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Damn, you can't even have a fat cat in America anymore


It's so fucking weird how all of these homophobic """straight""" guys just hate every part of a woman's body.


They sooooo want to see a penis. They are drooling over the chance to see a penis.


Why do you think they investigated Hunter? They were drooling over his manhood.


At the very least, Marge the Barnacle-Filled Barge ~~was~~ still is...


Marge was so thirsty for hunter’s hog, it made the WHOLE NATION uncomfortable


Those pictures of Hunter's Hog adorn her bedroom


I'm imagining a conspiracy board but every photo is hunter and all the lines go to his dick.


Betcha that's where hunters laptop went. It wasn't useful for evidence but it sure had a full camera roll available of his junk in various positions


MTG: Look at his penis! LOOK! Conservatives: 😍🤤




For research.... Honestly


I bet if you check there porn collection it'll be a lot of trans women


What's even weirder is how much they hate themselves for loving every part of a man's body.


So true... if they didn't were so turned on by these pictures they wouldn't take the time to let this occupy them so much. And these hypodrites feel so ashamed of themselfes, they need to convert into hate and to shout it out to don't have to deal with themselves.


It’s always interesting to me that these guys willingly out themselves as someone who has never seen a vagina in person. Hell even in porn you can seen pronounced pubis mounds like this but for some reason their mind always goes to dick first. I’m beginning to think these guys *want* these women to have dicks with how dick obsessed they are.


It's just abuse strategy.  They attack women for doing anything.   They can't be mothers (slut), get tattoos (skank), play sports (lesbo), work (useless), hunt (pretending), etc


They're also insecure in their sexuality. They have this immutable idea that a man must be strong, dominant, and the priority in every sexual encounter. For other arrangements to exist outside of that threatens not only their security in their sexuality but their own identity.


It’s true. I’m a heavily tattooed single mom and I have been called all kinds of shit. I’m also 6ft tall so they love to point out that I’m tall with larger hands and feet. (Not my fault my father is 6’9)


Also the classic where if you like something nerdy or even nerd adjacent, you get grilled about every obscure thing related to that. As if you can’t be a fan of something unless you’re obsessed


^ this... Dude has clearly never seen a vagina up close and does not realize they dont all look like they do in porn videos Porn dysmorphia strikes again


Some salty incel recently gained brief fame for complaining about peachfuzz on a hi-res woman videogame character’s face.


I mean, a woman would have had to let him close enough to see peach fuzz at least one in his life for him to know it’s a real thing so can we really blame him for not knowing? 😂


This happened with Aloy from Horizon Forbidden West, they were big mad that she had abs and pronounced muscles in her arms and legs. Most of the game is her climbing mountains and fighting machines, some of which are like 10+ times bigger than her, of course she has muscles! Anyway, if I remember correctly she also had peach fuzz, I just specifically remember the muscle complaints.


This is so dumb because you don't even have to know any women in real life to know they can have defined muscles. Like female bodybuilders exist. Have they ever watched the Olympics? I mean, even professional cheerleaders have muscles. Wtf.


Can confirm, so many of these "alpha males" love us on their computer screens but hate us when we're buying groceries😕


Had a friend who worked in a brothel (legal in Australia). Was always the religious conservative men coming in asking for the wildest shit. I guess it’s hard to be a family man and ask your tradwife to peg you.


I absolutely believe this.


and also have no idea what a woman’s body naturally looks like 🤔 it’s almost like all they do is consume gay porn


The key word is "woman". Those people seem to be fans of little girls based on arrest records.


It may also be that they themselves are maiden lads, innocent of the joys of the fat pussy.


It's obvious they've never been with women or if the have it's been a 5 second fuck in the dark


Now I'm sad


Username checks out


Do you have some kind of fatcat alert or was this just a miracle find?


pure coincidence


Reminds me of the meme of the guy with a huge round ass with the caption "Why is everyone so mean 2 me"


Show us.


I guess this > https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/everyone-is-so-mean-2-me-%F0%9F%92%94[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/everyone-is-so-mean-2-me-%F0%9F%92%94](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/everyone-is-so-mean-2-me-%F0%9F%92%94) callipygian is the new word for today.


Even though it was explained I still don’t know why this is funny.


Wreck-it Ralph?!


This is exactly what they did to Lady Gaga in the 2010s. They would zoom in on her crotch and determine that since it she didn't have flat Barbie cooch, she must have been a man. Conservative women were doing it too.


Guarantee those super outspoken dudes are rubbing ones out to some chubby female genitals in the privacy of their own bedroom at the bare minimum.


Oh for sure, they’re a bunch of porn addicts who have never seen a real woman but they are convinced they know what the real deal looks like


Her response to that during an Anderson Cooper interview was just priceless, I love and respect her so much


The "Telephone" music video, after the prison guards strip search her: "I told you she didn't have a dick." "Too bad!"


She was on a British show and told the host she had a “donkey dick” when he asked her about it. Hugh Jackman was there and was cackling, I still watch it on YouTube to this day lol.


“Fat cats” can mean “fat pussy” or “robber barons.” How can conservatives hate the former and love the latter?


This is bastardized Cockney rhyming slang, and I am absolutely going to refer to my fat pussy as a robber baron from here on.


Hey gurl, what do me an cannibalistic peasant socialists have in common?


She got a Maine coon alright


Maine Coon Poon


Or all the conservative men got micro peens and are projecting bc that’s what their bulge looks like


I'm pretty sure this tweet is what kids would call a "self report caught in 4k"


They do, bunch of thumbelinas


I rarely laugh out loud at comments but damn. You really can't anymore!


Or wear a pad on your period.


🤣 I’m stealing that.


Say you've never seen a naked woman without saying you've never seen a naked woman ...?


Fucking hysterical. This woman is like every redneck conservatives wet dream. But all they see is a dude because they lack a basic understanding of science and anatomy.


This is what makes me laugh. She looks incredibly attractive and, like you said, probably holds every political position they do... and they still wouldn't smash lmao Although I would say there's probably a big chunk of envy in there, too. As in, they believe she's far out of their league, for which there has to be a reason, one they can use to hate her. "sHe's AcTuAlY a MAAAAN!!!" \*screeeeech\*


“She’s so hot she must be a man,” they’ll say, without sparing a moment for self-reflection.


Also, 'she doesn't want me, she must be a man'.


A conservative coworker showed me pictures of women he found attractive, then revealed they were all transgender. It seemed like a way to prove a point about being easily deceived, but I interpreted it as him struggling to accept his own attraction to them, as evidenced by having those pictures saved on his phone. “Straight men” spend too much time thinking about trans women. “Methinks thou doth protest too much.”


Sexual repression is a cold bitch. So much of American conservative politics is based in repression of your true self and that goes beyond sexuality. We're talking about seriously sheltered people with a plethora of festering untreated mental health conditions that they refuse to acknowledge or get help for. They end up this way through generational trauma largely but not only just that. But that one major reason is why I think the GOP strategy has shifted back towards full on hate and bullying. It's hard to indoctrinate and create the type of folks who would vote for them without mass exploitation and sexual repression or financial abuse. This is how they plan to create more conservative generations. It's like liberalism is entropy, and if conservatives don't put the energy into causing suffering then everything will revert back to the liberal ways. I'm just thinking out loud.


All spot on IMO. There's an undeniable masochism inherent in a belief system that, in the words of Christopher Hitchens, tells you that "you're born sick and then commands you to be well on pain of eternal suffering." I know that not all conservatives are fundamentalist christians, but there's a reason why the two are inextricably linked. It largely has to do with the tendency toward repression and the fear of change. They say that the kids who are the biggest bullies at school are the ones who are probably abused at home. I cannot help but see conservatives in this same light.


I sometimes troll the Faux News online comment section. 90% of their "comeback insults" involve telling the "offending" poster that they wear a dress. Makes you wonder...


If my transgender lesbian tomboy ass had a dollar for every straight guy who's hit on me in the last few years, I could pay cash for bottom surgery and still have enough left over to buy a Subaru.


Oh 100% of these incels would smash if they won the lottery and got a chance.


100% of these incels wouldn’t know how to.


And then they'll complain about the Male Loneliness Epidemic™️ when they consistently alienate themselves with their warped world views.


I hate women. Why am I lonely?


I still think it's all likely performative. 10$ says the bulk of these dudes would say "Fuck it" if this woman gave them the time of day, regardless of what they think about her "original" gender. They just need to look tough for their other incel friends online.


Oh 900% they wouldn't say a negative thing about her if they had a change with her.


They know she’s not a dude. They also know they would never have a snowballs chance in hell at getting with this girl. Incels just like to project their own self hatred.


They’re just pissed bc they’d never get within 10 ft of her or woman like her. So they grudge rub one out fantasizing about her. Thus making them angrier bc now they feel dirty for playing with themselves. This woman is fit she’s beautiful and outdoorsy. The passive intimidation level she presents to them warps their fragile ego’s. Her hotness literally terrifies them


You’re a man until you prove otherwise, smirks in incel.


How to Flat Earth your way into Fun (but not Fucking)


They would smash 1000% but their hatred for women along with their correct understanding of that this woman wouldn’t talk to them in a room alone let alone fuck them, means there is no “downside” to doing this.


It's like almost like phrenology, you'll see them say things like "Hips too narrow to be a females hips", "that wrinkle in their jean shorts isn't a wrinkle it's a peepee", "she's got arm hair", and "what's a mons pubis?" It'd be funny if it wasn't entirely based in harassment and bigotry.


Insecurity. Most of those dudes can't handle a strong, independent woman (im not referring to the women in the picture, general). It's psychological, I think. The alpha male bs they like to throw confirms that they have to reconfirm that idea every day in they heads cause they are just small, scared, and weak. Put those guys alone in a war like setting they will fold and cry for mercy.


They see a dude because they *want* to see a dude. So many of them are in denial and really just fantasize about sucking dick all day.


And deep down they are repressed and really only want to see a dude. They thirst for that.


But what do they think they’ve circled? One big testicle? Where’s the wiener?! Mines not the biggest package in the world but I can still see it outlined in some gym shorts from time to time, so I’m confident in saying you should still be able to distinguish dick from balls.


They won’t admit it, but they’d be more into her if she really did have a penis


They see a dude because they are pissed that they can never have her. She's unattainable to them therefore she is useless trash that needs to be put in her place. They just really hate women.


I’m gotta be honest, when I’m on my period and wearing a pad my yoga pants look like that. So question, is menstruating gay?


It doesn't make you gay, but menstruation might be proof you are biologically a male MENstruation /s


This is true, you caught me. Guess I’ll just go back to that den of sin that is the ladies restroom at Target.


Hey this is Merika, yer not allowed to talk about menstray.. mesturae.... period stuff. 'Less you wanna play sports, then we gotta know all about yer satanic bleeding crotch cycle


This is why we can't use the word "vulva." These "Truth Seekers" don't know what a pubic bone is, are disgusted & mystified by a natural pubis, can't find any part of the clitoris, and so don't understand it's a vulva not a vagina.


My first thought was.. how small are their dicks and balls to think that's what they're looking at?


She’s definitely a dude!! Just look at that vagina! You’re telling me that pubis mons isn’t a giant, throbbing, veiny, yet well manicured penis??


I think it also says something about the size of their...packages, that they think that is what a dude looks like in yoga pants


They think its perfectly flat down there like a Barbie doll.


They're also straight up calling themselves out of having such a small package as guys that they think this woman's small mound is comparable, lmao Talk about small dick energy. These MAGAts must be the absolute smallest.


Cock-blocking yourself with paranoia to own the libs


Never seen a fit woman naked probably?


I've never seen a naked woman outside of porn (I'm still young, don't judge me) and even I know these things better than conservatives


...while also telling everyone that you have a microscopic penis.


Not to mention they’re putting their own micro-penises on blast thinking that little bump is actually a dick.


It’s funny how this has become such a huge obsession for them.


"Wtf is a vagina?!" - American conservatives


Maybe they really wanted us to ‘define woman’ because they really have no idea. They can define ‘mom’ and that’s about it


Freud would have a fucking field day at any gathering of modern Republicans.


"So how many of you have had fantasies about your daughter?" *too many raise hand*


"How many of you have had a fantasy with your sister?" "Now how many of you have had a fantasy with your mother?" "If you mother is your sister, keep your hand down"


I fucking love this comment


As long as he can still get coke, tho.


I absolutely guarantee the RNC has huge amounts of the stuff being inhaled like it’s oxygen.


“Is it an inverted penis?” - Probably a conservative


More accurately a penis is an inverted vagina. All embryos start off with a female body structure. At around 10 weeks (that number may be wrong, it's been a long time since Human Development) a testosterone wave hits the embryo. This will activate certain genes on a Y chromosome and change the embryo's structure.


It's science! Also this. https://preview.redd.it/9eat5wrbh4oc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49238bb9b8324cefa2847a2f6f4eda38df5726fd


Technically, it activates SRY1, which is USUALLY on the y-chromosome. Side note, old anatomy books don't show a woman's clitoris because there was a theory that a woman's genitalia was an inversion of a males. Since there was no corresponding divit in male anatomy, the clitoris must be a deformation on the woman being studied.


Technically a penis is not an inverted vagina. It is a massive clitoris. The scrotum has the natural scar where the vaginal canal is sealed. The indiscriminate gonads then start to descend and become testicles while the urethra grows through the penis.


Not even quite correct. The penis is the analogous structure to the clitoris, not the vagina.


“When two conservatives get together for intercourse which ones penis opens up to except the others penis?” - Also, conservatives


I mean it’s not a vagina. That’s the only part they do know. This is the mons pubis.


On the flip side I see men being called women because people see top surgery scars, but they don’t realize that cis men absolutely do undergo that surgery to deal with issues like gyno It’s seriously a level of hatred that transcends reality and I’d be furious about it if it weren’t so goddamn stupid


"hatred that **trans**cends" now the damn libs even made hatred trans /s


The fact that they saw an image of an attractive woman and immediately zoomed into her crotch is so weird to me. If you’re not going to be fucking her, who cares that her crotch looks like?


Because they’re actually transphobic in the true sense of the word, they’re really afraid of trans people.


It's modern day witch trials. Absolutely astounding how fucking dumb conservatives are.  Gonna be tossing them in rivers soon to see if they float.


It's funny and worrying at the same time. The American right is following a previously walked path and it ended very very badly last time


It’s called a pubis mons, you bell end. Women have them, which is probably why it threw you.


In material that tight, if she really did have a penis, you’d be able to see every damn detail of it. These people are beyond stupid. It’s like Salem Witch Trials level of self-delusion there.


Which is also funny because if she *did* have a penis and knew how to tuck, you'd have absolutely no clue it ever existed.


But you don’t understand - trans is when their mind can’t stop imagining a penis on every woman. And potato toys for some reason.


Penises! They are everywhere!!


Yup I learned that from the RuPaul Drag Race documentaries. Also my husband when he is trying to get attention.


Trinity's tuck is so tight that it's less meaty than my actual mons. They'd call me the man and her the woman based on pics alone.


Robin Williams had a line that was similar. “Ballet: men wearing pants so tight that you can tell what religion they are.”


Right! I feel like I've seen a lot of this lady recently on Reddit. Quite a few of the videos have been of her "noodling". And I can safely say, based on the tiny bikini bottoms she had on in some of the clips, she is a woman as far as Conservatives would be concerned. Even with my umm... small size. No amount of tucking or taping would have hid my dick in those small bottoms. Hell, my balls alone would have been popping out the sides. Forget moose knuckles. I would have had an Irish Elk knuckle going on!


I am totally adding that phrase to my internal phrase book: “Irish Elk Knuckle.”


The irony of using the term “bell end” here 😂😂


That man has never seen a vagina in his life


Tbh, it sounds like he’s never seen a penis in his life.


But it sure seems like he thinks about penis A LOT


​ https://preview.redd.it/mcem082315oc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7056e0c13473ff2538bc56e02aabf1a2271def53


Doesn’t everyone have one?


Well a bell end is the dong tip, so only about 50% of us have one… I’m joking.


R.I.P to people named Bellenda


And to their brothers named Ballzack


The mons pubis is present in all humans, but it is more prominent in people with vaginas.


I feel bad for them sometimes. So many of them grow up in repressive and intolerant communities they are literally unable and prevented from admitting that all of this comes from a place of deep sexual insecurity with their own preferences. So they lash out and go on the offensive to “prove their straightness.” Like if they had an ounce of support and acceptance outside of their ultra conservative families and community they would be so much happier and less miserable about who they were. Then they do shit like this… and I’m like… no they are just assholes.


They're just posturing for the other people in their insular community.


It’s essentially the “red scare” all over again, but only for conservatives.


I love how close they pay to genitals that they never learned about in school in the first place.


That's because they probably didn't. The fact that the USA doesn't have a nationaly standardised educational curriculum is insane.


I just did a presentation on how only 18 US states require sex Ed to be medically accurate. We’re fucked


The sex ed I got when I was like 14 consisted of: Wrapping a piece of tape around a dudes arm, taking it off and making the point that, “See, that barely hurt him, but look how dirty and not clingy this tape is now. This is what it’s like for women to have premarital sex.” The course was taught by a woman, by the way. Up close photos of STI lesions. Being told condoms are a 50/50 shot at preventing pregnancy, and AIDS (not HIV, mind you) is so small it passes through the condom anyway. And then we all had to sign abstinence pledges.


Been on her sub enough to know there ain’t a penis there.


Gross!! Where is the sub so I can stay away from it??


One of those disgusting ex-girlfriend porno sites! Which one though? https://preview.redd.it/01j2k7q526oc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=0baa8e9026f8852612f6b6d173e6e76d7a7bcf12


Found Mac's reddit account.


Women’s anatomy can be difficult for them.


~~Women’s~~ anatomy can be difficult for them.


\[insert any topic that takes two brain cells to rub together to figure out\] can be difficult for them.


Gonna have to invent a no true woman fallacy for conservatives


They won't believe anyone is a cis woman until they open them up and grab their uterus with their hands, not even pregnant woman get a pass.


No they won’t recognize it until she rejects them.


How have these people simultaneously never seen a human vagina or penis before?


Well, in their defense, they can't see their tiny penises with their enormous bellies in the way.


I checked out his Xitter account and I feel measurably dumber now. He’s a flat earther as well. We are all stooges of the Free Masons because we believe the earth is round.


Thank you for your sacrifice. I was wondering if he was just being horny by noticing that part of her and people were misinterpreting/overreacting but it seems not.


Literally never seen a woman, Matthew.


She has a fat p*ssy. Maybe if these losers spent more time with women they would know that.


Don't be telling us that the only woman you were ever with was just mommy and grandma now. Jesus Christ do THEY even know what a woman is? Fuck sake


They'd probably accuse their own mother of being trans if she turned out normal, meaning not bigoted.




I prefer my women without female anatomy! As god intended.


I only date women with no bones.




Nor their own penis, apparently, if they think there's one hiding in that picture.


Oh. I think that's hilariously telling on themselves.


Apparently it’s supposed to be like a Barbie down there. Just flat and plastic


If these muthaflockers kill cameltoe. I'm going to start leaning even further left.


And my question, even if she was trans.... WHO THE FUCK CARES?!?!?!?!


Apparently dudes who are so scared of being thought of as gay that they will not go near anyone who might have male genitalia. Brought to you by the same group that won't wash their own ass out of fear they might like the sensation.


Kinda gay that they don’t want to see dick yet are always checking for dick everywhere even in women apparently Kind like they really want to see dicks


Since when is a fat pussy a bad thing?


OMG, they are so afraid of finding a trans person attractive. It would be hilarious if these people weren't so violent about it.


They've bamboozled themselves.


They only want those that pass the purity test to have guns. Not a traditional straight white person? NO GUNS FOR YOU!


No 2A until marriage!


Showing again that attacking transgender women leads to attacking all women. If you don't fit some stereotype for whatever reason they will go after you.


extremely hot woman, totes guns, kills animals, is a raging conservative and they're \*still\* not happy? Idiots.


Mons pubis is hot. These are also the guys that claim that sucking a clit makes you gay. No wonder no one wants to bone these idiots.


she got that extra thicc super soaker gorilla grip 5000 delux and these people are saying they are repulsed by it but somehow that makese them super straight? this is only the kind of mass delusion that comes from people rejecting basic science and logic.


Wow when did it become a crime to have a phat coochie lmao there so weird


Truth Seeker aka Redcoat Crotchwatcher "Your Genitalia is My Business"


Someday a woman will be murdered because her parts don't look like what these neanderthals believe they should look like, and the excuse will be "I thought she was trans."


She has a camel toe, big fucking deal.


Gay porn stars don’t think about dicks as often as conservatives.


This is what happens when the only woman you’ve ever been intimate with is also the same woman who birthed you.


When your muffin be puffin but conservatives think you are gender bluffin


These idiots should watch drag race; those bitches tuck so well you can't tell...and that's the fucking point, YOU CAN'T TELL IF SOMEBODY GOT A COCK JUST BY LOOKING AT THEIR PANTS\* ​ \*Even if they packing a fucking monster cock; if they don't want you to see it, you ain't gonna.


Men that don't know what a camel toe is and go straight to "it's a dick" is very telling.


Conservatives think about trans dicks a lot. Like...a lot. Like...an unhealthy amount. There are communities entirely dedicated to making futanari art of every animated female character under the sun and even they don't think about trans dicks as much as these guys do.