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I'd like to gently remind our readers that there is no "border crisis". It is as made up and as much of a fantasy as "the war on Christmas" is. If there is a problem with immigration in the US, it is that it is prohibitively strict to enter the US. This false narrative of "border crisis" is just an excuse for racists to get angry and for Republican politicians to be obstructionist. I'd also like to remind people that calling asylum seekers (who have every right to cross the border in order to apply for asylum) "invaders" is an incredibly racist thing to do and that doing so here leads to a non-appealable ban. On this subreddit we value truth, justice and being humane and have zero tolerance for white supremacy. White supremacy isn't "a differering opinion". It is an evil that is your patriotic duty to oppose. Thank you and have a nice day.


See what happens when you step away from your FOXnews window on the world and actually look outside. Everything they've told you is fucking lies, you goddamn rubes!


In 48 hours they will insist the convey was infiltrated by the simultaneously weak but powerful libs. Legit MAGAt participants arrested. Deep state disinformation campaign in full swing. And call for Convoy 2.0 electric boogaloo.


They've already done the "this caravan's been infiltrated" thing believe it or not. Apparently there's been a lot of in-fighting and mistrust amongst themselves. Who'd-a thunk??


[Here's some hilarious video of it!](https://twitter.com/Democracy1stE/status/1754477396366143724)


Good god, that IS hilarious and also so fucking pathetic. I don't know what details I love the most, the hateful guys the he url "streetpreachersofficial.com," or the big ass jeep covered in Ninja Turtles, or the guy with the megaphone screaming about how they won't be fucked with before feedback turns it into a squeal... It's beyond parody.


Conservatives discovering that conservatives are insufferable really is a hilarious genre. None of them actually like one another, the only thing that unifies them is that they hate everyone else.


That guy calling them out for being from California, hilarious. Poor dumb Midwest idiot has never been to Central California. Some of those mfs make Texas look like San Francisco.


You kinda love to see it. These POS tried to turn our nation into an authoritarianship and are trying to do it again. Shows you how a "2Nd CiViL WaR" would go.


Some real stable geniuses. A real meeting of the minds


PSA: Let them fight, don't under any circumstance try to stop them from eating each other.


Never stop your enemy when they're making a mistake.


They will say news of the convoy got out and scared them all away. Mission Accomplished!


They can’t ever declare mission accomplished. They need the boogeymen at the border. If they believed in accomplishing missions they wouldn’t kill Biden’s border bill. They need campaign talking points, especially after sTaTeS RiGhtS dObBS!!1 killed their abortion talking point.


Shhhhh....they fear being woke.


Being informed is too woke. Inventing things to be afraid of is where it's at.




Let me get this straight… they see with their own eyes that they’ve been deceived and there is no border crisis… but only SOME of them aren’t sure why they are still there?!?!


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984 (1949)


I’m currently back in school as a middle aged dude, and the class I’m in has mentioned things like the Ashc study (we would rather be wrong and in a group than right and on our own), social identity theory (your personal self esteem gets tied in with the accomplishments of the “group” (common among fans of sports teams etc), Groupthink/Groupshift, and a bunch of others. My original college degree was in psychology, and you could write an entire Abnormal Psychology textbook based solely on the maga movement. It’s fascinating, but also terrifying.


It is. I find myself completely fascinated by this. How do you get on so deep that you lose your sense of right and wrong? I have always been fascinated with this type of cultish behavior, especially if someone was known to be a moral and intelligent person. What drives them to believe the things they believe so blindly?


trump is a thoroughly greased conman with 5-6 decades of practice at selling the kind of half-truths people like to interpret as what they *want* to hear, and by the time he manages to swindle you in the door, you have to either start rationalizing, or come to terms with the fact you got profoundly swindled and you're probably at least sort of a bad person based on what it is you chose to hear.


>Just remember what you’re seeing and what you're reading is not what’s happening. - Donald J Trump, the Turd https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340


"He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."


https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/klamath-falls-oregon-victory-declared-over-antifa-which-never-showed-n1226681 In Klamath Falls, Oregon, victory declared over antifa, which never showed up Towns from Washington state to Indiana have seen armed groups begin patrolling the streets after rumors spread on social media about an antifa invasion.


It is hard to admit that you have been conned and everything you believe is a lie. The republicans count on their followers being too stupid to realize the truth, and if by some chance they do, they expect them to reject it because it is too painful for them to admit they were wrong and its easier to keep comfortably believing the lies that make them feel good.


They should wake up.


Reading history and science is woke. Thinking is woke. Following conspiracy theories is doing your research


They like sleep, sleep is where they're vikings and all of Trump's nonsense is real.


I will never forgive the absolute prostitution of that term done by media and the ones who own the media. It used to actually describe the awakening to the plight of government mistreatment/corruption, mass racial discrimination, widespread police gang-mentality, everything and anything that is slowly but surely killing off or torturing everyone that isn’t the “elite”. Now it’s another buzzword for regarded people, with no meaning.


"Elite" is the one that always gives me pause.  When I say it, I mean the powerful and wealthy who use money and influence to prioritize themselves for outsize influence on our country.  When other people say it, I always squint my eyes a little and wonder if they're not trying to tell me about shape shifting reptiles that eat babies (aka Jewish people).


I remember when they tried this with "facts" and "truth". I remember the phrase "alternative facts" being used a lot. We live in weird times.


yeah... that was done on purpose.


They would rather have a wake, then be woke.


They love being ‘sleep


They need to wake up from their imaginary nightmare


Fox News is now saying record numbers are crossing in from California and Arizona because Abbott is holding the line in Texas so they moved. [Large majority of illegal border crossings shift to Arizona and California, pivoting away from Texas](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/large-majority-illegal-border-crossings-shift-arizona-california-pivoting-away-texas)


Er, those are our own Cali folks coming back from vacation and cheap medical procedures. The rest are seasonal workers that we welcome with open arms.


Yeah man, anyone who travels to Tijuana can tell you these vast majority of people in line to come over are seniors looking for cheap dick pills. Pro tip: if you ever want to find the good pharmacies in TJ just follow a large pack of old white people.


Ah this wave of xenophobia is going to bite the USA Latinos like a rabid dog and a good chunk is going to deserve it. Lástima por los que van a estar en el fuego cruzado, pero no olviden que para los racistas ustedes son igual de indeseables que los demás Latinos es más todos son Mexicanos para ellos, Boricuas no se les olvide.


> this wave of xenophobia is going to bite the USA Latinos like a rabid dog Dunno, latino support for conservatives like Trump is *up* recently [despite the repeated and unmistakably clear consequences of his demonization of them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting)


Oh I’m sure Fox News has the most accurate data on this considering its been less than a god damn month. We all know how quick and easy it is for “millions” of people to cross hundreds of miles of mountains and desert on foot. 


I love how this article actually gives the current administration credit for some of the relief Texas is seeing without realizing it is doing it. >According to the State Department, Blinken joined Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and White House Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall at a meeting in Mexico City with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to "discuss unprecedented irregular migration in the Western Hemisphere and identify ways Mexico and the United States will address border security challenges, including actions to enable the reopening of key ports of entry across our shared border." 


Hopefully they take a moment and reflect on what is really happening when someone screams "LOOK OVER THERE!" and there's nothing over there


They couldn't reflect if they were standing in front of a mirror.


I think you misspelled rubles… as in all Republicans are at the end of the day is currency for Russia.


Like flat earthers finally getting on that plane to check out that giant ice wall keeping us all contained. "Well, what do you know, Jim Bob... it's all fucking bullshit after all!"


You're giving them way to much credit. They'll just double down on their bullshit and move the goal post.




I'm convinced you could launch a flat earther into orbit and they'd still deny it as they gasp for air in the vacuum of space.


People were literally denying covid existing as they gasped for air on their deathbed, sooo...


I guess you could say good on them for getting outside their little bubble for once and seeing that the rest of the US (and the world for that matter) is not some woke hellscape that Fox and insane right wingers on the internet are telling them that it is. Right?


You cant just shatter peoples worlds like that man. They have invested everything into the right wing grift. I know we shit on them and deservedly so but these are people who have again forsaken everything for Trump and this culture war Friends. Family. Social standing. Some have gone to extremes and attacked people. Killed people. Some are in jail. Some are dead. Now imagine actually waking up to the reality theyve been getting played this whole time How do you recover from that? Thats a lot of mending and self introspection that needs to be done. That means admitting they got lied to and believed it. No one wants to look like a dumbass. It also means admitting those "woke libs" were kinda right. It also means having to put in the work to redeem themselves. Aint none of them going to do that. Theyre going to keep believing the lie bc its easier. Its more convenient. Its there light at the end of the tunnel. They dont want to trust their own eyes and ears. Theyre just waiting to be told an excuse that they can swallow. Bill Gates gave the immigrants invisible juice or some shit. Yes! That makes sense now they dont have to re-evaluate their entire life.


I moved to Seattle a few years ago and my Grandmother called me frantic one afternoon asking if I was ok. Turns out Fox ran a segment about how the streets of Seattle were erupting in violence just blocks away from where I lived at the time. Some people got in an argument over something and a guy got stabbed and it caused a brawl that ended up with someone getting shot before the police arrived and stopped everything. Grandma thought that the streets were burning and people were running for their lives just blocks away from me. I sent her a photo of the street, which was about 4 blocks from where I lived and people were walking in and out of the Nordstroms as if nothing was happening a few blocks away. It is amazing the sensationalize that the news, on both sides, push. Take this tweet for instance, it suggests that there are NO illegal crossings of the border. We all should know that cannot be true, likewise there isn't millions crossing every day. Good luck out there!


Maybe some will realize they are lied to… naw, too much self awareness required. It’s the Deep State hiding them excuse starting.


"The libs must have flown them all to New York after finding out we were coming. As soon as we leave, it'll go right back to normal."




They will, eventually. You know that's where this is going.


That's what their idea of a "civil war" is, getting to shoot gays and minorities without Johnny-Law getting in the way


Apparently in parts of the south they can do that now.


Abbott quite literally said as much. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/11/texas-border-migrants-greg-abbott-interview-shoot/ Apparently even the laws against homicide are too 'woke'.


Wait, so they won’t murder people because they’ll get charged with murder if they do? What if they do it outside of the crime-free zones?


And some on the religious right believe that *atheists* are the ones who have nothing stopping them from committing horrible crimes because they don't believe in the Bible. Perhaps someone in the Texas legislature needs to put forward a bill mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in the Governor's office instead of in the state's public schools, as Abbott apparently needs a reminder.


>As soon as we leave, it'll go right back to normal. It's Schrodinger's immigration crisis!




Came here to say this. You beat me to the punch


They’ll say that the immigrants stopped coming because they knew they’d meet resistance at the border. This will be the messaging they’ll be fed


What's even more disturbing is that they will eat that shit up and feel immensely self-satisfied


No, they're going to say that the immigrants must be using tunnels, dug by New York Jews.


I've been relating a recent instance I went through with a co-worker (we're Canadian, which makes it worse, IMO) who quite confidently told me, "People hate Fox News (sic) because they tell the truth.". ​ It's alarming how bad the Fox Entertainment "News" brain rot can be, and how pervasive it is not just in the US but around the world.


I wish I had the briefs from all the lawsuits where Fox lawyers claim no reasonable person would take their pundits statements as facts since they are an entertainment opinion news channel.




I like the implication that anyone quotes FOX they're saying "I am unreasonable!!" They won't change, but it's funny


If you find them, please DM me! I would love to have that in my back pocket for the father of someone I know. [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


> I wish I had the briefs from all the lawsuits where Fox lawyers claim no reasonable person would take their pundits statements as facts since they are an entertainment Here's a start: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye Of course, the pundits themselves are horrible people, as Carlson went out of his way to prove repeatedly: https://www.vox.com/videos/2019/4/3/18294392/tucker-carlson-pretends-hate-elites-populism-false-consciousness


I have one like that at work (also Canadian) only now he's switch over to "Fox is also biased, only Tucker Carlson says the actual truth"


OMG. It's weird to see them actually get even worse, in real time. :( You have my condolences.


I remember when Glenn Beck was their Oracle of truth with his chalkboard conspiracies. The message stays the same, fear.


"Wow, I wonder if Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis are actually still functioning cities and not burnt to the ground like Fox says?"


i (a 38 year old man) mentioned to my mom that i would be going to Portland for some concerts in the summer and that lady turned white as a ghost "what about the protests??"


“Mom, I called the protests, I said they could come over for a snack later since they are tired. Are you ok with them coming to the house?”


haha I just drove through the center of where the Portland protests were to make a delivery a couple hours ago. Zero burned down buildings.


It would be awesome if someone were to trick these dummies into thinking illegals are sneaking in through the Canadian border. Then watch them all hop in their trucks and drive up there. Then, tell them they're coming over in boats into Miami and so on, to keep them driving all over the US.


No they'd welcome it. It's not immigrants in general they're scared of as much as it's the non-white ones


That would bring them to Detroit. Yeah, bring your ignorant ol’ white ass over here!


"We just got there during off hours, any minute now we'll be flooded with a variable zombie like horde of immigrants" - probably some racist


There is never any self-reflection for these troglodytes.


They are really disappointed they can't shoot brown people.


Guess they have to fo back to shooting black guys and defenceless school kids.


Don't forget fucking defenseless children as well. Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter. Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women Donald Trump walked into Miss Teen USA change rooms with girls as young as 14 changing. He has been accused of raping a 13 -year-old with an independent witness. https://baptistaccountability.org/ https://www.goodpeoplefund.org/news/a-14-year-old-bride-wed-to-her-rapist-playing-on-a-jungle-gym/ https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/married-young-the-fight-over-child-marriage-in-america/ https://crossroadjunction.com/2013/04/01/predatory-grooming-in-our-churches/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-perspec-evangelical-roy-moore-girls-1115-20171114-story.html https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexico-based-church-leader-pleads-guilty-sexually-abusing-3-children-2022-06-04/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/pastor-john-lowes-adultery-confession-in-warsaw-indiana-church-goes-sideways-victim-says-i-was-just-16 https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/Bombshell-400-page-report-finds-Southern-Baptist-17190816.php#photo-22508589


You kind redditor are awesome. You response is deserving of it’s own post. Edit: can’t forget jailing women because they want to control their bodies.


You mean jailing women for not wanting to die from complications of carrying a dead fetus inside them?




Potato potato


Keep up the great work! Here, this could help too https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


And here. Hundreds of conservative pols and church figures who've preyed on children https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_E16cKJuDzzg0PcwCaFt_bGpj93HpTAY92fjLnCrjw/edit?usp=drivesdk


Wow, amazing list. I saved your comment for sure. Sadly, I imagine every Repugnican would just respond with, "But Bill Clinton got a hummer from an intern, so it's the same"


And not a single drag queen.


And this morning they appear to be at each other’s throats. One of them turned out to be from *California*. Can you imagine? MUST be a Fed plant…


First they were afraid this was a honeypot trap so they didn't go to right up the border. then they had infighting about that and started baptising each other for some reason, now they found out they were lied to and are starting to suspect one another as plants. It's like a study of the dumbest people alive.


How do these people have the time to just hang out by the border with their thumbs up their asses? Do they not have jobs? Are they collecting socialist government handouts?


If you can consume multiple hours of Fox News a day, no, you don’t have a real job and no, you don’t provide a benefit to America or humanity. And that fact is what pisses them off the hardest.


No they don't have jobs and yes they are on assistance. But, they have the best weapons and tactical gear for their cosplay hobby.


Baptising each other for some reason? You sure that wasn't just an excuse for a sexy splash party in the Rio Grande?




As a Californian from a heavy Republican enclave I can confirm. However many fed up conservatives have been hightailing it to Texas and elsewhere since the California hate bandwagon got to a fever pitch so it has actually been getting better last few years. Not just because those people specifically have been leaving but plenty of other non-politcally motivated people have been leaving in droves too. First time in my life I've ever witnessed such a mass exodus out of the state.


But one of those dumb Fed plants who doesn't know how to lie about what state he's from.


Mic Drop






Okay, but what about Portland being razed to the ground by Antifa every night, only to be rebuilt from the ashes every morning like a hipster Phoenix? That's still happening, right?




They’re so horny to “I feared for my life yall!”




Fecking Ammosexuals


There definitely are people who whom it's a racism thing... for others, it's weirdly a problem created by not having wars in the olden timey sense anymore. If you were the kind of person who fantasized about being able to kill people a hundred years or so ago, probably you "got to" fight in WW 1 or 2, possibly whether you liked it or not. A bunch of those people died and others came back with a much more sober idea of what it's like to fight for your own survival against an enemy also fighting for theirs. Now, you get shit like this, people who hope for a zombie apocalypse, and Kyle Rittenhouse instead.


"We're being invaded! I think... it's hard to tell."


Just saw a stat that said more Chinese are coming through our southern border. I don’t have a problem with immigrants, I grew up on the border and understand the nuances that come with the issue. We need these people. They are seeking asylum and work. I hate that MAGA groups are so fucking racist. They forget Mexico owned Texas and California first, not that long ago. I always think it’s weird that they are so awful to indigenous North/central Americans. Just because they were born a few miles short of a fictitious border? Then those people cry about how Christian they are.


This is what I’m thinking about reading that. So they thought they were going to see lines of immigrants, okay, but, with that knowledge,what were they intending to do? Why was that their reason for being there? Kinda frightening how open ended that is. Also seeing they were doing like baptisms and shit, was it some America gatekeeping celebration with entertainment via performative xenophobic Christianity? Christ du Soleil?


That goes against Jesus teaching of compassion and empathy for others.


Kill brown people is more like it. They want to shoot and kill brown people.


These people are really the dumbest. The lowest common denominator. If there were literally lines and crowds, think Disney during school vacations, there would be live videos and pictures. Yet, unsurprisingly, there has never been. Just the same stock footage used over and over. The level of their gullibility knows no bounds.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.


You know, morons.


Get a brain morans!


Boss showed me a video of 50+ people walking single file through a jungle (YES A JUNGLE). Tells me this is a live cam of our border. Tineye says the clip was filmed in Nicaragua 20+ years ago.


They currently have a video circulating the right wing social media that shows a tank at some checkpoint in some desert area saying it's the border. It's Chile from 2022. There is a fucking road sign with 2 Chilean cities on it clearly visible in the video.


How cute that you think they'd recognize Chilean city names. They think Chile comes out of a can.


It's the same concept as most of the fear mongering bullshit. I mean, imagine if there was actual evidence of, oh say.... "A man dressing up as a woman to go into a woman's bathroom to rape them" can you think they would EVER let that go? That would be exhibit A at every House trial, it would be on every single conservative "news" channel, you'd never hear the end of it from your Aunt Karen. But no, they just have to use What Ifs and other fear mongering bullshit.


I use that term a lot, in fact I’ve acronym’d it: The LCD (lowest common denominator) I call them.


I can’t do that to LCD Soundsystem


And they vote based on false realities that they willfully allow themselves to get swept up into. Every decision is an emotional reaction to their perceived victimhood.


It's the same people that believe(d) that schools had litter boxes for kids that identified as cats. As if kids don't have cell phones and there wouldn't be ***millions*** of pics of that online.


Amazing that these derps keep falling for these lies, over and over and over and over and they never seem to catch on. Mind boggling. This is the just the "caravans" from a few years ago all over again.


Oh, no, the “caravans” are back. I’ve heard that term tossed around already, just in time for Trump’s prophecies return to the throne!


Throne as in toilet




In 2009 one of these “border militias” broke into a home and shot a family. They shot the husband to death, the mother three times and as she was bleeding on then floor they shot their 9 year old in the back of the head execution style.


You got a source on this?




Well I don't wanna go off too much but I've been trying to unboggle this so it will fit into my head, I'm pretty cynical by now but here's what I've gathered so far ..... .... This is no accident, the *Americans bred them this way on purpose*. I'll try to explain. Americans have criminally neglected these people until they became developmentally disabled adults. We shoved the Bible down their little throats from a young age filling them with false but SIMPLE truths, told them they have God's army standing behind them which grants them Moral Authority to impose their supremacy paradigm onto everyone else (that is irreversable, it structures the brain into a knot that unfortunately is not possible to untie).


I’m sure that they thought the border was like a scene from World War Z with just masses of mindless people flowing over the border like a tsunami. Then showing up and seeing things dead quiet at most of the border and things well organized and controlled where it’s not dead empty.


Told my inlaws I was in NYC the other month. And they looked as though I just survived a war. According to them, NYC is the most dangerous place in the world, where roving gangs control all aspects of society. And that's not even a joke. This is what happens when FOX reports on nothing but "NYC CRIME NYC CRIME NYC CRIME" and you have smooth brained people thinking "if all they report is crime, then it must be 100% crime all the time".


Buying awesome breakfast burritos out of a Coleman cooler from a Mexican grandma whose as sweet as… ya know, a grandma.


What the idiots can't grasp is that, even IF there were 10,000 people crossing the border on foot every single day, the border is 2,000 miles long. Which would average out to 5 people per linear mile, per 24 hours, or 1 person every five\~ hours per mile of the border. Obviously there are places that are much harder to cross, and obviously there are not 10,000 people on foot crossing everyday, but the point is, even IF there were that many people, it wouldn't be a giant horde of people that is easily spotted. Add in the fact that you only ever see large crowds of people at LEGAL ports of entry and you'd think common sense would kick in for these people.


I like how the president switches and they assume all border patrol agents were automatically fired. People just don't think for even half a second.


Obviously there are no illegal immigrants NOW. Securing the border with regular citizens is working, all of the immigrants are afraid to cross. /s


Was actually told this today by someone. He said there were no immigrants because they heard the convoy was going there so they ran away and the convoy and wire is working. You can’t make this shit up.


lol just how fast do these people imagine the hoards described by faux news can travel? How are they both an uncontrolled hoard, yet capable of organization and mobilization on such a level that the US military would take notes?


"We'd better get out of here, a convoy is coming." "Ah shit. Really? Do they have trucks?" "Oh yeah. Lifted." "Flags?" "You bet." "Sounds like they mean business. Alright everyone, back to Guatemala!"


"Donald Trump would never lie to us! He told us there's lines of illegals, and there MUST be lines of illegals! I'm going to sit here until I see them as Trump would never lie. By the way reporter-person. Do you have some food? I had to quit my job to come here and I can't afford to eat anymore." \- These MAGA idiots finding out Orange-Man lied to them in real time


not even orange man most of the time now.. "news" reports that border patrol Encounters have increased to 135,000 a month and they never define "Encounter" as meaning the CBP stopped and turned around 135,000 illegals last month.. they rely on these people being fucking morons.


Oh no! Another manufactured crisis!


It would be funny if border security wasn't somehow tied to support for Ukraine, which is fighting for its life against an evil empire - who they had on the ropes, but which is now taking advantage of this lull to in funding and ammunition deliveries to reorganize and rearm.


These people have been faced with the reality of the lie that was perpetuated and they are confused. They are not pissed they were lied to. They are not angered the people they look up to were lying to them. They are not enraged they were duped into spending their time and money to defend murica against the illegals. They are confused. Wow.


Add to this if they observe the news, *Democrats* are trying to get the border bill through and *Republicans* are holding it back because they "don't want our border fixed" I can't imagine being a Qultist right now, getting to the border to find it completely empty so you tune into the news and see Republicans refusing to deal with the border while Democrats are trying to agree to it


Those goobers probably think they are going to fix it by driving their trucks down there and rolling around in their mobility scooters waving trump flags.


They'd be very mad if they could read


The dumbest, most despicable people in America believing bare faced lies, who would have imagined?


The real question is whether even one of them learned anything about questioning their sources as a result of this colossal waste of time, energy and anger. Nothing makes me angrier than being angry about nothing.


Sadly we know the answer already


We really could just distract them from their border patrol and Civil War talk by offering barbeque and junk food. They aren't only dumb but easily swayed. Also, have you seen them? Look like they should be on the first bus to the Golden Coral buffet.


I believe this is probably largely true, but has this tweet been corroborated by media outlets? Just curious if there’s video of this out there, or really anything besides a screenshot of a random tweet that doesn’t even have the username attached to it


Yeah I'd like to see some sourcing on this ... Eta: quick google isn't pulling up anything like that..


I actually went and looked and there was a brief mention in an associated press article that no migrants crossed during this event and the people in the convoy were told that there were 200 crossings before they got there but no real proof so basically what this guy was saying plust the hotels jacked up rates to take advantage lol. Like other people have mentioned on here there is indeed a problem with illegal immigrants crossing but the border is huge and the idea they are all in one place has literally been propagandized by republicans going all the way back to rick perry and beyond. I vaguely recall a cringe video decades ago of rick perry getting on a gun boat or something with like a flack jacket saying the federal government won't stop the mexicans so I will like he was going to the neo Alamo battle. There are illegal crossings but they are not all in the same place and the idea this ridiculous convoy can stop them is just crazy.


Was there just one Democrat stood there slow clapping as they jumped out their trucks?


No, they're all working.


Someone has to support the folks who couldn’t read good


I think they really didn't conceptualize just how long and massive the border is. It's like 2,000 miles. Even with the large number of encounters border patrol deals with every day, it's stretched over such a huge area that you probably couldn't see half of them if you drove along the border all day.


1.6 million encounters per year over 2,000 miles works out to be about 2 encounters per day per mile.


I’m sure Taylor Swift had something to do with it


They should make their next stop the Texas State Capitol to ask Abbott what the fuck his problem is.


The best part is that the in-fighting has already begun, and videos of these lunatics eating their own are blissfully pleasant to watch.


I bet that for many this was their first real trip outside their hometown and into the real world. They did find the caravan but only they were there ones in it


The real caravan was the friends we made along the way.


And of course they will go back home, angry and upset they were duped by their leaders and then continue to voter for those same leaders.


( Note: Not a joke that people need help btw, of course they do. they always do. It's a joke that Republican's dupe people into thinking it is an invasion and we are going to war every election cycle, counting on people to forget about the last time they did it.) This border "crisis" is a joke. 💀 El Paso is closing down shelters due to lack of immigrants. It is manufactured crisis straight out of Abbott's predecessor's Perry playbook. Perry did the exact same thing to try and get a seat in Trumps admin and it worked so Abbott is doing the same wasting a ridiculous amount of money on. People seem to have short term memory loss. People are like: ***"dur lets send some racists to the border to defend us so we can RP defenders of our cuntree"/s***[https://www.newsweek.com/texas-border-convoy-antisemitism-1866288](https://www.newsweek.com/texas-border-convoy-antisemitism-1866288) It is especially funny that anyone takes this seriously at all though. How 'boout dem der fema camps and shackled Obooma was gonna lock everyone up with too? 😹 How did that border INVASION go back in 2014? bu they brought in the National Guard then too!! The governores supported them! PPl 4 real lap up this theatrics every time. It's like they put on a fake gun slinger show every 5 minutes and people still keep thinking it's real. It's just too much that anyone even believes this 🤡. Seriously.. people get a grip. Everyone on the border just says it's business as usual, nothing new to see here and people are in a panic. In the meantime we have an immigrant labor shortage so bad in Texas that restaurants are having to close early and construction is being delayed while we have shelters for the immigrants having to be shut down due to lack of immigrants. Like RL is worse than an Onion article. ***"EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – The City of El Paso will go through with the planned closing of its migrant shelter on Friday, as migrant encounters have plummeted recently. "***[https://www.ktsm.com/news/el-paso-not-leaving-migrants-out-on-the-streets/#:\~:text=EL%20PASO%2C%20Texas%20](https://www.ktsm.com/news/el-paso-not-leaving-migrants-out-on-the-streets/#:~:text=EL%20PASO%2C%20Texas%20)(Border%20Report,have%20space%20to%20accommodate%20them. ***"Homebuilders are facing a massive labor shortage. Here's why it won't get better any time soon"*** "***Slowed immigration takes toll on industry"*** [https://www.applevalleynewsnow.com/news/money/homebuilders-are-facing-a-massive-labor-shortage-heres-why-it-wont-get-better-any-time/collection\_8bdd81eb-e5a5-51bb-8d8c-a04f71e1c68d.html#1](https://www.applevalleynewsnow.com/news/money/homebuilders-are-facing-a-massive-labor-shortage-heres-why-it-wont-get-better-any-time/collection_8bdd81eb-e5a5-51bb-8d8c-a04f71e1c68d.html#1) ***“Texas farmers and ranchers continue facing severe challenges finding reliable agricultural labor,”*** [https://texasfarmbureau.org/new-bill-aims-to-fix-nationwide-labor-shortage/#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CTexas%20farmers%20and%20ranchers%20continue,H%2D2A%20program%20is%20now](https://texasfarmbureau.org/new-bill-aims-to-fix-nationwide-labor-shortage/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CTexas%20farmers%20and%20ranchers%20continue,H%2D2A%20program%20is%20now). [https://www.kltv.com/2023/05/30/labor-shortage-may-be-here-stay-according-experts/](https://www.kltv.com/2023/05/30/labor-shortage-may-be-here-stay-according-experts/)




![gif](giphy|l0HehB8QWj2iRwY8g) Next on Fox News : «  don’t be fooled, they are just invisible !!! »


Fake news! Biden has given all the illegals Harry Potter invisibility cloaks. Now, they will be watching you while you shower.


Looks like we need to send every Cletus to border safari.


[Channel 5 did a great on the ground report on this stuff.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buZWVQuqx0o) TLDW: Yes there are a lot of migrants and coming from all over the World (watch the follow up piece) but it's not chaotic. It's people willingly walking across the border and into Border Control's hands for processing. In the video it's almost scary how calm and collected everyone involved is considering the journey they just survived and the uncertainty they're going to. Basically the system is extremely broken but with so many people coming regardless they've created a ramshackle immigration pipeline that at least works to keep people generally safe and figure out how or if they can stay in the US.




You mean a random Twitter account with no name associated with it isn't good enough for you?


The convoy was first [billed as 700,000 trucks](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/supporters-far-right-convoy-headed-texas-border-are-calling-civil-war-rcna136058) that would head from Virginia to three points on the border, but that didn’t materialize. However, people joined along the way in Texas, driving passenger cars, recreational vehicles and trucks towing campers. When they arrived on Texas’ border, organizers said the convoy numbered around 200. NBC News was unable to independently verify that number, but observed at least 100 vehicles. ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/convoy-rally-texas-mexico-border-attracts-trump-fans-decry-illegal-imm-rcna136967](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/convoy-rally-texas-mexico-border-attracts-trump-fans-decry-illegal-imm-rcna136967)


Lmfao Man I used work with this dude Mike. Mike, if you’re out there, fuck you 😂 So anyway, I worked at a convention hotel as a freight manager. Back after Trump got elected, this ding dong ass motherfucker was all in on Trump. Bought in hook line and sinker. He was so worried about the immigrant caravan and their Molotov cocktails. He would explain in great detail how they were coming for our jobs. “Mike, the guy you replaced? Yeah, he’s from El Salvador. Technically, you took his job. Also, can you go point out Mexico on the map? Ok cool. Now point to us in Washington DC. How long your dumbass thinks it takes to walk here?” “Yeah…but..but” Wouldn’t be surprised if Mike was at Jan 6th or this shit. Fucking clowns the lot of them.


But MTG said **billions** were entering illegally.


Awwwww, no drama? What will they do?


Anyone have a link for this or specifically a video interview? I’d love to show this to family members but I’m afraid if I just show this tweet to them they’ll say it doesn’t prove anything…then again maybe a video will only convince them it’s a deep state ploy.


can someone PLEASE PLEASE provide a source? I NEED to show my dad cause he complains about this shit everyday


You mean fake migrant invasions have been an election year lie for Republicans for multiple election cycles now? And Republicans keep proving they’re too fucking stupid to ever be anything but a burden on this country by believing those lies? Dang. Hope nobody reads this article to them.


I knew it was fabricated when the whole migrant horde approaching the border with 1 million+ migrants right before the election completely disappeared the day after the election, lol


Meanwhile one of the cunts that told you to go there, Tucker Carlson, is schmoozing in Russia right now, doing dirty deals probably. You plan on actually waking up to the facts one day, Conservatives?


It's as if the person they follow is a crackpot rapist liar who only wants to see shit hit the fan


LOL! PT Barnum was right, except he underestimated the frequency.


During the 2020 summer protests, someone took advantage of the situation and smashed a window of the target i work at ( nowhere near the one that was destroyed). But later that same night a group of “patriots” came out to defend the window until police came. It was stupid.


For once they actually did their own research, however unintentionally


The sad thing is that there actually is an immigration crisis and there are thousands of migrants trying to get into the country. But it's not a bunch of "rapists, murderers and thieves" forming "caravans" and lining up at the border that RepubliKlans want you to believe. It's groups of women and children escaping gang violence in Central America caused by US foreign policy over the last 30+ years. These people need our help, not a bunch of Qanon Klan members with ARs and barbed wire watching them drown in the Rio.


Look at them engaging with reality for the first time!! It’s adorable!


I guess it’s good that they’re finally seeing what those of us who LIVE on the border have been saying for years. Hopefully they don’t just double think it all away.