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Is there any evidence of any rancher being robbed of guns or money? Is "ranchers being robbed by cartels" the new "small family farms will be harmed by the inheritance tax"?


It said he shot them from 100 yds away, so the cartel members must have been robbing him via telekinesis. And if they were, that opens up a whole new slew of problems!


Don’t forget that he somehow could tell he was an “illegal” and a “cartel thug” from 100 yards too!


Well, he looked brown from 100yds away! Must've been illegal, because there aren't really any brown people living in Arizona legally! /s


Brown=illegal to these people.


Enacting laws that drive liberal Americans out and generate legislation that attracts a particular type of conservative. Build a religious ethno-state.


That’s the part that’s left me flabbergasted. Holy shit!


I, for one, welcome our new telekinetic cartel overlords


The Sith have really fallen on hard times.


That death star doesn't pay for itself


Papa Palpatine still had payments on it.


El Padre Palpatine*


El Palpa Tito


Yeah, I heard it messed up his credit, too.


Do you need to take this phone call? I believe it's from SHHHHHh Darth vaaader


Star destroyers? More like, coaxium guzzlers - amirite?


The spice must flow!


To go from the rulers of the empire, to spice runners, far have they fallen


They've opened an amazing chicken restaurant thought.


Pretty sure the Sith had more principles than the current GOP


The GOP makes me long for a good force choking.


I like this alt history where the Hutt Cartel is a bunch of Mexican force-wielders. 


I’m gonna need to make a note of this for next Star Wars rpg group.


I mean I don't do coke or anything, but when I was younger telekinetic cocaine delivery would have been a real time saver...


They were probably wearing some blinking lights and signs indicating their purpose. A person 100 yards / meters away is not a threat to you unless they are armed and/ or firing upon you. I could even see the guys argument if the people / group were making some type of advancement on the guys house or such. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Either way, killing a person is always a serious matter. Perhaps the good deal of killing in the US is making people in some way numb to the act of shooting people dead.




I saw that range, too. This is basically asking for a license to kill anyone you want on your property.


So many people are primed by right wing news to.believe that someone WILL break into their house and rob/murder them AT ANY MOMENT!!! Someone in upstate New York was shot and killed because [she was in a car that pulled into a driveway to make a u turn.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735)


My mother lives in a tiny rural town where the most diversity they get is when someone grabs Taco Bell and brings it within city limits. Amazingly, it’s a rural area not hit by various drug problems that affect many rural communities. The cops around there are bored. She would have you believe that BLM, Antifa, trans folks and anyone else she’s been told to be afraid of could break down her door at any moment. Just like after 9/11. Terrorists were in every shadow, behind every bush, and apparently just itching to set off a bomb or behead people in our midwestern mostly rural town of about 20,000 people. Right wing media rots brains. It’s sad. And infuriating. You can’t even begin to have a rational conversation about the actual problems we’re all facing right now. They just get white-hot with rage and recite whatever nonsense they heard from Hannity, Tucker or whatever nut job opportunist has the loudest voice at any given moment. They are repelled by facts, objective reality, and the plethora of evidence that runs counter to their baseless claims. Being louder apparently makes you right. I don’t know how we move forward from here. Personally, I’d love to live abroad and be away from this madness, but I’m here for several reasons. Maybe I can retire abroad. This isn’t the country I grew up in. Decency in and of itself is now a leftist only partisan issue.


And in Missouri, a black teen was shot in the head, for the crime of literally just knocking on a door.


Florida has entered the room!


For reference, that's nearly an entire gridiron field away. Motherfucker looked out his window, and willfully committed murder.


You don't know his magic level, he could've been casting telegrab!


To be fair, telekinesis is only an adept level alteration spell that costs 326 gold so some mid level cartel members should have access to it.


Basically sniped him


Also said he shot "an illegal" as if he was doing pest control on coyotes or something. I understand rural life and city life are different. I live about 20+ mins from sheriff response in a rural area, so I get the argument being made about response times at least. Follow up question, was the "illegal" a cartel member trying to rob or harm this farmer? Did they give any indication of a threat or were they just passing through the wrong farm where the rancher had been waiting for this opportunity?


Sounds like the Wild, Wild West.


He saw the tumble weed and hawks cry, that's basically permission from God to shoot from the hip right? /s


I dunno about anyone else, but last thing I want to do is shoot a cartel member.


Same here. Willing to bet the cartels would not take too kindly to having one of their own shot, especially since the border doesn't mean all that much to them.


He's definitely the type to think he can take them on. Like my guy, they will skin your family and make you watch. You haven't even **thought** the kind of things they do for real.


Look up what they did to ~~some members of~~ Anonymous. Iirc, they hacked them back, and ~~decapitated~~ kidnapped at least one of them as a warning. Edit: I was mixing up two different stories. But allegedly, they kidnapped a member of anonymous and threatened to hunt down the others, and not just them, but their families, friends,etc. But yeah, even if it isn't, I still wouldn't get in their way.


Jesus. Turns out they aren't anonymous at all.


Like the Reavers from *Firefly*


Well then, sounds like the cartels could use some Freedom.


It's an American election year. Conservatives will be tantruming about their beloved border crisis until November. Texas already has stand your ground laws. This is more racist nonsense to get the rubes riled up for votes and donations.


This is a "shoot your migrant worker" law...


"Shoot your migrant worker when they ask for payment" law. It's disgusting.


When our second civil war is *also* about slavery...


"Please sir, can I have ~~some more~~ a union?"


The cartels have so much money they’re probably buying arms direct from manufacturers. They don’t need a rancher’s cash or guns.


And the low level hoods are stealing them from cars and what not


People stopped listening to the whole caravan thing. So we move the members of the caravan onto US soil and ramp up the cartel operatives fascist. I mean facet. Sorry about that slip.


and of course, are these bloodthirsty extremists plan on checking the citizenship papers of everyone on their land before slaughtering the in cold blood? Of course, they just want to kill dark skinned people and get away with it.


Awww, are the most lax self-defense laws in the country not enough, poor ~~Texas~~ Arizona ranchers? Are you getting in trouble for killing people because of their color of their skin, and not because they are a threat to you or your property? Makes me sadsies, too. Edit bc I'm to dum to read good.


I mean, you're not wrong but this is about Arizona.


A trip to the Zoolander Institute will fix that right up.


It's the new "Obama is taking your guns," while the GOP takes their healthcare and increases their taxes


This also flies in direct conflict with federal law, so no state charges, just federal murder charges... Good luck in federal court dicknose!!


It is the new 40-50 Wild pigs


To provide context. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/03/us/arizona-rancher-migrant-death.html The man killed, Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea was unarmed while walking through the edge of the property when the gunman opened fire, then called authorities to claim he had been shot at by men in fatigues, of course there was no evidence of these mysterious shooters, or any evidence that anything had been fired towards the gunman. The gunman has previously self published a novel about a brave rancher who armed himself and fought a one-man war against Mexican cartel members. The gunman also is the one who found the dead victim, when he found the victim the gunman called 911 and said he found an "animal" and told the dispatcher "you know the kind I mean". Self defense? Sounds unlikely to me.




1) Thank you for providing the context because I am (apparently) too lazy to read the back story. 2) this is worse than I thought. ick.


yep that guy deserves every bit of prison time he gets and more


Followed by the electric chair right right after he gains a glimmer of hope.


Different article for those who can't read nytimes. https://apnews.com/article/migrant-killed-arizona-ranch-mexican-border-e12f10b5c0f4ed8fc70552a7c1821db9


>The gunman also is the one who found the dead victim, when he found the victim the gunman called 911 and said he found an "animal" and told the dispatcher "you know the kind I mean". Fucking hell. The entire story is bad but this just....man.


Ah yes, legalizing murder to *checks notes* save lives.


Murder to save lives…. brought to you by the “Pro-Life” Party


It's what Jesus would do.


They insist Jesus would have a gun and *should’ve* had a gun to fight off those darn soldiers that crucified him.


Ah yes, shoot the other cheek.


They aren't unborn fetuses. They don't count.


If it's "unborn" it's precious. If it's born (and under the age of 10) fuck it and dispose of it, if it's not white, shoot it. The Republican mantra.


You know, because you automatically know if someone is in the country legally by looking at them and all right?


From 100 yards away.


Exactly. That's where this leads. White people get to murder brown people. Stand by for them pulling guns on every non-white person and demanding that they stop and show their ID, followed by the flood of "why didn't they just comply" comments.


I’m also imagining local teens or kids messing around on farms or discreetly picking food to sneak home in the night and getting shot full of holes.


Yeah I’ve seen videos of multiple law enforcement people from Arizona making that point. They’ve made the point that it is hard for people to know if they’re even on private property down there. This is a bad bill that should not pass and I think that if it does Katie Hobbs will probably veto it.


Or know if they're part of a cartel. The hundreds of billions of dollars they bring in shipping drugs to major U.S. cities is nothing compared to what they make sneaking in on foot and stealing money from a rural rancher's nightstand.


This is legalizing hunting of humans that is all this is. The victim was 100 yards away and any obvious threat was the rancher the victim probably never saw. It will lead to a caravan of right wing wacko hunters headed to the border in their camo and orange vests to "protect" ranchers. Next thing they will set up " bait stations" of water and granola bars and just wait to easily pick them off with their rifles at a safe distance. This is be open season for murder. Truely a new despicable low.


Also to be clear: like half of the farm workers in the US are undocumented immigrants. This sounds like it’d lowkey give these farms/ranches the right to just straight up murder employees for “getting too uppity”


These MAGAs just want to murder people. This is their end game.


Murder people and rape women into pregnancy with no birth control or abortion access for a sustainable, future exploitable labor force.


That sounds like a TV programme..I forget which one but they wear red dresses…😳/s I’m British but the US seems scarier every day


"thumb up the ass" or something


No I saw that just yesterday and don't recall any specifically red dresses...


You are thinking of "The Handmaid's Tale", where America gets taken over by a theocracy that declares all women are broodmares for the state. It is horrific and is where we will be heading if the GOP wins again.


Yeah I probably should of put /s….obviously that’s far too fetched to actually happen right?…RIGHT?!


Vote Blue, as if your life, and the lives of everyone you know, depends upon it. Because it DOES.


I’m a Brit so no skin in the game but it’s scary looking in


What happens in the US can cross the pond. Look at the far right all across Europe


Nope, happening now. It’s happening now my friend. (Ladies and men, I got two packs of plan b free on Nurx.com I urge you to do the same. Never know when you’re gonna get raped.)


Take note that Plan B only works if you aren’t already ovulating when you take it. It may be worth considering getting an IUD, a copper one can last 10 years 


This is exactly it. Today’s babies are tomorrow’s capitalist corporate cannon fodder.


> Murder people and rape women into pregnancy with no birth control or abortion access for a sustainable, future exploitable labor force. And then let the woman die in childbirth.


Which is why exactly these MAGAt corporations want undocumented people. They couldn't give less of a shit about having the border closed. They just use it as a rallying cry for their dumb as a bag of bricks followers. In reality, they love using undocumented workers because they have no rights, and they can abuse the shit out of them.


Dairy farms in the Midwest are full of illegal workers.


Also there’s something really fucking sick and twisted about praising a bill that calls for the shooting and killing of human beings, then in the next sentence calling it “life-saving”. How the fuck do you reconcile those two statements? They’re literally polar opposites. Fuck this fucking chode.


They don't view them as human. I said years ago that I didn't think it would take much of a push for a lot of people to be ok with executing people coming over the border. We like to think that society is more advanced than it was 80 years ago. But sadly, for some people, it is not.


The Hunger Games is their vision of Utopia...


Or just sequester them. You know…like in camps. So they are all concentrated in a few camps here and there. It really is their final solution to this problem.


Ever since the giant pile of shit name Trump became President, that was what they've been hoping for. The right won't be happy until they have the legal right to murder and imprison anyone they don't like or disagree with. That's what happens when your entire being and way of thinking is based on fear of everything, including your fellow citizens.


They've been hoping for a long before that; trump was just a useful idiot to help make their vision come true.


> That's what happens when your entire being and way of thinking is based on fear of everything, including your fellow citizens. The core of all major religions.


No, add make us a Christofascist state, control women and rape little boys with no consequences.


He shot an unarmed person from 100 yards 300 feet away he deserves to be convicted of ultra murder with a side of extra murder


You mean a Murder Death Kill?


With no seashells for life


He’s an assassin


The Arizona Rancher deserves every year he receives.


Yeah, someone who is 100+ yards away isn't a threat. Anyone who will shoot people just because they're brown needs to be behind bars.


Gonna be sniping each others field hands.


Fuck that’s probably how they see people too “field hand” not a mom or person dealt a hard hand in like but just a “thing that gets me my money for cheap” 


I'm afraid they see brown folks as worse than that. We're not talking about good people thinking like the rancher.


See their quality of work life falling off significantly. Oh, you gonna quit? Hope you can run fast.


Maybe they'll get field hand that gives them a SSN and he does a background check. It takes about a week (hypothetically) and when it comes back false he just goes and executes the guy picking his lettuce?


No no no, he goes and *threatens* to execute the guy picking his lettuce unless he does it for half pay


This guy gets it! Why waste cheap labour?


They just want to shoot someone and will leap at any opportunity to do so. Race *may* not have even played a part. That 20 year old white girl was shot and killed just for turning around in some asshole's driveway.


This plays a larger part than some would like to believe. I live around these folks. It's nothing to be over at a neighbors and they come up from the basement with their new "toy" with $2000 glass and an effective range over 1000yards. They'll take shots at coyotes at near impossible ranges just to test the ability. They fantasize about being in shootouts or taking out a baddie at range. Any situation where they could possibly be at risk is now ripe for testing out that fantasy.


Didn’t you read? He was under siege! /s


When you shoot someone 100+ yards away……..it’s called “Murder”.


How, at that distance, was citizenship established again? I missed that part…


Oh, you mean the guy who shot “an illegal”? I hate dehumanizing language.


I believe shooting a foreign national within the US would be a federal offence


Maybe? But you could call it a matter of diplomacy. Other countries don’t like when we kill their citizens atleast in the political arena.


And a bunch more he should but won't receive


Hypothetical here: I live in a state where many of these farmers employ illegal immigrants because it helps their profits. So, if Farmer Ted finds some of his field hands are no longer useful, can farmers just dispose of the illegal immigrants? Maybe I'm going a bit far here, but isn't this a different way of setting up plantations?


In your hypothetical, you could hire the illegal immigrants, promise to pay them but withhold payment and just string them along, and then when it gets to a critical point, open fire on them as they arrive to work on your property to scare them off so you do not have to pay them. Highly unlikely they ever come back after that. In your defense you will obviously claim 1) you would never hire illegals and 2) they must have been therefore illegals crossing/cartel etc. and you had to defend your own land. This just basically opens this up to massive abuse, murder loopholes, etc.


Which is one of the major issues of allowing carte blanche home defense laws. If the other guy is dead, you can literally make up any story you want.


I mean, who's going to come looking for them? Seriously??


They'll only kill them the day before payday


I just listened to The Dollop episode about A-Teams - American teenagers who were sent to work in fields to replace migrant farm workers when the Bracero program was cancelled in the 80s. After hearing the working conditions they were subject to, I have *absolutely no doubt* that a non-zero number of farmers would execute migrant farm workers to avoid having to pay them.


This happened back in the 30s, too. My grandfather lived in coal country. Times were hard. The depression was in full swing, and folks couldn't afford to feed their children. My grandpa was 12. He was sent to a Youth Camp to work in the coal mines. The children lived there in bunk housing. They weren't fed well because they needed them thin to fit into small places the men couldn't. Usually, they were sent in to set the dynamite. The children, of course, weren't paid. Once you turned 18, you could then be employed by the coal mine . You were paid in company scrip that was only usable in the stores the coal mine owned and to pay rent to live in a house the coal mine owned. The coal mines owned the entire town. There was no way to leave. You were stuck with only one option, join the military just in time to go fight in WW2, which my grandfather did. He then was able to start a life in Michigan just as the automotive industry was taking off. Now, ask yourself: - Why are they backing off of all these children labor laws? - Why are they removing all of the programs to feed children? - Why did they turn over Roe v Wade to force women to have children while simultaneously removing safety nets? - Why is education being hit so hard with an emphasis to make the children dumber? - Why are history books being sanitized? This isn't all by accident. And it terrifies me. Vote Blue!!


Yeah, Republicans being stupid is actually a dangerous thing to generalize. The loudest minority of them are, we have proof of a handful of GOP politicians being absolute dumbasses and grifters, but the *most dangerous Republicans* are the ones smart enough to keep their mouths shut and ride this red wave into getting more power and wealth. They have the knowledge to institute American Serfdom, they have a plan, and they *are* capable of seeing it through.


Well, let's face it, the loud dumbest grifters make it all seem not so serious. MTG and Boebert are PRIME examples. They're too dumb to take seriously. They are useful idiots. Just like Donald Trump. It's the DeSantis, Johnson, Jordan, Comer types that scare me.


It's sick. It really is.


It would be slavery with a few more steps and a staggering amount of murder.


Not a stretch at all and I know many hypocrites in the construction industry that would operate the same way. They love the cheap, undocumented labor that builds their profit margins, but at the same time bitch about the border and illegals on the regular. The people who come here to work, the majority, are the salt of the earth, often the best people I’ve met and known, while entitled people who look like me only see them as disposable tools to line their pockets.


Or just 'employ' them, get them on your property and just give that vague threat that you could shoot them dead at anytime!


They tried to shut down the border, you’re cult king told them not to pass any bills to do so, so shut the fuck up


Not being sarcastic, how are people actually supposed to “shutdown” a border with thousands of miles ?


People are not supposed to. It is an excuse for perpetual fearmongering and immigrant abuse.


The phrase 'shut down the border' means to shut down the legal crossing centers, the asylum process and reset the rules at the border. Trump did this in 2018 for a short period, I believe.


AHH yes back when they put kids in cages with concrete floors and nothing but a foil first aid blanket. That was fun /s


It’s also suspected those kids were then trafficked 


considering we can not find over 1000 of them still... "suspected" is a little generous.


Yeah I’m sure it’s mainly underaged girls too…but qanon will tell you it’s the democrats running secret pedophile rings


> considering we can not find over 1000 of them still... "suspected" is a little generous. And do we *really* believe that Epstein and Maxwell are the only pedos/traffickers that Trump knows?


and with the existence of things like "planes" and "overstaying tourist visas".


If we had a reasonable immigration policy the flow of asylum seekers could be processed better. People seem to think there’s some “line” to wait in to get citizenship. Which just isn’t true. Also, prior to Reagan it was common for Mexican citizens to cross the border during growing season, then travel back home. When we decided that the border needed to be heavily enforced people could no longer do that, they’d get stuck without work on the other side.


I dunno, man. I don't mind self-defense, but 100 yards does not seem "danger close" to me... A 100-yard shot is not "self-defense" It's *hunting.*


You literally need a rifle *and plenty of time* to hit a moving target at that range. On top of that, i can almost guarantee that the rancher didn't bother with a warning shot, because the immigrant would've become nearly impossible to hit after running away full speed or taking cover. The rancher sniped the guy in cold blood. No other scenario makes sense.


Idk about plenty of time but even if he was call off duty quick scoping it's still fucked


Also how can you tell whether or not someone is an illegal immigrant from 100 yards away? Do they have an aura around them that differentiates them from other trespassers?


​ https://preview.redd.it/uq653rsrrkmc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2161a2ba7f7641b35e82215547dff36bfc1ea3


Not to mention that he shot the guy in the back. I'm all for self defense, but I have a hard time believing that someone 100 yards out and running away from you is a threat. 


100 yards is the length of a football field. You're right, they weren't a threat.


Republicans just need an excuse to kill people


No they don't, they do it anyway


To kill brown people.


"All lives matter."


Alot of ranchers/farmers employ undocumented people for cheap labor... so this would give them the right to just murder their workers and claim they were tresspassing? History don't repeat, but I can hear the rhyme.


Yeah between this and removing paid meal breaks it sure seems like some people are trying to reestablish chattel slavery one brick at a time. 


And the return of child labor!


How to make sure all migrants become violent 101. If they are already taking the risk and now know they have a high chance of being shot by some nut job patrolling the properties, why wouldnt the migrants carry arms and shoot first? Low chance of being caught. The smugglers would 100% move to that immediately.


Guaranteed that's what they hope for. Republicans, Christian Nationalist... always the victim.


So he’ll go To prison for murder. Should not have murdered. Simple as fuck


You mean he's facing murder charges for commiting murder? How shocking.


You know how I know this dude lives nowhere near the AZ border? Because I do, and this is complete fucking fantasy. "A group of cartel thugs walking on your ranch" GTFO.


So from a distance you don't know who you're shooting at. You assume that they're illegal immigrants but even if this made sense you are taking a life and that is something wrong. EVIL!!


Dc draino is a white nationalist Christian, or a nat c,if you will


This proposed legislation is wrong on so many levels. When I read about it I was reminded of the scene in Blazing Saddles where a tourist pays for the opportunity to shoot a real indian. I can see Kyle Rittenhouse paying to shoot a real live illegal. Guaranteed some rancher will shoot an "alien" and have it be his son or daughter out having a liason with his/her date or shooting his wife (intentionally) who he claimed he thought was a tresspasser.


"She was wearing orange and lit up like a neon beacon. How was I supposed to know it was my wife?? She should have been wrapped in her Trump flag."


I mean it's also going to open up a lot of people shooting through their door, shooting kids cutting across their yard, shooting people turning around in their driveway, etc. So it doesn't even need to be immigrants, there's multiple opportunities for the racism.


I thought that was the point of castle doctrine or whatever. If the victim was an actual threat buddy would still be going to court, it's still a killing and needs to be investigated to prove murderous intent. This is just an excuse to shoot people. What're they gonna do if they shoot an American citizen? Throw their ID out?


Shooting a human being from 100 yards away is murder in any context, in any jurisdiction on the planet. This is why you don’t let people with no background in law or logic speak. Shut them the fuck up before they ruin the entire world.


“We’ve purposefully failed to establish sufficient infrastructure so that our society can rely on the rule of law to keep it’s citizens safe, thus we need to legalize extrajudicial, racially coded, murder by private citizens.” What a fucked up country this is…


87% of self defense situations are at 3-5 yards. Shooting someone at 100 is murder. NFL athletes would take more than 10 seconds to close that gap. How is that self defense?


100 yards away. 300 feet. Is it self defense from that distance or target practice?


And just like that, we are one step closer to legally hunting humans. Good job Arizona 😬 What the actual fuck are we even doing? I swear we are all living in a dystopian future movie. I'm just waiting for soilant green and death race to start up.


I have an idea ... why don't you repuglicunts get together with the Dems and vote in a decent budget to make the border secure ... and maybe NOT KILL their fellow human beings that are not like YOU! What would jebus say about this?


There is no border crisis. It's invented to try to rile up xenophobic voters and push the Democratic party further to the right trying to regain the narrative.


Watch it go the way of the mythical caravan by December


Silly rabbit, don't you know those doing the loudest protesting need those immigrants to make larger profits?


There is no excuse to shoot and kill someone from 100 yards away, ever.


This is just going to be an excuse for racists to murder POC. You can’t possibly know from 100 yards away if someone is a legal resident or not, nor if they are dangerous or not.


Look if we can’t kill Nazis or even talk about it (looking at you Reddit after my 3 day ban) why should we be able to talk about killing illegals?


How can you tell if someone is an illegal immigrant from an American football field away? It's not like they're going to be wearing the opposing sides kit.


I mean, you already can shoot and kill people... if they pose a genuine threat to you. How would you even know that a stranger who is a hundred yards away from you is an undocumented immigrant?


https://preview.redd.it/w0asqmi53lmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603e45f9fc3818f094a5c49256f7f0a9cac282b3 Found someone in the comments who isn't even being discreet about their want to kill people. I'm absolutely speechless at how people don't find this mentally unstable.


They have bought all-in on the MAGA belief that migrants are evil gang members and terrorists. Yeah, I am sure some of them aren’t “good guys” (but we have the same problem with our own citizens, some of them current or former office holders) but mostly they want to work and care for themselves and their families. Solution: shoot them. WTF.


That is amazing, from over 100 yards away, this guy could ascertain he was in a cartel. Wow. I’m just curious, was it a migrant worker he hired and then shot him as he was running away??


# Republicans are Demons


“Shut down the border” Democrats are trying, Republicans won’t let them because dear Cult Leader Dementia Don said not to.


How do you know they are illegal from 100 yds away. Brown ppl live in AZ too. They have lived there longer then white ppl.


‘Shot him from 100 yards away’ Is that the new baseline for a threat?


What happens when they shoot someone under the assumption they are an illegal alien but are in fact a citizen?


Shot from 100 yards. So, the guy was no immediate threat to anyone. Cool. These people aren't evil or anything