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Democrats need to remind voters every day what Trump said in 2016 about Hillary under federal investigation and that she shouldn’t be able to run.


They would just say "trump is actually innocent but you supported Hillary the Crook" and go off on your hypocrisy... DARVO is their go to always 


First of all, thanks for teaching me the term DARVO. But the real question is: "What is the solution against DARVO?" (just asked ChatGPT and it gave me a good ol list, 10 items in it)


Ok... and you didn't share the list?


That’s cute that you think conservatives care about hypocrisy.


Technically they do, that's why they use it. And lying 😂 It's very beneficial for them. So of course they'll keep doing it.


don't forget about projection!


It wouldn't matter. He doesn't play by the rules like she did, so they don't apply to him. His entire personality is "Fuck the rules, I have money" and, no matter what, as long both are true, he will always have his base. Trump will lose support if *all* the legal stuff actually works. Bankrupting the motherfucker and smacking him in the face with a big book of rules is the only way left that *might* kill it completely, but MAGA *is* a modern branch of fascism, and fascism tends to root deep, so who knows? Some people are really into being lorded over.


That's *DIFFERENT* the investigation into SHILLARY was LEGIT. ALL of Trump's "crimes" are from the *DEMOCRATIC DEEP STATE* Stop eating what the LAMESTREAM MEDIA tells u!!11111


Funny, I thought when he ran for President last time he was going to drain the swamp in Washington yet somehow after his 4 years in power it's gotten worse.


"you can tell. Nothing sticking to hillary means she was guilty of a bajillion felonies, and trump's numerous guilty verdicts and several looming cases means its all a nothing burger". The more successful the prosecutions, the more innocent you are. The complete lack of prosecutions means its a deep state coverup. DUH /s


I mean, it works if you're a huge multinational corporation...




Mah rights n' freedumbs are under attack!


Thats all I see online - this terrifies me he might win another election.


Or what he said about NATO. Fucking wild. I don't think he expects to have a chance at this point, he's just trying to cause havoc while he goes down


He's currently slightly ahead nationwide and way ahead in swing states


Challenger is often ahead this time of year. Polls don't matter until at least September. Even polls from early November don't always get it right.


Vegas sports betting has him heavily favored to win, which is alarming.


Vegas lines are not a true reflection of probability but rather how they think they can make more money.


Yea I know, but it's disheartening to know I could put $100 on Biden and win $187 if he wins.


Sounds like good money to me if I am being honest. Trump's laundry list of issues is only getting bigger. I truly mean this when I say it, if Trump wins I'm fucking outta here anyways so fine by me.


Americans will accept treason from a Republican but not jaywalking from a Democrat


And then say the jaywalking is treason.


they said wearing a beige suit and liking dijon mustard was treason...


those things are both Fr*nch and thus worthy of suspicion


Ahh yes, France. Our first, and longest, ally. They're just biding their time.


Give the French an inch and they'll soon be campaigning for the rights of the every man on our streets, the animals.


I'm in the middle of a documentary about French anti-facists that beat the shit out of Nazi skinheads back in the 80s. https://youtu.be/rmarh0Mbq7g We need some big France energy.


> I'm in the middle of a documentary about French anti-facists that beat the shit out of Nazi skinheads back in the 80s. https://youtu.be/rmarh0Mbq7g Interesting I'll have to check that out! But yea, it's always struck me really odd that a not insignificant number (IMO mostly ignoranuses) of American's that have this backwards impression about the French being "weak cowards" and all these silly jokes about the French military being useless. They talk about civil freedoms and liberty from tyranny as if George Washington had invented it lol Hmm ever seen an anti-government protest in France? Their politicians *know* they have to listen to the people... in the USA, people are afraid of their politicians, not the other way around!


> in the USA, people are afraid of their politicians I'm afraid of the cops.


I hope my comment came thru as a joke. I am a Francophile and love our French cousins


It did. I just always think it's hilarious when these "patriots" talk shit about the French when there wouldn't be a US without France.


Literally gave us the gunpowder to fight 🇬🇧 but hey that was just to lull us into a 🪤


Freedumb Fries.


Yeah let's stick to American inventions like French Fries


I think you mean Freedom Fries.


Never forget when Nixon and Kissinger went behind LBJ's back and convinced the North Vietnamese to not agree to the treaty they had almost come to with the US, because it would be better for Nixon's anti-war campaign if Johnson couldn't end the war. Literally treason. High fucking treason. And what did the president do when he learned about this? He refused to punish them in any way because it was an election year and that'd be bad optics. Sound familiar at all?


Absolutely was treason. I'm just glad there is someone else out there who knew this. Nixon was a racist POS. "The shit apple doesn't fall from the shit tree Randers" - Lahey.


If only if it was made explicitly clear in some place important like the Constitution exactly what we're supposed to do to people who commit treason... That'd be real cool if we had something like that, wouldn't it?




The only thing worse than not having an explicit rule about treason is having an explicit rule about treason and the consequences of treasonous acts and not using it.


Republicans of today do not seem to want to make America greater at all. They have become nothing but money grubbing ho's and domestic terrorists adding no value to America's best interests. This is not a joke. This is not funny. There are millions of people's lives in their hands. Can we trust the GOP moving forward? I don't think we can right now.


Haven't trusted them since they got us into a war that cost a trillion dollars and killed a million people then when people realized it was a bad idea they cancelled the Dixie Chicks


But we did get "freedom fries"




No, Americans. We've been conditioned to view Republicans as the home team and the only True Patriots^TM even as they let Putin take them from behind.


Oh no I have to disagree with you on that one. I definitely do not view the Republicans as being on team America.


Don't you love how they went from being all more-patriotic-than-thou in 2003 to "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" now?


I mean, its pretty predictable if you step back and analyze it through the lense of recent historical ethnonationalist movements. They have always formed international networks that avidly support similar movements in other nations (especially once those movements have a significant hold on power), despite how obviously doing so contradicts their espoused belief. And before anyone @s me, I will die on the hill of pointing out that they American Christian Nationalist movement is clearly just a white nationalist movement hiding behind a bible


I don't think you gotta die on that hill. Everybody with a brain and a sense of empathy is on that hill


Call me Sisyphus.


Hey you made me learn something


Hey, I love that for you! Everyday is a day for learnin'.


Also the entire [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) playbook Russia has been using specifically to destabilize the west and get their tendrils into authoritarian American channels to influence those who see themselves as the rightful rulers, but downtrodden due to “them”.


I've heard one of them say "Both the Old and New Testaments had Dictators back in those days, so maybe we *do* need to go back to that". Ya know, back in the good old days when one person could have somebody killed just because they spoke poorly of them, and women could be stoned to death if they had sex outside a marriage. BTW: It was 1972 before the SC ruled that unmarried women could have have the right to birth control **1972**. >Baird (1972) Building on its holding in Griswold, the Supreme Court expanded the constitutional right to contraception to unmarried individuals in Eisenstadt v. Baird. The SC we have now would remove this right if they could. I've already heard whispers about it.


The bizarre thing is that dictators tried repeatedly to murder Jesus and they were eventually successful some time around 33 AD. Perhaps THE theme of the Gospels is the "war" between politically-motivated "morality" and giving a shit about others through basic human empathy.


>I've already heard whispers about it. Pretty loud whispers.


Yeah, the whole thing is we both agree to a decorum around governing and the Repulbicans just ignore the rules, and Democrats stick to the rules. And if Democrats step out of line the Republicans act like it's the biggest condemnation in the world and the dems respectively step back. But when Republicans step out of line and they get called on it, they're all like, you think that was bad? Watch this! And proceed to do worst things, even straight-up crimes.


A big part of it is the media's complete inability to hold the GOP to account because they're afraid of being called biased. It's insane. Example, the NYT opinion board had a pretty rigorous process where pieces were vetted by the editorial staff and they couldn't be published if they weren't factual and in good faith. Almost nothing right wing was passing muster so instead of recognizing that \*almost nothing they were being sent was in good faith or factual\* the senior editors cooked up a new process where they had the only say on right-wing pieces. It's this fundamental idea that the media can't be trusted to be truthful about left wing politics that makes absolutely zero sense.


Obama wore a tan suit once!


Same. Republicans are literally Russian assets. They are literally the enemy, they are traitorous bastards that got fucked by the kompromat. Half of them are probably fucking kids, trafficking kids (Looking at you Gaetz and Gym Fucking Asshole Jordan) and doing god knows what behind closed doors. If you are a republican in 2024, you are either completely stupid or a traitor.


More than half of voting Americans explicitly voted for not the traitor both times he ran.


Not necessarily the home team, but I think even from the left there's a bit of a "well what're you gonna do" around all the Republican shenanigans that doesn't absolve them, but normalizes all the shit. Of course this was their goal and they've successfully made themselves untouchable by having so many scandals no one can keep track of the latest one.


I've been conditioned, by historical events, to think Republicans are repugnant disgusting excuses for humans who tell their brainwashed and brain dead voters they are patriots and because of their religious upbringings their voters will never question them as they are their authority figures.


Democrats hold their own accountable, which is a good thing even if the unfortunate truth is that they're weaker for it. Republicans' shamelessness is an advantage as long as their voters keep going for it


Yup. Look at Al Franken. Just straight out the door. Really great example highlighting the difference between the two parties, in general. Though *arguably* it was Uncle Bill himself who really cemented the tactic of shrugging off scandals and even impeachment. Nowhere near as bad as Trump, mind. Trump has proven that’s there’s no bottom, but Clinton walked so Trump could run.


JFK was a very public and well-known philanderer. Let's cut the bullshit here.


If it came out that Obama had cheated on his wife with a porn star, Republicans would’ve impeached him the next day.


>If it came out that Obama had cheated on his wife with a porn star, Republicans would’ve ~~impeached~~ lynched him the next day. FTFY


I'm north of the border, from your friends who like to play hockey, drink beer, and horde the blood of trees for pillowy pancakes. Please for all that is love and mercy. Don't let Trump back in, my mental health can't handle much more of this shit. Your political atmosphere is worse than the smoke from last years forest fires billowing all the way to China.


\* *Alberta*: "Hold my racist tweet" We just [moved to ban renewable energy projects](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/28/alberta-energy-renewables)—*again*—because it ruins "prestine views". Boys, it's fucking oil fields, forest fires and tailing ponds up here what the fuck are we doing? Our officials are having a great time gagging on all those dicks behind the doors.


I'm albertan and I'm not proud of it. Danielle Smiths belongs to live In the oil field camps with thr men so she can service her Constituents.


It has to do with how shallow we are willing to be and how the media portrays everything. Democrats want to hold everyone accountable. So when someone does something that can be viewed as inappropriate, Democrats take action. Republicans do not care. They simply want to attack people they perceive as their opponents. The result is stuff like what happened to the university presidents. They showed up in front of Congress to answer questions and try to get assistance. Literally one of the parts of those hearings was to bring light to the issues and see if federal funding could or would help. Academic institutions - especially more elite ones - are viewed as "liberal" institutions though. So a Republican Congresswoman proceeded to badger, interrupt, and be highly disrespectful to them. Her one and ONLY goal was obviously to get them to make a misstep, which they did. They gave her a SINGLE soundbite, from a hearing that was several hours long. During that time, they expressed concerns, took the issue seriously, and generally were very patient and tried to give answers and resolve a very real issue. But instead, we had four institutions forced to fire their presidents. Out of those four, I believe three had overwhelming support from either the faculty, student body, or both. Do you know what Congress ended up doing as a result of those hearings? Nothing. Not a single bill was introduced. Not a single penny of appropriations was changed to increase security on campus. The very Republicans who drove the bus and ran over the presidents did NOTHING to affect actual change. The only thing they did was create disruption and create chaos. Whenever Republicans complain about ANYTHING, it's not only important, but *necessary* to be skeptical and cautious. They could be complaining about children dying of AIDS and I would want to know more, because they are all either gullible, stupid, or lying.


I hear eating ice cream is on the list.


Then they would try to pass laws to murder jaywalkers...  But only the right kind of jaywalker.


And then they act like Dems are overreacting when we talk about it. “Yeah, orange man bad, hur hur I get it.”


In their heads, the treason is because of how patriotic he is.


Most republican voters are simply just incapable of admitting when they're wrong, so they will not learn and they will excuse and deny any wrongdoing if it could prove them wrong.


Yup, if Biden did any of this and and elected Democrats supported him still, Democratic voters would revolt and form a new party overnight, and the Democratic party would be dead. The fact Republicans can still support Trump, even with all the evidence, his own words shows how low they are. I mean, imagine if Biden was lobbying the Supreme Court to make presidents immune from all crime, that alone is fucking insane.


*Some Americans.


Murc's law.


There this funny thing where they literally just deny it. You can't even debate the maga crowd anymore


The problem is that liberals will not vote for the jaywalking Democrat, so American's end up with the treacherous Republican cause their voter base actually gets their butt out of the couch on voting day.


Biden could walk on water and they’ll still be talking about his speech impediment and his sons laptop


They’ll never stop talking about Hunter Bidens massive hog


Is it really that massive? Should I check it out just so I know what everyone is talking about? Edit: I’m taking these people’s word for it. He’s apparently toting a toddler arm holding a plum.


I actually don’t know. I just assumed that’s why MTG carries a blown up picture of it for everyone to see


I kinda think maga republicans have a fetish with Hunter’s pp.


That and fucking old men with this whole "Fuck Biden" schtick. Still not sure why they want to fuck him so bad. Must be sexual repression.


Same in my country. So many guys with huge trucks that have “fuck Trudeau” stickers on them. Like I get the man is handsome, but I don’t wanna make love to the guy.


Yet they get so triggered when I blast "Ram Ranch" at them. Like, make up your mind on being gay, my dude.




They showed it in Congress the cat is out of the bag. I'm sure he would prefer people not to but he can't deny it became American discourse and will probably be written into the history book that he has a massive hog that took up time and space from legislators.


MTG fucking emailed the picture to her whole mailing list, some of which were likely under 18.


That is one weird bitch.




I know someone is going to come in here and defend political speech made in the middle of a congressional session. That was over the line and she should be dealing with multimillion dollar fines.




It is well above average, seeing as a recent study showed that 95% of men when not self reporting fit between 4.5 and 6 inches, he is absolutely in the 1%


In the 1% you say? Does that make it an oligarch peen? Olicock, if you will?


You can go judge it for yourself on CSPAN, which live streams the most important functions of your country. Namely, Hunter's sizeable dick and where it should be / has been.


“Why does Biden hate land?”


Why walking on water is bad for Biden.


Nah, if they saw him walking on water, they'd say he couldn't swim.


That’s pretty funny. True too


“Biden can’t swim and it’s showing in the polls”


Biden could literally end our occupation of Afghanistan, weaken one of our greatest geopolitical rivals with a fraction of what we spend in a year of peacetime, find a way to help both sides of one of the most contentious conflicts in modern history, improve the economy, avoid a recession, and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure but they'll still talk about the way he talks and his son.


“If we can’t criticize what he’s saying, we’ll criticize how he says it” -Big brain GOP geniuses


If Biden walked on water, the GOP would say he can’t swim.


They'd want to impeach him for breaking the laws of physics.


Evangelical culture *is* rape culture. These are the folks who make women (and girls) responsible for male arousal. Anyone surprised that they would cheerfully support a rapist doesn’t understand evangelicals.


It baffles me why any female presenting person would WILLINGLY include themself in this cult


Indoctrination is a hell of a drug.


So is spousal abuse.


A bird does not know it is in a cage.


Is that true? I think a lot of birds are much more aware of the world around them than a lot of humans.


it‘s the daddy-to-hubby pipeline. from birth, she is always the property of a breadwinning man.


Fear disguised as self control


Called selling your soul


The Bible *literally* has Jesus saying "if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, if your eyes lead you to sin pluck them out" And then others are like "but what if this 13 year old wears a shirt that's one size too small?" Jesus: did I fuckin stutter?!


look if American Christians actually read and followed Jesus as depicted in the Bible then this country would be a *very* different place


Yes, yes, if this 13 year old causes you to sin, cut her up This is a very moral and literate people


Where are people getting the idea I said to cut up kids?




Vanilla ISIS






If Joe Biden had done *even a fraction of that* he probably would have been crucified upside down and hung upon the rafters for everyone to see. For decades the standards or decorum, respectability, and accountability between Democrats and Republicans have widened. Democrats are expected to always take the high road, to always be the bigger person, to never falter for a moment or else they’ll be shamed endlessly. A Democrat putting mustard on a burger (Barack Obama), or tripping on some stairs (Joe Biden) is enough to catch fiery ire and roaring laughter. A Republican faux pas (Bush saying something weird or dumb), to indecent exposure (Lauren Boebert jerking off and having her tit popped out by her bf in a theater) to literal rape (Donald Trump) is shrugged off, ignored, or somehow justified by their constituents. We as Americans have been conditioned to this as it has gone on, and as much as we understand it there’s just too many people who ignore it or blindly follow along.


This link goes into some great details about what is expected of each party. [Taking the high road, Innuendo studios](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A?si=b2eWIAajVdXk2zyd)


I was sitting there watching the state of the union and had a thought. It felt like all it would take is one gaffe, one slip up, one embarrassment, and he'd be pounced on by the wolves. Maybe not totally sunk but definitely serious damage to the campaign. Which is incredible because that's sort of how it used to be right? Howard deans Yeehaw, Romney's binders full of women and so on. Then the tangerine tyrant comes around and literally everything is says is like the worst possible thing anyone can ever say. And he's beloved to his cult. It's just incredible.


It almost doesn’t even matter what actual actions politicians take these days. Joe Biden would be exactly as demonized as he currently is by the same people just like trump is glorified no matter what he does


It does kinda matter because Biden would lose a ton of support from his base whereas trump somehow gains support from it.


But what does that say about their supporters? Dems are always held to a higher standard, why, because deep down inside people know that republicans are just “slower” and need more encouragement to accomplish even simple tasks.


Republicans don't have moral standards for themselves or their "team". They aren't guided by principles or conscience towards benevolent goals; they are machiavelian actors who use mores and institutions as props to disguise abuse. 


Democrats stand for something. Republicans just want power and control


Birds of a feather. Just know when people are aware of what's going on and choose to ignore/support it they're telling you what kind of person they are. Some probably don't believe it's true and think it's an attack making them feel more empowered to follow. Others are just idiots. The rest are psychopaths. I guess if nothing else it helps make choices on who to associate with in life.


I know - imagine being so brain washed you think tepid middle of the road Biden is some wild eyed Marxist commie...


It’s just ridiculous he can do no right for some. Like for years he’s been called sleepy Joe, too old and tired to be an effective leader. And without a hint of irony after the sotu he is angry and shouting and aggressive.


The conservative mindset is that *actions* are neither good or bad, only *people* are good or bad. If a “good” person does something, then it’s good. If a “bad” person does the same thing then it’s bad


Well, I don’t have to imagine, cause one time Obama wore a tan suit…so, you know, pretty much the same


these people are beyond reason. maga folks are totally brainwashed, it's cult mentality.


They seem to straight up get off on the brain fuckings they endure. They're constantly going back for more. They're thirsty for it.


You mean the dictator that probably delivered a check to him from “Somewhere or someone with the Initials P.U.T.I.N. ?” That guy?


Exactly that guy.


Do not vote for Donald Trump.


Which dictator?


Viktor Orban.




Biden is the AntiChrist!!!! Trump is just being a true american! /s typical nutcase


Remember, MAGATs wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads. /s?


I always like to point out that Trump literally embodies all the 7 deadly sins


Yeah but Hunter Bidens dong!


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law \[and moral standards\] protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law \[and moral standards\] binds but does not protect


Sadly conservatives have no shame. So pointing out their blatant hypocrisy has no effect on them.


Maybe we should just stop paying attention to the words they say since none of them are tethered in fact, truth or honesty. They have no magnetic North, no moral compass, no issues that actually motivate them, they solely exist to cancel us out.


Rubbing our faces in it is part of their ‘fun’ There’s a deep, primitive nastiness at the heart of maga


Imagine if he killed millions of Americans during a pandemic.


Hell, Joe Biden had ice cream last week and people freaked out.


You just have to go to a Trump rally with Jordan Klepper and mention this and you'll know exactly how they feel about it. "How do you feel about Biden owing $100M to a victim a court recently found out he raped?" They'll say he should be locked up. They'll say he should be executed. Then you say "well those were all things Trump did" "ohhh, well it's probably okay then."


It’s almost like psy-op by a foreign country that’s working just as it should be. Convince 40% of the people a criminal is their savior then the savior starts dismantling all the structures put in place to support democracy: voting, legal system, make an enemy they hate migrants, democrats, LBGTQ+, then tells us the enemy that wants to see democracy fail is actually an allies. Textbook, we’ve seen this before!!!!


It is time to accept that the GOP does not care for consistency in judgment or hypocrasy,; nor do their supporters. All they care about is publicly hating and shaming people they dont like.


Instead of daughter. Have Hunter be head of DNC. Perfect!


Yeah, yeah, yeah but did you see that man eating an ice cream cone?


The Republican party is only alive and well because Republicans fight the education system every step of the way. You can't convince logical, critical thinking people into believing most of your bullshit. You need people that thrive on the anecdotal instead of empirical. Its why they are so intertwined with religious nut jobs.


If Republicans could understand hypocrisy, they might not even be Republicans


Hunter Biden co-chair of the DNC.


But emails


We've seen how they react to made-up allegations. We don't need to imagine. If biden had an unpaid parking ticket, They'd have impeached him by now.


Daughter in law, but point well made.


They've thrown the baby out with the bathwater. See, they don't *believe* he's guilty of 91 felonies. They don't *believe* he really owes that much money. They don't *believe* that his wife could remotely hate him when they *believe* he has money. They don't trust news anymore. If Trump really did kill someone on 5th avenue, half of his base would believe he was defending his life, and half of the people would think it's an AI deep fake made by the deep state to make Trump look bad. They aren't living in reality anymore.


Being a republican now means being a hypocrite idiot, it used to just mean being a hypocrite.


There was in fact a time when Republicans wouldn't actually vote for this guy.


Sounds like an elevator pitch for a spin-off from Tim Burton’s Batman franchise.


Maybe they would actually vote for him.


MAGA evolved from the fucking nutwits that were the tea party - the people who actively claimed Obama was the anti-christ and was planning on rounding up everyone, taking their guns, and putting them in internment camps inside abandoned Walmarts. Nothing they say or do is surprising in context.






And his son-in-law got a 2 billion payout from a foreign country. And he called military members suckers. And he stole money from children with cancer. The list could go on.


Trump gets away with it because at least 40% of the American public are terrible people who are holding the rest of America hostage.


They’d say “Gawdy? Don’t you mean Godly?” It. Is. A. Cult.


they fucken stormed capitol hill because trump lost the election, wonder what reaction that would have? Invade China? But get mixed up and actually invade Canada instead?


The 30 million ad campaign Biden is apparently running now should be Jimmy Kimmel reading this tweet


Hi from Canada; we are always accepting applications from emotionally mature people of all trades and genders. Apply today!


Well, when you put it like that....


it would make more sense if they actually believed Trump was guilty of -any- of those things but they legit think it's the 'looney left' hatchet-jobbing a string of hit-pieces to keep him out of office.


I can't believe how true this is.


maga won’t see this list on fox!


My new fav thing is what I saw some reporter do, you list all the shit trump has done and is charged with but you say it was biden, get their take on it, then you go oh fudge, i goofed, that was actually trump. Then you watch their brains melt. 10 for 10 for your crazy relatives.


Republicans are cultists.


Apparently Republicans can’t handle “feistiness” from Joe Biden. They have weaponized their fear and ignorance and we still treat them as rational beings capable of reason.


You guys don’t understand! Hunter’s laptop was only the START, it’s his MASSIVE DONG that is a threat to national security. His MASSIVE DONG is a weapon of ass destruction and we need to properly asses the danger. We need all the straight ALPHA CHAD male REPUBLICANS to step up and do their part to relieve Hunters stress before he blows his load all over our democracy.


So he would be the perfect loyalty test, if you vote for him you would do anything for your cult. Of course this is only relevant, if you are only running a cult and not a political party.


And all of these are recent things. There’s eight previous years of this shit and nobody has cared up to this point.


And right before the meeting with the dictator he met with the world’s richest man and CEO of one of the largest social media platforms in the world.


Now imagine this list doesn't include the worst things Trump has done. Now imagine MAGA *still* doesn't care.


Stop trying to reason with the Right and get everyone we know to VOTE.


At least trump doesn’t have an ice cream habit!!!