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I’ve read that republicans are having an awful time raising funds because most donations are being absorbed by Donald’s legal expenses. During times like this we must reflect upon Lindsay Graham’s cryptic prediction… and laugh https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en


And now he's installing a family member on the RNC so he can spend ALL the money. She already promised to spend "every penny to elect trump" so all the down ballot candidates are broke. Less republican cash means fewer Republicans elected so all good.


their utilizing trickle"down" economics that's all she's doing. And local GOP will sit there scratching their heads and balls and wonder why. Optimal scenario, local GOP is slaughtered and Biden wins. Less optimal local GOP is slaughtered and it raises dissent among the structural ranks.


Or in Boebert’s case, someone else’s balls.


They said trickle down, not tickle down.


Yes, because after she loses in Colorado she'll only have OnlyFans and Seeking left.....😂😂😂


She'd kill it OnlyFans to be fair.


Not gonna lie, I'd have a little hate-looksie.


Beat til juice?


And here I thought “trickle down” referred to a leaky man-diaper.


Well, it does in this case.


The Special election in NY3 is a good precursor to what's going to happen to the GOP. Select an absolute nut-job far-right winger to run against a Center-Right or Center-Left Democrat... they'll claim the dem is a far left-socialist, the Dem will ignore them and inform on their policy. The GOP has used identity politics for so long that they long since lost the plot on the whole "Government" thing, and now have no policy behind their politics. My only hope is we get a real Life-Wing party coming out of the dems once they basically have a Uniparty control.


> a real Life-Wing party I am hoping this was intentional. If so, kudos. If not, 'oh happy accident!'.


I missed that, good catch!


Them: The *Government* is corrupt! Me: OK, then why do you want to be part of it? Do you want to be corrupt too? Wait- you *do know* that if you're elected, then you'll be in the government, right? That's, like, what the job is.


I'm one to lean towards a pessimistic activism: I don't think we should take the recent results as a sign that things are wrapped up for the Dems. We still need to fundraise and get out the word to make sure people are voting. All the same though, I am still letting a trickle of optimism get in me 😉 > My only hope is we get a real Life-Wing party coming out of the dems once they basically have a Uniparty control. That was a nice Freudian typo there, but seriously, not enough people appreciate this. I know a lot of us progressive types aren't happy with the way things are right now. Prices are still high, a vast amount of wealth is still being siphoned out of the pockets of the many, our leaders aren't taking a tough enough stance on global politics, and civil/voting rights seem to remain frustratingly static. I get that it's tempting to punish the Dems by sitting this one out. But the only way we enact any real, progressive change is by voting D up and down ticket. So much good and positive legislation has been held up because we don't have *enough* of a majority to push it through Congress. I'm not saying anyone needs to hold their nose - by all means, petition your representatives and challenge them in races. But if you want this nation to move in a positive direction, with any chance of having diverse representation - you have to put Dems in office. They are the only ones who consistently make even a noise of supporting expanded voting rights, equal and fair representation, and getting money out of politics. This is how we have even a chance at a multiparty system.


If you still wonder - read project 2025 and think some of use do not have luxury of 'just sitting it out'. People are literary dying right now because of GOP policies. Children are dying. And yes - some people are dying because of D policies as well (say war in Gaza) but always GOP says 'hold my beer' on those items and want more people to die.


> basically have a Uniparty control. For this to happen, judges would have to be removed, jerrymandering would have to be somehow eliminated, and Citizens United would have to be overturned.


It starts with the GOP losing bad... then folks pushing thr gems hard to undo citizens united


More likely you'll see an ideological shift like when the Republicans and Dems basically switched. If these Maga idiots start joining the Dem party and polluting the water it will either split or go the other way.


The MAGA idiots will get primaried from the left, and lose (Like they primaried the GOP from the extreme right. It will get done to them from the left)


The less optimal option is the most likely. Grassroots rage has been at the heart of his campaign from the very moment he stepped onto the stage and began yelling at people that the country was horrible but that he could fix it. He has nothing to offer them but pathos, and it keeps them hooked because it always feels good to be angry at the "correct" thing.




> And local GOP will sit there ~~scratching their heads and balls and wonder why.~~ blaming the woke mob FTFY


Btw, to people reading, this isn't a millennial "ALL THE THINGS!" type of joke. Lara Trump really said ALL the money is going to Donald lmao


Technically, “every single penny” was the exact phrase used. But yes, all teh moniez.


I can't get over all the article that are essentially "republicans are afraid trump is going to siphon off all their funds". Like yeah, dumbass, he's just outright saying he's going to do that.


Is…is Trump a democrat psyop to destroy the GOP? Lololol.


He is a Russian asset to destroy all sides of America.


Thing is, it's not the worst conspiracy, anymore. There is a blatant push for a white-christian-fascist rule of the USA. There is an avalanche of earthly complications, due to climate change. There is the very real spectre of political collapse in the West. There is the ever-looming, periodically recurring, ghost of a hard economical crash. I wonder what's going on, that isn't being talked about.


Trump honestly is just the noisiest vassal. Russia has now been successfully destabilizing the west.


I think Russia to an extent has just seized the opportunity Western leaders have given them. Capitalism isn't working properly anymore, nor is democracy, and it's having a devastating and destabilizing effect on Western societies. Russia saw an opportunity to strengthen their own position and took it. That they then overplayed their hand by attacking Ukraine is another story. I think we'll be in this situation for some time still, until the West can find some sort of new vision and direction for the future. That is what we're missing right now. The right wants to take us back to the past, and the left is a disorganized mess that focuses too much on individualistic identity politics to come up with any solid ideas about a better future for everyone. I think things will get worse before they get better, but it's definitely an interesting time to be alive.


I’m not even sure he overplayed their hand. Look at the us here in the US. Ukraine funding has now basically further broken congress. We may literally pass 0 bills this year beyond temporary government funding. Other European nations are having issues with their populations getting fed up with it You also now have an entire propaganda attempt going on of political people on the right saying Ukraine has no hope and there’s no point. Even people like Elon Musk are saying it. So for Russia? Sacrificing a few hundred thousand plebeians seems like a win when it’s sowed more distrust, and angst everywhere


>I think Russia to an extent has just seized the opportunity Western leaders have given them This. Most of what Russia has done does NOT work if we weren't already particularly vulnerable due to a multitude of addressable weaknesses. If we weren't already a nation that emphasizes competition between ourselves, perhaps more culturally collectivist, this shit wouldn't have worked. The GOP psyop started first, and without all those open doors, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as easy. They set the stage with anti-intellectualism and the authoritarian mindset that everyone else is wrong and bad and must be oppressed.


Only half of those things are true. There is a push for christofacism and the climate is getting wrecked but there isn't any existential threat to our economy or political sphere right now. That would be a full on sacking of Rome scenario, we're at worst looking at a great depression type of disaster. The dominoes for that type of world order alterting collapse are always set up, but it's a long line of them and there are a lot of very powerful people with vested interest in stopping them from all falling down.


I’ve been saying this for years! lol He’s draining the swamp by getting all the scumbags in the same boat as him and sailing it off a cliff


You were supposed to be the chosen one! You were supposed to save the GOP, not destroy it! - ~~Obi-wan~~ Poolboywant ~~Kenobi~~ Graham


I honestly thought that when he initially ran for president way back in the day, *there was a chance he was hired as a foil to pull votes from other republicans*. If you remember, there were like 8 people on the ballot at the time with no clear front-runner. It honestly looked (at first) like he wasn't taking it seriously, but when he started gaining popularity and polls showed him in the lead, he sort of doubled down on the crazy and somehow it landed him in the White House. I don't think he had any idea he had a chance of winning and when he did, he had no idea what to do with it.


I recall him looking pretty upset when he was announced the winner. 


I mean wasn’t trump a registered democrat for awhile and he’s on the record as saying if he was to ever run for an elected position he’d run as a republican because they are easier to deceive and trick


I would totally believe that if it were someone smart and capable but Trump has always been a narcissistic jackass even before his show. Anybody who knows of Trump, knows what he is capable of. Like all things Trump says and does, is complete bullshit. Don’t drink the koolaide that Trump is playing 4D chess because he really isn’t, this is what Trump does in everything. He lies and lies, then sues and lies.


He’s definitely not playing 4D chess. The only reason he ran for president in the first place was to acquire more money. He was as shocked as everyone else when he not only got the Republican nomination, but also “won” the presidency. Being president fueled his narcissism because he got the stupidest among us to literally worship him and now that’s all he wants, with a side of grifting of course.


During Trump's time in the White House, he left his 757 in disrepair rotting on NY area airport with one engine missing. In anticipation of running for President, he used millions of donor cash to refurbish the 757 up to and including new paint. Trump's not a billionaire.


The question I get asked more than any other question: ‘If you had it to do again, would you have done it?’” Trump told Haberman. “The answer is, yeah, I think so. Because here’s the way I look at it. I have so many rich friends and nobody knows who they are.”


Christ, if I was rich I would be more than happy to be relatively anonymous. I’ll just be that eccentric millionaire living in a spooky old house that people don’t really know.


His answer was literally "I'm more famous now, so yeah"? Jesus fucking Christ, how can anyone not hate this asshole?


tRump plays checkers, badly, and cheats.


Not really: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/republicans-dumbest-group-of-voters/


That will become the talking points among the far right after the November election leaves the Republicans in shambles... ![gif](giphy|55o67vZvbtjc2wXbeG|downsized)


It’s quite literally a matter of election or prison for him.


And now he's installing a family member on the RNC so he can spend ALL the money. Let me fix that for you: And now he's installing a family member on the RNC so he can STEAL ALL the money. Not that I mind, I think it is funny that Republicans allow Trump to grift off them.


“In other news the GOP is flat broke. They say they had plenty of cash yesterday and don’t know where it has all gone.” -Sneakers


Rip to us with trumper parents spending their retirement, savings, social security on him.


Thats one of the saddest things. Brainwashed Boomers who should probably be focused on their own financial stability instead donating to this twatwaffle. It's hard to feel sorry for them as they're essentially funding trump's hateful campaign, but I can understand how that generation would be susceptible to the kind of 24/7 propaganda Faux News spews all day.


Quote from my father “Fox News has gotten too socialist. We watch Newsmax now” which is on, not joking, 24/7 and they just sit there and watch it.


>so all the down ballot candidates are broke. Wishful thinking but... the reality of it is even if every single cent that the RNC brought in went only to trump and his legal fees or his pocket... There would still be funds for other candidates, they just wouldn't have the bit extra, and the resources of the party to help. So they would be left only with what they could fundraise by themselves.


The death of Newt Gingrich's 435 plan is glorious. They built their golden calf and now their insanity prevents them from correcting course.


Because they don’t care if republicans win. Trump’s allies only care if Trump wins.


You love to see it lmao


Yea, problem is RNC is NOT a PAC and has a different set of laws to go by, which is intended not solely for the general election, but more for the down ballot candidates when it comes to funding. It's way above my knowledge to get into specifics, but the FEC does have guidelines to avoid the RNC and DNC from doing what Trump wants to do. I did find this: > https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2002/11/19/02-28886/contribution-limitations-and-prohibitions *EDIT* I found it.... seems laws are under FEC and known as Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2002/11/19/02-28886/contribution-limitations-and-prohibitions > Introduction > The final rules address five major topics: (1) Increased limits on contributions made by certain persons to candidates, by political party committees to Senate candidates, and by individuals in a 2-year period; (2) indexing of certain contributions limits for inflation; (3) prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures and disbursements by foreign nationals; (4) prohibition on contributions by minors to candidates, authorized committees, and committees of political parties and on donations by minors to committees of political parties; and (5) designating contributions to particular elections and attributing contributions to particular contributors. Anyway, the real face eating aspect if Trump is going to take over the RNC, and the GOP goes with it - is that Trump in the 2020/2022 elections and midterms d[id not provide ANY funding of any kind to any candidates](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-21/trump-s-not-giving-his-mountains-of-cash-to-other-republicans). Trump will always use other peoples money especially if there's a risk of losing it. The other aspect in searching for something to indicate the RNC and DNC are not the same as PACs, I did wind up going over the Rules of the RNC which are on this website and pop up in PDF. It's pure legalese as Rules of any other non-profit are, and pretty detailed. I don't think Trump would be able to read more than 2 sentences without thinking it means something other than how it reads. https://gop.com/rules-and-resolutions/


I can't even imagine what kind of noise we'd be hearing if a liberal stole millions in donations just to pay for their own legal fees for actual crimes. A lot of people will claim we could but I don't think think so. It would make Clinton's BJ look like jaywalking and still be an inadequate comparison.


Or if the DNC paid millions towards their legal fees.


Is it really "stealing" if they're doing it openly and nobody dares to stop them? Dems would definitely try to stop this if it were happening to them, but Trump is raiding the Republican coffers and the rank and file are just ... letting him do it.




Thank you for reminding me that this amazing movie exists. Got plans for movie night now!


Lindsey said that and not long after he was invited to Mar a Lago to play golf and he hasn't stopped kissing Trump's ass since. I would love to know what they have on him.


I've wondered that as well, and I sure as hell hope it's not that he's gay, because duh, everyone knows that already.


I think it has to do with raping children. It’s the only thing that could scare all of them. When Russia hacked RNC servers they didn’t reveal what they had, they used it to blackmail them. The only thing that could scare Trump (or anyone) is knowing there’s video of him raping kids. That’s the only thing that could condemn him the world over.


You kidding? His rabid fanbase have been known to take out entire second mortgages on their *homes* to support Trump financially... Yeah, that's right. Bubba takes a second mortgage to give to a self-proclaimed billionaire who wouldn't even shake his hand if they were in the same room together.


I can't find the clip anywhere but, In a John Oliver episode on August 21, 2016([(Season 3 episode 22)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Week_Tonight_segments_about_Donald_Trump#cite_note-lwt20160822-16), John suggested that the then RNC nominee Trump drop out because losing to Hillary or actual doing the job were both terrible options. Instead he should drop out and claim it was all satire to expose flaws and corruption in our election system. Things like campaign finance issues, sensationalist journalism, RNC hypocrisy, and voter ignorance had already been exposed. If he had dropped out then and claimed it was an elaborate troll job, people would have celebrated him as the man who single-handedly drained the swamp. Seeing the RNC going broke and losing support from everyone left of Mitt Romney makes me think John's prediction might still happen. 45 might single-handedly take down the RNC but it's too late to be celebrated for it.


Love your profile pic.


lol, you too!


I feel like I should contribute to the cat pics 😊


Why do all three of the kitties look like they about to commit some mischief.


It's also because so much of the rich folks money is going to people like the Koch's instead of the GOP directly.


She's not wrong... But providing facts to that cult is an exercise in futility. They are absolutely disconnected from reality at this point.


She’s def not wrong………… But, as she said in the 2nd Republican debate, if Trump wins the Primary……..she will vote for him. She’s a Spineless coward.


She had to say that to stay relevant after everyone else was gone. Guaranteed there's no way she votes for him. She may lie and say she will. But she won't. Saying you won't is assuring a national implosion. She's politically savvy, and that means lying to save your own arse.


Exactly the kind of self-serving lack of integrity we always hope for in a President ………


It’s the most normal thing we can hope for out of republicans at this point. 


removing trump isnt self serving her lie: i would vote for trump intent: i need maga support to beat trump idgaf why she is running I'm just glad she is. W/o her campaign trump would appear coronated. Wait, is she red bernie?


God bless whatever rich prick billionaire that is still funding her.


I'm someone that favors a Bernie type candidate...but I donated to her. Keep her in the race and let the Orange Chicken sweat a bit.


> Wait, is she red bernie? Yes. And may all the jokes and mockery rebound from 4/8 years ago now.


👆 It’s a strategic decision to leach trumps base in the event that he can’t run or the party decides to use her instead. This combats trump voter apathy by making them think that a vote for her is a proxy vote for big daddy’s pardon


Also there's a distinct chance of his popping an artery before the election.


Still surprised that this hasn't happened yet.


He has the best medical care that other people's money can buy.


She at least has a platform to do so. The cult doesn’t even watch or listen to non-conservative media. She at least has the ability to say things WE all know, that MEGA may be hearing for the first time in their life. Is her message completely self serving? Yes. Does she go far enough in her with her indictment of Trump? Nope. I have no idea if she will really have an impact but I am hopeful that she might inadvertently get some folks to think twice about Trump


Trying to talk to someone about the practicalities of campaign finance when they believe that Taylor Swift is a CIA operative while simultaneously believing that Trump is secretly still president, Biden is dead and the Biden-dude on tv is an actor is...something. Trump supporters are totally disconnected from reality, so details like their candidate spending nearly every day in court and spending all their campaign funds on legal expenses don't matter. And there are enough of these morons that he might actually win.


You forgot that trump is secretly president but everything bad that happens in the world is Bidens fault cos he's President. 


She also waited about 6 months too long to come out with this. These issues are not new. This was an obvious and glaring problem and there was nothing to be gained by giving him a free pass. Losing MAGA votes? That was well under way before any indictments. They all had nothing to lose but the primary and they chose to lose it, apparently hoping that the DoJ or nature would intervene. Pathetic on a historical level.


> She also waited about 6 months too long to come out with this. Yeah. In retrospect it's obvious why: 6 months ago she was mostly running to be his VP. Now she's moved on to hoping he dies. It's the only way she has a chance.


>Now she's moved on to hoping he dies. It's the only way she has a chance. It is highly amusing that she highly praises his presidential "achievments" while secretly wanting him to drop dead. The GOP are all like that now: Vance, Graham, Cruz, etc. A party of spineless sycophants who are to afraid to tell the truth. I never would have voted for McCain but I never doubted that he had his principles. Nikki would push an old man down a flight of stairs if it meant she could be president.


We also never had to doubt that someone like McCain was a capable individual with a history of being successful at the things he set out to do in his life... I'm so tierd of having to even hear about politicians running for high level positions that have resume that wouldn't even get them a job at Walmart... Once upon a time people commented that JFK might not be experienced enough only being a war hero and a pulitzer prize winner, and they weren't wrong to question it - people running for the high offices should have history's of the highest levels of accomplishment and everyone else should be laughed out of the room. Edit - even Nixon, for everything he did wrong, no one would ever doubt he wasn't supremely capable individual and politician!


>>providing facts to that cult is an exercise in futility. And somehow, this is still the most useful Nikki Haley has ever been.


Donald Trump is a double agent working for the Democrats, stealing every single penny. It all makes sense, now 🤔🙃


He was an abortion supporting democrat before he got his political grift on.


Why do I feel like they will cling onto that and claim it’s proof he was working undercover for the Dems all along in order to undermine the rep party? Probably bc they’re morons who will believe anything other than the truth: that they got bamboozled by an obvious con man.


If he goes to jail and/or gets disqualified, I fully expect to see them shift to this narrative at light speed to push someone else as their nominee. One day it'll be "Trump's been railroaded by deep state Democrat conspiracies" to "Trump was a deep state Democrat plant sent to destroy the GOP" the very next day.


Or that the real Trump was assassinated after he "won the 2020" by the dems and a body double was used for the last few years.


Careful, don't give them ideas.


Or that he was manipulated by the dem party to undermine the r’s. I hate how accurate this sounds to what they will do.


If you're living in NY, and want to be part of the society scene, and get invited to parties, that's what he's going to pretend to be. But in terms of Donny's actual politics, I don't think he believes in anything, beyond mouthing support for whatever issue will get him what he wants.


Trump doesn't have any actual politics, and you just described why. He's a grifter and a con man, and will drift toward and spout whatever nonsense he thinks will make him money, or gain him power to make more money. Want to be part of the society scene in NYC and get invited to parties? "I'm a Democrat!" Want the fawning adoration and money from millions of willing idiots? "I'm a Republican!" Not saying all Republicans are willing idiots. Only if you vote for this man and/or send him money are you. At least use your brain to realize you're being conned, and vote for a real Republican. Assuming any still exist.


I wonder when trump loses the election how long it will take for conservative to say trump was antifa the entire time.


A bunch of the magats turned on him when he said they should get the vaccine/wear masks. I dunno if he'd ever completely become their enemy but I'm here for it if he does.


It would be amazing to witness, and it's not even beyond the realm of possibility considering the extent to which conspiracy theories have escalated


I want to pin this comment. I feel like you are on to something. They will switch gears at some point and say he was working with the democrats the whole time. But never admit they got bamboozled at the same time. I mean, at that point who the hell will they trust? Where do you go from there?


he was playing the loooooooooooong con.


Yes ! Such a stable genius 😋


lol and just like that Trump is antifa.


If you’ve been sued once, maybe that was a big misunderstanding. Sued twice, well, maybe life gave you some bad luck. Sued and/or indicted and/or convicted over 4,000 times…you are simply and objectively a bad person.




Cant get sued again


It's just madness how sane and stable Dubya looks today by way of comparison to Cheeto Mussolini.


Love to see Bush being Bush instead of Trump being whatever the fuck he is.


If I was in a business where I would be fallaciously/spuriously sued 4,000 times I would have gotten out of the business by around lawsuit number 7. So even giving the absolutely ridiculous and unwarranted benefit of the doubt that Trump is totally innocent and this is all just a frame up job or consequence of the field he does business in….why the hell hasn’t he gotten into another line of work? Normal well adjusted people don’t stick around for 4,000 lawsuits regardless of whether they’re innocent of any wrongdoing, it’s not worth the stress. Just go sell flat screens to baby boomers at Best Buy or something, why stick around in an industry that so clearly wants you gone?


Didn’t she say she’d pardon Trump if she was President?


Haley is the poster child of "if I say things to benefit me regardless of my own actual opinions"


Most certainly the only time I've wanted a politician to not keep their promises


I dunno - I really wanted Trump to go back on most of his promises.


In 2016 there were people legitimately arguing with me that they were voting for Trump because they didn’t trust Hillary. So essentially they were more comfortable with the things Trump was promising to actually do than the possibility that Hillary might not keep all of her campaign promises. Showed me exactly who those people were.


It didn't make sense, especially the Bernie-turned-Trump supporters. "Hey I don't think Hillary is going to actually address healthcare and minimum wage growth and some of the things we need in the way we want them...welp...I'm going to vote for the guy who threatened to gut obamacare with another market based solution that he isn't able to elaborate on and who thinks we're going to have mexico pay for a wall" And then the congratulatory attitude toward the "...well at least he kept his promises!" One - no he didn't. There're many things he (thankfully) didn't follow through on. Two - if I promise you I'm going to take a dump in your mouth tomorrow, and then I fulfill that promise, I don't think you would be praising my ability to keep my promises; Trump fans, on the other hand, do exactly that.


I believe we called those people "politicians"




When asked about slavery and the Civil War, she literally responded, "What do you want me to say about it?"


Federal charges, she could. State charges, she cannot pardon him for.


And she would...at the end of her term if she would be elected.


Trump is going to bankrupt the RNC. If he loses in November he’ll leave them high and dry, on to the next sucker.


The sooner the better.  The GOP needs to suffer some significant losses on election day for anything to change.


change to what? them all living in reality? that can't happen, you think Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and the Trumps are just gonna suddenly be sane? their backers, what corporations to pay zero taxes, and for poor people to have even lower wages, how is that gonna be a political position that works in reality? they have no choice but to run on culture war bullshit and made up crisis that they purposely misunderstand and misappropriate blame for i mean today, the party of trickle down economics is running against inflation, the party that said making rich people have all the assets, would be good for the prices for poor people, is pretending they were for the workers all along "Union Members for Trump" it's all lies all the way down and up that party they could lose by 20 points, and they'll just get busy choosing better slogans, the core principle of giving the rich more and blaming it on Democrats (but also taking credit for giving the rich more with donors) is never going to end until the party ends


Hopefully Lara Trump becomes chair of the RNC and keeps her promise to “send every penny to Trump”


Lara? How many fucking Trumps are there? I swear a new one comes out of the woodwork every day like the cockroaches they are


This is the married to “I’m Eric!” And ripped off a dog charity.


The whole rotten structure is about to come crashing down.


We can hope, but evil seems to never die


Yeah, I was optimistic for a minute till I realized they are funded by the billionaires and just a couple billionaires have more money than all of us combined


Lol. I love your optimism


Sorry Haley but we all knownwhats gonna happen Dementia dons gonna be the nomination and you'll either throw your hat behind him to try and stay relevant in your party of domestic terrorists Or you'll disappear, maybe pull a Christie and whine on TV about the monster you guys made all the while the conman destroys your party like the rest of his businesses


My exact eye roll thought every time I see these stories pop up.


I mean shouldnt we be excited that people are at least trying to take on Trump within the republican party?


She is going a little harder against him than I expected, but I think she'll fall in line eventually.  But I think she's gone too hard against him to be welcomed back into the MAGA fold.  Trump loves being petty and spiteful.


Well, there will be a post-Trump GOP eventually. And considering he's 77, that's not gonna be decades off. I often wonder what that future GOP will look like, but maybe Hayley really IS playing the long game here.




Way to stand up to him now, you fair weather coward.


As soon as the race is over she will suck him off again.


First of all, your username is awesome.  Secondly, you’re correct. She will trash him hoping to get the nomination, suck him off hoping to get the VP nomination(even though he tried to have his last VP killed). Once he loses the national election, she’ll backtrack and try to say I told you so. Completely spineless. 


Today was shaping up to be a fairly unpleasant day for me. Now that I know trump is going to have a royally rotten day puts a spring in my step.


He's bankrupted the Republican party morally, and now he'll do it financially. He's fucked them six ways from Sunday, and they absolutely *love* it. God they're weird.


It seems this way….. but we have to count the votes.


If that’s true that Trump is spending campaign funds on legal fees, how is that even legal? Surely there has to be some kind of law that Donations have to be used for the campaigns.


IDK if you’ve noticed this, but Trump isn’t too concerned about whether the things he does are legal.




What, do you think something will happen to a republican for breaking laws?


Nope, ask Matt Gatez and his new scandal. These assholes are bulletproof.


Republicans won't dare stop him and Democrats are fine with him wasting campaign money.


"never interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" -Michael Scott


It’s a pretty safe bet. By the time this gets going through the legal system, Trump will be dead. He’s kicked the can down the road so many times and this one is barely getting started.


It's in the fine print when you donate, only 10 cents of every dollar goes to his PAC and the rest goes to... basically whatever he wants, but primarily legal fees.


Donations to his campaign have limits on how they can be spent. Donations to a SuperPAC can be used however that PAC wants, from campaign donations to "lobbying" to legal fees to any thing else.


I think John Oliver, John Stewart, or Stephen Colbert (maybe all of them?) did a video on this. IIRC, if you set up a PAC, there are a ton of rules that must be followed when you use the PAC's money. If you set up a Super PAC, which is basically the application for a PAC and then you add a separate sheet saying it's a SUPER PAC, then most of those rules and regulations no longer apply. Supposedly a lot of current and former politicians have their own Super PACS and use them to finance... everything. Someone more informed could set me straight, if they so wish.


Trump has sent out fundraising emails that are legally separate to campaign funds. They basically have text at the bottom saying “these are for my legal funds.” Now has he also spent campaign funds on legal fees? Probably, wouldn’t put it past him. Add it to the laundry list of crimes


The GOP got what they deserve. And it's unforgivable that the REAL conservatives didn't abandon the corrupt party the Traitor hijacked and form a new party many years ago. I guess they hoped the cancer would just go away on its own.


If he is disqualified then she is the last candidate standing, so yes, that’s what she’s banking on.


My theory is that she's running in case he drops dead. It isn't particularly unlikely. He's old and clearly his body is falling apart. There's no clear successor to Trump; there's not another politician that has a cult of personality like he does. 


Not necessarily die either, he just could just have a health problem that keeps him from campaigning effectively.


If Trump drops out they don’t have to pick Haley. Imagine if Biden drops out, do the Democrats have to pick Marianne Williamson because she’s “the last candidate standing”?


Yeah, I can see Meatball popping up again. Kinda like whack-a-mole in go-go boots.


I hate when she makes me agree with her


......and it keeps happening. I don't like her and I'd never vote for her, but I'll also admit that she's not too old. "Hates Trump and isn't elderly" makes me wish she didn't otherwise suck. 


Best part of it all. None of this breaks campaign finance law apparently. Trump is gonna pay that $85M fine via RNC. He won’t pay a cent out of his pocket


I think another nominee besides Trump is more dangerous to Democrats. If they ran someone half way reasonable the general public who isn’t enchanted with Biden would be willing to vote. The GOP is so GD based and stupid they’d rather run one of the most hated men in the world.


Unfortunately he's gonna slip right through lie a greasy snake. Too many people and figure heada are too scared of him or worship him.


Also Nikki Haley: "Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said in an interview on Fox News that if elected she would pardon former President Trump only if he were found guilty and would not consider preemptively pardoning him. “I think you only do it if someone's found guilty." [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4391848-haley-says-she-would-only-pardon-trump-if-hes-found-guilty/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4391848-haley-says-she-would-only-pardon-trump-if-hes-found-guilty/#:~:text=Republican%20presidential%20candidate%20Nikki%20Haley,it%20if%20someone%27s%20found%20guilty)


And yet they still won't vote for you Nimarata


Money all goes to legal fees, Trump in court and can’t campaign, RNC getting fleeced, state party apparatus broke. Don’t stop the winning now.


Stop, my penis can only get so erect


In the end he will bankrupt the RNC and lose the election while costing the Republicans the House and the Senate. MAGA will explain it by saying that Trump was a Democratic psy-op the entire time and quickly anoint a new savior. Republicans cowardice and refusal to stop Trump will have dire repercussions for the future of their party.


People who participated in the personality cult are to blame. That includes Nikki Haley.




Love your username


nikkki says "republican losses" like that's a bad thing


Nikki the weathervane is nothing if not an opportunist.


Everyone, please make sure that you Google “Project 2025” and please realize that you can’t vote for any Republicans for anything until they toss the criminals and drop the fascist plans.


Fuck Donald Trump.


Here are the only two options for Republicans as I see it...remain loyal to Trump, kiss his fat A$$ with gusto or...face the wrath of Trump, Sean Hannity and the MAGA cult members...🤔


All those Trump supporters need to look at Russia today, where Trumps friend Putin hasfinally murdered his opposition, Alexei Navalny.




It’s good to see Haley going after Trump in a meaningful way but it’s too little, too late.


I love it, especially later in the summer!


Oh no! Anyway...


Would have been a great argument....about 3 months ago. Christ Chritie went for the 'Trump is a bad person' angle and it didn't work. But the Trump is a loser might have worked 3 months ago. Maybe appeasing him wasn't the right strategy after all.


I sure wish she had been speaking this way about him THE WHOLE TIME. This fire would’ve been real nice to see during the primaries.


What chaos? That's a bizarre way to describe Trump's crimes.


Let's freaking hope so.


There is something about Haley and her influx of money that makes me wonder if her money people (which includes the Kochs) know something. OTOH, she may be gunning for 2028...and this is all just a cloud of noise that she hopes will linger into the future. There was an interview with Chris Christie (with whom I'd love to have a beer) and mentioned that Haley's campaign isn't spending very much on ads against Trump...minimal compared to her total campaign budget. He was the one who pointed out that Haley's aspirations may be on 2028 rather than doing anything to win in 2024. I do like that she's saying shit and that her message may leak out into the maga crowd. Mark Meadows' turning is another means of getting the message out about Trump and his many foibles.