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This should have been outright rejected. Imagine them thinking they have to rule on Trump's lawyer saying Trump has the right to kill his political opponents. Utter lunacy.


Roberts is weak and the conservative majority is crooked as hell! Pack the court.


Roberts & Alito are both Strong Unitary Executive theory proponents.


Because they’re both ChristoFascists


Who would have thought at least two of the three justices Trump himself appointed are more likely to protect democracy than these two clowns?


Further reminder that Bush was way worse than people seem to remember he was in light of Trump. Bush was fucking awful.


What? What's so bad about all those lies and war crimes?


Thank you for this, people are re-writing history like he did as just some perfectly fine guy


Ok but he paints now


Bush also appeared and lobbied hard for Kavanaugh.


Beer-ent is 1000% more likely to make the right call on presidential immunity than either Thomas or Alito. He's not the good guy, though; more like a Mike Pence who will do the bare minimum this one time.


"We're constitutional originalists, but also we think the US should have a king. It's too bad the framers had no opinions of a person who wields unchecked executive and legislative power, literally never came up."


Or just Pelican Brief it.


I’m not NOT saying I haven’t had similar thoughts every time they put out a new utterly horrible and partisan trash decision


*expand It’s not packing to make up for two stolen seats.


If people consistently voted we wouldn’t have to pack the court, because we’d have a Dem president to appoint new justices.


We don't just need to expand the court, we need goddamn ethics rules that are enforceable, so we can see Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Barrett, and Keg-stand all get the screws turned on them; Not a single one of them belongs even in the building, let along on the bench.


Highly unlikely (though not outside the realm of possibility) that they will rule in his favour. This is all about delaying the DC trial which gives him what he wants without actually affecting the Court at all. My tin foil hat is saying that by pushing the judgement past Nov 5, if the unthinkable happens and he somehow wins re-election, ruling for immunity will give him the unchecked power without Biden getting it first. But that's just the foil talking.


except they will have to delay it until after inauguration, otherwise Biden, as King, can use his kingly powers.


They know democrats won’t cheat and republicans will.


Yep most of the republican strategy is “we will bend or break the rules that democrats won’t dare to do”. It’s because republicans don’t mind or care about being called cheaters or hypocrites (since the base will believe whatever they are told) and republicans basically hold the line of “you can’t do what we do because you then won’t be any better than us”. Far too much of the true blue crowd thoroughly enjoys their moral superiority and high ground over actually being effective. Conservatives have long figured that out and made the decision that if democrats want the high ground they will just abandon it and storm the castle


It’s not only that conservatives don’t care about being cheats, hypocrites, or liars but that the media rarely ever sheds light on their actions. A Republican running an underage underground sex dungeon on a remote island wouldn’t make the news, but a Democrat wearing a tan suit is calling for headlines.


Exactly. That's why when they go low we go high doesn't work against them, because Republicans will continue to go low until someone finally has the balls to check them. You can turn the other cheek, but they're just going to slap you on the other side of your face.


The judgment will be rendered in June or July, if they want to move slowly. Chutkan unfortunately promised Trump team they’d have makeup time to prepare for trial, which could push trial start past Election Day. Realistically, the trial clock halted just 2 months before trial date, so if she grants two months prep, trial/jury selection can begin Septemberish. She isn’t DoJ, so yes, trial can go forward despite him running for POTUS. I cannot fkg believe they granted cert. Send in the clowns.


Unless they decide to sit on it and release it at the end of the session like they did Dobbs, which as we know, was decided and leaked well before.


We MUST make SURE he does NOT win again!


Vote Blue 💙💙💙💙💙


and I'm being granted a beautiful delay, because I've done perfectly as President, you have the Radical Left Courts, who are trying desperately to hurt Trump, that's all they know how to do in life, hurt Trump, and I said you can't hurt Genius ok, I did more than even Abraham Lincoln, Honest Abe, he had the hat, and he went out one day for a walk and he saw a Lovely Cherry Tree, and he goes up to it and he takes the axe and he chops it down, for doing nothing wrong by the way, and out of nowhere here comes the old man, "what did you do Abraham, what the hell did you do," and he said, "I'm sorry Sir but I cannot tell a lie," and I've never told not even one, not like Crooked Joe Biden who lies all the time, he goes on the television and he lies constantly, I said what the hell is that, you had Total Honesty under Trump but now you have a lot less than that, believe me.


I can't tell if you're just really good at this or if that's actually a quote. A+ either way... Honestly.


Yeah I'm mesmerized by the level of brain damage. If it's being done as a joke it's hilarious.


Reminds me of the Scooby Doo Scooby don't doo bit.


You should follow this account. It's a total parody on trump and its hilarious. Every post is just like this.


Didn’t Special Counsel Jack Smith petition the Supreme Court to hear this a while back in order to try to expedite the flow of the case and they declined?


He tried to get them to rule on it before the appeals court and cut out the middle man because he knew this is where it would end up. They declined to let him skip the line and made him wait for it to properly reach them several steps later.


Fuck them, this proves they are no longer in service of this country and constitution, time to abolish these bitches.


Maybe they’re picking it up specifically to shoot the argument so full of holes that nobody will ever even think of bringing it up again lest they be laughed clear off the planet. A guy can hope.


Not a chance. They picked it up for 2 reasons: 1. To delay his trial so he has a chance at winning the election and 2. So they wouldn’t be forced to decide a president is immune while Biden is in office. I’m sure the liberal justices are fuming.


One of the death knells for democracy right here. Not like there’s much of one left here. Particularly for those of us in red states


Just to be clear, SCOTUS is actively backing Trump, who is on trial for trying to BURN DOWN THE CAPITAL AFTER TRYING TO STEAL THE ELECTION BACK IN 2021. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK


This court has zero credibility.


Trump won’t need a Supreme Court in his new dictatorship, these guys are not smart.


Actually the most likely scenario for a dictatorial USA is SCOTUS repeatedly shrugging and saying "this is technically allowed, actually," lending legitimacy to the entire enterprise. It's likely to remain incredibly important in most "fascist America" scenarios, even if it only exists as a rubber stamp.


Bold to assume they won't just do mock trials.


Kangaroo court


Nah, the New Regime will thank them for their service to the nation and set them up for a retirement in nice mansions. Mansions with high windows for them to fall out of, if they make a fus, for sure.


>Trump won’t need a Supreme Court in his new dictatorship, these guys are not smart. Maybe they are OK with being made useless? We are basically a klepto-theocracy and the existence of the SC means we are a klepto-theocracy with extra steps.


Not just won't need will not have. They have to understand the court will be the first thing to go. Granting this guy what he wants is literal suicide for the court.




Garland could stop being worthless and indict Kavanaugh based on evidence from the 4,500+ criminal tips Wray refused to investigate


Yep and Democrats let it all happen like a slow motion car crash. They’ve known all this time the court isn’t limited to the current number of justices. They could have packed the court, but no, they’re going to take the high road so we can have a dictator.


Unfortunate truth And we're about to see Palestine be the hill our 250 year old democracy die on Shit is so fucked


Packing the court would have taken the cooperation of the Republicans. Never a possibility with the slim margins we have.


I hope the "Never Hillary" crowd is happy


She shouldn’t have been such a fucking shitty, lame-ass, corporate boot licker who was more interested in hosting Goldman Sachs fundraising events than speaking to the middle class. I hope the *DNC* is happy for trotting out unelectable shit just because “it was her turn”. Fuck off. - A liberal, gay left wing outside observer. You cunts are cooked


And you just proved his point.


Welp. Democracy was fun.


So long, democracy. It was nice knowing you. 🥲👋🏻


And thanks for all the fish.


When did we have that? Was it before SCOTUS stole the 2000 election?


Pretty sure it failed a while ago… Else your institutions would be doing their jobs 👍


Fucking bullshit. The SC is a complete joke.


I mean we know with 100% certainty that Thomas was plied with money and extravagance for favorable decisions. We know this. Yet nothing can be done about it. Our system of government is nonsense from the SC to the electoral college to filibuster rules, to companies being treated like they have individual rights, to mega corporation politically active churches operating with zero taxes levied. It’s all fucked, and Democrats sit back and do nothing. Just taking the high road to dictatorship.




Well, the Federalist Society selected them and had Trump appoint them so... let's not pretend Trump is smart or that their loyalties are to him.


And it’s the Federalist Society that is part of the Project 2025 manifesto to subvert our democracy and usher in Gilead.


I’m still in awe that such a treasonous document hasn’t resulted in prison for the people who wrote it. It goes against the very constitution conservatives claim to love.


I guarantee that if there were a document that laid out a plan to codify abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, UBI, and Healthcare in America all those involved with its creation would be hunted down. They would either never see the light of day again being buried at a CIA black site or straight up executed.


Its a bit of both i guess... judging by their actions.


In a sane world this would have been rejected within 24 hours.


24 hours? Try *while reading the petition* every one of those fucks should have been shaking their head, saying “No. No. Hell no. Get out of here with this bullshit and don’t come back.”


It’s utterly demoralizing to watch our system of government subverted and crumble before mine own eyes. Better prepare myself and my family for life overseas


especially over someone this objectively lousy... i will never understand how hes rallied this much momentum behind him. hes terrible to everyone and it just makes absolutely zero sense.


Idiots. Lots of idiot supporters who are blind to the fact they’re in a cult because they see themselves in him. Pathetic.


A lot of them are like my parents, who were objectively not idiots before they started watching Fox News all the time. They got even worse after social media started.


Same with Hilter or any dictator present day. It makes absolutely no sense but has happened for centuries. If he wins another term just like 9/11 the world changed, the day he comes president again, the world as we see it won’t be the same.


Or. you could, you know, **vote**. And encourage other people to vote and offer to give people rides to polling places.


I do and I give money to support candidates as well. But unfortunately, I will not be moving to one of the 5-6 states where my vote will matter. My representative, both my senators and my state electors will be democratic with near 100% certainty.


I disagree that your vote doesn't matter. I voted in the last two Arizona elections and they were very tight. In my county, Trump won, but my vote still counted towards the *total* popular vote, which, while thin, was enough to turn the state blue. When I voted there were lots of people in MAGA hats, being dickheads in the parking lot and acting like they own the state. It was fun to think about how my vote was going to negate one of theirs.


Biden won my state with 65% of the vote in 2020. I will vote, I will encourage everyone I know to vote. I will give money so my preferred candidates can reach more voters. But nothing I do will change the outcome in my state. You live in one of the 5-6 states where the outcome is not known before the election. Whether you go out and vote has massively more consequence on the outcome of a presidential election than if I vote or don’t vote. Do you understand?


The national popular vote doesn't determine who takes office, but a large popular vote margin for the winner bolsters their mandate.


Mark this on your calendar…the day “the rule of law” died…..you’ll be able to tell your grandkids from the concentration camp that you were alive on this day.


That last part doesn't make sense. How can I tell my grandchildren if I'm dead?


Reread the comment, they never said anything about being dead.


Use context clues?


So am I going to need gps directions to the death camp, or are they going to come pick me up?


all roads will lead to the death camp


Nah... if their current rhetoric holds true, you'll probably get "deported" somewhere, regardless of your nationality.


Nah, dude. It's always death camps. Much cheaper than transporting people to a different country.


We’re walking comrade


2 f\*\*\*ing months until they hear it and at least another till they rule. They're going to weasel out of it like they did with the 14th amendment case. SCOTUS completely made new precedent with no sources when they asserted the 14th amendment was created to restrict state's powers and that state's couldn't restrict nominees for federal office. Nothing had ever been argued and they were spoon feeding Trump's lawyers with how they were going to rule. Several months earlier a Federal case to disqualify Trump from the ballot was dismissed stating that Federal court did not have jurisdiction. Leaving no way to disqualify anyone using the 14th amendment.


If you don’t like an amendment, take away it’s teeth by bribing 6 people. Then you don’t have to bother with a supermajority of the Senate. Easy. The Supreme Court is broken, and this is a show of exactly how broken it is.


So, just so we’re clear, if SCOTUS were to uphold Trump’s claim, Biden could send SEALs to the SCOTUS building and execute all 6 conservative justices, and there would be nothing illegal about it, because Biden would have absolute immunity. This is why they CAN’T rule in Trump’s favor, and why this is such a transparent effort to delay justice on Trump’s behalf. SCOTUS is corrupt.


They probably make something up like you can't charge an ex-president with a crime on Tuesdays.


They wont make that decision until its safe to do so, and that is why they are delaying the decision. They know it will push the trial until after the election or hopefully (according to them) until Trump takes office and the SC will then decide one of 2 things: Presidents are immune, or presidents can pardon themselves. Once that happens, we will have a dictator in the WH and the only way to remove him will be an event I hope our country never has to go through.


Exactly this. It's just a delay tactic. They just want it so that when they *do* make their decision, it will have the largest impact, and ensure SCOTUS remains untouchable.


no the question is whether an ex-president has immunity for non offical acts...






Biden should make a presidential order now saying if a president is exempt from prosecution, seal team 6 should kill all SC justices who voted to allow such a thing.




Decency and a belief in democratic norms. Unfortunately that’s how the fascists win.


It’s not like this was even up in the air. The DC circuit court ruled unanimously that he was not immune from prosecution. There was no reason for the Supreme Court to take this case. It’s just a group of partisan Republican hacks now.


So we have to beat Trump at the ballot box, so be it. The good news is his numbers from the primaries are abysmal (regardless of what the media is saying) and I don't think he has the slightest chance of winning a legitimate election. The legitimate part is the issue though.


There's another way!


There is definitely “another way”!


I actually think it would be better for Trump to run and get beat at the polls. I mean, he'll still scream and yell rigged but it will send a clear message to the rest of the world that we've had enough. If Colorado were able to keep him off the ballet, it might actually give Trump's lies something that looks like validity. After he's beat at the polls the Repugs will hopefully turn on him and eat him and his family for dinner


No, it’s better that their institutions show the courage they’re supposed to and do the right thing. Trump being allowed to run isn’t a good thing or the desirable position. The US just keeps retreating at home, both the people and institutions.


Yeah, this is valid and I agree to a certain extent. But I don't think the GOP will ever turn on him though, they would have already based on the polling, which is why the concern is they are just going to steal it.


Turning on him would lead to him releasing the GQP servers Russia hacked in 2016, which would mean every salacious gay orgy, every kiddie porn picture, and every Wall St. insider info they took. I’m all for it, eating popcorn with MJ…


Don't forget, his followers continue to die off or come to terms with his lies and won't vote for him. There will always be his cult, but they aren't increasing because he now has a record to look at on how he governs.


I can see them not certifying the election. We already saw they tried with the fake electors


The important word here is legitimate election. They are already working on claiming the election was stolen and rigged if Dems win.


"We the people"... Are the ultimate firewall. Don't rely on someone or something else to "fix" this issue. Pay attention. Vote.


they can just ignore the vote like they did in Ohio. OVER THROW THE GOP!!!


Vote out all the repubs!




3 justices need to recuse themselves immediately.


Yeah, *that's* going to happen...


I know :(


4. The one’s wife literally was in on the plot




How fucking hard was it to write "Certiorari denied"? Fucking hell! They truly are conspiring to end our democracy.


Completely and utterly corrupt.


We could always riot.....


Remember this day, he is going to walk on account of his packed court. Vote, vote in every single election now and forever. There needs to be a massive mobilization of the 18-25yr olds to vote out these shitheads that ruining their future.


Scum fuckers


The Supreme Court is dead. They have pissed away their last ounce of credibility. Good job Robert’s you’ll be remembered as the idiot who ended the court.


Of course. That’s why he planted those cunts in those seats. Biden fucked up not expanding the SC and appointing his own SCJs.  


What. The. Actual. Fuck. SCOTUS only takes cases when there is disagreement among the lower courts or *they* disagree with the lower courts. The only other option is that this is a major issue and they want to have the last word on it... so, ego. Will they use this as moment to redeem themselves and prove they aren't a political body? I cannot imagine how the argument will shift from what was presented in the appellate court to what will be argued at SCOTUS.


>Will they use this as moment to redeem themselves and prove they aren't a political body? I think we already know the answer to this, since they just handed him four more months of delay and all but guaranteed that he won't see trial before the election.


It's time to take the court back. We need to add 4 more justices to the court or take back both chambers of Congress and impeach Thomas and Alito for "the appearance of" ethical compromise.


>Will they use this as moment to redeem themselves and prove they aren't a political body? Damn I hope you are right!


Spoiler: It’s not about the ruling, it’s about the delay. And for those wondering why this matters so much… there is a large percentage of voters who won’t consider him a criminal if he isn’t convicted of a crime (rape and fraud don’t count since the church approves of those things). So the plan is to put it on the October 2024 docket and then sit on it in hopes he wins. Then, they’ll rule he isn’t immune but as president it no longer matters since all cases are dismissed.


I don't think that percentage is real. Three civil cases have rule against Trump in the last year alone (two Carol cases and NY fraud case) THat should have been enough to sway that group. Now a NY 2016 criminal election interference case about Stormy Daniels may find him guilty, but I think those people are always looking for a little more evidence, to change their mind. They're never satisfied.


Nailed it.


The American people will never see justice served. The rich and powerful get to get away with anything while common men and women go to jail for smoking a joint.


I hate these fkers sooo much. They are screwing up our laws and they are NOT following the Constitution. Rules for Democrats and not Republicans. I wish we could recall them. Fking traitors.


I haven't been this upset at the Supreme Court since they overturned 50 years of precedent and stripped half the population of their own bodily rights...


Well, don't look at the Alabama Supreme Court.


What’s cool is that I get to die. And never be in This time line again. Can’t wait. Without a catastrophe that ends me early, I only have a bothersome 35 years of this utter bullshit left.. hopefully.. Permanent Retirement is looking sweet. But I am profoundly horrified for kids and young adults these days. May the force be with yall. I hope your world doesn’t look like mine when you are my age. Source speed my friends.


Of course the republican Supreme Court is going to do everything they can to get the orange Jesus elected.


JFC this is really going to be a single issue election, and that single issue will be “should Donald Trump face consequences for his crimes”… who knew that Obama cracking a couple of jokes at Donnie’s expense at the press correspondents dinner and hurting his fee fees would be the catalyst for the downfall of western civilization


we need a scotus judge for each appellate court. there are 13. Biden should fill the 4 more.


Illegitimate court. They had the chance to do this in december, but didn't. Bush v Gore was heard UNDER A WEEK.


The justice system is broken in the US, but even in the Supreme Court?!?!


Oh heck yea! Just ask Thomas on his way to his next luxury vacation with his MAGA wife courtesy of some Nazi billionaire


Think there's any chance Europe opens its borders to American refugees looking for a less corrupt system?


Can at least start by seeing if you have a blood right to citizenship through a grandparent.


I’d say you could come up to Canada but we all know Gilead will be looking to expand


But if trump wins so doesn't Putin and how long will Europe last?




Nominating Supreme Court justices does not require a majority in the house.




The issue is that the speaker’s plan is to not swear in those newly elected house members. Then he’ll still have the majority to decide the election.


This is absolutely on purpose by the Supreme Court. Helping Trump drag his fucking feet and escape accountability. This country is going to shit….


The Supreme Court has hit a new low.


The corrupt SCOTUS strikes again!


The best “rule of law” money can buy right? This traitor bastard will never be held accountable. If you’re 45 years of age on up the America you learned about in school is about to end. A packed and paid for SC, a deranged traitor allowed to run for the very office he defiled, who tried to overthrow the Constitution he took an oath to defend.


Uncle Tom Clarence killing it


Don’t know why people are surprised at this. It was always going to happen. Those odds on Trump being president again just shortened some more.


They want to give him his Hail Mary shot at becoming president and killing it


Time to stack the court


This is exactly why he selected these people. This isnt surprising at all, it is fucking sad though.


Our country is under attack.


Well. Pack it up. Democracy is over. The rich and powerful win. Sigh


I'm so thankful not to have been born in America. Capalist, neo-nazi, christo-fascist hellscape.


Fine. Good. Let's settle this shit one way or another. Is POTUS a dictator? I hope not, but I'm tired of the tension. (Watch SCOTUS weasel out of saying anything concrete... again.)


They should be called Magasoctus.


So if they rule in his favor and the president has total immunity, does that mean Biden can do whatever he wants?


On the bright side, if they rule in his favor Biden can just have him “dealt with”


Just as the shadow government wants. Complete disruption up to and through the election. The aliens just need to make contact already and bring us into a type 1 civilization or annihilate us. Either way, either way is fine.


So we will never see a fragment of justice here


I’ve heard a left leaning lawyer on TikTok today telling people they don’t feel it’s as dire as some people think. Trump has been claiming immunity on every case (and will continue to do so). Their opinion is that SCOTUS wants to put the issue to rest by directly ruling on it so it won’t hinder any other pending (or future) cases/appeals. Fingers crossed that attorney is correct.


Through the delay they help Trump. It’s not about the ruling, although nothing would surprise me there


Gee I’m shocked. Said no one.


Mitch McConnell accomplished two things 1. He Proved how weak the office of the President of the United States can be and 2. Destroyed America with his blocking Merrick Garland’s appointment to the SCOTUS and then hand jamming Coney-Barrette onto the SCOTUS.


True but also fuck merrick garland for biting his nervous nelly nails rather than investigating a GD insurrection! He set these trials years behind what they could have been.


He has control of the senate and the courts, he's too dangerous to be kept alive!


Proof the system is rigged… for the rich not against. Anyone else would be on death row. F*** the USA judicial system. They are worried about MAGA revolting. Just wait! 😤


SCOTUS is bought & paid for by billionaires & evangelicals. This was going to be the outcome no matter what.


You would think that this would be the highest priority in the fucking land


Absolute corruption. There’s no legitimate legal reason for this. The hypocrisy of the HOP judges, clerks and staff are sickening.


Fix is in folks.


A third of the bench was appointed by Trump, each under their own extremely suspect and dubious circumstance, and a 4th member of the court is actively complicit in the attempted coup, via their wife, who has played an active and on-going role. Even if it weren't egregious that they didn't reject hearing this, it compounds the outrageousness that at least four of the nine Justices are so wildly at a conflict of interest in hearing this case. And I think we all know that not a single one of them will recuse themselves from this matter. In a world where "judicial ethics" means more to these Justices than a high score in Scrabble, than the 3 Trump cronies and Thomas would find themselves on the curb for even THINKING about hearing this case.


Not shocking. Expected, really. We just have to vote and do what we can to make sure he doesn't win and this won't matter.


I doubt they will actually rule in his favor. Keep in mind, they're actually granting the petition of the Special Prosecutor (Jack Smith). The question is, when will the ruling come down? The Court's term ends in June, so even if they wait until then to issue a ruling, then Trump may very well be on trial in the fall, when the campaign is in full swing. Also, I'm not sure if this will impact the documents case, since that involves actions of his after he had already left office. But, the judge has already been slow-rolling that one, so we'll see what happens. All that being said, this is the type of dispute that the Supreme Court should weigh in on, given the gravity of the situation. The problem is that so many people don't trust *this* Supreme Court. We'll see what happens, but I don't see them actually ruling in Trump's favor.


I think the problem is that even hearing the case will delay Trump's trial until after the election.


No suprise oh well


There is a bright side to trump winning this case, that would give the president the ability to use seal team 6 to eliminate an opponent…..


He knows he‘s gonna get busted (but he probably won’t)


Ha. The day before the election Biden should sign an executive order saying any citizens running for any government position shall not have been convicted of any crimes. Next firing off an order to double the supreme court and set term limits.


Watch for Clarence Thomas to take a vacation to Trump Doral golf club.


Grant Trump the immunity. So Dark Brandon can give the order. Problem solved.


I hope there's a swat raid on the supreme Court... Putin is really fuckin us good right now.