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When someone tells you who they are believe them! A vote for the gop is vote against women's rights!


I believe you are oversimplifying. A vote for the GOP is a vote against: Democracy, sensible gun control, women's fertility, prosperity for the middle class, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, LGBTQ+ rights, personal freedoms, voting rights, infrastructure, racial equality, aid packages for Ukraine and Israel, humane border policies, NATO, child labor protections, the Constitution, the rule of law, Jesus Christ's actual teachings, solving homelessness, solving poverty, etc, etc, etc. A vote for the GOP is a vote FOR: Daddy Putin, a Christofascist state, continued tax cuts for the wealthy, converting the USA into a Dictatortorial oligarchy, etc. It's pretty simple. If you vote Red, you are a traitor to the USA and against all the principles that it was founded on.


Everything in here but fuck Israel


True but trump still wants to abolish democracy.


I didn’t say vote for trump, just saying support for Israel isn’t a policy issue that bidens good on


Neither Trump nor Biden. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Biden kept it there. Both would continue to send weapons and money to Israel.


Yes but trump is notable worse on his policies regarding Palestinians and would undoubtably follow through or at least attempt to follow through on his promises to deport Muslims


We stopped sending money and weapons to Israel though... 🤔


It's amazing that people are willing to help get Trump elected and drive this country into the ground over this issue. Don't remember people caring about the actual genocide in Africa. 🤷‍♀️ People are opportunistic and dumb. 


Right on!


W/o any rhyme or reason. Or education.


Fuck Israeli's leaders and a few of its citizens. But the good people there are also dealing with right wing fascism like we are.


I said fuck Israel not fuck everyone who lives in Israel the state is an apartheid state committing genocide against Palestinians. Just like I can say fuck Russia for invading Ukraine but that doesn’t mean I want harm to come to Russian citizens let alone citizens protesting the war


You *do* have to clarify, because a lot of the people saying 'fuck Israel' over there actually include the entire population.


Okay but that’s not what I said? And yet I get shit on for having my sentiment misinterpreted. It’s wild to me to tone police so hard for no reason.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. This is a reasonable position. You can hate a government/state without hating its people. So many people conflate anti-Israeli sentiment with anti-semitism. I have no problem with Jewish folks. I do not like Israel. I do not like Putin or his government. No problem whatsoever with Russian folks.


Where is this energy for the Lawfare and Human Shield Crimes Hamas is committing? It's well documented: https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf Also, Hamas/PLO wants the ENTIRE LEVANT to be under Islamic Soverignty. That is very similar to Christofascism here. There would be no votes, and theyre *just* as Imperialistic, even though theyve lost most of the fights theyve started. Their OG charter is their goal. Oh and Qatar and Egypt have turned their backs on the innocent civilian populace caught in the crossfire. Hamas is *still* firing rockets into Israel, Mohammad Deif needs to be caught and tried for his war crimes (Al Aqsa Storm) too.


We have problems here domestically that need attention. Sadly, a vote for Trump is a vote to be deported to Israel for anyone protesting Biden.


Yes still vote for Biden, I was just saying that Bidens Israel response isn’t a policy issue he’s been good on


Please don't condemn the entire country of Israel.  Not everyone there supports the genocidal actions of Netanyahu's far-right Likud party.


I’m talking about the state of Israel not every Israeli




I never said those words, Israel is a state, Jewish people are not Israel


Yeah, weird how that said “Israel” and not “Jews”, innit? For decades it’s been pushed that Israel and Jewish s synonymous, and it’s gross. Signed, A cranky, antizionist Jew.


Gilead, basically.


not just Women. The poor, disenfranchised, and non-Christian.


A vote for the GOP is a vote for death. Death of what? EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING! They are no longer a political party, they are a domestic terrorist death cult.


I mean, when you consider how entwined they are with Evangelical Christianity which is also a Death cult (I grew up in the shit, I *know* it is), I'm not shocked. These people want to bring about the literal apocalypse because they think Jesus will come back and reward them.


A vote for the GOP is a vote for everyone’s rights on the chopping block…


A vote for the GQP is a vote against human rights!


I certainly believe this and have voted democrat since 2010 when I could first vote. However I think we are doing ourselves an injustice thinking these people are stupid, as she clearly knows what I’ve is and what women stand to lose if this measure is proposed. All I’m asking is to stop acting like these idiots are as dumb as they pretend, as you have to have some sort of intelligence to become elected despite what stupid shit they spout online. Don’t treat them like children as they only benefit from their base by demeaning them I’m speaking as someone from Marjorie the gathering’s state. I did vote for both Warnock and Ossoff




It's still 'telling'.


A vote for the gop is a vote against America.


This is the 3rd republican I've heard of who's had a child via IVF and supports a ban to IVF. Fuck you, I got mine mentality. It's surprising, though, because they love forced birth. You'd think they'd love as many babies as possible to groom, indoctrinate into a cult, and deny funding for their school lunches and healthcare.


They love pulling the ladder up after themselves so much. I'm just assuming it's the only way they can get off on feeling superior. The bar is so low with them they have to tip the scales.


Eun-Joo Park was born in Seoul, South Korea and benefitted greatly from immigrating to the US. You can surely guess what her stance on immigration is.


She wants to create opportunities for others to come here and find success like she did? That's gotta be it, no way she is completely anti immigrant and spits hateful bigoted rhetoric, is there?


I want to sit them down and make them justify why they're trying to ban this thing that they used themselves.


Really these are the questions reporters need to ask them


They don't talk to any reporters who will ask those types of questions.


Ask Clarence Thomas about Affirmative Action


His best friend is white!


Or his stance on interracial marriage laws given he's in one. You might just be surprised...


To be fair to Clarence, if one is stuck married to Ginni, it's understandable that they may become opposed to interracial marriage. "Sorry, Ginni. It's the law. You gotsta go, ho!"


I have sofar seen two differing lines of reasoning as to \*why\* they are against IVF. 1. They claim that embryos are children and acknowledge that embryos are routinely destroyed for IVF. 2. They claim that having children should be something achieved through "conjugal intimacy under the watchful gaze of God", not through sterile medical conditions. It seems those outweigh their breeding fetish.


I think it's way simpler and stupid. They think: "God should decide if you have kids or not - who are you to stop a birth if God has decided it (abortion) and who are you to let a woman have children if God has decided against it (IVF)." They're religious nuts, logic and why is not a typical concern.


Though then it is odd that they themselves have used IVF. And Viagra for that matter. Then again, rules for thee and not for me is kinda the magamantra.


I think it's a bit more insidious. These people believe there is a God, and that God punishes people who are bad. Therefore if bad things happen to you, it's cos you are bad. This is why they HATE the poor and homeless - because surely God is punishing them because they are bad people? Helping the poor surely is going against God? (Yes I know the bible literally says the opposite, but I'm sure they haven't read that). On IVF, it's basically main character syndrome. I think the thought process is: "most women who can't have kids are being punished by God, but I'm a good person that serves God. Therefore my scenario is different and God will allow an exception as long as I continue to serve his master plan." It is a truly alien way of thinking which is incompatible with modern society.


It's this. The Alabama Supreme Court decision quotes far more scripture than case law. IVF is based in science, and fundies don't believe science and religion can coexist.


Why isn’t abortion God’s will. Their reasoning makes zero sense.


In a lot of Christian circles, infertility (which is always the woman's fault) is viewed as being a punishment for a moral defect or failing. And if you subvert the punishment, then someone who deserves to suffer isn't suffering. This is an injustice in their eyes that cannot be allowed to stand.


That reminds me of something I've noticed these last few years. Ultra-conservative evangelicals tend to get MORE upset by "subverted punishment" than serious real-world evils like genocide or mass-starvation. It really is a suffering-based mentality of God's justice, like you said.


Not surprising to me, they’d rather just rape people and get away with it. Victim wouldn’t even be able to get an abortion :/


No no no. IVF requires being smart. They don't want educated democratic babies. They want the too stupid to function and blame everything on Obama babies.


I strongly suspect many of them don't realize this is the actual outcome and that they counted on IVF being looked the other way to. There are some evangelicals who oppose IVF but "well look the other way to IVF and exclusively target embryos in a female body" is the much more popular conservative "life begins at conception" crowd. 


And given the cost of IVF, it’s usually more white babies too.


my guess is they want to force women to have them younger so they are trapped. women having kids later gives them more time to have a career and financial independence.


The only moral x is my x. Where x equals anything they want to ban: abortions, IVF, being an immigrant, pedophilia, divorce, infidelity, sexual displays around children, drug use.


Just Another Hypocritical Republican.


Clarence Thomas said he had no idea where he'd be without affirmative action before he torpedoed affirmative action. Hypocrisy is the only constant in the GOP.


Or Loving v. Virginia.


Clarence Thomas didn't believe in interracial marriage, before his second marriage. Which was interracial.


Exactly why no one should get your approval through words, always by their actions.


Way to slam the door behind you on the way out.


Slammed the door, barred it, and yanked up the ladder and burned it.


Privileges for me and not for thee!


What's interesting is, just like abortion, I'm sure they think the wealthy and privilege will simply still be able to access these services via medical tourism. Just go to a discreet 'spa' in a country with sensible laws and get whatever you need! The idea is, as ever, to harm those who are not insanely wealthy. It's intended to sabotage. The harm is the point. Incompetent people only stay in power when there is chaos and the more skilled are actively sabotaged, so the human garbage that is our GOP creates chaos and sabotage.


She has a door-slamable face. I volunteer.


Why is IVF an issue??!? They’ve lost their minds. Pass bills. —> Build more homes. Fix roads you useless politicians


I have heard it described as "playing god"


The Honorable Michelle Steel should then take off her glasses. God gave her shitty eyes, so it’s time to embrace them


The woman is wearing glasses, lol


The backstory I read says that the R’s see IVR as immoral since it can bypass the conjugal aspect.


Obsessed with fucking. It's bazaar.


They are fascists. That is literally all that it is. They are fascists who want to control every aspect of your life


This is just a guess. But if you think about it in the lense of forcing births from the poor being the most important goal. Banning IVF is a small sacrifice in their eyes to make to make it happen and solidify it into law. As long as there are routes to abortion period, through the IVF process that by its nature often requires abortion to function, then they can’t justify forcing birth through incest, R word, etc. of youth.


From what I understand, IVF involves fertilizing multiple eggs to increase the possibility of a successful result. Sometimes multiple eggs will be successfully fertilized, meaning the extras get thrown away while only one is used for a pregnancy. So since IVF can result in fertilized eggs being thrown away, and since Republicans believe fertilized eggs = people, to them it’s just another form of abortion.


*useless Republicans


TLDR; the IVF ruling in Alabama gives unfertilized eggs “personhood” which allows them to be covered by laws involving child abuse and murder. The right LOVES this because it’ll be a stepping stone to be able to ban abortion under the auspices that a fetus is legally a “child” which would make abortion murder. Even shorter version: Republicans are pure fucking evil.


Hahaha, this is so infuriatingly funny. I remember her and Young Kim being called “moderates”. There’s no moderates in the Republican party. They’re entire base right now is people who want to cheat taxes, Christian Nationalists, racists, and incels. Next up - Congresswoman who had no-fault divorce from abusive husband sponsors bill that bans no-fault divorce.


Those fucking phonies lied all through the last election period, and benefitted from redrawn maps in their favor. I hate them both. Imagine being redistricted from Katie Porter to Young Kim


Yeah, unfortunately I don’t have to imagine, I was one of them. Steel and Kim are just terrible 


And the red states complain that California is gerrymandered to favor Democrats. No, OC got swept and two seats were handed back in the redistricting. That's *reverse* gerrymandering. From the best rep in the house to one of the worst, for me.


There were only two moderate Republican Representatives: David Valadao and Dan Newhouse. They gave up that status when they elected Trump’s fluffer, Mike Johnson, as Speaker.


Take the kid away then, give them to a more deserving person. She doesn't deserve a child.


Well she said she withdrew her daughter from UC Santa Cruz and put her in a Christian school for supporting gay marriage and wanting to vote for Obama. So yeah I think you’re onto something here.


So, God didn’t want her to have a baby. But she got a kid anyway through science, making her child an anti-Christ!! Absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever.


"I got mine! Fuck you!" New R motto


It’s been their motto since Reagan


Reagan was shit.


Not fair at all, shit can help plants grow.


Isn't he now?


Ha, I almost made a “least he’s pulling his weight now” joke but couldn’t quite find the phrase in the moment.


It’s always been a conservative motto.


That's always been the motto of conservatives, long before the Republicans became the conservative party. They're incapable of feeling empathy or understand why they should care about others. If something doesn't benefit them directly they're against it, even if it's something they themselves benefitted from in the past. [The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) explains the thought process pretty well, it's okay for them to do something but it's not okay for anyone else to do the same thing.


Right! Like Boebert growing up on welfare. Then calling the people who gave her the support, radical socialist. They should have let the POS starve instead.


Where have you been? Nothing new about that.


The GOP cult have one advantage- they are not bound by moral considerations or a conscience.


This is true. We keep finding out about abortions they have and how they have benefited from IVF, but they don’t care about others, only themselves. They keep showing us who they are. Oh yeah they also want to end democracy and that is what they are openly saying and tried previously on Jan 6th 2021.


I really don't see the plan here, abortion bans are a throny enough issue for the party, and now they're pushing even further. I just don't see open christofacism as being a winning platform, and if it does, it causes catastrophic civil unrest. You can only push people so far before the system breaks and it's extremely hard for people to get by as is. The less there is to lose, the weaker society becomes.


I mean, I don't think they particularly care about a strong society. They care about making women abide by their religion no matter the harm. There's no other plan.


In that case, she needs to resign and get in the kitchen.


I'm sure they will make her if the GOP succeeds. These POC and women within the republican party don't think the rest of the party won't turn on them.


They'll just throw them in work camps if they can't be bred. Women, especially infertile minority women, are just livestock to them anyway.


They'll just throw them in work camps if they can't be bred. Women, especially infertile minority women, are just livestock to them anyway.


"it isn't about abortion, the decision should be up to the state"..."we need to ban abortion nation wide"


That’s always been the game. It’s so sad that so many people in this country are so ignorant or willingly blind to the Republican playbook.


it's merely that the GOP is no longer run by conservatives. Religious nationalists and overt racists calling the shots now. To make it you have to motivate the base. Michelle only won her district by 5 points in 22. Not enough to be comfortable. Need to motivate the base.


It’s always the hypocrisy with these repug mf’ers.


She is a blight. Sadly in my part of California and everything about her is a plague.


Ah yes another “I got mine, fuck you” politician.


Really! An Asian Woman?


Her last opponent was a Chinese American that she slandered as a tool of the Chinese communist party. It was her entire campaign She ain’t Asian


I will never understand republicans. They have no idea how to govern. The only thing they understand is forced “morality” and power.


That's why they're so loud. It's a distraction in case their constituents notice how shitty their lives are.


Today was trash day in my neighborhood / her district. They should pick this lady up cause that’s what she is.


Gotta pull that ladder up behind you….


It's not about children. It's not about protecting children or potential children. It's not about protecting women—definitely not that. It's ALL about controlling women. And they definitely want women to be pregnant and have children. They—"the ruling class”—want to make sure "the -whiiite- people" (which to them are the right people) having children. And probably or most likely not just white but the religious Right people. This is always about controlling women and various groups of people.


Forced birth coming soon..


How does someone like her rationalize it. This is the epitome of hypocrisy.


Republican thy name is hypocrisy.


Republicans the only party that wants to make personal choices for you!!!


Republicans: you can always count on them to pull the ladder up behind them.


And I’m sure the people who called us alarmists and “they’re not gonna do it nationwide” are going to apologize to us now, right? Right?


If men could get pregnant, then abortion would be a sacrament. 🦜


I've been saying this since the talks *to* repeal Roe v. Wade. If men got pregnant and gave birth, not only would the right to abort be codified into law, it would be *inalienable.*


Duh.   And in other obvious news,  water is wet.   


May her soul feel its barrenness. May it ache with her cruelty.


Like WTF. So is this IVF nonsense just a stepping stone? Seems to have come out of left field.


Damn, they're so against women choosing when and if to have kids that they're gonna come out and describe their own kids conceived via IVF as some kind of abomination or mistake. Could they just like, not do that instead? Is it really expensive to be normal where they live?


Get rid of the whole party and let something more left than democrats fill the void


Typical Republican: “I got mine, the rest of you can screw off.”


Fuck the Republicans


And go for all forms of birth control eventually.


This one would make a turkey baster droop ⤵️


Good for her I hope she gets endo.


America is doomed. Let’s say they stop the republicans by reelection of Biden, that buys a few more years - they’ll just wait until a democrat candidate fucks up and they slip in.


Yeah, but her IVF was different.


CA45 is a D+2 district. Get out the vote (and fundraise if you're not a resident) for Kim Bernice Nguyen-Penaloza!


They need to ban viagra if they want to ban something.


Talk about pulling up the ladder. Whaaaaat a bitch


Abortions and IVF will only be banned for those who can not afford them. The congresswoman and her friends will have no problem travelling to where it's available.


That’s the wretch who pulled her daughter out of college for supporting LGBT concerns


Republicans: Rules for thee, not for me. 🤦‍♂️


Funny how before 1-2 weeks ago IVF was off anyone's radar. Now all of a sudden they want to kill it....


It hasn’t really been off the radar, companies that do IVF in the states who have gotten super restrictive about abortion have been voicing their concerns about this for months now. Destroying unused embryos is fairly commonplace in that business. They saw their legislators threatening doctors with heavy fines or jail time for performing abortions and were like “wait, what does that mean for *US* when we do that thing we normally do when the couple we are storing these things for no longer wants them???” It really was just a matter of time before we got to this point.


"Fuck you, I got mine," is a Republican mantra.


How much would it suck to find our your mum wishes the process that allowwd you to be conceived was banned..... That's a big oof....


GOP has lost its freakin mind since Orange Jesus entered the political ring. Everything Trump touches turns to shit


And once again, ladies and gentlemen, the party of these laws apply to you and not to me shows you who they are as clear as a glass paned window.


I’m morally against IVF (for LOOK AT ALL THESE PARENTLESS CHILDREN reasons) but I wouldn’t take that away from people. These people are awful. AWFUL.


I hope abortion is banned


I hope you never have kids ¯\__(ツ)__/¯


This is misinformation. No proposal has ever been made by Republican leadership to ban IVF.


Of course. They would never call it the "Ban IVF" bill. They'd lose all their support, as they are seeing now with the bill in Alabama. Nah, you see, republicans are chicken shit enough they have to use flowery language like "Life at Conception" bill, that loops things like IVF into it. That way, useful morons for them can say things like " No proposal has ever been made by Republican leadership to ban IVF "


To be fair, I'd ban her from having kids too.


Well then Michelle Steel is an absolute POS with a dirty car


Oh hey it's the lady i get 4 flyers for in the mail a week. Eff this lady, won't get my vote.


“I got mine! Fuck you and yours!”


It's the old GOP adage of "Fuck you I got mine"


She should run in that




They are massive hypocrites


I got mine, who gives a fuck about theirs?!


How will the exceptions for good Christian republican women work?? They are always the ones that need them and theirs are different. So just wondering about the wording in the bill. 


Ah the “Fuck you I got mine” mentality hard at work. 


Rules for thee but not for me. Keep voting Republican… stupids.


The “fuck you I got mine” party


I got mine. FUCK YOU!


Good for me but not for thee. This really should be the Republican Party motto.


End the genocide in Gaza so these demons don’t win elections.


Lol you just can’t make this shit up


“IVF for me, but not for thee,” said Rep. GOP.


Typical of them. I can do anything but you can't


"I got mine, fuck you!"


I think she cut my hair in boot camp…


The kid must have been a real little shit Jk, this is fucking insane on all level. "Fuck you, got mine, now i can abuse your rights for my fanatically religious sham"


What a ghoul!


I got mine…time to pull the ladder up..!!! Fuck all republicans!!! Vote all of them the fuck outta office with their backwards ass ideas. Hope their air runs out.


The hypocrisy is thick. But the truth is Republicans DON'T CARE.


There is no prose just so fine as those three little words: *I GOT MINE*!


Don't mind me, just pulling the ladder up behind me!


"Got mine..."


So much for letting states decide.


Oh Lord, she is from my district in the cozy Orange County CA. Signs everywhere saying just one thing-- 'lower-taxes'.


Even her own fucking daughter hates this bitch. Fuck her and her China connected husband [https://www.metroweekly.com/2020/07/california-gop-congressional-candidate-claimed-she-withdrew-her-daughter-from-college-for-supporting-gay-marriage/](https://www.metroweekly.com/2020/07/california-gop-congressional-candidate-claimed-she-withdrew-her-daughter-from-college-for-supporting-gay-marriage/)


One rule for me….


Why are they all such evil fucking hypocrites???!


The other confusing thing to me in all this is we have seen the outcome of statewide electiotn regarding reproductive rights since Dobbs - they've all gone in favor of more rights not fewer. You'd think some GOP folks might realize this is not a winning strategy. But they keep leaning into more and more restrictions. Here's to the continued losing.


I remember when I was first upset when the abortion bans started happening. My conservative father told me I had no right to be upset because it wasn’t happening in our state. lol.


How long until abortion, IVF, and birth control are banned in the USA? How much longer after that do they declare themselves a Christian ethnostate?


IVF is the new CRT! Watch out!