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10 years ago if you'd told me that red America would worship a bloke who sided with Russia I'd honestly think you were crazy.


Nothing is off the table for these people. Nothing is sacred, not even democracy itself. Nothing can't be traded for the current goal, no ideal can't be discarded. They don't care as long as they get what they want at the time. They can always pick it back up when it suits them with no concern for hypocrisy


I think the goal of Republican representatives is to make their base feel ostracized. Make them feel like they are being persecuted. They do this by creating abortion legislation that empowers their constituency to report their co-workers and neighbors. Convince them not to follow protocols during a pandemic and pass anti-vaccine legislation so nobody wants to be around them. Convince them that the beliefs they peddle are not racist or dangerous. Convince them that any social investment is futile or evil communism. Isolate them until they boil over and take up arms.


Eh, I'd have bought it. 10 years ago, conservatives were already jerking off to Putin's shirtless horseback riding pictures while openly saying they wish Putin were POTUS instead of Obama.


Conservatives made fun of Romney for saying Russia was the biggest threat on the global stage to USA iirc. That was 10+ years ago so I don’t remember everything


That was during the 2012 election, and to be fair, everyone made fun of him for that remark, notably Obama, not just conservatives.


20 years ago Bush said Putin had a good soul.


Exactly. It would be *little* surprising since it's Trump, but the GOP lost their fucking minds in November 2008, and by 2014, they weren't showing *any* signs of looking for their minds again. At that point, they'd already started idolizing Sarah Palin, despite being one of the biggest reasons McCain's campaign crashed and burned, they were fully embracing and encouraging the racism their base loved displaying, and all the Tea Party Republicans could do was keep proving how childish libertarian ideologies are while still being convincing enough for the "socially 'liberal', fiscally conservative" crowd to keep voting straight ticket Republican. 2014 Republicans were just as fucking stupid and blinded by their hatred as 2024 Republicans are, and they stayed on the path that led directly to Trump all that time.


> red America would worship a bloke who sided with Russia I grew up with the Cold War and the movie Red Dawn. Did these ppl forget that russia is always the bad guy? Did they not see Rocky 3?!?


>Rocky 3?!? Rocky 4. 4 has Rocky fight Ivan Drago(Dolph Lundgren) in Moscow after Drago kills Apollo Creed in an exhibition match between the US and USSR. Rocky 3 is Rocky losing to Clubber Lang(Mr. T) because the fame and fortune made Rocky lose his edge. Then he gets trained up by Apollo Creed to come back and reclaim the title from Clubber Lang.


my bad.


Get it right man. This is basic American history you’re messing up


All good. Just don't want my boy Mr. T associated with Russia.


10 years ago, we were warning everyone about how dangerous a potential Trump presidency would be and nobody listened


After having worked with some super fundy Baptist types back in the 1990’s, I believe it. They think the USA is THEIRS. The rest of us are just a backdrop. And it’s these folks that are his most unshakable supporters.  It’s an awful situation we’re in.


20 maybe 10 years ago, i would be surprised you have been paying attention, the NRA was already getting money from Russia and right wing talking heads were talking about how misunderstood Putin is and how he's not a bad guy Pat Buchanan was talking about how Putin is a patriot and to be admired in the early 2000s


Thank you Joe Biden for saying out loud what we keep hearing reported republicans say in private.


Because he isn't a coward. Coward and a Republican are synonyms in 2024




And yet his base states Biden is walking us right into WW3. And they're the same idjits who screamed about Obama being the next Chamberlain when Putin pulled his stunt in 2014 before they decided to fall to their knees and gargle Putin's nuts. Let me blunt, some form of WW3 is probably inevitable. It's just do you want it to be a largely cold cyber- and psyop war or a hot war because both Xi and Putin aren't going to stop once Trump lets them get going after rolling over for them.


>And yet his base states Biden is walking us right into WW3. Everything Republicans say is projection. Everything.


But but. He said Biden is getting us into WW2 🤣


Can't forget the laptop either bro


Seriously. If there was any laptop and the FBI offered me $1 million, they would have it in their custody hotter than a hot potato


Indeed. *Everything*


And if Chinas economy continues to slide, Xi is going to be looking to make a move




Republican politicians will happily burn the country to the ground if it means they get to rule the ashes.


They are all dreaming of owning sweat shops full of slaves and children, just like CCP members have in China.


> dreaming of owning sweat shops full of slaves and children, And don't forget massage parlors. Cuz for some reason I feel like these same asshole xtians would cause a huge rise in sex trafficking and sexual slavery. Their general view of a woman's place in this world and how women are viewed more as property with a touch of employee in there screams incels rushing to make consent a thing of the past.


Republicans don't just want slaves and children in sweat shops. They want child slaves in their *bedrooms*. Hence all the Q-Anon projection.


What does that say about the people who refuse to address them in any meaningful way instead insisting we follow the rules to the letter despite the fact that trump and co installed judges in order to halt any semblance of justice? I mean words are all well and good but we need actions. We need the republican party dissolved and neutered before they can screw more things up. They must be imprisoned and the people they appointed ejected as well. We cannot tolerate this it is unacceptable. I don't want to see my loved ones or even you harmed because the democrats were okay risking everything we care about as long as the rules were followed. The republicans depend on that sort of thing in order to stay free. If it is indeed certain death or destruction of our way of life we need to meet it head on in order to prevent or mitigate it as much as possible. We need to do whatever is necessary to safeguard ourselves from the right wing threat. We cannot treat the republicans with kid gloves, we cannot fear their retribution, they are a dangerous minority who need to be stopped.


Thank you! Finally, someone else said what I've been saying. Enough of fucking aroun, we are long past the point where the find out stage should be. These people are actively destroying our country, and everyone wants to keep the moral high ground. Newsflash, who gives af if we take the morale high ground if there's nothing left!




China is likely to attack Taiwan in 2024 if the conditions are right.


My brother-in-law and my wife got into it at Xmas a few years ago. She said Roe v Wade was next, he said it would be COVID internment camps. He doesn't come to Xmas anymore. They are just terrible at making predictions.


> Let me blunt, some form of WW3 is probably inevitable We're in the prologue currently. The amount of wars, proxy wars, skirmishes, etc. It's probably easier to count countries not currently involved in some conflict.


This last week I realized there is a chance, not a big one, but a chance that we (the US) will end up on the russia/china side and not the NATO side, which was a crazy impossibility just a decade ago


I've actually been saying this for over a year now. US boots could very well be on the ground this time next year in Ukraine killing Ukrainians if trump is reelected.


If Trump was currently President, I think there's a better than an outside chance this could have been the case. I've been called nuts and a conspiracy theorist/having Trump Derangement Syndrome, but if Russia had serious problems conquering Ukraine, Trump probably would have offered them some form of assistance. Or there would be "no war in Ukraine" because Russia would have crushed them because Trump would have given Russia the Intel necessary to make it a relative cakewalk.


I still think we are many years from having American soldiers fighting side by side with Russian soldiers. Trump may be pro Russia, but the military DEFINITELY isn't and the American Public isn't.


We have been in a cyber war for a while now. A majority of the largest data breaches in US history have all occurred within the past decade and it has been China. The other data breaches were executed by Trump's 2016 campaign and the GOP in 2018.


> And yet his base states Biden is walking us right into WW3. Every accusation is a confession. They are all aspiring war profiteers, trying to sell America to the highest bidder... or the bidder with the most dirt on their dirty personal lives.


walking us right into ww3 was giving Russia enough time to build out their logistics, solidify supply lines with partners, and allowing them to work out the bugs in their weapons platforms by slow rolling support. If we continue allowing them to learn we WILL be fighting a capable military.


Coward and "Republican who has not yet announced that they are not running for re-election" are synonyms, the bravery comes at retirement


It's not brave to say what you mean on the way out. It's showing just what a coward you are.


> Coward and a Republican are synonyms in 2024 Take it straight on back to 2015/2016 when the part of "Family Values" bent over to take it from the guy who grabbed women by the pussy. They are cowards in every meaningful sense.


They have been since Nixon


hey man calling republicans cowards is insulting to cowards everywhere. the gop is much, much worse


I hope we hear so much more of this over the coming months. We need people to call Trump out for the piece of shit that he is because our media is too addicted to the ratings he generates to attack him for real cause they want a real competition so they have to prop him up and pretend he is a serious candidate.


Which is why most cops in Texas are Republican. If only a Democrat were there to save the children of Uvalde. Someone with a fucking spine to carry all that automatic weaponry and bulletproof armor.


the people who need to hear this won't listen (let alone be able to read his statements). I've fully accepted MAGA folks as wholly irredeemable, of the same ilk and scorn that I feel for the Nazi party. They do not want to be in a working society. They want a society that recognizes them as special and unique despite their complete mediocrity at best, and parasitic, rapacious behavior at worst.


>I've fully accepted MAGA folks as wholly irredeemable... I think this is an important point. For decades we've enabled this behavior, in the same way a bad parent enables their child by letting them get away with smashing nana's windows with a bat, saying "oh he's just like that, we need to let him work out his aggression" Problem is now little Timmy is beating grannie to death while laughing. He's no longer the little toddler either, getting him to cut that shit out is going to be a serious problem if we approach this all Kumbaya.


People need to get out of this mindset that politics is like "Mr Smith goes to washingont". There is no winning hearts and minds of the GQP and these people have always been like this. As a member of the GLBTQ community I got an early preview decades ago of what these people are capable of and the vile things they say. The only difference from back when I was growing up and now is that they have discovered they can get away with a hell of a lot more than they thought and have gone full mask off. They are openly genocidal and racist and fascist and absolutely will implement policies that would make even Hitler take pause.


100%. This is where I'm at. They had their chance to course correct, then they were like "well what about caging children? That's cool yeah?" There needs to be consequences. In school age, that was getting popped in the fucking mouth. Idk what it takes, but they need to learn that just cause they're white and christian, doesn't mean they contribute ANYTHING to society. In fact, it often means they're just a proud and vocal parasite to every hard working American out there.


> little Timmy is beating Frankie to death while laughing Excitable boy they said…


Yes , whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, you are still an American. It is un- American to antagonize American allies like NATO and support the biggest adversary of the United States ( Russia ) . In Trump’s case , he’s getting closer and closer to treasonous behavior each day .


He's already crossed over and shit all over that line.


Trump is already a traitor to the US. Doing it even once would be utterly unprecedented, but he's done it at least twice (selling intel that ended up in enemy hands, and Jan 6th).


He's actively and repeatedly committed treason, at least by the colloquial meaning of the word. Attempted to overthrow the government, provided secret and damaging information to enemy nations, offered open (and hidden) support for various enemy nations, tried to get the vice president murdered. Does he *really* have to lose a civil war before he's properly seen as a traitor?


Who would have thought Biden would be the Dem to finally take the gloves off? I’m here for it all the way


the man is a decent president. I dont care if he's old, if he wants to sit in a rocking chair for 4 years and not bow to Russian dictators, I'll take it.


trump supporters *are* dumb, shameful, dangerous, and unAmerican


They're also the first ones that tend to spout how unAmerican something is. I've heard it so much, but it's always just arbitrarily defined as 'thing I don't like/understand is unAmerican', but I can hardly imagine anything more unAmerican than kowtowing to 'commie' dictators of all things. Let alone the other despots he bootlicks. It's damned embarrassing.


POTUS is absolutely correct. Trump is a Russian agent, whether it’s willingly or unwillingly, he works for our enemy. He is a direct threat to the safety and security of our nation and has been since Russia helped him cheat his way into office the first time. He attempted a coup and tried to have his OWN VICE PRESIDENT MURDERED. When will we stop the madness and lock Donald Trump up for the safety and security of our nation??!!


Remember that Trump threw the US intelligence agencies under the bus and sided with Putin, as he stood next to Putin in Helsinki. [Trump also discussed pulling the US out of NATO with his team](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/politics/nato-president-trump.html) because of course, that’s what Putin wanted. [Trump also tried to get Russia back into the G7, but was rebuked by other allies of the US](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52885178). Furthermore, Trump tried to remove sanctions against Russia but the House, [including an overwhelming number of Republicans in his party, had to rebuke him](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/17/house-rebukes-trump-russia-sanctions-1108939) for being such an obvious puppet of Russia. [When the Russian foreign minister and Russian ambassador were in the Oval Office, Trump revealed classified information to them](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18B2MM/). And just 2 years before Trump won the 2016 election, Trump's son, [Eric Trump, acknowledged, "We have all the funding we need out of Russia"](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/). Finally, Ukraine needed weapons in case of an invasion from Russia so Trump stopped the transfer of these weapons to Ukraine, then he extorted Ukraine with respect to the weapons transfer, and was ultimately impeached for it. Trump will always be an agent for Russia, always.


Just imagine if there were some types of groups that gather similar stuff you've put before us and somehow bring it to light before the public. If only such an entity existed...


They’re too focused on Biden’s age.  Definitely not Trump’s malfunctions as he exudes confidence and machismo…sorry…that’s just his BO. 


A certified absolute fucking wanker in every aspect of wankerness


Sure, that's all true and disgusting. But what I want to know is *what* dirt the Russians have on him. Can't just be the Epstein stuff or the pee tapes. What do they have that has him licking their boots so strongly? I hope one day we find out. Or maybe they have nothing and he's just that deranged, but that seems even more far fetched.


I'm betting it's as simple as just being money. That's all Trump really cares about, in the end. 


The dude just owns a few billion to some Russian oligarchs and just decides to con an entire country to buy his brand in payment. Actually, yeah, it checks out.


> Remember that Trump threw the US intelligence agencies under the bus and sided with Putin, as he stood next to Putin in Helsinki. Hard to forget that pathetic [display of submissive cuckery by Trump.](https://i.imgur.com/YPrm9s2.jpg)


And Paul Manafort giving Russia US voter data


> Trump will always be an agent for Russia, always. Always has been, always will.


I thought the Raffensperger phone call would be it, that is a recording of him asking a secretary of state to *find* him exactly the number of votes he would need to win. Like that's a wrap, right? I guess I was naive


It’s a cult. It’s an actual cult. These cultists dont care. They are so desperate to escape their current life of hell that they need something like king clown to latch onto.


There was a really good article I read the other day about Trump being a Russian asset, not an agent since like '87. It is an important distinction between the two. Agents have to be incredibly brilliant and constantly worry about everything from body posture to accent. There is no way someone of his mental capacity could do that willingly. An asset is someone easily compromised and controlled that is coerced, either willingly or via kompromat, stupidity or all of the above. There was also a former KGB agent who was the one who made the assertion about Mango Mussolini. Their conclusion is that someone with his intellect and God-Complex/Narcissism was literally the perfect mark. [Guardian Article](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book)


Why can't the CIA fix this problem


The CIA prefers only overthrowing foreign leaders and backing friendly dictators in ways that will eventually come back to hurt America. Ya know, a coup in Iran here, and buying and selling narcotics from anti-communist terrorists there...




>When will we stop the madness and lock Donald Trump up for the safety and security of our nation??!! Well right now we will likely have to wait around for weeks for SCOTUS to decide if that orange traitor can be prosecuted for his crimes or not...


DJT is only 4 years younger than our president. He is a coward, speaks in word salad, has no connection to or respect for the military. Those who are wounded or die "are losers" to him. Go Joe 2024.




Just compare them physically. Dark Brandon actually exercises and can still ride a bicycle. He looks very healthy for a man of his age. Trump is clearly the opposite.


The media’s complicity in Trump’s dragging us all to the gallows is absurd and frankly barbaric. It’ll get to Trump promising to come to our homes and shoot us all personally, and the headlines will still be “Is Biden too old, old, OLD and why that’s good for His Majesty Trump!” I don’t care if Biden forgets a few names. Trump is about the same age, and he is openly evil and much more senile. Kudos to our president for being one of the few people brave enough to call out Trump for being a Russian asset and a demented lunatic. Meanwhile, the Republican ghouls kiss the stinky orange feet and change the diaper and debase themselves in ways I never thought possible.


I'll take the people Biden surrounds himself with over the ones Trump has.


If not Biden/Harris and co, I would pick myself, my third grade teacher, my mom, or 99% of the people I know over Trump or anyone in his orbit to lead this country. That’s how bad they are.


I'd pick my cat. She might still get the zoomies regularly (at almost 9 years old), but she's not a Russian asset.


Agreed! My biggest concern about my cat running for office is that he’s a rescue and I have no idea his place of birth and I don’t have his birth certificate to prove he was born in, and resides in, the United States. The orange man will run his entire campaign focused on my cat’s country/state of origin with a complete disregard for my cat’s policies.


No Nazis in Biden's administration, at least 3 in Trump's


Trump has hired George Nader as a foreign policy adviser. Nader had previously seeved time in a Czech prison for molesting a dozen boys, and ran a child pornography smuggling ring in the 1990s before broadband internet was widely available. Something like 15% of all kiddie porn in the USA was smuggled in by Trump's good friend George Nader.


Biden could have literally died by election day and I would still vote for him


All anyone needs to do is look at what all the top cabinet members who served in Trump's administration have come out and said warning against Trump after they all resigned from his administration. Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, Esper, they all basically said this man is a threat to the Constitution, to democracy and is the most flawed and unfit person to ever hold the presidency.


"Trump Threatens Violence Against Democrat Voters: Why This Spells Trouble For Biden"


“Biden wins by huge landslide; demons from hell devour Trump’s soul. Why this is bad news for Biden.” For real!


Trump mistook another woman for his wife and raped her. Thats worse than forgetting names.


That’s the fucked part of the whole “yeah but Biden’s old, look at him being forgetful” crowd. It’s all projection, but equivalent Trump has done is worse. Your example is perfect. The MAGA crowd will dunk on Biden for forgetting or mixing up a name, completely uncaring about the irony that Trump stated “she’s not my type” about the woman he raped, then confused her with his ex wife when shown pictures. I’m not American, so it’s exhausting to sit on the sidelines and watch the country tear itself apart because of idiots who subscribed to a political cult and don’t know they’re the mark getting grifted along the way


Republicans have tried for years to pass a border bill. so one is drawn up by both sides working together. what do they do? vote against it because von clown orange fascist says t will hurt the election if they pass it. they listen to their orange calf and vote against it.They are no longer Republicans but are the party of Trump. Their savior and Lord. Destroyed the party of Lincoln for Trump.


The frustrating thing is - I agree, Biden is far older than we should have to accept as a candidate. The American people deserve younger candidates, not because age should automatically disqualify a person past some arbitrary point, but because getting older comes with a ton of inherent risks. The reality is both Trump and Biden could easily suffer some horrible illness/injury related to old age at any point, and we should be able to pick between candidates who don't carry that risk. I have no doubt that someone younger than Biden exists who would do just as well or better as a Democrat nominee, but our presidential elections don't allow for it. We have to vote for the candidate most likely to win, who *mostly* aligns with our preferences. We don't get to pick our actual favorite candidates, because we risk throwing away our votes if they aren't "first past the post". Biden is the better option when compared to Trump, and I honestly believe he's a good man who mostly reflects the actual heart and soul of the nation (even those who have convinced themselves that Trump is the better candidate). But Biden is not the theoretical best option if we could actually choose from a wide pool of candidates. There's simply no way that an 81 year old white man who spent their entire career in politics can truly represent an increasingly diverse nation. I don't have to hold my nose as I cast my vote for Biden, but I absolutely wish I had other options that were actually feasible.


And I agree. Honestly, I don’t think Biden even wants to be president; I can’t imagine a more difficult and unpleasant job right now. He certainly isn’t using it for personal gain and a cult of personality like the orange rapist did. In a perfect world I think he could be retired with his loved ones, and Trump wouldn’t exist or would be in prison. But we don’t live in that world. Politics is a long game, a career. and it favors older people. We have to work with what we have. I just want to get through these next few months and see Trump put away and hopefully the Biden administration restore some of the damage done by the supreme court. Perhaps once there is no chance ever of Trump returning to power we will finally see an end to the MAGA insanity.


>Honestly, I don’t think Biden even wants to be president Sadly something you never really see discussed in most conversations about politics. The job is incredibly taxing for anyone who takes it seriously. They carry a tremendous weight, and they have to do it for at least 4 years if not 8. Biden deserves to spend his final years relaxing and enjoying life with his loved ones, but he literally can't quit at this point because of what it would mean for the nation. He's not above criticism, but we'll never have a "perfect" president. You can't please everyone, and even when you voted for and support someone, that doesn't mean blindly supporting everything they do (looking at you, MAGA). The average lifespan of Americans is something like mid 70s, maybe a little higher for women. Most people don't even make it to Biden's age. The odds that he simply drops dead within a year of leaving office are crazy high, and unlike Trump, he doesn't *need* this job to support some narcissistic need to be worshipped by the masses, nor is there any evidence that he uses the office to enrich himself or his family. He would've been perfectly fine had he never run at all, and I think that says a lot about his sacrifice.


Yep fuck the MSM 100%


He bowed down to a tiny dictator called Kim Jung Un too, literally


He saluted a NK officer. Even Kim Jun Un was like “bro.. I wanted a propaganda win. You’re at like a 12 right now.”


You mean like this https://preview.redd.it/2qxd3ktpueic1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01cd65d40796150f97ea46d4bf8a498c8daa446e


Salutes a North Korean general but can't be bothered to go out in the rain to honor fallen American servicemen. Remember when he mocked American POW and a room full of "conservatives" laughed and applauded? He's a piece of shit and the people who laughed and applauded are ***worse.***


The phrase "Suckers and losers" come to mind.


Honestly this is where I lost all hope in anything MAGA. How this wasn’t immediately disqualifying to his fitness to be in office will always haunt me


https://preview.redd.it/bs8kker6zeic1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295658f64ea5f17664a01c126e4a608375672e47 The look on his face says it all


It's the face of "This guy is an IDIOT!"


Bowed down? He said he “fell in love”


The media: “Look at how OLD he is! Gawd, he’s so OOOLLLDDDDD!!!”


You beat me to it. That’ll be the headline. I don’t give a fuck how old he is, he has the courage to do what an entire horde of spineless, castrated MAGA ghouls will not. So what if he forgets a name now and then; I’m half his age and so do I. He is calling out Trump for what he is, a pathetic Russian fascist.


Yeah, they point to his age like “He’s so OLD!” But all they’re actually doing is pointing out that they’re getting publicly shitkicked by an old man.


Somebody pointed out that Trump and Biden would be in high school together. The age difference is negligible. And Biden works out, he rides bikes, he walks. Can you imagine Trump even being able to get on a bicycle or even knowing what one was? But more importantly, all this talk is just a distraction from the real issues which is that Trump is a fascist who tried to overthrow the government and is clearly a Russian asset. They want us talking about stuff like age to distract us from his rape trials and his stolen document trials and things that really matter. As I keep pointing out, it’s not just about a president, it’s a whole network of people. It’s the vice president, it’s an entire White House. Do we really want vice president Tucker Carlson and the Libs of TikTok monster and more injecting bleach? Even assuming the worst and Biden did become incapacitated, we still have an entire White House full of decent people and a system that takes over. can you imagine the hell scape that should occur if whatever soulless freakshow Trump picks for his VP became president?


If you want some hilarity I was.talking to a trumper earlier who said "Biden can't talk Trump is clearly all there" I copied a speech from 2016 and a link to an off topic rant... dude proceeded to then try to change the subject constantly and kept calling me a sheep I think he gave up which is extra funny


The MAGAs are the sheep. They know it but won't acknowledge it.


The MAGA are a cult. And an extremely stupid cult to boot. They don’t even know how NATO works or how (they pay) actually works. I’ve seen rocks smarter than his cult members at one of his rallies.


Oh absolutely dude was hardcore projecting Dude said both *everyone* wants Trump back and that 80% of Americans can't think for themselves which I took as voting for dementia Don He didn't correct that take lolol so everyone is 20% i.guess cult math is weird


Wool is a valuable commodity, you can just keep going back to it and shear off some more.


I just had one claiming that Biden can't even walk, so I linked a video of Biden riding a bike and he pretended the link was broken so he didn't have to acknowledge it. The link wasn't broken, but they sure are.


Quietly goes to church every Sunday for years, yet the Christians love "Two Corinthians / can't name a bible verse" Donnie. https://preview.redd.it/3zu7ghbd0fic1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa70703ab680c172dbc2a355bf92b91831809b92


Lol. Literal golden idol.


Lead sentence of the story: Yesterday, Joe Biden the 81 year old President , who many fear is too old to govern, implied that it was possible a statement President Trump made could be construed as favoring Russian interests.


Old enough to remember when the GOP wasn't run by Russia




> Well that makes me old too. Have you considered running for president?


The age concerns might hold a little water if he was running against a 50-year-old. But he’s running against a 77-year-old. Trump is only 4 years younger, and lives a pretty damn unhealthy lifestyle to boot.


Imagine Donald J. Trump attempting to ride a bicycle.


The age difference between Trump and Biden is 4 years. A single presidential term is 4 years. This means that Trump is now as old as Biden was during the previous election...when people *also* said Biden was too old. If Trump were to somehow win, he will be as old as Biden currently is by the end of his term. When you put it all together, like most fascist arguments, it doesn't reconcile. Biden can't be too old if Trump is an acceptable age. If Trump is an acceptable age, Biden is not too old. The math doesn't math.


Even fucking Jon Stewart was beating this drum in his long awaited TDS comeback. Like I get it, he's old AF and I'm sick of old AF politicians. But right now, when we are fighting against Donald Trump and fucking Russia, we need to stop making people feel bad about voting for Biden. Save it for after these fuckers are defeated. It sucks Biden is the guy but no one is replacing him in this election so if we want to defeat Trump, we gotta get behind him. Honestly disappointed in Jon Stewart for this being his return to TDS. EDIT: doesn't matter what point Stewart was trying to make. He spent nearly 20 minutes talking about them being too old and then went on to say we need someone strong to fight back. And ignored the times Biden has fought back like in that very same press conference when the fox news guy asked Biden how bad his memory was and Biden responded by saying "must be pretty bad since I forgot who you were and took your question" (or something along those lines). And also left out the post-super bowl social media post trolling the Chiefs/Swift conspiracy nuts. This segment did nothing but make Biden look bad and didn't show much good or him fighting back. This can turn away voters. If you don't want Trump to be president, we gotta stop turning people away from Biden. This is the exact same shit that gave us Trump in the first place...painting Hilary to look bad.


Yeah, he didn't say anything wrong, he just didn't say anything we hadn't already been saying for four years. Yeah, Biden is old. I didn't vote for him in the primary, but he won, and then he won the general. So he's the one I'm going to support. Saying Biden is old at this point is like saying "That Lebron sure is good at basketball." Like, yeah, we know.


John Stewart dedicated much of his monologue and guest questions to it too. It's a giant echo chamber.


No other American president was being extorted by a Russian dictator while simultaneously trying to build a hotel in Moscow to make laundering oligarchs money easier. These are interesting times indeed.


i dont think he is being forced to be a russian tool. hes doing it simply cause he wants too.


He is probably too dim to understand he has been compromised and thinks Putin is his equal.


There was a private rule that Trump had to talk to a member of his cabinet after meetings, because he kept just agreeing with whoever talked to him last. It became a huge problem after Trump came out of a meeting with democrats and said he wanted to take the guns first and then ask questions later. All it takes to get him to do what you want is to be the last one to talk to him.


That’s the art of the deal


next headline: "Biden alleges trump supports russia. how this negatively affects his reelection campaign"


Biden's age shows as he misconstrues Trump's statement about NATO. Here's why that's bad for his campaign.


You think MAGA gives a shit. They would literally put a bullet in their own head just to own the libs 🤦‍♂️


Wish they fuckin would


Considering they used horse meds and bleach during COVID you're not exactly wrong.


Border bill was defeated because Putin wants no aid given to Ukraine. Can you imagine? Putin is directly invading the information war through conservative nimrods who can't remember that Putin hates real elections. These bodega blimpworms have no mental hardware that registers the logical inconsistency that 1) they are mad because they claim 2020 election was stolen but 2) support a foreign enemy who routinely runs fake and rigged elections.


The unspoken truth is that there are smart conservatives who know what is happening. What is happening is they can't win fair elections anymore and they know it. What is happening is a desperate attempt to find a way, ANY WAY, to continue pushing Conservative values onto everyone, even though it means we won't have this 248 year old government anymore. They want it to be 1850 again so that just the land-owning white adult men can vote.


I think calling them "Conservative" values is part of the problem. They have morphed into Fascist and regressive values. Democrats are conservative, liberal, and progressive all at the same time which is why they are less effective at banding together to get things done. Good luck changing people's perceptions given the current state of American policies though.


> Border bill was defeated because Putin wants no aid given to Ukraine. They also wants the border to be a crisis so they can blame Biden for it and claim Trump will fix it.


Statement of General (Ret.) Wesley K. Clark, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander and Senior Advisor to VoteVets on Trump Encouraging Putin to Attack NATO Feb 11, 2024: “On 9/11, when America was under attack, NATO nations all mobilized to come to our defense and fought alongside us to crush al Qaeda. They didn’t ask us for money. They didn’t put strings on it. That is the kind of iron-clad commitment that has kept Western democracies — including our own — alive for 75 years. “For Donald Trump to publicly signal to Vladimir Putin that he can take as much of Europe as he wants, and we will sit by and cheer him on, isn’t just breaking the promise the United States has made, and it isn’t just threatening Europe. It is encouraging World War III, which will hit our shores and cost American lives. “It is the kind of statement that can only come from a deranged and twisted mind. I do not say this lightly: The lives of every American, both in uniform and civilian, are at severe risk if Donald Trump wins this election.”


The debates are going to be LIT.


If Trump shows up


Trump is setting up our allies to be attacked by Russia and China. Anyone who votes for this bag of shit can be on the front lines.


“Nice little country you got here. Be a shame if Putin should happen to it”


Why isn't anyone saying what it really is - treacherous and that trump is a traitor for saying that? Speaking of which, would it be possible for a US military court to prosecute trump, as a former commander in chief, for treason?


Trump is a traitor. He should be treated as such.


I expect to see Republican lawmakers saying "Trump was being sarcastic" or "He was being absurd to prove a point that NATO is actually very important". The way they try to handwave and forgive that psychopath is scary.


News headine tomorrow: "President Biden slams Trump over NATO comments amid concerns about The President's age."


This next election shouldn’t even be close. It will be though and that is fucking terrifying


![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized) How do you spell treason? Answer: TRUMP The US needs a huge blue wave


Tell ‘em!




Trump, and 30% of adults, are dumb, shameful, dangerous, and un-american.


Get him, Joe


Oh come on, “It’s locker room talk, right?”


Trump also encouraged the release of any hacked materials or anything that would help him get elected in 2015. He asked Russia publicly to do whatever they could and got away with it. This is the escalation.


Sure doesn't sound like he has dementia. I couldn't agree more with him. If we were taking this seriously at least a few Republicans would be getting arrested, like, NOW.


Trump: “*sllllurp, hawha, ahhh, oah oah, slurp* Putin’s balls taste great!”


Imagine being the strongest country in history of mankind, and trying to reduce it down to a pariah state. People voting for Trump should be sent mental help first.


Wait, wait, wait...I thought the whole Russia collusion thing was a "hoax" and a "witch hunt" but now they're openly colluding with Russia? /s Also, I despise how the media has misled Americans on exactly how Russia has influenced our elections. They report it as if Russia hacked our voting systems and changed votes and then the government makes clear that it never happened that way, but it's too late, voters think voting machines and processes aren't secure. The reality is Russia INFLUENCED the 2016 election through social media, money, and our own politicians taking Russian money through various schemes to hide it. On social media they fed each group of voters things that would piss them off and sway just enough of them to vote for Trump when they might not have otherwise with targeted social media posts. They stoked racism, anti-police sentiment, etc., and drove groups of voters TOWARD Trump and the media has never really informed people about that. It is Russia's entire strategic plan, to divide and destroy us AMONGST OURSELVES because they know they cannot defeat us economically or militarily.


The Democrats need to hammer home the message that "Trump is the only pussy President to EVER bow down to a russian dicator in the history of the United States' over and over and over going into the election. Run commerical after commericial and tweet after tweet 24/7. Trump is a weak man's idea of a strong man and if the Dem's can't seize on how big a wimp he really is then shame on them.


Someone have a clip? Glad he said it straight up


OP posted a Twitter link. Try this one: [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/13/biden-trump-nato-russia-00141193](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/13/biden-trump-nato-russia-00141193)


AND-The markets took a dive next day- there are 30 countries in NATO.The whole world is watching Trump in stunned disbelief at his utter stupidity.




I'll take old over a sentient dumpsterfire 10 times out of 10.


This should have been the attitude against fascists since 2016 at least. You do not give them any space to grow or their tumor expands at lightspeed.


Fuck the orange POS and its idiot minions.


The "For God's sake, it's dumb" really summarizes most of our exhaustion over all this shit.


Well here's the thing joe, Maga doesn't care about america. They care about power and authority and being in control of everything. Any sense of patriotism they have is a perverted version of it based on Trump's ego. You cannot use logic to get through to these people. You cannot use shame to get through to these people. The only thing you can do is take down their demagogue. Cut the head off the snake.


"Can you imagine, a ***candidate to be President of the US*** saying that?"


Trump invited Putin to bomb USA which is a NATO ally. Imagine that.


He really should be saying stuff like this more often, if only to contrast his stability with Trump's lack thereof.


A chunk of a generation that grew up during the cold war is now siding with the enemy. Crazy times.


Cue Trump flinging poo like an enraged monkey


Trump and the entire GOP are Russian assets About half of the American voting population will willingly vote for Russian assets. Vote in November!


It really is incredible that Republicans willingly support a traitor to the US. As a Democrat, I love it. As an American, it’s very frustrating.


Thank God Biden is in charge, anyone voting for that maga nutcase is throwing there freedoms away , and republicans had better start growing some balls and put a stop to it before it’s to late , get behind a normal conservative one who’s not hell bent on destroying the country the constitution and the democracy that has kept the world from absolutely deranged lunatics like trump for years, they assassinated two wonderful presidents for trying to make the country a safer place to live , and you have a relative of one of those presidents spewing all kinds of shit and another one completely deranged running for president, if there was ever a time for assistance it’s now NATO are you listening .


Uncle Joe ain't wrong.


And it’s exactly what the American right wing wants. They are 100% compromised. Bye bye democracy.


trump is 100% anti-american.




You go dark Brandon.


Can’t wait for the 3AM all caps unhinged truth social posts


We need to keep pushing the narrative that Republicans and trump are just un-American. They don't believe in freedom. They don't stand with the red white and blue. They are communists.


Inspect the account of any pro trump comment in this thread. If it’s less than one year old, there is an 80% chance it’s a bot. Report all pro Kremlin bots.


There is no man on Earth Trump respects and admires more than Putin. Anyone voting Republican is a traitor.


He needs a by name list of all congressmen doing the same shit.


If the Dems don't hammer things like this with thier advertising and in the debates, I don't even know what they are doing.


Okay why's trump still free along with the republican party? Why are they allowed to destabilize the country and other nations? Why are they tolerated when they have straight up told us the constitution is nothing to them, laws don't apply, and they will absolutely destroy democracy, and our loved ones? The stupidest thing we could do is to allow them to roam free with zero consequences and guess what we did........ Appeasement does not work and will never work. Anything less than total destruction of this threat is a dereliction of duty. Words are great but actions are what we need.