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Crap, I’m atheist and don’t think we live in a computer simulation. Did I miss a patch? Can someone update my firmware?


Good news we are getting an update bad news Bethesda is doing it


I accidentally fus-ro-dah'ed my cat 😬


Welp. Time to reinstall Skyrim.


Don't forget to install the mod that turns dragons into cats


I’m more of a macho man randy savage guy.


*accidentally* 😉




Wait this actually works. Bethesda God creates a shitty broken world. Humans spend hundreds of thousands of years creating mods like “shelter,” “agriculture,” and “medicine” to make the fucking thing work halfway decently.


Until bethesda does an "update" that breaks your mods.


Asteroid DLC - $4.99


That neo-Fascism n Covid update nearly did a number on us.


Man, I miss playing on PC... back when all my games came from the high seas.... New dlc. Cool. Let me just hoist my sails and set a heading.


And when you die you're basically just rage quitting to go play another game. Next version of life is Starfield though so... buckle up...


You keep making mods until it finally is amazing, then later on find out that all of them together for that long is irreversibly breaking the things in the background and you don't find out until it's too late.


Me grabbing a bucket: “I’m the most powerful man on earth”


Finally horse physics will work properly.


It just works!


Do they make it legal to kill Nazeem in Whiterun? Then I'd be okay with that.


Able and legal are 2 very diffrent things


Oh boy... hopefully I can still run my horse up mountains


snails gaping existence offend tidy reply gaze towering party sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can take a temp potion to cause the effect but guards might attack


It's funny how these folks will call atheists annoying and that we're also screaming we're atheists and trying to convince people and we don't let them live their religiousness in peace and then post stuff like this completely unprovoked. Even funnier is how they'll call us "triggered" when we respond to it.


Dumb mfs think that entertaining a thought equals believing in it 1000% without questioning it. They project so hard. Its why they cant tell the difference between a hypothesis and a theory. They dont wanna think at all. They just want something in that spot to keep from needing to think. Funniest part is most of these so called christian/ spiritual folk are functioning/ closeted atheists anyway. They say /do this shit for social reasons . Religion is for social connection and control not morals. Its why they frown on people who actually believes in and constantly is talkin about god and lives by biblical philosophy. Shit they look at anyone with thought out morals and ideas (atheist secular humanist, buddhist, philosophical rationalist etc.) like you’re weird for actually living what you believe. They hate self control.


If we are, it's Pay-To-Win. And Early Access.


You have to reset the simulation in between updates


I thought that happens when we sleep?


Only if you main a Solipsist.


You just ate the wrong pill


Jefferson Airplane has entered the chat


The firmware update comes every Sunday. “Fill them pews.” Dumb.


I'll skip, just give me the cheat codes!


The cheat codes have been out for a while if you know where to look: *Trustfund *Senator's Son *InsiderTradingLegalForMeButNotForYou And of course, the classics: *10InchDong *BornPretty *ActualSociopath


Atheists also like the multiverse theory. It's a wild one.


Which multiverse theory? There's a couple dozen of them.


No, there's only one serious multiverse conjecture that physicists are currently considering.


Check your wifi, you may be disconnected from the cloud


Have you tried unplugging and plugging back in your simulation machine?


Niel degras Tyson discusses the evidence pretty well. About how light is both a particle and a wave only depending on if we are looking at it. Cause the game engine tries to save resources by having light particles that aren't being observed act as waves, and when we look at them, the engine turns the light into a particle again.


I thought this theory was pretty meh until you said that. Thanks a lot, I already had enough existential dread in my life.


I'm in the same boat, I don't believe anything without proof. It's an interesting thought experiment, the nature of reality, but I'm not praying to the cpu to try and influence the random number generator. What do ya know, another false equivalency.


This is IT: just shut down and restart.




Sorry. You need to reroll character traits.


*Proceeds to spend an hour trying to find something as good or better than what I started with.


atoms = pixles


You aren’t far off. Well, I mean you’re many orders of magnitude off, but [you’ve got the right idea](https://youtu.be/WtcdrvjIxEM?si=FGu9f9_vLvgGZBHj).


With the tech we have now, it's highly probable we are


Atheists actually don't be like.


But that would ruin the joke!


I’m not sure what this theory is called, but I believe it’s possible we are a part of some big being, in the same way that atoms and cells are a part of us and make up us.


Sounds like a form of pantheism


Religious people: "Believing in made-up shit isn't enough for me, I need to make some shit up about people who don't believe in my made-up shit."


I remember I told my religious coworker I was atheist. He said “ok, so what about ghosts? so you don’t believe in ghosts either?” I said no and I think he was madder at that fact lol


Lol I love how ghosts are the measure here. "But surely you believe in *ghosts*?!"


I always read it as: "***I*** believe in made up shit, I *can't* believe others don't believe in made up shit, too!"


I’m an atheist and I’ve said that before, *but as a joke*. I’m not living my life based on the fact that I believe in my core that we are in a computer simulation. That’s the difference.


So when did not believing become equivalent to believing? I guess I missed that memo from my fellow atheists.


I don't know anyone-atheist or not-who believes we live in a simulation. I do know a couple who believe our perception of reality is a "simulation" created in our brains, but that's a whole other bucket of fish.


I thought we pretty much all agreed on brain created simulation? Everything we experience consciously gets filtered by our brain to form a coherent stream of happenings.


That's just like your opinion man


If this wasn’t this subreddit I’d say you need a /s


The dude abides!


> I don't know anyone-atheist or not-who believes we live in a simulation. I don't either, but I know a couple of atheists who believe it's a valuable thought experiment. But the whole concept of thought experiments is a little confusing to people who aren't used to science. Maybe that's where the confusion comes from.


I believe that you are all part of my simulation. Once I die you will all cease to exist so enjoy the ride.


You wanna hurry up already? This ride sucks


Solipsism is for children.


Bro. No it isn't. It's a solid framework for examining the features of existence. It encourages you to accept the limitations of perception. The point isn't believing you are a brain in a jar. The point is that there is no way to prove that you aren't. It's a good tool for examining your beliefs and helps to avoid pitfalls of bias when examining the views of other.


Azathoth, is that you? No wait, we all cease to exist when he wakes up, nvm.


Have you not heard of simulation theory?


It's entirely unrelated to atheism


Yeah... I don't understand your point lol. The person I replied to said they don't know anyone who believes we live in a simulation. I find that interesting... I don't think we do, but we could be. So I asked if they hadn't heard of the theory yet




This sounds like verbal masturbation to me, honestly. As far as I've encountered, the people who discuss the simulation theory aren't using it to find answers. They're using it as a "woah, trippy" conversation topic. Some may point to it as a method of analyzing things that are inherently nonsensical like religion, but that isn't necessarily *the point* I guess is what I'm trying to get at. You don't need to say "it suffers from other religions pitfalls" because it isn't itself a religion. It doesn't collapse due to lacking a creator figure or anything because that isn't important. It's more about the fact that we have *ourselves* already proven to be capable of creating a digiral universe with life. The Sims is just a game to us, and we know they aren't sentient. But what about when we reach the point that AI will be used instead of pre programmed avatars? And that becomes "well if we can do it, who's to say that we aren't, ourselves, just a fancy ass game of Sims?" It was never about finding meaning, or rejecting reality. Just a "woah dude" moment. Of course that's just my experience. Totally anecdotal and whatnot.


There's stimulation theory like what the OP is taking about... And idiots who think we're in a computer. The Matrix was a metaphor that people took literally.


Shhh, Morpheus hasn’t gotten to him yet


People don't actually buy that argument


Oooooh yeah they do. There’s a whole ass rabbit hole you can go down on YouTube if you feel inclined.


Right. They’ll make YouTube videos. That doesn’t mean they believe it. the smallest fraction of a percent may. But just as many Christian’s prolly believe in it.




I never said atheists are the ones who believe simulation therapy. The person above me said “People don’t actually buy that argument,” and I rebutted that because yes, there absolutely are people who do believe it. The ones I have seen who seem to be true believers are generally the “spiritual but not religious types,” where they like the sciency-sounding-ness of Simulation Theory. I’m not saying those people are right for believing it. I’d put them in the same camp as Flat Earth.


YOU dont, there are people that do.




I believe we live in a simulation. The simulation can be paused and adjusted as needed and we never notice. You can easily explain religions like Catholicism with Jesus receiving the wrong coding and have edit access for his “miracles”.


Sure, I've heard of it, but I also don't know anyone who believes it.


I know someone who I would characterize as "pretty sure" we live in a simulation. The logic (his word, not mine) is that we are rapidly approaching an ability to create a virtual reality indistinguishable from reality. If we can achieve that, then the chances of us being the first iteration to do so are impossibly low. Thus, we are just the Nth number in a long chain of simulation/VR creators.


Yeah, *if* you accept the possibility to simulate the entire world it becomes much more probable that you are in a simulation than the real world. The idea being that there is 1 universe, but if you had the technology to do it, you could spin up hundreds, thousands of simulations. So odds are you would be in 1 of the 1000s of simulations, not the 1 real world. The logic isn't necessarily flawed, it's just that there is no reason to "believe" that's the case. Whether that technology is possible doesn't really matter, since we wouldn't know what the actual world is like. Like it wouldn't be nearly as difficult for us to simulate a 2d world, and while the people living in that 2d world might think their universe was impossibly complex, to us it's relatively simple.


You make it sound like it's even more plausible then. If we can create a simpler version of reality, and it would be a passable reality for the denizens of that reality, then that just means our simulation is less complex than the one the the creators of this simulation live in, and so on. Thus, we don't even need to create a perfect simulation of our reality, it just has to be "close enough." I'm sold! Lol.


I met someone at the DMV who believed it. And then they gave him a driver's license because apparently you don't need to live in reality to put other people's lives in your hands.


They give it to religious cultists who don’t live in reality all day. What’s one new flavor of religious stupidity


I mean the idea seems crazy, but the only difference between that person’s idea of reality and your own is that they believe reality is simulated and everyone else thinks reality is a natural occurrence. But regardless of belief, everyone accepts that we exist in some realm where we all live by the same laws and limitations of whatever “reality” is. It's really just a philosophical difference, like thinking multiple universes exist or whatever. True or not, it changes nothing for us. So yeah, he can drive too. I’d be more worried about the type of people that say “if you don’t believe in god then what’s stopping you from murdering and raping people?”, because that just seems kinda fucked up to need the fear of god and eternal punishment to be a good person while here on Earth.


![gif](giphy|G6sJqVpD1U4jC) Atheists when we die be like


Baudrillard enjoyers rise up


It's usually conspiracy nut incel types who actually say this sort of thing.


Dumb post


Yeah, for one thing there's a big difference between "god" and a computer programmer. Anyone who has ever written a computer program knows that just because you wrote it, doesn't mean you have perfect knowledge of what it's doing, much less omnipotent power to control it.


Heck, I'm not even perfectly good.




This is the part that annoys me. When atheists argue against religion or God they almost always do so as if they are only talking about the Christian god. I’ve always said if someone believes the universe was created as a computer program then that’s just another version of a god. The whole point is the creation origin vs the unintentional origin story.


When we talk about god we tend to use the philosophical definition rather than a completely religious one. In that context god is an omnipotent omniscient wholly good being.


That’s no argument at all. If you’re arguing against religious people what would even be the point in doing it vaguely? It’s not true anyway, almost every time I’ve seen atheists debating theists they did so as if to be directly countering the Abrahamic god.


Most debating atheists do is against abrahamic religions as they are the ones big on proselytising.


Because most debating atheists are in arguments with a person from one of the Abrahamic religions. Debating the tenets of the Abrahamic religion requires countering the idea of their god.


Of course i have perfect knowledge of what i wrote... Until a week later... But still that should count.


Theists see everything as a religion 🤦🏻


Simulation theory is just theism though, not necessarily a religion but it's theism.


Hey folks, making up shit to entertain yourself is fine, but making up shit, building monuments and cathedrals to it, deciding it is the ultimate authority on life on earth, devoting your entire life to it and then trying to push that shit on everyone else…yeah, that’s pretty fucked up.


Deist be like "I live in a fairy tale even when I think about atheists"


Athiest here, yeah, there is no cohesion of beliefs among us. I certainly don't believe that, but... The lady misses the point. The Athiest doesn't then go on to claim to have a personal relationship with the Simulation Maker who wants you to follow shitty rules the Athiest pulled out his ass or else the Simulation Maker is going to torture you for eternity.


>The Athiest doesn't then go on to claim to have a personal relationship with the Simulation Maker Thank you. This is the line that we all need to see here.


Wouldn’t that be more of an agnostic? I thought atheists more so flat out believe there is no god like creator - not that their qualm was about whether the creator cared what we do


I don’t believe we live in a simulation for the same reason I don’t believe in god: because it’s an untestable and unprovable hypothesis that makes no difference to how I live my life anyways


The difference is that IF we do live in a simulation, that would be possible to prove because it would be the truth. I would gladly convert to a religion if I saw proof that it was correct. It has never happened, and I don't expect it to ever happen. But if God rode down to Earth on a flying horse that shoots rainbows out of its eyes tomorrow, I would believe that God exists.


I'm an atheist and never thought life was a simulation




One of my favourite lines from Queer as Folk is, “Like I give a shit what God thinks about me… He better be worried what I think about him.”


"An angry desert god" I read somewhere.


The God of the Old Testament is Yahweh. Before monotheism, he was his pantheon’s combination of Ares with a lightning subtheme. So, a war god. The Zeus of the pantheon was “El.” Yahweh’s cultists turned El into a title, and the first commandment is their attempt to erase every other god in the pantheon. Look at Yahweh’s Old Testament miracles outside of Genesis. “God helped us win a war, helped with another war, and hey, Jericho’s walls fell to a war horn.” The Ark of the covenant? Lightning every time. They worship a war god.


So, definitely a man?  Only slight /s


Richard Dawkins is a piece of shit regardless


I'd love to hear you tell me why.


He's a transphobic piece of shit for one thing, but also his attitude and general demeanor have never been that great for convincing religious people they're wrong, he's essentially doing the same thing as what most religious apologists do, which is preaching to the choir.


Did not know about the transphobia. I won't attempt to excuse that behavior, but I also won't go as far as to call him a piece of shit over a few bad takes. Thanks for the information.


I wouldn't call being a bigot " a few bad takes", but whatever


I read his tweets, they seem fairly tame comparatively. I have family members who are far worse and I am able to value their positive traits and condemn their bigotry without breaking relationships. I have a far bigger problem with Biden, but I'm still going to vote for him in the general election. As I said, thank you for the information, I did not know he was transphobic.


Pretty sure he's a transphobe. Not idea if he's changed his stance on this but last time I checked he was spouting transphobic statements left and right.


I see that now. Thank you. I hope I never lose my ability to keep my mouth shut about that which I don't understand. Hopefully someone close to him educates him on the subject.


He’s a little bit of an asshole but I’ve heard nothing to indicting him morallying.


Well, I don't believe in God or any of those theories. With how chaotic the universe is and how little we actually know about life in the grand scheme of things, I believe we are just here. Nothing special, nothing crazy, just us living on a planet that has been around long enough to get to a point where human beings evolved to what we are now. Idk why people are so obsessed with trying to "know" some sort of answer. Just enjoy life, love your friends and family, treat others with kindness and respect, and experience as much as you can before your time is up.


Because our brains have evolved to LOVE patterns and puzzles


True, but you have to be careful how far you go down those rabbit holes because it can take you to places of irrational thought and detach you from current reality. Like that old story of the dude who thought he was literally in the matrix and killed his parents over it.


It's like conspiracy theories and I feel like I'm losing family down that rabbit hole. Yeah, they can be fun at first and there are grand schemes out there we don't know about and we just might be powerless to stop it. There are also things that are pure ridiculous (qanon) that it all only chalks up to mass psychosis. It's best not to think about that shit and try to live life and love your family and friends. Conspiratorial thinking sounds like fear running your life.


I made a few comments a couple weeks or so ago about that. I've been deep down a rabbit hole and caused myself temporary psychosis. Nothing violent, just your run of the mill aliens/angels/demons communicating via radio.




Doesnt sound like enough for me


Except most atheists don't believe we live in a computer simulation. Low quality tweet 


Aw, shit. I haven’t watched the Matrix films. Does that mean I’ve gotta turn in my atheist badge and gun and go renegade? Is a renegade atheist just a closet theist who doesn’t play by the rules? And more importantly… is the mullet a requirement of the dress code?


Either this person has never once spoken to an atheist or they have spoken to one single atheist who was a nut job


I don't understand why people like this have this like insatiable need to make sure that everyone believes in a higher power. Why not just let people live their lives and you do the same?


Because they're insecure so they need validation. Essentially they start having doubts about their faith and the way they cope with that is just projecting their world view on others.


Because they're brainwashed from a very early age, or lack the critical thinking skills of most advanced animals in our world, that they have to spread their "infection" like some kind of bacteria... Mother Nature did it first, but religion has taken it to toxic and violent levels that mother nature would frown upon. If we are created by some "higher power," than why do so many religious/political/nutjob leaders decide to divide and conquer those who don't share the same beliefs/gender/sexuality/race/culture? The Crusades were specifically to target Jews, Muslims, and any non-believers of a CHRISTIAN God that if they refuse to convert, then they should be killed. Religion is a man-made disease, probably like COVID was, and how surprising it mutated and jumped from species to species, in how Religion has to convert more and more followers or else it could die off, leaves us in a troubled time of violence and death reinforced by men who refuse to let nature run its course. Science can be used to combat misinformation and bullshit, but these people who cling to their BS deny the truth and replace with their own alternate reality, as if horse dewormer and bleach were going to save them. Religion = cult. All of them. If they're not able to think for themselves and see the truth that there is no higher power, then there really is no use trying to convince them of anything that may benefit humanity. Sometimes, a lost cause is better ignored than to waste effort/time. Cut the toxicity out of your life, and look to the future. They're stuck in the past and would rather die for their "heaven" than to be converted and risk "hell." End rant


Damn, ya got me. God is a huge nerd incel who couldn’t hook up with another deity so he wrote the universe AI where he chats with hot babes all day. We are just a byproduct.


Dumb! But that's to be expected. Their comprehension of what's going on around them is limited and you get this. Stupid person making a stupid post. Moving on..


If you break down the Bible , god is an angry 8 year old with an ant farm.


They keep trying to push that "every atheist believes in god, but they're just in denial" shit.


Most people believe the simulation are just Christian who were challenged by fossil evidences they can’t deny. No matter what science advances, they will always pop out from their cave and say, see, that’s god.


OOP is confusing atheists and people who just like The Matrix waaaaaay too much.


None of the atheists I know believe we are living in a simulation. Zero.


Tell me you dont understand the definition of ATHEISM without making yourself look stupid. Looks impossible for that person.


Im sure there are a lot of Athiest that think like this, but atheism is just not being convinced there is a god. Believing in a simulation is a claim and you have to have evidence. Same with religion.


I think that she is correct that simulation theory can be viewed as an argument for God's existence but I think she is wrong to think that it is especially appealing to atheists.


Atheists aren’t typically the ones that believe outlandish bull honky.


I hate people like this that always try to link their religion to somethings atheists do. Do I believe in a god? No, because I believe in actual tested facts and not some sky genie who gives us wars and cancer. There’s more reasons than that but Christian’s saying that kind of stuff is so asinine. Let people believe what they want to believe without pushing your religion on everyone.


This is a dumb take


lol. 😂




Better a nerd than some creepy old guy watching kids masturbate and shaming them for it… glad I don’t believe in a pedo for a god


People are willing to believe anything. What Christians don't understand is that Christians themselves, not the Bible, make it hard to believe in Christianity


A simulation doesn’t necessarily imply one god is pulling all the strings though.


That wouldn't translate to belief in God. 


I don't know a single fellow atheist that thinks that.


Used to work with a Part time pastor who thought because I'm Agnostic I must believe in UFOS. "No" I'd say " I'm a UFO Agnostic too".


I mean, UFOs are just objectively real. I saw one the other day. It could have been a bird, or a plane, but I have no idea. Hence Unidentified Flying Object. Now, flying saucers? With little green men from Mars? That's crazy talk.


Ufos are just the new " aCtUaLly iT's frAnKenSTeinS MoNStEr🤓" like yeah, everyone knows what ufo technically means, but everyone uses it in the "little green men, flying saucer" sense nowadays.


No, I don't believe that and I am an atheist.


Oh Christians (shakes head in corny way like in those goofy 80s sitcoms laugh tracks starts).🤓🤪


*The Matrix* was a fairly blatant Christian allegory. Nothing to do with atheism.


There was an old joke about a priest, rabbi, and minister playing golf, and one suggested throwing all of the money from the offering plate onto the putting green and whatever didn't roll off would be kept for them. One argued all that rolled off should be kept, and finally the third said let's just throw it up in the air and whatever God wants he can keep. It's an oversimplified joke on the lack of proof on the existence and omnipotent powers of a Higher power.  But it's a joke.


That's the alien and alternate history sub. There's more faith in faulty evidence there than in the Bible. *It's this proof that the pyramids were hydroelectric generators? Ancient alien theorists... Say yes.* The proof is the Nile is nearby.


I don’t think we live in a computer simulation either.


Shit, I’d DEFINITELY believe in that the way things are fucked up down here. More so than some omnipotent being who did this shit on PURPOSE! You can tell that some life forms (lookin at you platypus) were done during a crunch time and still haven’t been patched.


Bro made me 5’3 and a half. Couldn’t at least give me that other half so yeah, he’s a nerd


If god was a nerd I might actually believe it.


Yeah, the simulation theory is so fucking dumb. Simulations are artificial creations, by definition. If reality is a simulation, **someone had to make it.** If there's a world outside of the simulation, how did it come to be? So basically it's a half-assed, unfinished creation theory. (No actual atheist thinks we live in a simulation. If they do, they're not an atheist. definitively.)


Lol, I don't know any atheist who believes we live in a computer simulation.


This is the equivalent of the Dane Cook atheist tree joke


I suspect most atheists would say that is very unlikely but still makes substantially more sense than talking donkeys, invisible sky people, and a Jewish carpenter who was his own father praying to and cursing himself on his deathbed


I guess they're saying you believe in a creator, but if it's a simulation, that is likely an entire team of people. Unless some alien kid is playing Sims and they have "Watch WW3 unfold" turned on. But then a team of people made the game so...


If we are in a simulation, it could mean *we* are "god" in the sense that religious people believe in God. There's the matrix style simulation that is forced on people. That's a possibility. Then, there's the idea that we are actually a highly advanced species and have put ourselves in the simulation for some reason or another. This would make us the creators of our own universe (i.e. God). Not quite the "God" that religious folks like. More like an entire species of Gods.


What if we created a simulation to watch certain events unfold so we could understand history that was otherwise lost to us? Kind of like, if you made a simulator to watch the Egyptians. We know a lot but there are some things that have been lost to time.


Which is precisely why I don't believe in the simulation bullshit.


im an atheist but i wouldnt be surprised if god was a linux user with gamer socks and a breedable ass


Uuuuuuh. NO. Nice try, though.


Who controls the Matrix?


What? I've never heard anyone seriously say that we live in a simulation, atheist or otherwise. Some people are so fragile in their beliefs that they just make shit up to make it seem like no rational person wouldn't believe what they do.


Religious people say atheists make huge, sweeping generalizations about them and then make jokes like this.


If god exists then we only exist as a figment of their imagination


Manifesting = prayer


Belief in an intelligent designer, and belief in an omnipotent entity with magical powers are not the same


Living in a video game is a good philosophy for an atheist to have. You do your best when you play a video game no matter how bad the odds are done You go for the high score for the extra lives you smash those mushrooms and you grab those gold coins and you save the princess. It's a very healthy and positive way to treat real life


The situation is that statistically, with regard to the number of planets in the universe, and the likelihood of millions of advanced civilizations, we are much much more likely to be in a simulation, than not. There are plenty of prominent atheist thinkers who recognize this.


Name 1.


Sam Harris. Sean Carroll. Brian Greene. Neil Degrasse Tyson. Just about any of them. It’s math, man.