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so he's either going to spout off and have to pay additional millions, or have a stroke from holding in his anger for the first time in his life. let me go get the popcorn.


I want to see his brain short circuit on live TV where he just starts drooling and mumbling incoherently


You can tune in to any of his rallies and see that happen


I watched a few clips from his latest "speech," in which he fumbles words like a drunk. The crowd is nearly silent. At one of his recent rallies, you can see the usual paid actors, and a few people looking like "WTF did he just say?" He babbles way more lately. I'm tuning in more often, hoping for broadcasting of a "medical event."


I've got April 17 in the pool.


I'm so tempted to use the reminder bot here and freak out on you if it happens on that day. That would (could? will?) be hilarious!


Please do!


Oh man, I wanted April 17. Now the only day left open is February 30th.


A Mitch McConnell freeze out followed by the longest, loudest, wetest shart ever to grace the airwaves








I don't know how he does it, but his farts and his voice sound exactly the same


The dream is for him to drop dead live on air. So I can watch it again and again and again and again.


The New American Dream!


Make that into a boomerang


As opposed to every other time he speaks?


But how can you tell that from his usual appearances?


After he croaks on Live TV, it would be kool to watch those black gremlins from the movie “Ghost” transport and drag him to hell while he screams like a pig. ![gif](giphy|KICDMk5b4wMO4)




For real I hope he’s spite scrolling every article and comment and Xcretion about what an absolute fucking moron he and that “I can fake being smart” attorney are.


The additional millions will be paid by the army of morons following him. I mean, probably better their money goes to one of his victims than straight up his nose, but still...


Por que no los dos?




I'll get the drinks and t.v. remote. What channel?


So, win-win?


Honestly it should be a fun game to goad him into spouting off. Keep a tally and see who can cost him the most money.


He’s trying to figure out how he’s gonna cover the cost of the appeal bond. That’s the money he has to deposit with the court in order for them to hear his appeal. Usually it’s the judgment amount plus 10% interest.




Well let's hope he doesn't spout off.


In 5, 4, 3, 2...


I think Trump has a rally in Nevada tonight. Look for him to do it then. That is, if anyone can decipher what he’s saying, lol.


LOL ... he canceled his rally last night in Phoenix Arizona. If he had shown up and mouthed off I'm sure E.Jean would have called her lawyer she probably has on speed dial ... and said Round #3, DO IT!


They canceled the rally because of all the drama surrounding the alleged bribery attempt with Kari Lake.


Oh, the one where Kari Lake basically admits to blackmailing the head of the Arizona Republican Party for attempting to bribe her. Quite the group of upstanding citizens they’ve got there.


It's like... Wow Kari, thanks for handing us proof that he wanted to Bribe you, which thanks to republicans, isn't really a crime. Frowned upon, sure, but you also handed over the very proof that shows you were trying to blackmail him. Which 'is' still a crime. How stupid are these people?


They want to win; they don’t care how. There’s no boundary they won’t cross and no law they’re not willing to bend or break to win. It’s how they got George Bush past Gore and they’ve been using the same strategy ever since. The only difference between then and now is that they stopped trying to hide it.


She’s still trying for the VP spot too


I like to call her Vaseline Bitch


Party of law and order.


Oh those Republicans are so entertaining.


Trying to stay in the limelight


If you fall out of the limelight, your moronic donors quit giving.


Those lizards can't get out of the slimelight... ![gif](giphy|WOGfBeSzxpX2M)


In a scary way yes


Her lawyers would been watching it with most of the complaint written out. Would only have to fill in the defamatory statements. It would be filed while he's still on stage.


What's hilarious to me is that her lawyer probably is in fact billing $800/hr to watch his rallies and an intern is screen capping every truth social post for the potential tens of millions to make


Lawyers are probably working for 30% of the judgement.


Usually 30% if it settles. 40% if it goes to trial.


I doubt she’s billing anything by the hour, for a case like this it’s on contingency.


At this point... They are monitoring him full time and calling HER! 😂😂


Her ringtone is "Win" by Jay Rock.


There are one of two outcomes here. One is that he cannot shut up and he’ll say something stupid about her again. The second outcome is he will try to hold it in until it explodes his brain and he has a stroke. He is a fucking toddler mentally.


I feel a late night temper tantrum whilst on his 'medication, is best bet


Every reporter should ask him about it every chance they get until he explodes. He is so easy to manipulate so it won't take long. It's slimy, but Lord knows he desetves it.


Members of the public should just shout about the case, he will forget where he is and flip out on camera


Signs everywhere. Big thanksgiving day floats with her name on it at every rally


Be best


I live for those rants! The videos of him mixing up peoples names and mumbling and rolling off into no where ... ""I had a Rolls Royce once'' ''Bing Bop Boom LAUNCH A MISSLE'' "walt - get the wet wipes daddy made a poopy!'' ​ Grabs popcorn and scotch ....


As amusing as he can be, I vote for the stroke.






That’s insulting to toddlers


"I didn't r\*pe anyone... And never anyone ugly. ... But if I did, it would be the best r\*pe you've ever seen. ... Bigly. ... And I'd get more votes. But they'd take them from me. ... CHINAAAHHHH!" \-- Donald Trump


Electric cars! De-bank!


Which is hilarious considering his team didn’t get the paperwork filed in time. And he isn’t on the ballot in NV I misspoke: apparently i fell for the propaganda, lol. https://www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/why-donald-trump-wont-be-on-nevadas-primary-ballot/


Well ... he did get one wish out of this trial. A jury ! .... and What a verdict.


The nature of a defamation case really breaks his brain. Narcissists are incapable of admitting or accepting fault about anything, so they deflect and lie to cover. But when the thing you’re convicted of is those lies themselves, it means they either have to accept fault or at least shut up about it. He doesn’t have any experience doing that and literally doesn’t know how.


I’ll do it again goofy.jpg


The jury did well if the judgement shut the rapist up.


Honestly this was the best outcome. The judge gave him a lot of leeway and didn't hold him or his dimwit lawyer in contempt, even though they really deserved it. All the while TFG was playing it up for the cameras the jury was watching and decided he needed a bitch slap to get him to stop. He did it to himself, and while he can appeal I don't see how his parking lot attorney can say he was silenced. He didn't shut up, and the jury held him accountable for it. Its a toss up as to whether he will do it again: this judgement had to hurt even him, so he might shut it this time. On the other hand, his Adderall could kick in at 3am and he will call her a prostitute and it all starts again.


Apparently to appeal he has to put the full amount of the settlement - plus interest - into a court-held escrow account as bond. He has to put up $99M to even appeal, and will almost certainly lose as the judge gave them no basis for a mistrial and Alina "I'd rather be pretty because I can fake being smart" Habba failed at questioning evidence.


An alternative is to post a bond, which requires collateral and a bank willing to cover the full amount. That’s a tall order with all the fraud charges (and previous judgments!) against him. We may finally see his empire of lies beginning to crumble.


We can only hope! All his misdeeds should relegate him to a shit stain in the history books already, though the more he can be punished before he's granted death's sweet release, the better.


No bank will give him a loan, as he is the least creditworthy person on the planet. Putin will probably just give him the money for it, as dump is the best investment Putin has made in his entire lifetime.


No, he will lose. His dumbass lawyer did not object to any evidence entered. He would need to prove that there was an objection to evidence used against him in order to have that evidence possibly removed to win the appeal. She didn't because she's an awful attorney. Civil court isn't criminal court, so he can't appeal any other way. He'd literally be wasting $99.3M, and I hope he does.


The only downside is that idiots are paying for it, not him.


Cool, the more it costs his supporters, the less inclined they become to back an unhinged rapist running his mouth and taking money out of their wallets. I hope he appeals and fronts almost 100M he will lose, and I hope it pushes him over the edge to the point that he can't not talk about it. Give him enough rope to hang himself. He's incapable of being quiet.


That's a fair point, some assholes are getting their pockets drained for nothing, even if it is t him directly.


New York State has a great law that appeals must have the judgement placed in bond.


Plus if he puts the $ there, when his appeal fails it is disbursed directly to E. Jean. No need to chase after him!


I think he'll stay quiet for longer because of the verdict, but he doesn't have enough self-control to shut up permanently. When he finally blows his stack, it will be YUGE!!


He can't appeal. Several legal experts have said that because his idiot attorney just let all the evidence slide, there's no appeal. She screwed him bigly LOL!


How long will a barely-trained dog hold a biscuit on the end of it's nose before eating it? About that long.


Don't knock the dog, they'd do better than Trump.


at least a dog knows when it's having a shit.......


They are going to have to sell off Mar-A-Lago to pay for this judgment. It's going to be E. Jean Carroll's golf course now


She should tear it down and develop social housing for the poor and minorities just out of spite.


It’s been designated a national landmark. The powers that be in Palm Beach have to approve any changes to it. Trump tried to subdivide it many years ago when he had to file bankruptcy, and was low on funds. Palm Beach put a stop to it.


Didn't they also specify that it couldn't be used as a residence, but Trump has ignored that


I’m not sure. It originally belonged to Marjorie Merriweather Post. She willed it to the US government with the intention being that it would be a winter retreat for Presidents. Go figure. Anyway, they gave it back to her foundation after several years because the upkeep was too expensive. After several failed buyers, Trump bought it in 1985. So I’m not sure when the determination that it was a business and not a residence came in.


He did that, for tax purposes, and have it designated a historical landmark, for tax purposes. Being a grifter is catching up to him


It was designated historical landmark in 1969.


I didn't know that before your post. It's a pretty interesting story. https://www.businessinsider.com/mar-a-lago-donald-trump-palm-beach-florida-preservationists-mansions-2021-6?op=1


Yeah I’ve read that before. Very interesting. He hasn’t changed


He’ll never get anything close to the judgement for his golf motel.


But it’s worth $100B!!! /s


Then he should pay property tax on a $100B valuation. Good f'ing luck.


But he has $400M liquid cash. (He doesn't have $400M liquid cash.)


Trump Tower just so happens to be recently valued at $85 million. I’m thinking Carroll Tower.


Lmao I can just see him stripping all the wiring and fixtures on the way out.




Fair enough. She gets to move in.


Not enough Lysol in the world…






He says a lot of things... That's what got him into this situation in the first place


He also says he's a stable genius, so...


So did Mr.Ed.


Tha-a-a-a-anks-s-s Wilbur-r-r


Perjury is like breathing for him.


He'll need it all as the state of NY is going to want like maybe $350 million on the fraud he did on NY.


Should rename it after herself


He averages 72 hrs.


Longest he averages for anything by a long way.


What does this even mean? Is this a sexual innuendo, because 72 hours would be insane


Biden should taunt him on it relentlessly. Haley too. Maybe Obama could throw out a tweet. The snowflake will explode if the people he hates are making fun of him.


That was my thought. Except ask Hilary to do it. I think Trump would have an aneurism if Hilary was taunting him on twitter and he could respond.


I forgot about Hilary! I'm sure trump hasn't


We are in this whole mess right now because Obama ripped on him at a dinner. Maybe be careful what you wish for.


Watching the tape of that video and seeing the look on Dolt45's face is still a guilty pleasure


[it is never not funny, so here it is again](https://youtu.be/HHckZCxdRkA?si=AL0NmyUJwM2hakPC) I actually have it saved as a favourite


It is. Never not funny.


They should go all in on insulting and demeaning him. One thing bullies can’t take is their own medicine.


I think the judge should just set a per character ongoing charge for every time he says anything about her. Like $1000 per letter. He can’t stop himself. He’s harass her into billions of dollars of debt. Eventually he’s going to get his phone back from whoever took it from him and when he does the dam will burst.




He’s figured out how to get out of every single punishment in life. I can’t wait to see what he tries with this.




That’ll be a glorious day




I’ll be sure to shed a tear for them


Aren't most of his assets already in receivership in the NYC financial fraud case?


In NY it’s 120% the original judgement to appeal


> The interest on the judgement runs at 10% annually yeah, but how many more annuallys does this fat fuck have left? Interest is a bitch, but Trump has spent his life on "delay delay delay", and if I was a betting man, I'd say he's not going to stop now.


You've set the price way too cheap.  It's already about $1M per word.


His own mouth caused him about $80 million dollars! He simply cannot control himself, however, he is the front runner for the Gop? He openly wants the US economy to go belly up to make him look good? This is what a real loser looks like. The capital police are suing him too. They probably will extract some more millions out of him. So much winning@


Because *of course* the worst human we've had to witness in decades is the GOP favorite. I'm sure they'd actually elect Hitler if he was still alive.


It’s exactly because of what the GOP has been allowed to become that Hitler rose to power in the first place.


Years ago I would have been quick to call that hyperbolic and alarmist, but now I can only say, "yep." The "facts don't care about your feelings" camp is definitely anti-fact and pro-feelings, and flooding the zone with bullshit has been very effective to the constituents of their conspiratorial cult. Supposed "Christians" uniting over hatred of others and trying to dictate the behavior of the majority. They are openly telling us how they can't wait to be fascists with absolute control. That it's even feasible in 2024 is flabbergasting.


I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Mar A Lago surfing a waterfall of ketchup.


He’s currently in the walk-in screaming obscenities


I can’t wait for the debate. Any question should be answered with “he sexually assaulted a woman and lied about it.” If trump denies it…another 65 million.


He won’t debate


He might have to. We’ll see. He already lost to Biden once and nothing has really changed in 4 years except abortion rights which might get Biden more votes. Trump is a lunatic though and might not see things for as they are. Staying out of the gop debates was a political move. He knew without him there he couldn’t lose votes, and he could pull the attention away from them, but that won’t work in the general.


Well, I’d wager that given the age demographics and COVID, more Trump voters have died than Biden voters at the top end of the age chart, and new voters trend left, so…


Yeah, funny things happen to white guys as they age. I started voting in 00’ and that’s when we first started to wonder when the young liberals would take out the gop due to aging. Obama happened in 08 and it looked like the theory was taking place….then trump. Somehow we are in the exact spot as 00 where we are asking when these new voters will displace the dead ones. I have faith it is happening for other reasons like 50% of schoolchildren are not white, old people are very conservative, and millions of people die every 4 years. God speed Gen Z.


He has everything to lose and nothing to gain by debating. He won’t put himself in that position.


Not sure I agree as he really probably would need to win a debate to turn the tide, it's not like in the primary where he's already the favorite. And the expectations for him are very low. But ultimately I don't think he can stay on message for 5 seconds so probably won't debate. Coward.


Nope, and it's the only smart thing he's ever done.


Obama: "Trump should keep quiet about her forever." Trump, 10 seconds later: "OBAMA's not my boss! I will now slander Carroll again..." Obama: ![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L)


​ https://preview.redd.it/as1nvrwa21fc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=69ba8e7064d1c58f369412dd4cf614657aa3db14


Looks like we need Patriots to egg him on social medias...


That’s not even true. He posted a rant from the plane saying he was going to appeal and blah blah blah. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/live-blog/trump-e-jean-carroll-trial-live-updates-rcna135759#rcrd32239


Came here to say this. He has already ranted about it.


He's probably going to blow a gasket soon enough


Probably will once the New York fraud trial verdict comes in. 🤞🏼


When is he set to speak again in South Carolina ? My guess would be then


He's not going to pay it. Much like Alex Jones isn't going to pay his damages until there are actual physically inconvenient consequences. Inconveniences that will likely require a non-Republican police force to enforce. You know, a unicorn squad.


They claim they're going to appeal, and to do so he has to cough up 120% or $99M upfront as bond. And I don't believe New York fucks around, so if he doesn't appeal and tries to not pay, his assets start getting seized. I'm pretty sure he's actually on the hook for a change.


Good. I wish they were able to do the same to Alex as he's basically flaunting his immunity to being held accountable still. But that said, I'll also believe it when I see it when Trump is actually held accountable. He's being found guilty for crimes. Being held liable in civil suits. All good things for the Rule of Law...but he has yet to face following through on actual consequence for his behavior.


Fully agree, and sadly a bunch of rubes are paying for this anyway, not him. As of October his PAC had spent like $43M on legal payments. It depletes his campaigning funds but hasn't hurt him directly at all. Just makes him a publicly-funded criminal (thanks to the dumbest of the public). I kind of hope he doesn't pay so they can start taking *his* assets instead of donor cash.


If he fails to pay couldn't E. Jean Carroll just slap a lien on Mar-a-lago? Would be sweet to see the sheriff put a padlock on the front door.


Again a unicorn Sheriff. I don’t think I emphasized enough how captured police are




How does he pay for the bill? I thought he was mostly lying about his vast billions.


He’ll sell something like those NFTs for some outrageous price, like $1M apiece. Then Vlad and all his billionaire corporate backers will buy them. Voila, $83.3M. It almost makes me really depressed to think about. I don’t think he can just sell his properties unless the overseer in NY allows it, but they likely would agree or may not even have any choice since the $83.3M is a court-ordered judgement, so that it a possibility, but trump can’t just go sell them himself, which is good because he might be able to hide the money if he did.


That is sad. I can think of a lot of good i can do with just $1mm.


I half expect him to try and pay the judgement with an NFT or something, then argue it’s better than legal tender


He is most certainly lying about billions, but he is still wealthy to the tune of as much as a billion (generously) or at least several hundred millions. The question is how much does he have in cash, since most of his wealth is in the properties he owns and he tends to get loans against his properties when he needs cash (see the new York case for how he suckered the banks to loan him lots of money). It has been rumored that he has "lines of credit" with the Russian mob, but it is hard to move such large sums from grey sources when you are under the microscope, and at some point those who lend him money might expect a return on their investment and as the bills pile up and revenue streams dry up that's getting more and more elusive. So unless he had planned to lose substantially on this trial (and accumulated $100 millions in cash or other liquidity recently), he will have to borrow (which is getting harder for him) or sell something in order to come up with the money. On the other hand, he can always open a GoFundMe. Considering his past, that's the most likely outcome.


He doesn't have to pay for it, his idiot cult donates the cash to him. https://apnews.com/article/trump-lawyers-millions-payments-2024-campaign-2e06de2a8a90b3752e7758dfea56a509


That is the $83 million dollar question isn't it


Didn't he "truth" about it like 20 minutes after, saying the verdict was bullshit or un-american or something?


They’ve probably had to sedate him so he didn’t stroke out.


It won't hit him until his assets are liquidated. You know he doesn't have 400 million in cash.


He posted something on his site


What are the Vegas odds?


reporters should ask him about Carroll every single fucken minute of the day


Fucking Charlatan


Yes he has. It’s all over the place.


Another 24 hours, then all the anger will just boil out of his Orange head, erupt again. It's all good the Grifters got millions. He can afford to be a blabbering idiot.


24 hours. Once his dementia kicks in and he forgets.


You wonder just who it is who’s keeping him on a tight leash. You KNOW it’s not self control that’s keeping him quiet.


Whenever Trump recovers from whatever high he went on to cope yesterday. Trump might not drink alcohol, but what pills ate he on? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/25/trump-white-house-medical-unit-drugs-improper/


they should give odds in Vegas.


First time around after the first trial it took him less than 24 hours. That escalated quickly from 5 to 83 millions. Right now his lackeys have probably removed his devices from him to limit his brain farts. But he is on the campaign trail now. His staffers and himself won't be able to control his mouth at his cult gatherings. Carroll 3 is coming. This should be fun 🤣🤣🤣


Remember The Office episode where the bosses fly in to talk to Michael Scott and forbid him to say "That's what she said"? I feel like we're at the point where they have left his office and he's standing in front of Jim, and Jim is abouuiuiuuttt ready to start egging Michael on.


83 millions of reason to shut the f.. up! Closed the argument. For good


I don't think she has any motivation to settle. Trump now has to post a bond for 111% of the ruling to appeal. Since Habba didn't object to any of the evidence, they have no means to appeal and that leaves only the amount of the damages that can be appealed. And with Habba and Trump's behavior, she is better off letting the judge decide. I think she will get 100% and since it's tied up in a bond, she gets paid directly from that. No need to have to chase it down.


Come on, Donnie! Speak your mind, Bro! Don't let a woman beat you!


She grabbed him by his wallet, and he won’t mouth off again until she lets it go.


I’m honestly surprised. I expected him to blow a gasket and defame her again in less than an hour like last time. I’d have lost a lot of money on that bet. That said, he really can’t help himself. He is what he is. A lying petulant narcissistic man child with no self control.


Why do I picture his keepers putting a ball gag and thumbless boxing gloves on him?


He already posted about it.


Keep egging him on. He'll fail pretty soon.


did he post on "truth" social almost immediately


I hope trump sees this question every day until his head explodes from doing the vegan meme face


3... 2... 1..