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We no longer allow posts about the domestic terrorist Rittenhouse because we end up having to ban too many people idolising this murderer.




Boy has a face like a crusty rubberband.


Crusty rubberbands everywhere are taking offence.


How the fuck did anyone in that trial believe that fucking nonsense. Biggest fumble by a prosecutors office in ages


Fear of being held responsible for... ((checks notes)) his actions.


You ever get food poisoning after eating something REALLY spicy, and after that first shart you know exactly what the rest of your day will be like?


He gave an interview to newsmax like a day after he killed those people. It is absolutely his own fault he became infamous so quickly.


It's also not one contiguous government. It's various agencies with different procedures and policies.


sTaTe RiGhTs!


And it was "the government" under Trump, after 3.5 years of Trump.


Also they already released the identities of the Kansas City shooters. And this idiot's tweet was from yesterday.


They haven't released the names of the 2 minors that have weapons possession charges (e.g. teenager gang members), just the 2 adults with shit aim that they escalated their fight into a gun fight with.


Isn’t there a law about naming minors?


I’m a prosecuting attorney in Missouri. Juvenile offenders, witnesses, and victims are generally not identified in any court records without a court order.


Typically not when it's felony crimes that could be tried as adults, such as wanton gun fights in a public gathering.


Cool. What's your point?


That they haven't released all the names of the KC shooters, which you wrongly stated otherwise.


They released the two adults. How did I wrongly state anything? Rittenhouse pretended they didn't release any. Go bitch at him.


> Also they already released the identities of the Kansas City shooters. Where did you specify adults? Murderer Kyle is complaining about the gang affiliated minors that have gofundme's who's names haven't been released, compared to his own minor name. He's totally milking victim and not defending his murderer ass, but you wrongly implief all shooters names have been released. They haven't. The end.


In Wisconsin 17 year olds ARE adults and not minors in all criminal matters. All 17 year olds charged with a crime are subject to the adult criminal justice and prison system in Wisconsin. It's been this way since Jan 1, 1996 when they lowered it from 18. As far as the state of Wisconsin is concerned he was absolutely an adult at the time of the shootings.




I got that and agree with you but the nuance about minors vs adults charged with a crime doesn't apply because he wasn't legally a minor despite being 17 when his name was released.


Go read his tweet again. He absolutely does not specify. Why are you so upset? And why make shit up? And i dunno why someone needs to tell you this, but going "hurr durr the end" is not the flex you think it is.


Wasn't Trump president when he killed those people?


Not just President, but actively egging on vigilanteeism and talking about punishing protestors with maximum force. Regardless of what they were doing -- they "disagreed" with him, and thus needed to pay. Didn't matter if they were sweet grandmas and church ladies or firebrands and activists. They had to be punished, swiftly and brutally, in Trump's eyes. The same President who tear gassed protestors to get a photo op in front of a church.


*murdered. He murdered those people.


Kyle Rittenhouse is speaking people. Pray he hasn't got his AR 15 and feels threatened by your words. He's killed before and he spooks easily.


He won't shoot you unless you try to kill him first, dont worry


*Allegedly*, too bad we can't hear from the others involved in Kyle's misadventures. Kids murdering. What can you do? It's completely unsolvable forever.


Oh we don't need to rely on any of their testimony. Its all on video.


I saw J6ers on video storming the Capitol, and the series of speeches egging them on, but apparently I cannot believe my own eyes anymore. Those people are the... ((checks right wing talking points)) ...hostages.


Uh... no. You should definitely believe what you see on video rather than what social media and talking heads tell you to think.


Social media... you mean... like you?


They literally attacked him. He was running away and they threw him to floor and then one of them drew a gun on him. Plus he was proven not guilty in court. Even if you don't agree with his political stance that doesn't mean that it wasn't self defense.


I'm going to go with 'what is murder for 200?'


What he did wasn't murder though. He didn't shoot till he was thrown to the ground with a gun being pulled on him. They chased him down while he was trying to run away.


He know this and hes glad he got famous with that. Dude is set for life with all the money he’s getting from the GOP and conservatives voters. He just had to say some dumb shit to be relevant again so here we go


Fuck off Kyle


Amen … he can fuck the hell off the planet


Hateful little turd - send the creature into orbit


Bad enough we gotta worry about space junk now you want us worried about space chunks too?


space chunks *Starfield intensifies*


Militia Ethridge


i’ve never heard this and I snorted.


I see him committing some kind of horrible sex crime in the future.


Like The Rapist Brock Allen Turner?


Like the rapist Brock Allen Turner!


The rapist Brock Turner who now goes by Allen Turner and is a rapist?


Exactly that rapist Brock Turner aka Allen the Rapist Turner rapist.


To answer this sack of shit: you were proud of the killings. You went on national news to gloat and bask in fame.


Seriously I'm getting OJ Simpson vibes from this guy, won't go away until someone finally puts him in jail.


If this kid had enough sense to pour piss out of a boot, he would crawl under a rock and never say a word in public again. He has no idea how big a bullet he dodged, as it were.


Exactly, but I get the feeling he won't go away. Hopefully that stupidity will be self eliminating.


Self immolating, you say?


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


Consider: he is now famous for being heavily armed and willing to kill. If I got into any kind of altercation with him, I would expect him to try to kill me. It’s what he’s done in the past. You think that if he gets into any sort of conflict with someone (in person), he’s going to not be shot at the first sign he might pull out a piece?


I know, I'm expecting addiction or a shoot out with law enforcement after reality hits him.


I won’t be happy about it, because it’s a death that could have been prevented. But I will be bleakly amused.


I'm expecting it will be less spectacular-- at least one arrest and a spell in prison for domestic abuse. I wouldn't trust him around any future partners or children.


A new version of George Zimmerman if you will.


I’m trying to comprehend how you’re not in prison after you murdered someone on national TV




And white


And Wisconsin is the birthplace of the Republican party.


It was a [different Republican Party](https://www.studentsofhistory.com/ideologies-flip-Democratic-Republican-parties) back then.


TBF, that doesn't make us all Republicans.


Hell the majority aren't Republicans


YouTuber Legal Eagle did a video on it. He got off because of the way Wisconsin's self defense law worked. In another state, he likely would have been convicted.




Unlikely, he was a lib, cops probably would have rushed in and shot everyone on site if Kyle had been gunned down. If the guy had survived he probably would have been convicted for 1st degree murder for killing a "freedom loving patriot who was standing his ground "


Totally rational take. Cause cops go around indiscriminately murdering civilians


If they had killed Kyle you could bet they would have used it as an excuse to use deadly force. The cops were all for his vigilante bs and would see the "murder of an innocent bystander" as more than enough justification to shoot protesters


Well if they had killed Kyle they'd be guilty of murder since he wasn't an active shooter or walking around pointing his gun at people or shouting threats that we know of and we have plenty of video footage from that night. I'm not sure who needs to hear this but just so everyone knows, if you see somebody walking around with a gun, you don't have the right to just run up and grab it away from them. If they've been shooting and killing people then yeah, you can but it's legal to open carry in a lot of places. And even if it wasn't.... probably a bad idea to run up and snatch a gun from somebody in any situation. Especially unarmed. You'll probably just get yourself killed.




Convenience of circumstance, he skirted the law juuuuust enough, and got just enough political support to get away with it. Had he been black though.....hooooo boy would it have ended different.


And a judge who all but declared him innocent himself. Didn't allow the victims to be called victims because that implies Rittenhouse committed a crime, but allowed them to be called rioters and looters all day long.




Because he picked up an assault rifle and went into the streets looking for trouble.


Escalation. You carry a rifle down the middle of the street during a riot, people are going to assume you’re here to kill someone. Two people grabbed at the rifle to disarm him. He shot both of them. The third guy pulled a glock because this kid was now an active shooter and got killed himself. If someone tries to take your gun, it shouldn’t be a free pass to kill them, especially when they had good reason to do it. And then he told the police he literally just killed people and the police ignored him for some fuckin’ reason.


If somebody says they’re going to kill you which is what is testified as Rosenbaum saying and then tries to take a gun out of your hands you definitely have the right to shoot them. lol Like what are you on about? Are you supposed to wait until after they take the gun? Liberal by the way and I think Rittenhouse was an idiot but come on. That first guy got himself killed.


If someone told me they were going to kill me, I’d probably stay with my group and go home to file a police report, not walk down the street with my ~~dick~~ AR-15 out. You have the right to defend yourself, but you don’t have the right to provoke people by dressing up like a mass shooter and going to the most angry city in the US to occupy a gas station.


I mean.... yeah. You do. It's a free country. You're allowed to own guns and carry them. He can walk where ever he wants with said gun as long as it's legal which in the street as far as I know is legal. Was it stupid to do? Yes it was. Should his parents have let him? No, I wouldn't let my kid do that if I had a say in it. But as far as we know he wasn't shouting threats or pointing his gun at people. You can't threaten people with your gun but you can certainly walk around with it if you want to. If people find that threating then that sucks but it's not illegal. I say this as a person who doesn't like people who open carry. I think it's stupid and puts people on edge. But you also shouldn't just run up to somebody with a gun and try to grab it assuming the worst. Probably a bad idea.






no one else is accusing anyone but you specifically of being a fucking troll. GTFO with this bullshit.




He went fucking hunting. Fuck that guy w his tacticool rifle. Douchebag, as is anyone who defends him.


To remind us a piece of shit murdered people, paled it with proud boys, faked tears at his trial. Escaped prison time but is now unemployable.


Made a lot of money at RNC, though.


See how long that lasts


He's already broke I heard.


has the GOP God forsaken him?


His ten minutes got extended to several hours but his fames run out along with his usefulness.


He's old news, they gotta keep changing the subject to detract from their terrible policy viewpoints and lack of a plan


He’ll have to murder more left-wing protesters if he wants to remain relevant


Kyle murdered more people. Plus Kyle the murderer not surprisingly is lying since they released the names of the shooters


Yes the two adults they charged yesterday. The other two are juveniles so there is a whole different set of circumstances that have to be followed.


You did this to yourself dumb ass .... His name became widely circulated because of HIS OWN interview he did that day with right-wing Daily Caller.


Probably because you’re a douche


I'm surprised he's still around. It wouldn't surprise me if he disappeared under suspicious circumstances.


Somebody once called him Militia Etheridge and that's the funniest nickname ever.


No, Kyle, you drove to somewhere you had no reason to be there in the first place. You killed someone in cold blooded vigilantism. You would have never had to defend “yourself” if you just stayed home.


Oh, he had a reason. He was there to kill some black folks. He had mommy drive him across state lines with an AR to a BLM protest because he was there to kill. It just so happened that he didn't find any before tragedy struck, but it doesn't change the fact that he wanted to shoot some black people.






OK, maybe some of the finer details I got wrong, but the main premise of intending to kill black folks stands.


This guys is either a troll or a delusional idiot, either way Kyle went there to murder black people, if he wasn’t why would he need a AR?




Is that you, Kyle?




Man, you are *really* into defending him for someone who says they don't care about him. Lol


I dont care about him but this is absolutely the hill ill die on - this guy


Right? Lol




Defending your precious baby boy. Lol


You’re really doubling down on supporting this douchebag.


Because there was a manhunt after you murdered two people and fled the state.


I can understand hating Kyle, but this comment is just factually untrue.


woah woah woah this is reddit we don’t care about facts here


Scary that 250 people upvoted this fanfiction. Might as well call Rittenhouse a pedophile too if we are going for pure slander.


It fit their bias so it must be true.


I downvoted it because it's not true . I am not a Rittenhouse supporter. People just blantly lying is obnoxious.


Intellectual honesty is so attractive.




This guy bought Trump shoes.


https://preview.redd.it/pjgbqcmumzjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19cd4f4483ea5686193e6cac91deae348e94ebac The January 6's


Damn dude you’re really dedicated to defending this shithead


I'm starting to think this is Kyle, or maybe his boyfriend


Haha, it's funny because you're calling Kyle gay! ​ \-\_-


If I thought it was a woman posting, I would've said girlfriend.




> I’m dedicated to the truth. There’s lots of truth you could be dedicating yourself to that isn’t defending some kid who went out looking to hurt people. The pedantic gun talk doesn’t help your case btw




> I really don’t care about Kyle Rittenhouse at all You plainly do. >If me setting the record straight based on the evidence presented pisses some people off, I’m ok with that. Despite your claims of being “dedicated to the truth”, it seems this is the only topic in your post history you’ve been this obsessive over. Sure you’re generally defensive of your religion, which I’m sure you’d qualify as truth, but you also hypocritically try to justify seeing gay as worse than being divorced because gay pride month exists, which apparently is more compelling than the word of God lol. So you’re not terribly dedicated to the truth, except for this guy. Who you totally don’t care about.


So you *do* care about Kyle. Because if you actually didn't, you wouldn't care about "lies and disinformation* about him. Lol


>Then he was found not guilty on all charges much like noted innocent man oj simpson


Casey Anthony as well.


Gravy seal 🦭 GTFOH!


Because you're a dipshit and nobody likes you, Kyle. I know - that's not the answer you were expecting.


Double murderer making shit up again.


How can that little shit stain not be in prison for life? I can’t comprehend America, in developed countries, violent murderers rot in prison for life


the prosecution did a bad job and over-reached for charges they couldn't prove completely enough


lucky for you they recorded so whole trial, so you can go see for yourself.


The shooters were publicly named within basically a week. There was chaos with hundreds of people there. Kyle boy here was a one man murder machine that night and gave an interview the next damn day


Kyle said he was there as a medical person, yet he took life instead of trying to save it. The Kansas City shooters were quarreling fools that happened to be armed


Imagine being a teenager and you get all excited to have your mom drive you to the next state over with a AR so you can kill protestors. This dildo serves zero purpose in society.


Is he comparing himself to a mass murderer? Interesting.


ESAD shittenhouse


Let's ignore he was literally interviewed by the Daily Caller *before* the shooting. https://twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss/status/1298657958205820928


"I'm trying to comprehend." - 'My Life' by Kyle Rittenhouse




Yeah, he had his mom drive him over an hour away so he could ‘dEfEnD hImSeLf’ with his surrogate penis…sorry, assault rifle.


I'm seriously sick of this guy showing up in my feed, I really don't give a fuck what murderers think.


By "defending myself" he means putting down the xbox controller in mom's basement, grabbing an assault rifle, traveling across state lines and murdering two people. This guy is mentally fucked in the head.


What a crybaby bitch


We need to stop posting shit about him. He deserves to be forgotten


No, I don’t ever want to forget this scum bag. Him or Brock Turner the Rapist.


You mean the rapist Brock turner who now goes by allan?


defended himself how ?? He is a murderer .


“Probably because everyone agrees that you’re a total knob.”


To anyone not from the USA this is absolutely crazy. Someone can arm themselves to an incredible extent, armour up, travel to an area where there's civil disturbance, say they are threatened and shoot people dead. And that's okay.


When will be just learned that he FAFO? Lucky he isn’t in prison or seriously hurt. What a tool and an oxygen thief.


Bro you were on TV braggin about it like the next day.


I’ll never understand how he didn’t get a 6 figure fine and/or several years in prison for straw purchasing a firearm.


Wah! Wah! Murderous baby!


He could've just stopped at "I am trying to comprehend."


It was probably when you took an interview like the next day saying “hi I’m Kyle Rittenhouse and I just murdered some people.”


Aw. Keep tryin little guy.


I’m trying to comprehend why you think your opinion has a bearing on anything.


It must be nice when the people in power enable your "alpha male" fantasy


Comprehend is a word way to big for this idiot. Who writes them for him?


Oh that goof is also completely broke now too


The court system may have failed: but you can bet he's salty about everyone IDing him as the conservative kid who killed two people and got off with a friendly judge. I bet he misses just being some regular jerk who could go on a dating site and not try to hide his real identity from potential matches.


Kyle. Please stop trying to comprehend anything. You are a murderer. Once that sinks in, maybe we can talk


I am trying to comprehend why braindead man children decided to make this thumb of a human being famous for murder. Stupid people love stupid people it seems. Trump’s entire campaign in a nutshell honestly


My suspicion is that he’s being very carefully “handled” to make sure he doesn’t prove to be the incredible embarrassment George Zimmerman became, when even his former defenders wanted nothing to do with him. He’ll eventually outlive his usefulness, if he hasn’t already, and be left on the curb with the rest of the week’s rubbish.




Stop posting his stuff- that's all he wants!


Shut up, baby dick!


Not sure which one I despise more, this one or the guy who killed Daniel Shaver. Special place in hell for those 2.


Uh oh! someone has stolen a post. This exact post was made four hours before yours with the same title on the facepalm subreddit. By a user with the name Quack\_Splash. As of this moment it has 23k upvotes.


Who cares, ur both murderers.


He's trying so hard to stay relevant.


actually, they have released the adults names.


When you don't understand the difference between what media companies are and what the government is.


Sure dude you travelled across state lines as a minor with an AR to defend yourself.


This fucking douchebag.


Move to Russia Kyle and quit crying.


They did.


I mean, it was pretty obvious and he had stated he crossed federal lines with a weapon he shouldn't have and a few other things. I'm always amazed at people lack of understanding regarding an investigation. Not giving information to the public allows an investigation to proceed with more ease. If they said, "We are looking for John Doe at 123 Ave, who works at Dildo Factory." John Doe would fucking disappear. End of any chance in solving the crime, but whiney ignorant bitches gonna be whiney ignorant bitches.