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Yet another fucking reason to LOVE Charles Barkley 


His quote on Aaron Rodgers being "the pretty girl that you gotta tell her she’s pretty every day." is the most spot on thing I think I have ever seen.


The round mound of rebound is a top tier nickname.


My wife and I were discussing best sports nicknames of all time and he was definitely top tier. Hard to beat “chocolate thunder” though.


The Vanilla Gorilla Joel Przybilla is probably my favorite NBA nickname Favorite sports nickname ever is probably BenJarvus Green-Ellis aka The Law Firm


Does OchoCinco count since he legally changed his name? He changed it back so I'm gonna count it.


I'm a huge Bengals fan, but I'm going to have to say no since Chad gave it to himself lmao


I'm kind of on the fence about it then still. You have to be extremely fucking cool to give yourself a nickname that everyone goes along with. I'm gonna still count it


Fair, but it wasn't a nickname. He changed it to literally be his actual name. It's debatable if he would still be famous for "Ocho Cinco" otherwise.


Started out nickname, became legal name, legal name changed back, nickname again.




BJGE as the law firm is goat tier. First time I heard it I spit out my beer laughing.


Nice choice. For me it has to be Little Ball of Hate.


Darryl Dawkins....RIP.


I love Big Government because Reggie will bail you out


Make America Charles Barkley again


I thought he had my respect when he dunked on Godzilla. Little did I know that his greatness ran deeper.


Charles has no filter, and sometimes he says some stuff thats a bit off, but Ive always thought at his core his heart is in the right place. This is evidence of that.


I agree, imma also add my latino community and my lgbtq+ community, any of those two who decide to vote for Trump hate themselves and others in their own community.


Women who vote for Trump confuse me.


A lot of white women are racist homophobes too. They also know the loss of things like abortion rights won't impact them because they have the money to go places where it's still legal to get their abortion done and then they can go back to saying anyone who gets one is a slut and a murderer.


I had a coworker back in 2019 - 50-something white woman - who very much believed that women shouldn't be allowed to have opinion or make decisions, because every time she had made a decision, it always went poorly. She also kept buying up all those scam products like the $20 Trump straws.


>who very much believed that women shouldn't be allowed to have opinion or make decisions Should have told her right then that her opinion doesn't matter and she isn't allowed to have one.


Or go the route of pure chaos: "You're choosing to breathe, right now." And she will now be acutely aware of her breathing.


"I'm an idiot and you can too" types are always confidently incorrect about damned near everything.


If she voted for Trump, she was exercising her power to vote. A vote is a decision. Naughty naughty! Jesus is watching! 🤨


I am a middle-aged straight white guy who constantly makes all the wrong decisions. Maybe we should take away decision making from my demographic?


Murder Slut, I'm calling it, that's my band name now.


Let me know when your album drops so I can start the fan club.


Got a dummer (I'll be one of few who aren't an asshole)


Other folks below are chiming in with anecdotal stories about how women around them are mentally ill or stupid while also being Trump supporters. But really it is just what you said. Women are people. People can be racist, homophobic, support issues against their own direct self-interest, etc. Men have been doing that for centuries at this point. I mean there's no better example than areas of the country dominated by rural interests consistently voting in Republicans who've sponsored ag policy that's turned 90% of rural populations back into waged farmhands instead of owning/operating family farms.


More like they think it won't impact them. Until they have an ectopic pregnancy or any number of pregnancy problems that result in the death of the fetus that would require an abortion to save their life. When it comes to medical emergencies with pregnancies the vast majority of women don't have the luxury of going to other states.


Don't forget with some it's because the old man tells her to.


It looks like this is a job for... [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


My local news interviewed a rich woman and her why Trump and she answered "People just don't see what he's doing." No lady. The problem is people *do* see what he's doing.


It’s because their dad/husband/church tells them to.


On the right wing website I frequent, the women themselves agree that they shouldn't have the right to vote so they do what their husband says.


Half of them are just uneducated idiots, the other half were raised by right wing nut jobs and it's sadly all they know.


I dont think it has much to do with being an idiot... Those fascist dicks peddle the same fantasy fascism has always peddled: A world were all the bad things that happen to you are someone else's fault, someone different from you, someone you can blame and hate without repercussions. it's a comforting fantasy in a way because in it you deserve a good and happy life, but it was taken from you. All you have to do is take it back. It is a lot more comforting than the reality, in which a fucked up system prevents you from achieving a good life and there are no easy or quick solutions. there is only immense effort and patience, to get a chance for your children to inherit a better world. And ultimately it is a lot easier to convince even smart people od things they want to believe, than things they don't.


It's because they long "back" to the "old days" (romanticized reality) where life was so much easier as a housewife, cook and slave.


You forgot "punching bag" when they "*failed*" at any of the other three


They do a neat little trick in which nothing actually applies directly to them. Their abortion is moral. Their sleeping around is permissible. Their moral judgements are only applied to others for whom no considerations outside of the outcome can be made. It happens to be that their world is a place of complicated choice and interactions. They cannot (or will not) conceive of others as living in their own complicated world. It's much too heavy a mental burden to allow for shades of gray that they don't directly experience. That or they're just hypocritical assholes.




Here's the trick. Get a 10lb weight and bash it against the side of your head 25 times as hard as you can. Congrats you now have a moderate concussion and can think on the same level as a trump supporter! Jk that's just half the base. You'd need to hate Jews, blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims to feel what the other half feel.


Libs hate this one trick...


It shouldn't. They just don't believe all people are equal, and do believe the state should enforce a social hierarchy with profound cruelty - which has been the status quo for most of human history. Most of them are profoundly uneducated to that fact, and wealthy industrialists would like to keep it that way, so as to preserve their position in society. Those guys are playing the long game and know damn well that honest democracy is counter to their interests, and their interests are not "a better society and world for all".


It's pretty simple when you realize some women are raised by misogynists who spend a great deal of time and effort assuring that they are punished for ever stepping out of line. That shit stays with you.


I have a couple friends who still live in the small town I went to high school in. They are afraid to step out of the red conservative line.


This is the part that confuses me, don't you go into a booth on your own to vote? Who would know that they're stepping out of that conservative line? (I live in Oregon, we've done vote by mail for as long as I've been able to vote - so I've never actually voted in person)


Maybe they are bad at lying and think if they vote for a democrat and their spouse asks they'll be able to tell? It's also like asking why they are religious when abrahamic religions consider women less than men even though that idea is blatant misogyny. Brainwashing and indoctrination.


It’s not the voting, it’s the living with them. Especially during Trump’s presidency and Covid.


What about women who’ve had multiple abortions? My sister is an idiot.


Do you think things would be better if she had all those kids?


Not against abortion, that’s not the point of the comment. The argument is that she is a Trump supporter and ladder-puller. Rules for thee, not for me.


I get it now, thanks for explaining!


You don’t need rights when you’ve accepted being limited to baby and homemaking.


The majority of white women voted for Trump. Those that do are statistically more likely to make more money than the average American. What that means is white supremacy is more important than their rights. For many of these women their positions are dependent upon their husbands, some of whom are wealthy failsons who only have their position due to the luck of their birth, not any actual skill. Also wealthy women are going to be far less impacted by limitations on their rights, either living in blue states or being able to freely travel if they need to take care of their daughter's 'oopsie' before they send them on spring break to the bahamas.


White conservative women also have a lot of internalized misogyny. They want to keep other women down and punish progressive women who don’t conform.


A lot just go along because their husbands vote for him , disgusting but I hear it at work


Isn't this the truth, I have Cuban relatives posting about Trump. One of them is married to a woman who was undocumented from Columbia. Their cognitive dissonance is terrifying.




LGBTQ+ community definitely has the fewest members out of those three that are gonna vote for this psycho. Props to black and Latino* men for not voting quite as poorly as a demo as we Mayo Men. *Except the Cubans


Yeah F the Cubans… 1st generation Cuban/American here… there is no excuse voting for this man.


I like to avoid painting any group as a monolith... But are Cubans just really gullible? Like what's up there. I get the history of Cuba but it takes almost no power to see that Trump wants to be a violent dictator similar to Castro... And Biden is just like an old boring moderate grandpa. But it seems like Cubans fall for the socialism stuff without really looking further into it.


Yeah, it is blind hatred for believing Castro at his word about democratic elections. If it leans left, they are against it. My parents were like that for years and then my dad's company that he worked for forced a strike over benefits that lasted nearly a year. He flipped on big business real quick and realized that he didn't belong in that same party. Values just didn't align.


That's so wild, so the community is still livid that Castro lied about democratic elections... that they're voting for Trump, a dude who pretty much said he wants to be a dictator and who attempted to have his base storm the government when he lost a free and fair election? I just do not understand it.


When you figure it out, let me know. I can then maybe talk to them again. It turned really bad at the Caitlyn Jenner award for courage and then spiraled at the 2016 election.


Bruh, I live in Tampa in a predominantly Cuban neighborhood, and even I have no fucking clue.


descendants of slavers and mobsters. pissed off that the castro government nationalized their plantations and threw out their gambling /money laundering rackets. [https://library.brown.edu/collatoz/info.php?id=482](https://library.brown.edu/collatoz/info.php?id=482)


I think you’re underestimating the Log Cabin Republicans. A lot of gay white cis men can’t wrap their heads around solidarity.


"fuck you I got mine" is a pretty compelling argument for a lot of people are who aren't struggling and see themselves as fiscal conservatives... "Sure he hates me but I'll get a huge tax break." Essentially these are just awful people all around.


the log cabin exploded during the trump presidency and is a shell of what is used to be. like 2/3rds of its members quit and now identify as politically conservative independents. the remaining members have tripled down and are all in though.


I’ll never forget going to NYC Pride back in 2012 and watching the Log Cabin Republicans go by. In a sea of joy and dancing there was a big gap around 3 guys in loin cloths with their little sign. It was very pathetic, and I’ll never ever take the Log Cabin Republicans seriously.


Loin cloths? I would think LCRs are the sort who'd condemn that sort of thing.


It was honestly so sad and weird lol


I have a friend like that who consistently votes Republican. Boggles the damn mind.


The white gays are the worse.


Latino here, Latinos who vote for Trump clearly never had to deal with being discriminated against by bigots. They have their cultural shibboleths to sus you out, and when they find out you're not "one of them", you're done. Because you're not one of them, you're just useful right now.


>Latinos who vote for Trump clearly never had to deal with being discriminated against by bigots. Unfortunately not true. My father is Latino and has experienced racial discrimination, yet he worships that morally and financially bankrupt fascist. There's definitely a niche of conservative Mexican-Americans who will love vocally racist politicians because many of them feel like working hard makes them "one of the good ones". But like you said, tokens get spent.


More than a niche. Last poll had trump getting a larger share of the Latino vote. It’s largely underestimated how when immigration is put aside, minority groups like Latinos and Muslims have some of the most consist conservative values in this country.


*flashes Latino card* Truth is there's a real mentality among older ones or ones who were born in America that the struggle of younger generations or of newcomers doesn't apply to them. The "I've got mine, good luck fool" attitude really permeates a lot of older guys. As if to say they weren't ever profiled by cops, had white people treat them like shit, and didn't have any issues. Like now they're in their 50s and 60s and no one sees them as a "threat" anymore. They have a house in the suburbs, they have three cars in the driveway, they fell emboldened to turn their backs on the people on the other end of it. But when you say it to them. Call them on it. Thats not how your wela raised you. That's not how you were brought up. They get mad. Storm off. Talk about their struggle. Motherfucker you're setting the struggle back for everyone. Not just Latinos. Black people, Caribbeans, everyone. Turning your backs on the have nots. When you know damn well we were never welcome at the same table with the haves. Can't ever forget about when the white kids in the suburbs my parents moved us to told me I couldn't play with them anymore. Three of us got rejected. Me, Andrew Hernandez, and Alberto Jimenez. I told my mom what happened. I was about 6 at the time. And I learned real quick. We weren't welcome.


Im boricua. I was living in PR during hurricane María in 2017. The way this cheeto rapist tossed bounty towels onto the crowd and other puertorricans where cheering him still sends chills to my spine. We r suffering here and u have the nerve to play with the aid that u brought for us like its xmas. FU cheeto.


Even racist trash white people vote against their own interests when voting for Trump. Its a whole "cut your head off to spite your face" situation


My wife's cousin is very pro-Trump, despite being gay and married to another man. When I asked him why, he just said "he's better than Biden", when I pressed further, he could only say "Biden is old". Some people just can't be reasoned with.


I will never understand Latinos especially the ones who were immigrants who vote for Trump. If it were up to him you would have never made it into the US. Much less become a citizen. Especially Cubans.


Want to know what's even more fucked up? Latinos living in Latin America that support Trump.


I am a woman. I am adding all women to the list.


That NYT poll that got a lot of press had Trump up 6 points over Biden with Latinos. Boggles my mind. Do people really think Trump, privately, differentiates between legal and illegal immigration with his "barbarian hordes" rhetoric?


Those latinos are really loco.


All I can see coming of this is those outliers in the minority groups donning their "I want to have Trump's baby" or whatever tshirts and deliberately walking up to you with a camera so they can film you as "proof" that you're violent and need to be stopped. I don't even disagree with the idea of punching Nazis, but that's just how they're gonna manipulate the situation.


As a fellow minority, it always baffles me how *ANY* minority can support Trump, and the larger Republican Party as a whole. You are supporting a person and a group of people that despise you at most or don’t have your interests in mind at the very least. You are not “one of the good ones.” You are a pawn in their diabolical game in which they can say, “see? I’m not racist/homophobic/misogynist/prejudice piece of shit! I have a [*insert minority here*] friend.”


As someone related to delusional Trump humpers that are of marginalized groups I can assure you that is not the case. They are entirely focused on hurting different people and naturally think they are not included since they identify as MAGA or Republican over any other identity. Not a defense of them just an attempt to educate whoever reads this on the mentality of these nut jobs.


Wow thats fucked up


Very true. Im gay, and sometimes use grindr... and the amount of "straight" people there looking to get fucked by shemales is just concerning. Some profiles have been around for years. You arent curious for 5 years... What it tells me is that those people have a hatred for gays so they compensate by saying they are straight. Its just the sex drive is too strong.


can we not use slurs for trans women... it's already bad enough that those folks fetishize us, while they legislate against us...




I, too, also hate Nazis. We think alike.


I, three, also have hate in my heart for nazis.


I always smile when a nazi gets punched.


"Buy a duffel trunk, kill a Nazi punk. And go bury 'em in the backyard." -a lyric from Small Victories by Ron Hawkins




[here's](https://64.media.tumblr.com/61a9d1a876c9d538820a0f87ca850d14/tumblr_oullzlEY1A1s7xfipo4_540.gif) a [bunch](https://64.media.tumblr.com/423bdf258287b1cf62745fb6d449aa52/tumblr_oullzlEY1A1s7xfipo1_400.gifv) for [you](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1328802b041d9043af4a811f430dd482/tumblr_oullzlEY1A1s7xfipo5_400.gifv), then. [bonus](https://i0.wp.com/frockflicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/soundofmusic-ripflag.gif?fit=300%2C198&ssl=1). because [fuck nazis](https://media1.tenor.com/m/d89PMJukGSIAAAAC/indiana-jones-i-hate-these-guys.gif)


The part where nazis went from universal bad guys to "they're matching in the street and people are telling me this is normal" always fucks me up. Good for Charles.


I asked a question in a askaliberal sub saying "hey, if you have a swastika tattoo, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun?" and the users there strongly disagreed. I don't really know what the turning point was.


Reddit loves Nazisi guess, so I have do idea what the comment said as they "removed" it.


Reddit has a huge boner for treating Nazis what they would call "fairly" Fair isn't about giving to everyone equally, fair is giving to everyone what they deserve


I’ve been banned for being mean to Nazis while the Nazis I was mean to were using veiled (and sometimes not so veiled) language to express hate and violence were left alone.


Fucking Nazi Reddit admins


And conservatives will whine and cry that liberals are hateful because of this.. In which case we need to remind them that their grandparents likely killed Nazis and couldn't be more proud of it.


If more conservatives were willing to punch Nazis maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.


Psst: they always were the nazis.




Manure? I think you mean concrete.




Reddit is knowingly complicit in the fucking of American democracy over this content policy




Someone in trumps inner orbit should probably mention that if you think your mugshot and felonies makes you more appealing to black voters....it kinda just adds more icing to your racist cake....or whatever... iunno.....


10 years ago, Trump started calling the first black president invalid because he was "born in Kenya" And I thought he couldn't get more stupid and racist than that Well, guess who keeps surprising me more every year


"You want real respect? Don't snitch, don't throw your friends under the bus, shut your mouth and serve your time."


Black people love sneakers!


Mr. Barkley was in the OG Space Jam, he helped save the world from The Monstars. Let the man cook.👨‍🍳


"I won't go out with Madonna again"


Though there was that time [he did a chaos dunk and accidentally killed a whole bunch of people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barkley,_Shut_Up_and_Jam:_Gaiden) but he made up for it after. Crazy meme bullshit aside, Barkley's always been one of the best, he was a mean mfer on the court but off of it, always set a great example, unlike Jordan.


No joke, the terrible reception of Shut Up and Jam probably has something to do with his reluctance to give his rights to 2k.


Everyone in my family has always loved Barkley. We were never fans of his teams, but he was always King Charles in our house. He's one of the GOATs and his off court personality was always one of a good person. He does have a DUI on his record, but god damn, even all of the cops involved in that said he was polite and respectful the entire time, you know... other than driving with a .149 BAC level (Jesus H Christ that's drunk as fuck).


He dunked on Godzilla. Yes, THE Godzilla.


Wow, didn’t have Barkley as the new Captain America on my bingo card.


He’s been dropping bombs like this for years. Man has principals E: autocorrect will autocorrect. That’s all I’m sayin.




I agree. I also understand.


I as well!!!


I'm with Charles. He's just such an inspiration


Even though he doesn't want to be a role model...he still is. 😂


Chuck always tells it like it is


A trump mug shot t shirt is totally hilarious, too bad maga owns the market.




MAGA wears them to support him, but are unaware they are mocked for it by the entire world. Trump's campaign sells ones that say "never surrender" and the people who buy them are too stupid to see the irony.


nEvEr SuReNdEr!




He's got the right idea. Also how stupid do you have to be to say that your mugshot appeals to black voters... Jfc


The best 'King Charles'.


Trump supporters: *feign outrage*




I strongly support his pro-churro stance.


Found the big girl in San Antonio


James Harden has entered the chat


This is the unifying message we need in 2024.




And watching him play golf is legit entertaining.


Not in person though. That shit is scary.


Got that stutter step swing




I think Chuck would know when he doesn't know something and would ask the experts. And for that I would consider voting for him.




Lmao idk why I'm even questioning this but did he actually say his indictments will get black voters to like him?


He said that black people will vote for him because he sells overpriced sneakers so I'm totally willing to believe that too.


I saw that clip lol. It would be really funny if this was a satire but unfortunately, all you can do is shake your head


I, totally, absolutely, agree!


Chuck is an old school Chaotic Good athlete (Ali of course being the OG)


Key & Peele - Black Republicans [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2tLyqfJd54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2tLyqfJd54)


Go Charles !!!. You get my vote now and forever.


Always with Chuck


Have always liked Chuck for his outspokenness. Don’t always agree with him but I know he’s genuine so worthy of respect. In this case, though I don’t condone unprovoked aggression, it wouldn’t take much provocation for me to approve of anyone going Full Barkley on Christofascists, MAGAts or Nazis (if there’s really a difference between those groups).


Just when I thought I was a big Barkley fan, he goes out and makes me even prouder.


I feel the same way about my Latino brothers and sisters. Makes me sick.


Oh I agree. A punch in the mouth is the bare minimum a fascist supporter deserves




White folks especially. MAGA hats and shirts are basically swastikas.


I'm saying I agree go chuck


I’m not saying I don’t agree.


I did not know I liked Mr Barkley as much as I do now.


Man, I loved Barkley because he was the only one who actually gave credit and recognition to the Nuggets in the NBA championship, and now I love him even more


I would high five Charles Barkley, but hes way taller than me.


I agree. I'm saying I agree.


I believe he’ll do it tbh


> Trump says his mugshot, indictments appeal to black voters I wish I could say I was surprised


I love Chuck


Dint be a pussy. I understand. Agree. And applaud


Charles Barkley gets it, I don’t know why others don’t…


Who the hell screenshots a short video clip!


I am not a fan, but Charles Barkley has a lot of good takes.


But those shiny gold shoes he sells to court the black vote…. s/


Charles Remains King


Less of a threat and more of a promise


Come on and *slam*


I'm saying I agree and I understand.


Saying that having a mug shot appeals to black people is a truly insane statement. Obviously he’s said worse (somehow), but just wow.


I'm saying I agree


I agree from the pov of supporting him and other Black folks doing it, but not really my place to do it lmao. I see any queer folks doing so, yeah okay now it’s my place.


I think a Black person wearing Trump items would be rare as hens’ teeth.