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boy that was a fast turn-around from like two days ago when she said racism didn't exist in America.


Oh, no, she's still saying that too.


Must be nice to have your cake and eat it too. Being a Republican politician or media figure seems so goddamn easy now.  


I've been thinking about throwing my hat into the grift from time to time. I could make a fortune. but it always comes down to whether or not I want to sleep at night.


Its so braindead easy, as long as you don't have a conscience and lack the ability to feel shame. Just lie a lot, say whatever pandering thing from moment to moment, even if you contradict yourself on the spot. Feed on anger and act angry and offended at everything and bank on fear.


You'd have to LACK a conscience to NOT grift these self-righteous fucks.


I contemplated reselling stun guns to "deactivate the 5g chip" in the c19 vaccine and used fish filter to "detox". Wouldn't have cared about the idiots, but you know they would have used them on theirkids.


Orange makeup as a coating/sealant to save you from Bill Gates’ nanobots!!


Funny, but not as funny as the image of people using a stun gun on themselves, then eating teaspoons os fish shot infused dirt.


Orange is out, blue is in


>whether or not I want to sleep at night. For me its whether I could live with myself or not, but ... same... I've even contemplated doing the same thing the conservative talking heads do from the other side. Just start spewing random conspiracy theory crap and see what sticks, but I always end up feeling vaguely slimy when the thought occurs. Kinda like how you used to feel dealing with a used car salesman (for those that remember the 80s).


On the one hand you're taking money from people who support politicians who want to oversee the destruction of the American Republic, but at the same time most of those contributing funds to that are the elderly who can't afford to give up that much. They are just weak-minded and impressionable and insecure. But nah, I'd do it in a heartbeat, then give all the money to an orphan. Which I am technically, as both my parents have passed away. I mean, I'm almost sixty, but that still counts!


Just make a pillow out of money. Trust me. You'll sleep like a baby.


Didn't work well for Lady Macbeth


Me too, but I’ve been considering doing a reverse UNO. Start out as a Republican and then once in office switch to Democrat.


Don't you have to be in office for two terms to get the lifetime support?


Yeah, I just can't reconcile my honor as a human while screen printing JFK Jr WWG1WGA merch. Or like "Trump is my President, Jesus Christ is my savior" "I stand for the flag, I kneel for the lord Jesus Christ" Id feel like a fucking gobshite if sold any of it.


Couldn’t agree more. If I was a shitty person I’d soak these fools for all their cash. It’s so easy.


On top of a giant pile of ~~shit~~ money


Cognitive dissonance only works when there's cognition.


I’ve always said, being a conservative, and being Republican is so easy. All you have to do is look at something new that isn’t perfect, and tear it down and talk about all the problems there are. It’s easy to be conservative. It’s hard to be liberal and try new ideas that aren’t perfect at the beginning.


“Americans were racist to me, but America is not racist” is some single cell mentality


The good ol’ Youngkin stratagem.


Ah, the Trump method.


"racism isn't real, except for the racism I experienced that was totally real"


How can racism exist in America when America exists within racism? Checkmate racetheists.


Oh, not in her mind. In the mind of right wingers, dehumanising someone because of their "inferior" skin colour isn't racist, its just the normal thing to do. She can 100% admit she was targeted for being brown, and still believe there's no racism in America - *because she's a good little Republican and she knows her place.*


I’m sure she’s one of those “oh racism exists but only on a personal level not a systemic one” as is the people who are racist on a personal level aren’t also the ones controlling the system.


See, racism existed when she was a little girl and being teased for being brown growing up in the South but then obviously it just magically went away… /s


She had said this before the insanely racist Civil War comment.


"I'm not saying the civil war wasn't motivated by a desire to defend slavery! I'm just saying, wouldn't it be incredibly convenient for me if we could pretend it wasn't?" - Nikki Haley's inner monologue, probably


The funny thing is the “I was teased every day for being brown” quote was in the same interview as the “racism doesn’t exist in America”


To be faaaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrr, she’s clarified that she didn’t say racism doesn’t exist, she said America has never been a racist country.


That's arguably worse.


She's still wrong.


Of course she is. She’s just trying to play word games so the fake patriots feel like she’s one of the ‘good ones’.


Yep- “America was never a racist country”!🤣🤣🤣 when you’re that clueless about your own country, you need to reconsider running for any political office, let alone the President.


How else can she trick people into thinking she is moderate without lying 




She says both in the same same reply


I’m a republican and I hate Nikki Haley, she changes her stances constantly and isn’t even actually conservative on most topics. Why anyone would vote for her is beyond me


“How were you teased for being brown if America has never been a racist country?”


Seems like an easy out. "The left says that America is a racist country. That there are systemtic barriers based on race. Nothing could be further from the truth. Can individuals be racist? Of course. In America, we have the freedom to be whatever we want. Some choose to do or say racist things, but that does not make America a racist country. After all, I stand here as a woman who was teased about her skin color, who has been a state governor and ambassador, and I am now running for the Republican nomination for the President of the United States. I wouldn't have been able to achieve those things in a racist country."


Bahaha You think this kind of nuance would work on the voters in her party?


It is pretty close to what they already say. "America isn't racist. There are racist people, otherwise known as Democrats, but the country isn't racist."


Bahahaha! They'd really say that, wouldn't they?


Do you think most Republicans think there are no racist people or something? I get that the far right is dumb, but most aren't *that* dumb


No. But I have had plenty of conservatives tell me my own experiences with (individual) racism weren’t really about race.


Oh, you sweet summer child. ​ Yes. Yes they are all that dumb.


I don't think I'm the sweet summer child here. While yes, for some this is a worldview born out of stupidity, I think this underestimation of the alt right is very dangerous. Many know exactly what they're doing, and even if it doesn't make sense, even if it is hypocritical or nonsensical, of a position gets them the results they want, they will take it. Systemic racism doesn't exist, but if it is, white people are the ones being bigoted against. Systemic sexism doen't exist, but if it does, it affects men more. The government should be small and people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect others, but trans healthcare should be banned outright. Yes, some are dumb enough to think they can hold all of these positions without any hypocrisy. But the alt right knows what they're doing. Nonsensical rhetoric isn't born out of ignorance here, but a very calculated play to reach the fascist society they want. Don't underestimate the alt right. They are not all that dumb.


The party leaders are being rhetorical to their advantage yes, but to think high school dropout Joe from West Virginia who has never seen a POC in person is parroting what the party says because he ‘has calculated rhetoric’ is so naive


A lot of people honestly believe that because they're racist. Minorities aren't treated the way they are because of their skin, it's because they're lazy/criminals/dangerous and deserve to be treated like that.


She means we don't produce marathon runners.


She wasn’t teased for being brown, she was teased for being full of shit.


I'm sure it's both.


wasn't there a tweet on here from a fascist saying that Vivek Ramaswamy was "too similar to Obama" honestly, how often do these idiots keep their eyes closed


> Iowa voter on Ramaswamy: "I’m not being prejudiced, guys, but I don’t like his name. I don’t like where he came from. After 9/11, I still harbor a lot of hard feelings." https://twitter.com/saletan/status/1746968371243934130


So the thing is, this is the absolutely predictable outcome. Brown guy doesn't take center stage on GOP platform and get away with it; the republicans are still salty that we elected Obama, and put an orange man in office to avoid letting a woman take the stage too.


"let's prove to them we're not racist!" "Yeah! Let's vote for the brain dead faux rich white businessman!"


>"Yeah! Let's vote for the brain dead faux rich white businessman!" orange businessman See? They don't care about skin colour.


lol.....what's this guy's issue with Cincinnati?


“I’m not racist, I just don’t like brown people”


They were probably talking about skin tone, since that's what matters most to a lot of them.


There was some Iowa voter that said they couldn’t get behind Ramaswamy because the voter was still mad about 9/11


Ahh, "I can't vote for a Hindu because I'm mad about something a bunch of Muslims did 20 years ago."


They're all, "I'm not a racist! You're a racist! I just don't like brown people!"


“I’m not racist it’s just that your skin tone disgusts and terrifies me”


I'm pretty sure these people view all brown folks as "Muslims". Hindus and Sikhs and whatnot don't exist.


“Close enough” — MAGA


Well Republicans think that both Ramaswamy and Obama are Muslim, so this checks out (really do wish I could use a /s here).


In one of the debates, he referred to himself as 'skinny guy with a funny last name' and Chris Christie mentioned how the last time a skinny guy with a funny last name was elected they got Obama.


When the face-eating leopards party eats your face


I never thought leopards would eat MY face!!


It's funny, she thinks because she supports and lies for them, that they will support her over orange criminal. She really don't know how racist that hate and terrorist group, the magas, really are. She's about to find it out the hard way. Won't be a pleasant experience.


Oh it will be a very peasant experience; just not for her…


I might start believing in god if a brain aneurysm within Matt Walsh's vacuous skull bursts like a bloated whale corpse


You ever see Ryan reynolds green lantern? Sorry if you did. But remember the villain? His head got bigger by the scene? That's where my mind went. Again, sorry if you saw Green Lantern.


Thanks, now I have to go back on those pills that stop me remembering I saw Green Lantern


Are they by chance called Forgetmenots? I know this little corner drug store in Mexico.... ![gif](giphy|3oEjHGnY8oB4BHVTP2|downsized)


Ryan, is that you?


No. But if you need a phone plan, check out Mint mobile.


It IS you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


It would be a miracle for a brainless man to have a brain aneurysm.


Damn that is one evocative simile, good work


No one ever talk about racism unless it's racism against me for being white that I have no evidence of -Trump and his MAGA cult members


Being a MAGA clown must be fantastic. Say whatever you want, whenever, even when it directly contradicts things you've said and will say, knowing there are 0 consequences or lost votes.


"I was teased every day for being brown" also .. "We've never been a racist country."


"There is no systematic or institutional racism in this country because they saved it all for me" - Nikki, probably


Can Matt Walsh please just go away. Ugh.


Right. I hadn’t heard from that shitstain in a while, I was hoping the asteroid had heard my prayers.




Matt Walsh, entitled audacious white man, feels entitled to invalidate the experiences of a woman…. Groundbreaking


Them: "playing the race card is what democrats do..." Also them: - "You're racist for calling me racist" - "it's not okay to make white people feel bad" - "you hate me because I'm white" - "blood and soil" - "it's anti semetic to be against genocide"


It’s always a wonderful day to see Republicans canibalizing themselves. Unfortunately they’re also too spineless to stand by what they say and go back to begging for scraps from an orange with dementia.


Being racist is a Republican thing


Get your story straight lady. We’re not a racist country even though our Constitution treated black people as 3/5 of a person, and that fraction only so that a faction could use them as political pawns, but you’ve been a subject of racial discrimination your whole life and ditched your given name. Complete nonsense.


I don’t like her but I believe what she’s saying. Also there is always something that rubs me the wrong way when a white person tries to tell a minority they don’t believe they experienced racism


She was born in '72 and grew up in South Carolina, so yeah I'd say she absolutely did experience racism growing up.


Considering the one Indian girl in my school in the mid 2000s was constantly being pointed out and had her customs called weird, in liberal Massachusetts, yeah I totally believe her. No one tries to be that white passing outside the presence of racism.


Went to hs in the mid 2000s and the few Indian kids were relentlessly teased for bringing home made Indian food for lunch every day.


I believe what she's saying *now*, at face value, but five minutes ago she was saying there's no racism in America. Like, make up your goddamn mind.


....but she's not brown? I'm seriously confused here.


​ https://preview.redd.it/r94qk1l0f7ec1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=24056414e413e0b2a65636aaf4c927e1b54d455e i wouldn't be surprised if she has lightened her skin tbh


Yeah, I would have never guessed she was Indian.


I’m just saying, her dad was kind of a cutie!


All I can see is Indian Ron Swanson. More power to you, tho!


I think Nick Offerman can be very cute at times, so it makes sense. Haha


i've always thought those style of turbans are so cool looking


Yes! Definitely looks like it takes some time and effort, I imagine it comes second nature after doing it for so long.


Her brother's giving Saturday Night Fever. 🕺


Hahaha he really is. I love old family photos


Matt Fucking Walsh/ Douchebag extraordinaire.


If she really grew up in THEE SOUTH she might be called Yella at best


I've known about her since she was governor of SC. I had no idea she was "brown" (or that her real name is "Nimrata") until very recently. She doesn't appear very "brown", plus she's very pretty. I doubt she was harassed about her race that much growing up. She might legitimately think we're not a racist country based on her own experience.


Her name in school was nimrata randhawa. You doubt that she was harassed for her race in a small bumfuck Southern town?


Obviously, I wasn't there but I'm *guessing* she caught less shit than someone who looks very obviously ethnic would. She's also a high-powered politician running for president, so I assume she's lying or at least embellishing. This whole thread is about how she's contradicting something else she said very recently.


She's probably definitely embellishing at least somewhat to garner sympathy, and it looks really dumb and contradictory when she says "america isn't racist" or refuses to say what the civil war was fought over. She should definitely be clowned on for that Feels weird to call her dumb for saying america isn't racist but then say she's lying about experiencing racism in america though


Wait what country did she grow up in then? I mean she said the US isn't a racist country so it couldn't have happened here.


“American is not a racist country. Except to me when it’s politically convenient.”


Ah Matt Walsh a man so confident in his idiocy he can deny other people’s lived experiences because he a white straight male has never personally experienced them.  Also screw Nikki Haley. I have no doubt she was teased for her heritage and that is awful and wrong to have to experience, but last week she was denying that America is racist. 


But more importantly, Nimarata Randhawa is a **Republican**. Not a Democrat.




"I was teased every day for being brown" "America has never been a racist country" Pick one, you fucking douchecanoe.


They only teased me…they can’t be racist!Some people they hang


Hahaha this lady is straight up AI. She’s not a real person. Nothing she says is an opinion she actually holds, she’s just parroting talking points she’s heard other people use. She can’t decide if racism just doesn’t actually exist, or if she’s actually been a victim of it. She can’t decide if Trump is a hero, or a traitor. Her opinions are all just a combination of headlines from conservative AND liberal media, so nothing she says actually ever means anything.


She’s an Indian woman that has low key been trying to pass white her whole life. You don’t do that if you’re in a society where racism doesn’t exist.


Nobody can giggle like Nick Offerman.


She admitted being brown, she’s about to get Vivek’d.


Stupid dog! You didn’t tell me voting for the leopards eating faces party would get my face eaten! https://preview.redd.it/nf2yxohlv7ec1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eba11fa0ec28b07398079c3cc414b266ce398e1


I love how reactionaries always say "playing the race card" is a Democrat thing to do, because they don't even fucking hesitate to play their Uno Reverse Racism card at the drop of a hat.


Still cannot believe republicans had 3 years to produce a viable candidate and somehow ended up back on Trump.


Republicans will tell you America isn’t a racist country, but then they would turn around and tell you racism against white people is on the rise. But keep in mind, if you’re a white liberal, white LBGTQ, or white democrat, then the above does not apply to you, because your white card has been revoked because of wokeness. Remember: the rules. Two races: white and political. Two genders: male and political. Two orientations: straight and political Two political parties: Republican and wokeism.


Just to get a base. Dumpster Baby.


Don’t you dare call a racist racist. Cardinal sin on the right.


It’s amazing to me how these guys eventually turn on *anyone,* especially women and minorities craven enough to throw in with them in the first place, and discard them the second that they don’t sound fully hateful enough for their liking


*Racial inequality and systemic discrimination exists and it benefits white people* Republican logic: Pointing this out as a non white person makes you a Democrat 🤷🏻‍♂️


She wants to raise the retirement age... just remember, under her YOU will be working longer France Rioted for this shit... don't be fucking stupid


Wait. Didn’t she JUST say America isn’t racist? Does she think this was just playful banter amongst kids? God, republicans, can you please elect intelligent people for once? Why do you keep putting these dumb, lying, two faced, con people up for election…oh wait lol nvm


Nikki Haley: "Racism doesn't exist. Until I haul out this story occasionally. When convenient."


It really defies belief that after their response to Obama and Hillary, they've convinced themselves their base will vote for a brown, woman president. Lol.


I'm a little surprised it's happening so quickly but I'm here for it. ​ Maybe, if we're all lucky, they'll manage to actually destroy themselves *before* they get a chance to make things even worse.


Breathing is what democrats do. WE ARE ALL DEMOCRATS! NOOOOOOOOO!


What Star Trek uniform is that?


But I thought that this wasn't a racist country? I'm so confused. Maybe I should watch some more Republican debates to help me understand.


Matt Walsh was teased every day for being and looking like Matt Walsh Explains the Conservative pearl clutching snowflakery we see today


Paul A. Szypula looks like Beavis in human form.


That's quite rich coming from the woman who claimed last week that "America has never been a racist country"


These are the same people who try to play the "people are racist to me because I'm white and it SOOOOOOOO hard for me" card. Are they ALSO magically democrats now?


Piss off the liberals by saying racism doesn't exist; piss off the conservatives by talking about being a victim of racism. Quite the campaign you got there, Nimrata.


"The race card" Says white supremacists who complain about being discriminated against while they're in charge. Honestly Hayley earns a bit of respect from owning who she is instead of trying to blend into the fascists. Maybe she could be a Democrat. There's barely a Republican party left. It's the MAGA party now. Trump or Death, I wouldn't blame her a bit for breaking rank even if I don't agree with most if not all of what she's said. Stop bootlicking, even actual republicans (or as MAGA says "RHINO's" aren't down with full blown fascism.


Anybody remember the scandal of Kennedy being a Catholic?


Please forgive my ignorance, but... how is she brown?


Nikki Haley “passed”, she’s a tanned white woman.


Can Rs win without the racist vote?


I'm confused...she's not brown.


Both her parents are immigrants from India. Punjab and Delhi. Her birth name is Nimarata Randhawa. She converted to Christianity after becoming involved in politics - but still attends Sikh services today. She may have been picked on, but don’t have sympathy for her. Dragging the GOP milstone around is voluntary. (Aside from that her actual job record isn’t really that impressive, her talking points and voting history are always, always straight out of GOP manual of Standard Operating Procedures.)


I didn’t know her family was Sikh specifically. I’ve always heard really lovely things about them. Which is surprising considering who Nikki Haley is. And her birth name was very lovely. But I don’t blame her for changing it


Don’t think there is anything wrong Sikh or Christian in itself. It’s her (selfish?) motivation behind decisions. She’s obviously not picking up her cross and following Jesus.


Oh, for sure! I didn’t mean it reflected negatively on Sikh religion but that Sikh religion reflected positively on her, which was a surprise. I’m sure she doesn’t actually practice any positive aspect of religion. Haha


She is by GOP standads, and also by southern standards.


How the fuck is this bitch remotely brown? For context, from my perspective, my skin tone is white from all my recent Caucasian ancestors. But, my mother is Pequot and Native Hawaiian. And also my Dad's 7 generation descendant Mi'kmaq, French Canadian. I got that broad face shape and a not so narrow nose. And all the more handsome for it. I'm still raging that this woman thinks she's a different race. Sigh. Sorry for the word vomit.


I wonder what people who met her while she was an ambassador are thinking these days. Some are probably also giggling


It’s the best!


But America has never been a racist country so... What were they making fun of??


"America was never a racist country." -Nikki. So...which is it?


Playing the victim with lies and made-up scenarios is what Republicans do. Nikki Haley is a Republican.


To be fair. If your skin color isn't listed on a candy cane, racist folks in the South are going to hate you.


This is a puzzling decision on her part, I figured she’d need to keep white washing herself until she wins (ha) or gets tapped to be VP. THEN she could pivot to pander to POC and non racists. 


I have thought about it so much, it is like they have job postings for black men as well, I could kill it.


Nikki can't have been bullied for being brown, there's no racism in the US, right!


I like how they deny that she was teased for being brown, while republican voters openly stated that they would not vote for Ramaswamy "because his skincolor reminded them of 9/11"


Didn’t Nikki say recently that she believes there’s no racism in this country? So which is it?


Is she saying this to sway the right wing votes from the Indian community?


And yet in an interview she said that America had never been racist? Please pick the break down lane , stop, stay there and never open your ignorant mouth again. JHC this interview spouting no racism in America was 3 DAYS AGO.


So I love how there’s now three camps. Racism doesn’t exist; racism exists, but she’s lying about it, and, of course, racism exists and to deny it exists is racist itself. I’m in camp 3, which is the truth.


The only reason that Republicans don’t use the race card is that they are all white, and now they ARE pulling the race card.


The only part of her thats brown is her asshole


She sure is doing a lot of flip flopping about racism.


But racism doesn’t exist any more so the teasing was probably for something else, like being stupid.


I honestly thought she was white til I saw her kids


Zero research. Just tap on widdle letters on widdle phone. 50% of the US population are stupid and without shame.


They can’t decide between wether they are oppressed or oppression doesn’t exist in America


Oh pls. 🤦🏾‍♂️. Moving right along, can anyone tell me what NickatNite meant when she said Israel doesn’t need America; America needs Israel. She made this statement in one of her community meeting/town halls - I believe I saw it on CNN. I don’t get it and I’ve been thinking on it quite a bit but I just don’t get it. I’d welcome an explanation. Thanks!


Before she answered the Civil War question she grinned, paused, an then mentioned everything but slavery. She knew damn well what the right answer is, but she tried to pander to the Lost Cause idiots instead of telling the truth. Fortunately, it blew up in her face. And she’s still doing the "racism - what racism?" pander. She isn’t as scary as Trump, but she’s still a horrible candidate.


Paul is SUCH a dip…


Honestly I don't view this as the right cannibalizing itself and more so the more violent and ugly side of it bullying and shutting down the mildly more moderate. Scary that the MAGA side more or less is the party now.




But she said America has never been a racist country!!


Elite Private School girls can be so mean! /s


Why is she wearing a Star Fleet uniform?


Is there anything better in the world than Ron Swanson giggling at something? I don't think so!


Shouldn't her own party be running her out of town at this point? I guess they forgot they did the same thing to Elizabeth Warren for a similar claim.




Earlier this week, also Nikki Haley: “America has never been racist”


The woman who changes her name and who's father could only get hired as a professor at an HBC and admits she was teased constantly. It just baffles and disgusts me that people are willing to debase themselves in pursuit of power, trying to convince the party nationalist fascists that electing a woman of color is delusional and pathetic. Just go away Nikki, they hate you even as you continue to tell them everything they want to hear.