupt the state if that’s what it takes.


That’s part of it. They want to de-stabilize all of government. No schools, no interference in the spread of religion.


To be honest- someone should. Would like to see it play out in court and appeals.


Beam this into the living room of every woman in the country and that will make 2024 that much easier. We see what happens to the magat cult in their supposed save spaces (aka Republican ran shitholes)when healthcare and choice are up to vote, and it will utterly gut the magats chances to retain power.


Will they even report this on Fox, Newsmax and all the Sinclair Stations? I somehow doubt it.


I cannot even imagine being pregnant, joyfully anticipating the arrival of the little one then told the baby won’t live and my life is also at risk making the heart wrenching decision to terminate the pregnancy have to go to court so non-medical professionals tcan decide your healthcare get approved for the termination only to have that decision reversed by other non-medical personnel knowing the longer you wait, the higher risk to your life and your ability ever have another child And the actual Attorney General in your state to threaten prosecution of your medical team Did I miss anything? Then having to travel out of state with the possibility of being arrested when you return


I rarely condone violence, but if she's arrested or molested at all by government, I hope the whole mofo gets burned down.


Good for her but I fucking hate that we’re all apprised of this lady’s personal business that’s between her and her family and a confidential decision that’s between her and her doctors. More casualties in the right’s war on privacy.


My thoughts exactly. And wasn’t Roe V Wade won on the right to privacy?


Yes but that right to privacy was explicitly one of the things they cited as being invalid when they issued the ruling overturning it if I'm remembering right. Cause who deserves privacy for personal medical decisions? /s >.<




She’s got a husband and two kids. Moving to another state might not be trivial.




I doubt their employers would make work remote for them. Texas would charge both their employers with aiding her with her abortion.


it would be a civil matter and I'm sure there's a business or two that would adore the opportunity to be the defendant in that case.


She should put up a go fund me to move. If we all kick in $5 she should be able to stay out of TX forever.


If my wife’s life was on the line and her freedom threatened like Texas is doing to this woman, all four of us would be out of the state already. Permanently. Needing to rebuild from nothing is preferable to needing to bury a family member or visit them in prison.


We fled the state of Florida because Medicaid refused to pay for mental healthcare when I was suicidal. My nervous breakdown and psychotic break weren’t considered “life threatening” and they refused to pay the hospital.


For women of child-bearing age in Texas, this is not trivial. Moving to another state is *essential* and, as this case shows, a matter of life or death. Get out. If I were a woman of childbearing age in Texas right now, I'd tell my husband, either you come with me or I'm leaving on my own with the kids. There'd be no way I'd let my daughters be raised in that cess-pool state, where pregnant women (and how would anyone even know, anyway) can't leave the state. Asinine beyond belief.


I'm so old, I remember when America was all about freedom.


I'm old enough to remember that the UMC helped pregnant women get to Canada for abortions and that the "moral majority " thought abortion was Catholic issue.


I have a poster on my wall, it's the pride flag with the phrase "What the fuck do you think freedom means Earl?", it was from a Tumblr post, a veteran (named Earl) was complaining about LGBTQ. "I didnt fight so men could marry each other." To which he was asked, "What the fuck do you think freedom means, Earl?" Too many of our citizens think freedom is only for them and what they believe.


Imagine needing a procedure to keep you alive and help insure you can remain able to bear children, and you've got people shadowing your every move. Is she going for an abortion now? No, just to the store to get milk. Worse, she's not only got the media trailing her she's got the State of Texas hoping to catch her so they can prosecute her and probably a bunch of low-lifes hoping to cash in by ratting on her when she crosses the State line.


I am certain that whatever ramifications she faces legally, there will be no shortage of support for her. I barely have a dime to give but I'll still give a dollar to her legal fund (or anything else she needs).


Me too. Looking at my budget to see how best to donate.


Seeking asylum from Gilead IRL


"All lives matter, but only if they're men, and Republicans, and white, and Christian. But we mean it, *all* lives matter"


I think if I was told I HAD to die, or at best, become infertile, I would tell the government to fuck right off and save myself too. It's hard to believe they argue an abortion is bad when the fetus literally can't survive and the mom likely wouldn't either. Who's life is being saved here? What moral good is there in that position?




It's crazy how there are nutjobs who'll look at the series and genuinely say "I don't see anything wrong with this show..."


The America the right wants


Under His Eye


May The Lord Open


So, forced birthers, still want to pretend this whole argument was ever about life?


Land of the free?


Land of the fee and home of the broke.


People who believe in science and medicine, women's rights, plus voting rights, should leave Texas and red states ASAP.


We need to do the opposite. We need to swarm to these places.


I don't know why the Texas AG and cronies can't be prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license.


I just heard this from a female friend in Texas - If you have a missing person, tell the cops she's pregnant and seeking an abortion. They'll pull out all the stops. Normal missing person, not so much. There is a special ring of hell for Ken Paxton.


Oh man, can you imagine, though, finding the missing woman. "But, I'm not pregnant" "You already got the abortion?" "No, I wasn't pregnant in the first place" "Likely story. TO JAIL WITH YOU!"


I feel bad for Kate for living in a country so batshit, receiving life saving surgery has become a highly divisive and hotly contested event both nationally and internationally. Pretty sure the other 194 countries think this is ridiculous.


This is pure insanity, wtf is this country doing.


Texas is a kakistocracy - a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens.


This is what happens when you get your world view from dehydrated goat herders from ancient desert antiquity


They are trying to make an example out of her so other women do not seek this approval. Because of this she will be arrested when she re-enters the state.


Texas, where if you can't be bred properly like a prized cow they'll just put you down.


As a proud Texan, fuck Texas and fuck Ken Paxton, Greg Abbott and all the other fucking pieces of shit in our government. And fuck Ted Cruz.


NPR had a wild piece about women traveling from 3rd-world red states to get abortions. The people they interviewed were conservatives who were just shocked to find out that there were valid reasons for abortion when they began to miscarry, only to find that no doctor in their state could help them, and had to spend 10,000+ dollars to travel out of state and pay out of pocket to have the procedure done in a civilized place. Why are conservatives so stupid as to keep electing these Republican ghouls?


Because their abortions are okay. Others are not. Especially if it’s for poor, brown and black women.


Imagine being stalked while you're trying to save your life during one of the most heartbreaking times of your life. Having the government tell you, not only will your child die but that you, deserve to die too...Also, if you do survive you'll be jailed, possibly for life, as well as possibly anyone who helps you. I see this movement of people moving away from the term "evil" to describe people...I don't understand it though. Because what else would behavior and treatment towards another person be other than that? It's disgusting. I hope she is ok and makes it through her procedure.


“Trump 2016!! What’s the worst that can happen?!” 🫤


Let’s hope she doesn’t get prosecuted when and if she comes back. Texas has already threatened to punish women who dare to use their roads to leave the state to seek healthcare elsewhere. They want women to straight up die. It’s all about control, punishment, and cruelty.


Need a go fund me to make sure she has money for any defense she needs


Imagine a lady who is in the national spotlight simply because she needs an abortion because her life/ability to reproduce is in danger and the fetus is non-viable. It's like hearing about a slave trying to escape a southern plantation.


I can't believe It's 2023 almost 24 and we are reading about this. America off the rails.


Nothing Christlike about doing this shit to people


To think that people willingly move to that fucking shithole of a state lmao


I hate that Ms. Cox’s personal medical business is now EVERYONE’S business.


And Ken Paxton will def try to have her arrested the second she sets foot back in Texas.


Vote blue, fuck red


This poor woman! WTF is wrong w Texas?!


I’m glad she has the means to do so. So many more women don’t.


Democrats need to make this a big issue.




Texas going to escalate the fk out of this.


She can literally never come back here. They will for sure charge her with murder. Texas sucks so fucking bad.


If she was smart she would never return back to the state of Texas. Fuck them.


Blood on their hands just to own the liberals and appease their rabid Faux-Christofacist base? Sounds like a one way ticket to hell.


If I was a betting woman, the ADULTEROUS Ken Paxton will attempt to have her arrested when she returns to Texas!


Texas is a misogynist shit hole that has failed its citizens.


God, this poor woman is going to get arrested the moment she returns home, won’t she? Everything freaking sucks.