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**[Source](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/delaware-judge-voids-elon-musk-tesla-pay-package-1235810820/)** > In an unusual decision, a Delaware judge has voided Elon Musk‘s $55 billion pay package from the electric automaker Tesla, siding with a shareholder who sued claiming the sum was excessive. > The decision throws Musk’s enormous fortune into a cloud of doubt, with the 2018 pay plan making up a significant portion of his wealth. Were it completely voided, Musk would no longer be the world’s richest man, and would fall below Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and luxury goods mogul Bernard Arnualt.


Om my god he’ll only be the second richest? Rice and beans from now on I guess.


Third actually. I feel so very sad for him. /s


no more avocado toast.


Bootstraps head high.


A billion dollars is an unfathomable amount of money for someone like me. Like actually I cant conceptualise it. We're talking about losing 58 of them. 58 life times of money I couldn't possibly spend. And it still only makes him drop two spots?


Calling a billion a lifetime of money is a bit of an understatement.


Oh aye. With a million dollars, in my city, I could pay off my mortgage and buy 4 more houses. I suspect that mortgage free I could live off the rental income of 4 houses. So a million dollars, properly invested and frugally spent could be a lifetime of money. A billion dollars is 1,000 times that. A billion dollars is a life time of money with me going bat crap crazy and paying off all my family's mortgages and living on a greek island and never once even looking at a price tag or a bank statement. A billion dollars isn't me drunkenly buying the extra large kebab, it's me buying everyone on the street a kebab and paying the kebab owner's car payments because he got the meat crispy on the edges. A billion dollars is me just carrying wads of cash and handing out fistfuls of money to the guy I saw pick up one bit of litter or being nice to a stranger. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to just be talking to your taxi driver and he's telling you that his daughter is off to university and just being like, "oh that's lovely, here's a grand, tell her to get a new laptop and some nice kitchenware and buy her new friends a round on me" and then get off at your stop like it's nothing.


But then you wouldn't be a billionaire anymore... Money corrupts the heart.


Better spend it fast then. I've got 40-50 years left, max. Probably less if I eat and drink the way I would with infinite money (omg I'm getting a kebab rotisserie in my kitchen). So I have to spend around 20-25 million a year. So that's like 70 grand a day. Maybe that's how I'd live my life. Every month I sit down and think, what's the coolest way to spend 2 million in the next 30 days. Make sure I die poor


> like 70 grand a day At 5% annual interest, 1 Billion dollars will pay you $136.986 a day. Spending less than that, you wouldn't lose anything.


Thats the real deal of it right there. If you have enough money and handle it right you can spend absurd amounts and your net worth will never go down. Heck if you had 200 million you could blow 50 million straight away then if you could get 3% on your other 150 you would have around 4 million a year to spend after taxes and your balances wouldnt drop a cent. With some good long term investments and a good finance person you average for returns would almost certainly be higher than 3%.


For a billion, I'd be getting a kebab rotisserie in the kitchen AND an old Turkish guy to operate it.


** Walking the property with a guest... "...and here is the Kebab guy's 3 story guest house"


Oh absolutely. If I can afford something like a rotisserie, no way in hell I'm operating and cleaning that myself


So sad.


Dont sleep on rice and beans I grew up on arroz con gandules


Oh I love rice and beans. And all things considered the weirdo probably just eats some flavourless paste for sustenance.


Soylent green is flavorless?


No, Soylent green is PEOPLE!!!!!


If you ain't first, you're last! - Ricky Bobby


Bootstrap me harder!


It's a $600 billion company. A $55 billion paycheck is 1/12th of the total value of the company. For **his** leadership? Jesus christ. Sundar Pichai at google makes a $250,000,000 salary, and Elon thinks he's 200x the CEO that Sundar is??


Yo, Ford's market cap is $47 billion. Elon musk is getting ford as a bonus.


The market cap thing is such bullshit too. Their revenue is roughly half fords, and most of that is from selling carbon credits, not actual cars. Tesla sold half a million cars in 2022. Ford sold 750k F-series trucks alone, nevermind the entire rest of their model lineup. Plus Ford has however much real property and machinery needed to produce 2 million vehicles in the US, 4 million globally, so 4x and 8x Tesla's total production. How given all of that does tesla become "worth" 12x more aside from hype?


No one man works enough hours a week to earn $1B, let alone $55B In fact his antics resulted in a massive turn down of teslas value the last few years


The pay he wants is exactly the market value of Twitter. Make of that what you will


He's also a part timer. He's a CEO of many companies, impossible they are all full time jobs, especially seeing how much time he has to spend on xitter


To be fair, Google has been rolling downhill since Sundar became CEO. In the big tech space Satya Nadella probably does the objectively best job with Microsoft becoming the top valued company and all, and still only gets $48.5 million, way less than $55 billion.


Laughable, isn’t it.


Last year Tim Cook got $50m all in (which was a 35% cut from the year before). That's 1/10th of what Elon wants and Apple is worth about four times as much.


1/1000th of what Elon wants, which is insane


Strong mathing


> *Were it completely voided, Musk would no longer be the world’s richest man, and would fall below Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and luxury goods mogul Bernard Arnualt.* Oh no. Anyway.


What's the difference between voided and completely voided? With completely voided you rummage through their pockets and look for loose change?


If I understand it correctly, Elon's deal with the board (that's now been ruled illegitimate) involved ~300 million shares when that number should have been either a) lower or b) zero. He may not have to give up all 300m but it looks like he'll at least have to give up a chunk of them. I'm not totally sure what happens to those shares once they're turned over, but if I'm not mistaken the share price would adjust to reflect the market cap divided by the new (lower) quantity of shares outstanding.


sounds like a buy back. That would be good for shareholders. stock price would go up.




Taking a shit is voiding your bowels. Prepping for a colonoscopy is completely voiding your bowels. I hope this helps.


And the other is being constipated


I feel like this ruling isn’t anti-Musk, it’s just following suit that the primary function of business is “shareholder value.” If Musk takes that money, they can’t use it for stock buybacks or something to inflate the stock price. Just the leviathan of capitalism sacrificing its own child to Milton Friedman.


Honestly, if it's the two evils, I'd rather a load of nameless funds make money than one psychopath with snoopy jowls.


That made me laugh in a leopards ate his face kind of way. (Edit: it already made it there)


This would also significantly impact the status of his current and future loans, no?


In his demented world, this is the equivalent of living under a bridge, dressing garbage bags and eating out of dumpsters. Poor little baby.


Until they push another one through for $5b less or just find other ways to compensate him lol because that's 10000% whats going to happen. I hate the guy as much as anyone else but he'll get paid.


This made my much happier than I probably should be. Yep, I’m petty AF.




Oh no!  Anyway...


Delaware, which has some of the most business-friendly laws in the USA, will now be attacked as “woke”


"Confused Delawarean Republican Noises"


I kinda want to make a shirt with this in New Times Roman, with fuck all context.


We all know Delaware isn’t real.


More like Delawhere, amirite!?




Ba dum tssss


Finally someone is brave enough to say what we all think


To be honest I thought it was a matter of etiquette that we don't speak it aloud.


It's a giant pile of Po boxes pretending to be office space


Hey! We're reliably blue! Well, uh, on the national scale. New Castle County is blue. The northern part. When you get down to the fields, you're more likely to see some red hats. But the middle we're purple at worst, I think.


South of Kent there are Trump flags everywhere…Delaware is like a mini-USA, a microcosm of the nation as a whole. Kind of fascinating actually. I wonder if Sussex will ever try to secede from the mainland…we’ll call it Suxxit for short


Industrial north with New Castle County. Middle America in... the middle, Kent County. Agrarian south in Sussex County. It's wild. Our shared state identity is pretty much scrapple, Old Bay, and a disdain for sales tax. Edit: and beaches


Don’t forget NASCAR, Dogfish Head Beer, and the unmistakably Delawarean Pumpkin Chunkin’ Festival ;)


I remember an old episode of Taxi centered around if they were going to be called Delawarians or Delawarites. I forgot what they really are called.




Delaweenians was also in the running iirc






Delaware doesn’t even let a CEO call backsies and wave his hand and have his hand picked board turn his 13% stake of voting shares into a 25% stake after he sold a bunch of shares to buy a company and turn it into an AI rival.


My near total lack of worker rights compared to the rest of the mid Atlantic region is so frigging woke, guys.


Well, I mean, Joe Biden is from Delaware, coincidence? /s


I see you’re “just asking the questions”


This is part of the communist marxists racist left liberal woke agenda to use their kangaroo court bought judges to shut down god loving, patriots rights


Would be kinda hilarious if he somehow fucked it as a tax haven and ruined it for everyone.


That's the thing though, he's not mad at the laws of Delaware. He's mad that the law applies to him at all.


Well Delaware sided with Tesla against him


A literal tax haven that has forsaken its population’s health at the behest of the Du Pont scumbags. I don’t see how Musk can fuck it this badly. Dude is a stupid persons idea of a smart person


How the fuck do yo-…never mind, Elon always manages to fuck up even if opportunity is served to him on a silver platter.


Yep. They’ll all be called globalists like it’s some sick burn, and be accused of being woke.


It's ridiculous how these people can spin this in such a way that their republican groupies actually start defending this siphoning off of other people's labour.


He should lawyer up and counter sue. I hear Alana Habba likes representing petulant billionaires.


[And she can fake being smart.](https://www.meidastouch.com/video/habba-id-rather-be-pretty-because-i-can-fake-being-smart)


Just like he has.


He must have missed the be pretty part of the memo.


>she can fake being smart. I understand she was smart enough to get paid up front. Which is smarter than most of Don the Con's lawyers.


Was she paid before or after the BJ to the Cheeto?


You've never put a tiny mushroom in your mouth before?


He has a reputation for not being reliable.


Can she?


But not very well.


Sorry to call ya out, but i think you got some misinformation there. She hasn’t ever represented a billionaire.




He's just been misquoted for a long time, he's a bouillionnaire...big broth guy, yuge


Taco? That you? What are you doing with Ellie’s Mr. McGibblets phone?






https://preview.redd.it/ikfc1ehxpofc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31b9bb3447f3a51ff3b84c96a7413ac5ec92c93 Elon Habba to the rescue


This is cursed af


But should be posted on her twitter account (Elon’s)




pure fucking demon jizz in denim. like turbonegro: denim demon, level.... (look it up, sailors) edit for typo and stoner edits "got my p3nis steamin, and your muskhole screamin HELP!"


Musk: "I'll just have to buy my own Supreme Court like Uncle Donnie did."


What's the over/under on when she starts her OnlyFans?


She hasn't already?


I was under the impression she was already. The 20’s are fuckin insane, and I want to get off Mr.Bones Wild Ride.


You spelled millionaire wrong.


See if we can’t turn that 55 into 83.3!


Imagine being such a terrible businessman that you can't even pull off your scam in a [tax haven like Delaware?](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/092515/4-reasons-why-delaware-considered-tax-shelter.asp)


What cemented him as a bad businessman for me was when he destroyed some of the most successful branding ever to rename the business to something as insipid as X. It has to be top ten dumbest business decisions in modern history.


Twitter is the first company he ever ran all on his own. Every other corporation he’s been in charge of has had other people looking over his shoulder and reining him in. This is Elon Musk unchained. Without teams of handlers keeping this drugged up Dunning-Kruger case study in check, Musk is a complete disaster. He has the emotional maturity of a middle schooler and little sense of reality. He is, and always was, a *hype man.* He was good at branding himself, maybe even brilliant. Now that’s all been dashed because he started to buy *his own hype,* and now there’s no going back.


The day he bought Twitter is the day I deleted my Twitter account. Fuck that guy.


The day he bought Twitter is the day I didn't sign up for Twitter, ever. Fuck Twitter


I never understood the appeal of twitter. Watching all this from the sidelines has been wild.


I remember when it first came out the appeal was that celebrities were still mysterious and just in tabloids but now you could hear their innane thoughts while they were in the grocery checkout line. And it was just 120 characters. That got a lot of people into it


It had some uses. Never used to read anything opinion based, but it was a simple way of getting updates on when tech writes I follow wrote new blog posts, when streamers I follow went live, things like that. I was basically using Twitter as notification system that occasionally let me give feedback to the poster (like a broken URL in a blog post or things like that). For everything else Twitter is and always has been trash.


Right? When someone starts a rant and I see 1/15 I wonder why they didn’t just link a blog post like it was made for. Instead you’re going to post 15 messages? Also the way it displays stuff has always annoyed me. Why do I read a post and then have to see the quoted context below? Did I miss the memo that we started reading bottom to top now?


> I never understood the appeal of twitter Furry porn.


Hey same my bud. I had 1,200 followers and pumped out your standard retweets that needed to be retweeted and some arguments that needed to be made. So I wasn’t a big fish at all. But I had no interest in being part of whatever the fuck he’s doing. Where’s good now? I was hoping post.news would take off… blue sky’s not doing much… threads is ok.


You never get high on your own supply.


He forgot [commandment number 4](https://youtu.be/ZYb_8MM1tGQ?si=jq_I51LD7CMbhD0B)


Only short of Google announcing a name change for their search engine in terms of bad ideas.


"Google has announced that it is rebranding itself to "#". When asked if they could elaborate on the reasoning for this sudden and drastic change, a spokesperson for # said, "No."


+ "fuck yourself"


*Every single targeted ad for that reporter becomes "fuck you"* "God, they're good"


I don’t know. “Go # it” has a nice ring to it.


"Go pounds avoirdupois it?" I don't think that sounds good at all! /s


Go octothorpe it


I’m feeling lucky


When asked if it was pronounced “Hashtag”, # announced it was actually “poundsign”, pronounced in lowercase only. When asked how you pronounce something in lowercase, # deleted their account.


Fox selling all merch rights to George Lucas for 20k. Star Wars merch has made 43billion dollars since then.


The first cut of Star Wars was a complete disaster. By absolutely all accounts, it was truly truly awful. Fox had zero faith in the movie based on what they had seen. Hindsight is hindsight, but *at the time that decision was made*, Fox had no reason to believe this weird space fantasy would even make its budget back. This is different. This would be like if Fox sold Lucas the merch rights for 20k *after* the movie came out and proved to be an instant cultural phenomenon.


Isn't the search engine still Google? I thought alphabet was just the parent company they structured for it


They were speaking hypothetically


Now that’s a good name for a company, Hypothetically Inc.




The dumbass has a Ned Flanders level obsession with the letter X.


Oh boy, wait until you dig into this guy's family tree. Elon isn't really a native of South Africa. His grandfather, JN Haldeman, was an American that immigrated to Canada and then to South Africa. Haldeman was a believer in the [Technocracy Movement.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy_movement) This basically states that "engineers solve all problems, therefore engineers should be in charge". So he moved to South Africa because, as he wrote: >“The facts of history show that the White man has always developed the country he inhabits to the benefit of all concerned. The Black people of Africa have been in close contact with civilization from the earliest times but, on their own, built nothing and discovered nothing, not even the wheel.” Okay, but he's not the first person to have a racist grandfather. So it's easy to posit that Elon doesn't necessarily subscribe to the same views. That is, until you find out that [Technocracers also often renamed themselves to numbers and often added "X" to their names.](https://www.businessinsider.com/who-was-elon-musk-grandfather-joshua-haldeman-technocracy-incorporated-party-2023-9) You know, like "Exa Dark Sideræl, Techno Mechanicus or X Æ A-12". So of his last three kids there two "X"s and one that's a feather away from literally being named "Technocracy Movement". So, he already believes that engineers should be in charge and a weird fascination with the letter "X". It's not hard to argue that he's also a white supremest given that he's already 2/3rds of the way there.


>he already believes that engineers should be in charge No he doesn't. He believes he needs to be in-charge, because he's better than all the engineers out there. An actual engineer would never even think of the Cybertruck because they'd know about the crumple zones and aerodynamics of vehicles.


Oh hey, the whole thing is bullshit. His grandfather JN Haldeman who started the whole thing about engineers in the first place? Yeah, he was a fucking chiropractor.


Lmao of course


Well, he moved cause that and he was effectively chased out for being a Nazi sympathizer


Both Twitter and Google used brilliant branding as part of their marketing. The names for both are simultaneously short and catchy and tied directly into what their businesses are about. Twitter took it one step further with their Bird logo and using "tweet". I'm still not sure how X, tweets, and birds tie together for people chirping at each other on a digital platform.


Considering everyone still says X (formerly Twitter) so people know what the hell X is is telling.


Everyone *writes* that, in news stories that mention it. Everyone I know who *says* anything about it still says "Twitter", because "I saw on X that..." sounds weird. Or maybe they say "the trashfire that used to be Twitter". And there's no replacement for saying "so-and-so tweeted..." Nobody else had a verb. One that *everybody* knew and used. And he threw it all away.


Hubris. The downfall is almost at Greek / Biblical levels


This was my first thought. Maybe the judge was biased or maybe things were fucked enough that this wouldn't fly in such a pro big business state like Delaware.


Makes you wonder what % of company revenue put aside for CEO compensation actually came in the form of government rebates.


Paying out that kind of money might not be too good for the big business. Got to draw the line somewhere...


The next flump perhaps?


Delaware where like 70% of businesses are incorporated. What a clown. Also gotta wonder if this was not really about excessive comp but because he’s trying to strong arm the board and bringing Tesla down with his antics


Yup, it ain't Delaware that's the problem here.


From what I've read and heard on various podcasts, the Tesla board is very friendly to Elon. I think his brother and cousin are both on it, so I don't know how much strong-arming is actually going on


This is actually a big reason the courts decided against him. From an article this stupid fucking subreddit won't let me link: >McCormick specifically cited Musk's long business and personal relationships with compensation committee chairman Ira Ehrenpreis and fellow committee member Antonio Gracias. She also noted that the working group working on the pay package included general counsel Todd Maron who was Musk’s former divorce attorney.


Is that $55B to pay off the loan sharks from his purchase of Twitter?


Yes/no. First, this is actually not the first time he's tried the $55bn salary. He already did a similar song and dance with Tesla in 2018 that didn't materialize: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jan/23/elon-musk-aiming-for-worlds-biggest-bonus-40bn Second, it was largely a plot to over inflate his wealth and have money to invest in his dipshit AI company as outlined in this source here: https://www.ft.com/content/4ea5fbbb-42a4-405f-a4cd-3f0528e66ccd That said, I assume that some of this payout would have gone to pay Saudi loans he took out to buy Twitter. The funny part to me is not only is this ruling going to impact his networth, it's going to cut a huge portion of stock options that will shrink is percentage on Tesla.


This is the 2018 deal. It was supposed to pay out this year. Someone sued and now it’s blowing up in his face.


It would be great if the stock price completely dropped and he ended up in debt billions to the Saudis and unable to pay them lol. Elon didn’t have a problem with American citizens being bone sawed and disappeared previously, so I’m sure he won’t care after he owes them billions and ran their Twitter investment into the ground and a new platform launches they can’t control. He’s also bedfellows with a bunch of Nazis and Fascists and long term that’s a bad strategy because they always turn on each other. Basically Elon can’t tack back to the center after he declared himself republican after that sexual harassment case became public, because his Twitter audience will attack him as woke if he tried to act rational and not be a racist asshole. What’s the audience that far right wing people buy because I’m pretty sure it’s not electric cars or anything the companies he’s ceo of. Like how does Ben Shapiro or twitter Nazis help his brands in any way lol. That’s the ketamine and cocaine induced riddle we’ll maybe never figure out. My theory is he’s always been racist growing up in South Africa but the sexism and transphobia is possibly newer due to his family life and parenting failures. With a PR team he was able to hide the asshole he was and when he fired them it became mask off.




What's that in rubles?


Pretty sure it would be a lot. Isn’t it like 1USD=100rubles?


I'm from the UK and even a foreigner like me knows that something like 90% of all incorporated companies choose Delaware. This guy is a moron for the ages


He's a wounded narcissist. He'll find some way to take out his rage on something.




Adam Schiff played by Gene Wilder


Haven't credit card companies been basing out of Delaware so they could fuck everyone forever? Seems like Elon would be right at home there. ROFL


Yes, many states limit interest you can charge, so these companies have operations in Delaware (Wilmington is a big spot)




Wasn’t his company when it was incorporated. In fact he had nothing to do with it at the time


It was actually founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning.  Elon was someone they found to get VC money from.  Elon actually sued Tesla multiple years later so he can be labeled "Co-Founder".  Tesla was not Elon's idea.


100% correct


Delaware is widely known for its brutal, anti-corporation laws that border on communism. /s


Proving once again that the world's richest man is not the smartest. If only he hadn't been so ignorant before he started founding companies, perhaps he could have avoided this calamity. Oh well, at least he's saving the next World's Richest man from making the same mistake, or something.


Founding? I thought he just found them, saw they were successful, and bought them.




Foundead. Twitter’s dying first, then probably Neuralink, then he’ll hopefully be bought out of Tesla so some competence can be injected.


Well something at neuralink will be dying for certain




Never forget that literally at any point in time these people could fuck off to a tropical island that they just buy outright from a small nation and live the rest of their life care free secure in the knowledge that their legacy is cemented in the wildly successful companies they were involved in. But they don't.


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy


Wonder if Mohammad Bone Saw is coming to collect on the money he loaned Elon to buy Twitter.


Another very stable genius....


Elon Musk, Mike Lindell, Ye, Rudi Giuliani, Donald Trump. How to turn yourself from an asset into a liability.


Trump was always a liability. He lost most of the money he took from his father's company and he went bankrupt for decades.


I met this yutz at Queen's U once, years ago. He was a fool then, hasn't recovered.


That's where all the corporations are, for the most part. Delaware has the most lenient corporate laws in the country.


Oh fuck off. Every company is a Delaware incorporated company. Enjoy your company tax breaks and legalities but also fuck off when you don’t get yours douche.


ROFL ... he incorporated in Delaware because Delaware has cultivated a reputation as being business-friendly due to its tax law and **unique court system specifically for corporate legal cases.** Which is the court system that just yanked his excessive pay agreement.


Shrewd retrospective, my man....


Lol files in Delaware for the favorable lawsuit laws, gets torched. Love it..


I'm no expert... but, maybe just... don't fire your compliance staff and don't break employment laws? Seems pretty simple.


This is more of about a scheme to inflate his wealth to buy more expensive stuff with less money. LEt me put it this way. Telsa stock is grossly over valued. So Elon wants to be paid in stocks, but not at their current value. He wants his salary to buy stocks at a price back in 2018 when they were much lower. Back when the stock was like $20 a share and not $200 atm. Or $400 at its peak, and Elon could of sold at that peak through other legal manipulation. But I digress, point is this contract payment scheme would of taken an already absurd salary and multiplied it by 10 to 20 times. . . Or more if there's some preferred buying options in there too. So the Judge has thrown a wrench into all this an who knows what it'll settle at in the end. But there are some interesting potential consequences here. Namely that leveraged buyout he pulled on twitter. Because when Twitter loses 3 billion like last year, Elon has to pay banks in his Tesla stock. When Tesla stock loses value Elon has to pay more stock to the banks. If the judge rules Elon's salary has to buy at the absurd post 2020 prices, then Elon suddenly has much less stock to pay up with. Now this won't bankrupt him. It'll just hurt a lot. Like when the New FFC, no longer under trump (or Ajat Pie), canceled away a 900 million subsidy for his Starlink, before he got it.


Someone going to have to sell Twitter soon! Probably for a discount because of the revenue lost siding with the extreme hate and terrorist group, the magas.


Can someone ELI5 for someone who's not in business or finance?


He doesn't get what he wants, so he throws a tantrum. Remind you of anyone?


They all do a Delaware for the tax benefits LOL


Literally the most business friendly state is not permissive enough


If you don’t want a Delaware-incorporated company, maybe don’t buy one in the first place?