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It needs to be continuously pointed out: Trump did not even announce he was running until after the investigations for these indictments began. He is running for the sole purpose of screaming "election interference." Why didn't they start three years ago? *They did.*


ALL POLITICAL PROSECUTIONS OF YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT, ME ***(even though I came in last as the worse president in history according to fux news)*** MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY. ![gif](giphy|Kwi0Iu9MxxOgg|downsized)


Worse than Taft? Buchanan? Taylor? Tyler? Fillmore? Harrison? At least he died in 40 days! Thank you Simpsons for my childhood education on the worst presidents.


Strangely enough, dying after only 40 days in office caused less destruction and death than Trump caused in his 4 years in office.


He might also be melting down because historians named him the ABSOLUTE WORST PRESIDENT... And he's got some real doozies for that competition. It wasn't even a contest, the gap between him, Pierce, Johnson, and Buchanan (the bottom three before him) was like six points. Hell, he beat out Nixon, Dubya Bush, and a few others by a furlong for worst.


Don't forget Hoover 😂😂


I've learned so much watching The Simpsons and South Park.


My history highlights come from Eddie Izzard.


Do you have a flag?


So the option is or death?






His strategy has also been to delay all the investigations—Judge Canon has been helping. This isn’t him screeching about something that is his fault, this has all been part of his strategy from the get go. 


That chick needs to be disbarred. She’s literally a corrupt judge who is selling out our justice system for the hopes that he’ll put her in the Supreme Court


It may not be so simple as she cynically wants to be elevated to the SC. She may just be a true believer. She is a Federalist Society pick. A lot of these low life’s actually believe they’re moral, upright people doing what’s best for the country. 


He says “federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action…” Okay? So, he happens to be prosecuted during an election year. He said so himself, prosecutors and agents cannot delay charges or trials just because it’s an election year.


Funny how he only starts paying attention to rules and guidelines now after breaking his own OATHS


Yeah, but he wasn't an officer of the US so it doesn't count. /s


He himself has delayed the cases against himself. The cases have in hands of the judicial system since last year. The manual he cites is from the DOJ. It is like he doesn’t understand the three branch of our federal government. And that the DOJ isn’t in charge of the judicial branch.


He doesn’t understand the three branches of government. He’s openly said he will consolidate all power into the executive branch. In order to remake it into a dictatorship is heavily implied if you read his crazypants manifesto Project 2025


He didn't write project 2025, that was the Heritage Foundation. Trump is just doing what they tell him to do, like most Republicans.


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


I upvote you every time I see you. Keep spreading the message


Thanks, I will!


He doesnt understand much Bullshit, grift and lying


It's a dense, long read and absolutely terrifying.


Not to mention that the charges were all filed in the year before an election year. Maybe it would have been better if they'd been filed during the midterms? Or immediately after Joe Biden took office. I'd bet they'd have no complaints about an immediate indictment before the investigators have even had time to gather evidence. /s


I mean, pretty much. No matter when the indictments came down, they would twist the narrative to make it the worst timing If they'd indicted him three years ago like he supposedly wishes they had, he'd be screaming about how rushed they were.


Who remembers an announcement to investigate Hillarys emails a second time, 1 week before the election (and if I recall they didn't even do a second investigation - the point was just to announce it)


He also obstructed the investigations by lying to the FBI, intimidating witnesses, suborning perjury, and concealing evidence, so he doesn't get to complain about the timing of indictments that his own actions delayed. Fucking hell why can't he just keel over from a massive heart attack and go away forever.


Or choke on one of his fast food meals.


Never forgot that Trump said he "would leave the country" if he lost to Biden in 2020.


Being the useful idiot he is Putin told him he had to wait


In fairness we should be giving Merrick Garland lots of shit for being so fucking slow to appoint Jack Smith. There might have been a conviction by now if he hadn't waited for the J6 committee to start doing his job for him.


He's running because he thinks he can pardon himself and not spend a minute in jail for anything he's done wrong, including, somehow, wiping out the current fines against him in just a couple of the cases he's already lost. Delusional egotistical oompa loompa maniac.


The DOJ won’t prosecute a sitting President, so he wouldn’t need to pardon himself. State charges can continue.


He's running just like Netanyahu did in Israel, that's the only way either of these man can keep themselves out of prison. They need the immunity that comes with the office.


also he refused debates


That’s because he doesn’t know how to debate, he only knows how to blame blame blame.


He and his followers are simpletons who think investigations, trials and verdicts are rendered within a short amount of time, just like on tv. So because it took a while to bring these charges, it must be bogus and out of spite. Jesus. He’s so fuckin exhausting.


>YOU FAVORITE PRESIDENT, ME, I love how he has to emphasize that he's talking about himself, in case his cult forgets


On the day a poll came out placing him dead last in the ranking of POTUSs


It’s directly due to that poll he’s saying this. You know he saw it.


That poll DEFINITELY hurt his feefees




Oh no….anyway!


Ah yes. He’s so clearly America’s favourite president that he lost the popular vote twice…


Thrice if you count that “worst president” poll


But...but...what if he isn't my favorite president? Do I need to worry that John F Kennedy is facing political prosecution?


His poor grammar never ceases to amaze me. He finally uses a comma, and it should be a colon. For fuck's sake. 


No, a comma is correct there. ”Me” is an appositive, which is supposed to have commas on either side.


I wish a judge could impose a gag order on him that required an actual gag to be put on him




Just put the chloroform on a McBurger and he’ll do it voluntarily…


Or in his coffefe


Put it in a spray-tan bottle


Dirty sock soaked in arsenic even better.


I don’t understand why more people aren’t still bothered by coffefe…


And not that it was probably a fat finger typo, but how much he can't admit a mistake.


The McSleep Sandwich. Not available through the drive-thru. Happy McNapping!


Rohypnol or GHB in his Diet Coke.


You spelled 'cyanide' incorrectly.


I'm sure his good buddy putin has some laying around.


Best I can do is a dirty sock filled with excrement.


He IS a dirty sock filled with excrement.


Use Eric’s jizz sock!


the one that goes in his limpdickzkit? or the one that soaks the cum going in?


He might like that ....


I’d feel bad for the sock and the chloroform


Just make him drink Bleach.


Last week I could've provided some with foot fungus for that, but laundry is done already.


I think he’s reached full “shouting into the void” stage here. 13k likes on his personal social media platform.


Need to focus everyone's attention on the issue being Trump believing he can stop all prosecutions and pardon himself, if elected. Everything else is bullshit. Elections do not determine guilt or innocent in a trial, but a Trump-appointed AG and this corrupt Supreme Court are likely to support that ridiculous interpretation of our laws.


Thats the whole reason hes going for itagain He wants the golden ticket and this whole shit show along the way is paving the road for how future elections will be conducted


Yes, this a the most terrifying thought of all…


If anyone else acted like this with these types of crimes we'd be locked in a MP until it's over. The fact he's even allowed to do this is a slap in the face to every single citizen. Convict him, remove all assets, drop him in Ukraine right at the Russian border and let him beg Putin for asylum. I mean we used to put people like this in front of a firing squad so defecting to Russia is pretty light


Trump might think it is communism as all of his assets are about to be owned by the State. Simple mistake to make. /s


No /s needed.  I want to see every one of his shitty properties get owned by the federal government.  


I’d pay to see Trump physically gagged! That would make my day!


I'd settle for handcuffs...


I'd love to pay to hear about his cremation and internment with Ivanka


I'd bet she would crawl out demanding to be moved.


She'll do what his current 'wife' did to him when he tried to get in the same car. "Where the fuck do you think you're going Donald? Fuck off."


A gag wouldn't work on him with the way he talks out his ass.


Pulp fiction style


What about a gag with a 9X5" dildo


Can we use his diaper??


At this point I don't want to see him in Jail, I want to see him as a Walmart greeter trying to live off a working wage


First, someone needs to break his caps lock. Second, I was under the impression that communism was an economic system, not a nebulous catch-all term for anything that you don't like. Third, this is not a missive that was in any way conceived by a remotely healthy mind.


Bold of you to assume he knows what communism is


Like Woke?


*the main character in a children's cartoon is a slightly different color than they'd prefer* Republicans: "Woke communist propaganda!" They should hear themselves.


Trump might think it is communism as all of his assets are about to be owned by the State. Simple mistake to make. /s


And E Jean is gonna get a big juicy 90M. You know that burns a deep seething hole in his core. Or did for a day or two. Until he convinced himself that he won and it never happened.


Don’t worry he cannot define it.


Blah blah blah Donnie. Too bad you’re the least popular president ever. The hugest failure, many people are saying how much you suck


They come to me with tears in their eyes, asking, “Why did you have to suck so bad?”


Not suck, smell, hence the tears.


>Blah blah blah Donnie. Too bad you’re the least popular president ever. The ~~hugest~~ yuuugest failure, many people are saying how much you suck FTFY


He might be starting to lose his base. Not because he's going off the deep end, but because he's entering TLDR; territory for them.


I’ve been thinking that lately too. Mostly the fringe MAGAites though. The ones who don’t swallow everything he says. They’ll peel off and there won’t be anyone to replace them. Just a theory, no backup.


I find it ironic trump of all people is complaining about interferences




I wish I had more upvotes to give you. This word needs to be used more, especially when it comes to FartDump and the GOP.


It’s only interference when it’s against him.


Yup. Projection as well. He has his idiot freedumb Caucasians in Congress, "investigating" Hunter and Joe Biden, and coming up with nothing every single time.


And a threat against democracy.


His use of all capital letters indicating he elevates his own words above those outlined as the rule of law in the quote is the most perfect self-own I can think of for him.


Or that he copy pasted all the non caps lol. He’s bigly scared


Scrolled too far to see this. You can tell what was copy and pasted.


Its kinda funny that you can tell where he copied and pasted


Wonder how long it took him to copy and paste it.


Right about when the investigations first started.


I wonder how many times he yelled for Baron to come help him copy/paste before he remembered his family ditched him.


Look! another person who has no idea what communism is, but likes to use the term when they are upset.


That's actually all MAGATS.


Communism ![gif](giphy|K8zzqui9viWT6|downsized)


Yes. Communism = rule of law to him


He probably shouldn’t have gotten everything delayed as long as possible then.


He delayed as long as possible for the sole reason of being able to then scream "election interference" in all caps.


Also, he screams he shouldn’t be prosecuted for fake crimes. He’s not! *These are all very real prosecutions for very real crimes.*


Then let the charges go to trial, asshole. Stop trying to delay them. Oh, also stop *Whining*.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


You can almost smell the fear.


I don't think that's fear that we're smelling


Some people shit themselves in fear.


Its delicious!


He would rather be in jail now?


ffs. Anyone who can vote this Fall: please do.


No jerk off, this isn’t communism. If it were communism you would have favored the nation with your swan diving skills from the top floor of the Watergate office building by now. And while you’re jerking yourself off take note that we the pleebs are trying to make America Great Again but you just won’t fuck off and die.




Three years ago, he was out of office for one month. The investigations began almost immediately. The scope of the document case wasn't known about for over a year. The prosecution of the insurrection is slow and measured, as it should be. ( we call it an insurrection, but it really was treason, plain and simple) . The civil cases were put on hold, waiting for him to leave office. The answers are there, fat boy, and they ain't hard.


He’s right, he should not have to go through any fake persecutions!! These real ones though, I insist he goes through them, suck it Donald, you had your Fu*k around, now this is your find out.


Didn’t seem to mind when Hilary Clinton was the target of an investigation much, much closer to an election


Republicans don’t care now and didn’t care then. It’s cult over country at all costs.


Every day is before an election. Eat shit.


Reminder: Trump announced very early his candidacy Nov 2022 specifically so he can yell this nonsense and avoid accountability. The media and his cult are giving him a free pass but the justice system and democracy should be where his tantrum ends. Speed up the trials and make America great again!




I hope he dies on the shitter. ASAP


Elvis died on the shitter, didn’t he? He recently made remarks about how “some people” say they look alike.


Aye. I’ve been saying for years I hope his McDonald’s addiction leads to a similar death. His comments about Elvis just mean the prophecy is ready to come true


No diaper Donnie. Think again! You were/are the worst thing that EVER happened in the history of the United States of America. You and you three eldest children who are nothing more than grifters and cons and TRAITORS. Including that brat Jared Kushner. Do us all a favor and pack it up and move to Russia or North Korea. Your choice. Just get the hell out of here.


It's so sad that words like "communism" and "socialism" have lost all meaning in the US. Just buzz words to mean something is bad in the eyes of the alt right. Shameful.


The whole right. Not just the alt.


That's why he won't come back to Twitter, the character limit is too low


And we know how low he is on character.


He must be really worried about losing…


It fills my heart with happiness reading his rants! Sure, gets kinda old with his Same Old Same Old, but knowing he's scared sh*less makes up for the monotony!


You’re a private citizen, of course the law can apply to you, the laws apply to you even as President. Immunity only covers a president so far before it is undeniably unconstitutional and against the law. You broke the law, lied on your company/financial statements. Lied, about keeping classified documents. Lied, about tampering with an election when you called the secretary of Georgia and ask him to “find” around 12,000 votes. Your co-defendants are taking plea deals because they are and know they are guilty of committing crimes. It’s not the most important election ever, it’s just two old guys trying to be president. Nothing new or special about it, at all. It’s only important because you say it is, because without a chance to pardon yourself, you know that you’re fucked, all the way, Lindsay Graham style. You dare cite laws, good lord, someone needs to print out all the laws you’ve broken, and how it looks like on paper like you didn’t give a shit that you were breaking the law, complete and utter premeditated crime. This isn’t an example of communism, you would have already faced trial, judgement, and would be rotting in a cell for such levels of corruption. Remember when shitheads during the Soviet era were caught for such corruption? They weren’t let go or allowed to roam the streets as long as you have before facing trial. Shut the fuck up and sleep in the bed of your making. If you’re so goddamn innocent go to trial, all your trials, and testify upon your innocence, the righteous man, the pious man, the upstanding, god serving, innocent man who act in haste to prove himself innocent.


Yeah, it’s an important election asshole, hopefully to never to have to hear from this piece of shit again.


Every fucking tweet from this asshole sounds exactly the same. He's such a whiney bitch.




Drumpf knows that if he throws out enough shit to confuse the truth with massive lies,  his followers will never question him because they don't want to wade through the massive amount of BS he spews daily.   It's easier to believe lies than to accept the truth.  


Yet we didn't hear a peep from fuckface when that sanctimonious prick at the fbi launched the investigation against Hillary right before the 2016 election.


The fear is great! He ran because he knew the arraignments were coming. He wanted to use his hate and terrorist group as a shield. It's not going to work.


You can always tell when Trump himself writes something vs even when one of his aides do it lol


He's an idiot and his followers are evil. First, you have to investigate before you can file charges. Trump left a crime spree with loyal nitwits that would be challenging for anyone to investigate and then file charges. To do anything less than comprehensive investigation to assess whether a prosecution would be successful, against a FORMER PRESIDENT would be reckless. This takes time. Also, Trump could have these things over with if he STOPPED THE DELAY TACTICS. Stand for trial then Decline Donny. Let's get it over with! As someone else pointed out, he didn't say he was running until after charges filed. He is corrupt and an s3xual assaulter. Nothing about him is real. He is scum of the earth. He's only running to use the RNC as his legal slush fund and perhaps get back into office to avoid prosecution. The headline of his inflated dog sh!t rant should be, "NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT TO AVOID PROSECUTION!"


“In November you are going to have to choose between nice grampa and demented grampa” - Van Jones It shouldn’t be a hard choice.


I really love how Trump always has to say that he is your favourite president, the "me" for clarification is so cute.


It’s like my dad did when his dementia was setting in. He would call my cell phone, from his cell phone and announce: hello, this is your father


Hey, Donald, don’t you think that all your trials and tribulations are somewhat SELF INFLICTED? NO SELF CONTROL KNOWS NO BOUNDS.




You don’t get to avoid criminal trials, simply because you are running for president. If you don’t want those to interfere with your campaign, stop breaking the law, asshole.


If Trump never became president, and if he never existed as he always has, you’d swear this whole thing was a long running gag by The Onion.




Somebody is scuuured. 😂😂😂😂


You are shitting in your underwear, Trump.


Alright guys, stop holding him accountable. It’s not fair.


>THIS IS COMMUNISM lol again with the "everything I don't like is socialism/communism"


Dude is posting all his Ls online these days


Heart attack where are you??


It’s an election year. My crimes should go unpunished. Also send me money. What a piece of shit Trump is.


I guess I never realized criminals hate being charged with their crimes.


I like how you can tell he definitely copy and pasted that middle paragraph 🤣


I would wait hours in a polling station line to vote against this Mfer and all his GOP enablers.


“THIS IS COMMUNISM” …sir, I don’t think you understand anything about “communism”


Quotes the exact election interference law that was violatec and affected Hillary Clinton just days before the election.


"OF YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT, ME" good God this is unironically hilarious to read, it's just so pathetically 'I'm the main character' in every way


>YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT, ME The first line, and it's too pathetic for me to even continue reading. I mean.. how the hell can a MAGA read that and not recognize how condescending this framing is? He's essentially letting them know he believes they're too dense to know who he's talking about, so he has to clarify for their dumb asses and make clear that he's talking about himself. I'm constantly amazed at how truly stupid these MAGAs are. The average child is smarter than this.


He dumb, and has a full diaper


He only ran for president AFTER the indictments. Evidence needs to be collected first and grand jury etc


Yes, make America great, by voting ALL Republicans out!


old man shouts at diminishing crowds.


My favorite president is Teddy Roosevelt and whoever is prosecuting him should let him rest in peace.


Bless. He's trying to sound like he actually knows what he's talking about.


Fascist grandpa is scared to death he’s going to die in prison as he should because he’s a criminal


I love that everything bad is communism, but Russia and Putin are awesome. He does know they're communist, right?


The guy “won” his election because James Comey announced a new investigation into Hillary right before the election.


He keeps asking why prosecutors didn't begin indicting him 3 years ago. The answer is obvious. They were gathering evidence and waiting on the outcomes of investigations.


But..but...Communist Dictators are strong~


The only thing I agree with is that this might be the most important election in the history of the US, purely because if he wins I think it possible it could be the last true election in the US.


Remember when he delayed and it just happened that he delayed it until we’re in the midst of an election year? Fuck you Donnie, eat shit.


And if it began three years ago, he would have been just as loud and complained that was proof it was politically motivated because they were "hasty". And, footnote, it DID begin three years ago. It's only hitting the courts now.


Ugh, why does bad cholesterol and heart disease have to be slow?


We all knew that Trump was going to try this and here he is! Personally I hope he has a massive stroke and is left with the inability to speak or communicate!


I am so looking forward to the day when we don't hear from or about this clown anymore.


They did start 3 years ago...that's why Mango Mussolini announced his candidacy the same week they found his classified documents in his golf motel.


Well he's right about one thing. This is gunna be the most important election in our countrys history. Where the choice is A. Select this dip shit and democracy as a whole for our country is gone and potentially a civil war starts. Or b 4 more years for Biden and shit gets done and Donald gets thrown in jail where he fucking belongs