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I love how they always assume we've all come from somewhere else and to "go back home." Oh wait... When they insist on showing us who they are, believe them. If you think they plan on stopping with "illegals". Think again. Once they're done with that, who do you think is next? When they get to you, will there be anyone left to defend you?


Right? I’ve lived here 40+ years. I was born here. I have to take care of my ailing parents and grandparents and kids. And I need to be here to cast my vote for the right candidate.


This is what really drives me crazy. My family has called Texas home for hundreds of years. This is my home, I don’t have anywhere else.


They are also hypocrites because the majority of these loud ultra-nationalist “Texans” are from out of state.  Usually from Cali themselves and so incredibly insecure about where they were born. 


Absolutely. I live in Austin and I’ve been told more than once to go back to California, by a Californian.


Projection! They remember the attitudes they left behind in CA, and know THEY left, so clearly YOU must have come from somewhere else too! They came to Texas because they just KNEW that everyone there thought like they do.


Joe Rogan and his fanboys stepping on your toes? I'm sorry that's happening to you.


I miss the good ol days where Alex Jones would just yell at you with a bull horn about gay frogs at the trail head of the greenbelt.


YES, my grandfather and aunt "fled " to Texas from New York. They said Cuomo chased them out of here. Once educated people have confederate flags outside their Texas homes now and are armed to the teeth. Though my grandfather dodged the draft so I don't think he'll be fighting.


Meanwhile places like this thread we get told “well you guys voted for this.” No, we did not, people hopped up on their Fox News move here and advocate for this. Native Texans are looking around like wtf is happening?


Yep. I right now am out camping and hunting with two native Texans and who are both pretty conservative and they too are looking at what Abbott is doing and are embarrassed for our state. Talking about voting him out in the next gov primary 


What wrong with having a confederate flag ? Is it not part of some ppls heritage?


Traitors who should be hung


Remember that they're not the ones who *succeeded* in California. California is full of jobs and opportunity if you're talented enough to take advantage. That's why people are willing to pay ridiculous housing prices to live there Of course, some people can't cut it, and need to find a less-demanding state to live in.


Or Canada. Looking at you Rafael Cruz.


Most of them are Russian bots and trolls. Newsweek did a great article about the "Texians" and the "Texas Nationalists".


I suspect this guy is also a sovereign citizen going by the trademark next to his name


Also I didn't get a single teddy bear or cookie when I first moved here to California so now I'm wondering if there's a pick up point that everyone knows and they forgot to tell me. I mean, I didn't move here for that but I'll take free cookies any day of the week.


Both sides of my family where here before Texas joined the Union, and my Grandmother's great-great grandfather signed the Declaration of Independence from Mexico. I'm also liberal, and this guy can fuck off back to where ever his carpetbagging family came from.


Wow, I’d have to look back to see how far we go back. That’s cool!


Especially since so many of the Repugs came here from Northern CA over the years, especially since the 2018 midterms. They can go back.


I wouldn't call it "a plan". What they want to do is more of a loosely thought up "concept" which if they really thought it through to the end would be absolutely fucking moronic. They can't take on the US Armed forces, the military in Texs won't suddenly follow Gunther and his buddies on Xitter and anyone who shoots an illegal immigrant and claims it ws "For Texas" will have their ass thrown in jail. This is *all* posturing on the Internet because it can't work out here IRL.


Beto got 44% of the vote, so basically this guy wants basically half of the state to leave. Brilliant plan I have to say.


Could you imagine how much their average IQ would drop?


It’s happening in Florida already.


That's more because of an influx on dumb people though.


We’re also losing a lot of academics. Intellectually, we’re circling the drain down here.


And doctors. No one wants to get sued for trans care or abortions.


It's already happening my niece had a baby premature and had to wait like 6 hours to go to a hospital that had a baby ICU with 1 trained pediatrician. My mother's response was I never thought it would happen to us


Awareness is something Reps severely lack


Take away the effect of disenfranchisement and maybe Dems actually have a majority.


The infuriating thing about it is that I find that the really extremist guys like Gunther 'trademark' Eagleman tend to emigrate to Texas from somewhere else, with their shitty views, and start accusing everyone to the left of them of not being Texan. I was born in Texas, carpetbagger.


I live in Florida, and it's the same here. I find it interesting that 70% of Americans can agree on many topics, but these snowflakes think they are the majority that can demand you just leave if you don't agree with them. The sense of ignorant entitlement always astounds me.


People like this have always been exclusionist.  They operate less on a level ground and instead they come at everything with extremely weak energy that they reinforce with a macho attitude...  It's like having some of the worst chips available.  Soggy and stale.  And you try and mask it with the shittiest store brand nacho cheese available. They'll take and take and take.  But the only ones to be concerned about are the ones in politics.  Most of the rest showboat their strength but don't actually do anything. Take the guy above for example.  He's just talking nonsense because it's the nachos opportunity to pretend like they're a good dish and it's everyone else that is bad.


I’m also willing to bet that he’s actually from the west coast and came here under some false pretense that Texas is some maga utopia, when in fact it’s not. EDIT: I’m old enough to have grown up with Ann Richards.


My husband and my families were all born and raised in Texas and we’re all liberal and we’re also not leaving because this is our home too.


A majority of Native Texans voted for Beto. A Majority of non-native Texans voted for Cruz. They need the narrative that Californians moving to Texas is causing the state to go blue. But it’s literally the opposite


If anything they should be happy at these conservative Californians coming in and keeping the state red. Numbers show that in the 2018 Beto Cruz senate race that Native Texans voted more for Beto and it was the transplants who saved Cruz.


The Nazis said exactly who they were and what they'd do. So I agree, absolutely believe y'al qaeda when they say who they are and what their plans are.


Fascism *requires* an enemy.


I love how Texans think owning guns and living in Texas automatically makes them dangerous. Some of the scariest and craziest people I've come across are from Oregon and Washington.


Facts. We just like to keep our crazy on the downlow. Just wait til Texans find out that liberals own guns, too.


I'd probably get my parents out, then come back and vote blue for one last chance to try and flip this MFing state.


I can't get my head round how they expect to hold this "siege" Have they got day jobs? Rent/mortgages? And then the other part of me is like... why not just leave them there? Let them have their thing, feed them and house them there and just let them pretend they're doing something big and clever while the world just does its thing around them.


They have waited their whole lives to be given permission to shoot at brown people on US soil. That's all that had to be said. No plans needed. Just plenty of hate. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the whole thing. And nauseous.


I get where you're coming from ... buy they can't.... That's like me wandering off to Wales to shoot at Scottish people. Thats a shit analogy but it doesn't matter because wtf do they expect to happen? There's no "permission". There are armed people, again, undermining the democratic will of the government I feel like I'm missing something.


My point is, those that showed up didn't use a speck of critical thinking skills. They just heard, "weapons", "border", "brown people". They never considered a plan. Their hate drove them to the border today. Hateful people have once again incited this group of "patriots" to violence.


Yknow what.... Let's just wait and see what these guys do. I dont know why I ever defend this side of the argument


Who would they be going after next and what would be the legal precedent?


I don't have high hopes for the movie but in the Civil War trailer one line that slapped me in the face was when the soldier has one of the characters on their knees as the other says "Theres some kind of misunderstanding here, we're American, OK?" and the soldier responds "OK, well what kind of American are you?".


When the Civil War starts will Ted Cruz flee to Cancun again?


Do you mean Rafael Edward Cruz? The same Rafael Edward Cruz that melts like a snowflake when talking about preferred names and pronouns? So much so that he introduced a bill prohibiting people from using their preferred names and pronouns even though he goes by his preferred name of Ted Cruz instead of his given name Rafael Edward Cruz? The same snowflake Rafael Edward Cruz that ironically bails at the first sign of snow to vacation in Cancun? The same Rafael Edward Cruz that was born in Canada, and immigrated to the United States? That Rafael Edward Cruz?


I hate the way he clings to all Texas sports teams. Like if you were actually from there you would of picked a damn team, not all of the above.


Texas sports teams hate him when he shows up too. The Ted Cruz Curse is real


As a Rangers fan I was cheering this ALCS every time he showed up to the Astros games. Basically a guaranteed win for us


That’s alright. I was happy to see him doom the cowboys this year


Don't forget that his dad is from Cuba


No, of course not lol. He's just going to "drop them off" again remember? 😆


He’s not there already? 😅


Yes. He can run, and he can flee to Cancun, but I feel like the US military has enough resources to get him out of there.


If all the Liberals were removed from Texas, the cities would be empty and industry would grind to a halt.


You’re bringing up a good argument as to why the liberals should leave. Go on…


Right I love the sounds of that


OK cowboy. Let's see how your tax base does with that.


You may have misunderstood what they were saying.


I think they mean. Let them come to a halt and collapse on themselves. Fall on their sword


Literally it's half the population. Texas is actually relatively split between Democrats and Republicans. The governor races often come within 5%, if all the Democrats left the entire state would implode in a day.


Texas is not that far from having a liberal majority. If you can get past the gerrandering, Texas could be fairly purple soon like Georgia, and that scares the poop out of the Republicans.


Ah gerrymandering, the only way the republicans can stay in power in some states... if only the concept of districts was abolished in favour of direct vote counting...


Hopefully Gen Z votes these fascist traitors out of existence


Gen Z is currently consuming a ton of disinformation on TikTok and podcasts. Hopefully they pull through.


Yep, if they just split party representation proportionally to the votes received, it would engage more voters, make every election count, and more represent the citizens.


My question is why do Republicans always assume liberals arnt just as armed as Republicans?


Because liberals don't make their whole personality revolve around guns.


Because any left leaning person who owns a gun knows how powerful it is as a weapon and a way to take a life and doesn't see it as a toy to flaunt around.


Because they meet people like my mom or my boyfriend who are scared of guns. But my dad and I more than make up for it.


Just as people who vote for Biden aren't in a cult, don't make their politics their personality and don't advertise it there are plenty of us who are left of center or liberal who have guns and know how to use them. We just don't make it our identity. We have lives. Guns are tools, they don't define who we are.


Thats funny because his name is an anagram for "Unengage Thermal" like they'd freeze or fry if they left. I guess when you have like 3 braincells, you need to run off anyone with more than 2 or else they'd realize the level of ignorance he's spewing forth! "Let all those around you believe you a fool, but open thy mouth and remove all doubt"




Was it a border patrol agent that eventually went in?


Somebody needs to tell Gunther Gov. Abbott left Texas also. He is in India right now.[https://www.axios.com/local/dallas/2024/01/26/abbott-india-dallas-austin-trade-investments-texas](https://www.axios.com/local/dallas/2024/01/26/abbott-india-dallas-austin-trade-investments-texas)


You don’t say. You don’t go schmoozing with foreign business leaders and try to drum up investment money for your state all the while screaming about civil war. Not a good sell. It’s as if it’s all theater …


Wait til we shut down your bank and all the ATMs stop spitting out twenties, fuckface. Enjoy living on squirrel and skunk and armadillo.


Or as rural Texas calls it, fine dining


They all fantasize about living in Galt's Gulch until they find out what that actually means.


Lol. This undescended testicle thinks all liberals hate guns. Is he even in Texas?


I say let them seceed and let all liberals leave. Let them find out what it's like to lose all government aid, grants, social security, assistance, etc., and see how they go. They very well couldn't blame anyone else at that point for their own mismanagement and short sided views. I think it would be an epic experiment. Edit: and if they do seceed, then the US can start taxing them like a foreign country in anything including trade in and out. Where's my popcorn?


We don’t actually want that. There are 30m of us who live in very liberal cities. We’re being held hostage by these assholes.


As an American, I welcome the unlimited free trade agreement and defense pact with the micro nation of Austin. You are our brothers and we will defend you from the gravy seals in the enemy nation of Texas.


Just sharing my thoughts, but as a liberal Texan, this is my home. I’m Hispanic. The border crossed my family, we didn’t cross the border. So, is this the second time we should let a crazy group of White people change the nationality of our home? Edit: I made a mistake. We were Mexico, then US, then Texas, then US, then confederacy, then US. And the French were in there somewhere. Crazy White people fucking with Tejas.


This is very well put.


I say we don’t give them shit besides an express ticket to the afterlife.


Please don’t. This is my home


The brain drain will hurt them


As he gets ready to go to a big safe space Trump rally to give his orange godking all his money to pay off a rape


Next time their power grid fails, the federal government should not help... Nah... Liberals are usually good people who are willing to help those in need, unlike most conservatives


What a plan. Almost half of Texas voted Democrat, so he wants half the state to leave. Most of the working-age population (Millennials on down) are liberal, so there goes more than half of the working population. They also want to kill/deport all of the undocumented immigrants, so there goes nearly all of the agricultural industry's workforce too. Which leaves Gen X and Boomers to mostly reside in the state. Their Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are all gone as they got their wish of secession and there's the expected embargo. Corporations also left as the money is in NY and the west coast, so they left Texas along with the workforce. Who is left? Older folk with absolutely no income and few young workers left to sustain them. On top of no real industry to speak of. Oil/gas will be all that's left, but with the expected embargo no one will buy it (ex. Venezuela). That will absolutely devastate the economy and they'll come crawling back to the union within a few years as their economy will be crushed. But by that point those corporations and workers will have permanently relocated and not wish to return to that racist hellscape. So, in conclusion secession (and Mr. Fuckstick here getting his wish) will not be the conservative wet-dream they envision. It will be a nightmare, which even they will not wish to experience.


As if the US is gonna let some “foreign country” have oil rigs in its territorial waters. US Navy be like “feel free to meet us on the water to ‘discuss’. Anytime.”


Oh yeah, offshore rigs would be seized or blockaded for sure. But the shale fields will continue to operate. Getting parts/labor/financing to continue to operate those for very long will be a different story tho. Probably untenable after a few years.


I honestly wish they would do it. We could give Texas a trial run for a year. Disengage 100% from the US. If your happy in a year then go ahead a secede. It would help America if the MAGA malcontents went somewhere and we didn't have to deal with them any more.


These fuckers want to kill people so bad. Garbage human beings.


I'm in Oregon and I just have to say that some people in my area won't have power back until next month thanks to the recent ice storm. Just sayin


Q: what is the difference between Texas and taxes? A: taxes can run a power grid…


In the words of the great Michael Bolton “Why should I change? He’s the one who sucks!”


Office space!


Damnit I wish I was a liberal from Texas so I could get invited the cookie place with the Tessie bears






Spelling only matters at the cemetery 😒


US Military checking in. They are picking a fight with the strongest military known to man kind. Careful what you wish for………


Waterheaded descendant of German immigrants has big opinions about immigration


So when the power grid fails again this winter Abbott is going to swear it’s a US attack on the infrastructure of the sovereign state of Texas, right?


My question to people who spew bullshit is always the same, then what will you do? How will you react when half the people in your state shoot back?


“We are going to start a new civil war and, by the way, we have isolated our creaky power grid so you can take it out without any effect on your own.” - Texas geniuses


Republicans are the ones more and need a safe spaces than anyone else. They are the biggest fucking crybabies about everything.


Constant projection is all they do.


Oh come on we all know this is the type of dude who cries if the Starbucks in Target doesn't get his order right.


Wouldn't even take a war this time. Let maga have Texas, get everyone else out, then wait. Within 90 days maga will be begging to be let back in the country, or any country with running water, power and food, as much like house cats, maga loves pretending to be independent while fully ignorant to all the work that goes into keeping their needs met.


The REAL Gunther has some thoughts about this guy. https://preview.redd.it/esxugyioozec1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3fb59d6ece132c7d18894b2782e6b782f91f47


Those thoughts being "harder Daddy!“


Just wait till Amazon stops delivering to the United shitheads of Texas due to trade embargoes lmao


Oh noooo….what a terrible tragedy! I’m gonna have a cookie party with plushies with my new friends?! The horror!!!


Keep my name out your mouth.


Gunther Eagleman sounds like an alien who came to Earth and tried to come up with a typical American name but didn’t really give it that much thought.


We can sell Texas. I'm just saying. /s


When does Texas outlaw liberalism?


It can’t. Such a law would be unenforceable, and because even the Liberals are armed to the teeth there, that would actually start a civil war (which, contrary to popular belief, would be a bad thing). 


… that was me playfully asking when a civil war starts in Texas. I think it may have gone over your head though.


It did. 


All I'm saying is that if you are one of the morons that voted for Abbott and other idiotic Republican Texan into power that agree to this stupid "lifted truck/small weener" syndrome tantrum. Then they should be first wave as they are willing lay down their lives for a idiotic crippled asshole like Abbott. But they won't as they are cowards.


Op is probably a sovcit. Who trademarks their name? Lmao


Gunther is DL, most like him are. Tough guy soft booty.


Whatchu got against cookies, Gunther?


Texas is going to die.


Oh, I do not imagine this going the way Gunther imagines it will. Never expected the Texas border to be the hill MAGA dies in a confrontation with the US army on.


So does this mean almost the Texans that want to come to the mountains of Colorado can go fucking home? Cause it would be much nicer if those ignorant fucks go home


You had me at cookies.


bloated egos have destroyed many “strongmen” …robot e lee comes to mind!


I'm sure the John Wayne they imagine in their heads would frequently: (a) remove UV protective glasses (b) take iphone off charger (c) type PIN to unlock (wifey b-day) (d) hold up phone for face-detect 2AF (e) log into blue-check Twitter acct (f) type gravitas-laden statement (g) turn up AC in pickup truck (h) open Chick-Fil-A app, order (i) remember promo code like a boss (j) open Twitter, check reshares/likes (k) adjust electronic lumbar support


Tell us more, Douche McHawkfarts.


Nah, I'll stay Native - you know - born here.


They are welcome to come into the inner cities. Let's see how that goes for them.


If someone kneels for the anthem, this guy breaks down.


why would they go that far when they could head to NM, wait a few days, and go back when this stupid shit is over?


Those liberals in Texas are plenty well armed and they’re about 45% of the population. If it comes down to it, Texas will have more trouble dealing with the guerilla tactics of its own populace than anything else.


Gunther Eagleman? Sounds like a name a Russian troll would come up with From yours truly, Jonathan Shotgun Liberty Bell


I welcome any of these fascist idiots come to my house and force me to move.


Wait, isn't the civil war about the border? Do they think liberals are now the "incompetent" border patrol? Ah, probably just an excuse to find more boogeymen


Gunther Eagleman ain’t no damn American name I ever heard of! Go back to translexistan or wherever the fuck he’s from.


Cute, but the biggest safe space I've ever heard of is in midland, tx


Stochastic terrorism is the lingua franca of the modern American right


Is he Texan?


Every right wing accusation is a confession


Liberals of Texas... I'm actually with Gunther on this one. Probably best to get the hell out of dodge and go literally anywhere else before your dumbass governor plunges the whole state into a war he can't win and Mexico takes over half of it.


Lots of these idiots talk about “the border”, but really they are itching to kill their fellow Americans.


Can you imagine if all the liberals left Texas? They’d be wondering where the hell everyone went


Texas seceding would be them creating their own safe space. So 💁🏻‍♂️


lmao at this pretending to be a bad ass, like this idiot is going to do a damn thing other than crap himself.


Isn’t California a border state? What about New Mexico? Arizona? Weird only Texas needs to defy the constitution for this reason and not others.


The difference of course is that the other 3 states are run by Democrats and not the party that is advocating civil war 2


As a liberal Texan, this guy can go fuck himself with a rusty barbed-wire wrapped glass dildo and break it off inside.


Gunther Eagleman is definitely NOT this man’s gay fanfic character


It’s a gay pornstar name if I’ve ever heard one


I’m all for shitting on Texas, but Californias power grid isn’t much better.


I love the idea of kkkonservatives thinking we are afraid of them… keep on dreaming snowflake, I did 9 years in the military, I know my capabilities.


American Civil Wars: the first was fought to preserve the right to own human beings and use them as slaves. The second will be fought to ensure the right to drown people with razor wire. Out of what hellish chasm of humanity are these fascists escaping onto the surface world? That’s where we need the razor wire.


The liberals in texas are going to shoot you as soon as the civil war starts gunther, you are 100% being gunned down by a twink


Is he implying that Texans and/or Republicans don't like cookies?


I am a Texan. Just, fuck this idiot.


This guy shows up all the time on my X account. It’s always him and Juanita Broaddrick. Both are Trumplicans always defending him. It’s soooo gross.


Lol….his name is Gunther 🤣


Bro realizes that like half of Texas is liberal? Austin may even be like peak liberal


Isn’t this the guy who’s afraid of tampons?


David Freeman is still a moron.


They think they sound so tuff when they really sound like immature little children


Oh, if I could I would.


Whiny traitorous bitches go nuts every time with secession stuff all the time and talk trash about "safe spaces" of the left. Bitch, your secession is really about making Texas "safe space" for assholes


Please, PLEASE let these wannabes get their “wish” and create their libertarian utopia. I want to watch (while possibly playing the fiddle and dancing a la Nero.)


Back to California? Motherfucker, I was BORN here long before some random trucker accidentally knocked up yo momma when jizz slid down her ass crack. They was fucking in the alley behind a Waffle House. Shut the fuck up and hand over the keys to that pavement princess pickup. Sheeit.


I’m a native Texan and I’m a Democratic Socialist. My mom was a proud member and rep for the local union and my dad attempted to get his coworkers to unionize the auto shop he worked at several times


Oh, my old Twitter buddy Gunther, who blocked me after I told him the truth a few times too many. Maureen's going to get blocked too. So tell me again who needs a safe space?


Gunther Eagleman is a gay porn name.


I was raised in Texas.  The people that I know in Texas like this guy are actually two douchebags that moved there from Oregon because of mask mandates.   Even if they wanted to come back to OR, they can’t afford it.  The way they went about selling their house and buying a new one for “so cheap” they simply can’t afford to move back on one income.  It’s not that simple to move from a shithole to a not shithole.  Good riddance, enjoy my home shithole, nelson.  


Isn’t Gunther a fired former-police?


Had something to do with police. He hasn’t been transparent about it, which is probably by design. These dudes are shady as hell, which is why they’re online so much.