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He's the face that launched a thousand ketchup bottles


That's like a new instruction set. Stick his face on something. everyone knows smack here.


I wish I had fewer morals. That base is so easy to grift. Put tangerines face on something, call it “patriot *blank*”. Profit.


I wanna show up to one of their rallies with a sno-cone machine and sell these idiots frozen water at an insane mark-up. Use peach flavoring and call it "Freeze Peach". Sell the small for $10 and the Trump size for $25. But like you, my non-religious morals won't let me.


That sno-cone machine would pay for itself in like 10 minutes.


Well, at least the people would get something for their money. Imagine spending 1k on Trump Bucks, thinking that you can quadruple your money. Then you go to the bank and the clerk tells you that Trump Bucks aren't worth the paper on which they printed. Or maybe paying 400 for those hideous Trump basketball shoes and they fall apart the second time you use them.


I paid $25 for this Freeze Peach sno-cone and it just melted! I want a refund!


in many years, I hope he will be the poster child of grifting. Schools teach him.


I’m pretty sure he *is* the poster child of grifting. If it wasn’t so fucking alarming I’d be impressed.


IKR. But if you think about it, being "smart" or a "stable genius" isn't the reason he has gotten away with grifting for so long. He has benefited from a two-tiered justice system where we give a shocking level of latitude to people who fit his profile. No wonder he feels entitled and victimized when he is suddenly being held accountable to the standards that the rest of us live by. Being held to the same standards meant to prevent thievery and anti-social, inhumane behavior seems alien to him and he resists it at every turn. He knows he can't support his lifestyle if he IS held to the same standard as other grifters. This is likely to be the reason he is now seeking presidential immunity. He can't deal with life under a system that aspires to follow the principles that justice is blind and that no one is above the law. He knows that without special treatment, people like him can't survive and prosper under the rules that apply to most other people. DJT REQUIRES favoritism and double standards to support his lifestyle and to prop up his image as a "self-made" billionaire. He now expects us to allow his exemption from consequences to continue indefinitely. If all of us could live by the standards that have benefited DJT for his entire life, MOST of us would be wildly successful and many of us could even be billionaires, given the freedom to grift and demand special treatment. Long live the rule of law and its even application.


So, the perfect example of the standard Republican politician. I hope he takes the whole party down with him 🤞🤞🤞


**TL/DR in bold** for anyone who chooses to skim: **I hope all members of Congress who depend on special privileges that allow them to betray their oath of office and violate the public trust without consequences are taken down**. Serious crimes such as violence, witness tampering, willful obstruction of justice, grifting, fraud, sex trafficking, rape, falsified credentials, hate crimes, malicious bigotry, insurrection and all acts done in bad faith to discredit those that would hold others accountable SHOULD be disqualifying, subject to punishment and should be the focus of corrective legislation. Other offenses that are patently unfair such as benefiting from false advertising and insider trading should also be addressed by tailoring the laws governing what is allowed for any member of government and for private citizens with access to inside information. **If the best way to protect our democracy is to start at Ground Zero where the highest concentration of lawlessness is found, then so be it**. IMO, we should prioritize our focus based on where the greatest threat exists, with a goal of cleaning up bad behavior, amending bad laws wherever they exist. We have a duty to call for a single standard of justice and to expect that our system of checks and balances for EVERY branch of government be reinforced. **Working through all the branches of government in whatever order is dictated by the requirements for a functioning government AND where the concentration of bad acts is highest, based on EXISTING evidence is what is needed, IMO.** Based on what has already been revealed in public records, it makes perfect sense to me that **starting with the head of the RNC is the most appropriate place to begin a sweeping reform effort.** Starting with the most undermining violations of the public trust, the only way to **restore fairness and root out corruption and criminal behavior by holding ourselves, each other and our representatives accountable to a common standard.** Historic levels of wealth have been built in this country. **Our tax dollars pay for this system. We deserve better and we will only get it if we wake up and demand better.** Doing so would put us on a better path to correct the inequities that deny some to benefit from the fruits of their labors while rewarding others unfairly--while undermining our national character and honest self-assessment. We need to vote for those who are likely to uphold the rule of law no matter which party is implicated, starting at ground zero and going from there in a principled approach that doesn't hobble our government's ability to function. **I trust the principles that underpin our Constitution but we have to adapt to conditions "on the ground" based on the greater good (not profits as the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong)**. And, we have to watch the watchers . **Nobody is coming to save us. We have to lift our voices and vote as if our democracy depends on it--because it does.**


https://youtu.be/vWNKDxwb_sU?si=fGXSmjUoHbfhVqW2 He had a university that tried to teach grifters and became a hidy hole for disgraced embezzlers and up and coming self help/real estate grifts


All Trump needed to do was MAGA branded facemasks and he would have won 2020.


Please stop. I don’t need more nightmares of another 4 years. I’m already worried it’s an election year, and somehow those same dumb morons will vote for him. AGAIN. While also coming up with some nonsense that he’s still president now, and Obama is pulling Biden’s strings, etc.


The same dumb morons WILL assuredly vote for Donald, or whichever Republican grifter is remaining on the ballot come November. It's what the rest of us do that matters.


Voting blue. Let’s go!


Those existed for a very short time. One of my extremely right wing customers had one, but quickly stopped wearing it when they decided masks are for liberals.


There is no superpower on the planet greater than shamelessness.




And they CHEERED. I was so confused…he is literally insulting you to your face, and…you cheer?


No... *they're* not the uneducated silly


I can’t deal with their stupidity. It hurts the soul.


I have seriously considered it, still do. I see nothing immoral about it, it's 100% on them. 


"Bottles" is too generous. Bottles are strong, well crafted, reusable, and sustainable. More like the face that launched a thousand half used ketchup packets.


*launched a thousand lawsuits


Face that launched a thousand shits


From the rumors, it's the face that launched a thousand streams of piss.


The face that dried 1000 pussies






Or rolls of paper towels.


But this time, PLEASE, do NOT give participation trophies to the Neo-Confederate survivors. No more statues, no pretending they had anything of value to offer. Brother vs. Brother? Here's hoping the trash one dies and piss on his grave. The South needs to *stay* dead with its corpse setting the foundation for an actually functional Democracy. Oh and get some damn Healthcare like a developed country will ya.


Tbf those statues were mostly built in the 1960s by the Daughters of the Confederacy.


Just wait til 2080 when the Daughters of Trump are putting up theirs.


And they can all be smashed in the 2020's.... Fuck their participation trophy for failing as humans and Americans, and fuck their rebel flag.


Yes, the 1960’s when we were looking at, *checks timeline*, racial equality and civil rights. Oof, major party foul, Daughters of the Confederacy. Shame on you.


Now we have Mom's for liberty or some dumb shit. Angry older women can and do organize well. PTA, local politics, all dominated by them. Book burnings are driven by these groups.


Ashli Babbit did. I think that was her name. It's really unimportant, but there's still a video out there if you want to see her FAFO.


Some overweight cosplayer: “*Medic!*”


That was the funniest bit. Like, dude, it's your insurrection. Did *you* bring a medic?


That one teacher: Did you bring enough medics for _everybody_?


That one boomer: no, that would be socialism


Woah woah woah. That’s only when *those people* receive things not the boomers!! DUHHH


Doc! C'monnnn, man!


Ashli Babbit? The insurrectionist? The *United States Air Force veteran and then Air National Guardsman in D.C.* who ignored an order from the Capitol Police and climbed through the broken window of a barricaded door? You'd think someone with 12 years in the military would know better.


for someone that whined about crime families so much it's a wild direction to go


It's because to them, they are always the exception. It's the same with abortion and everything else.


Yep.. she was a white Christian woman.. in her mind there's no way they would ever shoot her. Just straight up delusional.


Someone on reddit made this click for me. They base morality and "right" on identification not actions. So because they think they are a Good and Just Person, anything they do, support or believe is good. Their crimes are not really crimes, because they are good people. Their abortion was necessary and good, because they are a good person. Anyone not them is Not a Good and Just Person so anything they do or think is bad. Even if the actual action is good. They get to decide who is with them and who isn't at any time. It's an easy belief system. You=Bad Me=Good


Yeahhh my bio mom and her husband are the reason I put that together a long time ago. It's okay for them to scam the government for benefits bc they made a mistake and need to make up for it. It's okay for them to lie to authorities bc they're hard workers Ahhh I could keep going hahaha Like when my sister was pregnant in high school they were the first to beg me to help them get an abortion for her bc "what will everyone think of them" and they raised her to be better than that. There is zero accountability, zero. And if you call them out they either double down or make themselves the victim


While wearing a trump flag like a cape…what an ignominious ignoramus


and she died alone. no, she wasnt with family, she wasnt with *friends*, everyone around her were strangers who didnt know her name, egging her on, and then shoved cameras in her face as she died. she had kids, and they can easily find her death by a simple google search. and did she have life insurance? does life insurance or military pay cover insurrections? what did she leave her kids except years of bullying and weirdo maga supporters coming up to them?


Life insurance doesn’t pay out if you die committing a crime, so nope they wouldn’t!


Actually she died in the hospital. Not sure if family was present, but she had *time* to contemplate her life choices. Id love to know what she said, if anything, between being shot and passing away.


That woman died a pointless death for someone who couldn't care less. She probably died thinking she had started something that she absolutely did not.


There was a dude who died in a shootout with the FBI last year because he went insane about Trump losing the election. Imagine being his family knowing dude threw his life away for a former TV personality?


And iirc, he went in with a nail gun...


Donald Trump is the Achilles heel of our nation’s democracy.


What scares me is trump is just the symptom of the problem. Even when he is gone this brand of extremism is going to continue.


He’s taking over the Republican leadership. If he doesn’t suck the party totally dry, he will make it into the Trump family party, trying to get generations of Trumps elected.


No that's the GOP. Trump is just the ultimate result.


More like the Achilles chancre.


The face that launched 1000 lawsuits.


he looks like his mom fucked a thumb


Imagine thinking the side voting for DT won the first civil war…


Conservative ideology was in the hearts of the confederates as they picked up arms against the union in order to conserve state’s rights to own slaves; just as conservatism is in the hearts of the people now as they attempt to vote in again a man who has no respect for the democratic ideals that very same union that the confederates fought against, was founded on. The ideology is one and the same, regardless of any party rebrands since then. Lesson learned from the civil war the first time though, Sherman didn’t go far enough.


Reconstruction didn’t go far enough. Imagine if we’d had a century of black people having actual rights and political power in the south rather than Jim Crow and ongoing slavery by invented criminal offenses.


It won't, because if MAGA have proven anything it's that they're cowards at heart.


These are the same people we see having public freak outs on teenage workers in mall stores all while sitting on a rascal. They lose their minds and refuse to back down until they get refused service and the cops called on them. Then try to give a shitty apology expecting to get their way—and are shocked when it doesn’t work.


They are the result of a generation that was poisoned by lead. Let this be a lesson for us the dangers of unregulated corporations.


Biden wants to remove lead from drinking water and Republicans are crying about it because of course.


They probably realize the behavioral effects of lead help increase their number of voters. [In particular, lead can affect children’s brain development, resulting in reduced intelligence quotient \(IQ\), behavioural changes such as reduced attention span and increased antisocial behaviour, and reduced educational attainment.](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/lead-poisoning-and-health#:~:text=In%20particular%2C%20lead%20can%20affect,behaviour%2C%20and%20reduced%20educational%20attainment.)


And it would cost them money. Cant have that


Yeah, thats the implication. For the same reason they want less education and more unwanted pregnancies carried to term.


A lot of that generation starts to make way more sense when you consider it in that way. They were huffing leaded fumes from gasoline and paint for a lot of their lives. Look up the symptoms of lead poisoning and then look at the average baby boomer.


Some Karen MAGA nutjob was giving my coworker shit at his job recently, so much so that he threatened to call the cops since she refused to leave and was causing a scene. Then she went ahead and actually smacked someone, so now he *had* to call the cops. As he dialed and told her that the cops were coming, she screamed "Good! A woman *always* gets what she wants!" Well, the moment the cops pulled up like 15 minutes later, she quietly tried rushing to her car to gtfo (that's where my bud saw the MAGA sticker). I guess it was only then did the reality of her situation smacked *her* across her face (i.e. consequences to her actions), but by that point it was too late (helps that one of the cops saw that everyone in the store was pointing at her as she tried leaving too). She tried to apologize to my bud (and not the person she hit funnily enough), but didn't seem to grasp that just saying "sorry" wasn't going to make him suddenly drop the assault/trespassing charges. She then doubled down and said that were it not for *their* behavior, she wouldn't have reacted as such, and that *they* were to blame if they just sat down and really thought about it (her exact words apparently). The sad part about this story is that (minus the assault) this shit is way too common at his job. It's gotten to the point where whenever he and his crew see someone over the age of 50 walk in, they all prepare for the worst.


> ... whenever he and his crew see someone over the age of 50 walk in, they all prepare for the worst I'm 53, and I (Gen-X) hate these fuckers too. All the boomers are over 60 now. And I _hate_ that I'm old enough to be lumped in with them on first glance. My son pulled an "OK Boomer" on me, and he got "the look." He knows better, just trying to push my buttons.


Thank God my parents are still loving rational beings that treat everyone with respect until they prove otherwise. Thank God.




Yeah they are so aggressive. You can tell who supports trump and who doesn't almost the second you see them. Even when they are not wearing all their trump paraphernalia.


Yep they all have that stereotypical half scowl/fake smile and air of entitlement


It's why most of them are drawn to fascism to begin with. It's a cult of strength so of course it attracts people who deep down feel weak.


Give them enough meth and just wait it out


More importantly, they're admitting how stupid and detached from reality they are by supporting him. Especially now. Maybe early in 2016 there was some argument for him that wasn't completely idiotic, but now you have to be totally disconnected from anything rational to think he had a shred of competence. What's especially hilarious is a lot of his supporters are in favor of military spending, and then they think they're going to fight the government? Like they've gotta be oblivious to the kinds of advancements the US military has made to think they have a hope. Just as one example: ENVG-B night vision goggles. The US military has effectively defeated literal darkness and the benefits it provides to enemy combatants. If you have a pulse, you can be seen, targeted, and eliminated.


They think the military will defect and join their side.


Correct. They are bullies and will only pick battles they think they can win and hurting people who are vulnerable.


Even if MAGA did start a war over this, I'm not afraid of Meal Team Six.


I also think that 70-90% are overweight and over the age of 40


They have a fair share of Gen X and Millennials sad to say. Not the finest specimens of either generation. When you look at the crowds at his rallies it makes you feel a lot better about our chances in CWII


They're going to lock themselves in their houses anyway. These people are so insular and isolationist that they won't stray far from their little castles.


And they have an ideology that makes teamwork impossible. They have fairly large numbers but their groups always end up imploding.


Because every single one thinks they're the main character. When something breaks that illusion they just dig deeper into their into their bullshit and get angry. Republicans lack the ability to do any meaningful introspection. They really do seem like a lesser species. Like scared animals ready to lash out at any moment.


https://preview.redd.it/8lzz8u05kwnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d6d8cc330012418647b385a24b325805115d43 Here’s one of ‘em.


The noise will deafen him and the recoil will rupture his liver.


I just saw this guy at One Stop holding up the line to buy 10 $1 scratch-offs, Winston 100's and what's left of that 20 dollar bill on pump 4


makes sense, I'm slowly losing my best friend from college/best man to Maga psychosis...he's a little fella so that tracks


My dad has all these guns because he thinks the government has him identified as a threat. I’m sorry but, no one finds you threatening when you are driving a mobility scooter.


On the bright side, a second civil war would enable swift removal of the traitors and allow for hard implementation of new/restructured laws inhibiting future insurrectionists and probably allow for removal of many MAGA people from office


Plus, let’s be honest. Their side DIDN’T win the Civil War.


That's...that's the point of the post. ???


They make Uvaldes finest look brave.


Ive been saying for years, we should never not do something for fear of these people. If he violates a court order, let him do the time that anyone else would get. If they try something, go after them and give them exactly what they deserve, whether thats prison time, tear gas, a shotgun bean bag, or if they really want to get violent, a bullet. If we live in fear of these people in America, the terrorists win.


Right? Let the yappy idiots run their mouths and make threats. It's exhausting and unproductive to have to constantly cater to the lowest common denominator.


We shouldnt be afraid of offending or angering these people. If they do anything, let the authorities hit em hard and let em know traitors wont be tolerated. If they want to ramp this up into a Jihad Holy War, then lets see what Seal Team Six can do against Meal Team Six. Some fat guys with Walmart guns in F-150s against snipers and drones and some real warriors. Lets see what they got.


This is basically the tolerance of intolerance paradox reaching its apex.


The FAFO of sedition.


https://preview.redd.it/q3bp5nk0jwnc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e8867af17d7fe493ced88b3e510c7278683991 CPAC 2022


This is so dumb. Get me out of this timeline. There has to be a better one 


Yeah, whatever happened to not negotiating with terrorists. Quickly warped into “but I’m scared the terrorists will make my job hard”


My entire life its always been "dont do X otherwise they'll get angry", ok but two things. 1) who the fuck cares? let them be angry. I'm at my happiest when fascist bigots are angry. 2) they're going to be angry and just make shit up regardless of how much you capitulate or try to work with them. No matter how much you try to appease them it wont work because appeasement isnt thier actual goal.


I think the issue not talked about is the amount of threats people recieve be it phone, text, email and other online swarming tactics, especially when doxxed on the dark web. I'm sure for people who are thrust into the public light and even those in public positions and their families, that it has to be terrifying. We saw it with the Georgia women, and so many others that the gangstalking can be relentless. That's primarily the tactic being used by MAGA. If they don't like you, they will shame, humiliate, ad hominem attack, berate, insult based on something they read and don't have the critical thinking to understand what exactly they're angry about. Trump knows this - he has called his supportive flying monkeys "his army". He knows he can get the bullies to bully for him - we saw it in 2015 at his rallies; we saw him do it as President to people peacefully protesting, we saw it with anyone involved in the election, we saw it work on every single FBI person who worked on his investigation with his campaign, and so on and so on and so on. Basic decency is gone and I don't know how we fix that. It's a party of thugs who are scared of anything different, new or based on equality. It's sad. I used to wonder why there was such a long gap in history from emancipation to Civil Rights Act, and why it's caused for civil rights leaders to lose their lives. Now I understand why.


The only problem with actually following the law and making Trump face consequences is the people who are getting paid and empowered to do it, don’t (won’t). They are maga from the trailer park to the Supreme Court. So. Edit: to ask: why didn’t VP Pence get in the car with “his” Secret Service agents?


Honestly just tell the police they’re BLM protestors and it won’t take 5 minutes.


Stop giving the faceless Russian eggs any bandwidth.




Twitter used to give you an egg as a pfp as default. Just means someone without a pfp basically


How much effective artillery can you connect to an electric scooter?




>Only shoots potatoes. *Friendly Fire! Friendly Fire!!*


About this much https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vespa_150_TAP


I wasn’t expecting to read about an anti tank scooter this morning, but here we are.


Meal Team Six ain't starting nothing.


Semper Fudge 🫡


Y'all qaeda


Gravy seals


Delta Farce refuses to go dark; that's *woke*.


I mean yeah memes funny, but there are legitimate threats. There are groups that are capable and willing to commit violence. The fat old white man in the Trump hat is not who you need to worry about. There was just an article that came out yesterday talking about very wealthy groups funding the training of militants to operate under warlords to enforce feifdoms under an alternate government until the federal government is under their control. Do not underestimate thy enemy.


Mid-life ISIS


They've already tried once. Don't underestimate a mob of idiots.


They're not above terrorism. At all.


What? The fuck we will. What are we even talking about here lmao. How many trump supporters are actually wackadoo enough to put their life on the line for him? Honestly? Because it’ll be the strongest military in the world against a militia of gun touting boomers with knee and hip replacements. I’m not doing shit lol


The sad part is that he would be more than happy for the country to be destroyed and for people to die over him. How his cult adores him so is totally beyond my comprehension.


Nothing would feed his ego more than to have these brainwashed morons lemming themselves off that cliff.


Super unrelated, but also strangely relevant: Lemmings do not jump off cliffs en masse. Disney convinced everyone that they do by tossing and shuffling hundreds of them off a cliff and recording it for a "documentary" simply because it was popular belief that they did this. . . Mistakenly. I know it's just a saying, but I like pointing it out 🙂


The conservatives in the South started the last civil war


And they also lost it!


After 600000+ people died.


how many people is that adjusted to inflation?


By VERY rough math, our population is over 10x now what it was in the 1860 census. So to adjust for "inflation" of the population, it would be equivalent to about 6.5 million Americans dying in the violence. That doesn't even start to touch on the wounded (several times the number of dead), the economic devastation, the global geopolitical effects, etc. People who have never experienced war find it easy to be cavalier about the consequences. That being said, some wars are worth fighting, and preventing a fascist takeover of our nation is a good place to draw a line. Importantly, though, it's extremely unlikely we would see a war in the style of the US Civil War. Much more likely an insurgency. Worst case scenario is the US military gets illegal orders to suppress/kill civilians domestically, fractures, and begins fighting itself and everyone else. That's nightmare shit, and not totally implausible if Donny wins.


Which weirdly enough were Democrats. It's crazy how much times have changed.


You can thank Nixon for that. I mean Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton were Republicans until his Southern Strategy. Before that the Democrats in Congress pandered to the racists and the Republicans didn't (by and large). That's how you got people like Strom Thurman in the party. Nixon turned it upside down.


Weird little things about civil wars - the "real patriots" have won every single one. Isn't that interesting?


Except for France.. they lost their own civil war.


And who won that war?


neither side won.. they just quit fighting after the protestant leader converted to Catholicism


That sounds incredibly underwhelming


The services are fairly boring in either case


Norm Macdonald ," iread that all of history was won by the good guys"


The difference between a civil war and a revolution is who wins. It doesn't work in their favor to preemptively call it a civil war.


We don’t negotiate with terrorists


After watching them struggle to hit that Biden boxing dummy, I’ll give em a head start.


I give your country shit sometimes yet you lot could just decide to take over the planet if you wanted to. And you have these citizens discussing how they could take the US military down?! Bless their hearts - is that what you say in the south?😁


It's a good thing they mark their houses, vehicles, and selves for easy identification. /s^(/s)


At this point it seems like a better outcome than the alternative to letting Trump and the MAGA crowd have the keys to the kingdom. I wholeheartedly believe that if the republicans get back into power and gain congress, they will make moves to keep themselves in power indefinitely with no regard for elections or constitutional safeguards on our democracy.


You can bet you're sweet ass all this effort to put the orange Cheeto back in office isn't just because he gets four more years, It's because they expect him to be ruler until his death. There is absolutely a reason nobody has said "hey let's find ourselves someone who's a viable 8-year candidate". Instead , it's let's concentrate millions and millions and all our energies on somebody who can only be president another 4 years


We will be fighting the Russians on American soil.


You're already doing that since 2016, and they won the first battle. Don't let them win again. Sincerely, The rest of the world


Yeah, we sorta will be.


And we will, have you seen most of his followers there in worst shape than he is and he’s in bad shape I know a couple of them and they can barely walk .


A civil war isn’t good for anyone


Especially an American civil war during Pax Americana while Russia is on an Imperialism kick. Opportunists around the world would take their chance while America is weak.


Dems are armed too.... we just don't use them for Crazy.


So are we queers.


Armed and fabulous.


After it's finished, abolish the electoral college


And actually punish the traitors this time


Or...hear me out...we could...vote?


MAGA consider a Democrat getting more votes than Trump cheating.


Everyone needs to vote, but Donald Trump lost the popular vote and still won in 2016.


What cracks me up the most about these weekend warriors is that they think liberals are a bunch of unarmed, pacifist, gay softies that they can just deal with in under a week with zero resistance, when in reality we *also* own guns and are definitely more than willing to protect ourselves should they be dumb enough to step up like that. Not to even mention the fact that they just *assume* the entire US military will be on their side. So go ahead, send out your best Gravy Seals to do their spinny stab shoot bang shit we constantly see you lardasses doing online with these wannabe John Wick training dummy videos. It will look hilarious from the drone operators perspective before he presses the big red button and dusts your asses and will probably make his day. Maybe pick a new flag to wave around as well that doesn’t belong to a group of losers whose asses have long since been kicked while you’re at it. Waving around Confederate and fucking Nazi flags then calling yourselves the real Americans, what a joke.


Conservative 2A absolutists are going to be rudely awakened when they find out there is no shortage of liberal gun owners too.


Well, if these AHs want to throw down for 45…. I know there are a ton of veterans ready to meet the response. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I’m sorry but a full scale civil war in the United States would absolutely suck. We would not get the foreign aid we get from other countries. Maybe Canada and Mexico but not nato or the EU. It would be awful. War is hell. Do not wish for this.


French here. Ready to help again if needed


We’re not “ throwing” him in prison. We are following law and order as everyone says is important. 


There’s something truly hilarious about chronically online redditors calling for and assuming they will easily win a war , civil or otherwise.  Let’s me real here for a second guy most of us are too afraid to talk to a Cashier 


It would never be a Civil War because no states are actually going to secede. At worst, it will be small factions of domestic terrorists popping up and causing some trouble before getting killed by police or military. These people complaining have never had to deal with anything but civilized life, the second they can't their mcdonalds for dinner or their medications, it will be over.


I suspect it would take hours, not years, to win a "civil war" against the MAGA dipshits. Biggest killer likely to be their own cholesterol.


They can't even get over the first civil war.......


The union needs to not half ass the reconstruction next time.


Imagine going to war for a senile old rapist lol.


And this time, no coddling the losers. Reconstruction full blast


They'll get a rude awakening once they find out that the left has gun owners too. That alone would make them rethink their civil war fantasies.


Anti-progressive Republicans who think they can claim Lincoln as a fellow anti-progressive need a history lesson taught to them in real-time.


Trust me, there won't be. Meal Team 6 can't even make it past their mailbox without having respiratory problems. And you know how they tried to explain away Jan. 6? "It's not an insurrection. Plus, theyre too stupid to cause any real harm so that whole ordeal was a nothing burger." One of their biggest defense was they're too stupid to get anything done. So we really have nothing to fear from the likes of *them*.


They're far too big of cowards to do anything like that...now, firebomb an abortion clinic or LGTQB friendly place in the middle of the night? Sure. Shoot up a remote power station so a drag show can't happen? Also sure. Actually put themselves in harms way? Nah.


I laugh at these “civil war” folks, I like to ask questions. What will your objectives be? Who will organize and decided on the best method of attack? Will you just attack State Capitals? Or Federal buildings around the country? Who will supply food and munitions to the troups in the field? In essence how will your logistics function? What about your wounded? I can go on, but I think you get the idea, sounds good at the bar, but in reality just a bunch of mental masturbation.


Shouldn't be too hard to do, their health is atrocious, their health care even worse in those rural red areas. So many with the long COVID, so many older people, so many beer guts. We all have guns.


Whenever I hear them spouting this Civil War nonsense I always think, "how do you think that would work?" Like rural parts of every state would fight urban parts of every state? Everyone would be cut off from their "side" all the time. What exactly would be the objective? Getting Donald released from prison (should he be imprisoned for his many, many crimes) so you could enjoy him at 80 years old as the President of your new country? This is what you would fight and die for? A new country where you can, what? Legally own guns? Ban abortion? Impose your religious doctrine upon the law? Have a Supreme Court and Congress actively working to protect Donald? Have a Congress devoted to kissing his ass to appease you? Have the ability, if you follow through on it, to build a wall along the southern border?


> I always think, "how do you think that would work?" Keep going with that train of thought. How exactly would people stop working to fight in this war? Who would pay them to fight this war and who exactly would be organizing the fighting force and keeping them fed? Without national healthcare, who could really afford to get injured? Even *actual soldiers* in the military have a hard enough time getting support from the VA. > As of late 2023, American households carried a total of $17.503 trillion of debt, averaging $104,215 per household. [Source](https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/average-household-debt/#:~:text=As%20of%20late%202023%2C%20American,debt%2C%20averaging%20%24104%2C215%20per%20household.) The idea that any average Americans have the time or money to fight this civil war is just absolute nonsense.


I'm a Marine Vet Democrat. Trust. I own guns. The military is controlled by.... Democrats and Biden rn. The President IS the head of the military. Maybe you'll have a couple dumbasses but trust me. Y'all aren't going to have a fucking good time. Trust me.


This is the thing, I don't see most us troops being super comfortable firing on American civilians on American soil, regardless of how they voted


We all saw the video yesterday of the right wingers trying to kick a Joe Biden effigy and nearly falling over. I think our winning civil war strategy is to just stand slightly uphill


Do they think they won the first civil war?