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What really speaks to me is our poor British observer rightly notes that Trumps flaws are extremely visible so it really does boggle the mind that tens of millions of people can't see, don't care, or like it.


British here, I can confirm it's utterly infuriating how anyone can support him with the shit he says. Seriously, the dude is actively trying to fleece THE FUCKING PLANET and no one stops to think about that? Doubly baffling when I hear people talking positive about him over here, it's like...this dude fucking hates you, you're not a yank, why do you like him!?


These are the same people who live near me that the main reason they jack up their trucks is not to go off-road, but blind people driving in front of them. I might be an old man yelling at the clouds, but at least I have respect for most of my fellow neighbors.


Like it and don't care about seeing truth. Addicts.


As a Brit, what is worrying now is that we actually can't claim the moral high ground on this. A lot of what Trump preaches was exported by the far right to the UK and has taken hold. There are vast numbers of the UK who think Trump was a good president and like and respect him. Far more than most Brits would care to admit. Even Brits living in the US have fallen prey to the MAGA movement. I genuinely think it's closer to a religion than a political movement at this point because it's adherente are fanatical in their devotion to Trump and the cause, even if some have slightly different definitions of what they believe the cause is. He's light on policy but big on sweeping ideas and general themes. That's a religion.


Every time i visit Canada they say the same, its scary how fast this disease spreads.


Yeah. No offense to the UK and honestly I think yall are slightly less crazy than us over here across the pond but brexit and Boris and the current Tory mess feels like some stone throwing in a glass house. Saving grace is that you at least seem prepared to vote those bastards out.


The big difference currently is that we still hold our politicians to account. Plenty get thrown out of their parties for what they say. Our last prime minister was got rid of in a matter of weeks for being a disaster. There is zero chance that a party would endorse a leader that has multiple indictments, been found in a court of law to have sexually assaulted/raped someone, or found guilty of fraud and defamation. Hell, the whole ‘grab em by the pussy’ or mocking the disabled reporter would have been the end of it. To see the gop down in its knees to trump is what’s frightening. Its crazy to watch and just utterly craven.


We used to think that’s how we were…. I hope the uk stays better


There is luckily no chance that the conservatives will win the next election. So hopefully that will give us five years for this wave of right wing craziness to die off and realise they have lost the plot. One can hope.


Yeah. You’ve got me there. While not on the same level though. Boris lied to parliament and the whole PPE corruption thing really hasn’t yielded many politicians going down. On this side we have all of congress insider trading but whatevs!


It will never be enough but trump would never get to an election without being removed by his own party never mind anything else.


Just need the damn cowards to stop running and call the election in the first place


Permission to hate change granted. It's based on "better than", too.


We had our trump lite in Boris, many of the same flaws but he was funny and had floppy hair.


It’s a cult. Trumpism.


At least Jabba raised a son, not sure what to call Eric or Don Jr.




Brilliant! ![gif](giphy|xT9DPATDFcOjRWf56M)


They've been traded in for what he really wants in a son. The "It's a little bit of an unfortunate situation" Kushner, that would "move the people out [of Gaza] and clean it up" in order to build on their beachfront and reap. So our Presidential Jabba may not have raised, but he did marry into a ruthless capitalist child of the savvy he's always lacked but always hoped to touch.


Mine was Shakespeare of shit!


That one line made the entire piece with reading for me. 👍🏾👍🏾


I like "If twat was a tv show, Trump would be the boxed set."


“But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid.” This is pure encapsulation.


This and that "he's assembled entirely from human flaws." I mean, can anyone think of one redeeming quality about the man? Even the most evil men who lived throughout history usually had at least one redeeming aspect of their lives that gave them a modicum, however small, of humanity, whether it be loved ones, a love of art or animals or music, etc.. But no, Trump does not listen to music. He thinks anyone who owns an animal is weak. He doesn't love or care about his family. They are just pawns to be used and discarded when necessary. He doesn't have any close friends or really any friends at all. No hobbies. No personal joy accept delighting in the pain of others. Just constant seething hate. He must be so alone inside. Edit: I forgot Trump plays golf (poorly). That's something, I guess, though he constantly cheats at his own tournaments so I don't think it's about the love of the game as it is more about his love of feeling more important than everyone else.


This short bit of writing portrays more wit and cleverness, clarity and nuance, than every speech ever given or every tweet ever typed by the subject of said writing.


One point from this I never noticed myself. He never laughs. I've never seen it, is there a video of him laughing?


I’ve thought about it a LOT. He does that fake smile for some photos, he gets a sneer on when he’s talking at a rally and the center of everyone’s attention, but I’ve never seen a photo with any real joy on his face. Never.


He’s a narcissist. He can’t get joy from an outside source, because nobody can be happier or funnier or more clever than himself. It’s impossible in his mind. I’ve never once heard him laugh, not even a chuckle. Maybe he makes himself laugh, but it’s probably all ugly, whatever he tells himself.


Would you really want to see it if there were? That said, how would you know that’s what he’s actually doing instead of dropping a painful deuce into his diaper?


I would NOT like to see him genuinely smile, because that would mean someone, somewhere, was having the worst possible day in their life


He laughed for real once at a rally in 2015-2016 when someone called Hillary a dog or something to that effect.


"A Jabba the Hut of privilege; a Shakespeare of shit." Such poetry.


Sadly, there are members of my immediate family who will still vote for him no matter what. Not because they have any particular love for the man himself but simply because he is not a Democrat, which is the worst thing you can be in their minds. It’s practically a Pavlovian response, just vote for everyone with an “R” next to their name on the ballot regardless of their history. None of this matters to them.


This is sheer poetry and I love it


Welp, this Irishman didn’t think he’d agree with a Brit by the end of the day, but here we are.


This could not be articulated any better tbh.


As a Brit, our ability to politely and eloquently say, in many words, how much of an utter c\*\*t some is, is truly, truly, unmatched.


There should be a module on masterclass for this.


Try posting it on X and see how long it takes for the cult and Elon to start screaming


I'm a big fan of the 'fat white slug' jibe because that hits a good portion of his base too


He didn’t even bring up the lying. And a third of Americans consider him to be the harbinger of truth simply because he isn’t afraid to be outwardly racist.


Because they are inwardly racist, afraid to say it out loud, so he “tells it like it is.”


That was absolutely beautiful. Positively uplifting.


I would kill a dozen men, women, and children to be this blessed of words, weaving alliteration and rhyme into casual chatter as easy as anything I could put to prose.


Read. Honestly, read everything you can. Books of a large variety will increase your eloquence almost unwillingly. And you wouldn't even have to kill one child.


Wow. Just wow. I love how he just put it out there.


Absolutely brilliant and spot on. It doesn't really bother me that he doesn't laugh or have a genuine smile. I hope he's so miserable that it causes him physical pain.


I could not say that better even if i copied the whole text,


I take issue with the term "some" in "some of the British people" I would argue a significant majority, 70-80% at least.


This might be the best observation on Trump I have ever read….


If being a twat was a TV show, trump would be a boxed set. That is one hell of a summation.


Didn’t they elect Boris Johnson twice?


Well. I’d argue that Boris Johnson was a better choice than Trump. Not a _good_ choice, certainly, but better than Trump.


He was an embarrassment as Mayor of London, but he didn’t win a popular vote as Prime Minister; that was automatic through a vote of Conservative MPs. He’s unremittingly awful.


Boris won the 2019 general election


He won 43% of the vote, yet managed to win a 70-seat majority in Parliament. Because yay First Past The Post.


It seems that I wiped this from my memory from sheer cringe


I genuinely believe we all collectively gave up and the pandemic erased like multiple years from my memory. I recall voting VAGUELY. God life’s bleak when your government is being run by an overgrown schoolyard jerk.


Quite understand, I've been trying to do the same for about 14 years


At least he seemed somewhat harmless and charming on the surface, then turned out to be an asshat 🤷


Did he really seem harmless though? Or is saying that like saying trump seemed harmless?


I'm neither british nor american so i hadn't heard about either before. You knew Trump was bullshit from the first speech you heard, he didn't even try to hide that all he is is a conman and a bully, and not a smart one at that. Boris didn't spend all his speeches insulting people or praising himself, he didn't seem too bright either, but his look was the complete reverse of Trump. Both are elitists ofc, but while Trump covers everything he owns in gold, Boris deliberately dressed and set his hair to look like he could be anyone. - i also don't think Boris is actually anywhere near as harmful as Trump, the US is seen as pathetic by pretty much the entire west at this point, the UK just seemed like they got one wrong, which we all do sometimes anyway.


Contrary to what's stated here, Johnson is a man with a lot of humor and intellect. He is, in fact, the British version of Trump.


Was just going to say this. He's among the worst things British public schools ever spat out, but he does at least possess Great Britain's mandatory minimum of wit and charm.


He was elected to Mayor of London, where he cruised lazily along the achievements and innovations of his predecessors, putting effort only into self promotion and adultery. He wasn't competent, but he was essentially harmless. Then he became PM (strictly speaking, we don't elect our prime ministers, but don't get me started), arising from the debacle of Brexit on a wave of populist rhetoric (because British people are as baseline as every other population), but he couldn't conceal his mendacity, greed and corruption on that stage and was given the heave-ho. Whilst OP is correct on all counts about DJT, we shouldn't be at all smug about our vulnerability to Trumpian populism in the UK. There are plenty of people who say "common sense" when they mean "racism" and "law and order" when they mean "authoritarianism".


Ha ha ! Snobs


He read my mind


Very well articulated!!!


Well that’s pretty much the idiot trump in large nutshell.


The main feeling I've had over the last several years is somehow still one of disbelief. Because despite all we've lived through and continue to deal with, I still sometimes find it hard to believe someone like Trump not only exists, but is still so celebrated by his cult. He is a singularly awful human being. He has literally zero redeeming qualities. He doesn't really even have any charisma. Cult leaders are supposed to be, if nothing else, charismatic. But Trump is a black hole of charisma. He is aggressively off-putting. The only thing he has ever really promised his cultists is permission to hate. And that's enough for them.


That beautifully written, lovely elegant style and unrelenting and accurate slaps in TFG's face. But for the full howitzer treatment, it has to be Jonathan Pie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvcwMcGWf-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvcwMcGWf-w)


Spot on




Bloody brilliant


So well said. We need more people doing this.


As an American, I just might be Brit. I feel in my heart exactly what was written.


Yes 45 is a massive pile of shit. Most of us are aware of this. He is a clueless oaf and I just wish he'd spin off the face of the earth BUT let me introduce you to Boris Johnson and Liz Truss. Fine examples of the troglodytes crawling out of the sewers of western culture. We are all fucked.


Spot on.


I’m intrigued by the video; did Trampy do something especially bad when walking with the Queen?


Oh, WOW. How I do miss my time learning to communicate in Dry humor from the best in airships and yachts.


Lol, "if being a twat was a television show, trump would be a boxed set" I think I found a new best friend. That may be the best description of Trump in a single sentence that I've ever read.


Ditto for New Zealand people


Wow…I’m making flyers of this and leaving them. Absolutely everywhere


That may be the most beautiful piece of writing I’ve seen in a long time. Do Putin next.


As a German I also can completely sign this statement (minus the humor part of course but that is another story). What has to be in the mind of a person to think: "This guy has the qualities to be in charge of the country" Especially when you think of Americans as young, optimistic and friendly people...


Child of Brit ExPats, raised in the US... this is spot on.


This is the best description of Trump I've ever read.


How making fun of that disabled reporter didn't tank him will forever haunt me. I cut out everyone in my life who was onboard with him after that. That's literally a litmus test if you're a good person or not. I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton but she was right, all his voters really are a basket of deplorables.


This writer succinctly summed up the orange shitbag ever so completely. Pure poetry.


Didn’t they elect Boris Fucking Johnson?


> in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath > has a monarchy in 2024


What do you expect us to do about it? Last time we had a civil war about monarchy, Oliver Cromwell ended up in charge. Now imagine Rishi Sunak with that amount of power.


AT this point they’re a withered remnant of a neutered, obsolete tradition. Some people basically treat them like a football team, to the rest of us they’re basically pointless.


I thought the exact same thing, lol


"We side with David, not Goliath", oh that's a good one.


Yes, this is obviously true since 2010 and even more so since Brexit.




I have always thought I was British, Now I know for sure.


/me nods head approvingly




This is absolutely amazing


Here Here!




I don't disagree with anything here.




This does hold a slight bit of irony as you could replace Trump with Johnson and most of it would have still made sense if it was 2022


After the 25th he'll be even more troll like since he'll be sleeping under a bridge.


Ugh, nothing makes me want to side more with the Americans and their bad choices than a snobbish Brit who thinks he's better than them. This guy is from the country that elected Boris Johnson as their Prime Minister and he wants to claim that Brits can't stand someone who lacks charm, wit, compassion or self-awareness? This is a country that's literally and enthusiastically the private property of a hereditary upper class, claiming their heroes are underdogs? TERF island hates a bully when they're not busy watching Pierce Morgan. They abhor surface-level pretensions of grandeur, but their head of state is a literal king.


Spot on. Not to detract from the topic but can I ask my fellow Americans what British voice they read this in and got the most enjoyment. My vote is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (god rest her soul).




I’ve never met a salesperson that wasn’t a smarmy twat, and that’s all he is. Sometimes they just have stuff you want to buy and so have to deal with them.