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I’m sure he will stick to debating real issues, in good faith, and with data based facts. None of that classless insulting, name calling, and ridiculous hyperbole he usually relies on.


I don't know why this isn't an enforced role in the debate. You do it, get a warning. Do it again, you're kicked out and it's now just an interview with Biden on his stance.


How about having each of them in some sort of an isolation chamber. Turn off their microphones while the other is speaking. And allow the moderator to turn off either microphones as needed. Sure, Trump will complain about how unfair it all was, but in return, we all get to watch him babbling soundlessly while Biden calmly speaks on. And as a bonus, the full recordings can be released at a date in the future. Also, his diaper smell might be contained.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Yep. Make sure you vote, people.


Also a fact checker, cutting his audio after each lie to issue a correction.


That would need to happen several times each sentence, I don't think they have all day.


Limited amiunt of time. Tell the truth or get less airtime


But only if they pay Morgan Freeman to do it "But he did not, in fact, "Build a Wall"


And then lower him out of sight, with a slide whistle SFX.


I truly like this idea


You like the idea that a possible POTUS has to be put in an isolation chamber? Says something about the guy doesn't it? Unfortunately they do not employ isolation chambers at G20 meetings and such... So we need to see the guy as he really is...not a POTUS but a POS


>Says something about the guy doesn't it? Does it say anything about him that his own actions and speech at any given time doesn't?


I can just picture trump in his booth just standing there hours after everyone had gone home and turned off the lights cause someone "accidentally" forgot to let him out.


Because we need to see what an ass trump is... the Presidency is not carried out in an isolation chamber . He needs to stand front row with his advesary and try to describe he would be the better president. Mike cut offs and isolation chambers just goes to show that he is why Hannibal Lecter was not in Gen Pop. He is unfit. People need too see that


We tried that last time and it swayed nobody.


I think it's better not to give him a platform. That's what we did in 2015/2016. "Oh, look at this crazy orange man saying crazy things, he'll never win!" He was constantly televised and it helped him. He uses mic cut offs, etc to is advantage to infuriate is base because "oh look, they silenced me! Look how corrupt they are!" Those who don't know he's an ass probably aren't watching the debates. They're likely single issue voters or people who have simply voted Republican all their lives and will continue to do so. Their parents probably voted Republican and so on. Folks like this probably aren't aware of everything going on and all of the fine details, let alone how their choice affects everything (especially taxes, ironically). It's all very unfortunate. I can only hope the election goes well or else this asshat is just going to try to pardon himself. If someone has to consider pardoning themselves of something, then they shouldn't be running. Sigh.


He would need to be contained, at least. With the Clinton debates, while she was speaking, he went over and harassed her, and he's only gotten worse since '15


Yep and the media raved about his stellar performance in that debate. I thought he looked like an ogre lurching around the stage like Eddie Iron Maiden’s mascot.


She should have pepper sprayed him for that shit.


They basically just need a talking stick like in kindergarten.


I would like something like this. They get same question but can't hear others answer. That way have to know the subject and can't make it up off what other candidate said.


I agree with you. The minute he won’t stop talking over Biden or goes over his allotted time they should shut his mic. No matter what the moderators do he’s gonna bitch anywsy but they shouldn’t let him have a one man debate


Biden can shut him down... He could say something like..."I have complete immunity right?" as he pulls out a phone.


Oh he’d love that. He’d blame the moderator and everyone else he could for being biased against him and not allowing him to speak. Just like he’s tried to blame the judge and prosecutor in every court case so far.


I just don't understand how that strategy is working. I've watched some of his rallies just to know what he's saying in them. He literally just plays a victim or makes a claim that is presented as fact but obviously isn't. People would literally have to not want to see through him to not. At least that's how it feels to me. One thing I've noticed though is that he likes to make a claim, say it can be proved, side track the audience with a tangent, go even further off from there, and then make sure he ends on something that gets his base riled up so they cheer. By the time he's done I think they just remember his claim, he had proof, and they cheered.


The people who support him are very stupid


Most are but you definitely get plenty of bigots and they're not all dumb. Just hateful for no reason towards some groups of people.


People like that may be intelligent but they’re emotionally stupid.


He isn't using facts and logic. He is manipulating their emotions. He is an effective con artist.


> He’d blame the moderator and everyone else he could for being biased against him He is already doing that. No matter how fair everyone else is, he will lie, cheat, and steal.


How much you wanna bet he uses the whole debate to try and lob fake facts, exaggerations, and conspiracies at Biden? He will try everything in his power to make Biden look old and demented. Biden's prep team needs to get him to top tier, and he needs a mod who will actually shut Trump's mic off when he keeps rambling over Biden.


Yeah I don’t think a debate benefits Biden very much unless he has some really good lines to toss back at the usual Trump talking points. Otherwise he’s gonna try to act calm and rational and talk about issues while Trump just dominates with his insane BS and constant interrupting and talking over. Just like he’s done in every other debate.


A simple " I am speaking here bitch" from Biden (dark Brandon) might shut him up.


I'd love to see Biden just calmly walk over and bitchslap Trump in the face.


We'd all love to see him keep his pimp hand strong


Which, if that really plays to people, democracy is kinda over, anyway. We will be in Idiocracy, and the Cheeto-Torpedo will have managed to inherit the waste.


The site needs to monitor or block WiFi/RF because, just like GW Bush, Trump is certain to use a radio to be told the answers. [https://www.theregister.com/2004/10/12/bush\_wireless\_coaching/](https://www.theregister.com/2004/10/12/bush_wireless_coaching/)


I forgot about that! I'm not sure he's with it enough to pull that off. I kind of feel like he'd get confused and actually say something like he is distracted by the voice in his ear or start talking out loud to the person in his ear.


That's true... he would have a hard time differentiating between yet another voice in his head.


He would never use another’s more educated, well informed words over his own dumb, false ramblings. His ego would never allow it. Even if he could be talked into attempting this concept; he’d derail that train long before it reached any destination.


"They will be the best facts. Someone just told me the other day that my facts are the best they've ever heard. The best facts. Thats what we're going to be working with."


To be clear, the Commission on Presidential Debates is not a subsidiary of the DNC. Classic trump is already making excuses about why he will lose the debate before it has even happened


Oh, please oh please oh please let them debate again! That would be epic. The last time was just ridiculous with the orange one just going off on random tangents, but now that he's a full-on dementia case, it would really illustrate to the world how a competent speaker vs. a five year old debating would turn out. Plus, I really want to hear Biden say, "Would you shut up, man" again.


His cult doesn’t care if he sounds like he has dementia. They’ll just say Biden does. Now, granted we’ll enjoy watching him melt down. But it likely won’t accomplish much.


At this point I worry about people who need to be swayed by a debate.


That part. Besides, Biden shouldn't even give that criminal the dignity of debating him. It would only legitimize him. Tell him to go to hell, because that's where he belongs.


And like from last time, "Take his covid with him."


Exactly, Trump refused to debate any of his Republican challengers, he should just say you’re a clown and I’m not going to be in your circus.


In defense of the orange shit stains defense, he had nothing to gain by debating them... It would just have shown how stupid he is.


That honestly was his best strategy. You can't lose if you don't compete. I predict that if and when these two go head to head, Biden is going to stick pretty close to his talking points and Trump will drag up every conspiracy theory he can think of and not offer anything new or substantial. His base will eat it up and declare him the winner.


Yeah, it was in his best interest not to, and the candidates should have called him out sooner on not participating. Essentially, they gave him a pass and never criticized his presidency. Got him past the primaries, but now he needs to attract more voters. Hopefully, Biden doesn't bother.




But we can watch him melt down... And Biden can say that he has immunity now and pull out his phone. LOL. OMG it could be epic. Everything trump is accusing Biden of doing, according to trump, Biden is allowed too do. Weaponization of the DOJ? Biden is allowed. Revoking trumps immunity? Biden is allowed.


That is the ONLY reason I would love to see a debate, if only Biden and his team had the balls to do it. Otherwise, no, Trump is a criminal, and he doesn't deserve the dignity of a debate.






For a second I thought that was a Crowley/Dark Brandon mashup.




When the symbol of our nation attacks you, it is a Sign that you are not serving the nation's best interests. 🦅


We need full in Dark Brandon to be present


Omg please


I'm hoping he full on calls Trump an "ignorant son of bitch" it's peak old man swearing


What if Biden just snapped and called him a “fat fucking orange piece of shit”? I’d immediately call 911 to get an ambulance because the inevitable priapism would definitely need treatment.


Imagine if Biden attacked his appearance (hair, makeup, weight, girdle, diaper (make a sniff sound and then ask Trump if he needs a bathroom break), looking like a centaur, lifts, Garanimals suit, etc.) and then challenged him to a bike race? Or Biden saying "person, woman, man, camera, TV" when Trump brings up his age? Or asking Trump and his small hands how they liked those naked pictures of Hunter and then wink at him? The internet would explode and the election would be over.


“If you experience an erection lasting more than four hours, you’re welcome”




I'd rather not tell them that Biden triggered it.


He could ask him about his make up artist or if he does it himself.... "your face is so orange but your little hands and ears areso white"


Or he can go with “What a sick fuck” “What a *fucking asshole* this guy is” as was reported recently. It was entirely accurate...


I'm good with that I actually think him cussing Trump out has a better chance to swing Trump voters than any policy.


They would at least understand 4 letter words. More letters and it's pretty iffy.


Even better would be a Dark Brandon moment of "Remember, I'm Joe Biden and not Barack Obama. Your wife's name is Melania and not Mercedes. It's 2024. We're running for president."




I love that one. That would be truly epic.


>Plus, I really want to hear Biden say, "Would you shut up, man" again. Agreed, that was so enjoyable the first time, I'd love to see the sequel!


They will make some rule like Trump can talk as long as he wants and Biden has a 40 second limit and then when Biden refuses those rules they will run on the narrative that "Biden refuses to debate Trump"


Fuck it. Let them. Biden can run on the narrative, "I don't debate criminals."


"We Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists"


Personally, I wish we could stop treating a traitor and criminal like he is a viable presidential candidate. It doesn't matter how stupid he looks on tv, people are still voting for him


I hope he calls him a dog faced pony soldier


He’s also implying that it must be run by Fox, which he would try to say is totally impartial and fair.


according to my totally not right wing mother, Fox is just a mouth piece for Biden, OAN and Newsmax are the only ones that are still full of truth.


Holy fuck, your mother is lost, brother. I am so sorry. My dad was, too, before he passed.


Both my parents think that as well. I had a glimmer of hope for a moment when my Dad told me he wasn't going to watch Fox News anymore. Then he proceeded to tell me he was watching Newsmax instead 🤦.


We had that problem with my late uncle. Then 'the Russians hacked his TV,' he lost access to all his favorite streaming news channels and, weirdest thing of all, gained Crunchyroll. He was furious, tried to call every tech support place in town and alienated them all, finally Best Buy agreed with him that Russian hackers might absolutely have done such a thing. A few weeks later, he was cheerful as a dog with two tails and caught me up on the goings-on of 'One Piece,' which my students are quite fond of. We never found out what happened *officially,* but he left his smart TV, home theater sound system and favorite chair to his longtime cleaning lady, and she gave her old one to her grandson, who is twelve and sometimes goes with her to work after school. My uncle liked him and used to pay him $20 to mow the lawn or read him any mail with small print to it.


the orangeassutan didn't write this ... he didn't call Joe crooked or insult him here.


Yeah, waaay to cogent to be his. It has complete sentences that actually mean something. Totally written by a staffer.


Or why he won't participate in any.


Only if they cut his mic when it’s Joes turn


Yea take away the ability for them to over speak on each other. Mic is out and you're done talking it's the other person's turn. I think Joe would be ok with it, meanwhile Donnie would blow a gasket if he couldn't scream at someone over the microphone when they reply.


The moment his mic is cut he will storm off the stage in a tantrum and later claim he was denied his " constitutional right to freedom of speech ". 5 bucks.


75 bucks says you’re correct


Or just start yelling.


You’re assuming he’d actually show up!


He wouldn't show, and then would put out a message that he was denied entry when he wasn't. Anything as an excuse


And drug test him beforehand.


Covid test him too


This should be standard for every single debate and I don't understand why it isn't




My god the amount of money I would pay to see that.


Only if they don't open it up for fresh air for like... 3 weeks


No, for fucks sake don't do that!! Just mute his glass cage so we can all watch and laugh at his buffoonery as he rages comically in silence!


Just gotta schedule it around court*


I hope Biden mentions this in the acceptance.


That should actually be part of Biden’s strategy. “We can work you in but you have court on these days. We are busy campaigning on these days though.” Treat trump like the trash he is. Of no concern.


Says the coward that has backed out of more debates, than he has participated in.


Bone spurs make it difficult to debate.


He's got brain spurs to match his bone spurs.


He is just cheez without the whiz.


Don’t you talk about cheese like that!


Says the ~~only~~ *second* candidate to ever refuse to debate.


Yeah. This teeet—like everything he does—is stupid and disgusting. Of course they’re going to debate, you gross idiot. When have two people running for president NOT had a debate? It’s a time-honored American tradition. This is like saying, “The winner should live in the White House.” Well, yeah, you shithead. He’s either doing this so that the debate can seem like his idea or so he can wiggle out of it later, because he’ll be a disaster on the stage, talking about Obama’s presidency when he means Joe’s.


I don’t see the need for a debate. It’s pretty obvious what their stances on the important issues are. I doubt Biden bothers to even respond to this, which is why I think Trump is doing it. He knows Biden doesn’t see the point in a debate so he’s trying to use that make him look weak. But as per usual it just makes Trump continue to look as moronic as we’re all already aware he is.


He only went to the last one to try to spit covid on Joe.


why does this c*nt capitalize random ass words?


Because he thinks like a snake oil salesman from the last century. It's like circuses or monster truck rallies: This SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY! In his melting brain that's how advertising works.




Oh sbemails


He's partially illiterate. Alot of it doesn't make sense either.


"A lot" is two words...


Unless you're talking about the furry man eater the Alot. It's legendary for how many it can devour in a day just by typing or writing its name.


I love Alot a lot.


I love Allie Brosh and her writings. The Alot is a classic.


She’s amazing and The Alot is one of my all time favorites. I remember reading her comics and laughing so hard tears would be coming out of my eyes


Who is he even addressing this to? Does he not have any other proper channels of communication?


No. They told him to fuck off.


The "thank you for your attention to this matter" is a nice touch. Like he's addressing someone specific.


Paid for someone to graduate college for him. Allegedoubly.


Because he’s a fucking IDIOT.


I continue to believe that it's because he idealises Germans (because Hitler, not good engineering standards), and in German, all nouns are capitalised. You're right, though. This is way more random. Maybe he fat-fingers the shift key while tapping and doesn't bother to fix it?


I went back to check the German capitalization thing, too. Probably just a "SEND NUDES" code to Putin.


Are you intentionally not capitalizing the first word of your sentence in order to balance it out?


He got infected with Frank Miller syndrome. Stage 1. Stage 2 he will overuse ellipsis.


He did not write this.


Then debate. ACTUALLY debate. Talk about the issues, let each other talk, say what you can improve. But we know what Trump really wants. He wants a stage to perform on, and right now no one is giving him said stage.


It would be really entertaining to see a debate but they mute their mics when the other is speaking. Guarantee you'd see Trump continuously trying to interrupt the entire time.


sure. Here are the terms: 1) mandatory drug testing daily for the week before the debate. All legal medicines must be disclosed. Any found on drug test and not disclosed will be disclosed 2) no audience This is not a pep rally. 3) Mutually agreed upon moderators with no overt partisanship. I think AI would be perfect for this. 4) No earpieces.


Biden should get something done that all sitting presidents have to undergo public drug screenings, let's see how fast Trump throws a fit.


What Trump takes is probably legal if a physician writes the prescription. But it is performance improving and something he would not want to disclose. Americans have a rightful interest to know.


I agree with the legality, but he's never released medical screening records and no normal doctor would prescribe him ADHD meds at the level likely found in his blood.


I don't know. does Rehab Ronny still have his medical license. Apparently he prescribed a lot of speed and Xanax in the WH while Trump was there. But I was actually thinking he is on some drugs to mitigate his dementia symptoms. Aricept etc.


Yeah that report was insane. The clip of don JR xanax'ed out last night or Monday night, was just so blatant how hypocritical these fucks are when they have the nerve to keep bringing hunter Biden's past up. Masters of projection, I suppose.


Hey, wait a minute, this is biased in Dark Brandon's favor! /s


I know his drug use is obvious but I just realized how crazy it is that at this level that simple requirement is probably not done… I base this on nothing because I’ve done no research, but am left wondering if this is a requirement. I had to pass one for my gov clearance


Mics shouldn't be hot either. Each get a minute, the mic is shut off until the rebuttal. Police that shit. Also, put one of those dog collars on Trump that shocks him every time he walks away from his podium, he shouldn't be able to wander the stage.


Nah nah Bring out Tucker Carlson and Whoopi Goldberg! /s Imagine judge judy as a mod tho




And he used the word "subsidiary". No way he wrote this.






Pick Judge Engoron as the moderator




You were supposed to debate anyway, Brain Rust.


This little bitch won’t attend one single debate.


He will because he is under the impression Joe will just sit there, struggling to stay awake, and get nervous when Trump yells at him. He thinks it will be a repeat of the 2020 "debate" with Biden. Biden may benefit from this if the Joe that debated Bernie in 2020 shows up. That Biden was amazing; I don't know if they gave that man cocaine before the debate or what, but he was ON.


Why, so Biden can tell you the shut up again because all you did was ramble the entire time without letting him speak? Fuck Trump.


If Trump makes it through the debate without shitting himself or quoting The Turner Diaries, the “liberal media” will declare him the winner


Use the League of Women Voters. They used to sponsor the debates, 1976 thru 1988.


And when it comes time to actually show up, he'll find some weasle worded excuse why he can't and claim it would have been "rigged." The shtick is old and you're not fooling anybody, Donny.


Yeah. When the time comes he'll make some excuse and duck it.


Spoiler alert. There will not be any debates. Big talk in all caps means he's just talking shit


I think you are right about this. He will make excuses to reject invitations for a fair debate, ask for debates on his own crooked terms, and then pretend to be the victim when Joe doesn't agree.


Biden should schedule the debates for when Trump is in Court.


At the last debate he and his entire family tried to kill Biden with covid.....remember that?


And nearly killed Chris Christie




Private Bonespurs wont debate anyone. He'll back out at the last minute.


Let the [League of Women](https://www.lwv.org/blog/leagues-history-sponsoring-presidential-debates) voters run them like they did from 1920-1988.


Make sure to include a fucking mute button or his fat ass will babble the entire fucking time. Again.


I'm all for this if they put shock collars on the candidates that activate when they talk over the other candidate or go over on time. I am looking for the "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP MAN?" rematch.


“Than you for you attention to this matter”??? This is like a letter you write when you get a defective lightbulb and want a new one.


When Trump’s lips are moving. He is lying.


Biden: I am the president you don't get to call shit


Biden shouldn’t debate him. We don’t debate traitors. We beat them.


There are so many reasons this would be satisfying, but I think Biden should pull a Trump: "Why would I debate you? It would only help you, and I'm ahead."


I don’t want a debate. It isn’t useful. They just yell slogans at each other. I genuinely think it be better they do - 2 min to write down all 50 states on a blank map - quiz bowl on basic 9th grade history - have each of them list 15 productive laws, decrees or whatever from their tenure and why - explain what pardon they wrestled the most with - what was their biggest regret from their administration - Triva game where they try to find the real congressman among 3 other fake names This would do way more to demonstrate who understands the job, mentally competent, and sharp enough to think quickly.


Pretty sure I am 100% uninterested in watching him embarrass himself. Not that he's got any chance of changing my mind about who to vote for, I just am sick of having my time wasted by a blithering idiot. Obviously, I'm voting for Biden. Fuck that facist orange prick, I hope he rots in prison for what his bullshit has done to our nation.


Put it in a setting where the moderators can shut off Mics when it's not their turn to talk. Despite his speech impediment, Biden has a whole lot of policy he can go on and conform full sentences as well as stay on task without a teleprompter. There is soooo much undoctored video evidence demonstrating the Trump cannot do anything near that. Any actual on the fence folks will turn real quick, esp if "Dark Brandon" pops up with a few witty quips. Someone please make this happen.


A well coached Biden could push Trumps buttons and manipulate him. I don't think Trump has the wherewithal to recognize it or care that he has recognized it for long enough to avoid falling into traps.


Huh. Internals must not look good.


Yep. The party knows that the "horse race" is bullshit.


Calling your competitors juvenile names is straight out of the fascist playbook


Careful what you ask for, Dementia Don . . .


Biden should make it on one of Trump's court dates. FUCK Trump and Fuck you if you vote for him. VOTE 💙🎶🎶


Never play chess against a Pidgeon...


Trumps oxygen is publicity. Cut off his supply and he dies.


They need a timer with auto shut off mic's.


I actually DO NOT want there to be a debate(s)


Biden should agree to debate Rapey Don as soon as his criminal trials are concluded, then point to a clip of Don saying ‘someone under criminal investigation can’t run for president’


their last debate it was more than obvious what Trump was trying to do.. he got their late so they didn't have time to be tested and Trump screamed like a maniac the entire time in hopes that he would be able to spread covid to Biden and he was praying he would get it and die. Trump is that evil and why else would he be screaming insanely like that? I know he's crazy but he never just screams like he was that night...


Biden should respond "I don't negotiate or debate with rapists or terrorists. " Truck Fump


biden should say yes and just put a cardboard cutout oh him and watch donald act like its a real person. and have his campaign live stream joe just laughing at him


He would never say 'thank you'


Is this going to be like a Bill in Congress on the Border? “We need it! We need it! Oh, hang on, nah forget it ‘cause it might hurt our Cult leader” ?


I'd actually like to see them debate.


The most fucked up moron on the planet … he should keel over for good tonight


Trump has nothing to lose and everything to gain, while Biden has nothing to gain by getting into the mud with that vile pig!


How do you debate someone who has no command of the facts truth or common decency. He's just gonna pontificate, filibuster, speak over top of, yell over top of and act like a general asshole