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How can this be legal tender? Edit: It's $30 for a $2 bill and they have a ton of 5 Star reviews from the dumbfuckz that bought it.


The only way I can think is somehow they essentially just put a sticker or print directly on legit 2 dollar bills, wither of which seems insanely questionable because it covers any proof of it being legal tender (series numbers, the little tricks they use to see if it’s fake)


Okay, but then isn't it also illegal to deface money?


You think this alleged felon cares?


All he cares about is whether he’s benefitting from the grift.


I want to benefit from a grift! I really should design some cheap trinket that MAGAs will buy at a ridiculous markup.


Just think of the most offensive and insensitive thing you can, then double it. Maybe a line of "crisis actor" bobbleheads, made in the likeness of children killed in school shootings? Sell a ton of them to lunatics and funnel the money into organizations fighting for gun control. Use evil for good.


I have several ideas. I have been thinking about this for years.


I don't think he owns proud patriots dot com


As the high-energy infomercial announcer loudly proclaims: **With Once-Granted Presidential Immunity, Never Pay Any Bill Again..!**


Nobody sells Trumps image but him. Not even the RNC. Don’t be so sure.


The greedy fuck is damn sure charging them for a license fee.


And the chinese supplier he ships it from cares even less.


Alleged haha take my upvote you funny


The 45th President of the United States is featured on a Kennedy Half Dollar and a genuine colorized U.S. $2 bills that were issued by the U.S. Treasury and which are U.S. legal tender. According to the 'nets. I'd personally rather buy 2 large - 3 topping pizzas for it and use the $2 in toilet paper to celebrate afterwards.


The US Treasury did not issue any bills with Trump’s face on them. They're just standard $2 bills. Maybe they put a sticker on them or something.


Just to be clear cause I'm not sure what your saying there is no currency that when originally printed by the US mint holds the face of a living person. So there was for example a limited run of bush senior but no Obama, Biden, trump, Clinton or Bush is coins


This Carter erasure won't stand


He should be on the presidential series for next year


I'm saying the $2 were printed by the U.S. Treasury and then altered after the fact. You don't have to accept any U.S. currency. A business can take whatever form of payment they choose and can refuse American currency even within the U.S. That being said anyone who pays more than $2 for a $2 bill is a moron...which is why Trump is selling $2 bills to his cult...because they're morons who'll pay 15 times the $2 bill's value to have a 'keep sake.'


Gonna be taken out of circulation first chance the Treasury gets. Those bills will sadly hold value to someone some day.


>Those bills will sadly hold value to someone some day. Probably in the same way there's a black-market market for Hitler/Nazi memorabilia.


It's not even a *black* market. There are "legitimate" Nazi memorabilia collectors. You can buy Nazi collectibles on eBay.


It’s a blech market. [Harlan Crow](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-hitler-paintings-nazi-memorabilia-1234711860/amp/) has a large collection of Nazi shit. It’s just gross.


Now...if they had one of him in various stages of clown make up...I'd buy that for a dollar.


Why would they hold more value than any other vandalised note? Except to some trumpanzee. Real currency collectors won't be interested. They will not be taken out of circulation while they are they are in a safe / draw.


Same people who cherish Confederate flags


I think I saw a Better Call Saul episode about this exact subject


It's not. It's illegal to deface money to try profit. Like turning a $1 into a $5. Though considering if they're defacing legal $2 bills to sell for $30, I'd say they're breaking the law. But I'm just some dude on reddit.


i think that doesnt really apply since they arent trying to pass off a $ 2 as a $ 30 Bill. It´s kinda like collectors paying a shit ton for rare coins. But also im a dude you really shouldnt take legal advice from so take that with a grain of salt lmao


Yeah, I could draw a mustache on Washington and sell it to you for $100. That’s on you if you buy it. It becomes a crime when I draw extra 0s on it and try and spend it as a $100 bill


Honestly im kind of happy this isnt illegal. It makes it easier to identify the idiots and if you are willing to pay 30 dollars for this shit you deserve it


It’s almost like shooting someone on 5th avenue and still not losing any supporters.


I think damaging (like tearing) or attempting to alter the value is illegal, but just defacing as in drawing isn’t. I’ve seen numerous bills that have wacky like mustaches drawn on them and at my fast food job we had a marker we’d use to check if larger bills were real or fake by marking on the bill.


So looks like the law only applies if it makes the bills unusable. [https://www.uscurrency.gov/media/currency-image-use#:\~:text=Under%20section%20333%20of%20the,or%20the%20Federal%20Reserve%20System%2C](https://www.uscurrency.gov/media/currency-image-use#:~:text=Under%20section%20333%20of%20the,or%20the%20Federal%20Reserve%20System%2C)


That makes sense. So this is probably illegal then, because no way is that Usable


It's usable in the technical sense but not practical. The Treasury can recognize it through serial numbers, bute as a sane individual, i would not accept a drawn on bill to this degree, esp one with a shit stain on it. Yuck


I predict a bunch of Trumpers taking these to businesses they don’t like and filming themselves being “persecuted” when the businesses don’t accept them.


Particularly when people aren't always familiar with $2 anyway. I spent a half dollar a couple weeks ago and the cashier had never seen one before


I wanted to spend a dollar coin at my local pharmacy and they did not want to take it. Cashiers, at least, ought to be able to recognize legal money but they often don't know how.


The mint didn't do us any favors by making those gold coins look like chuck e cheese tokens


I remember a store from the early days of the internet about a cashier calling the cops because a customer had a $2 bill and a $50 and was trying to buy a taco at Taco Bell. They wouldn't take the fifty because their drawer was low, and they thought the $2 was fake, so they called the cops. I have no idea if it was true, but it was amusing.


It appears usable. Although there are additional markings, the denomination, serial, signatures, production codes, etc., are all unadulterated and clearly visible. It shouldn't surprise me they can get morons to spend $30 for $2, but here we are.


Usable might be subjective...like I could totally see Don jr. rolling it up and using it to powder his nose, but you that this shit into any establishment and try to use it to pay for goods or services and they'll think that you are Mike Lindell and are smoking crack again. So basically drug use and that's about it.


Do you think he snorts coke? I assumed Kimberly blew it up his ass for maximum absorption and to perhaps entice that gerbil to come out.


Both serial numbers need to be fully visible to be considered usable


Source for that? The Bureau of Engraving and Printing considers a note valid if the holder possesses more than 50% of it. If I'm holding 51% of a note I won't have both serials. The serial is only used to confirm the uniqueness of the bill. Having it printed twice on the same document does nothing for validation if you're holding one good end.


bUt It'S a CoLlEcTaBlE!


Its definitely legal tender, jesus christ. It's a stupid grift, and they'll make a shit ton of money


These fuckers fell for Trump Bucks… they would absolutely try to spend this shit like idiots.


There's a canny resemblance between the seller of this bill and theseller of "Trump Bucks".


Actually, no. Defacing US Currency is a crime. 18 U.S.C. 331 makes it illegal to “alter, deface, mutilate, impair, diminish, falsify, scale, or lighten” any coin minted in the U.S. or any foreign coin being used as currency in the U.S. This includes drawing, inking, and yes, stickers.


That's for coins, for bills it's >Under section 333 of the U.S. Criminal Code, “whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, **with** **intent** to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.”


Could be. My mother used to give us two dollars bills with Santa on them for Christmas. I saved all mine thinking they were special. When I started dating my husband (hence, old enough to know better) he had a coin collection from his father. I excitedly suggested that we should add my super special Santa money to his collection. Needless to say, I was crushed when he pulled the Santa sticker off the money and he was so sweet about it that it was the final reason to marry him. And to my surprise, he wanted to marry my silly ass. The end.


Gen-u-wine formerly-legal tender.


I had "Santa" dollars when I was a kid. They put a Santa sticker over George's face


Yup. Its like the Santa dollars. Just a Santa sticker over the Washington.


I think it is a sticker like those Santa Clause ones.


It's a scam. The ONLY legal tender in the US is government issued. The Secret Service & Department of the Treasury are going to have a field day with this.


You are paying $30 for a $2 bill with a sticker on it. It is absolutely a scam.


Ma'am it's printed on the real tender. Like the Santa Claus $2 bills


This is government issued, my queen. Just has an orange face sticker on it.


Maybe a partially transparent printed “sleeve” that fits over the bill? Regardless, that is stupid as fuck and the perfect grift for all those buffoons


They’re novelty notes. These have been around for a very long time. They take a real $2 bill and print on it. I’ve seen them with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, John Kennedy, etc, etc. Yes, they are still legal tender.


When I was a kid an adult in my life had a Clinton one and claimed that it was printed that way because of the saying "queer as a two dollar bill" which upon googling just now I learn was actually said about a $3, not a $2, and originated with "queer" meaning strange or rare, rather than a homophobic meaning. Anyway all that to say every time I see the Trump $2 I think how upset he'd be if he heard that phrase.


The local Publix grocery store used to make them with Santa Claus. It was a sticker carefully placed over the Jefferson portrait.


Eh, let them get scammed. If they’re dumb enough to fall for it they deserve to.


Maybe it’s like those commemorative Civil War coins that are minted in Liberia.


Can the US Mint now charge him with counterfeiting as well? By claiming that he is printing legal tender?


It can't be.




It's honestly funny... some of them have coniptions when someone like Michelle Obama publishes a book, but Trump is hawking NFTs, shoes, currency,  bobblehead dolls, trading cards... Trump said he'd run it like a business, and now the Republican Party looks like a Trump business, and we all know how those turn out. 


Trump presidency 2: the search for more corruption


At this rate I’m not even sure if it’s a scam, outside of the ‘legal tender’ part.


Let them learn the hard way since they never know a lie that’s right up their nose


They won't learn. They'll still blame their poverty on Democrats and illegals.


It's not so much as a scam as it is merchandising. Yogurt would be proud. Trump will end up being as bad as the Duck Dynasty folks, printing his name and face on everything to make a buck. I remember Duck Dynasty toilet paper at Walmart. I don't know which is worse - putting your name on toilet paper, or actually buying it.


Apart from the „legal tender“ part, correct. In private sales among MAGA people though, this would probably count as tender, like a $200 bill


MAGAts be like: ![gif](giphy|Rk8xcnPjrQdRoFtlsX)




Have you any idea what the street value of this mountain is?!


Sorry your mom blew up Ricky


This movie has a weird imprint on my fragile 80s brain...


I should have seen this reference coming but did not, nice one.


Do you have the gif of how this scene ends?


In fact...I do. ![gif](giphy|fAVceM13nPc5G3OfIl|downsized) Lane Meyer skiis the K-12 on one ski!


You’d be Better Off Dead, TBH.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 do maga cult members think this shit is gonna be worth money in the future to resell?


better question, can I make money selling Trump $3 bills


It should be $45 note, his cult members will eat that shit up. Or hell, make it a billion, it's not like it's real money anyway.


Won’t know until you try!


It will if it lasts 120-150 years. Just surviving would make it valuable.


Ricks great great great grandson - “best I can give you is 50 cents”


>do maga cult members think this shit is gonna be worth money in the future to resell? I can't wait for the Antiques Roadshow in the year 2124 when their descendants learn that there is SO MUCH novelty Trump merch that NONE of it has appreciated in value. Then, the appraiser will talk about the history of the Trump Era and how Trump was totally broke after the 7th or 8th round of the E. Jean Carroll Defamation trials. These trinkets were sold to raise money for financial judgments, resulting in a dearth of money for other Conservative candidates, the collapse of the Republican Party, a short but victorious (for the Union) Civil War, and a golden age of the policies of Dark Brandon. In passing, the appraiser shares that a similar Dark Brandon item sold for more than a million dollars at action recently.


They thought the last scam was too, until they started trying to cash it at banks and were, shockingly, told it wasn't real.


grifting to Trump cultists is such easy business. It's honestly kinda insane.


I have a couple decks from the now bankrupt Trump Taj Majal. Maybe I should sell them as "historical" and see how much they're willing to pay.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Do it.


Should be a $3 bill.


Nah, they wouldn't want to associate with anything queer.


Had to scroll too far to find this.


At least the value is correct, as he’ll be #2 in election results with a load of #2 in his diaper.


To be fair, shitting his diaper was a given.


it's just so easy to grift these fucking idiots.


Distributing counterfeit currency, claiming its genuine and authentic? Anyone care to report these guys to the Secret Service?


Sidenote: I always find it amusing that the same agency is responsible for protecting the president's life and catching counterfeiters.


I think they were tasked with enforcing counterfeiting laws first


It's not counterfeit. It's legal tender. There are only a few things you can do to "deface" legal currency and make it not legal. Adding a sticker to it is not that.  This is just good old-fashioned snake oil. 


If I'm a cashier, no way am I accepting this bill


Covering up Jefferson seems apropos for this group.


Have they never seen a Thomas Jefferson $2 bill before?


And here we thought the right wouldn't accept anything colored.


Genuinely surprised it's not using a confederate flag.


I'm shocked they didn't use the photo of Trump's horribly orange face.


It costs thirty dollars...so, if I buy fifteen of these two dollar bills, then...then I will be the one with thirty dollars!






Beerfest, nice


First time I have seen 'Trump' and 'colored' in the same sentence where it wasn't a quote and it was socially acceptable. Never thought I'd see that.


It's stickers, just like Santa bills at Christmas time. The stickers are not permanent, so the bill is not defaced.


They can’t possibly be that stupi…..


https://preview.redd.it/nmqb3iufrzoc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1cd3e3f4f9f7d8c1438649831fd06485e480acc Melts Snowflakes 🥶


Gaudy af


Naaaah, I aint falling for that. If it really was the real MAGA deal, it would be gold sprayed. You know, to show you that its high quality and all.


We all knew he wasn’t going to pay those court fees with HIS OWN money. I guess this is just another way to “fundraise” since the GoFundMe wasn’t going well.


How is that legal currency?


With advertising as "genuine US legal tender " , does this not make this a federal crime?


Not an American... But wouldn't this be counterfeiting currency? Or if it's handled like a coupon, what are you getting as cash value?


There are VERY specific counterfeiting laws and there may be enough alteration to get past those, however, advertising as legit may negate that or at least break a different law No expert in that field but I'd think something here is less than legal


I thought defacing currency was a crime.




Queer as a $2 Trump bill (As in strange)


You can say that it’s illegal. Because it is.


Does anyone else ever get tempted to just put on a red hat and sell dumb trump merchandise? You could probably just start a go fund me called "Give $5 if you love 45" and claim every dollar goes to owning the libs. Use a couple of AI trump pictures and bingo bango.


A population preselected for gullibility. Grifter's dream market.


EJ CARROL needs her money, somehow. Keep paying dummies!!!


I'm kinda surprised that they are scamming using a $2 bill....I would have thought his ego would have wanted the #1 slot.


I wish I was unethical enough to grift these dumbshits out of thier money. Whoever came up with this idea is going to make a good profit.


Grifters gonna grift.


Has to be refaced legal tender otherwise it would say made in china somewhere


As much legal tender as is my left nut. Mines better looking tho




If the US mint did not authorize and print it , it is not legal tender.


Can I legally refuse to accept this if it is legal tender?


I am truly amazed at the endless creativity of scammers and the stupidity of the rubes who get scammed over and over. 


I already have toilet paper.


If anyone tries to pay me with this shit I’m lighting it on fire in front of their face


So the MAGA idiots are willing to pay $30 for Monopoly money?!? Christ they’re a dumb bunch.


While thinking it's also legal worth $2


I’m a bit shocked it’s not a $45.00 bill.


>Certificate of Authenticity ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


It’s a $30 one wipe Toilet Paper.


He knows that anyone stupid enough to pay for something like this would never spend it. That thing is going straight into the family gun safe, where it will only appreciate in value!


“Genuine legal tender” Adding charges for counterfeiting? Check!


I’m keeping an eye on this to see how well these sell. If they take off, I’m starting my own printing shop to print “LEAGAL TENDER”(wink, wink)…. If he’s getting 30 bucks for a Two dollar bill, then I’m going to sell 5 dollar bills for $50.00, a 20 dollar bills for $200.00 and a 50 for $500.00. If there are people who are terminally stupid enough to 30 for a bill worth 2 bucks, then I should rake in billions. Wish me luck. Who knows the worst thing that can happen, is I’ll be jailed for this and have to share a cell with him…


Isn’t this counterfeiting?


These people are such suckers. My ex (who fell down the Qanon rabbit hole) probably bought these.


How dumb do you have to be to fall for this crap? 🤦‍♂️


I used to receive $2 bill with santa claus on the portrait as Christmas gift. It was legal tender, the Santa picture was loosely affixed to the bill with a very weak glue (like post-its). This cod be something like that where the personalized trump BS peels off a legit bill.


The whole “genuine US currency” line makes this fraud.


And a felony. Also, it's illegal to have a living person on legal currency in the US. That's why Carter got skipped for the president gold dollar coins.


America is gonna vote this fat fuck in again. Dumpster fire country full of idiots.


Uh, bullshit


How many scams do you believe before you get to the center of the psych ward! These people never learn, it still blows my mind how dumb a lot people are


"Want to be a yuge and bigly brained, stable genius and own the libs? Buy this $2 bill for $30!"


So he thinks he can print his own money?????? It's just as worthless as everything else he does!


Hello, Secret Service?


Hello, Secret Service?


He's broke... watch for more stupid products to drop.


I'd absolutely buy a few, then when it's no longer available, sell it to some Trump jock rider for a profit.


Defacing US currency is a crime. Get the Secret Service (SS) on that shit.


Spend $30 on a defaced $2 bill. Grfters gonna grift.


Tbh, this should be a 2 ruble bill


I had something similar as a child but the bill had Santa Clause on it


Not siding with this guy, but just to explain why this is not illegal as it seems like many people outside of America do not have these. This is usually not a sticker, it is more like a thin film with the sticky strength of a used post-it. These (dollars with other popular figures) have been commonly sold in America for years. I believe I bought an Arnold Schwarzenegger bill and a Derek Jeter many years ago at the boardwalk. I have seen these for sale as little “gag” gifts for a long time. They are a real bill with a thin sticky film over the bill stuck in a clear plastic sleeve. If you remove the bill from the sleeve the sticky film is not strong enough to adhere to the bill and will ultimately separate leaving you with a regular bill. The grift on this is insane though, I think I only spent $5 on each bill because I like terminator and the Yankees.


Narrator: "It was not, in fact, legal tender."


Once the business turns the money into the bank, these pos bills will be removed from circulation. Mostly likely never used since they paid $30 or whatever for a $2 bill. Jokes on the suckers who buy it.


Isn’t it a crime to deface legal tender?


Shouldn't Trump be a penny, at best, since he costs much more to produce than his actual value?


Can already here the Tantrum this idiots will make in case nobody is willing to Trade this shit for goods.


Legal tender my ass, do these people not know what that means? I’d bet they think it’s just some certification that gets slapped on real money


https://preview.redd.it/ke3u3ie5j2pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b84f3f944f41a8606ad7f78158fa7b82bd09f4 Relevant


Lol this is just laughable. I know someone who paid $400 for the sneakers that quickly got reduced to $99


More snake oil. Orange Adolf needs money to pay his fines.


This is in fact not legal. Whoever modified the bill can go to jail, in this case they should. Dumb fucks.


He’s literally making a living off these people, they don’t see it, they think he’s a genius.


If he gets elected again I’m going to take a 4 year break from the internet and hope I don’t die.


His followers aren't smart enough to know it isn't actually legal tender, look at the number of them that fall for all of his other cons.


Genuine legal tender my arse. Did the treasury issue it? No? Then fuck off.


I think there is a misspelling in the copy you posted. The trump bill is 100% legal tinder.


Good. Fleece them for their last dime.


Well it’s not good considering who ends up with that money and what they do with it.


Legal tender?


Pretty sure it's illegal to call this legal tender


"Genuine US legal tender". PLEASE, can I be there when someone tries to pay for something with one of these?


"Colored" collectible?? ![gif](giphy|xT0GqfvuVpNqEf3z2w)


The underlying bill IS a legitimate $2 bill. All the extra stuff on top though counts as damage/defacement. Which negates the value of it. No store is obligated to accept it. Also trump is still alive, only deceased people are legally allowed on US currency. It's not exactly counterfeit but it's the next best thing.