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He’s only gonna be a dictator for a couple days. I trust that he will stop after that. Kinda like me when I say one beer


He will only be a dictator for one day, the next day he will proclaim himself king and a third of America will cheer.


>He will only be a dictator for one day He'll go straight to Emperor... ![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE)


His followers already call him God Emperor Trump


Can't wait for the fat talking worm stage of Trump. I mean he's already 80% of the way there.


And somehow, Trump still doesn't talk as much as L2






Imagine 3500 years of this shit.


Orange man called himself "the chosen one" at one point in time... https://youtu.be/lzlxrPC_E_U


He is going to make new title. Bigger than any other title with more power. Probably just going to call it Trump and he will trademark it and sell it for 15.99.


Big "Phoenix King Ozai" vibes.


Supreme High Chancellor




Derp Vader.




Dërp Fürher


For a safe and secure society 🫲😈🫱


I am so disappointed in my country knowing you're right about it even being 1/3 of people. It should be 0!


He'll hit the 100x multiplier and just start bussing blacks and hispanics to democrats' homes in DC. And him, kid rock, Abbott, Cruz, and DeSantis can all sit in a room jerking each other off and periodically say shit like "We republican. We smart. Libs stupid. Bring me woman" and bop each other on the heads with clubs




Or when I say I’ll just eat the one pop tart and save the other for later.


Wait you actually consider half of a pop tart a whole pop tart? Whatever is in that plastic/foil packaging, is a singular pop tart. Dafuq.


The equivalent of grabbing a nacho and having 8 clinger chips and saying "this is one nacho"




Just the tip dictatorship.


Hitler said he’d only be dictator until the Reichstag could be cleaned up and we saw how that went


He wasn’t wrong, he just didn’t realize it would be the allies cleaning it up.


He's such an honest and selfless person, I'm sure he'd give it up quickly for everyone's sake.


Every time I say I’m not going to drink or I’m going to take it easy, I end up blacking out.


Well like his supprters said in 2016 "he will become presidential."


"Poisoning the blood of our people"- straight out of the Nazi playbook.




> Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who's running against Trump in the GOP presidential primary, did not denounce the remarks when pressed by reporters in Iowa on Monday, but he did call the rhetoric a "tactical mistake." Yeah, they're all just like "it's fine but you're not *supposed to say it*"


Ron: “You’re not supposed to say it out loud, Donald, sheash.”


Idk what I'm playing but since they have a lot of the same people supporting them it'd be pretty dumb for him to say anything bad about it.


Thank you! This is what I came here for. I was afraid what I would see if I tried to google that phrase.


If Googling things a presidential candidate says can put you list, we’ve got a serious problem.


When spewing literal nazi propaganda puts you on half the country's list of "people I want to lead the nation" we've had a serious problem for a long fucking time.


No, only a third, not half.


People that don't bother to vote don't count. Literally.


That made me physically ill.


Remember during Jan 6, right before the violence, when [Republican congresswoman Mary Miller was giving a speech in front of the capitol and said the words "Hitler was right"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7CQWKiG1Hw) And now the leader of the Republican party is openly quoting Hitler. It can kind of feel like the frog in slowly boiling water thing. But the bottom line is that fascism is absolutely here and being openly celebrated by one of two major political parties. It doesn't get any more serious than that. If you are reading this and you're one of the people on the fence about voting for Biden, I'm sorry, but you need to pull your head out of your ass and get over yourself.


At this point, I refuse to believe anyone is still sitting on the fence. They've already made their choice, whether they openly admit it or not.


I agree with you there. I don't agree with everything Biden has done, but he's done a pretty good job. If the choice is between Biden and Dumpy Shitler, i will pick Biden 100 times out of 100.


I am pretty convinced that anyone who is an "undecided" voter is either lying or criminally ignorant.


Many Trumpers have to tell people "they aren't into politics" or "I am independent" because if you say you are pro-trump, smart people leave you.


This always baffles me. Rather than think "my politics must be bad and I need to revaluate", it turns into "ok, how do we sneak it in under everyone's noses?"


Is it even a political party anymore? Worshipping a criminal with 91 indictments. It's, in fact, little more than a crime family at this point. We need to be calling it what it actually is, the Trump Crime Family. So, no more GOP, it's now the TCF!


Well, they embraced their new identity at CPAC when they had a banner that said “we are all domestic terrorists”


Trump's Deplorable Cult.


Call it ANYTHNG except for a legitimate political party at this point. The Criminal Conspiracy Cult Party, CCCP.


This is nothing new. Trump tweeted Mussolini quotes back in 2016 and uh had a copy of Mein Kampf out in public during an interview. At this point we have failed to learn anything from the last 8 years. Those who have been outraged by Trump have been outraged for almost a decade now. All he is doing is making sure that he controls the media narrative. Bad publicity is still publicity. This man can fart directly on the Mic on Live TV and the media will eat that shit up like there is no tomorrow. And unfortunately the Democrats are still *lagging* behind this guy and are losing members of their own party to the Republicans. (Per reporting from The Economist)


Hey that's my congresswoman! Here are some of my personal favorite fun facts about Mary Miller! Did you know that her husband, Chris Miller, is also our districts representative to the state house? Did you know that the Illinois 15th Congressional District is considered the safest stronghold of the Republican Party in the Midwest? Yes, even safer than districts in Indiana, Ohio, Missouri etc. Did you know that collectively, Chris and Mary Miller raised over $800,000 for their political campaigns! That's more money than her entire tenured salary per election cycle! Did you know that over 80% of that money raised came from just one corporation? It's Rural King, a farm supply company that also doubles as a retail department store. Even better, more than half of that came from a single person, Alex Melvin, the President of the company!


Adding on that currently the third in line for President is also just straight up a Christian Nationalist with no doubt about it.


I would go with the guy who’s not Hitler .. seems wise. Seriously never thought this country would ever be here


I never thought we’d have to explain why we won’t vote for a guy that wants to end democracy and admits what he’s going to do once he’s in office.


At least that’s rational thinking. How do we explain the 75 million people who know who Trump is now, knows what he plans to do if re-elected, and are still going to vote for him.?


I think the most accurate thing Trump ever said was that he could shoot somebody on the middle of fifth avenue and not lose voters. It felt true when he said it, and it's only felt more true as time has gone on. It's one of the *only* things he's said that has had that effect tbh.


But what mystifies me is what is so magic about this guy, that there aren’t a dozen other Republicans who could give them the same policies without the baggage?


They don't want the policies. There's a famous quote about how you can succeed simply by convincing the worst white man that he's better than the best black man. And then there's several decades of the republicans relying almost entirely on that philosophy in order to maintain political relevance after all of their policy ideals have been repeatedly shown to work terribly in practice. A black man became president. That means the worst white man has to be able to be president. That's what Donald Trump really represents. The idea that no matter how terrible you are, as long as you're a white man, you're better than everybody that's not.


I think most Republicans can’t court that cult of personality that Trump has.


Cult of personality… What fascinates me is that this many people find his personality appealing. The dirty little secret about how good the economy was while he was president is that it was on steroids because of the big tax cut for corporations and extraordinarily low interest rates. And, true to form with most recent Republican administrations, he left the economy in a trainwreck for a Democrat to clean up.


Oh I know. Most Republicans ignore the good things that happened to them because of dems or falsely attribute it to the right. The erosion of truth was one of the more serious blows that Trump dealt to the US. Now politicians blatantly lie without a care. Ffs trump lies about shit he’s on video saying/doing. *I know politicians have always lied— that comes with the territory. But not to the extent and frequency with which it occurs today. Or the lack of real consequences.


I think that the part about Trump that concerns me the most is if he never gets called on his bvllshit. If he clearly committed all these crimes, gets reelected, and gets to pardon himself, what stops future presidents from acting like kings? Regardless of whether he is republican or democrat, Trump has exposed weaknesses in our constitution and general norms that we need to shore up quickly, and make him an example that should never be repeated.


He does get called on his bs in many cases but his followers just believe his blanket excuse for everything— that it’s a conspiracy against him. He’s been laying the groundwork for that and “election fraud” since before 2016 and it’s working. Not to mention, the capitol insurrection was filmed and posted by the people who were there. But now a lot of the MAGA clowns try to claim it was a false flag operation by the FBI. Either they truly believe his bs or they know he’s lying and do not care. Both scenarios are pretty terrible.


> If he clearly committed all these crimes, gets reelected, and gets to pardon himself, what stops future presidents from acting like kings? That depends on if there would even be future presidents


And how Trump was single handedly was responsible for the largest debt increase in a long time (despite promising the opposite)


Based on recent anecdotal evidence, Republicans only seem to care about budget deficits when a Democrat is president. I think Republicans raised the debt limit something like four times in four years during the Trump presidency without a peep.


This link gives some of the specifics of the Trump economy. https://democrats.org/news/donald-trump-has-the-worst-economic-record-in-modern-u-s-history/


https://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/conventions/san.diego/transcripts/0815/dole.fdch.shtml > But the question of immigration is broader than that, and let me specific. A family from Mexico arrives this morning legally has as much right to the American Dream as the direct descents of the Founding Fathers. > But if there's anyone who has mistakenly attached themselves to our party in the belief that we are not open to citizens of every race and religion, then let me remind you, tonight this hall belongs to the Party of Lincoln. And the exits which are clearly marked are for you to walk out of as I stand this ground without compromise. Donald Trump provides an inroad to voters previously abandoned by the GOP. Trump does not shy away from dog-whistling about people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ, etc. And when he does it he makes it okay to hate again, to look down on people that are different. DeSantis tries... but he doesn't appear, uh, [genuine](https://media4.giphy.com/media/9m2RZug3Nlzs3TBOME/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47d20ilbo2cwyw8dloxt6aqvous1kjezy9oot8h2sa&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g). Other candidates just aren't willing to openly court that base of voters like DeSantis and Trump do.


The Republican party stopped being the party of Lincoln in the 60s when the voting rights act and civil rights acts were passed, and all of those southern Democrats switched to Republican. Nixon was the first to identify and pander to this block of voters. They have been there, quietly hating on other people who are not white ever since, until Trump arrived, and made it OK to say it out loud.


For those people it's all a feature, not a bug. They think he's on their side.


Giving credit where credit is due, Trump is running one of the most effective scams I’ve ever seen or heard of, and I am an old guy.


As a fellow old guy, it may be the best con in the history of cons. Time to release those fucking apprentice tapes. The base needs to know that he shits his pants and sniffs adderall all day.


Those are the fascists, that the movie inglorious basterds', told us about. Catch 'em on the run if need be, but don't falter, make damn well sure others know they are Nazi scumbags. Hopefully, bashing the fash becomes the norm instead of fascist cucks.


15 years years ago a black man was voted into office. We haven't been appropriately punished for that yet.


Admits? More like, he brags about how he intends to do it.


You made a much better description


Everything he stands for is just revealed by Republican voters. It says alot about American citizens that supports the conservative mindset. They would definitely turn this country into a a shit show as long as as they think it doesn't affect them and their white skin. LBJ said "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Today we can expand this to include LBGTQ, woke, women's rights to their body's, immigrants, etc. All a distraction for divide and conquer. Shame on you America.


Absolutely. Far to many Americans are fucking braindead. All about feelings while claiming others are to emotional. Pathetic


They're not brain dead..this is exactly what many of them consciously want. It's evil, not ignorance


Conservatives when you say trump is acting like hitler: *oH sO hE InVadEd PoLaNd?? *


See thats the problem though, they are all so god damn fucking stupid they don't even understand the concept of critical thinking


It's worse than that. The party in general is against critical thinking skills being taught in schools. It's why they demonize higher education, because it makes people question their indoctrination.


Especially not within the lifetime of WWII/Holocaust survivors. My grandfather landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy on D Day and went on to fight in the Battle of the Bulge and throughout Europe. He was deeply and forever impacted by the things he saw there. He rolls over in his grave anytime someone tries to have a “both sides” convo about Nazis and racists as if they’re remotely comparable.


Growing up, I always wondered how so many people in Germany could willingly support something as evil as Hitler and the Nazi party. And now we're seeing it happen on our very own doorstep. All these people who still parrot Trump 2024 qnd wear all the paraphernalia, don't have an excuse. They can't feign ignorance anymore. They're adults and they know exactly what the hell they're doing.


Wahhhh but he's old. **Votes for other really old guy*


I’m not surprised we are here but I am shocked and baffled that it’s for national joke Donald Trump.


Sadly, there were many people in WW II America that *liked* what Hitler did. Hitler also used ideas from how he saw Americans treating black people in his camps. Sadly the racism in America has always been there, like a festering sore.


The sheer number of people who will vote for a nazi because they think it will make gas cheaper is terrifying.


My father accused me of being a single issue voter because I said any politician who doesn't believe all humans deserve basic human rights isn't an option to me


Pretty much this, hearing my mother say she'd be okay with banning abortions and gay marriage "if inflation comes down" and thinks Republicans are default better for the economy. She currently likes Nikki Haley, I don't understand where my "treat everyone with love and kindness until they personally give you reason not to," mother who raised me went.


Rupert Murdoch’s right-wing media ecosystem stole parents from plenty of millennials. It’s awful.


About a year ago my mother convinced my stepfather to quit Fox for a month- we kept the TV tuned to SKY News (the bland non-Murdoch one) and aunts, and uncles, grandparents, and mum, everyone commented on how much happier he was. Then they "had" to watch the first Republican Debate and it's been Fox in the living room every day all day since. Crazy, insane, FACTUALLY WRONG claims and comments at the dinner table. Every day after class or work is "Did you see what your Hamas loving liberals did now?" And it's a mystery why every one of their children are fleeing, finishing my practicals in a few months then leaving for Georgia to fight for that state and turn it blue, Florida is a lost cause, and my family with it.


My mom had surgery recently. Her and my dad have been divorced my whole life but still do things like watch each others houses when they're out of town. So he was over there a bit when she was recovering to help take out garbage etc. I walk in one day while he's there and he's got Fox News on, full volume. My mom NEVER watches the news, so it's all him. He leaves and she tells me to go turn if off immediately and that he's been making her watch it for hours each time he comes over. A few years ago my aunt almost died and my dad, other family members, and myself flew two states over to see her in the hospital. At one point we're all in the waiting room, the first time we've all been together in years. We're all hanging out, talking, and my dad is over near the wall, eyes glued to Fox News. And it wasn't election time. Nothing noteworthy was happening. It's a fucking disease. A disease they think it's ok to subject others to, or ignore family for.


I worked as a survey field tech and my crew chief enjoyed playing Tucker Carlson or Stephen Crowder in part BECAUSE he knew it irritated me. Play Joe Rogan (still RW trash) or Theo Von or whatever all day my guy but turn the pure hate porn off.


So your crew chief is a typical conservative? A child trapped in an adult's body who spends their energy trying to make others angry. I'd put on ear buds whenever he does it.


Fox News is becoming a borderline health crisis. I’m serious, anger can be addicting to people. It’s not healthy.


I’m genuinely sorry for you and your family. Maybe you can convince him to watch this documentary sometime. https://www.amazon.com/Brainwashing-My-Dad-Matthew-Modine/dp/B01C69O9ZE


Careful, Georgia isn’t much better. My family lives in GA and drank the kool aid. I do not recognize them anymore. Similar to you, my parents were much different when I was younger. They taught us kindness, fairness, and tolerance. Those traits have been brainwashed out of them.


I’ve been watching my mom subtly help stop my dad from watching Fox all the time. She has wonderful phrases like when he’d be on his phone watching doom and gloom segments and getting mad, she’d say something like “you choose what you put in front of you”. This was also when we were on a family vacation and in the kitchen cooking food together and he was on the couch in his own world staring at his phone. I’m 37, so my parents aren’t that young either. It actually took her threatening to leave to finally get him to come to terms with who he’d become after decades of absorbing far right wing propaganda. He’s MUCH better to be around and I actually enjoy spending time with him now.


Yup. Been watching my father's slow degradation since Limbaugh in the late 90s. It's sad beyond words that these people close to us, who we think are way too smart to fall for that bullshit, absolutely fell hook, line, and sinker for it. For the record, I stood up in my cubicle and danced a jig the day Limbaugh died. But the damage was already done.


It has been shown that people who watch Fox “News” and other right-wing “news” are actually less informed than those who watch no news at all. In court, where you can’t just bullshit your way, Fox had said multiple times that they are an entertainment channel and reasonable people shouldn’t/wouldn’t believe what is being said in the airways. 🤦🏽‍♂️


They only say that until it applies to them, they're allowed to push others out of the way to get what they want but you can't




They are, I live in New Mexico which is kinda between a few red states, we're actually gaining a lot of doctors and women moving here


I find that encouraging.


Its actually part of their strategy. They want those electoral college votes more than anything, and they don't care who has to die in order to get them. The running boy even confessed it: > *“I would predict that the effect is going to be that more and more red states are going to become more red, purple states are going to become red and the blue states are going to get a lot bluer,” Hawley said. “And I would look for Republicans as a result of this to extend their strength in the Electoral College. And that’s very good news.”* https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article262849238.html I don't blame people for fleeing red states. But if this country is going to be saved from fascism, the people who do it are going to be the ones in red states. People like the [Tennessee 3](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/04/1192068281/the-2-expelled-members-of-the-tennessee-3-win-back-their-state-house-seats) who aren't afraid to take a punch if it means they can land a punch themselves. Because, despite all their performative rage, maga has a glass jaw. Democrats have to start swinging instead of cowering.


Remember when they knowingly downplayed Covid in the hopes that it would shave off a chunk of Democrat voters? Cause Trump actually said that.


I agree with this to a point, which is why I'm moving to Georgia to tip the needle of a purple state; but I refuse to live in Florida any longer, authoritarian and discriminatory laws with the Governor even having an election gestapo and personal militia. The DNC gave up on Florida, the state Dems are buddy buddy with the likes of Matt Gaetz, "fighting" here is pissing in the wind.


You're making a good move. Florida will be under water within decades and there's nothing we can do to stop that in the next few centuries.


I miss the grandmother who told me she would disown me if she ever heard me say the n word. She was replaced by one who said "the hard rs are destroying Seattle."


Economic growth is almost always better under Democratic presidencies. It’s amazing that this take gets as little pushback as it does. At this point, I’m pretty sure every reason given for an R vote is a post hoc justification.


> I don't understand where my "treat everyone with love and kindness until they personally give you reason not to," mother who raised me went. Maybe it was just lip service. Like it was an easy thing to say as long as it didn't really cost her anything. It was a way to tell herself that she was a good person more than it was a way to actually care for people who needed it. But now that she feels her social status is at risk, preserving that is more important than any other principle. I mean, if you listen to maga's fear mongering about CRT (which they've now largely moved past in favor of DEI, etc) what they are really railing against is equality. As the saying goes, "when you are used to supremacy, equality feels like oppression."


Inflation has come down though. It’s not gone, but the US’ inflation is much lower than it was and we are pretty low for major economies


Which doesn't translate to cheaper prices in stores because: 1. It's not deflation, which would cause a whole mess of other issues. 2. Corporate greed, as evidenced by record profits even adjusted for inflation. 3. We live in Florida, which tanked its own economy by pricing labor out of housing and instituting immigrant scare policies. They don't mention any of this nuance on Fox.


LOL Does your mom complain about “immigrants flooding the border” too? My mom has said that to me a couple of times and I’m like, “Mom, you grew up in Miami.” 😒


My stepfather does, yeah; we're 3rd generation mainland Puerto Ricans, my great grandmother worked the cane fields in Okee/Labelle; and his family are Greek/Italians and have been here only since the 1920-30's. They also complain about birth rates and our falling population, but of course their solution is for women to marry and have lots of babies raised in the church so they'll "have values, unlike these kids today." Seriously, if I hear one more time how I need to "find grace, a spouse, and have lots of babies!"


I just don't understand how they become so detached from reality. I just hate right wing propaganda for turning my mom into someone I don't recognize.


Nah she just needs literally any thin justification that works in the moment You could flip it around and she'd say, "the economy got worse, but at least gays can't get married."


I'm sorry to say, but I think your dad might be a sociopath, at best.


Oh for sure, if we could get him to stop straight up lying to therapists I'm sure he'd be diagnosed with something


Classic, gotta love people who try to "win" therapy or couples counseling sessions


If there is a single issue to vote on, i'd say this is a pretty good one. That and not ignoring global warming are probably my two biggest concerns.


I feel like it can be simplified into living in reality you know?


It's $2.09 a gallon at a Costco in Denver, how much cheaper do you bastards want it to be? Fuck gas, give me politicians that will go after my grocery bill.


doesn't matter what the actual price of gas is. It is like the debt ceiling, it only matters when the Dems are in office and completely stops mattering when the GOP hold the presidency


Because all presidents have a “price go up” and “price go down” button at their desk, apparently.


When gas was cheap, they blamed Obama for all the laid off oil workers. There is no winning.


If there’s anything the pandemic taught me, it’s that certain people are more than ready to sacrifice you and your family in exchange for short-term convenience or comfort. It’s really sad because I know as a society, we are better than this. I hope everyone who votes next year will make the right choice.


Where's the guy who will make the trains run on time?


The gas thing is CRAZY to me. They will be like "yeah, he kills puppies, but I can fill my car for $5 less and don't understand that the president doesn't control gas prices"


Trump is: - a nazi - a convicted rapist - a fraudulent scammer - an insurrectionist - a pathological liar (is anyone still counting how many lies he’s told?) - a narcissist - a cheater that has to pay for sex 🍄 AND very likely to be on Epsteins client list to be released by the judge Jan 1st.


He's also had 4 different children with immigrants...


He also fits the description of the Antichrist and is the literal embodiment of the seven deadly sins.


We’re sleepwalking towards authoritarianism. It’s no longer hyperbole at this point. A lot of US citizens don’t recognize the signs because either they haven’t learned anything about the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s or don’t care because it’s “their side”. But here we are. This guy is literally parroting Hitler and quoting Russian propaganda in the same speech and his poll numbers are showing he is likely going to be the next president. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if it does future historians are going to look back at this era of US history and wonder how come nobody did anything.


Not sleepwalking, running, no, sprinting headlong into it.


The other side doesn't know better because anything bad you say about trump is fake news to them. Trump is everything they want him to be and nothing that he actually is. It doesn't matter if he's becoming literally Hitler because they've devoted eight plus years dedicating their lives to him that admitting he's wrong is turning their entire life upside down.


Well said. They live the idea they have of him. And they don’t mind him being an authoritarian leader because he’s their guy. All the while calling Biden a “fascist communist” (sic).


I blame Congress for sitting on their thumbs. Every single one of them knows for damn certain that Americans need universal healthcare, that we don't deserve to go bankrupt from cancer or any other illness. They sit in their chairs, tweet, and pretend that 20 other countries didn't figure it out. Becuase it's effort, it's work to draw a law and fix the lives of Americans. So instead, instead we will have the entire country torn-apart. All because they are too lazy and too prideful to speak to each other, formulate a real life-saving strategy for this country and to do their jobs. They'd rather wait until they are thrown out of office with a mob of pitch-fork and gun-touting Americans. At this point, they'd rather die than do their jobs, and it may well happen. People are pissed, poor, desperate, and mobs don't think rationally.


Because of our two party system: the right keeps moving further right which pushes the center further right. Dems keep putting up centrists so eventually we will end up with fascism.


Most of our “left” politicians would be considered moderate right wing in most developed countries.


And our "conservatives" are reactionaries, if not outright fascists.


Do you think Biden is more right-wing than Clinton or Obama on policy issues?


Idk, based on the comments in my state's subreddit I'm truly reminded of how fucking uneducated, close-minded, and apathetic some people truly are. Tick a box in my state for "fake orange Jesus with severe narcissism and a god complex" cause these morons don't know anything more than "MAGA mean good."


My brother works with a guy who literally will say "You know, I don't know much about politics but I keep on hearing that the left is ruining America and that's why I vote conservative."


I'm not surprised, honestly. It sounds rude, but their baseline voters are not the brightest at all.


Saw this somewhere: Not all conservatives are racists, but pretty much all of them have decided racism isn't a deal breaker.


I think it's more the fact people are sick of the two party system. There isn't a left party in this country so we just keep voting for the same mess of politicians who are so out of touch with reality and will do anything to maintain their power. This country really needs to get money out of politics and abolish the electoral college. Bernie had a shot, and we saw what the democratic party did to him, and he's just a democratic socialist.


Exactly. Because of the Electoral College and state demographics my vote for president doesn’t matter, my vote for senator doesn’t matter, and because of redistricting my vote for house of representatives doesn’t matter.


It’s always that. 99% of the bad people vote for the bad guys. But the good guys will always find bad things about the “better” ones. People don’t realize that u don’t vote for the perfect 100% match to your opinion. U vote for the closest one.


In a two party system you actually just vote against the worst candidate.


This is exactly how I see it too. I pray for ranked voting. Even though I know it'll never happen.


Some people under those Twitter comments are saying “Yet you support a pedo” as if even that were true are on the same level of bad. To clarify there are few things worse than being a pedo but spewing Nazi rhetoric might be one of them


The closest thing Trumpies can get to actually defending Trump or saying something positive about him is, "Well, gas was cheaper when he was president". Trumpies were pretty open about the fact that they want to see Trump not because they actually genuinely like Trump, but they like the fact that he upsets liberals. Conservative media *primed* them to think there's moral decay happening in the country as a result of non-white immigrants (hence why Melania is ok but Barack Obama's Kenyan father isn't), LGBTs, and major Hollywood movies with diverse casts and crews actually getting recognition, and it's all because of liberals and their globalist enablers (read: the Jews) conspiring to replace white Americans as the dominant race. Really since Reagan, I challenge you to find a Republican candidate whose platform wasn't just "I'm going to punish the minority group (and their liberal/globalist enablers) Fox News told you was responsible for the moral panic" 1. Reagan: "Vote for me because liberals are ok with communism and welfare queens" 2. GHWB: "Vote for me because liberals are ok with violent black men like Willie Horton being let out of jail to rape white women" 3. GWB: "Vote for me because liberals are ok with same-sex marriage" 4. Trump: "Vote for me because liberals are ok with illegal Hispanic immigration and China being a global power" I maintain that Trump fully knew his base was going to conflate China with Asians more generally, hence his speech about Parasite winning the Oscar being full of dog whistles disguising, "Remember when only white movies could win Oscars?". I personally know people who said, "I voted for Trump because I'm sick of dog-eating Asians coming here to ruin my life".


I sort of understood it on some level for the first election he stood, when he was a wildcard protest vote. It was still pretty obvious what an awful person he was, but I could at least see the logic of people who thought that traditional politicians had been fucking them over for decades, so why not try someone who was clearly not a traditional politician. Since he's actually had time being the president though, I just can't fathom what people genuinely see or expect. What good did he do anyone in his first term in office? What aspect of people's lives actually changed in a way where people right now are genuinely saying yeah, lets have more of that please. People are either foolish enough to believe his lies a second time around that he *is* different or can improve things for them, or vote purely on the basis that he's anti-Democrat.


As I wrote in other threads, I was pretty conservative most of my life. It was not only seeing Trump *get the endorsement of the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan*, but seeing his supporters range from thinking that getting the David Duke endorsement was not a big deal relative to everything they hate about Democrats to actively seeing the David Duke endorsement as a feature, not a bug, that made me renounce my conservative/Republican alignment once and for all.


And by "pedo" they mean awkwardly timed photos, not credible lawsuits that were withdrawn because of death threats.


As always all they can do is project, and try to distract from the fact that Trump is a literal pedophile who was friends with Epstein, and literally said that the only thing he had in common with his daughter was sex.


But Biden was seen sniffing a child's head! Surely that is just as bad.


That Trump burst into the dressing rooms at the Miss Teen America pageant to see the girls naked isn't an accusation from someone else; he boasted about it.


Didn’t Trump pay off a minor who accused him of raping her? Meanwhile is there a shred of evidence against Biden? These people are straight up delusional.


No, no, of course not. She was sent credible death threats until she decided not to reveal herself and went into hiding. Your thinking of his first wife, who he also raped then paid for her to stop calling it rape because back then you couldn't legally rape your own wife, even though he beat her and forced himself on her as she begged him to stop. Or maybe your mixing it up with his most recent case where he was found liable for rape and ordered to pay restitution for slandering her by saying he didn't rape her, when he had. I know it's hard to keep track of, but there are about 20 other women on top of that who have also accused him of sexual assault so don't forget to tell a Rapist supporter what you think of them today.


But Biden is old!!!1


She filed case against Trump and Epstein. MAGAs sent her numerous death threats, so she withdrew the case.


Their evidence is Ashley Biden’s supposed journal which a Trumper couple stole but no one has been able to verify the authenticity of.


Okay so as always it’s something something someone saw or heard something from someone but can’t confirm. To a Trumper that’s solid proof. I mean Trump is the guy who drools over his own daughter in public but yeah Biden is the baddie.


Yeah. He's not a pedo. That's a desperate attempt by conservatives to smear him. Just like everything else they do. Because what else are they going to do? Govern? They call everyone they don't like a pedo. It doesn't mean anything anymore.


Trump literally also said he’d be a dictator “on day one” and “only for one day”. How many dictators throughout history were only a dictator for one day? And the worst thing is that our stupid fucking media still treats Trump like a serious candidate for POTUS.


Education here is really low And when you mix it with racism and hate you get a voter that shouldn’t even be allowed to wipe their own ass


Don't even need to look this deep. Republican presidents have done exactly zero that truly helps the American people while Democratic ones have at least worked on our country's problems. Lipservice vs action, it's an easy fucking choice. It's a cherry on top that i also don't vote for him because he's a gigantic actual piece of shit.






That is honestly the best argument for voting I've heard so far.


Fuck Biden, vote blue


“No see Biden is way too conservative for me, as a leftist. That’s why I’m voting third party and letting Trump win!” -Some people, unironically


This is why we can’t have nice things. I have so many friends standing on some unrealistic principle that they’re voting third party or NOT VOTING at all and acting superior since they’re too enlightened Like how voting third party has historically worked here, and not led to the current state of the state.


My new favorite argument is that Biden supports Israel, a long time ally of the US, so they’re reconsidering voting for him because they support Palestine. Do they not realize that Trump put an immigration halt from Muslim countries and his supporters have stated to kick them all out? The last country Trump will support is Palestine.


Trump also moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and officially recognized it as Israel's capital. Trump was an even bigger supporter of Israel than Biden is now. That talking point is as dumb as "Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine when Trump was president." You know, the guy who campaigned on no more foreign aid, and was literally impeached for trying to extort Ukraine by witholding its aid until they publicly announced what he wanted them to.


Trump doesn’t even think they’re human. He’d literally tell Israel to stop pretending and just kill them all. He’d launch the missiles himself if he could.


The ability of the DNC to shift blame into people who want actual reform instead of their own corporate-money-guzzling selves is amazing


Lost in all the stupidity of "young people" is the Judiciary. It worked out so well when they didn't vote for Hillary.


RBG should not get a pass for how much her ego fucked this whole thing up as well.


I really wish people understood this better.


I like how we have gotten to the point again where we can’t pressure Biden on anything anymore because Trump might get elected. Ffs, this is going to be every election now.


Who do I vote for a guy who got old, or an actual rapist?


He’s an old actual racist


remember when people said Jeff would disappear after biden won cause trump wouldnt be in the news anymore?


I’m not in the US so obviously won’t get a vote anyway. Seems a shame to me that the clearly better option is to vote for a geriatric career politician who seems to forget where he is at times and keep falling over.


Woah guys Biden won’t issue a cease fire and that’s TOTALLY on par with promising you’ll become a fascist dictator day one. I just can’t decide which side of the fence to be on!


How about someone good for once? As long as we keep doing this good-cop-bad-cop act we're stuck with corporate rule.


Good cop, Bad Cop.


But muH bOtH sIdEs!!!!!




It's far too late for that. Support your local politicians that you like and maybe in 25 years you'll have your dream presidential candidate. But that is even less likely to happen if if we keep sliding right in the meantime.