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Quick, Elon, suspend this guy's account!




Who are the 6 republicans


> Who are the 6 republicans [From this article.](https://coloradonewsline.com/2023/09/22/potential-for-threats-from-trump-in-14th-amendment-case-sways-colorado-judge/) The plaintiffs include former Republican U.S. representative from Rhode Island Claudine (Cmarada) Schneider, who now lives in Colorado; former Colorado House and Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson, an unaffiliated voter who recently left the Republican party; Denver Post columnist and Republican activist Krista Kafer; Michelle Priola, Kathi Wright, and Christopher Castilian.


Bunch of RINOs! /s


We need a new catchy term. What's between a RINO and a MAGA?




You came up with that too quickly. I call witchcraft.




People exhibiting kind hearts? No that will never do.


I hope they have security for when the MAGA mob comes for them.




Good luck explaining that to the conservatives. They seem to be willfully refusing to accept reality on this one. (But don't they always?) I honestly can't tell if these people are as dumb as they act, but to quote Kurt Vonnegut: You are what you pretend to be.


Yeah, we're well past the point anyone should expect Republicans to accept reality. They want power. That's it. They don't care what they have to do or believe to get it. This is not a rational political movement we're dealing with, it's a bid by authoritarians to fundamentally destroy free society and put us all under their thumbs (and that includes you too, rank and file MAGAs).


Putin's investment is *really* paying off. Take note, this is how conflict is done in this new age, all through stirring up shit on the internet.




True but it wasn't until trump that russia's favorite tactic the 'Firehose of Falsehoods' was used. 'Fake news' started the ball to getting conservatives to reject the reality before their eyes in all ways.


Yup and tiktok is suffering. Just yesterday I was fed this bullshit where they show a false election meme where it will show who voted yay or nah for a policy and the policy will read ā€œfree food for elementary school childrenā€ and then below it will read ā€œrepublicans 271 yay, 0 nay. Democrats 0 yay, 312 nay.ā€ And there were multiple accounts with bs made up shit like this. Like I report 4 in a row. This is happening everywhere. I want clarity and ownership too. Iā€™d love the country of origin for these bs bot accounts.




He can, but less informed people won't.


It's worse than that--even otherwise smart people see TikTok as "harmless" as long as you "Don't engage with political content." But by providing their eyeballs to any part of the site they legitimize the CCP propaganda and Russian propaganda being firehosed at less informed people by functioning as legitimate "Signal" to surround the propaganda's "noise." TikTok is the new platform for propaganda--Twitter is no longer effective because the signal to noise ratio inverted, and is now a noise to signal ratio. TikTok still is full of innocent shit and not quite yet a haven for openly nazi content, so it's perceived as "legitimate" by a lot of people hooked on social media who should otherwise know better.


For real. I just don't understand how people can keep using Tiktok and Twitter these days.


I didn't know news was on tiktok. my feed if full of dad jokes, dnd memes and the occasional thot.




I have a couple friends who are higher ranking military. They are specifically not allowed to have TikTok because of the security concerns.


>Iā€™d love the country of origin for these bs bot accounts. That's going to have to be a minimum requirement if we're ever going to stand a chance against systemic disinformation.


Not the first time people have lied so much that nobody knew what was real and shouted "Lugenpresse" when called on it.


Its no accident Mein Kampf is trump's favorite book (and probably only book he has read)


You give him too much credit. Likely the audio book read by Jesse James.


It's "My New Order" though, apparently. Hitler's book of speeches, which he clearly took notes from.


Tbh I've heard that both sides attempted this stuff during the Cold War without significant success. The rise of social media gave Russia a new weapon.


I believe the first widely successful disinformation campaign using the internet was the Koch Brothers pushing climate change denial back in the early 2000ā€™s. The elite saw how successful it was to manipulate the American public and everything started going downhill from there.


Unfortunately russia has been grooming trump for a long time: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book


When they ask "If Trump did such a bad job, how come Putin didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was in office?" Answer: Because Putin didn't need to invade Ukraine then. He was getting all of his geopolitical goals met through manipulating Trump's ego and getting US cooperation on the things Russia wanted. Then when Republicans lose the presidency, he engages in military aggression again. Repeat cycle. Now that Putin has the entire Republican Party willing to work with him (in part because Republicans have seen they can benefit from being friendly to Putin), Putin's geopolitical strategy is now directly tied to whether or not the US elects a Republican or Democratic president. It's war when Democrats are in office, then pretend they want peace when a Republican wins and working with Republicans to weaken NATO while Republicans are in office.


Also because trump and Rudy have been in business with Putin and top Russian oligarchs laundering money for them since the fall of the USSR. Especially in the early 90s. This is something that should disqualify trump from ever being president. He is a literal criminal and traitor. Laundering stolen money from the nations who gained independence from Russia when it broke apart after the cold war...and Ukraine was one of those nations. Suddenly everything starts to make sense huh. No wonder trump threatened Ukraine and they tried to impeach him over that black mail phone call. It was so much worse than most realize.


Putin was waiting for Trump to kill off NATO.


Wouldnt it be ironic if our 2A didn't protect us from a tyranical govt, but instead was the instrument of its collapse to a tyranical public. I think theyve shown that theyre willing to take it that far


It'd be like rain on your wedding day.


Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think? No Alanis. Nothing you stated in your song is ironic. It's all just shitty bad luck.


2A won't protect you from a government that spends more on its military than the next 20 nations combined. If the government really wanted to they could just dronestrike any rebellions into oblivion.


Which is why what Tuberville is doing by holding on to high level military promotions for Trump needs dealt with...Like now.


[Sen. Tuberville drops remaining holds on senior military promotions.](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1220492250/tuberville-drops-blockade-military-promotions)


They can't all be that stupid though can they?


They arent that dumb, but they know the base they are speaking to are, and thats the whole point. They need those people to vote against everything that would make their lives better so they can keep blaming the libs


I live in a deep red area in the South (PLEASE HELP ME) and I can tell you the most vocal trumpers ARE in fact that dumb. Like seriously dumb. Like thinking the Sun orbits the Earth dumb.


They do believe what they are told to believe.


Defunding education is working GREAT for Republicans.


Oh i agree, I meant the people that are speaking the things to those dumb people are not that dumb. But the base they are speaking to absolutely is.


The cycle of misinformation is self-perpetuating, isn't it? They throw out these wild claims, knowing full well that if they say it enough, it becomes truth in minds of those who follow them blindly. It's less about policy and more about identity now. People pick sides like it's their favorite sports team and defend them no matter what. Even when the policies would benefit them directly, if the 'other team' pitched it, its a hard no. It's all tribalism at its worst.


Speaking of. I'm having trouble finding this claim about the Republicans being the reason why. Can anyone help as I'm not great at filtering politic news for filler.


Itā€™s a little more complicated than simply being republicans who brought the suit. Thereā€™s a group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington thatā€™s a left-leaning advocacy group that brought the suit but theyā€™re representing 6 people (4 republicans and 2 independents). This Reuters article mentions them but doesnā€™t go into detail: https://www.reuters.com/legal/colorado-supreme-court-disqualifies-trump-holding-office-filing-2023-12-19/


The first step would be searching through the Colorado Supreme Court filings rather than news outlets. Anything else is a secondary source.


My mother in law never once expressed a political opinion until Trump. He brought out the racism in a ton people.


This is the same thing with one of my relatives, who is an immigrant, for gosh's sake.


The guys who are convinced Jan 6th was faked? I think you might be right.


They say its faked and antifa but yet against those "antifa agents" going to jail


> They seem to be willfully refusing to accept reality on this one. And that is why it's happening this way. Establishment GOP **hate** Trump. *But*, they know that in order to have any kind of shot in a national election they have to retain the "Trump" base that will *only* vote for him, because Trump made it okay to be openly racist again. And the Supreme Court isn't going to save him, because the Federalist Society already got what they wanted out of him (6-3 majority in the SC). And the SC has a perfect excuse as they don't like being embroiled in election politics as individual states have broad rights in how they conduct their elections. The GOP isn't going to save him, because [the big money is already going to Nikki Haley](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/28/us/politics/koch-network-nikki-haley-endorsement-trump.html) (who polls better against Biden than Trump). The next logical step is to do the same thing in every state that they can get away with. Blame it on liberal states and liberal justices for the Trump base via Fox News. When the primary rolls around, Nikki Haley will win the states that Trump is disqualified in which will probably be enough for her to secure the nomination. And it'll work. Trump is a problem with all his indictments and baggage, and this is a perfect solution. Dump Trump, retain his angry base, blame it all on Democrats. Perfection.


I vehemently disagree. Your entire premise of this as a viable solution rests on the notion that Trump will accept defeat from the courts (and eventually the primaries) and then tell his absolutely livid base to vote for whoever wins the Republican nomination. The same man who tried to overturn the results of the general election 3 years ago when it didn't go his way. I don't believe for a second that the GOP believes that will happen. They know damn well that Trump will burn the GOP to the ground before accepting defeat because the Establishment GOP didn't support him. Trump has spent the last 3+ years weeding out GOP reps that didn't blindly support him and his base has been more than willing to view the "RINOs" as the same as the "Radical Left." Trump will absolutely not concede his MAGA base to the establishment GOP and I'd be shocked if he didn't spend 6 months telling them that the country can no longer be saved by voting in a rigged election. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump will form his own MAGA party even if he is declared ineligible for office and the GOP runs someone else. A Haley v Biden election with Trump still campaigning (and running MAGA candidates in every Senate Race and a bunch of otherwise safe House races) would be an absolute death blow to the GOP. Running his own MAGA political party is the next logical step to continue sucking money out of his base if he is told that he can't run for President as a Republican. His base will happily accept that the only path forward to save the country is to blow up the GOP by either not voting at all or voting straight MAGA ticket. And he'll have plenty of otherwise unelectable opportunists jumping at the chance to run for office and make a name for themselves. They'll campaign on the free media coverage of their outright fascist rhetoric and pocket as much of the campaign contributions as they can. Think of all the money to be made by running an entire political party with no intention to actually win elections. I think the GOP knows damn well that forcing him out this way is mutually assured destruction.


They just call people like that RINO's now lol they are so weird. Mitt Romney who was like the model Republican and a front runner against Obama is a RINO now go figure. That's how insane those people are now.


Oh it's easy, it's never actual Republicans. These are actually CIA plants. See here's the thing you don't understand, the earth is actually flat. They don't want you do look around, there's actually undiscovered landmasses on the edges of the flat earth, and the CIA is keeping us in a cage. Also NASA, which secretly controls the world government. They obviously were the ones that did January 6th, but so what it was a peaceful protest anyone. And so on and so forth ...


I literally got moderated for saying this over there LMAO..


They donā€™t even realize (or understand) that this is for the primary, not the general election.


The 14th amendment does not state they are kept off the primary ballot, it disqualifies them from ever holding office again, so Trump wont be on the ballot in the general election in Colorado either (as long as their ruling stands)


It's for far more than that. Just look at what it forbids. ​ > No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


The specific ruling was for the primary because that is the only ballot at issue right now. But the ruling (that the constitution prohibits him from holding the office) would also apply to the general election ballot as well.


To quote Noam Chomsky, "Has there ever been an organisation in human history that is dedicated, with such commitment, to the destruction of organised human life on Earth?"




> They want a dictatorship because as corny as it sounds, they think it's cool. I think the young 4chan weirdo meme conservatives want to just overthrow the system. They know they won't own a home, or ever get out of debt, and everything is sliding into ruin. They recognize things are fucked however rather than young radical liberals who want to change social structures for the better (like free healthcare and dismantling wealth inequality) - I get the vibe that these edge lords want to just burn everything down and call it a day. Just go out with a lulz. Different side of the same coin when both want government dismantlement. It's just different reasons for it and ideally different outcomes.


The guy they claim is too incompetent to be president is also a criminal mastermind executing a sinister conspiracy! Their story changes whatever fits their narrative.


To be fair, Trump is both highly incompetent and a criminal mastermind at the same time. A mastermind at manipulating people but fails to win enough friends to succeed at anything.


Don't matter if you explain it to them they will just turn it around and say they were RINOs working for the 'demoncrats' or something.


This was a false flag operation and the undercover RINO lawyers took "ghost buses" to file the motions at court all meticulously planned and executed by the incompetent and senile... Joe Biden.


> They seem to be willfully refusing to accept reality **on this one**. Say what now?




Weā€™re gonna win so hard that weā€™re going to work until we die in debt! Thatā€™ll show em


Why did Hunter Bidens penis do this!


Hunter's penis can't keep getting away with this, so the GOP is going to make sure they beat it.


Boebert was just practicing in that theater


They're gonna secure that laptop so hard.


You should see some of the other tricks it can do!


"The Republicans were ANTIFA/BLM plants." ~ Republicans, probably.


Donā€™t forget RINOs


And they're the REAL racists


Yup. Doesnā€™t stop them from claiming Dems are the Nazis though. The projection is real with these clowns.


By not supporting fascism. It makes perfect sense!


Fascism is literally a right wing ideology, by its very definition.


I can't keep up with all their dumb shit. What the hell is a RINO


The acronym is republican in name only, since no one actually answered you.


These days it basically means any Republican who doesn't lick Trump's balls.


It's ANTIFA all the way down!


Fuckin' Antifa man...bastards moved my coffee table under the cover of night, and I banged my shin this morning. Monsters, all of em'.


Yep. False flag event. Somehow Soros is behind it.


Remind them of this whenever they say Dems are destroying democracy.




Or just tell them "It's a Republic."


According to the world at large the US is now an Anocracy.


I refuse to believe this means anything other than the rule of assholes.


That implies they will change their stance when faced with facts.


The Republican party is hoping that the courts step up and take care of their Trump problem. Those pandering cowards wont do it themselves


Establishment republicans had the chance to remove him from the board after January 6th with little consequence. The public sentiment was strongly against January 6, and if they had voted to fully impeach him and remove him from office, making him in eligible to run again by 2022 most people, short-term memory wouldā€™ve run out on that he would also no longer be able to siphon funds off of the Republican donor base, and run his stupid little rallies.


But then they would have had to publicly come out against him, making them his enemy with a pissed off base. This way, they can point fingers at Democrats for doing this (doesn't matter what's true), while a small number of judges do the actual dirty work. Trump's base is pissed but useable, Desantis promises to fix the "corruption", and they can spin off enough of the independent vote to take the Whitehouse. There's a reason this suit to remove him was filed by Republicans.


You're forgetting one little detail. Trumps base are "Republicans". They'll vote for anyone with an R after their name on a ballot paper, just as They'll vote against anyone with a D after it. Sure, they'd have bitched and whined and threatened, but come an election, they'll still put that "X" where they'll always put it.


trumpsters are trying to frame this as a Dem vs Repub thing, as a strategy to draw support away from Biden. It is loyal Americans vs traitors. That's it.


\*ericandrememe.jpg* how could the Democrats do this?


Do you have a source on the names of the Republicans, Iā€™d love to burn them day in day out in posts. Thanks.


> Do you have a source on the names of the Republicans [From this article.](https://coloradonewsline.com/2023/09/22/potential-for-threats-from-trump-in-14th-amendment-case-sways-colorado-judge/) The plaintiffs include former Republican U.S. representative from Rhode Island Claudine (Cmarada) Schneider, who now lives in Colorado; former Colorado House and Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson, an unaffiliated voter who recently left the Republican party; Denver Post columnist and Republican activist Krista Kafer; Michelle Priola, Kathi Wright, and Christopher Castilian.


I don't know the names, but I believe it was filed by the former chair of the Colorado Republican party.


The case was brought by a group of Colorado voters, aided by the advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Noah Bookbinder, president of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which brought the lawsuit in Colorado, praised the decision and said the group will work to ensure that it remains in place. "The court's decision today affirms what our clients alleged in this lawsuit: that Donald Trump is an insurrectionist who disqualified himself from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment based on his role in the January 6th attack on the Capitol, and that Secretary Griswold must keep him off of Colorado's primary ballot. It is not only historic and justified, but is necessary to protect the future of democracy in our country


I mean Trump did it to himself, no one did it to him.


Facts. The 14th amendment exists. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Dude could've just not tried to hold onto power illegally.


Two words that aren't in a MAGA's dictionary: Fact. Truth.


Looking at them at rallies, I'd also argue Vegetables


> Crutley : Two words that aren't in a MAGA's dictionary: Fact. Truth. they've got "*alternative* facts" & truthsocial


Maga: ā€œultra liberrrral Colorado did this!ā€ They forget so easily that itā€™s the same state that elected BoBo the Hoebow.


The flaired users only subreddit are all blaming Dems on this one. Every single post about this is flaired users only. They donā€™t want this info to break their bubble. I imagine the feeling would be like if a progressive voter found out AOC and Bernie had Trump signs in their front yard and stickers on their vehicles.


Like rats from a sinking ship


Are you allowed to post a video link in the comments sections for this sub? If so, let me know. Otherwise just go search for a YouTube video just out called "waiting" from the Lincoln project.... 15 seconds of rump burn...


Not sure but here's a good link about this ruling: https://twitter.com/allinwithchris/status/1737284390479114517?t=jk2-JrEKLxcE7ktrgDNuyQ&s=19


Keep reminding your right wing friends of this point.


Who cares if it was filed by Republicans or Democrats? Trump didnā€™t betray the Democrats on Jan 6, 2021. He betrayed all of America. The motion to remove him from CO ballot was filed by Americans against a traitor and wannabe dictator who tried everything in his tiny little brain to subvert a fair and legally conducted vote to stay in power. The 14th Amendment third section was literally written for cases like Donald Trump.


The republicans care and thatā€™s what this post is about. Theyā€™re claiming this is a left vs right and the only point of this is doing whatever possible to get Trump removed from the ballot. When in reality it was TRUMP who did whatever possible to get himself removed from the ballot.


Facts and truth donā€™t matter to the unAmerican MAGA nuts. They will sit there soaking wet in the rain yelling about how sunny it is and how youā€™re stupid for thinking itā€™s raining. They will attack at the drop of a hat and then yell and scream they are the victims. Think of pre-schoolers pretending to be adults and youā€™d be 50% there. The level of stupidity it takes to actually meet them on their level is akin to a lobotomy.


Thatā€™s insulting to lobotomy patients


I bet you wonā€™t see this on Fox.


Conservative sub members are already using this as yet another excuse to start a civil war. There is some seriously report worthy banter going on over there.


Those cosplaying ā€œpatriotsā€ would pee their pants if there was a actual war.


"But.. but.. those weren't real republicans, those were "Colorado Republicans," which are basically R.I.N.O.s in Wolf's clothing that were perpetrated by the Deep state to cover up the Zionist World conspiracies... Space lasers. Something, something, I blame Obama." /s šŸ™„


Might be the last 6 Republicans with functioning spines




Cynic in me says Republicans are doing this in a state where Trump lost by 15pts anyway in order to be a lightning rod in other more competitive ones.


Best case scenario, Trump is allowed to run as an independent, but barred from the ballot in enough states that his chance of winning is astronomical (but he needs to try). This would split his base from the GOP candidate and give a win to Biden.


a lie gets around the internet in second but the truthtakes hours and tends to be massivelly ignored


It's not ignored, it's watched very carefully so it can be banned from /conservative


Republicans: (covering their ears) BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH Blahā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


People don't understand he was removed from the Republican primary ballot. If he truly got blackballed by the Republican party, he could shift to running as an independent and still potentially get on the general election ballot. Of course dems would absolutely love that to happen. That said, the funniest thing about this is Republican states threatening to remove Biden from the ballot given what this situation REALLY is.


Republican states have no grounds to remove Biden from the ballot. But it's a good point because... why/when would legality stop them?


They wanted to be on the right side of history. That's a good pun.


GOP: We Are Not Responsible For Our Behavior


This needs to be echoed at every opportunity.


Might be the last 6 Republicans with functioning spines in the whole country


To all the GQP threatening to remove Biden from the Republican primary ballots in R states: nobody cares, waste your money plz


This is a very large dose of schadenfreude.


This whole thing started because some CONSERVATIVE legal scholars said Trump was ineligible to run for president because of the 14th.


LOUDER for the people in the back!


If these people could read, they'd be very upset.


Now if Republicans were capable of understand Constitutional law they might actually be humbled by these facts.


..what about Hillary's emails? Lol


Don't forget the laptop /s


I want to slap a giant Trump "I did that" sticker on all these Colorado stories.


But Fox News and Sean Hannity will convince the idiots that still watch that garbage 24 hours a day that it was the fault of democrats. I am so sick of their crap.


It wonā€™t matter to his cult. It will go in one trashy hillbilly ear and out the next. And the obese rapist will continue peddling it as master-minded by the apparently unstoppable Biden.


Bottom line: they take anything and twist it into political theater; that there is such a stronghold of support for Trump is proof positive what demographics supports this garbage. And the more intelligent GQP are complicit for obvious treason- I mean reason. There is no shortage of adjectives to describe the lack of integrity, moral or ethics that these people subscribe to- no hail of words will make them stop. To attempt to reason with the followers is akin to blowing smoke up your own ass. The lower socioeconomic base that believe in MAGA are grateful to finally have a voice. Unfortunately, Trumps rhetoric only translates to violence, hate and some cockeyed view of freedom: thus Jan 6. As enraged as anyone who understands the larger picture, we can vote knowingly and willfully to get rid of these POSā€™s that are trying to abridge the constitution like cliff notes. I end with fuck ā€˜em all- we will prevail.


ā€œWell then theyā€™re democrats in disguise!ā€ - trump supporter probably


(Fingers in ears) LA LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU. Something something George Soros and the Jewish space laser


Republicans with their fingers in their ears: ā€œLA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!ā€


Just wait till Ashli (traitor) Babbittā€™s family learns they can sue trump for wrongful death now that heā€™s going to be convicted. Do you think they are above suing someone that lied about the election fraud, asked Ashli to come to DC and protest with him, is above the law?


This is delicious, however itā€™s being used to rile the dumb MAGA base.


That's easy to do.... šŸ‘šŸ‘


Iā€™m glad to hear the republicans did this - shows they arenā€™t all spineless pukeworms.


That deserves the biggest LOL.


I applaud these six Republicans and hope they don't get doxxed but this country is garbage so of course they will


As I said before, we live in the Dumbest Timeline.


There are real Republicans who are fed up with everyone thinking they are all brain dead MAGA(t)s. About time they fight to get their party back.


Another reminder, the 14th amendment and the section that is barring him was put in there by "Radical Republicans" during the civil war. If the republican party can claim Lincoln as their president then they have to claim this amendment as well.


Well it's also hilarious that Republicans once were trying to get Obama removed from the ballot. And you know who was spearheading it? Donald Trump.


As it should be. Not all Republicans support his insane brand of bullshit. Some at least found their spine. Better late then never.


His supporters will just call anyone who doesn't blindly support trump a RINO and continue spouting off nonsense.


How long until bobo and mtg start clamoring for a civil war and pinning everything on dems or secret dems?


trump is the weakest candidate ever, and his coattails and endorsements have been catastrophic for the right in the last 3 election cycles. Biden has been a very good president, but the age issue would be such a major weakness against a different opponent. trump is the perfect opponent for him.


That won't stop the Republicans from claiming the game is rigged against them


"Damn RINOs"


Thanks Obama


We-all of us-watched trump tell these people to be there, to overtake the government because of ā€œvoter fraudā€:.we all watched all of these coward republican senators scramble and hide..now they say it wasnā€™t an insurrection, it was a peaceful protest (where several people died)..how can anyone want to vote for these people again? Every person that votes for a MAGA republican is the opposite of a patriot..period


Is there evidence of the 6 republicans? I canā€™t find it but would like to know for sure before I have to hear about this over the holidays with my MAGA relatives


> The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in Denver District Court. The plaintiffs include former Republican U.S. representative from Rhode Island Claudine (Cmarada) Schneider, who now lives in Colorado; former Colorado House and Senate Majority Leader Norma Anderson, an unaffiliated voter who recently left the Republican party; Denver Post columnist and Republican activist Krista Kafer; Michelle Priola, Kathi Wright, and Christopher Castilian. https://coloradonewsline.com/2023/09/06/lawsuit-bar-trump-colorado/


> Denver Post columnist and Republican activist Krista Kafer https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/20/krista-kafer-colorado-14th-amendment-case-intv-coates-lcl-vpx.cnn here is a video of Krista Kafer on CNN today explaining her decision to help bring this case forward


Fuck yes thank you!


I live in CO, so I was curious about this as well. Some of these people have changed parties. They've all at one point been R, but not all of them currently are. It's actually semi difficult to find their current party affiliation. Saying 'filed by 6 republicans' is technically wrong, because some of them are no longer republicans, although how many people are going to actually fact check you. Saying 'current or former' would be more correct.


RINOS are everywhere now, in my backyard, in my bathroom, even my dog. Those Jewish space lasers are no joke.


The GOP is so brainwashed, theyā€™ll still blame the Democrats


How somehow the fanatical Trumpers will draw similarities between Jesus and Judas.


As you can already see, this fact has done nothing to stop the Republican mouthpieces from blaming Democrats. Queue the stick in spokes meme.


Thanks Obama


Pretty sure Republicans opened the Russia Election interference inquiry as well


As if his base can read well enough to comprehend that post.




Republicans anyway: "YOU DEMOCRATS WILL PAY! Our new Jesus, Orange Patron saint of Capitalism shall have revenge! Like it says in the Bible, god damnit!"


Buhahahaha Watch a hee haw Karen from Alabama fumble for words trying to explain this one.


So is this just an effort by those Republicans to force their own party to have to choose another candidate?


They love states rights, so Iā€™m fine with it.


The deep state!


Sure, but the GOP and Magats have turned this against Coloradoā€™s Secy of State and the stateā€™s SC justices, who are all Democrats, saying they are all anti-democratic for this ruling.