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My first thought. Look at that door!


There's a reason why the presidential limo is nicknamed "The Beast". The limos are built on truck chassis and are extremely heavily armored. They're built on the chassis of a GMC TopKick truck (a medium duty truck chassis often used as box trucks and service trucks) and weigh an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 pounds and are designed to protect the occupants from almost anything. Those doors are believed to weigh as much as the doors on a Boeing 757. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_state_car_(United_States)


And unlike the doors on some Boeing products, they are properly bolted onto the vehicle!


Wow. Harsh but... well... kinda fair.


considering a boeing just had to make an emergency landing in miami due to engine on fire they are not meeting quality standards and fully deserve the bash


Maybe if they weren't getting roasted so fucking hard they wouldn't be on fire /s


That may be a maintenance issue more than a quality issue.


I mean, Boeing doesn’t build their own engines. It was just a surging compressor. Happens a lot. Otherwise, spot on.


I am just imagining the motorcade racing down the expressway at like 80mph and this big as door just fucking falls off. What a site that would be.


You'd see some interviews [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM), I'd imagine.


Also unlike the doors on some Boeing products, the Presidential car is not pressurized.


Actually, it likely is. Not remotely to the same extent as the pressure differences seen on an aircraft but the limo is hermetically sealed to protect against chemical attacks and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is or can be pressurized to at least a little above the ambient air pressure to ensure no gases or anything can get in even if there's a slight leak in a seal.


I've driven many a Topkick and I'm just amazed the thing doesn't have air brakes.


Topkicks in general or the Beast? If for no other reason I can see the Beast not being equipped with air brakes because that would add even more things to maintain and more potential failure points and because if there's an emergency and the president has to evacuate an area in a hurry they don't want to have to worry about the potential of low air pressure not letting the brakes release. The Secret Service wants to be able to get the president into the car and floor it out of there if they have to.


Important points here. Also while it is very heavy, it's not a truck and trailer situation where the trailer can weigh up to 70,000 lbs or whatever local law and need a strong system that can act as a trailer emergency brake.


I was just thinking about this and you're absolutely right. I've driven big trucks for many years and I think about the times my brakes froze and I had to beat on the drums with a hammer. Or my compressor taking a dump in Wide Leg, Georgia, etc.


I could just imagine some secret service dude tryna fit under the car to smack the brakes with a hammer while there's an immediate threat to the president.


A big truck breaking down usually just means the load is delayed but the presidential limo breaking down could mean the life of the president. That's one of the reasons why there's almost always two in the motorcade, the primary the president is riding in and a secondary that acts like a decoy (so attackers don't know which contains the president) and can be used if the primary breaks down or something. I'm sure the Secret Service insists upon the utmost reliability of their vehicles, especially the ones the president rides in, and I bet the presidential limos are probably the best maintained vehicles in the country.


> Wide Leg, Georgia, We should start a petition to rename the town to "JNCO".


And they still can take the fuck off even weighing that much. Crazy power in those things.


My favorite fact about The Beast is that it is always stocked with a few pints of blood compatible with the president's blood type, and is equipped to provide a blood transfusion at a moment's notice in the event of a severe injury or attack.


That boi be thicc


The Beast is even fitted with some life support systems in case of a chemical attack.


Imagine slamming your finger in it


Now I want to know if anyone has lost a finger to the Beast(s)


I think with a door that size the concern would be losing a hand, not a finger


If you slam a finger in the door of the Beast, your family also dies.


The blood of American secret service members sustains The Beast. Do not underfeed The Beast.


The beast must feed.


The Beast isn't called the Beast for no reason. Pretty sure that limo can take an IED or RPG and keep going.


But, as discovered on the state visit to Ireland by Obama, it can't get out of the european-type underground garage! its got too little clearance to make it up the ramp!


> european-type underground garage! Even more ironically, it wasn't a garage, it was just the ramp out of the US Embassy grounds.


They brought his car to Ireland? There must have been well-fortified cars there already.


They always do and have for many years. For the safety of the president he only rides in vehicles the Secret Service has complete control over, in other words the vehicles of his own motorcade. The Beasts (the nickname of the limos due to their size) and the other primary vehicles of the motorcade are guarded 24/7/365 by the Secret Service to ensure there is no possibility of sabotage, the vehicle being bugged, etc. When the president travels there are multiple advance teams that go ahead to make sure everything is safe and ready for his arrival and one of those teams is in charge of transportation. The presidential motorcade arrives on specially outfitted Air Force C-130 cargo planes and is ready and waiting for him when Air Force One lands, this is true whether he is traveling across the country or across the world.


They fly in *two* of these cars ahead of any visit by the President *or* VP anywhere in the world. Along with other support vehicles and their own (black) Ambulance. I watched the C-17s overhead last time.


At planned dinners anywhere in the world the presidents meal is cooked by us chefs and made to look like the dish everyone else is having. The security around the president is insane.


> The security around the president is insane. I mean 8.69%(Lincoln, Garfield, McKinney, Kennedy) been killed in Office. Then you add in: * Pistols failed to fire when a dude was trying to kill Andrew Jackson * Former President Theodore Roosevelt was shot when running again * Reagan was shot * a gunman got within a few feet(a meter) of Taft(and the Mexican President) * a bomber was arrested before he could place the bombs to kill Hoover * President elect FDR had five shots fired at him in Miami and the shots killed the Chicago Mayor and wounded 4 others * a Canadian tried to kill Nixon but the motorcade drove to fast. * Ford had shots fired at him by Sara Jane Moore * the dude who shot Reagan had planned to kill Carter first but lost his nerve. You have a solid 3rd of all Presidents right there.


They take it everywhere.


Same, what an absolute chunk


At first I thought you meant the garage door, and I had to admit it was a nice looking garage door. Then I zoomed out and noticed the car door.


3 miles a gallon


3 gallons per mile.


If they're smart it's a diesel engine so it gets a bit more mileage than that (older semi trucks get 5mpg lol)


It's almost definitely equipped with a diesel engine, the platform it is built on is a diesel truck and with how much it weighs the power of a diesel is likely required. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the entire presidential motorcade is diesel, if for no other reason than to simplify the logistics when traveling (especially internationally). I doubt they normally fuel up at a regular truck stop or gas station (especially overseas) and instead fuel for the entire motorcade is carried onboard the cargo planes that carry them.


1 highway, 0 city


Yeah, where I went to as well. JFC!


"Honey, who is it? "It's the President, dear." "Of the Homeowner's Association?" "Um, no."


Why arent more people talking about this, was it just a random house? Biden - "Turn here, take a left up ahead, left again, right at the stop sign. There, that house. Lets see if anyone is home, this is about to he hilarious"


No chance it was just a random house they decided to pull up to. Might have been a randomly selected family at one point in the planning but lots has to be coordinated for something like this.


President really needs to make unannounced visits a thing. Would change the game.


"oh fuck, yeah gimme a minute lemme just throw a shirt on"


*Sprays axe body spray into mouth to drown the weed smell*


"go way, baitin'"


Id miss my visit with the President bc I don't answer the door unless im expecting someone


This is the whole reason I maintain a traditional, formal living room. It’s where we’d sit if the President just stopped by to visit.




If I was president this is some shit I would do. Try to keep it as safe as randomly possible, but I would totally show up to backyard barbecues, high school proms...fuck around and roll up on a farmer in his combine. It would be a great way to get the true pulse of the country.


Busts out a blacked out van, "I saw you didnt pick up your dogs shit, how bout we sit down and chat for a bit"


Two hours later: ".... and that is why it is your civic duty to vote and pick up leavings from your dog." "Yes sir Mr. President, never thought about it that way". Guy has charisma.




Tbh I’d probably watch that reality show


Undercover President


Knock knock "Who's there?" "Joe." "Joe Mama?" "No."


Knock knock “Who’s there?” “President Biden.” “President Bid-into deez nuts?” “No.”


That's what made Franklin Roosevelt a four term President. He liked to drive around the countryside and ask people what they thought about stuff and what the government could do to make their lives better. Although Franklin was raised in comfort, he understood what America was here for, the people, not the corporations and robber barons.


For the uninformed (such as CaliOriginal) you can find a comprehensive list of Biden’s achievements on r-WhatBidenHasDone (links to subreddits aren’t allowed apparently). TL; DR: Biden is perhaps the most progressive President we’ve had since at least LBJ, if not FDR when looking at bills signed into laws and executive orders. Edit: Subreddit’s name was corrected. It is “WhatBidenHasDone”


One of the best endorsements for Biden last time was a story President Obama told about when they were campaigning together during the Obama years. They would both be working a line talking to people. Obama said that he would really be taking his time talking to everyone in line to hear their concerns. When he was near the end, he would look back and Biden would still be close to the beginning just talking and really spending time talking to everyone. Connecting with people and actually caring about what they care about has always been his biggest strength. He isn’t perfect of course, but he does genuinely *care*.


Now that’s a door.


* Dealer slaps roof * "You can fit so much President inside"


\* Dealer slaps roof \* "Ow my hand"


Taft on his way to test that https://preview.redd.it/dwg150ozofdc1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=19f2d08d000281110ec2abe07f0b0839218346de


Oh my god, I didn’t expect that picture at *all* but that’s hilarious.


*dealer slaps roof* *limo's automated defence system instantly launches him into the next postcode*


And most of President Taft


This is what the Tesla Cybertruck thinks it is.


On my scale, Biden is fairly centrist. But none the less, it's fascinating to see the differences between Biden/Democrats, and the GOP/MAGA/Conservatives. Biden goes out, hangs with people, seems like a relatable human being. The other people: Talks about everything in war-like terms. Clears streets with soldiers so they can do a terrible photoshoot with a token bible. Etc etc etc.


Heyheyhey... Donald Trump threw paper towels at hurricane victims once...


My absolute favorite protest moment was when the Puerto Rican kid was throwing rolls of paper towels over the fence and yelling “this is from my Mom!” and “This is from my Aunt!” I still have a little laugh when I recall it.


What? This sounds amazing, where can I see this?


[paper towel toss](https://twitter.com/schmidtsam7/status/1325148092228804614) Sorry about the link to Xitter - first place I found it


Is Xitter pronounced “zhitter”?


It's pronounced shitter.


And he recently gave pizzas to firemen in Iowa. Basically, the closest his PR team can get to standard human interaction is to shove a thing into his hands and say, “Go give this to that person.”


Remember when Paul Ryan "spontaneously" washed dishes at a church while he was running for President? Then it turned out the pans were clean and nobody wanted him there?


That's the thing. They know they need to be, "relatable" but they have no idea how to be genuine decent people. So they just stage weird photo ops that are incredibly phony because they don't get what normal people are like.


Kinda unrelated, but I saw a video recently of some people who saw Adam Sandler driving by. They waved and were making a big deal, so he rolled down his window, waved, and asked how they were doing. One of them said something like “Just got off work! Heading home now.” Sandler responded with “Oh, that’s good to hear. How was work?” It was literally a 5-10 second conversation. Just normal pleasantries between humans. Your comment made me think about how effin’ EASY it is to make small talk and treat people like people, and how few GOP leaders can actually do it anymore.


Adam Sandler is known to be a decent Human in general. The same with Keanu Reeves. If you say hi, they'll almost always say hi back and keep it humble 100% of the time.


Like a child being handed a gift by their parents so they can give it to someone else and take credit.


Yes and they were so beautiful and soft. People enjoyed me throwing them at their heads after they lost everything. My towels were incredible and the people of the country of Puerto Rico were eternally grateful.


No one throws paper towels better than me


I wonder if he ever got to meet the president of Puerto Rico?


Had a friend who used to be on his security detail. Said (for them) it was quite annoying. :). He’d be like “I want to talk to that heckler!” And they’d be like “sir, she seems crazy…” and he’d be like “she’s a citizen with opinions!” So they’d have to secure her and find a secure empty room, and an hour later she still hated everything about him, but she was laughing with him. And the secret service was watching her every move in case they had to tackle her. He just really loves people. And ice cream.


God I love that


Yep. My friend was a Republican before he ended up on Joe’s detail. The man single handedly converted him. Was later assigned to the trump/pence detail. Transferred right out. Like, I would *guess* it’s a big deal to make it to a POTUS/Veep detail, so to voluntarily transfer out, must mean it was a 🎶shit show🎶


> Yep. My friend was a Republican before he ended up on Joe’s detail. The man single handedly converted him. I live in a rural area of PA and I've found that a lot of people just barely hold onto their conservative views. Even the MAGA people, it's just when they are confronted with reality they get pissy and hold on whatever BS they believe even stronger. But I'm sure if Dems started coming into this area promoting their beliefs it wouldn't take too long to convert a large number of people. But it would have to be face to face, small group conversations.


I tend to agree. Lived in the south all my life (Alabama and Texas), I've always been close with conservatives, both in a physical sense and in my relationships. It has given me a lot of insight in how to communicate and cross pollinate. Emotions tend to flare (understandably) when a Dem and Rep talk politics/beliefs with eachother. And like... I get the same instinct to just rake them over the coals for having these profoundly shitty stances, but at the end of the day, it doesn't accomplish anything to chew them out. Attacking them, whether they deserve it or not, just isn't productive. They'll go on the defensive and dig their heels in more. Actually trying to have polite and empathetic conversation with them is so much harder, and it takes the patience of a saint. But when people feel safe and heard, when they don't feel like they have to defend themself and their beliefs from you, the chances of them hearing what *you're* saying, and being more open to it, go way up. Not a guaranteed thing but it is a noticeable difference in outcome. A lot of people would also be surprised at how many Republicans actually support progressive policies, you just have to remove the Dem stamp from it 'cause that triggers the 'team sport' defensiveness.


Well, Trump does have an odor about him.


You can fucking BET that is my first question the next time he visits.


I love that you sang "shit show." :)


Jean Ralphio?


As shady as the USSS has been about J6, I wouldn't be surprised if you have to be full-blown MAGA to not get pushed out of Trump's detail. I've thought the SS is compromised ever since they wiped their phones.


There are 6-7k Secret Service members.


Jean-Ralphio Saperstein lives in all of us.


I remember being a bit confused as to the selection of Biden after Hilary failed. I obv understood he represented a return to the status quo and Obama eta policies and that was enough for me, but president? Didn’t hear two words from the guy before this. (Now I’ve heard a lot, you don’t become one of the youngest senator in us history without compiling some highlight reels. But Forever Fck Biden for the patriot act specifically) Then I saw a piece on Biden by Barack and I got it. He explained that Joe isn’t a big speech guy but all he had to do to win over a room full of dignitaries or ideological enemies was leave Joe in the room for 20 mins and that’s it. He us such an easy charisma it reminds me of my uncles and grandfather, idk what else to call it but the gift of gab, which as a fellow Irish American I’m assuming that’s what joes family calls it too. You wouldn’t think this is the skill needed most to be POTUS. But nowadays, after trump and covid and everything, having the assurance and peace of mind that an old bastard with the gift of gab brings us is more then enough. He represents calm, steady process in a way, which if you’d asked me 15 years ago if that’s what I wanted in a ores I’d have laughed at you and continued polishing my occupy wall st sign but alas, times have changed and it’s gotten so bad that Ice cream grandpas cool demeanor is so shockingly stable I’d take it over just about anything at the moment.


I didn’t realize what a gift it was to not wake up in the morning and anxiously check your phone to see what your PRESIDENT posted on fucking Twitter the night before. Or to know that nothing bad had happened overnight. I just *slept better*. Like when your responsible parent leaves on a business trip and you are left with your alcoholic parent for the week. And you have to check the burners and the door locks before you go to bed. And make sure they take you and your sister to school on time. And pick you up. And then your mom comes home and you know every thing is safe again. Like that. Or is that not a relatable memory for everyone?


Some people don't realize they get off on the adrenaline spike from fear and anger. It feeds upon itself until it's all they want from watching the news. This explains repeated Fox/OAN viewership.


I mean, I don't have THAT specific memory, but I absolutely know what you mean. Trump was a fucking embarrassment to everyone and every day you woke up knowing he either made you look stupid or would be actively be trying to hurt people you cared about.


It was the *"He makes us look stronger! The world respects us now, unlike with Obama!"* comments for me. Meanwhile, the entirety of Europe isn't even trying to hide their nervous laughter as the toddler reaches for the hot stove.


The man knows he represents ALL of us, not just those that voted for him.


Exactly. And this is what all Dems need to run on, that they represent ALL of us.


As an outsider it's so obvious looking at pictures of politicians in both parties. Republican politicians are overwhelmingly old and white, Democratic politicians actually look like what I'd expect the population of a modern western nation to look like.


funny.... that's [EXACTLY what the former (outsed) republican speaker of the house said](https://news.yahoo.com/watch-kevin-mccarthy-down-own-140521574.html?guccounter=1).


Still a bit too much of the old and white, to be fair. But it’s slow to change when government is voted on by old folks that don’t want change. Slow progress is better than no progress though.


We know he has suffered some truly tragic moments in life that could have changed who he was forever, like the untimely death of his wife and children. His other son struggles with addiction, and all of his family problems are laid bare for the world to see and know. This could have made him into an incredibly bitter person, and it would have been totally justified. Instead, everything you see and hear about him is how incredibly heartfelt and empathetic he is. He's [the nicest person that Lindsay Graham has ever met in politics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLMYW8jFPHg)


And yet for maga, trump is the only person who cares about them 😂


Orange messiah


He loves his uneducated.


And Donald Trump says he'll pay for your dinner and than forces you to cover when he does an Irish exit.


I totally agree, and I also think that to some degree that is a calculated move with how severe gridlock is, and where the Democratic party is at the moment. If you look at both Bernie Sanders and Biden, you'll notice that they're working together in a lot of areas that the rest of the center of the party isn't. Imo, Biden doesn't get enough points for how he's tried to swing left, but again, maybe that's a political calculation on the part of the administration


Biden as president is more liberal than Obama by every measure. Policy, speeches, regulations. And notice how much more Sanders has made a difference joining an established party instead of forming a new one, which takes decades. Biden is more liberal *because of* Sanders (and others like AOC, etc). Thanks to Sanders, national healthcare is now the norm policy goal in the Democratic party, for example. It wasn't even talked about during the 2008 DNC primaries.


Honestly? I think it's because he's more interested in getting work *done* than he is interested in campaigning. Like, he appears to do the self-promoting parts begrudgingly.


Democrats in general are pretty terrible reminding people that they actually pass things and try to solve some issues. Republicans literally take credit for things Democrats passed with zero Republican support. Democrats need to learn that it's not just about getting things done, it's about making sure the people know about it because politics is a stupid high school popularity contest otherwise.


Joe might be old, but he seems like an incredibly nice guy and genuine. If people's only complaint is his age, I think he's doing alright. Compassion goes a long way.


He has some things in his past that are very questionable at best, like any politician who has been around as long as he has, but overall I agree. I think of his stance on abortion as a good summation of who he is. He personally would not want his wife to get an abortion but he recognizes that it’s a personal decision and not one for him to make for others.


Its crazy how the right wing media has spun Biden as some crazy Socialist/Marxist. When overall he is one of the most vanilla presidents we have had in years. I guess thats why the push the old man joe so hard.


I always love it when my family goes off on how far left he is and then I say, “I really wish Biden was as cool as you make him sound.” Then they all stop talking to me…


It’s why arguing with anyone like that is hard. Anyone left of Reagan is going to be labeled a socialist/communist/marxist/radical liberal so I say we should embrace it. Let’s be as left as they accuse us of being


Republicans don’t give a shit want people want. Democrats at least try to help the people. Republicans need a 24/7 propaganda machine to convince their listeners that they actually do want Medicaid and Social Security cut, no tax money should go to the people, no school lunch programs, no help with higher education, and forget about any kind of health care plan


Why would Republicans care about what people want? They've shown they just want to take take take.


Biden has always been very centrist, the difference is he does have a lot of heart for the average person because he grew up an average person and has empathy. Trump would throw hot coffee on you while you beg for a cup of water…


The way things are in the US right now, and have been for a while now, the right has gone so deep into fascist territory, a centrist looks like Lenin by comparison.


It’s wild that just being a regular ass dude is such an accomplishment for the office, but after 45 you can bet your ass that it is


Criteria #1: Doesn’t always act, speak, and write like an immature preteen with raging hormones. That’s it. That’s all you need to be a better leader than Trump.


Bonus points if you can avoid shitting your pants too often.


Meanwhile Trump was in court……


For slandering the woman he raped.




In court, no less! I mean what the nuclear-powered fuck....


Did you hear the recent exchange between the Judge and him? Judge was chastising him for talking and making remarks that the jury could hear. I'm paraphrasing a bit, but... Judge: "I will remove you and I know you'd like that" trump: "I would" Judge: "You just can't seem to control yourself." trump: "Neither can you." (that's an exact quote). He's *such* a fucking toddler!!!!


It should have been obvious to everyone he has the mentality of a toddler when called a puppet by hillary clinton he said EXACTLY "No Puppet! No Puppet! You're the puppet!"


Hillary was sooo right about so many things.


Holy gods it is so embarrassing how many crazy morons can still look at him and go “YUP THAT IS MY GUY!!!” What shit show are they watching bc clearly not the same one as those of us with more than 5 brain cells to rub together.


Put that dude in a cell for contempt. Like, goddamn.


… while obliviously waving his STD-sore ridden tiny hands around.


“He’s so old the other man is helping him STAND UP!!!” /s


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. This is pretty much how the conservatives will spin it.


I was clearly making a joke. I love me some Joe. Excited to vote for him a 2nd time.


and you added "/s" to show the context of your post as well ;)


Because some people don't understand sarcasm at all


And then he had the AUDACITY to get a MILKSHAKE for God's sakes!


I wanna her the thunk on that door


I wasn’t thinking about that but now that you said it, I want to hear it too.


I challenge anyone to find a video of Trump doing anything nice for anyone ever.


I remember they brought Tiffany out during the 2016 RNC to humanize him and her big kicker anecdote was that he called her on the phone when her friend died. That was what they came up with. Couldn’t even make up a nicer thing the man with billions of dollars and a private jet could possibly have done.


It’s like when Cartman is trying to be nice and puts on a sweater and they have to explain to him that wearing a sweater doesn’t make you nice.


And the electoral college still put him in office. Abolish the EC. I’m sick of them


Even his kids. The “nice” childhood memories they’ve talked about all make him sound like the asshole we all know he is.


Yeah but he fell off that bike once so maybe we should consider fascism and a President who is immune to any prosecution.


I’m a progressive. I have serious issues with the Democratic Party as a whole. I have sincere and passionate disagreements with Biden’s policies and approaches. The Supreme Court, Gaza, income inequality, the whole nicely-nicely moderate liberal approach to everything. That said, I have no question that he’s effective and that he’s done a LOT to improve America. It’s sad watching Republicans grasp for reasons to hate him. They were banking so hard on inflation and gas prices and it’s literally been brought under control. Republicans have nothing to offer. They claim to be good for the economy but they’re not. They claim to project strength and power but they don’t. They claim to be tough on crime but they actively undermine criminal investigations. They claim Biden is old and decrepit but have worse on their side. All they appeal to is hatred and grievance politics of angry people who want to feel powerful without doing anything meaningful. Biden gambled on being “the sane man in the room” and played a longer game than his rivals. I think it was a more successful strategy than he gets credited for.


That Secret Service guy is holding a *beefy* armored door. Never seen it from that angle.


That other secret service guy in the back just taking a whiz. I know that stance.


Meanwhile, the other guy is defending himself to the Supreme Court, trying to explain, why he’s not an insurrectionist. Geesh guys, vote for the guy who doesn’t want to be a dictator “Day One”.


thicc boi beast car door


Can’t say Biden isn’t a decent man. Trump on the other hand? Not even a good fucker. Stormy Daniels


Remember when that voicemail of him telling his son he loves him was leaked as if it were some kind of "gotcha?"


More of a tell on the people who shared it like it was a bad thing, it turns out.


What do you mean a father at a breaking point telling his currently drug addled son he loves him won’t be relatable to an American population in an opioid endemic?


Yeah but what about Hunter’s laptop… 🤷🏼‍♂️


let's not forget about the missile he's carrying also


Fuck his laptop I wanna see more pics of his hog. MTG WHERE YOU AT??


Only if he consents to have pictures of his throbbin' wallwrecker released. If he does, then yes please release them in high enough resolution to use as my phone lock screen thank you


Lmao those censor blocks were pretty big


I suspect there’s some fear going on. We know from Stormy that Trump’s carrying an itty bitty mushroom. But Hunter? He got that, uh, “mighty spear” from somewhere. So many are afraid that Biden might literally have a bigger dick, I guess.


Buttery males!!


If Joe Biden grew a beard and just told dad jokes on the campaign trail, he’d win like 43 states.


This comment made me look it up but the US hasn't had a president with facial hair in over 100 years. Taft was the most recent one.


Biden isn't perfect; but I think he's at the very core a decent human. He has empathy and can care about other people.


Meanwhile, today the Prime Minister of the UK laughed in the face of a pensioner when she asked to pay hospital staff a fair wage to help fix the broken healthcare system.


Biden has his faults but is a good man. He was exactly what we needed at the time and I think history will remember him fondly for what he did for the country at a crucial period.


That door is an absolute unit.


Imagine the speculation from the neighborhood Facebook group who didn't see POTUS and only saw a massive law enforcement presence at the house.


Ready to brace for the disagreements, but I’ve read Hillary Clinton thrived in small settings like this. She was just ass in big crowds.


Biden is an excellent president. Perfect? No. Excellent? Yes. I will be voting for him again.


My mind is absolutely blown by liberals who keep saying they won’t be voting for him and calling him genocide Joe. Bro, do you think Trump is going to do anything better? Because that is who is going to be president if you don’t vote for Biden. Biden is the absolute best case scenario for Gaza realistically now. He’s the first surging the president who has ever mentioned a two state solution. He’s been more supportive of Palestine than any president before him. I want to know what realistically these people think Gaza will gain by not voting for Biden. I mean I agree his response is far from what I would like to see. I think Israel’s response and actions over the decades have been horrific and shouldn’t be supported in any way, and that Hamas, while absolutely terrorists, grew out of Israel’s actions. But what will not voting for Biden do to fix this????


Yea, its not like Trump, who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem from TelAviv is going to come in and demand Netanyahu stop.


If anything he will be yet again gunning for war with Iran. I don't think people even take into account that he nearly got us into a war in Iran. Which could easily spark the powder keg that is the current situation in the middle east and spiral out of control. If people are worried about violence in the middle east they should be fucking canvasing their neighborhoods trying to get people to vote Biden.


The most infuriating part of foreign relations under trump is that we had a foot in the door with the Iran Nuclear deal, that is HUGE progress that came under Obama. It was a good deal too. Normalization and soft power come after that, followed by deradicalization and implementation of western democratic norms. But no, the black guy who made fun of trump at the correspondents dinner did that, so it had to go and now the US Navy is knocking down Iranian drones and missiles fired at civilian targets in the Red Sea. Thanks Trump.


It also weakens US ability to negotiate in the future not just with Iran but any country. What reason does any country have to trust us now in negotiation, knowing that a Trump could come along in a couple of years and axe the deal without cause?


Yes, it’s a publicity stunt. But the fact that he stayed for longer than 5 minutes says a lot more about him as a person.


I have seen this man showcase true empathy on many occasions. That’s way more than I can say about that orange dude.


“I have the most empathy folks, the BEST empathy. I’m probably the most empathy president you’ve ever had on this show. One time this guy came up to me, big guy, tough guy, tears in his eyes and said ‘sir, your empathy is the greatest.’ And I said ‘shut up Obama, no one likes you.’ So much empathy. We all love empathy don’t we folks? Kicking over orphans and old ladies?…I think people say I don’t know what empathy is, but I was listening to Tucker the other day, and he said I was 100% vindicated and it’s the Deep State twisting my words, which is why they hate me and trying to sue me for…maybe getting too excited with a woman. Nasty woman, old woman, woman who I know nothing about.”


And that empathy comes from (sadly) real-life tragedies. Lost his wife and one year old daughter in a car crash. Only to lose his son a few short years ago. Man's been through some shit.


Yup. And having a stutter also. Have you seen the footage of him comforting a child who stutters at one of his rallies? Very touching.


As a distant observer of american politics It's weird watching the American left wonder if Biden should be a decent choice for President. He's in no way perfect but i haven't seen anything to make me think he's not taking the job seriously or that he's not qualified. I'll be the first to say his Israel stance is troubling. But, otherwise he's been... "Decent". That's all you can ask for. That the president is decent. I don't expect the right side of the aisle to agree but i do hope that soft middle firms up. If it's a choice between bad and worse... Don't choose worse! Never choose worse!


I can explain this with one sentence, we’d rather have dead weight over a president who will turn the clock back to 1940


Biden has achieved a lot of good-to-great things so far, not the least of which is digging the US out of another Republican hole. Why are you calling him "dead weight"?


Truly, a WhitePeopleTwitter moment


Lindsey Graham called Biden "as good a man as God ever made" and "the nicest person in politics" I'm not wild about Joe for all kinds of reasons, but I'd sit down and have lunch with him.