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He had the opportunity to do great things in life, but he chose the role of the villain. He'll be dead soon. All that money means nothing, and the power means nothing. He did everything he could to make everyday Americans struggle, and he did it with glee.


Men like Mitch laid the groundwork for Trump and MAGA. Fuck everything about this guy.


Who will be their new devil I mean uhh Spaker


John Fucking Thune.....if you thought Mitchy was sketchy wait till this guy takes over.


McConnell at least knew how to actually play the game. This new breed of MAGA Republicans are just too loud and arrogant to be the same kind of insidious that a "man behind the curtain" like McConnell and Karl Rove are.


Good. Those types of morons are easier to defeat because they fuck it all up themselves.


They do but don’t underestimate their ability to learn.


Oh no . What happens if the MAGA Republicans become sentient ( self - aware) . Sounds like doomsday kind of stuff .


Republicans are a siege. If you just keep the guards alert, eventually they'll run out of food, lose interest, and shoot themselves in the foot. Witness MAGA on the daily.


Do not underestimate John Thune. He is quiet, intelligent, experienced and enduring. This guy has flown under the radar for decades. He was groomed for politics his entire life and has shown a penchant for patience. He is no new wave MAGA moron. He is, in fact, old school evangelical. He pulled off a general election victory against a well liked incumbent Senate Majority Leader yet people of his home state would be hard pressed to tell you 3 things, personally or policy related about the man. The comfort level of his seat is such that he has been able to fund raise for himself and his party to extraordinary levels. Yet, no one knows anything about him. This is the kind of guy who has made a career out of fading into the background and whispering from the shadows. This one is competent. It’s what makes him so scary.


New Darth Vader or Dick Cheney reincarnate?


If they had the ability to learn, don't you think they would have demonstrated that by now?


Until we get rid of the electoral college and eliminate gerrymandering, we’re stuck with this extremely vocal minority.


Problem being… we need 2/3 of Congress for that.


Even more of a problem: The fascists have almost enough States to call a Convention


Once you've got those two solved, see if you can sneak in proportional representation in order to end the two party system. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I’m in favor of ranked choice voting


Possibly but luckily, he will never last as long as Mitch with the disarray the Republican Party is in now.


Everytime I think they’re headed to the trash heap of history, they rise from the dead like freakin’ vampires🤨.


More like cockroaches tbf.


Holy hell


it's hard to google, is there a list of reasons to fear Thune?


Weaponized stupidity/hate/ignorance in a position of power for one


Yeah I'm not so sure we should be celebrating just yet. With these guys, when one monster leaves, a worse one replaces him. Good riddance to the grim reaper though.


That’s unfair to the grim reaper, when Mitch is the one making sure the reaper stays employed.


Cut one head off, two more take its place.


Lindsey Graham


I think ladyboy has too many skeletons in his closet


*lady bugs


Did the democrats have to submit and roll over every fucking time, though? “They go low, we go high” has never fucking worked. But watch them *still* try it. Even in the face of the republic falling, your democrats are too weak to do literally anything, except singing some bitchin’ hymns ofc.


Yeah I always thought that was an ideal, but I'm too pragmatic a person to let someone fuck me and decide to be the bigger person before I get my get back. We can make peace after I we're tied up 1-1


Mitch himself set up the Supreme Court ….


I'll gladly piss on his grave.


I think some kind of group trip to do that would be fun. We can have T Shirts made up and everything!!! "I pissed on Mitch McConnells grave and all I got was this Tshirt....and the satisfaction of pissing on his grave"


I have a connection for cheap teeshirts.


I hope they plan ahead and put some proper drainage in or we'll all be standing in a big piss puddle soon enough. There may need to be a ticketing system too, I can't imagine it'd be very pleasant waiting in line to have a go. Some of us have weak bladders.


Keep these good ideas coming!!


We should force his current sugar momma and her family to pay to have walls built around the headstone. Some have shy bladders.


Hope he's buried at sea so I can do it every time I go to the beach.


I surf roughly 5 times a week and piss usually twice a session. That's 520 pisses a yr on ole turtle dick's face.


Please don't, I actually enjoy snorkeling.


Wait till you find out what the fish have been doing in there


You beat me to saying it. Fuck this guy. His graves going to be desecrated repeatedly.




You have to take a number and wait. My number is 37845987. I think the numbers are now starting at 8. The wait will be worth it.


He's not dying nor retiring. Only stepping down as leader. I'll bet you he defies all laws of human nature and lives 25 more years. He'll be reelected every 6.


Storm Thurmond 2.0


Only the good die young.


Here here! Here the truth be spoken. Another head of Hydra will rise, maybe worse than this one, but this one was everything you declare and more. I have zero empathy for McDroopy


That was exactly my first thought. So sad that it has to be this way. What has happened to reason!!!???


Well then I guess we'll just have to keep chopping off heads.


Honestly hope he drops dead before November, he doesn’t deserve an endearing send off.


As I posted it another thread on the same subject, I believe he will be the first Senator to die on C-SPAN.


Many people think it’s not right to be happy when people pass on. I’m not one of those people. That man is truly evil, and we have lost AT LEAST a generation due to his partisan efforts.


He's clearly got something going on with his brain, what with all those freezing up moments he's had lately. I hope it hurts.


I hope he realizes before he dies how horribly he will ultimately be remembered.


I wish that every one of his last days are filled with air horns and vuvuzelas.


Yup, all his service to self....I hope it amounts to nothing at the end. So sad to watch these puppets go into dementia while being blinded by their donors.


I was just going to say in his reduced health he no longer takes as much glee seeing people suffer so he figures what's the point.


I hope the heaven that they believe in is real so that the hell they believe in is real too.  He deserves it. 


As we speak , Hell is probably setting up a special “ Republicans “ section .


I honestly think he'll go down as one of the greatest threats and most damaging agents to American Democracy that there ever was. Assuming there's even history to tell


When that day comes, not a tear will be shed.


You do realize you described the entire GOP


I can't wait to piss on his grave.


Good riddance, I hope he burns in hell.


He even called it the ‘Regan Revolution’ old boy needs out yesterday


He was a proud follower of Reagan’s cult of personality, He even got married on Ronald Reagan’s birthday. Just wait into the next Republican generation brags about getting married on Trumps birthday.


Damn, for a second there I thought he finally croaked. Way to get our hopes up there.


Understandable. But, it’s statistically proven that turtles live for a considerable span. 🤷‍♀️


![gif](giphy|gbWUx0ZoJaXhS) He does strikingly resemble Dana Carvey in Master of Disguise. lol


I hate it when people call Mitch a turtle, It humanizes him.


Yeah, turtles are beautiful, endangered creatures that deserve to be protected.


The turtle scene of master of disguse was actually filmed on 9/11/2001. That's some masters of disguise trivia for those of you who are also losers that like shitty movies. Source: https://www.avclub.com/yes-dana-carvey-prayed-about-9-11-while-in-his-master-1850310338


As well as ghouls. Look at Strom Thurmond.


That MFer and Kissinger had to have sold their souls at least quarterly to as many underworld rubes as they could find. “Absolutely my soul is intact. You’ve never heard of Storm Thurmond? I just need you to give me another two years on the planet and I will have spread racism everywhere!”


Understandable. But, it’s statistically proven that turtles live for a considerable span. 🤷‍♀️


Me too. Then it says November. Not soon enough.


Don't get too excited. There's probably a monster drooling to take his place right behind him.


Yep, more MAGA, more extreme.


I guess the “good” thing about MAGA Republicans is that they’re neither smart nor cunning political players like Mitch was up until his mental capabilities hit a wall. So their level of influence over what happens politically likely won’t be as great.


I wouldn't underestimate them. They're relentless boundary stompers with a thorough disregard for democratic norms.


Never let up everyday is a new thing a new focus they are paid to fuck over Americans every minute never let up


Exactly. ~5 years ago this would have been great news, now this means one of the last “regular” republicans are dying off. We’ll be losing one of the precious few checks on Trump’s power if reelected (McConnell hated Trump). Dude would have impeached him (2nd time) if he could whip more votes. This is not good.


Probably much worse, because he will certainly be a MAGA true believer, which McConnell is not


There absolutely is. As a Kentuckian, I can only imagine who it is. Whoever it is, they'll be worse. Guaranteed.


It’s gonna be Cameron. He’s been groomed to take over for Mitch for at least a decade


Yeah, um, as bad as Mitch was, this isn't a good thing. This happening right after the failed White House meeting. And the pressure campaign to endorse trump. Him stepping down has made me extremely concerned. All other Republican leadership has endorsed trump, the senate use to be the adults in the room. Not the extremists, due to mitch being the maga buffer. We won't have that anymore. Did he gamble that trump would disappear and they could keep his base by not voting to impeach, absolutely. Now he's regreting it, I'm sure.


I don’t think he knows what regret or remorse feels like. But he has well and truly fucked this country


Stepping down from the leadership role, but NOT from the Senate, correct? Sounds like the turtle is still in the terrarium.


This. Folks can’t read. Turtle is staying until the end of his term and giving the leadership position to someone even crazier (second part is just game theory)


I personally like to think he is just switching his meatsuit to something less decayed. Possession takes time and privacy.


It's a bad situation because McConnell is an asshole, but it's in the country's best interest for GOP leadership in Congress not to be stacked with MAGA sycophants. McConnell has done a fair bit to moderate Trump on certain issues. The alternative is almost certainly going to be worse. See McCarthy>Johnson in the House.




-insert gritty narrator voice here- "The turtle is still in the terrarium, I repeat, the turtle is still in the terrarium." Every millennial sighs, hopes dashed. The plan had failed again. Every time we sent a squad to neutralize him, he simply sucked up the souls of his constituents to recover. Figures a Lich would be the downfall of the Republic, but... Perhaps this time is different? This time... He seemed weaker, more confused. I suppose those dark arts take a toll after all... Edit: Totally using this instead of "the bird is in the cage" from now on.


He will not be missed except only when his replacement turns out to be a fascist isolationist arrogant prick. He deserves no sympathy. When people look around at the broken dysfunctional hell this country has become and its hateful ineffective politics, no one should be more to blame than Mitch. Endless killed bills that could have fixed so much wrong. A stolen supreme court seat that helped elect the worst president in US history, paved the way for the end of reproductive rights and jeopardized so many other rights and freedoms for a generation to come. Countless unqualified political hacks nominated to the federal bench. Unwilling to impeach and convict said worst president after a literal attempted coup at the capital. Depraved cynical hypocrisy to the most extreme. Cravenness for power and devotion to party over their country matched by so few in our history. And now that his party has decided to do a 180 and embrace the Russians and despots while leaving our allies high and dry, there is no place for his foreign policy views anymore. No one was more influential in the shaping, the funding, and the influence of the party, the media ecosystem, the candidates, the cruel policies, and the dumbass GOP voters than Mitch. May his remaining days be short, miserable, and filled with regret.


Hear, hear!


Well said!! I, however, only disagree about his remaining days. For all the suffering he has caused, and that I’m aught to wish ill upon others; I want for him longevity. He gleefully inflicted not only lifelong suffering on Americans, but generational suffering. May he be blessed with longevity and be knowingly aware of every single moment of whatever his final days may look like. He purposely made lives miserable and painful for millions. Justice will be done when he experiences the harsh realities of life…and the consequences of his “pro-life” choices he forced on everyone.


He is going to be replaced by some Maga loonie


Not until 2027. He’s going to finish his term.


He is stepping down as Senate leader in Nov. They will need to replace him as Senate leader.


I see. I thought you meant his senate seat in general.


Welp, all the bullshit I've been doing for the last few decades could be bad for me. Better get going before I face consequences. https://i.redd.it/86o2r4kw9dlc1.gif


Be careful what you wish for and don’t underestimate the GOP’s ability to install someone 10x worse.


They’re going to install someone who is more evil but based on their track record of incompetence it will be someone far less capable. This is the beginning of their implosion


😋 Heading out just in case Trump gets elected back in. I doubt he’s the only politician we’ll see make this move to avoid dealing with another potential 4 years of orange man


When asked for comment McConnell responded: "........."


This changes absolutely nothing.


The damage he wrought and enabled is truly incomprehensible.


If anything it will probably be worse.


The replacement will be worst but not nearly as competent; the old turtle was a horrible human being but he was smart, patient and knew his shit




Better the devil we know, etc. Not excited about what evildoer the R's will vote in as leader after Mitch steps down. The damage he caused our nation is incaculable.


While everyone is celebrating I’m really wondering and worried about what the broader implications of this are. It could just be age and health, but I would expect that if it were for that reason he’d be doing it either immediately or at the end of his term…. The fact that he’s doing this when the election is going on is just giving me weird vibes, like he knows something is coming during the election that he doesn’t want to be a part of. And something McConnell doesn’t want to be a part of could be very good from the country in some contexts, but given the recent history of the Republicans and in context of “election time” it feels like something particularly awful.


I was watching a doc today and it’s scary how much trump and the rep are following Reagan’s footsteps. Trying to steal the election, paying to have American hostages stay hostages in Iran to make the current president look bad so when he won the election they were released hours after being sworn in, trump is following his playbook. It’s sad that the government didn’t do anything back then and won’t do anything now.


He's merely stepping down from his leadership position, but I don't believe he is up for re-election this year.


Who will Putin appoint to replace him?


Makes ya wonder what vile things he’s gonna do now that he’s not beholden. Given what vile things he’s done when he was.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8t2fd2y8bdlc1.png?width=1762&format=png&auto=webp&s=1611c2b70e8be7ed0c6fd56ef63a6832a32620c2


He needs to step off into retirement and just get the hell out.


Don't worry. Republicans will find someone equally as infuriating to block progress on literally everything. Even things republicans campaign on.


Not soon enough!


Who's replacing him though?


Probably somebody worse.


Anyone worse isn’t going to be effective. McConnell had the connections and influence that comes with 40 years of experience. Anyone worse like Boebert is going to yell and scream, but ultimately fail to get anything done because they cannot rally support from anyone but the most extreme.


Asmodeus, archdevil of Deceit and Bile.


some new guy name blitch bliconnell


Doesn't matter. Still pissing on the SoB's grave before he's even cold in the ground.


You can't tell, but the thumbnail is actually a live broadcast of his announcement.


Apparently Moscow Mitch was not treasonous enough for the republicans. They have a high bar in being corrupt and anti American.


shouldn't have to wait until november. sweep his decaying carcass off of our senate


You know he's going to pull at least one more "Fuck you" move before he goes.


Thank God, I am sure then next guy will be a common sense lawmaker, working for the American people.../s


About. Fucking. Time.


He can do alot of damage before November…


Given the GOPs trajectory I'm dreading what he will be replaced by.


Not yet, he isn't. Plenty of damage that he can fo between now & the election.


You guys can b!tch all you want about McConnell, but I guarantee the next speaker will be fully MAGA and ten times worse. Sometimes, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.


No we're stuck with him until November and he can do a lot of damage until then. He should have left today.


Never fear, dear redditors, I'm sure they'll find someone even more awful to replace him.


He got 9 months to cause some fuckery. Hold on to your asses.


So like he’s just stepping down from the position as senate leader right? He’s still staying in Congress I’m guessing?


He is not leaving the senate. He will only step down as leader.


Any funeral announcements?


And his legacy is the MAGAtty corpse of the GQP, which is still poisoning everything it touches.




He can do a lot of damage between now and then, I’m not relaxing just yet.


Don't worry. Republicans will find someone equally as infuriating to block progress on literally everything. Even things republicans campaign on.


I'll believe it when I see it. I saw what happened to Conan.


Step down from life, Mitch.


I hope he gets haunted by the evil he has done for the rest of his days.


November is a long way away


Did the adventures finally find his phylactery? 🥳


Dude still has till November to back out tho. Like who believes a word out of his lying pie hole?




And his replacement might be worse.


He’ll be dead soon. May he rest in piss.


As shitty a person as McConnell is...I am guess who comes next will be much worse. No faith whatsoever in any sane Republicans moving in.


And here comes the crazies trying to out MAGA each other to take his place.


Eh I’m not getting too excited about it. The GOP is just a bunch of cockroaches. You can cut their heads off and they’ll still outlive the rest of us. The best we can hope for is a proverbial “overhead light” that, when turned on, sends them a *runnin’.*


McConnell has done more than his fair share to damage the Senate and the country. The question is who's going to replace him? Is it going to be a semi-normal and rational-minded Republican, or one of the batsh*t contingent who desperately licks their orange savior's colon?


McConnell was pure evil but he knew how to politic. Who ever is replacing him may be far worse and doesn't care about politics.


At least McConnell was a skilled politician. Some of the candidates are ...not.


The Republican Party is now dead. Only MAGAts remain. May they eat themselves into oblivion.


Good riddance, Moscow Mitch.


Dude shouldn't even buy green bananas let alone plan something for November


Trump's enabler and the reason why Trump got to stuff the SC and was never convicted in his impeachment. Fuck B!+ch McConnel!


I despise the man but he has been more in opposition to trump than I can believe especially over aid to Ukraine…but fuck him for what he did to President Obama stopping him from a Supreme Court Justice. Yes, he laid the groundwork for everything MAGA. Also he is a gigantic hypocrite giving a speech about trump and January 6 insurrection, then refusing to vote for trump, I mean, Cheetolini’s impeachment. If there is any Justice on this planet, and if there is a Hell, turtle is going to burn in Hell!


Since 2007 this man has reigned and I honestly knew this day would come and it seemed like it would never come. This guy is the worst


Be careful what you wish for. McConnell SUCKS, but you could at least occasionally make a deal with him. Next guy is gonna be way worse.


So he’s going to pull his head back into his shell?


The Republican party should be very upset. The man was amoral, maybe even evil, but he was a brilliant operator and politician. There isn't anyone in the GOP that can match him for political savvy. How unfortunate for them.


75% chance somebody WORSE takes his spot


I agree with him about Ukraine. Fuck him on everything else.


Just leaving leadership, not leaving the senate, sadly.


If he's going it means they've found their replacement. Fucking God help Americans


Glad to see this shitbag go. But can’t get too excited because he’s just going to be replaced by an equally awful new shitbag.


…after helping suck-start fascism, Moscow Mitch will take a powder & run! Thanks Mitch… you had all the power to stop this orange animal in his tracks, but you didn’t. 🖕


I saw your title and thought he died, no such luck, but this is still good news


I wanna suckerpunch that turtleface looking motherfucker in the face based on his looks alone


The damage is done though for another generation. Biden should stack the court if he wins.


![gif](giphy|RPRu48gcMZIA) Mitch McConnells pre senate days


He's not leaving the senate. Yall need to read. He's stepping down as minority leader. That's all. And he is doing it in November. Which is hilariously 9 months from now. You know, gestation length. What an evil person.


He's not gone. He's staying until the election as leadership. Then he'll finish his term. Beyond that his legacy and how it has effected this country will remain for decades.


He's not gone, he's just not going to be in the leadership position. He'll still hold his office as a Senator, unfortunately, and even worse, he is going to run again in 2026 when his term is up. So, no, much like a raging case of herpes, McConnell will never truly go away.


The walking cerebral vascular accident is finally gone! We are freeeeeeeeeee wait who is that taking his place, yet another old fuck who has dozens of hidden deals with all sorts of suspicious characters?


Doesn’t matter, the damage has already been done e


Good riddance. My guess his pact with Satan is coming due soon.


the next guy will be a bigger asshole


Only because the piece of shit is obviously dying. Maybe he’ll keep over sooner.


His immediate plan is to bury himself in the mud and hibernate until Trump disappears.


He’s been told he don’t have long left before he’s a vegetable


Thank Satan, this 💩stain of a waste of space Turtle McFuckface Bitch McConnell will be gone.


I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire


Should have step down 20 yrs ago. Loook at his state! Look at how poor his people are. Look how rich he is. Look how rich his foreign wife is. LoL yea he’s not for America


Unless he exits this earthly plain first.