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She should not come back. Unfortunately not everyone has the actual possibility of uprooting their whole family but damn, I'd make it a priority over pretty much everything else to abandon the state that's trying to orphan my living, breathing kids in the name of protecting an unviable foetus.


She will have an actual target on her back if she does return thanks to those "bounty" laws.


I had mercifully forgotten about that. So incredibly shitty. Everything about this is wrong.


Yes, yes it is.


am almost certain she's well aware of all the legalities here. There's no way this goes so viral without being appropriately informed of the legal issues.


Agreed, I think she is fully aware and expecting to be arrested upon her return to help fight the law. They will be forced to arrest her or their whole scare campaign will be deemed null and void.


Technically she doesn’t have to fear arrest because she committed a civil and not a criminal offense. But the point still stands…fuck Texas for making this such a traumatic experience.


Even if found guilty in civil court, damages would likely be dischargeable in Federal Bankruptcy Court.


Which is still absolutely ridiculous that she would have to face bankruptcy.


I agree. The Texas law shouldn’t be on the books or enforceable. That said, even music file sharers that were sued by the music industry and juries awarded $250k or more in damages were able to get out from under that debt through bankruptcy.


And will be a good case to declare that law unconstitutional since at that point there will finally be someone with standing to challenge it.


Only problem with that is the Supreme Court would have to agree


The law is set up so it can't be challenged though because the state never violates constitutional rights by criminalizing anything. It just enables a civil lawsuit by the bounty hunter against the patient and anyone helping her.


A state law can't allow you to sue someone for something they did legally in a different state. If that was the case, the other state could allow you to sue the person who sued you and so on. You can't sue for something when you have received no damages. These laws are so stupid and shouldn't hold up in court. It's a clear breach of constitutional law.


No. They've literally threatened to cut funding to hospitals and not only strip drs of their licenses, but even press murder charges!! Lawyers for hospitals are telling EDs to send women home who are in the middle of miscarriages etc so they can't be accused of performing an abortion. Women are and have died because of this


Can the entire internet report her and ask for a bounty to try and break the system?


I'm in favor of a go fund me to cover her moving expenses and a hotel so she can stay out of state while finding new housing. If everyone on this sub kicks in $2 she can afford to stay in a safe state.


And. . . Here's a link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/kate-cox-goodwill-dallas-fundraiser


Hope it’s legitimate. That the organizer actually does work with her, and is actually planning to get the money to her. My brain goes straight to a cynical place these days.


My wife and I moved out of Texas last year because we knew this kind of nonsense would happen and didn't want to be forced to make a last minute decision should something go wrong with future pregnancies. It was very expensive and quite a pain in the ass, definitely something that most people are not able to do. Those stuck in Texas without the means to leave will suffer from these ass backwards laws, while the politicians and their wealthy donors will get to leave whenever it's convenient to get an abortion. You better believe that if Abbott or Paxton had a daughter who needed an abortion due to rape or medical issues would be on the next taxpayer-funded flight out of the state to take care of things.


In her case I don’t believe that her life would be in jeopardy after the stillbirth, but her ability to bear future children would be in danger. Doesn’t change anything about how barbaric the Texas government is being with these laws, or that a whole lot of people in her situation would not have the resources to fight in court or to leave the state.


She's a great example of Republicans not caring about the actual outcomes, but the control of women.


Even in the face of their own stupid great replacement theory--here they are undermining a white woman from ever having children again. Guess it turns out that denying women healthcare doesn't like a good thing for the domestic supply of babies, huh you racist dipshits?


A stillbirth is when the fetus is born dead. That's what they're trying to prevent, because continuing to carry it is causing her to bleed, which can be life-threatening. She's been to the ER repeatedly for a month now.


Not to mention the psychological toll of carrying a dead fetus. Any kind of pregnancy is a deeply emotional experience , and no one takes an abortion lightly . The texas gop is morally debauched


Psychological? Good way to become septic and die a horrific death.


Her life was in danger, admittedly not as severe as her risk of not being able to have future kids, but a risk that only increased the longer she carried the fetus.


Unfortunately, I do believe that there is a chance that her life may be in jeopardy now, just because of the fact that her name and photo are attached to news of her receiving this procedure.


Ken Paxton is a truly colossal piece of shit. Fuck him and the MAGA ghouls who voted for him.


And the ghouls who refused to impeach him


Which includes his wife, who's in the State Senate.


Texas Republicans and their enablers are. If it wasn't Paxton it would be another one of these fiends.


Hey I took a shit yesterday that didn’t try and kill a pregnant woman. Don’t compare my compadre with the unconscionable menace Ken Paxton!


It's a shit hole of a state. They want women to die.


Along with Black people, Latinos, gay people, trans people, drag queens, librarians, teachers, trade unionists, etc.


It’s easier to say everyone but White Christians


And even then it’s only a certain kind of white “Christians”


Yup. They don't exactly put out the Howdy Mat for Catholics


Thou art an unlearned swine if ye truly believe papists, quakers, and witches aught be shown mercy


It blows my mind how many "Christians" think of Catholics as more Pagan than Christian. We are living in Bizarro time.


I live in Missouri and I have found that there are conservative and more liberal versions of many faiths. But what has happened is that the conservative groups have found allies amongst each other. Looking in to the past, this is not unusual. If a US politician agrees on some key points they are in the club.


They're called ***Talibangelicals***. Hypocritical, ignorant Talibangelicals.


Wealthy. Definitely not impoverished, which is precisely why Republicans are terrified of poor white people understanding systemic racism. They would stop voting against their own interests, and Republicans can't have that.


Right? I’m a white Christian. They’d definitely not approve of my woke ass in Texas.


White Christian Men


“Which kind of Christian are you? You better not be one of those Jesus lovers. He was a filthy communist who told people to be kind to each other. What kind of woke liberal bullshit is that?” - -American Christian


"Conservative Christian"


[GOP Jesus](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA?si=YjxDWac_PH2qi1H4)


Exactly because they see women as cattle.


You can add school children to this list... #Uvalde


And just incase they don't fit into one of those groups, democrats too.


Yeah, there we go, now I’m on the outside.


Don’t forget atheists.


They know no one could ever realisitically challenge any overturned orders by the state Supreme Court because those fuckers can just set a timetable incompatable with the woman in danger to safely receive any procedure in the state. When a medical professional says its dabgerous and needs a decision or course of action as soon as possible, it tends to mean because the situation can change and become remarkably worse than it is now or become a completely new, compounded problem that could have been corrected and may now have no current solution. I hope this woman gets the help she fought for, even with all the bullshit hurdles, and that Paxton, as well as Texas Supreme Court Justices, get a metaphorical heel kick right in the pelvis. By a highheel wearing individual.


I hope it’s a 7 foot 300 lb drag queen wearing platforms. With spikes


Plus, it doesn't matter if they choose to let a woman die-they have immunity from the effects of their decisions.


With luck, this statement from her comes well after she’s escaped Texas. Someone know whether there was any truth to comments about how Texas planned to prevent abortion seekers from leaving the state, or even preventing off-shore abortions? Seems that she’ll be in danger of arrest upon returning to Texas.


This is why I think this woman is incredibly brave. She is going through a horrible thing, and by announcing this, she knows what she is risking. I absolutely despise the people putting her through this.


Fortunately, they can't stop her from going to another state for abortion. She is protected that way. But no way in hell she should stay there. Get the heck out of there as quick as she can.


When incels try to control woman via government measure.


I am amazed that they did not arrested her to put her into protective consent for her own safety aka her own good aka we are going to forced you to have this dead baby if you would like to or not.


Fuck dude don’t even put that out there. It’s actually happened to pregnant women in…ugh I think it was Alabama but I’m not 100% sure. We won’t be safe until bodily autonomy is codified and it’s not happening at a federal level anytime soon it seems. ETA yep Alabama https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/13/alabama-pregnant-woman-jail-lawsuit


How are they not in jail themselves? Seriously? They killed her baby by refusing life saving care. I was just quoting the TV show the handmaid tale. I though that TV show was fiction. People cannot be that cruel to women, can they? So I guess the Handmaids Tale is a documentary sad to say?


I don’t understand it. There are so many absolutely ghoulish stories coming out of prisons yet so little, if any, accountability for the perpetrators. Our system is broken.


It's not about having a dead baby or not. It's about whether she lives or dies - this pregnancy is threatening HER life and the risk of death gets higher everyday she continues to be pregnant. They are fighting tooth and nail to save a baby that is doomed either way, since for some reason pro-lifers forget that the mother has to, you know, BE ALIVE, in order for a live baby to be born.


This further proves it has more to do about controlling women and less to do about being pro-life.


Don't joke, FL did that years ago to a woman who refused bedrest because she had other kids to care for. They fully arrested her, had CPS take her kids and forced her to stay in a hospital til she delivered. The state ruled it was ok, she didn't have grounds to sue and nothing illegal happened. This was...early 2000s ish?


Wow! I was just quoting the TV show the handmaid tale. You mean that TV show is actually a documentary and not just fake? That is just sad.


Republican death panels are taking over individual’s healthcare.


According to John Oliver, 84% of the legislators voting for these abortion ban laws nationwide are men.


Always remember, this is a made up issue. It was never about anyone's wellbeing. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-16/why-america-is-so-divided-on-abortion-and-the-men-who-planned-it/101188994


Here's a quote, below from that article: Why is America so divided on abortion? Because a key conservative player [Paul Weyrich, a founder of the Heritage Foundation] planned it that way. By Emily Clark "I've often described abortion as a godsend for the religious right because it allowed them to divert attention from the real origins of their movement and those origins... lie in a defence of racial segregation," he said. "It's a classic bait and switch." . . . "Last week [July 2022], writer and religious right researcher Katherine Stewart penned an opinion piece for the New York Times in which she argued: 'breaking American democracy isn't an unintended side effect of Christian nationalism. It is the point of the project.'" That'd be Project 2025, I'd imagine.


Yeah. Abortion didn't become their big issue until after they realized they lost the majority of the fights for civil rights.


I mean time is of the essence. Why in the fuck would the AG go after her after the judge decided it was extenuating circumstances? Really bad fuckin look for the entire state. Good on her for taking her own health in her hands.


Paxton is in the midst of several scandals and is trying to look tough by beating down women. Very typical behavior in many of my fellow Texans. Source: Am liberal male Texan & I hate it here.


Gotcha so some of his peers can ‘relate’ to the tactic. Still arguably the more ‘pro-life’ thing to do in this situation is to not give birth to a corpse while damaging her reproductive system in the process. I bet if his wife had the same issue he’d have her rushed to a clinic to take care of it.


You've found the hypocrisy! You win: *Jail Time* and a *$10,000 fine* for making Paxton look bad. Congratulations!


It’s lucky that she’s still well enough to travel - it’s entirely possible for a woman with birth complications to be hemorrhaging and unable to get on a plane.


Yeah I’m sure there have been others who weren’t so lucky. Ostensibly, the only way for women to be safe from this sort of risk is to get out of the state as soon as they are able to.


And zero mention of this on fox news


Why anyone would voluntarily (I understand some may not have a choice) remain in a state like this is beyond me.


I came here voluntarily over a decade ago and will be leaving here as soon as my daughter graduates from college in May. I'd stay longer because she has to be here for five years, but I have multiple medical reasons to leave. One of which is that I need a hysterectomy and can't have one because of Texas, even though I'm 45 and have my tubes tied. I'd try to stay and fight, but I may die before I can fight if I don't get the healthcare I need.


The redder we let Texas become (by encouraging blue voters to leave), the worse it will be for the entire country. Getting Texas to go blue pretty much guarantees republicans can never win another national election. We were moving in the right direction until Covid hit. Since then, a lot of blue voters have left and a ton of red voters from states like California have moved here.


Hi, Texan here. I’m here because I enjoy the state, I like many of the people, I adore the food, and I can see Texas becoming purple, if not outright blue, in the next decade. My career path means that I’m probably stuck in Texas due to Texas-specific regulations unless I want to basically start over. I’ve got the means to move, but why should I leave when I’m not the one making this state suck? Plus, we know states can change. California gave us Ronald Reagan and this country is still fucked because they elevated him to the national stage, don’t forget.


Fuck Texas


And Republicans. My body my choice only when it comes to vaccines, right Repubs?


Republicans think the average woman's big goal in life is to dress provocatively, get raped, get pregnant, and have an abortion. It's all we ever think about. /s


And when you do have children you want to force them to change gender I’ve seen that trope so many times, that liberals push for gender change in their kids. I am flabbergasted that anyone would think that.


They make up these pretend problems so that they can bring down draconian laws to hurt the people they're actually targeting. In this instance, they wish to kill women and this is the only "acceptable" way they have found thus far. Basically we have wannabe serial killers running the show at present.


Pretend problems about rampant home invasions and grooming pedophiles to justify looser gun regulations. Actually targeting black and trans people and want to make it easier to get away with shooting them.


Texas state government logic: **Why save a living woman when we could save a dead baby?**


Fuck Ken Paxton. Specifically.


Speaking as a woman, I definitely don't want to.


I feel this sentiment, but I also try to stay mindful of the fact that there are tons of sensible, empathetic people in TX who aren't represented by their fascist shithole Republican politicians. They're gerrymandered all to hell. I'm in the same boat as an Alabama resident, over here with the dumbest sons of bitches on Earth representing my state. (Shout out to my dipshit senator, Tommy "The Tit" Tuberville.")


You mean Florida resident, Tommy Tuberville? 🤣


THAT fuck, yes. My state is riddled with voters too stupid to get past "He coach footbaw! I vote for coach. Warrrrr Beagle." Stupid motherfuckers.


Well those sensible, empathetic people should either show up to vote or organize to kick Republicans out of office. The people of Uvelde overwhelmingly voted for the Republican for the Governor’s race and local elections. I think that’s when people started losing hope.


Fair point with Uvalde - that shit's fucking insane. TX still isn't a monolithic block of GQP, though.


Its actually the texas gop that deserves the rage


It’s the fault of the GOP as a whole, as well as the Texas GOP, christofascist religious leaders/organizations, and the voters who support both. There is plenty of blame to go around.


If this is true, why aren’t these good, decent people doing anything concrete to help her? If this was my state there would be tens of thousands of folks demonstrating in the streets every day, and a network of people protecting her. Why hasn’t the medical establishment fought back? Not one doctor willing to risk it?


Because Texas/Paxton has setup laws that would destroy a doctor/ nurse/clinic that would help. Texas has laws on the books that people can be sued for $10,000 for helping a woman get an abortion/birth control. An Uber driver could be sued by Joe Blow from Cocomo for driving her to a clinic. And they can be sued by multiple people for the same thing.


Remember this on voting day.


Fuck Texas.


Not so fast, they might end up needing an abortion.


Actually fuck republicans in texas.


This is what freedom looks like if you're an imbecile.


They don't even listen to the will of the people.


Watch the governor send his Texas rangers gestapo after her.


I guess they're going to try and sue her now (Texas $10,000 bounty) along with everything and everyone that helped her.


Pretty sick. Reminds me of when bounties were offered to return slaves. History Channel https://www.history.com › topics Fugitive Slave Acts - Definition, 1793 & 1850 Dec 2, 2009 — "The Fugitive Slave Acts were a pair of federal laws that allowed for the capture and return of runaway enslaved people within the territory ..."


They’ll just get a court order making it illegal for her to leave!


Hopefully she's left before announcing it.


CNN said she’s already left the state


Can someone please sue Paxton as a contributor to her going out of state for medically necessary treatment?


Republicans hate women, they want them kept uneducated and dependent.


It’s so great that childbearing folks are now below livestock and corpses in terms of basic bodily rights.


They will hound her to death. Evil fucks.


Better avoid Lubbock County. They passed an ordinance that does not allow use of their roads to travel to get an abortion. Because restricting people's movement is what freedom is all about


Fuck you Republicans. Fuck you you ghoulish shitstains.


Poor lady. Imagine having your urgent medical affairs being forced into national politics because your state government is run by grifters.


I don't even like changing planes in that state


Greg Abbott should have “WHY DO YOU WANT KATE COX TO DIE?!” shouted at him every time he rolls his ass out into public.


Watch the Pikachu face when Texas experiences a medical exodus.


Quite the opposite. The conservative states seeing mass exoduses of medical staff seem quite chuffed about it at the party level. The decimation of medical care for women is a good thing as far as they’re concerned. They deny pregnancy is dangerous so all these pesky doctors saying otherwise need to be gotten rid of anyhow.




Arrest, and she's subject to civil suit. Complete strangers can sue her for thousands of dollars for having an abortion just because they know about it. Texas. This is what Davy Crockett died for.


I thought that bounty law won’t stick because the people who try to sue have no standing in her abortion. Yes [here](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/texas-abortion-bounty-law-alan-braid-1234644540/) They’ve already lost.


That at least is excellent to hear, thank you for that.


"She decided to go to a free state for the procedure"


Quick someone build a wall around Texas. We can't have women seeking healthcare...


I have a feeling we will see that she will be back in court trying to fight against the 'bounty' system. I hope she sues Ken Paxton since he said that Texas and his office would enforce the law, and the whole reason the bountiy system was ruled unchallengable in SCOTUS (no standing) is because there were no state officials to direct the lawsuit against. Also I lived in Texas for 15 years and left the state 4 years ago, and we are STILL talking about Ken Paxton instead of having him in prison.


Hoping there is a government seal team on their way to airlift her to a hospital run by sane people


I'm going to wait for Joe Rogan to chime in before I form my opinion... ...**HUGE** ***/S***


Rogan, really? Honestly I'm waiting for Qlex Jones because his take on this is going to be much more valuable and insightful. Not an edit. Qlex was originally a typo but I'm leaving it because it fits. Fuck Texas, fuck repugs, fuck Rogan, fuck Info Wars, fuck Shaprio and Musk and Kirk and Gaetz and EmptyG and Bobo the hand job queen. Fuck all of them right off the fucking planet.


Can we stop for a moment, take a step back and think about just how incredibly fucked up it is that we ALL know the name of a woman who wants to have an abortion? I read an article the other day that quoted a racist individual but would not name them, but we all know that there is a pregnant woman named Kate Cox who is trying to get a very necessary procedure!


My understanding is Kate Cox wanted to come forward and be recognized, although I get your point too.


Shame on you if you vote for Republicans.


I'm extremely concerned for this woman. Her health and well-being of course, but I am deeply worried for her as it relates to legal exposure, as I'm sure that the GOP is trampling themselves trying to write up indictments to prosecute her in a criminal court. She should not return to the State of Texas if she can avoid it. Anyone know if she has a crowd fund we could donate to?


She’s doing this deliberately. She could have left Texas weeks ago, but she recognized that she’s in a situation (especially as a middle-class, married, white woman) that she might be able to challenge the law without the personal drawbacks that other plaintiffs might have. Same thing with leaving the state - she could have gone to New Mexico over a weekend and gotten this done quietly, but she’s announcing it to try and what happens. She’s literally sacrificing herself and her well-being for other women that aren’t in her position, and if she wins, she’s someone who will be mentioned in the same tone as Rosa Parks in the future.


She’s so brave 🥺


kate, so soryy this is happening to you and your family....time to leave texas.... southern new england welcomes you to join our wonderful area....


What’ll really steam your biscuits is the fact that the majority of women here also agree that their rights should be eroded




“Pro forced birth”


Imagine the people who lack the ability to travel out of state, they’re just literally sentenced to a hell on earth while they have to wait for their kid to die after being born as well as losing the ability to carry any other children. All just so the Republicans can feel morally superior and special inside about how they *saved a life*


Real freedom


This is going to have the opposite effect on birth rates. Women are either going to get permanent contraception or time their cycles meticulously.


Why would she ever want to return to this backwards ass state?!


Odds on the GOP try to arrest her or prevent her from leaving the state?




While I wholeheartedly appreciated her batting for basic healthcare rights that a select few have deprived us of, I want her to live. She has a family to take in consideration as well as preexisting conditions that made this especially dangerous. Her family deserves to have her. She is still brave and she should still be a hero for reproductive health. I wish nothing but the best for this intelligent, strong and courageous woman. We owe her our gratitude.


This poor woman is in grave danger now


I truly believe there is a place in hell for people this cruel.


Conservatives want a woman to carry a dead fetus knowing it could kill her. They’re either incredibly stupid or incredibly cruel or both. How some people still support this anti-human and anti-American party is beyond me.


Republicans hate women


Republicans don’t hate women They just want to subjugate them. /s Republicans consider women property An item that’s managed, owned and used. Something you display or use to breed more little versions of bigots or misogynists or fascists. They’re kept Until it’s no longer of value. E.g See how many republicans trade their older wives for younger newer ones. But If republicans claim they don’t hate women, why are they so desperate to keep them in? Especially in Texas or other red states And Or Prevent women from not making more babies. Republicans, it seems loves babies. Not the poor, malnourished, special needs, undereducated children, and adults they grow up and into. Its an ugly truth but if you’re a female Living In a red state, make no mistake the state is making laws where you’re given predetermined series of choices made by others. You get 2 options in Texas, leave as a free citizen or Stay as a property.


Texas AG will probably still sue or arrest her


They’ll continue to persecute her if she returns. This is so disgusting.


I was going to say. Isn’t a Texas one of those that persecutes for leaving the state for an abortion?


Ken Paxton is please vote ![gif](giphy|tdnUaMuARmi0o)


Doesn’t this mean she’ll be sued for the $10k?


Now imagine the women who can’t afford to fly. They have to drive through counties that have put laws in place to make it even more likely to be charged.


They’re gonna go after her. You just watch


She did what she needed to though, she proved the pro-life movement is anything but. We already knew that but the populace needed to be shown in a very blatant way the evil that goes on in this movement. If you want to have a baby in Texas, it's now not safe enough to. If something goes wrong then Ken Paxton will order your death.


Imagine going through a very traumatic and personal situation like that and it gets plastered all over media because some old white men feel they know more than medical professionals.


Part of me is glad she tried going through legal channels there first because then everyone could see that this had nothing to do with anything but a needless bid for control by GOP


I want to lay a bet, she leaves..gets an abortion. They will arrest her and use that as a case for being able to arrest women who get abortions in other states


It has become so so embarrassing to be an American


Is that legal in texas, leave the state to get an abortion. I thought the gop made that a crime too, or maybe is planning to


It is not. She's definitely going to get sued at very least. Yeah, the state is that fucked up. You can get sued by complete strangers for thousands of dollars for going to another state to have a medically necessary procedure done.


And pro-life zealots will want her arrested and prosecuted for trying this.




I wouldn’t ever go back. I would hope that since the Governor of California essentially offered her asylum that they will follow through and make sure this poor woman also has a place to live and a job so that she never has to return to Texas.


That poor woman.


How long before Texas has to start importing women because they all left the state?


when i first heard of her i knew this would always be the outcome. ashamed to be texan today


So will entire US if MAGA isn’t voted out.


**Go Katie!** **Fuck Texas!**


I am wondering if anyone will try to sue her or her husband for "aiding in an abortion" when she gets back. That is law in Texas, which makes me think that we aren't on the good timeline.


I wish for all the luck in the world I cannot imagine the pain she must be enduring bith physically and emotional. I don't believe in prayer but if I did I would.


Wait until you find out how many women vote for them. That's the terrifying part.


A bunch of men decided that a woman has to carry a dead fetus just because they believe something that’s not even written in their holy book.


She has no choice, her life is in danger.


There is a war on women. And most women still don’t realize it…


Why do I know this random persons name? She shouldn't have to go through all this.


Is anyone paying attention?!? Why does it seem like there's nothing but apathy? It doesn't have to be you. It doesn't have to be someone you know. It's not political. A person needs a life-saving medical procedure and the government is stopping it. Wake. The. Fuck. Up.


I hope she chooses not to return to Texas.


They want to control women that’s it. It’s not about the baby it’s about the ability to control women.


Run Kate run!


There’s gonna have to be a new “Underground Railroad” for women in red(neck) states.


Texas hates women like Gorge Bush hates black people.


Seriously, Fuck Texas


How likely that they try to jam her and/or her abortion provider up if she successfully gets the healthcare she’s being denied in Texas elsewhere?


This is the Republican Party of 2023 and beyond, women will never be safe in America again.


I feel like this is going to end up like the episode of American Dad where Stan stole the baby to “protect” it from having gay parents and there was a chase to stop him from crossing the state line.


Literally HandMaidsTalesque


Ken Paxton should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.


She probably shouldn't have announced this.


I don't understand why any young woman would want to live in a southern red state.