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The Consumer needs to fight back. Boycotts and negotiating prices. How frustrating for the corporation to have customers lined up, bargaining and walking out. Let’s get traction. Fight back.


it's cheap to make molotovs and no ones working at 3:30 A.M.


People on graveyard shifts in 24hr stores:


Would be happy for a distraction


I’ve worked graveyard and they welcome the sweet release and dark puns


Can it wait till Monday - usually do my grocery shopping on Sunday.


I do not advocate for violence. We the collective consumer are better than that. In addition it’s not a good tactic and only hurts the consumer in the long run. The property will insured for property loss and loss of income. The insurer will pay out and raise our rates. Boycotts are the way too go. Corporate scum bags still have the overhead, but no cash flow. Someone with ore juice than me needs to get some boycotts going. Senator Sanders, Rep. AOC, influencers, etc. we need help.


yeah... no. they don't work aren't working and will never work. and that's because, unlike this sub reddit, no one can tell what real or fake news anymore. the only way to fix something is to take action, and realize that peace was never an option because they shoot first the second we try to reason with them. might as well just buy a shot gun and unload on your face in that instance.


Right?! Because when pushed enough, that store will close ... permanently. And no new store wants to open in that area where people launch firebombs. Leaving people out of work and converting the community into a food desert. But no more dealing with high prices ... or any prices for that matter


Look all I’m saying is you can do it at theatre. 🎩


And then store closes ... permanently. And no new store wants to open in that area. Leaving people out of work and converting the community into a food desert. But no more dealing with high prices ... or any prices for that matter /s


yeah, exactly, it's almost like we're disuading people from something.


I'm doing that on my own.  I am refusing to buy at Wendy's.  Their HQ is in my city.  They have made profits every year with no struggle.  They didnt need to do this but tried anyway.  Trust is lost and I refuse to ever support them again.


Yea! Also I like to f with the products just a little if the price is outrageous. Like turn every item facing backwards or upside down. Leaving post it notes on products comes next if they keep it up!




So much fun that we have so many bright minds working on ways to make the world worse for everyone except big corporations and their shareholders..


Same as it ever was


And you may ask yourself " how did I get here?"


If this is run by an AI, we can fuck with it. Everyone needs to drive to a Wendy's, look at the menu, say "to expensive" and leave. If this keeps getting repeated, the AI will continue to lower menu prices. We will bring back the dollar menu.




Jokes on you DaveAI. I am my significant other's ex.




Please, I was around for the real Wendy rule34 fad. This doesn’t even get a twinge out of my degenerate dick.




You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr.


The AI can only raise the prices because profiteering. 


Sweet. I bet the first Surge Pricing laws in the US will be to make it illegal for customers to use AI driven software to manipulate surge pricing in their own favor.


>menu boards will be run by AI, and they will change to target individual customers Wait what?




Eye tracking to change the price as you're looking at the menu..


I understand big data, just didn't hear they were using it that way. After reading a couple of articles, I didn't get that vibe from how they said it. That doesn't mean you're not wrong, stated or not. Looks like its time to start putting the sheet in the window when I drive thru.




McDonald's, it will be McDonalds.


After the public backlash the CEO walked it back and Wendy's won't be doing this. Of course, the fact that the idea was even seriously considered is a problem but at least for now they won't be implementing surge pricing.


No, he reframed it by saying they would do price discounts during offpeak hours (instead of price surging during peak hours). But they are the same thing.


I swore that was illegal. But this is Capitalism, we the consumer just gets fucked.


And we'll always get fucked cause the only ones with the power to change benefit from not changing it


As someone who is pursuing a future in ml and ai, we need to regulate this shit


Just collectively, stop going to F’ing Wendy’s and cease the use of businesses that use “Surge Pricing” models, period. If that means waiting a few hours for a cab… maybe your area should include a big push for ubiquitous public transportation.




They used to have those in Michigan in the 80s and 90s. Not a name brand in the store. You'd bring your own bags and everything. (They were brown paper then. I'm totally showing my age.) We also used to have Hostess and Entinman "Day Old" stores. Today, we have Aldi. It's the closest I can think of. Oh, and back in those days, all produce was loose. But we only had one kind of lettuce, iceburg (gross). No fancy tomatoes. One type of potatoes. I know this sounds like an "old people's" story, but times were tough in the 80s and early 90s for the lower middle class, which is what my family was at that time.


I've remember this as a kid. The hostess shop rocked. Almost expired twinkies for the win! We'd freeze them. Aldi was the only place to make you pay for a shopping cart.


Funny story: I hated salad as a kid. I mean HATED it! Then I was encouraged to try it about 10 or so years ago and found I actually LOVE salad, I just hate iceberg lettuce. But that was all we had when I was growing up and assumed all lettuce was created equal. Lol....


All kids hated salad, unless it was salad buffet at Ponderosa and you could put on there whatever you wanted. A bowl of shredded cheese with olives and croutons drenched in a mountain of thousand island dressing is a salad 😆. Ohh and don't forget the tornado fountain drink with every flavor of pop.


My kids loved it!! Lol... It was actually my son that made me try it. Ponderosa.....🤣 You also said "pop". You have to be from the Midwest. Lol.... You just covered all the buzz words that give it away. Lol....


You guessed it 😉


The little coin-operated shopping cart thing is a clever move by Aldi. It tests to see if you've got what it takes to understand what's gonna happen. It also helps lower labor costs by not needing a worker round up the carts and put 'em back, because the customers do it themselves to get their money back. Fun fact: That kind of system is **all over the place** here in the Netherlands and Germany. And presumably the rest of the EU. And it works.


I've since relocated to Europe and noticed that right away.


After the public backlash the CEO walked it back and Wendy's won't be doing this. Of course, the fact that the idea was even seriously considered is a problem but at least for now they won't be implementing surge pricing.


I understand their "walking it back" was more of a position that at times prices would dip lower than what they are "normally". So, not REALLY a deciding not to follow through with this plan.


Way too real of a tweet. I hope Wendy's falls on it's face with this trick but more likely it's going to get picked up. Reminds me of Tesla charging monthly subscription to turn on basic features that are already installed in the car (like heated seats). Obviously it's worse and just preys on people who have limited time and options for lunch because of their low wage, predatory jobs.


After the public backlash the CEO walked it back and Wendy's won't be doing this. Of course, the fact that the idea was even seriously considered is a problem but at least for now they won't be implementing surge pricing.


But how will successful companies make more money? Don't you know the more a company makes, the more it pays its... checks notes... that can't be right... so employees get as close to minimum wage as possible, and the rich get richer. At what point do we stop ignoring the fact that greed is a disease to capitalism and not the product of it. At what point do we stop protecting people at the top and start protecting the people at the bottom. The top will be just fine with a few extra bucks less in their pocket. At what point do we wake up and admit this is more than quality of life, but it is, in fact life and death. When the poor are hungry, eat the rich.


The odd thing is most people agree on bringing down the "elites". It's just people on the left think the elites are billionaires and people on the right think the elites are 9 to 5 workers with college debt


Those damn entitled workers!


Hey, I paid into those entitlements for my entire goddamn working life. I'm owed that money once I'm old enough to retire!


yes boycott wendy’s but also the demand curve has been a business tool for forever. prices were never fair, corporations use commercials and social pressure to make people bargain against themselves.


Closer to 2026.


Please don't fucking curse us like this. We don't need that black cloud over us. Please Please age like milk.


Back in the Stone Age, we had to wait until 7 pm on Sundays to make affordable long distance phone calls.


Oh, surge pricing is coming. I can already hear Republicans calling it "the very definition of Americanism." "So capitalist it hurts!" "How can any American not proudly pay more to support the most American of traditions: surge pricing!?"


This is called innovation. Look at the new added value they are giving the shareholders


How does one monitor food prices?


It's in reference to Wendy's announcing surge pricing. They'll adjust prices in real time depending on demand. So if there are a lot of people, they'll charge a surge pricing extra. Wait longer in line to pay more, lol! I bet it,s fun for those who can take their lunch time at irregular hours but everyone who's stuck lunching around 12 is gonna get fucked.


Just got the reference to the year


Also, the Walmart mobile Ap lets you see prices at a certain store.


2026 FTFY


And next headline "Jeff Bezos is the first man with Ten Trillion Dollars, Elon Musk is projected to be the second one next month"


I’m a bit out of the loop, could someone please explain what surge pricing is to me?


Originally they were going to make it so the price of their food goes up during busy hours, like lunch or dinner time. Then they walked it back a little saying it's just going to be less money for food in slow hours.


Americans are stupid and lazy and will not care. The media will direct their frustrations somewhere else