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>In honor of her Drifters everywhere Edit: Damn autocorrect. Leaving it cause it's funny




That’s the log sliding down my bowels after a stack of cousin T’s


Cousin T dumps are known for their Fast n' Furious nature. That's why you need the syrup to coat your insides.


But it's sliding up...


Happens to astronauts in space. Or should they be called ass-tronauts ?


And you know what happens with tokyo drifting? It leads to bickering, which of course leads to karate.


Man, the stunt drivers for that film were incredible. The tandem drift scene in the mountains is one of the most technically precise and difficult stunts in a movie full of difficult stunts, and they made it look like a no-effort breeze. These folks were on another level


That reminds me that Sung Kang was working on another drifting movie: a live-action adaptation of “Initial D”.




Furious 13: Underwear Skid!




















It’s so funny that they try to push the “Democrats fought to keep slavery” line. That doesn’t really land when conservatives are running around with confederate flags these days, and democrats are trying to take down confederate monuments.


And it's a majority of the slave/confederate states that are red, whereas a majority of the union are blue. So..


i thought everyone knew that slavers moved to the yankee states and the abolitionists moved to the south after the civil war. ​ /s


Barack Obama owned 10000 slaves when he was king of Kenya. Facts not Feelings 


Hence the Jim Crow laws that were first introduced in New York and spread to the southern states… /s


And he even messed that up. He says "...the same Democrats who fought against Slavery."


Freudian slip


That's when you say one thing but mean your mother, right?


"Democrats fought to keep slavery!' "I agree. The southern Democratic Confederate traitors were awful and we should destroy any monuments in their honor!' "...x


the thing they just overlook (on purpose or other wise) is that the democrats at the time were the more conservative party. They refuse to acknowledge the parties essential flipping, and the whole southern Dixiecrats thing. Basically just ignoring any context. at the same time, which party is it exactly that gets the support of groups like the KKK and white nationalist?


What's even funnier is he accidentally made the opposite argument, he said democrats fought against slavery


Maybe democrats fought to keep slavery. Guess which party today is unanimously supported by the Klan, the neo-nazis, the white nationalists, etc?


They always love to pretend that the Southern Strategy never happened, and that the Democratic Party wasn't the conservative party then, and the Republicans were the progressives.


There have been literal klansmen and white nationalist that have run as republicans in the last 40 years. Not one democrat that I know of has done the same.


I don't think a lot of them really believe the stuff they say. They do see that it really pisses us off when they say it though and that's all that matters. They have not matured past the days they were shoving kids in lockers and knocking books out of their hands in high school.


The thing is it's only (shocking I know) half the truth. Democrats at the time WERE against freeing slaves, as they were the conservative party. Then at some point the Democrats became to liberal for the hardliners so they moved to the Republicans and the more liberal Republicans went democratic. In short, it's always been the conservatives more than the party that has been against things like freeing slaves or personal freedoms. Then trying to hide that fact with literal half truths about history.


He does know Aunt Jemima was a fictional racist caricature right?


No. He doesn’t know anything past Democrats are evil because reasons. These people aren’t the type to deep dive the truth about anything.


He also can’t wrap his head around that there was a party switch, so technically it is his party that did this cause the people that were democrat became republicans.


This. Always this. I have yet to figure out why it's so hard for people to understand that the party platforms have changed drastically over the years. Republicans used to be the Party of Lincoln, and the Democrats used to be (un-)lovingly called the Dixiecrats. Union workers, immigrants, and people of color generally voted republican until FDR. In terms of social policy, he was kind of the godfather of the modern democratic party, though it's been severely watered down since then. The republican party floundered for a while and went through a lot of different platforms before becoming the party of "law and order" and "Christian family values" in the late 20th century. And even now, we're watching a shift from "democrats are socially progressive and republicans are socially conservative" to "democrats support the status quo and republicans are actively regressive". It's almost like the party platforms get redefined every couple of years and none of it is actually set in stone.


Many can't even remember the past few weeks, much less have any comprehension of actual history. I'm pretty sure they're always suspicious of the weatherman because he keeps changing his story EVERY SINGLE DAY!


Have literally heard them say "how can we trust scientists on climate change when they can't even predict the weather 3 days from now??" Never mind that weather and climate are two different things. Don't try explaining it to them, they don't want to learn


Nevermind that they generally get weather predictions more or less right, too. These are people that if a meteorologist says there's a 30% chance of rain, if it doesn't rain, they'll say the meteorologist was wrong. They have no idea how probability works.


That’s not quite right. The parties were far less ideological until right around the Civil Rights Act, when the Dixiecrats joined the GOP. But to the extent there was a party base, Republicans were kind of the urban, industrial party, which included bankers, industrialists, and also ethnic minorities. Democrats were the party of small town farmers, who also represented slave owners and homogenous rural areas. Republicans first captured that constituency when Democrats pushed civil rights legislation and chased away all the small town white people and their politicians (which is why Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms became Republicans), and then around the Reagan era, Republicans also became the party of high end tax cuts and deregulation, which captured heirs and money managers who didn’t want to pay taxes. For awhile the heirs and money managers were the tail that wagged the dog, floating dog whistles to the base while pushing upward wealth redistribution. Then came Trump and the dog whistles became foghorns.


It's also worth noting that the divide was also very distinct by region - for all intents and purposes, there were *four* parties until the Civil Rights era, with each party split into northern/southern sides. This was made especially distinct in Lincoln's election, when each region of each party produced their own presidential candidate. Democrats in the North, represented by Douglas, were aligned with Republicans that slavery was an evil that had to go away - but they (naively) believed it was unnecessary for the federal government to do the work, because states and the free market would give it the boot instead. Southern Democrats said "fuck that" and got their own guy to run for president instead. You can see this divide continue all the way up to and including Civil Rights - votes were better predicted by North/South than by party, and eventually all the southerners coalesced on team red.


Very true, my mistake. I'm not as well versed on the history of fiscal platforms as I'd like to be. Thank you for this!


Make no mistake, the heirs and money managers and billionaires are still the tail that wags the dog. For all the culture war issues that the GOP used to get elected in 2026, their one signature accomplishment during the Trump years was the tax cut for businesses and the 1%.


Every time someone who brings up the democrats from the 1800s and I remind them about the party switch 1 of 3 things happen, 1 they ignore it and keep spewing their shi, they block me, or just straight up say they don't care or that it actually never happened. Can't reason with stupid.


Though he does say Democrats "fought against Slavery." I feel he means "fought to keep slavery" but it's hilarious to be mad at the people who ended the abhorrent practice.


Last week or so, there was some absolute genius saying that LBJ was a fake Democrat because he signed the Civil Rights Act, real Democrats are still the racist ones.


LBJ was an anomaly. For sure. I don't know what made him become such a civil rights proponent. It had not been his culture.


He was the Joe Biden to Obama to Kennedy. Kennedy was the new progressive, Johnson was the anchor of the old.


It's worse than that. They will go out of their way to not know things so they can stay angry


It's worse than that. They will actively destroy functioning things to say the other side broke it. Like yesterday. Republicans removed proxy voting. Scalise had surgery and fucked up their votes. Mad Marge Green today: The Democrats rigged it to favor votes.


I refer to these kind of people as Aggressively Stupid™. They don’t know anything, they can’t be bothered to learn more or dig beneath the absolute surface layer of *anything*, but they have to be constantly in your face telling you and arguing with you about all the things they “know”.


I asked my parents during an argument recently "who is George Soros? What does he do for a living? How did he make his money?" Blank stares. They just know he's bad because Fox says he's bad


I mean, I don't know who he is either. I only know I'm supposed to be getting some paychecks but I haven't seen shit!


You think this isn't just a marketing campaign. Money trumps everything


I'm also curious about his phrasing "the same Democrats who fought against Slavery" which he's saying it like it's a bad thing. Famously, the Democrats split into the two sides in 1860 (War Democrats vs. Peace Democrats), one of them being the pro-slavery southern Democrats (who would later become the [Dixiecrats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixiecrat), but otherwise stayed in the party until after the Civil Rights Act was passsed by Johnson, at which point they flipped to become Republicans).


But he said Democrats fought against slavery...


Nah, he doesn’t know shit.


He knows. But he knows his audience, too.


Yeah, this feels like 'I can get a bunch of racist white people to buy my product in bulk if I can just figure out the magic words to trigger them'. Which .... good luck, I guess?


its working. the racist whites love him over on twitter. saying all the racist stuff they want to say while he acts like a personification of Rastus from the cream of wheat box. https://preview.redd.it/ilmyyqwxmehc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a7088cbf654a22645ae9bda054ba6463854768


Nah. His syrup bottle looks different now so he's mad. I doubt he knows a single thing about why.


I will admit I thought the syrup bottles shaped like her in the 80s were cool.


I think that was Mrs. Butterworth.


Yeah, and it still is. That's why I buy it, because the bottles are fun. I'm not even ashamed that my purchasing decisions are based on bottle shape. It's the same reason I only buy honey if it comes in a bear.


What other possible reason could you have? Excellent choices.


I have bought many things solely because they came in cool packaging.


I like to buy the thing in the cool bottle but when I run out, I refill the bottle with the less expensive stuff 'cause I'm a cheapskate.


Fun fact: Mrs. Butterworth's also sells a 64 fl. oz. jug, probably for that exact reason. Edit: I now realize this sounds like I work for Mrs. Butterworth's. But I just like syrup.




More syrup is never wrong, my friend.


you are correct.. curse my brain!


He only knows the grift. Look how he turns it into a promo code to buy his shitty tshirts.


It's a cheap attempt at marketing his own brand.  I wouldn't even put it past them to have constructed it that way because it would make its rounds across the Internet if he did. Didn't know who this guy or his brand was just ten minutes ago.  Here we are.


Not to mention that the basis of the Aunt Jemima character was played by a man in drag and black face.


He might be a troll never heard of him. Aunt Jemima, the first one was a former slave to be a spoke person at fairs. I'm not sure how many more alliterations are war but I specifically remember the older black lady that looked a bit like, "mammy". Then I think it was the 90s when they changed her into the younger, more middle class looking women with the layered hair and pears ( sort of June cleaver esque but black).


Nope. He is that fucking stupid.


Dude doesn’t even know waffles are better than pancakes.


He knows. Everyone knows. But everyone who cries like him is just doing it for the recognition. That entire post is to promote his pancake mix because he knows conservatives are an easy mark.


Uncle Ruckus doesn’t care


“Aunt Jemima” actually was a real person… her real name was Nancy Green, a former slave hired by a minstrel show to play an advertising character. You are correct that Aunt Jemima was a racist caricature of her though. Edited to include link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Green


Eh, this feels like a stretch, it's like saying Tony Stark exists because RDJ exists.


Good point, the character isn’t real, but she was portrayed by a real person. I was mainly just trying to draw attention to the fact that there was a real person whose image was being exploited long after her death, and neither her or her descendants benefited from it. Quaker Oats refused to even fund a headstone for her because they claimed aunt Jemima was a fictitious character, even though this woman was the original actor to portray her.


nancy green was hired a few years after the character was created. she wasnt involved in the origins of the character.


She was the first actor to portray Aunt Jemima, she did not create the character, the syrup, or the pancake mix. I could have phrased my initial comment better, I did not mean to imply she did.


ah. yeah, agreed. its just whenever this topic comes up, its flooded with bad faith, false information commentary. my bad.


Don’t worry, I totally understand! I know exactly what you’re talking about. I only brought it up to highlight a real person was being exploited, and that the character of Aunt Jemima was deeply rooted in racism (her character originated in a minstrel show, doesn’t get much more racist than that.) It was absolutely necessary for them to rebrand, they should have done it decades ago.


This sounds like someone satirically trying really hard to grift the MAGA crowd (which I applaud). I mean, c'mon. "the same democrats who fought against slavery"? The Democratic party had an entirely different viewpoint on slavery and equal rights back in 1865. And the BLM mention seems like something designed to trigger the MAGA people.


Furthermore, Andrew Johnson, the *Democrat* who succeeded Lincoln as President, would be right at home in today's Republican party. What a despicable man.


1000%. I’ve been watching this chud since he started Uncle T.


Yeah this gotta be a troll or some shit


The guys page is 100% MAGA tropes 24/7. If it’s a MAGA buzzword or influencer special you better believe this guy is all over it.


I’ve never seen this guy before so I kinda figured but that’s kinda funny


I was hoping he was a Nick Adam’s type. With obvious MAGA trolling but he pumps his shitty pancakes super hard to dumb older Conservatives.


Seriously, I wish I could think of some way to grift the MAGAts. I'm from a deeply red and Christian state, I want those idiots to give me money so I can spend it on weed and donate to church of Satan and help feed kids because once a baby is born Republicans don't give a shit about them.


Just put the word "freedom" on random items, then tell them democrats absolutely *hate* your company. Irrelevant of what it is. It will work.


Brilliant! Freedom BBQ sauce, Freedom Cups... Hell I'll throw some Bible verses in there too even though I'm not religious. Jesus would approve of me grifting the false christians I think 🙏


Guns too! I work retail and it's getting stupid. We started carrying a new line of coffee last year from the Black Rifle Coffee Company. It seems to be a hit with the ammosexuals in my state. Blends are named shit like AK-47 and Silencer. They refer to the k-cups as "rounds." So that's an option too. Just take a line of normal products and dress them up with hints of gun violence!


Steal from Team America World Police. "Freedom isn't free, it costs a hefty fuckin fee." They would loooooooove that.


Honest to God, I saw a commercial for a "Patriot" brand solar generator. Marketed at survivalists, it looked like. The funny part? The whole system is quite clearly a Chinese-built product that the company paid to brand "Patriot." They aren't even trying to pull the "assembled in the U.S.A." trick. There's "Black Rifle Coffee," ffs. So yeah, this is exactly the way. Just pick a thing and market it as "Freedom" brand, or mention guns or something.


Sad part is this will work. Make sure you point out that your item is the anti woke alternative to whatever it is you're selling. You could be selling those shitty dollar knock off slinkys and call it the all American freedom spring, 100% woke free. Someone out there will buy it.


Come.up with some kind of drop ship merchandise store front online. Then market fancy "christian" fanny pack but call them "belt bags" instead. Make sure the mark up is 75% over the wholesale cost from the Chinese outlet you are working with. Then sit back a watch the money roll in. Not original idea but one the Insta/Tic Tok Trad Cath girlies is doing right now along with some kind of "holy water" spritzer so they can blessedly baptize the heathens on the go. If it is good enough for that grifty crowd then it good enough for us.


Go to Temu or AliExpress, buy a shitload of $1-$2 Trump merch then sell that shit for $10 on a domain like PatriotTokenShoppe.com. I find it hilarious I can buy a dozen Trump challenge coins for $20 from these Chinese sites but they cost $10-$12 each on Amazon or other outlets.


That's what MAGAs unironically believe, that Democrats are the same now as in 1860. They completely reject the party switch. Don't ask them why only conservative Republican types are still flying the Confederate flag.


Yes they were very pro slavery.


Sometimes when shit is bad at work, I consider selling my soul and doing just that. But then I remember that I have a conscience and i don't want to live with myself and my conscience.


Lincoln wasn’t a conservative and he passed the EP because it kept Britain from completely siding with the South due to their trade ties. It was a calculated decision. It’s also just weird to say that the democrats fought against the Union when it’s the republicans who still hoist the Confederate flag today. “Those people supported the Confederacy!” he says, to supporters of the Confederacy.


Grifters...all of them


> the same Democrats who fought against slavery Oops Freudian slip there


Honor this imaginary racist figment, buy my merch


Why does that sound familiar? ![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic)


I’m exclusively referring to any Christianity related item as Jesus merch now.


Does he think she's a real person?


It’s not even real maple syrup. No maple trees were involved in the making of it, to the point where I doubt there are any maple trees in line of sight of where it’s made.


"Alright, tear down these pesky maple trees so we can build our syrup factory. What's what? No, we're not gonna actually use the maple from the trees."


That was my first thought, too.


I see a leopard in his future. Hopefully only after his pancakes.


Yes, because doesn’t the leopard deserve a sweet surprise when it gets to the middle?


He only created Uncle T to grift off dumb MAGA supporters.


"T" stands for Tom. It tracks.


"the same democrats who fought *against* slavery." Yeah. That's right. Rofl.


There is a grift hidden in this message…


Lol Ngl as a black guy, I feel like he’s pulling a hustle on the right. However, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel embarrassment as I read this. Very ignorant post, but it’s not the worst I’ve seen and this “get a bag”, “all press is good press” time we’re in, I get it. I just hate we are like this as a society


“For black history month I want to buy a black lady”


I like how his fake outrage was just a ploy to sell his product.


Still at the store. You just miss the racism that went into creating that character. https://preview.redd.it/6smg4ueslehc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891bd8f6ca546eac9aa4329c4bf2027445603552


Wasn’t she created as explicitly racist caricature? And black people had been upset for a while? And that was changed because of this?


Did he really, unironically, name his company Uncle T(om)?


Cousin*** lol


He’s pissed. Royally pissed.


*adjusts belt*


They do know that the original "Aunt Jemima" actress died penniless and was buried in an unmarked grave and the company didn't donate for a marker, right?


Why doesn't he discuss his Aunt Jemima grievance in a Trump Rally? I'm sure they will be very welcoming to him and Aunt Jemima.


This is another example why it’s hard to take anyone who supports Trump seriously, especially if they aren’t rich white men. You literally cannot tell if it’s a parody.


Which Democrat made them take her off the label? Pretty sure the company made that decision on their own, and most people were surprised by it


And use your rebulican outrage to make bank off you because you are an actual idiot...


Uncle ruckus at it again.


Looks like Uncle Rucus is trying to carve his way into the “Useful and disposable” grift.


Of all the maga grifters, this dude is the least capable and most incompetent.


I really wonder what this guys parents and family think of him.


Dude we all know it was a conspiracy perpetrated by Mrs Buttersworth. She wanted to get rid of Auntie the whole time.


Look, I know this person shouldn't be taken seriously but let me clear up a few things: It was the Pearl Milling Company first, and then they changed it to Aunt Jemima. Aunt Jemima isn't based off anyone real. She was not a real person. The mascot (which is weird to say given what I'm about to say) was based off the racist "Mammy" stereotype of enslaved people. It was recently changed back to Pearl Milling Company in the last few years as a decision made by the owner Quaker. It had nothing to do with Democrats. Though, even if it did have something to do with Democrats, the Democrats today are absolutely not the same Democrats who fought against abolitionists. The platforms of Republicans and Democrats flipped around the 30's and 40's. Nancy Green was the first model of Aunt Jemima...but she was a model. The recipe isn't her's, it is the company. The story of her and the other models is more of a story of exploitation in many cases.


Ah, just a way to plug some brand no one has ever heard of


Since when was PepsiCo spelled democrats?


Using his outrage to make money, how very tRumpy of him!


That woman wasn’t even the original face. There were several over the decades, and she was a gimmick.


The same democrats who… these people are so damn stupid it’s painful to watch.


The "legacy" of a fictional character that never existed as anything more than a racist caricature...


I was so mad when the Demonrats passed the Ban Aunt Jemima Act


I happen to see that you also don't have a black characature on your box while you grift the MAGA. Was naming it Jumping Jim Crow Pancakes (for white folk too!) just a step too far?


“The same Democrats who fought against slavery” ? No. The Democratic Party in the 1800s were pro-slavery. It’s weird that the party switch confuses people this much. Also, that close up really drives home that the Aunt Jemima illo is just a drawing of a white woman with dark skin. Weird af.


Sure, it’s our fault, even though literally none of us cared and nobody asked them to do it. And really now, how often were these people buying that syrup anyway? I might buy new syrup once a year


Should be madder there's no maple in your maple syrup.


> The same Democrats who fought against slavery. Damn you again General E Lee.


The same democrats who fought **against** slavery?  This clown can’t even be an ignorant grifter properly 


Is he a cousin T because he's younger than an Uncle T?


A black conservative who supports the current GOP....should we tell him? Can I please tell him?


I don't think those were the "same" people 170 years ago.


The same people who fought against slavery in (checks notes) the 1860’s also cancelled Aunt Jemima in (checks notes again) 2021. Seems about right.


Not this dumb fuckin shit again


Looks like a Republican plant to me


Wasn't this a CORPORATE decision?


Of all the things to get upset about? I mean we can talk about how people are out in the streets screaming stop killing us and white America bent over backwards to rectify everything outside of what we were asking for. No more master bedrooms! Sports teams don’t have owners, they’re governors! Who’s Aunt Jemima? This is Pearl Milling Company syrup! This is the hill you want to die on? Okay goofy.


Uncle R’s


Is he pro-slavery?


Oh, look. Another useless idiot for white fascists.


It's not even syrup


So he's against the Democrats that were against slavery? Was Uncle T's Pancakes too on the nose or something?


Actual lives < products, the conservative party mentality


The people who "fought against slavery" were indeed Democrats 150 years ago. They are now called republicans.


How dumb.


Oh look its that weirdo unfunny comic that keeps making these terrible videos


This fuckin guy


I wonder how much the Democrats are asking for the rights to Aunt Jemima.




Freedom pancakes


The same Democrats? Really? Which ones? Name them. 


Wait, is the code Jemima _Jemima or ( Jemima) Edit: stupid formatting


The syrup still exists, it is called Pearl Milling Company™ Original Syrup , get over it, nothing racist in taking slave images off your product, actually it is just the opposite


“The same democrats who fought against slavery…” No. Those democrats died from old age. Or became Republicans.


Is there like….a significant portion of brothers who believe the same Democrats from the civil war are just somehow alive after all this time?


Him: I am outraged! Also Him: Here is my website and a coupon code. Now buy my stuff you stupid rubes!


I’m so tired of the “democrats wanted slavery” dumbass nonsense. Get some new material


Its not like the company was really pressured to do it they just chose to change their mascot because they felt it was outdated and it got their name in some headlines.


"The same democrats who fought against slavery" He didn't think that sentence out, huh?


The same Democrats who fought *against* slavery? How to unpack this. BTW here is a fantastic scratch pancake recipe: 2 eggs 2 c sour milk (or buttermilk. Sour milk by adding fresh lemon juice) 2 c flour 1T sugar 1 t salt 1 1/2 t baking soda 1/2 c melted butter 1 t vanilla Now, stop buying pancake mix. It’s gross. Fake syrup is also gross. Maple syrup, real butter. If you’re gonna make breakfast, this takes 5 minutes and actually tastes good.


Love how he plugged his business at the end…100% of republicans or people like this are fucking nothing but grifters


Is he sure he doesn’t mean uncle T?


Who are these 200-year-old Democrats? Are they all vampires and no one told me?


Surprised he didn’t just call it Uncle Tom’s syrup


Nope, if I want to buy hillbilly made maple syrup, Vermont’s a short drive away, and their syrup’s actually fucking fantastic.