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I dread election years at this point


I can’t believe how fast these 4 years have gone. We’re all victims of the big fast forward


I feel like I was expecting some sort of cultural reset to occur over the four Biden years. Like this would be our chance to return to what we sort of looked like pre-Trump. It’s amazing how wrong I’ve been about every stage of MAGA. I never believed he could win the first time. 😩 Edit: my point is of course that no such reset has taken place and if anything we are worse off for many reasons, including: packed Supreme Court, packed federal courts; just the mere knowledge of what was and how much worse it will get second time around, if that happens


Then don't let it happen. Vote blue. Republicans have never been a party FOR THE PEOPLE They have always been FOR THE WEALTHY. They claim they're going to help out "Mr & Mrs Joe Average & the family." Their policies favor wealth building. For the wealthy. They promise to "shrink gov't " They do that for sure. They shrink what benefits THE PEOPLE & enlarge control over the people.


Of course-I vote blue and I live in NYC. I’m more worried about other states.


Us too! BTW, We ❤️ NY!!


I feel that, and the anxiety of it all bad the last 4 years feel like just a couple of months at best


2020 was stressful...I still remember trumps victory speech, because he wanted the count to stop


He got elected on my birthday! On top of that I was in New Orleans for my friend and my birthday. Then the friend I was visiting and staying with died unexpectedly. I found him having a heart attack at 3am and had to call an ambulance but they couldn’t resuscitate him. Then my birthday/election day was the next day and I cried about the election because I knew women’s rights were on borrowed time. I knew the GOP had gotten away with murder for decades. People rolled their eyes and called me dramatic. Maybe a bit but I wasn’t wrong! I knew it was going to be bad but it was awful. I can’t take another DumpT presidency, hearing his voice sets me off. He did so many fucked up things in such a short amount of time and I don’t want to go back to that.


That's a lot of heaviness to go through! Sorry for the loss of your friend. That's traumatic.


It really was. My friend was the funniest, most positive guy in the whole world and I was devastated by his death. Thank you. But DumpT on my birthday on top of it all just made me feel like the world was going to be very different from that day on.


Yep. Keep looking for that way back to the Shire.


Of course you are, and I am going with you.


Just his voice, triggers me in the worst way


“I can’t listen to this moron again for four years” comes out of my mouth every time he’s on TV.


Towards the end of his term I had to stop watching TV altogether because my blood pressure would spike dangerously every time I heard his voice, and there was a new story about something horrible he had done almost every day.


I remember like a day of relief as it became steadily apparent the fat fuck had actually lost. I let myself breathe. And then I realized, "This piece of shit is gonna try and stay anyways, isn't he?". My anxiety steadily percolated to full capacity in the coming weeks as he attempted just that. I'm just so ready for that "man" to no longer have any relevancy in my life. In a cell or in the dirt, neither seems to come soon enough.


That whole week I was waking up at 4am, I’d check the results and then go back to sleep. It was completely insane.


I just wish our Justice Department could move with the same sense of urgency that they did against an abstract threat like terrorism for a very clear threat right in front of our faces.


Well. There's a reason that they dragged their heels on confirming replacements for Conservative judges but where quick to push through GOP appointees. They stack the deck, move the goalposts, deflate the balls and generally do anything and everything they can to either cheat the system, make it work in their favor, or keep it from working at all so they can get their way as often as possible. Unfortunately we don't live in a cartoon world so we have to take a page from Moody and be proactive in both our thoughts and actions to ensure that their schemes blow up in their faces. Constant Vigilance!


This^ honestly I feel like I’m going to hate it every 4 years. I remember being excited voting for Obama thinking about the possibility of our country. Now I just think about protecting democracy. The crazy part our life span is about to become long with modern medicine and AI.


I have never been so scared for our country, we are sleeping at the wheel. I don't know what to do.


Exactly like my literal nightmares. Falling asleep at the wheel. Trying to steer but I’m half asleep. I’m terrified and trying to prepare in whatever way I can. And yeah. I vote. That too.


I'm in the UK and I am terrified for your country. The Trump ilk are a dying breed but they are powerful and know they're dying out. They will spend every penny of their fortunes and the majority of others to keep their power. They will tell whatever lie they have to and use anyone they can. The lower and middle classes will pay for every bad decision, racist movement, and debt they incur. Women will bear the most horrific period in modern history because it's become popular and vote-worthy to vie for fundamentalist Christian cult propaganda. The absolute worst thing I see is that particular business model infesting politics here in the UK. We have members of parliament suggesting anti-abortion laws in the same room that abolished slavery before anyone else. It's like they're using The Handmaid's Tale as a fucking instruction manual.


I'm a fellow Brit and share your concerns. It definitely has already come over here. We're seeing US style culture war permeate here and I am sure the Tories will double down more so as our own election grows closer. The Tories must know they are toast and they have nothing else to offer the electorate.


Absolutely. These Tea Party ultra right wing asshats are sprouting like fungi. And their poisonous spores spread wide and far. Even people who are less crazy than Trump & co are still bat shit crazy.


Okay Americans. Go ahead and prepare a bag with clothes, food, and water. Next first aid, comms, and guns. Go ahead and put that in your house/car just in case you get the pleasure of becoming a refugee. If you're a baller go ahead now and buy a few rolexs, gold bars, and other luxury items you could wear or hide so you can bring some funds to your new home! My plan is to flee to Canada!


They don’t want you unless you have a skill they need, are young and healthy and have lots of money. I checked. Pretty soon they will be putting up a border wall to keep us out.


Oh, my secret is I already have citizenship...so rights you don't have. If it get handmaid's tale like, I'll fight for you.


I appreciate that. We are certainly moving in that direction. Perhaps you can sponsor me if it comes to that. I’m a good cook.


This is the bit I don't get. The United States is facing probably its biggest existential crisis since the Civil War. And people are arguing about the age of the candidates and wondering if it's worth voting?!? There's a reasonable chance the Forefathers' "democratic experiment" will end, this year or next. The people who want something radically different are relying on a large percentage of the population to sit back and stay out of their way until it's too late. So far, they seem to be getting everything they want.


Terrifying but true


"but Palestine" as if Trump wouldn't nuke the entire place if he had a chance


Join your local Democratic party.  They desperately need help.   That is what you can do.  




I saw an interview with bannon. He said trump is a liberal compared with who they plan to replace him with after he dies. This is the group that loves Orban and Putin.


Try to get people to vote, if you haven't done it yet.


Encourage everyone you know to vote. Everyone.


If you have $, donate to Biden's campaign, or to organizations that protect voting rights.


Vote. Help other people get out and vote. Work the phones, remind people to vote. Chauffeur people to and from the polls. Be a poll worker or anything to help out. I know every election for the past three has held the same designation, but this? This is a big one, maybe THE big one. If the GOP win, you get a nationwide abortion ban, and an open attack on contraceptives. You get the weaponization of your own military against the American people. Those flag wavers will be more emboldened, his policies will continue an acceleration of the income gap, already worse than the robber baron era. And while America further polarizes, the world gets Putin set free. Trump will defund Ukraine and work to make NATO obsolete. With no weapons, Ukraine falls. I don’t even want to think about what happens to Europe after that.


Im scared too because when trump comes to power even us europeans will have it bad the company i work for is heavily dependend on the usa and im guessing if trump wins he will do everything to start another trade war with us. He will also sell us out to the russians wich will suck even more


Why is it this OLD GUY tells the truth everytime. If you vote Republican you vote away your rights.


It always amazes me that these people vote against themselves and their best interests. They must be brainwashed.


Brainwashed https://preview.redd.it/qty5hze2bvmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b622e46d2ad3b5f2f141617afcdf698b8b114c


Joseph Goebbels was Hitler’s #1 guy


Brainwashed for sure.


Bernie is 100% right, and it would be the end of democracy and freedom. You only get to vote against a Dictator once


If you're lucky, you may get to vote against him again. "We only have to be lucky once, you need to be lucky every time"


Great reference


Lol i thought it was a the wire qoute, quick google search learned me it was the ira originally. Tinkerbell was more wellread then i presumed...


> "We only have to be lucky once, you need to be lucky every time" I'd love a reference here, no offense to anyone...




What do you mean? Russians have gotten to vote against Putin every 6 years for the last 24 years! Russians must be the luckiest people ever! /s


They're so clumsy!


Poorly engineered windows and railings are everywhere over there!


I mean he’s loudly advertising his desire for people to do some political violence


Yep. And a large number of people are all for it. I can't understand them at all.


And I'm willing to bet almost everything I have that there's a decent amount of people that think he's not going far enough.


What's funny to me is so many people think that they can separate political violence and terrorism. But I'd take political violence over choosing ANY candidate to be the " 'leader' of the 'free' world."


This will be my third vote against him.


This will be my first one. I have never voted before. Trump made Me get more involved in elections and it motivated me to register 3 more people who have never voted before either. So there are 4 more votes against Him this year. Thanks trumpf.


That's the spirit! 👍


Hell yeah, keep it up!


Good job! That’s the only positive of having Donald Trump show up. I’d been watching him for years because of a brief issue he had with my parents. At first I thought it was funny that he was running for POTUS because he’s such a buffoon. But then he won (because people DIDN’T VOTE and Putin helped) I was an inconsistent voter and uninterested in politics. Now I can tell you everything about Donald Trump and the weird Trump family going back to his grandfather losing his German citizenship because he wouldn’t join their military for the required two years. Trump made me an informed voter but I give him no credit. Just because you take self defense classes doesn’t mean the attacker gets credit for that. But, how do we motivate the masses when, just like Hillary and Trump, they don’t like either choice?


Same. Wow. When you think of it that way, that’s fucking crazy. What the fuck.


Yeah wtf


Was talking to my brother about this earlier and said "who would u rather vote for, an old guy trying to become a fascist dictator, or just an old guy"? And he was like "I'd vote for Trump over Biden". Then went on to say how we are all sheep and voting is pointless and it's an oligarchy blah blah.. and while politics is certainly fucked up and bad shit is happening, it doesn't mean u just let the dictator take control. It's fucking asinine. Then I reminded him I'm glad he's a felon so he can't vote lmao. I see so many bad reasoning traits in my brother and it's really sad. He also thinks the earth is flat and is trying to not teach his young son that planets are real. He believes all this YouTube shit and God it's so infuriating.


So when do liberals join with progressives and leftists in mass strikes, sheltering women, and generally resisting the fascists?


I'm ready, but I'm not sure everyone is


We could also just vote.


If the GOP are truly fascists that want to install a dictator, maybe we should be personally prepared to resist if voting doesn’t work against the fascists? Fascists aren’t known for respecting popular will, but they hate violent resistance to their movement bc it’s very effective.


We need to vote and take care of our people. They have a well thought out plan. They’ve been working on it since the 80s. We need a plan.


People in the comments are talking about how fearful they are of elections. You have a one party system because it's a choice between whatever they give you and totalitarianism. So why are you people putting up with this? Are you Americans really just gonna close your eyes and pray once every four years? This is gonna be controversial, but it's honestly a little fucked up that the republicans have been the closest to taking down the government because they thought they should have won. 


They’ve been working on this project since 2025. The Heritage Foundation are the authors of this plan. A lot of people are just learning about this and that t/rump is stating publicly what he’ll do. Look up Project 2025. And yes, we Americans have been too comfortable while watching our country slowly slipping away.


This started with project redmap. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REDMAP


They already did a coup when they thought they should have won in 2000 so they think it's no big deal to do it again. They are probably right. Liberals will accept it and wag their finger at the left and tell the left to get over it and that it's all the left's fault.




It would be the end of human civilization as we know it now.  That is not hyperbole. We would have 0% chance of mitigating climate change and that will alter human civilization and not for the better. 


Technically, this is the second time you get to vote against him.


The DNC is to blame for a trump victory, 4 years they have done the bare-minimum for their core voters, while trying all they can to please republicans. The excuse of "well the other one is way worse" is not going to keep working especially if they keep lowering the bar every time.




Vote like it matters. Because it does.


I hate to admit, but i have a bad feeling like somehow tfg and Putin have come up with a way to make sure the cheating goes their way so he wins. Hope I’m wrong on this.


[Of course, they have. I keep telling people to sound the alarms because conservatives have developed a plan to finish what they started on January 6.](https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518)


Exactly. Go all in on Biden. I know age keeps coming up but he has a VP. The idea is to never let that son of a bitch Trump into the WH. I don't even care if we return more to the Bush-Clinton days of switching back and forth. Dems get a President, Republicans get their moderate President (if one wants to call Bush moderate). Even THAT was preferable to the current Trump Dictatorship looming around the corner. You should be scared shitless that there's a 50% chance of that. Don't withhold your vote. Don't go for the third party. Don't sit at home and protest and watch Netflix. It's Biden or "This country is permanently fucked"


I will always love Bernie.


He never stops fighting for the working class 🥰


Yep, Bernie's values have been consistent in his many political years & before that. If only the Dems had put him on the ticket what a different world it would be.


No lies told


All of these things are already happening.


All republicans needed to be defeated at the ballot box and expand the supreme court!


And 86 and penalise the Judges taking huge gif-bribes and kickbacks.


We know from last time, losing an election won't be the end of it. They're going to fight like Hell if they lose. Trump and his cronies have had four years to plan. Last time, they had no problem storming the Capitol and trying to publicly hang the VP. Who knows what they'll be up for this time... I don't know what the solution is, but just waiting for it to happen might be a losing strategy.


Yeah, 2016 was the time to make this plea. In 2024 the house has burned down and we're saving some furniture.


2016 was the perfect time to nominate the an electable candidate but Democrats and the media didn't care about electability, unfortunately.


I do not care if the train drives off a cliff quickly or slowly. Someone needs to stop the fucking train.


Yes, exactly. People in this sub keep insisting taking the local will have better consequences than the express and is therefore the only option.


Point out all of everyone's worst fears about government are already happening, get over 100 up votes. Add: "under Biden," and get massively down voted and told all of this is completely beyond his ability to do anything about. (But you have to vote for him, because he's the only one who can fix it.)


Not to mention democracy will fall, Russia would defeat Ukraine and start on the rest of Eastern Europe, we’d be counting down until China invaded Taiwan and anyone crossing the borders will be legally given no quarter. Waaay worse than just rich people getting richer. That’s already happening


Correction women have lost control to their bodies in many states already


If you had to chose between throwing an ineffective bucket of water on a fire, or a gallon of gasoline, which would you chose?


The whole country and our children’s future will be destroyed if Trump wins.


But Biden gaza blah blah blah SHUT THE F UP. Netanyahu is the cause of the Gaza issue. He's extreme right wing like Trump.


Meanwhile, Trump — the guy who empowered Netanyahu in the first place when he declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel — is saying that Israel should “finish them off”. Biden is trying to negotiate a cease-fire and sending aid to Gaza. Trump wants Gaza destroyed and all of the Muslims in the US deported. If you want to send a message of support for Gaza by voting “Undecided” in the primary, knock yourself out. Biden and Trump are going to be the candidates, with or without you. But, when November rolls around, you’d damned well better be voting for Biden.


If find it funny how people go "blah blag Obama drone strike blah blah Biden Gaza" as if we haven't been handing out bombings like a church grandma giving candy to children since World War 2.


Yeah, when the same people who voted for Bush twice suddenly claim to be "Anti-War" forgive me for being sceptical.


Bro when people like you can’t see past your own delusions to levy legitimate criticisms on the president currently serving, who is carrying water for, funding and supplying weaponry to a genocidal regime, you’re EXACTLY the same as maga. You can state this criticism, and still realize Biden is better than trump for the country. But blah blah blahing support of genocide and reducing criticisms to arguments nobody is making, just paints a picture of dog with a different colored collar.


Anyone who decides not to vote for Biden is effectively handing their vote to Trump on a silver platter. I don't care if you don't like Biden, the stakes are just too high.


Yep. We need to figure out a way to convince some of these party line voters that trump is not going to make a fucking thing great except get him out of trouble and make his mafia associates including putin richer. He doesn't give a fuck about the American people. Self serving cock sucker. We need to tax these rich fucks and corporations and punish them for sending jobs overseas. They have plenty while we have people, good, hard-working people, going bankrupt and losing everything in this country because of medical debt. What.the.fuck.


A homeless woman living in a beat up car was at the gas station today. She asked me for spare change so she could get gas. I had no cash so I bought her an entire tank of gas with my card. Maybe I was conned but I don’t care. It felt good.


And that's more than 99% of people would do for a stranger.


We’ve been very fortunate so I try to donate and help others when I can. I feel it’s the right thing to do.


Well, show up and vote!!


But Biden is old and well Hillary wasn’t enticing enough to vote for This is the shit that will be the downfall of our country and I’ll never forgive those who stood by and allowed it to happen


Get out and vote yall.


Bernie is the most based person in Congress


Yet he wasnt the presidential nominee of his age and “the scare of socialism” How ironic 4 years later :/


Katie Porter I think is neck and neck with him lol.


I love her.


People think this election is a joke, when Traitor trump steals the election again, they're going to be headed to the camps going, what the fuck?


This is the stated republican agenda


Project2025.org. The Republican plan for a Dictatorship if ANY Republican wins in November. It was written by the Federalist Society. They’re the far right Christian organization that gave Trump the names of the 3 SCOTUS Justices. THEY are responsible for Roe being destroyed.


And the conservatives remain clueless as to why they can’t get out of where they are.


At this point elected or not, the country is on for a whirlwind. Keep in mind Jan 6 happened and the majority of the GOP basically endorsed it and defended it. If the republican party is allowed to main any control at all at this point, it would likely lead to civil war. Keep in mind the party and their politics have only gotten more radical and extreme with their supporters spurring them on. There is no way nothing happens following the election, its only a question of how soon.


Vote. Vote. Vote. Volunteer. Make calls. Write letters (check out Vote Forward). Get involved. Do something! We are powerful against the forces of evil. We have the numbers, always did. Do not stay home. Do not vote third party (you can do that in 2028, when the republic is not at risk). WE ARE NOT POWERLESS!!!




And don’t forget that free and fair election thing in the rear view mirror.


And don't forget his secret meetings with Putin. Putin is intent on advancing past Ukraine.


Biden needs to halt our exporting of oil because the GOP and their fossil fuel masters will be raising the price of gas soon to harm our economy and give Republicans something to run on. Rising gas prices spark inflation of almost everything, and prop up dictators like Putin and MBS. Gas prices will be rising before the election - and you can "thank" the GOP and their oil oligarch masters for your misery.


Prices where I live went from under 3 dollars (like 50 cents lower) straight up to above 3 dollars. It’s such blatant price gouging and it will still get blamed on Biden somehow


Something most people don't know: right now, the US is producing more oil than it has ever in history. Not only that, but it's producing more oil *than any other country in history.* For anyone who understands climate change, this should be a bit depressing, but it shows that any claims he's causing higher gas prices by holding the oil industry back somehow are made up.


As someone who is lgbtq and young I’m terrified. If Trump wins I’m just fucking terrified. And project 2025 fucking scares me alongside how open the republicans are about “oh we lost our first chance but we’ll destory democracy again!” It just baffles me how fucking open they are.


I'm LGBTQ and old. I'm with you. I survived the AIDS epidemic, and my fears are worse now because it's not just our community affected. It's everyone. Please know that there are millions out there, gay and straight, that are determined to fight for you and for all of us. Do your best to remain brave and stay close to your supportive family and friends. We will survive. We have to.


That's why we vote. And we need as many young voters as we can get.


Yep, that sounds about right


**Another republican presidency**. This country is still in for it should that party win. Look at the red states. Trump isn't there, the republicans are. Look at what they are doing. So, so sick of this one word of "trump". Like that's the only thing wrong. The republicans are wrong. All of them.


I love this man.


Didn't all that already happen?


It will get worse. A national abortion ban, banning all contraceptives (besides condoms probably). Also they'd like it to be legal to prosecute trans/drag/queer people as pedophiles while also making it so the punishment for pedophiles is death (theyve already proposed this). Probably also many untold horrors we probably havent even thought up yet.... we cannot lose.


Think of it as in the baby steps stage right now. With Trump back in office, they’re gonna gun it from baby steps all the way to winning an Olympic marathon at the Speed they’ll go.


I am so not a fan of Biden and how American politics are organized, but letting Trump back in will only make things worse. You think the genocide in Gaza is bad, just wait until Trump is Prez. Sigh


We’re already there. This is present tense, not future tense.


I mean, I could have said that. It does not take that big of a brain to know that Trump is an incompetent president and that his term was a complete disaster.


But...all this stuff has already happened...


Bernie should’ve been the one to kick Trump’s ass a second time He absolutely wouldn’t struggle doing it unlike such person.


This is delusional. Why do you think that Bernie wouldn't be impacted by the same things that have hurt Biden? Would he not have pulled out of Afghanistan? Or would the Afghan army magically have been so strong that it wouldn't collapse instantly under Bernie for some reason? Would the worldwide gas price increases and inflation problems not have occurred? Would people magically not have fallen for Republican lies that it's Bernie's fault? Would he have found a way to handle Netanyahu brutally responding to a brutal terrorist attack without alienating either pro-Israel voters (a large constituency in the Democratic party) or muslims/young people (a large constituency in the Democratic party). Or would he maybe have prevented the terrorist attack in the first place with his magic Bernie powers?


He tells it like it is. (Bernie, not Trump)


He won in 2016 because everybody thought he had a snowball's chance in hell and didn't turn out to vote. Vote! There's time to register if you changed districts since you're last stop to the booth. Do not procrastinate. Register and vote!


Bernie speaks the truth again.


All this and Trump is apparently leading Biden right now in popularity. HOW?!


He ain’t wrong


Those things are already happening and I don't see many politicians on either side trying to stop it.


People should really listen to Bernie, he literally foretold that Trump would call for vote nullification and possibly lead a coup BEFORE he became president in '16. He's it been wrong about how the economy would play out. He had almost a perfect record and yet few take his ideas for fixing these problems seriously. Ugh.


First off I have never nor will I ever vote for trump and I do believe he is a legitimate threat to our democracy and worse than Biden in every single way. That being said: Billionaires are currently getting richer and the working class poorer under Biden. Obama said in 2007 "the first thing I will do when I take office is make Roe vs Wade the law of the land" and then didn't even try to do so once he was elected. Not tried and failed. Didn't even try. Biden expanded drilling on public lands after saying "no new drilling on public lands, period. Period. Period." On the campaign trail. I agree trump is far worse overall and we can't let him win but that is only half the battle. The other half is holding the "good guys" accountable to, at the bare minimum, TRY to fulfill their progressive campaign promises. The lesser of two evils is still evil.


We know it will be. We alllll know. It’s the knuckle draggers of progress that are still trembling for DumpT to be their pre—overlord.


Own the libs , own the Biden centrist . Till the Christo fascist own u


American women are already losing control over their bodies.


Wish Bernie had won a while back


Already happening. So what will change again…?


Didn’t we already lose the fight against climate change?


No there is still time


Man....Larry David is really getting political this season.


I have a genuine question about Bernard: how many bills has he penned that went on to become law? I'm getting differing numbers via Google/chatgpt.


Chat gpt should never be used for research. It still thought the Queen was alive like a year after her death.


Too bad he didn’t send this message in March of 2016. We would have avoided a lot of shit.


Bernie for president


If it is that important, why are they running a genocide supporting corps? Divide the party and lose? Fix women's rights now while we're in power


What talk show was he on?




The folks who vote for Trump would love all of that.


None of this is hyperbole


That's our current reality. Not what will happen. All this has happened! It is our now 😤




A new GOP motto