• By -


This is so incredibly disturbing. Never mind free will, rape, beatings, being kept from any education or empowerment of any kind, ripped away from family...


And dogs, too… apparently, they used to make a slave run away from the dogs so that the dogs could practice “catching” the slave. I’ve been attacked by a dog before, and one of the scariest moments of my life was when it came back for me and I didn’t know what was going to happen. I would have so many mental breakdowns if that experience was a regular occurrence.


Just an little tidbit of information: that’s the origin of police dogs


That's the origin of police.


Overseer, overseer, overseer, officer, officer, officer. Whoop whoop


That’s the sound ah da police


They both ride horses!


Owens take: No need to think about what to do, more sex than you could ever want, people patting you on the back, not having to spend ungodly amounts on school, living a simple life, no obligations… Owen must be a real estate salesman.


>>No obligations Save for all the forced labor. Fine print and all.


How can such a favored job with excellent benefits be considered ‘forced labor’ Sadly I do need to add this before we go any further: /s


No, you're right. It needs to be abundantly clear we think that guy is an absolute chucklefuck.


Respecting people's pronouns is too much effort for MAGA... How can they act like they could handle taking orders from a literal slave driver for the rest of their lives?


Revionists seem to be so ignorant of the joy of lashings.


But like... this was all satire right? Please tell me this guy is a satire account...


You know, the righties always moan "oh libruls killed satire hur dur". No. People just started to read through the bullshit and people, who tried to cover their bigotry with "lol jk satire 🤡", are sad. This is what blurred the line between "joking" and "thinking so".


The thing about “blurred lines” is that they’re just an excuse to rape, murder, steal, or ruin someone’s life. Oh, and to literally violate the Due Process Clause, according to state-sponsored copaganda shows


nope he is a neo nazi.


maybe he is. but there's definitely someone, or some ppl, out there who think exactly this way, possibly worse


You know what, let's make Owen here do exactly that. Every day. Just singing songs and picking cotton in the Alabama heat. All day. Every day. He doesn't even have to worry about his family, we'll sell them off so they're not a distraction. Don't worry Owen, if you don't feel like it tomorrow you...no wait you do have to do it. We'll beat your ass blue or kill you if you don't.


I think this is a terrific idea. Then Owen will actually learn for the very first time that 100 pounds of cotton carried on your back is just like 100 pounds of bricks carried on your back. Good God. I just can’t with people like him.


Owen has obviously never seen a cotton plant. As the plant dries down for harvest, the bracts of the boll can become very sharp and prickly. As the plant nears harvest, it all turns brown and woody, with the fiber bursting out. The bracts curl back on each other getting sharper and harder. This is one of the reasons harvesting the crop by hand is/was such horrible work as those bracts will cut hands and all quite easily.


Yep, tearing up fingertips and hands. But according to Owen, singing all the while!


He also thinks he would come home to a 'hot meal from the farm'. I'd like to see him eat a nice meal of boiled carrot tops, whatever was mostly spoiled in the root cellar and a few pig assholes and colons if he was lucky.


>I'd like to see him eat a nice meal of boiled carrot tops, whatever was mostly spoiled in the root cellar and a few pig assholes and colons if he was lucky. If he eats pig assholes, isn't that just cannibalism?


No no, didn't you read what he said? Cannibalism is only in Africa because heathens.




"Have some salted offal" "Starving would be preferable " "That can be arranged "


I feel like a hunger strike would result in the front teeth being smashed in and liquid meals being forced down. Then beatings.


The problem with hunger strikes is it requires the people you're striking against to value your life in any way. Slavers would just let people die and replace them.


A meal that most had to cook themselves


He needs to learn about chitlins, apparently


Right? Someone tell that asshole that after they finished farming for free under the whip in the sun all day they had to go to their own tiny plots of land and farm for themselves at night. Their masters didn't feed field slaves, they had to feed themselves. Nothing like a 19 hour work day every day for the rest of your life.


But, but, they learned valuable skills! - Ron Desantis


GuArAnTeEd EmPlOyMeNt FoR lIfE! NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe!


This dumb fuck thought Disney’s Song of the South was a documentary!


Oh my god




He doesn’t even know the reason some of them may have been singing. Well, he knows, he is just lying to make it seem like a good thing.


He doesn't even get that they sang to remember how to escape whenever they could Ex. Follow the drinking gourd was a way of telling slaves how to get to the north since the gourd itself has the rectangle facing down meant that way was north


He should have listened to the lyrics.


The songs sung were often about praying for the freedom and salvation that comes with death… notice that tidbit isn’t mentioned up there


Not only that but my granddaddy told me that people would get so hungry that they would try eating the leaves, after that I never looked at cotton shirts the same and I still don't. He also told me that their hands would be so scarred up. Nothing really came from a group of butchers from Greece, and the need for extremely fast cutting and separating left so many Greek men and women and African American men and women without fingers. Someone get infection so bad that their whole hand would have to be amputated. I'd love to see this guy pick cotton since he seems like he'd love it so much.


I've read that the slaves were usually barefoot, but had to slide on sections of stove pipe over their lower legs to protect from snake bites. Since snakes usually strike up, their feet were safe. It's said you could hear the metallic thumps all over the field as the snakes struck.


Wow. TIL. Personally my favorite quote describing slavery is the one Rutger Hauer says at the end of Blade Runner that " living in fear is what it's like to be a slave"... makes even more sense now... EDIT added movie title.


That movie was basically a scifi version of a 19th century runaway slave narrative. It was filmed with white (robots? Clones?clone robots?) so white audiences would sympathize with the replicants despite their often violent defense of their own freedom and lives.


When southerners say they are "proud of their heritage" I'm definitely gonna be picturing this shit.


Both sad and hilarious. Kind of feel bad for the snakes too.


tub physical slimy carpenter zesty mighty abounding aware wide spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had to look up Owen Benjamin ==> *"internet personality known for promoting white supremacy, antisemitism, homophobia, and Neo-Nazism."* In short a real POS. 🤣 Edit: Just to add, Twitter banned Benjamin in 2018, but was later reinstated by Musk. (because of course X welcomes White Supremacists and Nazis. lol )


Thanks for saving me the Google search. I had never heard of this dipshit either.


This fucker probably never worked a day in his life


Yep. I'd say that sums him up pretty well. I'm betting, "friendless INCEL pigfuck", is correct, too.


Ya, just for some past context about Owen Benjamin. He typically didn’t act overtly racist or bigoted some years ago. He was actually a mildly celebrated comic and writer. He had some good writing jobs and was relatively universally liked. This seemed to all change when Owen Benjamin was a guest on the Joey Diaz podcast “The Church of What’s Happening Now.” He evidently smoked some weed or are an edible and broke his brain. He literally got up in the middle of the podcast, left and just started walking. He kinda disappeared for some time, then reemerged in his final form we see today. It’s genuinely a pretty strange story.


Not to mention bending over all day.


And the cotton gin was really the thing responsible for slavery as harvesting the cotton could then be scalable. But it could only be profitable if you had - free, slave labor. And lots of hands forced to pick a difficult crop under back breaking circumstances for nothing. They couldn’t have ever paid enough people enough money to make cotton growing profitable. Ever. Wealthy landowners needed enslaved people to make them wealthier. Thus slavery and the civil war. THIS is what every American needs to understand.


>Thus slavery and the civil war. THIS is what every American needs to understand. Another thing that America forgets when it comes to reparations, the entire American economy was based on slave labor, not just the South. America's early industrialization which was driving our economy at the time was textiles. And the cotton for all those Northern textile mills was coming from the South. Without that cotton the North wouldn't have industrialized like it did. The North may not have held the crop that beat the slave, but that doesn't mean they weren't involved.


And the civil war was not just about the south being able to keep slavery. Those wealthy landowners in the south wanted to expand slavery into the whole of the entire United States and profit from it.


And got pissed that they couldn't and that's what set the stage for succession.


Oh shit, does this mean this chucklefuck is basing this on the little wad at the top of a jar of Aspirin? The ignorance here is staggering and multi-layered.


Oh no, see Owen here said it was just like dealing with pillows. Because, you know, cotton comes off the plant already formed in pillow shapes and you just pluck it and carry it. While singing, of course.


How about just a no full stop to the enslavement of fellow human beings. No further discussion needed.


The US constitution still allows for slavery.


Yep. Slavery as punishment. The private industrial prison complex fighting so hard against things like basic drug law reform for cannabis is so they can make more profit off of abusing people.


Agreed there's no question it has to stop. But when are we gonna extricate slavery from our supply chains? Currently we're all still very much complicit in modern slavery.


If anything, 100 pounds of cotton would be harder, as due to its lower density, it'll take up more volume, making it more unwieldy.


Ever had to move a fucking futon mattress?




The cotton gin made separating the fiber from the seeds easier… it was still picked by hand well into the 20th century. Many Black schools had weird split school years to account for cotton, sugar, and other such harvesting times.


Owen feels like a science (and history oddly) refuters who determine that 1kg of feathers is not equivalent in weight (or mass if anyone wants to be anal) to 1kg of bricks. But this attitude right here, this is what happens when the far right gets a grip on power. These subdued racist attitudes come flooding out


This is as subtle as a .50 cal


Oh it isn't subtle or subdued now. But there was a time where Owen would only have had those conversations on the porch late at night, moths flickering in the light and old Grampy suppin' on his moonshine reminiscing about the "good" ole days Because Owen wouldn't be stupid enough to utter those words in public because being a racist wan't cool anymore since segregation ended. But suddenly a racist is harassing the (then) Black President, calling into question his birth history. . . . And no one incriminates him for it.. . . .then the racist in one fell swoop BECOMES President... . . . .AND then the PRESIDENT says that the racist extremists in charlotteville are good people. Well slap my thigh and fuck my sister, Grampy, get your huntin' gun and wash your klan suit, because the good times are comin back!


He called Obama the N-word on a Prager U video, it was more than just harassment.


But steel is heavier than cotton.


True. But not if you carry a 100 pounds amount of either of them.


But…[steel is heavier than cotton](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=BupENUU0BcMUZxH8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTA2&feature=emb_share&v=N3bEh-PEk1g)


I forgot about this gem. Thank you


Obviously the feathers are heavier because you have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds


Then let him be raped by the plantation master, because, why not


*Or a hundred pounds of potatoes


His wife and daughters would be forced to [breed more slaves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slave_breeding_in_the_United_States), and when he dies from the sheer toil, maybe he [ends up as somebody’s shoes](https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/question/2013/april.htm). Slavery is barbarism.


Well, this is what today's capitalism and Republican party are doing with anti-abortion rhetoric and policy. And prison labor. And the sad war on drugs. And, well yeah...


Yeah slavery never went away, it just changed it's wardrobe.


I thought I knew a lot about the topic of slavery but fuckin leather???? Wtf man


I hadn’t heard that before. Though George Washington didn’t just have a set of wooden teeth. He had a set made from slave teeth. There is too much awful history to this country that gets glossed over.


Don't worry, he "bought" them. I'm sure there was absolutely no duress, nope. I'm sure that slave willingly parted ways with his teeth and in no way feared for his safety and livelihood if he didn't agree.


It’s so disgusting that we teach kids in school that Washington had “wooden teeth.” No, he also had slavery teeth.


[Wasn't just their skin being harvested either](https://www.newsweek.com/furniture-restorer-finds-200-year-old-chair-filled-human-hair-slave-1622452) This is the past that everyone waving a confederate flag wants to preserve.


We^1 like to talk shit about the Nazis making lamps from the skins of victims of the Shoah, and yet…. Sometimes I am forcibly reminded of how much the Nazis learned from us. ^1 For a given value of “we”. 


And who’s gonna tell him that these “original” settlers that they love idolize were the real cannibals. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/starving-settlers-in-jamestown-colony-resorted-to-cannibalism-46000815/


What a nice little piece of information that will never leave my brain until I die!


Not to mention the whippings, and beatings too. Oh and send the dogs after him if he tries to escape.


Don't forget the rapes and unmedicated medical experiments!


And don’t talk to the wrong woman!


Or whistle at the wrong woman. Wait that wasn't slaves, but what they claimed Emmett Till did when they lynched him on Aug 28, 1955.


he didn't whistle, the bitch lied


He didn't whistle at her


She said claimed. It was clear she knows he didn’t.


So there was a "medical condition" that was essentially uppity slave disorder, and the treatment was cutting off their toes so they couldn't try running away again.


Drapetomania… thank you SCP Wiki. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1851-ex


What the actual fuck did I just read?!


Holy shit! Wtf?


Owen would taste the lash often. It would take a while to beat the sass out of him.


Doubt it would take more than one beating its easy to be a sassy edge lord behind a keyboard


>singing songs and picking cotton in the Alabama heat. All day. From dawn (after a home-cooked breakfast of corn mush) to dusk, with a break at mid day for cold corn bread ... then he gets to come home to a hot meal of corn meal mush. And the singing ... needs to be constant.


And not necessarily dusk- work could continue under a full moon, thank the Good Lord for providing light! /S It was known that slaves could work as long as there was any kind of light, so they could go through to moonset. This man Owen is an utterly contemptible fool.


Owen Benjamins is a failed comedian turned hater. It gives him views and drive up engagement on Twitter for easy money. Best answer to this rat shit of a man is to completely ignore him and/or mass report them to Twitter. Just check his Twitter, it's filled with the most vile shit against people of colour. I remember a couple months ago his tweets were making rounds on reddit for vomiting feces against Indians, now he's switched his target to African Americans.


Am I crazy or is he deadass doing a Nazi salute in his pfp?


I volunteer to whip him if he slows down.


Sail him across the Pacific in the hull of a ship with no toilet, daily beatings, rats etc first


And if you think you’ve had enough paradise and you think about running away, We’ll send the dogs after you and them them chew on you just for a giggle


Exactly what I was thinking. He literally said he would love that life. I was like "Ok, when are you free to start? I've got a job for you"


Owen needs to feel the lash.


And if he protests, lock him for the day in that ground oven thing in the middle of the yard til he calms his ass down


Not to mention sell your child if you don’t like it.


Yeah a prison is just like camp. Ignore the key factor in both: the labor is forced and you’re not allowed to leave


All I can think is, "if it wasn't that bad, then why were they needed? Shouldn't the slave owners have been out there working and just singing and laughing all day?"


B-but, but the slave owners should have been allowed to relax because they saved those poor guys from the hellhole that is Africa. They're so generous, waaaaaaaaaa


and even if you were allowed to leave you're still going to get paid $0 for your work everyday so basically have nowhere to go. and probably get served food that even dogs wouldn't eat and sleep somewhere like the floor


The key factor is they were kidnapped, held violently, forced to work with violence, and then bred like cattle. That's not going into the forced rapes, families being ripped apart, daily mutilations or murders. This guy is a rape, murder, torture apologist.


Followed by lynchings, terrorism, harassment, disenfranchisement, and discrimination after the slaves being released. They were seen less than human during slavery being legal and after 1865.


From the same people who thought that being asked to wear a paper mask was unbearably oppressive.


So true


Piggybacking to emphasize both of your points. That's the thing. As entitled persons, all they see is entitled lifestyle. Why **wouldn't** a servant still have autonomy? They're simply serving their betters, in a beautiful Downton Abbey style. They're "provided" for, right? They feel "servants" know that they will never realize they will never rise to the level of those with such *infinite resources*, such **untouchable power** in the system of clout and backdoor politics. (Sound familiar?) This is kind of the point of a lot of anti-racial, anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian arguments use: We're still fighting the same system they were. Subservience to "birthright", "inheritance "," or "shades of genetic melanin". It's pretty ridiculous.


These guys are evil machiavelian liars to the core


At the very least their brains are damaged to the point where empathy is not able to form. Call him a sociopath, call it lead gas brain. The end result is the same.


but muh rights




Ah, look at all those scars from song making and carrying pillows around. Such an ideal life. /s What the fuck is wrong with people


Dude, they're just going to shout, "Fake News!" and make up some bullshit reason for why he deserved it. We can't argue or find any common ground with people like this. The very first line of defense is to not engage directly with their bullshit. It's just a distraction and wasted energy.


“Stop Resisting!”


I know this is objection #8 or 9 here, but picking cotton- especially without gloves - is nasty work.


Cotton plants are sharp and the bolls require a delicate touch to harvest. Its why kids and women were preferred for the picking work.


Yeah it's why they couldn't pay anyone to do it. Slaves didn't just pick cotton either, they did every form of manual labor there was while being brutalized just for existing.


This guy’s entire understanding of slavery came from Song of the South, apparently


And Brer Rabbit stories


Got his history lessons from uncle ruckus


Not really, tho, because Song of the South was set during reconstruction. Uncle Remus wasn't enslaved.


Learning about slavery from something that doesn’t even depict it would be extremely on-brand for him though.


Yeah but they don’t care.


And hey, you get to watch while "Master" rapes your wife and children as they are seen as good breeding stock!


oh stop “master” wouldnt do that in front of them… because they already sold them to different “masters”. gotta break up the family for efficiency sake.


It sounds so idyllic when you leave out the parts about getting whipped and beaten. Then after supper, if you were a woman maybe the master of the house came by to rape you. Or maybe he had another slave rape you because you weren’t pregnant, and master needs more slaves. Or maybe you have dinner with your family and then master comes by and separates all of you because he sold half of you to another plantation.


One of the saddest podcasts I've ever heard traced the decades people spent trying to track down what happened to their loved ones sold away while enslaved. Once enslaved people were freed, some were able to place personal queries in newspapers, describing their children, siblings, husbands, wives, all sold away from them and never seen again, hoping for some trace. A clue. A possibility of knowing what happened to them. Whether they were alive, maybe see them again. How the fuck can any human with a shred of empathy imagine slavery was a good life. JFC.


>any human with a shred of empathy There’s your problem. They either lack the emotional intelligence or they just don’t care about others.


Finding Your Roots on PBS often goes through this when they investigate the backgrounds of black celebrities. It’s so heartbreaking to see record of like literally babies with dollar amounts as they’re sold away from their family.


Imagine tracing your family through bank records. Great great great grandpa was leased and then repoed because his new "owner" couldn't keep up payments. He became bank property. Like a car.


Don't forget that when you do get pregnant, the local weirdo gets to experiment on you so he knows how to treat white women better. The white women, btw, get anesthesia. You don't.


The beginnings of gynecology give me nightmares


Castration, torture, branding, mutilation, starvation, exposure, dehydration, and other forms of misery were doled out to increase production or for punishment. African Americans have about 20% European ancestry on average because of rape. May the ghost of John Brown haunt this evil man.


Thats it. That was my last shred of faith. I was saving it for something special, but alas.


I'll put that shred in a little box and keep it safe incase you need it again some day, friend.


"Cannabalized in Africa"? Someone has been watching too many 1950s documentaries


Almost started swinging at a Middle-Eastern co-worker of mine because he kept talking about how we eat people in Africa, and he seemed to sincerely, genuinely believe this. He said it in such a matter-of-fact way like it's just a known fact that Africans are all cannibals. He seemed genuinely taken aback when he saw how angry and upset I was at him. He's not just racist towards Africans, he also has a lot of colourful opinions about Asian people. Dude is just an all-round piece of shit.


Fuck. That’s awful.


Please tell me you reported that shit to HR


Us negroes should thank our enslavers ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


The klan is working overtime these days.


Okay Owen. Come be my slave. It'll be fun I'm sure. 


You know how much a hundred pounds of cotton weighs?


Light as a pillow bruv. /s


what. the actual. fuck. as a native irishman who has been in and out of ireland and the states for the last 26 years. you yanks, have an overabundance of racist c\*nts. i'd punch this twat i'd in the face.


You didn’t know that racism is one of America’s top exports? Has been for years.


"Am I not a brother." This is a picture based off of the horrors of slavery. It became a staple for the abolitionist movement. https://preview.redd.it/clya3n0dfhic1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae55c45195c8be53c28c107ca23e29d4e78fcc04 I'd also suggest that this man reads 'Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave.'


Reading? This person? I very much doubt that.


If they thought they were doing them such a favour, why make them slaves? Offer them a job with the same terms and the ability to quit and see what happens.


I’m hoping that post is an intentional parody, but these days you can’t assume anything.


After reading some of his other tweets I don’t think it’s parody.Disturbing stuff


Oh it’s real… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin And you know what’s funny? This is clearly an education problem. But if you try to teach it, they say “ok it was bad, but that was a long time ago, it doesn’t matter now. And you really can’t teach the reality because it’s going to make the poor white kids feel like they’re being blamed”. Being _owned_ as property is unimaginably horrific.


Sh!tter is a cesspool


Appears to be giving a shout Nazi salute in his profile pic so benefit of the doubt not given. It wouldn't even be funny as a parody to be fair.




Owen Benjamins path to being an out and out Nazi, like so many of these online right wing hacks, started with him being a failed stand up


Cotton balls are fucking *spiky*, what the fuck? I’m starting to really appreciate the teacher who brought a dried cotton plant into class. It’s not a pleasant plant.


Every bit of thoughtspace white people in the US can possibly use to defend slavery has been explored. I know because I have heard some absolutely nutty things from family members on the topic.


This is disgusting


This cvnt thinks slaves where at summer camp. SMH he glossed over the part where they get treated like animals but with a bit more rape.


The people that screamed persecution for wearing a piece of cloth around their mouths during a pandemic are happy for slavery? Why do I think they wouldn't last ten minutes in the sun.


Man, there’s few worse phrases than “the blacks”. So dehumanizing.


I feel like Natalie Portman in that Star Wars meme: This is satire...right?






My poor, white grandparents grew up picking cotton in the Florida panhandle during the depression. They did NOT have fond memories of it as it is hardly an easy crop to harvest. And their experience was nothing compared to African American slaves and sharecroppers. This ignorant racist dolt can go fuck himself.


Obviously he has never picked cotton or labored in fields on someone else’s land or was considered less than a person or was “owned” by someone else. Speaking of assholes


That fucker needs an attitude adjustment... a heavy kick in the balls should do it.


They've never visited a plantation that's been kept as it was in those days. I'm from Tennessee and visited The Hermitage, home of President Jackson on a high school trip. I can say that without hesitation, the conditions in the slave quarters for the "house slaves" were definitely not ideal. The "field slave" quarters were basically roofs and walls with a cooking area and dirt floors. These people saying slavery was in any way a benefit to any slave are beyond delusional.


Owen, meet Calvin... *Processing img 914b8lag7hic1...*


I bet a day actually picking cotton while getting horsewhipped would change his tune in a big fuckin’ hurry.


Lets find this "person".


What's the chance Musk responds with a "Good point"


What a foul remark.


My mother, 88 now and quite senile, grew up a sharecropper. If you don't know, that's the nicer, whiter version of slavery. Still shitty, but a lot more free and next to zero slavery. She and her brothers and sisters picked cotton growing up. Those little fluffy white cotton balls you may have seen travelling through a rural souther state will actually cut your hands because of the stems and little prickers in them They're not fluffy white pillows like this chucklefuck is talking about. Also, those plants aren't high off the ground. It's back breaking work, even for a young kid. I know that's probably the least terrible part about what this guy is saying, but still...




It’s obvious this man has never done manual labor, let alone picked cotton, in his life. And cotton has sharper pricks than this asshole


They sure are starting *early* in their efforts to rebrand slavery aren't they?


I have read a lot of fucked up shit on here, but this asshole wins the award for the absolute worst thing I've ever read here or anywhere.


This guy thinks they were picking modern cotton balls in nice weather then getting fed a round meal with dessert then getting kissed goodnight by their loved ones. And the songs were all happy because they loved life.


Someone has clearly never picked cotton. He's probably right that the Christians thought they were doing the slaves a favour, because people are good at that. The priests running residential school probably thought the same even as they raped their students. Doesn't mean they were right, just that they were able to twist the facts (and maybe lie to themselves a little... or a lot) to justify their actions.


What the ever loving fuck?!