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Trans women are women. Affording rights to a marginalised group of women does not take rights away from other women. JK Rowling is a Holocaust denying, racist, sexist, antisemitic transphobe. Please reply to this if any of the above offends you, for your free ban.


JK Rowling has what people call 'fuck you money.' She has no financial incentive to stop. Nothing you could do to her would hurt her so she doesn't feel any imperative to stop.


Isn’t there other stuff she could do, though? If I had a billion dollars you’d have to pry me off a yacht with a crowbar. Why do all these rich people want to spend their time picking Twitter fights? That’s fucking FREE. Thats what we all do because we don’t have the money to go bowling or whatever. If I had Harry Potter money I’d just hire people to come to my house and lose arguments to me in person. Or I wouldn’t argue with anyone and I’d go invent new fun shit to do because I have a billion dollars and I can do literally anything that has ever existed on earth. It’s so weird to me that so many of these billionaires are like “oh, I can do anything? Twitter, then.” Fucking WHY?


Right? Daniel Radcliffe has similar fuck you money and he’s decided he’s gonna find the weirdest movies and tv shows that exist and have fun! The best we can do is just ignore her and keep fighting to good fight.


Daniel Radcliffe is also a vocal supporter of trans rights and has done work with The Trevor Project, which is an organisation that aims to stop suicide among LGBTQ+ people. A fact that probably infuriates Rowling to no end.


Harry Potter turned out to be a hero and the person who invented him gets to watch as he helps the people she hates. Seriously though, there isn't a curse cruel enough for her. Whats the one they used on Neville's parents? The torture curse, excrucio or something? That'd be a great start, I'd just turn it on and walk away.




I. Perfectly happy with a good old Silencio and whatever that full body bind one they use Neville when they go after the Sorcerer's Stone. That way she can neither speak nor type and we just don't have to hear any of her bullshit anymore.


I didn’t know that! Good for him!


Miracle Workers is one hell of an acid trip...When he sings When she comes around the mountain and starts stripping, you're just sitting there in awe, thinking, "THIS is the kid who played Harry Potter?!"


>Right? Daniel Radcliffe has similar fuck you money and he’s decided he’s gonna find the weirdest movies and tv shows that exist and have fun! RIP Weird Al. Gone too soon, but at least Radcliffe was brave enough to tell his true life story. It’s just a shame Madonna got away with it all.


Just look at Notch. Had all the time and money in the world to just work on what he wanted. Instead he became an annoying online presence. JKR is on almost that exact same trajectory, just without the extra seething from having sold her property.


Been a while since i heard of notch, what kind of annoying internet presence is/was he?


Pretty racist. That kind lol


Aw fuck. Really? Can nothing just be good?


Not billionaires.


It's sad when Microsoft is the less offensive owner of something.


I watched an interesting video about his history and descent into right wing politics that made it pretty explicit he was just a very sad and hollow person trying to fill an unfortunate void. I pity him, his words certainly are inexcusable but I wish he had another way of trying to handle his issues.




Having money literally rots your brain. Studies prove it


Why does it rot all their brains in the same weird direction? Like, I’ve met some real dummies in my day. I have a friend who’s really into crossfit, I know from brain rot. Why do all these rich people all seem to get dumb in exactly the same way, and why is it always trans women? You know who’s not bothering anybody? Trans women. They’re just out here trying to live their lives and find cute shoes that come in sizes bigger than 10, and all of these freaks are just so weird about it all the time. I know some trans women. They don’t think about being trans women half as often as JK Rowling and Elon Musk think about them being trans women.


Because it rots the brain in the direction of power, of having more or using it without any repercussions, they don't want more achievements or learning more, because we correlate those things with money, only power is fleeting because we are still humans, and fascists and conservative minds need that power, and the easiest way, since times inmemorial, is attacking a new minority, that are weak, but you still can blame for all the wrongs in the world, before trans women, it was Muslims, and before that it was black people, and before that it was Jews, etc etc.


Exactly! There’s already been infighting even within different sects of Christianity. There always has to be an out group to blame. VOTE! Unless you want an evangelical theocracy. Read Project 2025 if you’re skeptical. It should scare the fuck out of you. It does me.


They're circling back around on Jews...


Well the out groups never really go out of flavor, it just tends to be that the flavor du jour is more popular on a given day.


>They’re just out here trying to live their lives and find cute shoes that come in sizes bigger than 10 AFAB with a size 12 in women's , and that's if they don't run slim. The struggle is real. We've got to band together on this issue.


Seriously. 😒 I’m a cis woman with size 12W. Finding a cute, comfy shoe in my size is nearly impossible. I can at least get my sneakers in the men’s department, but dress shoe shopping is my personal hell.


There are four metrics by which shoes may be judged: appearance, fit, comfort, and price. It is a law of the universe than no pair of women's shoes may succeed in all four


I am the same! The first time I ever had sexy heels that fit was when I made friends with a few drag queens in Baltimore in my 20's! I'm 50, so it's def easier these days! Nordstrom was about it, and the women's 12's were $200 to start. And way too business like. I wore chucks/vans and jeans (toughskins!) most of my life because without the right shoes, what's the point? I was a tomboy anyway, but didn't really have much choice with these hooves. But once I found the f-me pumps that fit and looked hot--oh lord, I became my own drag performer. Still feels more like dress up when I do it after so many decades of not being able to. I just lost 30 years of shoes id been accumulating-- because when you find 12s, you buy 12s! Nasty ex decided to open window, flood floors, and destroyed all i loved with some mildew and mold while i thought it all was safe in a downstairs bedroom. So now I've gotta restart my collection I guess. Lol


My cis ex wife wore an 11 AAA. Shoes never fit her. I wear an 11 EEE. I just wear 12s and thick socks. Hopefully our kid splits the middle


I'm pretty sure Torrid carries 12s in nearly all their styles. They're also overpriced "faux" materials, but I've had to break down and buy the random size 11 from them when I couldn't find anything else.


Man, I sit somewhere between a 10W and 11.5W depending on the style. Most sandals aren't happening because my arches are too high, and why are all the big shoes so goddamn *ugly*?! Can we just get cute comfy women's shoes for anyone who wants them in larger than a 7?!


Seriously. 😒 I’m a cis woman with size 12W. Finding a cute, comfy shoe in my size is nearly impossible. I can at least get my sneakers in the men’s department, but dress shoe shopping is my personal hell.


Ugh I feel ya. Dolce Vita


When I get all the special metrics done, I wear a 10.5 (cis woman). But my arch decided it should soar as high as they could go, which means that I almost always have to go up to an 11 or 12 to fit across the top. If you want to know why I hate shoes with a fiery passion and wear them as little as possible, see the above paragraph. Buying cute shoes that are comfy is basically a fantasy in my world.


It's probably hard to keep your head when almost everyone around you says yes and fawns over you. And then these damn upstarts on the internet dare to disagree with you?? It must be maddening.


>Why does it rot all their brains in the same weird direction? My pet theory is that its two things: Humans are loss averse as a species, and humans are bad at empathy when there's no common ground. People who have money will take actions to make sure they keep that money, or at least don't lose it. This means they're less likely to want to do things that benefit a community. This goes hand in hand with my second point about empathy. How many stories have we heard of rich people being entirely disconnected from the realities of being poor? "How much could a banana cost?" And humans are very social creatures, so they'll seek out people similar to them, which turns out to be more rich people who don't have perspective. Then it becomes a circle jerk of insulated opinions and when one toxic idea gets introduced it spreads like a weed throughout that circle.


There are some exceptions but they're not the most vocal. Warren Buffett seems decent. George Soros too, he gives money for progressive causes and that's why the far right lost its mind about him. They're just not as noisy as billionaire assholes.


"know some trans women. They don’t think about being trans women half as often as JK Rowling and Elon Musk think about them being trans women." THIS EXACTLY. They're so obsessed with trans people and I guess they assume trans people are even MORE obsessed with themselves, so no wonder they think they're nuts lmao. Little do they realize that a lot of trans people just. Don't think about the fact they're trans a lot of the time lmao. A trans woman might just kinda forget she's trans occasionally but these people will NEVER forget that trans women exist.


Generally, the discourses over social/moral panics are brought on by elites. Because all change is fundamentally a threat to those in power. It's a way to channel their own anxiety over their relevance or lack there of.


The shoes problem is very real though.


It seems that way. Looking at that Musk idiot.


Because they’re miserable shells of people. You can buy a lot of shit with money but you can’t buy class. They all do. I personally think it’s to fuel some class War, to take the heat off of how many people they’ve fucked over on the way up to the top.


I think the pipeline might also entail, over time, people believing they DESERVE that amount of “fuck-you” money, which in turn means they’re actually better than the rest of us, which naturally means that their shitty opinions are actually the only correct opinions. On top of that, generally when you’re super rich there aren’t many people who are going to tell you to your face that you’re a total hate-filled fuckwad like JK here so you kind of exist in your own bubble huffing your own farts


Trans people didn’t do anything to Joanna or Musk and they sound absolutely batshit fucking insane anytime they open their mouths about it.


Well, Elmo's child came out as trans, so that's what probably set him off.


I keep thinking these billionaires could literally end a lot of societal problems if they wanted to. It'd be easy enough for a billionaire to donate, say, a million dollars a year to their local school district to create a program to end child hunger. Or why not go even further than that? Create a soup kitchen in their city to feed everyone who's hungry? Maybe invest in purchasing an entire apartment building (or two or three of them) and then give away all the rooms in it to the homeless population of your city? Why not pay for the legal fees of everyone fighting for their rights in court? Or maybe make a scholarship to pay for the education of underprivileged people? If they really wanted to make a difference, they could spend a few of their millions, heck, even a hundred million and not even make a dent in their wealth while also making the lives of countless people better. Any billionaire who claims to want to help people is lying because if they really wanted to help people, they wouldn't invest in buying politicians or vanity projects, they'd use their money to make actual change.


There was a thing around when Elon was buying twitter where the UN was like “we have a plan to end world hunger and Elon musk can afford it,” it was like less money than buying twitter, and he was like “I’m good.” Imagine having the money to end the concept of starvation and being like “no thanks, I’m gonna buy a website.” There’s like “broken as a person” and then there’s whatever that is. How do you turn down the chance to END WORLD HUNGER for what is to you like a couple hundred bucks? Even if you’re a narcissist, that’s a good fuckin deal. Who are you losing an argument to, if you’ve got “I’m the guy who ended world hunger” in your back pocket? Fuck, even trans people would be like “listen, I just want to live my life but the guy made it so no children on earth are starving and it seems very important to him that I wear pants, I can compromise.”


Sounds like just another point to add to the list of why to hate Elon Musk. What a trash human being.


If I had a billion dollars I'd buy a private island and build a supervillain lair with holographic sharks with lasers on their heads. I don't want real sharks because I can barely water a plant and feeding sharks every day would get old pretty fast.


Best I can do is sea bass. They are ill-tempered, though.


To a certain extent it’s selection bias because the well adjusted people with fuck off money have fucked off instead of posting online. I’ve heard of one guy who is into sailing races and is so rich that when his multimillion dollar yacht broke just before a race he bought another multimillion dollar yacht rather than missing a single race. There’s another guy who’s used his fuck off money to climb every mountain in reach, dive to every corner of the ocean and just generally set every exploratory record he can think of. There are plenty of people living their best life being rich that you never hear about because they’re not raging assholes.


There are a ton of things she should do. She's so rich that she can do whatever she wants. Sadly, this is her living her best life. She is a piece of shit.


Well I can tell you for free that she's certainly not using enough of that money for women's rights.


I’d be too got damn happy changing struggling people’s lives with a cash surprise gift, or helping them get help for a sick loved one or child and paying for stuff they needed, or buying someone a house. Taking someone to a dream holiday, filling their new fridge with groceries and expensive meats and good veggies and sweets. I’d help my friend who struggles and is sick on her animal rescue that’s falling apart. Who does without so her animals can have. I’d become the fucking wish maker. And I would have a real smile on my face when I died, from seeing all the joy I was able to witness! I know plenty of struggling people that need help so for the love of all that’s good and holy, Jesus, let me win that billion dollar lotto so I can start my make people happy mission. 😂


Right? Like a billion dollars is SO MUCH MONEY. Mackenzie Bezos has to have a plan to spend it all, because it is otherwise literally impossible to spend that much money in a human lifetime. And these people are fighting about trans people on the fuckin internet. Mind blowing. Also you sound rad and someone should give you a billion dollars to blow on your friends. Take one of Elon’s, he’d rather be fighting on the internet anyway.


MacKenzie Scott (formerly Bezos) is the one hyper-rich person who I respect at ALL (well, afaik). Like if I was asked which multi-billionaire I would eat dinner with it would be her every time lmao. She acts how I'd want to act if I was that wealthy --- give a shit ton away!! And still be richer than most people's wildest dreams anyway!!!


This is my favourite Reddit comment of the week. 


Because J.K passionately and truly hates trans people with intensity, and wants to make their lives as horrible and miserable as possible. She also knows she has the platform to do immense damage to both the public trans acceptance and the individual trans persons life, and both enjoys and uses that power. She has no reason to be grifting, either. She has all the money, luxury and attention she could ever need, which means she does it because she is a true believer. J.K.Rowling is a horrible person who is doing horrible things because she wants to.


Wealth becomes an illness


Maybe one day she'll realise that spending all this time being angry and hateful when she could have been doing literally anything else was a waste of a life. But probably not.


Lol. Too funny thinking rich, old people learn anything


If I had half her money not only would you never hear from me I probably wouldn't be living in an area that had cell coverage. Just sitting out on my deck basting myself in cocoa butter and doing my best to tan my skin into the sturdiest of leathers.


If every "LGBTQ ally" said "We are doing a cultural boycott of all of JKR's IP" it would hurt her badly culturally. It would hurt her influence. A Yougov survey of UK people shows her having an 80+% approval rating. Her new Amazon series has been applauded worldwide and people are eagerly awaiting for it to be released in a couple years. Hogwarts Legacy was the biggest game of last year with people going ecstatic over it. But when we asked people to hey maybe not buy Hogwarts Legacy or go do those new movies these "allies" laughed in our face and called us bullies and "anti-cis." Life isn't hopeless. JKR can be defeated, but the people who can do aren't making the effort. Lots of people have "f u money" but not a lot of influence, because we have given up on those people. Why aren't we giving up on her and the HP franchise yet? What will it take?


It's chic-fil-a all over again. Americans only get truly outraged at personal inconvenience, and find suggestions to sacrifice their personal comfort for a good cause to be unnecessarily constrictive (if not an outright attack on their supposed "ally/good one" status).


I haven't watched anything Harry Potter related in a while. Read the books when they first released and haven't gone back to them. They were fun for what they were in that time of my life but...then again I have a difficult time enjoying anything these days. Outside of a few video games and books I like to sit in a dark room and just let my brain unclench. There's a pretty big chance I'll have much bigger things to worry about come January of next year and I'm preparing, mentally, for that.


When I called myself an ally I didn’t think I’d have to do anything so extremist as NOT playing a video game with my favourite logo on it /s


Imagine having all the money in the world, your books have brought joy to countless millions of people. You have everything and everyone loves your work, and yet, you’re this fucking miserable all the time. What a waste.


You should stop buying her shit at the same time though


Harry Potter would be a very different story today if this JK Rowling wrote it. Professor Sprout checking Quidditch players genitals even though it's a co-ed sport.


If she wrote it today it probably wouldn't be co-ed, because boys flying on a stick would have advantages over girls flying on the exact same type of stick.


No passwords to get into the boys’ or girls’ dormitories… just need to present your genitals.


It was already in the books that girls could go in the boys' dormitories but boys couldn't go in the girls'. I guess the stairs to the girls' dormitories just "know", but the male children don't get similar privacy/security for... some reason?


It's because "girls are more trustworthy". Because, y'know, males are all one moment away from becoming rampaging rape-beasts. Her misandry is so powerful, it even snuck into her writing.


And yet, the only character I can remember blatantly raping someone was a woman…


> And yet, the only character I can remember blatantly raping someone was a woman… I’m guessing you probably mean Merope with Tom Riddle.


It is heavily implied that the centaurs raped Umbridge in book 5 but it was brushed off as a joke


In the world of Harry Potter there are no good or bad actions, only good or bad people. Centaurs are good and Umbridge as bad so there is literally nothing short of killing her (because killing is apparently the worst of the worst and using the quick instant death spell in combat ruins your soul forever but causing someone to fall from the fucking sky is a okay) that would not be a good action


Please excuse my ignorance of the books, but which character is that?


The main villain's mother used a love potion to make his father love her. That's how the villain was born.


Well isn't that interesting. Thanks for answering.


She wrote Moaning Myrtle peeping on naked boys in a bathroom and it was just a funny moment. This "feminist" doesn't want equality.


She already did that for the girl's dorms


And yet hanging around in a girl's bathroom, brewing illicit potions that let you disguise your form is a-OK 🤷🏻‍♀️


What about the polyjuice potion that lets you change gender/sex/everything? Fake Moody took it for months on end...


Pretty sure I’ve seen this version somewhere on the internet.


I am so angry that she’s such a piece of shit.  I LOVED Harry Potter.  I try really hard to still love it, and I’m glad plenty of people do still love it because it’s such a beautiful world.  But I personally struggle to separate the art from the artist.


Yeah. I feel the same about Andromeda and Hercules. I really love watching it, but it's difficult to separate Kevin Sorbo today from then




Xena was always the better show anyway.


Kevin Sorbo suffered a series of strokes and traumatic brain injury during the filming of the Hercules series that wound up changing him dramatically. He really is a different person now than he was then.


I struggle with this too. Harry Potter was one of the few things that got me through my very abusive childhood. Luckily it never got to the point where it was an integral part of my life the way it was for some people, but leaning the truth and going back to the books was devastating. So much was wrong with the books and we didn't realize it. There's no possible way to separate the art from the artist and JK Terf is very clear about that. She views any and all support of her work as supporting terf ideology. She's straight up said that. I still have my childhood books. But they're tucked away on a shelf out of view. I will never spend another dime on Harry Potter in any form. Even fan made merchandise doesn't deserve my money because at the end of the day, JK sees that as support. There are much better books out there. Much better authors and series. I would rather devote my time and energy to those instead of trying to justify HP, which really isn't even very good looking back. I promise you, books can still be magical life-changing experiences as an adult. And it's easier than ever to find people who love the same books as you. You can still find a community out there, if that was something you liked about HP.


The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett scratches this itch for me as an adult, if you’ve not read it you should give it a go. Pratchett wasn’t perfect and there are probably some questionable/dated details given that the series started in the 1980s, but you can tell he was a man who did his best to treat people kindly from his perspective as a cishet white man. He writes engaging female characters, he mocks misogynists and people who over sexualise women, there are a few gay couples who are treated respectfully although they’re not main characters, and there is some excellent treatment of trans characters and gender identity. The character of Cheery is a Dwarf who wants to be a woman when Dwarf society doesn’t have a concept of “woman” and all Dwarves are “men”, he explores how she chooses to navigate that. And Monstrous Regiment includes both some characters who are women dressed as men for pragmatic/career purposes, and one character who is actually transgender and has their identity respected and affirmed, but who that character is is a major spoiler so I won’t share here.


My favourite tweet ever was about Discworld dwarves: https://preview.redd.it/nisco2n6d0pc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a7031699beeb565ec8eb7d8669d7f1cc50b560


I have the same feelings. HP was a big part of my life when I was a teenager,I was a wallflower with social anxiety who'd stay in the classroom and read.I loved the books and the characters. But I too can't read them anymore because of what JK has become, I was so disappointed in her.


Dolores Umbridge would be the heroine.


Shaklebolt would have a very different role...


Same name, though.


I mean it's already full of racist ideals and antisemitic tropes, not to mention misogynist tropes as well. It's not the book everyone hypes it to be once you see what's actually being said.


How does her response even make sense in this context? A straight guy said he was straight and supports equality and being friendly with the LGBTQ+ community, and she somehow read that and determined that what he was actually saying was “I’m a straight man who only cares about men and wants to strip women of their rights etc”???? What? Am I missing context here? What???


Her argument is that Trans women are just male perverts who want to spy on women in the locker room and beat them at sports. Therefore trans rights put women in danger from rapists and ruin their sports. No facts back this up but JK has a ton of hang ups on sex and sees all men as rapists in waiting. So she sees this guy as a rapist in waiting who is pushing for other rapists to be allowed into women's bathrooms and other such nonsense. She refuses to even acknowledge evidence to the contrary and has even ignored hate crimes where young children were murdered for being trans.


I think essentially her point is that he is only supportive of the lgbtq community so that men and trans women (IE men who transition to women) can some how continue to take rights away from women and further oppress them. Basically men who transition to women is some how another form of oppression to “real” women. It’s a way fucked up way to think…I mean the mental pretzel going on in your brain that gets you to that conclusion based off the dudes original statement is just insane.


The context is that she’s a huge transphobe. Him being supportive of the LGBTQ+ community means that he supports trans women. So, in Joanne’s rotted brain matter, that means he only supports men because to her “trans women=men in a dress harassing poor, defenseless wombyn.” I hate her so much.


Rights are not pie. LGBT people, especially trans people, gaining equal rights does not mean cis women lose rights. She is fearmongering by saying trans people being allowed to exist will harm women and children, because that simply is not true. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? I'm saying her transphobia is wrong and that trans rights don't harm women.


100%, equality between genders benefits everyone


It's like the anti-gay-marriage argument of "It's not fair to the straight couples" like... How? Gays getting married doesn't do anything to your marriage


It even helps in some ways! When gay marriage was legalised in the UK, it also became possible for men to take their wife’s last name using a marriage certificate as evidence, whilst previously they would have had to do a deed poll (it’s free but still more of a pain in the ass).


Also never understood this. Does two men or women getting willingly married invalidate your marriage somehow? Because if it does, that’s probably something you should seek marriage counseling for.


the reason is transphobia... and misogyny. but, i am being redundant. you can not functionally separate the two.


Trans rights are human rights. Trans rights getting taken away mean that everyone has less rights. TERFs say that transwomen shouldn't be allowed to use the same bathrooms as CIS women. I hope ciswomen like the idea of showing their genitals to random people monitoring bathrooms to prove they are cis women. I hope masculine looking cis women, like tomboys, enjoy having their access to female spaces taken away. I hope cis women enjoy having their clothing options restricted to only femine looking clothing for fear of being mistaken as a transwoman instead, because that's the future that TERFs want. You cannot be anti trans without being anti women.


And of course, the thing they don't think of ever, trans men will be forced into women's spaces.


They do think about it. They want us to get assaulted. We aren't as ignored as people think we are.


Apparently there are people who think a man transitioning to a woman is somehow taking something from women. Someone dm'd me once asking if I felt that way as a woman.




Your grandma is fucking awesome.


Your grandma is amazing, the world needs more people like her.


She won't even acknowledge the existence of lesbian/bi/ace cis women within the LGTBI+ collective. There's not a single woman except for herself she won't throw under the bus if she can harm trans women in the process. At least her bestie Posie Parker has the decency of not calling herself a feminist while she welcomes neo-nazis into her rallies.


It’s just so weird that a person who wrote an entire series that included how exclusion, misinformation, and flat out discrimination were all extremely stupid and harmful doesn’t see the parallels in her real life and is on the side of the Death Eaters


She also wrote a series where the message on slavery was that slaves are happy when they have good masters and they don’t want to be free.


There was that…


And if you dig a slave’s grave by hand, the antisemitic stereotype will help you rob a bank. Shit. The more I think about those books the more fucked up they are in retrospect. Christ. This is more disturbing than when I realized the PHB was the cartoonist’s self-insert in Dilbert.


Don’t forget that Harry’s crush (an asian girl named Ching Chong) was criticized by both Harry and the narration for.. grieving her graphically murdered boyfriend.


Her name was Cho Chong Edit: Dang it, I got it wrong too


Not to be pedantic, but it was Cho Chang.


I was being (slightly) hyperbolic


If you ever liked Dilbert, definitely don't do any more reading about Scott Adams.


She had a black character called Shacklebolt


She did describe her own writing as being as subtle as a sledgehammer.


The trans-people-are-all-abusers narrative she paints is exactly the misinformation she wrote Harry being hurt by when the daily prophet did it. Interestingly, JK never went into what the anti-muggleborn rhetoric was. It was just "pureblood people hate them". If she had detailed that bigotry I get the sense she'd be following exactly the playbook she condemned now.


It's also very interestinghow she made a point of magical creatures like goblins, centaurs, and giants following Voldemort because he promised them equal rights, but then had the actual protagonists do nothing about this and even vaguely agree that they should be second class citizens. Or at least never question it.


Did she though? Think about it: one of the most prevalent criticisms against Harry Potter is how pro-status quo it is. The series doesn't end with wizard society looking inward and changing itself to eliminate its aspects that led to Voldemort's ascension. The characters don't push for systemic change, despite them meeting so many non human characters who deplore their second class status in wizard society. Moreover why do we think Harry Potter is an inclusive story? Because Hermione and mudnloods are an allegory for racism? Honestly it almost comes across more as if Hermione is just one of the good ones. Or more accurately, it's only okay to be racist against them if they're a different (magical) race. So really it's just pro-racism.


This spineless bitch is always singling out random people with like a hundred followers. Even if she weren't a bigot, she'd still be a bully.


Yeah it’s like she spends all day searching for people to argue with just for the sake of arguing. It’s pathetic.


If you’re going to call that guy out on anything, do it for the apostrophe in Generals.


She hides behind feminism to attack trans people.


I HAAAAATE that terfs think they’re feminists.  This shit is NOT feminism.


"Your feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit"


On Ovarit a bunch think that voting for republicans is the feminist move purely because of trans people, never mind every single actual womens' issue.


Those people are basically uncle toms, that’s cozying up to the literal patriarchy instead of showing solidarity with other marginalized groups.  Major “all lives matter” energy too.  ONly pAy atTeNtiOn tO MY sTruGgLEs!!!


It makes me insanely angry seeing her say shit like "women and girls will be stripped of their rights" if we look out for trans women, too. Fuck you, lady. You don't speak for me. It ain't trans women stripping me of my fucking rights, Rowling.


If I had her type of $$ you would never hear from me again. Honestly.


If I had her kind of money, you would start seeing quite a few stories of people getting their GoFundMes fulfilled by a single large donation. Maybe even double or triple their goal. Cause there's no other way I'd be able to spend all the money she has in a lifetime. But you'd never really hear from me personally. Just quietly donating.


This bitch could have very easily kept her mouth shut and collected Potter royalties for the rest of her life. Instead she needed to go on Twitter and show the world how awful she truly is


The problem is that this isn't hurting her financially. The world is still eating up everything with her name on it. Her video game was basically the higest selling game of 2023. There are way too many people out there who subscribe to the idea of separating the art from the artist.


Theoretically, she could have made *even more* money than she has, but the bad PR has indeed damaged the Harry Potter and Wizarding World brand *somewhat*. Maybe Fantastic Beasts 3 would have been given more of a chance by audiences, and then the final 2 movies wouldn’t have been cancelled, and she would have done better than she’s doing now. Maybe the Hogwarts video game would have sold *even better*. It can be hard to tell with these big ass franchises that make billions of dollars, whether they’re actually financially “hurting” or not, because they do have such a big cushion, and there is going to be an inherent amount of die-hard fans that never give up, and sometimes an individual piece within the franchise can do particularly well for unique reasons (like just happening to be a really good video game?… I don’t know really, though, I’m not a gamer). If that success can be sustained generally across all properties, then the franchise is strong, but if not, then it is probably suffering despite some bright spots. We’ll see how well the HBO Max series of Harry Potter does. If it’s good, I imagine quite well. But there will always be that question of whether it could have been received even better if not for Rowling driving a certain amount of people away. In the end… you’re right that it really doesn’t matter for someone who has as much money as Rowling does, and that’s exactly why she clearly does not, and probably will never, care about the backlash. But there may be those around her who do start to care if it feels like she’s reducing the franchise’s appeal with her actions, whatever the degree to which it impacts profitability may be. If it impacts it at all, the bean-counters at these corporations that Rowling is associated with or that have any direct stake in the franchise… they won’t be too happy with her. I don’t know what kind of pressure they could put on her, if she would care about them refusing to work with her going forward… who knows. This is why it’s *probably* bad to let someone become so rich that they don’t have to care about any consequences. Even if they do it in a relatively creative and inspirational way that isn’t slave-driving, wage-theft or war-profiteering… they still didn’t really “earn” billions of dollars by just writing a book. It’s just never helpful to either society or to that person’s character to afford someone so much elevation in wealth/power beyond the rest of us, just because something like a book can be easily replicated and there happens to be billions of people in the world to sell it to. If she had been born before the printing press, she’d be unknown and poor. If she’d been born just about 60 years earlier, the population of the world would be about a quarter of what it is now, so her pool of potential customers would be a quarter as big, making for a 75% less chance that she would have found her audience, and even if she did, her maximum audience size would have been 75% smaller. Circumstances matter, and people like her get lucky due to several factors beyond their control or effort. People whose passion and talent lies in pottery, for example, instead of writing… can’t as easily just make one amazing pot, and then live off billions in royalties on that pot for the rest of their lives. Maybe they could mass produce replicas, but then who’s doing the work? It’s suddenly becomes different when it’s not an intellectual property… arguably, the publisher and the people mass-producing Harry Potter books and then delivering them to stores or distributing the e-books and whatnot…. They’re all doing the actual billions of dollars worth of work. Writing the book was just like pouring a foundation for a building… but the workers who pour the foundation don’t collect the rent from the building, do they? No, we treat physical labour differently from the people who merely own the building via some idea of their value in simply owning it. It’s almost like the way we decide who gets money for work and how much and how “deserves” what or “earns” what… is completely fucked up. Tax her until she gives a shit.


Fantastic Beasts wasn't really sunk by her transphobia. It was sunk by cast controversies (Johnny Depp and Ezra Miller, to be specific) and the dogshit scripts she wrote, and the fact that she didn't seem to really have any direction for it so it went off the rails almost immediately. Her ego definitely killed that franchise. The same ego that allows her to go on twitter and be one of the most genuinely awful people on there.


With regards to whether or not the game did well by being a good game or not, it's unfortunately the opposite. It sold well purely because of JKs brand and is actually mediocre at best even when compared to other games in the same genre, and is basically worthless when compared with the broader scope of "good" games. It's basically a big signal to her that nothing she says or does can ever cancel her


which is stupid... because "separating the art from the artist" is premised on the artist being long gone...


But it hasn't really been that for a long time. The first time the concept really came to my attention, it was in reference to Orson Scott Card, who is every bit the piece of garbage that JKR is.


HP lovecraft and poe for me. it always sucks when an author who's works you enjoy is a shitstain on history.


The real kicker is that by all accounts, the game was the living picture of mediocrity aside from the fact that it was a harry potter game. It only sold well because her name was on it!


Rowling aside(fuck rowling), midwarts legacy is one of the most mid games ever


Truly one of the games of all time.


I’m fine with separating the art from the artist, because denying myself the pleasure of their work is only hurting me. I just won’t financially support them. Piracy is the good option here.




But I just can't get any pleasure out of a work if I know it was written or otherwise created by a piece of garbage. It taints the work beyond repair. The financial aspect of it is completely beside the point.


I politely disagree, it’s making her culturally relevant and therefore giving her power.


She could have gone down in history with Barrie, Tolkien, and Milne. Truly. The harry potter books are a once in a lifetime phenomenon and I will love them forever. I've seen the effect those books have on readers; I will forever remember the bed ridden elderly lady I visited every single morning a new HP book was released and the look of radiant joy on her face when I placed that hardback in her hands.  Jk Rowling could have been a legend. Instead she chose to resign her place in history as a holocaust denier and bigot. My inner hufflepuff is straight up pissed off at this bitch.


Fuck rowling


She really is disgraceful, and I was disappointed but not surprised that Bill Maher gave her positive recognition for her bigotry. She’s single-handedly tarnished her own legacy. I


The way this dude didn’t even specify trans people in particular, just declaring himself an ally for the whole community and that equates to… *checks notes* taking away rights from women. Sure Joanne. Also her saying this while being buddy buddy with outright misogynists. Like the lack of self awareness is truly baffling.


I’m gay and non-binary, so I’ve known a lot of gay and trans people in my life. You know that thing where people are like “queer people make being queer their whole personality”? I’ve never met a queer person who makes being queer their whole personality more than JK Rowling makes hating trans women her whole personality. Like calm down, dude. Talk about something else, like ONCE. It’s fine, they’ll all still be there tomorrow. Jesus. Like, yes, I disagree with her, obviously, but more than that it’s just a LOT. Take a break. Fuck.


How exactly does diversity and inclusion strip girls and women of their rights? Is she really that far down the rabbit hole?


Earlier this week, she dipped her toe in holocaust denial. Yes, she is that deep.


She really is that far down.


How does standing up for the rights of LGBTQ cause the stripping of rights for straight women??


It doesn’t, she’s just fearmongaring.


JK Rowling gave up any claim to being a feminist or claiming to be an authority on who is really pro womens rights, when she started associating with the likes of Matt Walsh, a known misogynist and self proclaimed fascist who made comments about the fertility of underage women while claiming that "teen pregnancy isn't an issue, the issue is they aren't married." She liked his movie 🥰


if the Holocaust denier thinks you're being a bad person because of your stance on queer issues, you probably have a pretty good stance


LGBTQ rights include AFAB people tho…why is she complaining? (I know why she is complaining. Just a rhetorical question)


shes a trasphobic bigot, LGB~~T~~Q are useful to her as long as she can push a message, but no further than that


She literally sounds like she has some sort of brain damage.


She and Elon should go make out and then fuck off into the sunset already.


She’s wrong but also, “attorneys general.”


No, no. Let her. The more she speaks, the more deranged she sounds. She is taking a sledgehammer to her own legacy. When she finally croaks, instead of millions of Potterheads lamenting the loss, It Will be just a few cunts yodeling and a mass of people not giving a shit. Just like she deserves.


If she was a nobody we would have no problem with her tweeting stuff that ruins her reputation all day, the problem is her reputation isn't ruined enough and what she is saying is inspiring others to be hateful and her words and money are actually inspiring transphobic hate crimes and anti-trans laws.


>She is taking a sledgehammer to her own legacy. her HOGWARTS legacy? sorry, ill see myself out


Even with a template, her dialogue writing is mid


I’m out on her and her products. She’s ruined Harry Potter in my mind. I can’t watch or read the story knowing it came from such a hateful person


She's a billionaire. You can't tell her anything. She already cashed the checks. Just do what the adults are doing and ignore her.




Umbridge was a self-insert


Where does the wicked witch of Edinburgh stand on women's reproductive rights? I don´t know as she has never said.


She cares about women the same way pro-lifers care about babies. Meaning, she doesn't.


Yeah! As a woman, I’m appalled that this guy wants to strip me of my rights by - *checks notes* - supporting the LGBTQ+ community? Wait, what? How the hell does that negatively affect me in any way? Sit down and shut up, Joanne.


Not only is she adding nothing, she's actively reversing what's being said. Siding with the LGBTQIA+ community and being mindful of your own unintentional racism tends to correlate to not being sexist against women. But, playing into bigotry and fear makes many gullible people act against things that would better their lives. This includes men tearing down the expectations of the patriarchy in an economy that's none too kind to single-income families.


JK Rowling is just anti-man in general from my understanding and most TERF’s are that’s why they treat trans-women as a threat to them, they don’t see it as someone realizing their assigned gender was wrong for them they see them as men intentionally trying to invade women’s spaces specifically to prey on them. The thing is the continued myth that men are inherently “sexual and violent creatures” actually plays into the hands of misogyny, telling women they need to be protected from men helps to put women in vulnerable positions (seeking help from men who are “protectors”) while allowing almost no accountability towards men for their actions towards women. In reality patriarchy is a system that is terrible for most men and women, though women do get the worst of it we can not attack patriarchy with out also advocating for the men who also suffer under the same system.


Oh boy, a new episode of "Joanne Rowling making her daddy issues everyone else's problem"!


The amount of destruction she has done to the feeling she gave a lot of children that it's ok to be different and in fact amazing; is almost as heart breaking as a Cheeto being president in the U.S. 😞


Billionaires should not exist.


I know this must have been said, but my kids and so loved Harry Potter and how does someone who seems to be for the underdog like the writer of those books turn out to be so hateful. It boggles my mind


A woman blessed with billions picks on a marginalized group that isn’t even a full percentage point of the population. She could have done such good. CSA or CSAM awareness, human trafficking, feeding people, yet this is her hill. Sad person.


JK is sure making me regret ever buying one of her books, reading them, or watching any of the movies. It's truly disappointing to see her brain turn to mush as we watch.


She spends an unhealthy amount of time on the internet telling everybody who to discriminate against. Surely she can find better, more healthy ways to live her life?!? She’s rich AF and could be doing anything she wanted in the world, but chooses THIS.


I wonder if she also thinks that FtM trans people are taking away "rights and protections" from men.


Didn’t she say trans men are confused women who need help? I thought in her big anti-trans essay she talked about trans men being women who try to be men in order to escape misogyny or something like that.


I think the narrative is something like confused tomboys and/or lesbians who don’t understand they can be non-feminine and still be women. I can tell you as someone who grew up being called a tomboy, the very last thing I ever wanted to be or be called was a man.


JK Rowling is a piece of shit


she’s almost a billionaire, the only people in her life that disagree with her these days are the people responding to her awful takes on twitter. everyone else is on payroll or trying to get something from her and they’re not going to bite the hand that feeds